AM CLOSING OUT DRIED FRUITS SAPS, 7 bars for....... TSUP, Schneider’s, each...-r*.fr LIANCE SOLID PACK TOMATOES, two for. 25c LIANCE FANCY MAIN CORN, two for.25c WHITE FIGS, fancy, a pound BLACK FIGS, 4 pounds for.-.25c DRIED APPLES, 3 pounds for. 25c ITALIAN PRUNES, fancy, 3 pounds for 25c DRIED PEACHES, 4 pounds for.“c SOUP, Tomato, soiled labels, 4 cans for Z5c MEXICAN BEANS, 4 pounds for.. 25c GREEN PEAS, 4 pounds for.. 25c LIMA BEANS, 4 pounds for zsc And Other First-Class Goods at a Steerage Price. ALL REAL BARGAINS Schmidt's Table Queen Grocery Located at Old P. O., Next to Silverman’s STEAM HEATED HOT AND COLD BATHS : Copper Block Hotel VAIJJEZ, ALASKA “The House of Comfort” PHONE 7 FOR MEN ONLY EVERYBODY GOING TO JITNEY OUNCE Number of Tickets Sold Indicate that Eagle Hull will be Crowded to Doors this Evening. The last touches are being made to the decorations at Eagle Hall for the grand Jitney Dance which will be given there this evening for the Val- des baseball club. The entertain- ment committee report that every- thing possible to provide for the comfort of the guests has been done and that the floor and music will be just right. The demand for admission tickets indicates that nearly every person in town is planning to be at tbe dance, and the boys have provided plenty of jitney tickets. Pew events during the present season have received so much adver- tising as Valdez has some splendid ball players and the prospect of see- ing them matched against teams from other coast towns is pleasing to tbe fans. V The admission is only four bite. hQclqdttaff five jitneys and tbe boys pronne that those who buy tickets and'attend will not lack for enter- tainment even if they not participate In tbe dancing. HVK KIDDED WHEN TRAINS GOME TOGETHER SPOKANE, Peb. 22.—Five persons were instantly killed and several se- rioasly injured when a Northern Pa- cific passenger train hit a Burlington -train during a dense tog last night. The dead include the state oil in- spector, state Chemist and three oth- ers. The accident occurred at Che- ney, a junction near this city, and the injured have been brought to Spokane hospitals. ASTORIA MAY BE MADE GREAT NAY AD BASE. WASHINGTON, D. C„ Peb. 22.— Senator Chamberlain of Oregon, has introduced a measure in the Senate asking an appropriation of three mil- lion dollars for a naval base to be es- tablished at Astoria, Oregon. The measure has the endorsement of Secretary Daniels of the Navy De- partment who recemmonded that it he made an emergency measure. Miners coming up the bay from Irish Cave state that Ed Wood, who has the contract for hauling one and tons of copper ore from the y-Alaska mine to thei beach, is g trouble In making a good road; Heavy rains during the past week caused the trail to go to pieces and Wood sent word that if the rain- fall continued much longer he would use boats instead of horses in trans- porting the ore Don’t put it oft and wait until the last minute to have your work done. Now is the time of year to order your engines and renewals. Valdes Iron Works. m-tf. TAKING TE8TOMONY ON CHILD LABOR LAW WASHINGTON, D. C„ Feb. 22.— It is announced that the hearings before the Interstate Commerce com- mission which is taking evidence re- garding the proposed universal child labor law will be continued as many have requested permission to appear before the committee to offer testi- mony. Don't Miss This. See the Mutual Weekly News at the Liberty Theatre tonight. The movie man took the Revolution of Hayti when bullets were flying all around him. Also latest war pic- tures. At the Liberty tonight. LOCAL BREVTT1K8. Furnished rooms at Mrs. osland’s. Prices reasonable. * Just Received—the latest Popular Songs and Music. Valdez Drug Co. tf James Howell, who is developing a property in which he is interested at Port Wells, is a visitor in Valdez after an absence of many months. Hotpoint Electric Heaters, Cookers, Bakers, Percolators and Vacuum Cleaners arrived on the last boat for the Emporium. tf The special Sunday attraction at the Empress. Pathe’s Sensational Movies of everything wonderful in Central Africa. Six reels, big show. Admission 25c. When Passing Look in the Liberty Theatre lobby and see some of the coming attrac- tions that are booked for Valdez. Mrs. J. H. Harvey, wife of J. H. Harvey, the well known local mining man, is a passenger on the ;North- western en route to Valdez. Panoramic views of Child’s and Miles glaciers, Dawson, Valdez and W ran gel on sale at the Valdez Drug store. tf Sam Brightwell, the deputy mar- shal at Cordova, who brought Emel Davis up to the Valdez jail, returned home this morning on the Admiral farragut. Jack Began, who is developing a gold quartz property on Thomas bay, Port Wells, was a passenger on the Admiral Farragut this morning for Seattle. He is making shipments of two tons of ore from his property to the Tacoma smelter in Omcr «.o ascer- tain the true values of his ores. Mcose Hall has been engaged for the evening of St. Patrick’s Day, March 17th, for the staging of Father Corbett’s play, “The Irish Eden.” The launch Shamrock will go to points down the Sound tomorrow morning and will carry the piledriver crew to build the wharf at Irish Cove for the Dickey-Alaaka Mining company. Reports from Port Wells state that a number of new properties ate be- ing opened by their owners and that scores of miners are preparing for an active summer's work. THREE INJURED III TONG WAR Portland's Chief of Police will Make Effort t& Have Leaders Deport- ed if War Continues. PORTLAND, Feb. 22.—A tong war has 'broken out among the Chinese residents of this city and one man is dying and two others fatally wound- ed as a result of the fight which took place last night. Special police have been placed on patrol in the Chinese quarters and the chief of polfce has called all the leading Chinese merchants into con- ference and informed them that im- mediate steps will be taken to have the leaders of the various tongs de- ported unless the war is stopped. The Chinamen deny all knowledge of the alleged trouble among the tongs and profess to believe that the fight last night was the result of the men having engaged in gambling. INFANT HON OF GRANITE MINE COUPEE PASSES ON Funearl services were held over the body of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Raymond, of the Gran- ite mine, at the parlors of the Valdez Undertaking company at 2 o'clock this afternoon. The child was born | at the Granite mine and was two | months and sixteen days old. The little one had been ill for sev- eral weeks and the parents had plan- ned to come to Valdez in order that medical attendance could be secur- ed. When the launch B. F. M. left Hobo Bay on her last trip a storm was raging and the parents decided to await the arrival of the Admiral Farragut from the westward, but the child died last night on the steamer. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond’s many friends extend sincere sympathy to them in their bereavement. i.OCAE BREVITIES. Pure Fresh Drugs at the Valdez Drug Store. Chas. Knoche of Ellamar. is spend- ing a few days in town. i Notice. { Sunday school at the Episcopal church every Sunday at 12 m. Every- one invited to attend these services. When Passing Look in the liberty Theatre lobby and see some of the coming attrac- tions that are booked for Valdez. Spring Samples in heavy weights! for Alaska wear. Guy F. Cameron, Tailor tf There will be only one show at the Empress this evening at 8 sharp on account of the Jitney Dance. Plenty of time after the change of pictures to attend the dance. Tonight at 8 sharp. A fine display of nugget jewelTy at Valdez Drug Co. tf Thursday night at the Liberty, a Mutual Mesterpiece from Richard Harding Davis’ story, “The Lost House.” Pictures developed at the Valdez Drug Company. tf. Jack Hughes returned to Valdez this morning on the Admiral Farra- gut from Port Wells. Fancy btatlonery at the Valdez Drug Store. Ft>r good nome-cootted meals try Mrs. M. Olson, on Hobart Street. * Mrs. L. Vincent and son were out- going passengers on the Admiral Far- ragut this morning and will spend a few months visiting relatives in the States. Anything in the jewelry line at the Valdez Drug Co. tf Jim Galen, the well known Port Wells mining man, returned from Seward on the Admiral Farragut this morning. Kodak Supplies at tne Valdez Drug Company. tf Masonic Meeting. A special meeting of Masons will be held at 4 o'clock tomorrow, Tues- day, afternoon. All Masons are re- quested to be present. ALBERT GRIGSBY. W. M. John Stolter, the well known Slate Creek miner, is a passenger on the Northwestern which sailed for Valdes last night. Mr. Stolter has spent the winter visiting his parents In New York state and will go Into the Interior over the trail. AN INSECT MARVEL Curious and Complex la the Tongue of the Butterfly. Of all the marvels, in which the world of insect life Is so rich none is more curious and remarkable than the tongue of the butterfly." This is nlways of great length. When not in use it is coiled like a watch spring in a flat spiral close to the head. But when the butterfly vis- its the flower on which it feeds the tougue is uncoiled, the tip inserted deep in the heart of the flower and the juices sucked up. The butterfly’s tongue really consists of two tubes. Each of these has a concave inner face, whose edges in- terlock one with the other, so as to form a third or central tube. In butterflies we have the highest development of the insect race, so far as beauty Is concerned. In other re- spects. however, they do not hold so high a place. They are outranked in. intelligence by ants, bees and wasps and in perfection of external parts and mechanical excellence of the joints by beetles. The colors and patterns on the wings which make butterflies so beautiful are duo to the arrangements of innumera- ble scales that can be distinguished only with a powerful microscope. In some cases these scales are themselves colored, hut often the effect of color is only optical, due to the reflection of liglit from the delicate ridges on each scale. -New York American. ' SAFEGUARDING ROYALTY. i Precaution* In Olden Days When an English Monarch Was III. i The British law retains some pecul- iar provisions with reference to the "illness of the king.” These provisions are mere survivals in the present set- tled order of government, but there | was a time when the king’s incapacity j afforded opportunity to aspirants to j tlie i hrono to shorten bis day at a min- imum risk of detection. Accordingly certain wise precautions were matters of law. In his "institutes” Coke says: "If the King be taken sick there ought to he a warrant issue from the Privy Council, addressed to certain physi- cians and surgeons, authorizing them to administer to the Koyal patient po- tiones. syrupoR. lasitavas, medicinas, etc.; still, none of these should be giv- en except by consent and advice of the Council, and they ought to set : down m writing everything done and i administered', and they should com- ! pound all drugs themselves and not entrust their preparation to any apoth- ecary.” Coke thus wrote of precedent in 1610. anti today the law is practically as he found it. although now the privy council simply hoars reports of the j progress of the king’s malady and lgaves actual treatment entirely to the physicians in direct charge of the case. —Pearson’s Weekly. Antiquity of Shorthand. Shorthand is apt to be looked upon as an essentially modern art. The predecessors of Pitman—Byrom in the eighteenth century. Mason in the sev- enteenth—are dim and distant figures tieyond which it seems useless to ven- ture. Cicero dictated bis orations to his freedman. T. Tullius Tiro, and was inconsolable when temporarily de- prived of his services. He complained in a letter to a friend that, while “Tiro takes down whole phrases in a few signs, Spintharus (his provisional sub- stitute) only writes in syllables.’’ We need not, however, suppose that the "uotae Tironlanae” were actually in- vented by the freedman In question. As M. Guenin points out. the Romans ereuted very few of the arts of peace, contenting themselves, as a role, by copying from the Greeks. M. Guenin, however, indicates the banks of the Nile as the cradle of the art Blunderbuss. In using the word “blunderbuss' we j unconsciously imply a sense of dispar- | agement for the shooting powers of our forefathers contrasted with the precision of the modern rifle. The word itself has. however, a terrible enough meaning and disdains all con- ueeton with “blunder.” "Blunder- miss." in fact, as we have it Is a strange corruption—perhaps not alto- gether untinged with the sense and sound of “blunder”—-of the old Dutch word “donderbuss,” which can be lit- erally translated Into the English “thunder box” or “thunder barrel.” Unfailing. The prime minister sent for the wis- est man in the land. “I’ve got a lot of stuff about our country that I’d like to have known throughout the world, hut it's pretty dry. and I’m afraid other peoples won’t read It What shall I do?" "Put it in a book." said the sage, "and make the title ‘Secret Diplomatic Memoirs.’ They’ll eat It up. statistics and all.”—Boston Transcript He Liked It A man who lives alongside of a graveyard was asked If It was not an unpleasant location.’ “No,” said he: “I never resided in all my life with a set of neighbors that minded their own business so steadily as they do.”—Pittsburgh Press. , Home Millinery. Poetic Lady—Ob. bad I the wings ot a dove! Practical Lady—They're not using them very much In tne newest hats.—Philadelphia Record. Looks like ever’thlng In the world comes right If we Jes’ wait long enough.—Mrs. Wlgga. CITY EXPRESS will guarantee that both you and your baggage will reach the boat on time—Let do the worrying. J. A. SPENARD, Proprietor Phone 82 Independent Steam Laundry Satisfaction Guaranteed Telephone 66 Foot Keystone Ave Roush Dry ICe lb Buy Alaska Made Cigars ASK FOR W. R. King, Terminus, or Lavanna, Made in Seward by union workmen. We maintain our standard. Sold everywhere MERCHANT’S CAFE FRESH BREAD AND PASTRY DAILY Phone 63 Chas. Fischer, Propr. VALDEZ REAL ESTATE AGENCY Real Estate, Insurance, General Brokerage Absentees Business Properly Handled Treat Building, Alaska Are. Telephone No. 60 Mead’s Sheet Metal Works PLIMBING, STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING, Sheet Metal Work, Mine Air Pipe, Pipe and Fittings, Valves, Etc. Motor Boat Supplies, Paints and Oils. Located on Valdez Dock, Opposite Prospector Office. Phone 24 ALASKA STEAMSHIP CO. K. 8. ALAMEDA AND S. 8. NORTHWESTERN SAIL FROM SE- ATTLE THE 10TH, 20TH AND 30TH, EVERY MONTH FROM VALDEZ SOUTH—8TH, 18TH, 28TH, FOR CORDOVA, JUNEAU, WRANGEL, KETCHIKAN AND SEATTLE, Regular freight service for Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Sheep Creek, Treadwell, Douglas, Skagway, Cordova, Ellamar, Valdez and La- touche. Explosives, S. S. Seward, on the 5th; Latouche, on the 15th; S. S. Cordova, 25th of each month—right reserved to change this schedule without notice. P. B. TRACT, Gen’l Agent VALDEZ DOCK CO, Local Agent. Pacific Alaska Navigation Co. PUGET SOUND California Admiral Line PUGET SOUND Alaska ALASKA Steamers sail from Seattle at 9 P. M. on 5th, 15th, 25th—EVERY MONTH "T-flurr— Sailing 10th calls Illaiana and Kadiak—All Sailing call at Kaik and Anchorage. CALIFORNIA Seattle to San Francisco every Wednesday and Sunday, eoaneetlag with Steaaiera Yale and Harvard for Seathern California. Right reserved to change schedule without notice RICHARD J. RINOWOOD, Mgr, Seattle! VALDB1 DOCK CO, Local Agt. When You Leave For the Outside take the “MILWAUKEE” One"road—one management—one service all the way through to Chicago. It’s the Short Line to the East over THE NEW STEEL TRAIL For information and literature write pf ask J. C. MARTIN, Agent, Valdez, Alaska. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST, PAUL RY. A. E. HARRIS, Freight and Passenger, Agt, Juneau, Alaska.

AM CLOSING OUT THREE INJURED CITY EXPRESS ......-train during a dense tog last night. The dead include the state oil in- spector, state Chemist and three oth- ers. The accident occurred

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Page 1: AM CLOSING OUT THREE INJURED CITY EXPRESS ......-train during a dense tog last night. The dead include the state oil in- spector, state Chemist and three oth- ers. The accident occurred



7 bars for....... TSUP, Schneider’s, each...-r*.fr LIANCE SOLID PACK TOMATOES, two for. 25c

LIANCE FANCY MAIN CORN, two for.25c WHITE FIGS, fancy, a pound BLACK FIGS, 4 pounds for.-.25c DRIED APPLES, 3 pounds for. 25c

ITALIAN PRUNES, fancy, 3 pounds for 25c

DRIED PEACHES, 4 pounds for.“c SOUP, Tomato, soiled labels, 4 cans for Z5c

MEXICAN BEANS, 4 pounds for.. 25c

GREEN PEAS, 4 pounds for.. 25c

LIMA BEANS, 4 pounds for zsc

And Other First-Class Goods at a Steerage Price.


Schmidt's Table Queen Grocery Located at Old P. O., Next to Silverman’s


: Copper Block Hotel VAIJJEZ, ALASKA

“The House of Comfort”



Number of Tickets Sold Indicate that

Eagle Hull will be Crowded to

Doors this Evening.

The last touches are being made

to the decorations at Eagle Hall for

the grand Jitney Dance which will be

given there this evening for the Val-

des baseball club. The entertain- ment committee report that every-

thing possible to provide for the

comfort of the guests has been done

and that the floor and music will be

just right. The demand for admission tickets

indicates that nearly every person in town is planning to be at tbe dance, and the boys have provided plenty of jitney tickets.

Pew events during the present season have received so much adver-

tising as Valdez has some splendid ball players and the prospect of see-

ing them matched against teams from other coast towns is pleasing to tbe fans. V

The admission is only four bite.

hQclqdttaff five jitneys and tbe boys pronne that those who buy tickets and'attend will not lack for enter- tainment even if they not participate In tbe dancing.


SPOKANE, Peb. 22.—Five persons were instantly killed and several se-

rioasly injured when a Northern Pa- cific passenger train hit a Burlington -train during a dense tog last night. The dead include the state oil in- spector, state Chemist and three oth- ers. The accident occurred at Che- ney, a junction near this city, and the injured have been brought to

Spokane hospitals.


WASHINGTON, D. C„ Peb. 22.— Senator Chamberlain of Oregon, has introduced a measure in the Senate asking an appropriation of three mil- lion dollars for a naval base to be es-

tablished at Astoria, Oregon. The measure has the endorsement of Secretary Daniels of the Navy De- partment who recemmonded that it he made an emergency measure.

Miners coming up the bay from Irish Cave state that Ed Wood, who

has the contract for hauling one

and tons of copper ore from the y-Alaska mine to thei beach, is g trouble In making a good

road; Heavy rains during the past week caused the trail to go to pieces and Wood sent word that if the rain- fall continued much longer he would use boats instead of horses in trans- porting the ore

Don’t put it oft and wait until the last minute to have your work done. Now is the time of year to order your engines and renewals. Valdes Iron Works. m-tf.


WASHINGTON, D. C„ Feb. 22.— It is announced that the hearings before the Interstate Commerce com-

mission which is taking evidence re-

garding the proposed universal child

labor law will be continued as many have requested permission to appear before the committee to offer testi-


Don't Miss This. See the Mutual Weekly News at

the Liberty Theatre tonight. The movie man took the Revolution of

Hayti when bullets were flying all around him. Also latest war pic- tures. At the Liberty tonight.


Furnished rooms at Mrs. osland’s. Prices reasonable. *

Just Received—the latest Popular Songs and Music. Valdez Drug Co. tf

James Howell, who is developing a property in which he is interested at Port Wells, is a visitor in Valdez

after an absence of many months.

Hotpoint Electric Heaters, Cookers, Bakers, Percolators and Vacuum Cleaners arrived on the last boat for the Emporium. tf

The special Sunday attraction at the Empress. Pathe’s Sensational Movies of everything wonderful in Central Africa. Six reels, big show. Admission 25c.

When Passing Look in the Liberty Theatre lobby and see some of the coming attrac- tions that are booked for Valdez.

Mrs. J. H. Harvey, wife of J. H.

Harvey, the well known local mining man, is a passenger on the ;North- western en route to Valdez.

Panoramic views of Child’s and Miles glaciers, Dawson, Valdez and W ran gel on sale at the Valdez Drug store. tf

Sam Brightwell, the deputy mar-

shal at Cordova, who brought Emel Davis up to the Valdez jail, returned home this morning on the Admiral farragut.

Jack Began, who is developing a

gold quartz property on Thomas bay, Port Wells, was a passenger on the Admiral Farragut this morning for Seattle. He is making shipments of two tons of ore from his property to the Tacoma smelter in Omcr «.o ascer-

tain the true values of his ores.

Mcose Hall has been engaged for the evening of St. Patrick’s Day, March 17th, for the staging of Father Corbett’s play, “The Irish Eden.”

The launch Shamrock will go to

points down the Sound tomorrow morning and will carry the piledriver crew to build the wharf at Irish Cove for the Dickey-Alaaka Mining company.

Reports from Port Wells state that a number of new properties ate be- ing opened by their owners and that scores of miners are preparing for an active summer's work.


Portland's Chief of Police will Make

Effort t& Have Leaders Deport-

ed if War Continues.

PORTLAND, Feb. 22.—A tong war

has 'broken out among the Chinese

residents of this city and one man is

dying and two others fatally wound- ed as a result of the fight which took

place last night. Special police have been placed on

patrol in the Chinese quarters and

the chief of polfce has called all the

leading Chinese merchants into con-

ference and informed them that im-

mediate steps will be taken to have

the leaders of the various tongs de-

ported unless the war is stopped. The Chinamen deny all knowledge

of the alleged trouble among the

tongs and profess to believe that the

fight last night was the result of the

men having engaged in gambling.


Funearl services were held over

the body of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Raymond, of the Gran- ite mine, at the parlors of the Valdez Undertaking company at 2 o'clock

this afternoon. The child was born

| at the Granite mine and was two

| months and sixteen days old. The little one had been ill for sev-

eral weeks and the parents had plan- ned to come to Valdez in order that medical attendance could be secur-

ed. When the launch B. F. M. left Hobo Bay on her last trip a storm was raging and the parents decided to await the arrival of the Admiral Farragut from the westward, but the child died last night on the steamer.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond’s many friends extend sincere sympathy to them in their bereavement.


Pure Fresh Drugs at the Valdez Drug Store. •

Chas. Knoche of Ellamar. is spend- ing a few days in town.

i Notice.

{ Sunday school at the Episcopal church every Sunday at 12 m. Every- one invited to attend these services.

When Passing Look in the liberty Theatre lobby and see some of the coming attrac- tions that are booked for Valdez.

Spring Samples in heavy weights! for Alaska wear. Guy F. Cameron, Tailor tf

There will be only one show at the

Empress this evening at 8 sharp on

account of the Jitney Dance. Plenty of time after the change of pictures to attend the dance. Tonight at 8


A fine display of nugget jewelTy at Valdez Drug Co. tf

Thursday night at the Liberty, a

Mutual Mesterpiece from Richard Harding Davis’ story, “The Lost House.”

Pictures developed at the Valdez Drug Company. tf.

Jack Hughes returned to Valdez this morning on the Admiral Farra- gut from Port Wells.

Fancy btatlonery at the Valdez Drug Store. •

Ft>r good nome-cootted meals try Mrs. M. Olson, on Hobart Street. *

Mrs. L. Vincent and son were out-

going passengers on the Admiral Far-

ragut this morning and will spend a

few months visiting relatives in the States.

Anything in the jewelry line at the Valdez Drug Co. tf

Jim Galen, the well known Port Wells mining man, returned from Seward on the Admiral Farragut this morning.

Kodak Supplies at tne Valdez Drug Company. tf

Masonic Meeting. A special meeting of Masons will

be held at 4 o'clock tomorrow, Tues- day, afternoon. All Masons are re-

quested to be present. ALBERT GRIGSBY. W. M.

John Stolter, the well known Slate Creek miner, is a passenger on the Northwestern which sailed for Valdes last night. Mr. Stolter has spent the winter visiting his parents In New York state and will go Into the Interior over the trail.


Curious and Complex la the Tongue of the Butterfly.

Of all the marvels, in which the world of insect life Is so rich none is more curious and remarkable than the tongue of the butterfly."

This is nlways of great length. When not in use it is coiled like a

watch spring in a flat spiral close to the head. But when the butterfly vis- its the flower on which it feeds the tougue is uncoiled, the tip inserted

deep in the heart of the flower and the juices sucked up.

The butterfly’s tongue really consists of two tubes. Each of these has a

concave inner face, whose edges in- terlock one with the other, so as to form a third or central tube.

In butterflies we have the highest development of the insect race, so far as beauty Is concerned. In other re-

spects. however, they do not hold so

high a place. They are outranked in. intelligence by ants, bees and wasps and in perfection of external parts and mechanical excellence of the joints by beetles.

The colors and patterns on the wings which make butterflies so beautiful are

duo to the arrangements of innumera- ble scales that can be distinguished only with a powerful microscope. In some cases these scales are themselves colored, hut often the effect of color is

only optical, due to the reflection of

liglit from the delicate ridges on each scale. -New York American.


i Precaution* In Olden Days When an

English Monarch Was III. i The British law retains some pecul- iar provisions with reference to the "illness of the king.” These provisions are mere survivals in the present set- tled order of government, but there

| was a time when the king’s incapacity j afforded opportunity to aspirants to

j tlie i hrono to shorten bis day at a min- imum risk of detection. Accordingly certain wise precautions were matters of law.

In his "institutes” Coke says: "If the King be taken sick there ought to

he a warrant issue from the Privy Council, addressed to certain physi- cians and surgeons, authorizing them to administer to the Koyal patient po- tiones. syrupoR. lasitavas, medicinas, etc.; still, none of these should be giv- en except by consent and advice of the Council, and they ought to set

: down m writing everything done and i administered', and they should com-

! pound all drugs themselves and not

entrust their preparation to any apoth- ecary.”

Coke thus wrote of precedent in 1610. anti today the law is practically as he found it. although now the privy council simply hoars reports of the

j progress of the king’s malady and

lgaves actual treatment entirely to the

physicians in direct charge of the case.

—Pearson’s Weekly.

Antiquity of Shorthand. Shorthand is apt to be looked upon

as an essentially modern art. The predecessors of Pitman—Byrom in the eighteenth century. Mason in the sev-

enteenth—are dim and distant figures tieyond which it seems useless to ven-

ture. Cicero dictated bis orations to

his freedman. T. Tullius Tiro, and was inconsolable when temporarily de-

prived of his services. He complained in a letter to a friend that, while “Tiro takes down whole phrases in a few

signs, Spintharus (his provisional sub-

stitute) only writes in syllables.’’ We

need not, however, suppose that the

"uotae Tironlanae” were actually in-

vented by the freedman In question. As M. Guenin points out. the Romans

ereuted very few of the arts of peace, contenting themselves, as a role, by

■ copying from the Greeks. M. Guenin, however, indicates the banks of the

Nile as the cradle of the art

Blunderbuss. In using the word “blunderbuss' we

j unconsciously imply a sense of dispar- | agement for the shooting powers of

our forefathers contrasted with the

precision of the modern rifle. The word itself has. however, a terrible enough meaning and disdains all con-

ueeton with “blunder.” "Blunder- miss." in fact, as we have it Is a

strange corruption—perhaps not alto- gether untinged with the sense and sound of “blunder”—-of the old Dutch word “donderbuss,” which can be lit- erally translated Into the English “thunder box” or “thunder barrel.”

Unfailing. The prime minister sent for the wis-

est man in the land. “I’ve got a lot of stuff about our

country that I’d like to have known throughout the world, hut it's pretty dry. and I’m afraid other peoples won’t read It What shall I do?"

"Put it in a book." said the sage, "and make the title ‘Secret Diplomatic Memoirs.’ They’ll eat It up. statistics and all.”—Boston Transcript

He Liked It A man who lives alongside of a

graveyard was asked If It was not an

unpleasant location.’ “No,” said he: “I never resided in

all my life with a set of neighbors that minded their own business so

steadily as they do.”—Pittsburgh Press.

, Home Millinery. Poetic Lady—Ob. bad I the wings ot

a dove! Practical Lady—They're not using them very much In tne newest hats.—Philadelphia Record.

Looks like ever’thlng In the world comes right If we Jes’ wait long enough.—Mrs. Wlgga.

CITY EXPRESS will guarantee that both you and your baggage will

reach the boat on time—Let u« do the worrying.

J. A. SPENARD, Proprietor Phone 82

Independent Steam Laundry Satisfaction Guaranteed Telephone 66

Foot Keystone Ave Roush Dry ICe lb

Buy Alaska Made Cigars ASK FOR W. R. King, Terminus, or Lavanna,

Made in Seward by union workmen.

We maintain our standard. Sold everywhere


Phone 63 Chas. Fischer, Propr.

VALDEZ REAL ESTATE AGENCY Real Estate, Insurance, General Brokerage

Absentees Business Properly Handled Treat Building, Alaska Are. Telephone No. 60


Sheet Metal Work, Mine Air Pipe, Pipe and Fittings, Valves, Etc. Motor Boat Supplies, Paints and Oils.

Located on Valdez Dock, Opposite Prospector Office. Phone 24






Regular freight service for Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Sheep Creek, Treadwell, Douglas, Skagway, Cordova, Ellamar, Valdez and La- touche. Explosives, S. S. Seward, on the 5th; Latouche, on the 15th; S. S. Cordova, 25th of each month—right reserved to change this schedule without notice.

P. B. TRACT, Gen’l Agent VALDEZ DOCK CO, Local Agent.

Pacific Alaska Navigation Co. PUGET SOUND California

Admiral Line


ALASKA Steamers sail from Seattle at 9 P. M. on

5th, 15th, 25th—EVERY MONTH "T-flurr— Sailing 10th calls Illaiana and Kadiak—All Sailing call at Kaik

and Anchorage.

CALIFORNIA Seattle to San Francisco every Wednesday and Sunday, eoaneetlag with

Steaaiera Yale and Harvard for Seathern California.

Right reserved to change schedule without notice RICHARD J. RINOWOOD, Mgr, Seattle! VALDB1 DOCK CO, Local Agt.

When You Leave For the Outside

take the

“MILWAUKEE” One"road—one management—one service all the way through to Chicago. It’s the Short Line to the East


THE NEW STEEL TRAIL For information and literature write pf ask

J. C. MARTIN, Agent, Valdez, Alaska.


A. E. HARRIS, Freight and Passenger, Agt, Juneau, Alaska.