Ambassador: Bob Adams Campus: Rufus C. Burleson Elementary School Subject: 5 th Grade Bilingual Language Arts Bob Adams is currently in his 25th year as a teacher and in his 14th year as a teacher for the DISD. Prior to teaching, he was an accountant for several years and a Peace Corps volunteer in Honduras and Chile. He always felt a calling to teach, which led him to his life career, one that allows him the privilege of making a difference in the world. He can be contacted by email at [email protected] . DTR Training: DTR Application Writing Workshop for Leadership on Thursday, March 25.

Ambassador: Bob Adams Campus: Subje ct: th

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PowerPoint PresentationAmbassador: Bob Adams Cam pus : Rufus C. Burleson Elementary School Subje ct : 5th Grade Bilingual Language Arts
Bob Adam s is currently in his 25th year as a teacher and in his 14th year as a teacher for the DISD. Prior to teaching, he was an accountant for several years and a Peace Corps volunteer in Honduras and Chile. He always felt a calling to teach, which led him to his life career, one that allows him the privilege of making a difference in the world. He can be contacted by email at [email protected].
DTR Training: DTR Application Writing Workshop for Leadership on Thursday, March 25.
Ambassador: William Adkins Cam pus : Barack Obam a Male Le ade rship Acade m y Subje ct : 9 -12, Visual Art and Bus ine s s
In his 17th year of teaching, William Adkins currently teaches visual arts and business at Barack Obama Male Leadership Academy. He also serves as the campus advocate for global competency. William is a two-time Fulbright Scholar, an IREX Fellow and a DTR Exemplary II teacher. His email is [email protected].
DTR Training: DTR Application Writing Workshop for Lifelong Learning on Monday, March 8.
Ambassador: Rikki Bonet Cam pus : Good St re e t Le arning Ce nte r Subje ct : P re K 3 and P re K 4
Currently teaching at Good Street Learning Center. Rikki Bonet has over 20 years of teaching experience in PreK3 - 5th grade. She was awarded Teacher of the Year for her campus in 2017. In her contributions to the profession, she has worked with TEA to develop a 30 year plan for public education and to help streamline the social studies TEKS grades K-3. She can be contacted at [email protected].
DTR Training: DTR Application Writing Workshop for Lifelong Learning on Wednesday, March 10.
Ambassador: Courtney Boykin Cam pus : Ge orge He rbe rt Walke r Bush Elementary Subje ct : 5 th ELAR
Courtney Boykin is a 5th grade ELAR teacher at George Herbert Walker Bush Elementary School. This year marks her 11th year in education and 5th year in Dallas ISD. Courtney is a lead mentor for Dallas ISD, and she believes in investing in teacher's worth and potential in order to help each teacher discover his or her 21st century leadership capabilities. The best way to contact Courtney is via email at [email protected]. She aspires to help teachers tackle the DTR application in a way that highlights the many ways they are showcasing their leadership, contributing back to other teachers, and continuing to grow as a educator.
DTR Training: DTR Application Writing Workshop for Leadership on Thursday, March 25.
Ambassador: Claudia Castro Cam pus : Wilm e r-Hutchins Ele m e ntary Subje ct : Firs t Grade (Se lf-Containe d)
Claudia Castro is a self-contained bilingual teacher at Wilmer-Hutchins Elementary. This year marks her 20th year of teaching with 7 years in 1st grade and 13 years in Kindergarten. She is passionate about teaching and learning. She has a Master's Degree in Bilingual Education, and she recently completed the Teaching Trust Ed Fellows Program. Claudia was also a part of the Inaugural DTR Ambassador Program in 2017-2018 school year, and she is eager to continue to serve as a 2020- 2021 DTR Ambassador. Claudia can be contacted through email at [email protected].
DTR Training: DTR Application Writing Workshop for Lifelong Learning on Tuesday, March 23.
Ambassador: Mona Chadha Cam pus : Conrad High School Subje ct : 9 -12, AP and Environm e nt Scie nce
Currently teaching Physics and Engineering at Conrad High School, where she serves as AOE Lead teacher. Mona Chadha has been a Dallas ISD teacher since 2008. She has a Master’s Degree in Human Physiology with a minor in Science Education from Amravati University, India. She also has a Master's degree in Human Resource Management from Indra Gandhi University, New Delhi. During her tenure, she has received many grants, including the Junior League award and School Garden grants from Lowes and Earth X. Mona is an active member of her community and has won the Pride of the Community Award from HAF. She is passionate about teaching and believes applying passion to determination makes hard work fun. She can be reached via email at [email protected].
DTR Training: DTR Application Writing Workshop for Leadership on Tuesday, March 23.
Ambassador: Meredith Deaton Cam pus : Scie nce and Engine e ring Magne t Subje ct : 9 -12, AP Gove rnm e nt , Ge ography, and Macroe conom ics
Meredith Deaton currently teaches AP Government, Geography and Macroeconomics at the Science and Engineering Magnet. She has 15 years of classroom experience, and she is in her third year at the Science & Engineering Magnet in DISD. She started her career teaching ESL in Tokyo, Japan, and she previously spent ten years teaching English, AP US History, and debate at an academic magnet school in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Last year, she started a trauma- informed teaching initiative focused on student-teacher relationship building at SEM; this year, she hopes to partner with teachers at other schools to build SEL skills across the district. She can be contacted at [email protected].
DTR Training: DTR Application Writing Workshop for Leadership on Tuesday, March 23.
Ambassador: Kassandra Dena Cam pus : School for the Tale nte d and Gifte d in P le asant Grove Subje ct : 8 th Grade Dual Re ading and Language Arts
Currently teaching 8th Grade Dual Language Reading and Language Arts at the School for the Talented and Gifted in Pleasant Grove, Kassandra Dena received her Bachelor's of Science in Kinesiology from The University of Texas at El Paso and her Master's in Curriculum and Instruction from Concordia University. I love reading, writing, spending time outdoors with my fur babies, and capturing pictures of nature’s beauty. She can be contacted through email at [email protected].
DTR Training: DTR Application Writing Workshop for Lifelong Learning on Tuesday, March 30.
Ambassador: Jaye Flynn Cam pus : P inks ton High School Subje ct : U.S. Gove rnm e nt , Econom ics
At Pinkston High School for the past 4 years, Jaye Flynn has been teaching history for 13 years, and he currently teaches U.S. Government. He also serves as Senior sponsor, UIL coach, and part of the Avid site team member. He can be contacted via email at [email protected].
DTR Training: DTR Application Writing Workshop for Lifelong Learning on Thursday, March 25.
DTR Training: DTR Application Writing Workshop for Contributions to the Profession on Thursday, March 4.
Ambassador: John “Greg” Fore Cam pus : Young Wom e n’s STEAM Acade m y Subje ct : 6 th-8 th Funct ional Living Skills
John "Greg" Fore has 28 years of experience in education. He currently teaches an all-girls 6th-8th grade Functional Living Skills class at Young Women's STEAM Academy. He believes that all students can learn and that educators should strive to model this belief for our students by continuously stretching, growing and learning professionally themselves. He is glad to support teachers as they navigate through the DTR Process. He can be contacted at [email protected] or 972-892- 5829.
DTR Training: DTR Application Writing Workshop for Lifelong Learning on Thursday, March 4.
Ambassador: Rene Garcia Cam pus : Nancy Cochran Ele m e ntary Subje ct : 4 th Math and Scie nce
Rene Garcia teaches at Nancy Cochran Elementary in 4th grade math and science. While this year is her first year at an Ace campus, she has taught at her previous campus, Leslie A. Stemmons for 14 years. She strives to try the new technology that has been available to me from the district. She received a grant from Khan Academy for Learn Storm Growth Mindset Challenge and also for Imagination Math. She can be reached through email at [email protected].
DTR Training: DTR Application Writing Workshop for Contributions to the Profession on Thursday, March 25.
Ambassador: Jonathan Gutierrez Cam pus : John W. Runyon Ele m e ntary Subje ct : 5 th Grade Math and Scie nce
Jonathan Gutierrez is a 5th grade mathematics and science at John W. Runyon Elementary, and he has served in this role for 15 years. His aspires to help others when the opportunity is provided, and he believes being a DTR Ambassador will help him serve in this way. Outside of school he enjoys travelling, drinking coffee, and reading a good book. He can be contacted by email at [email protected].
DTR Training: DTR Application Writing Workshop for Contributions to the Profession on Thursday, March 25.
DTR Training: DTR Application Writing Workshop for Leadership on Wednesday, March 10.
Ambassador: Kimberley Hayes Cam pus : Wilm e r-Hutchins Ele m e ntary Subje ct : 3 rd Re ading
Kimberley Hayes currently teaches 3rd grade reading at Wilmer-Hutchins Elementary. In her 17th year of teaching, she has served as a CILT and Vertical leader in Reading and Thinking Maps trainer. She aspires to support DTR eligible teachers throughout the DTR process by providing effective support utilizing the DTR toolkit and understanding the DTR process. She is available to discuss the Distinguished Teacher Review via email or work phone at [email protected] or (214) 502-1860 (after school hours).
DTR Training: DTR Application Writing Workshop for Leadership on Wednesday, March 10.
Ambassador : Susan Higgins Cam pus : Larry G Sm ith Ele m e ntary Subje ct : K-5 Mus ic
Susan Higgins has worked for Dallas ISD for 15 years. In that time she has taught Elementary K-6 Music, Choir and Drama 6 - 8, and Avid 7 and 8. She is excited to work with both returning DTR applicants as well as those teachers just beginning the process. In her educational experience, she also been involved in writing and presenting the DTR Professional Development Modules. She believes in the TEI/DTR process and wants to share that knowledge with her peers. She can be contacted via email at [email protected].
DTR Training: DTR Application Writing Workshop for Leadership on Monday, March 4.
DTR Training: DTR Application Writing Workshop for Contributions to the Profession on Tuesday, March 30.
Ambassador: Jenny Horne Cam pus : Sunnyvie w He ad Start Subje ct : P re K 3 /P re K 4
Jenny Horne is a PreK3/PreK4 teacher, who has taught for 10 years and for 5 years with DISD in the Pre-K Partnership program. She taught at Sunnyview Head Start for her first three years with Pre-K Partnership and currently teaches at Kids Concepts. During her time with Pre-K Partnership, she has been a team leader and a presenter for a summer professional development on the Math Developmental Continuum. She can be contacted via email at [email protected].
DTR Training: DTR Application Writing Workshop for Lifelong Learning on Wednesday, March 10.
Ambassador: Gina House Cam pus : W. T. White High School Subje ct : Che m is t ry
Gina House is a high school chemistry teacher. at W. T. White High School She has been teaching at WT White High School for nine years and a Destination Imagination Challenge Master for four years in the Service Learning portion of the competition. She recently co-piloted the implementation of Operation Empty Halls as a member of her campus’s SEL committee. Outside of school, she is an avid backpacker, climbing her first 14’er this past summer. The best way to contact her is via email at [email protected].
DTR Training: DTR Application Writing Workshop for Contributions to the Profession on Monday, March 8.
Ambassador: Dorcas Kassebaum Cam pus : Ronald E. McNair Subje ct : Spe cia l Educat ion (FLS)
Dorcas Kassebaum is a special education teacher in an FLS unit at Ronald E. McNair Elementary in the Carter Feeder Pattern. She also serves as the Robotics Coach in FLL, and she has written many GFIT grants. Her FLS students manage a coffee station with snacks for sale. She can be contacted via email at [email protected].
DTR Training: DTR Application Writing Workshop for Lifelong Learning on Thursday, March 4.
Ambassador: Jamara Lee Cam pus : Um phre y Le e Ele m e ntary Subje ct :
Jamara Lee is a 2nd grade self-contained teacher at Umphrey Lee Elementary School. She has been teaching for 6 years. She has recently piloted a literacy after school program for K-2 grade students. She can be reached by email at [email protected].
DTR Training: DTR Application Writing Workshop for Lifelong Learning on Tuesday, March 30.
Ambassador: Yuridiana Lewis Cam pus : Me drano Junior High School Subje ct : 8 th Grade ELAR
Yuridiana Lewis is the 8th grade Instructional Lead Teacher at Medrano Junior High School. She has also coached volleyball and soccer. In her educational experience, she has sponsored Destination Imagination and student council at previous schools. She currently serves on the Educator Advisory Board for The Educator Collective, Educator Advisory Committee for TEA HB 3906, and she is a 2020-2021 Teach Plus Senior Fellow. In her educational experiences, she also served as a site team member for a National Demonstration AVID campus. She can be contacted via email at [email protected].
DTR Training: DTR Application Writing Workshop for Leadership on Wednesday, March 10.
Ambassador: Kentoshia McCoy Cam pus : Charle s Rice Le arning Ce nte r Subje ct : K-5 Spe cia l Educat ion
Special Education Inclusion Teacher, Kentoshia McCoy received her undergraduate degree from Texas Woman’s University, Master's of Business Administration from University of Phoenix, and a Master's of Education from the University of Texas at Arlington. She is proud to be serving her 19th year at Charles Rice Learning Center, where she has worked with students in grades K – 3. She strives to implement best practices in differentiated instruction, to focus on classroom management, and to create a positive environment for ALL students. She can be reached through email at [email protected].
DTR Training: DTR Application Writing Workshop for Leadership on Tuesday, March 30.
Ambassador: Camille Munoz Cam pus : Thom as Je ffe rson P -Te ch Early Colle ge High School Subje ct : English I
Currently teaching at Thomas Jefferson P-Tech Early College High School, Camille Munoz teaches English I and has been teaching for 10 years. She also serves as the current Instructional Lead Teacher for the P-Tech Early College program. Camille has been a DISD Designated Teacher since 2015 and is currently a TEA Master teacher. Her experiences include presenting student writing strategies for DISD principals and Denver ISD, acting Instructional Lead at TJ P-Tech ECHS, and writing Summer Bridge Curriculum for DISD P-Techs/ECHS schools. She can be contacted via email at [email protected].
DTR Training: DTR Application Writing Workshop for Contributions to the Profession on Tuesday, March 23.
Ambassador: Sara Ramirez Cam pus : STEM Environm e ntal Educat ion Ce nte r Subje ct : Scie nce Labs (Spe cia lty)
Sara Ramirez teaches at STEM Environmental Education Center (EEC). She has been teaching at the EEC for 8 years. Some of her DTR experiences include the creation of an outdoor Nature Play area at her facility, presenting at local and state science conferences, and facilitating Project Wild Environmental Education Workshops provided through the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. She can be contacted via email at [email protected].
DTR Training: DTR Application Writing Workshop for Contributions to the Profession on Thursday, March 4.
Ambassador: Morgan Smith Cam pus : Woodrow Wilson High School Subje ct : Art
Morgan Ream is a studio art teacher at Woodrow Wilson High School. This year marks her 8th year teaching in Dallas ISD. She also has experience in coaching, leading professional developments, and holding the position of department head. She can be contacted via email at [email protected].
DTR Training: DTR Application Writing Workshop for Contributions to the Profession on Monday, March 8.
Ambassador: Lauren Rench Cam pus : Lake wood Ele m e ntary Subje ct : K-2 Re ading
Lauren Rench currently serves at Lakewood Elementary as the K – 2 Reading Interventionist and MTSS/SST Chair. Over the course of her teaching career, Lauren has taught 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grades. Her passion is teaching kids to read. She has a Master's of Education in Reading and Writing, and she holds certification as Master Reading Teacher and Reading Specialist. She can be contacted via email at [email protected].
DTR Training: DTR Application Writing Workshop for Leadership on Tuesday, March 30.
DTR Training: DTR Application Writing Workshop for Contributions to the Profession on Monday, March 8.
Ambassador: Biola Rotibi Cam pus : Wilmer Hutchins Elementary Subje ct : Music
Biola Rotibi was born in Denver, Co. and a native of Baton Rouge, La. He is a certified music teacher for Dallas ISD and serves as adjunct professor of Biology, Microbiology, Anatomy and Physiology and Introduction to College Success at Tarrant County College in Arlington, TX. Previously, he worked as a high school band and choral director and worked as a Piano/Math instructor with the University of California Davis in conjunction with Dallas ISD by using piano and computer based spatial temporal reasoning to improve standardized math scores and student achievement. He serves as one of the DTR Ambassadors for Dallas ISD in the ACE Feeder Pattern. He can be contacted at [email protected]
DTR Training: DTR Application Writing Workshop for Leadership on Monday, March 8.
Ambassador: Rene Schmidt Cam pus : De ale y Monte s sori Subje ct : Mus ic
René Schmidt has taught music at Dealey Montessori and Academy for over 25 years. He teaches general music from PreK through 8th grade, and he directs the choir and choir programs, as well. He has taught as an adjunct at the University of North Texas. A native of Minnesota, he came to Texas for graduate work and decided to stay. He can be contacted by email at [email protected].
DTR Training: DTR Application Writing Workshop for Leadership on Monday, March 8.
Ambassador: Anna Marie Sifford Cam pus : W. W. Sam ue ll High School Subje ct : World His tory
Anna Marie Sifford teaches world history at W.W. Samuell High School. This year marks her fourteenth year in education and her seventh in Dallas ISD. In 2012, she earned the International Educator of the Year Award from the World Affairs Council of DFW and was a German Marshall Memorial Fund Fellow in 2013. She is a proud graduate of DISD, finishing in 1993 from Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts. As a result of holding a Master's degree from Seton Hall University in Diplomacy and International Relations, she has had the privilege of visiting and working in twenty-six countries, including India, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Montenegro, and Morocco. She can be reached via email at [email protected].
DTR Training: DTR Application Writing Workshop for Lifelong Learning on Thursday, March 25.
Ambassador: Karla Smith Cam pus : Benjamin Franklin International Exploratory Academy Subje ct : Science, 8th
Passionate about building the next generation of thinkers and problem-solvers, Karla Smith's particular focus is writing and presenting professional development on how Transformational Teaching can close the achievement gaps amongst underperforming and at-risk youth. Smith is a frequent speaker on increasing urban STEM achievement for organizations like the National Science Teachers Association, CAST, Johnson Space Center, and The Perot Museum. She has supported the Ace Program as a Science Instructional Coach and Dept Chair, and she now serves as a STEM Mentor and teacher trainer across North Texas, including at the University of Texas at Dallas. She can be contacted by email at [email protected].
DTR Training: DTR Application Writing Workshop for Leadership on Wednesday, March 10.
Ambassador: Brianna Stephens Cam pus : Ce nt ra l Ele m e ntary School Subje ct : Kinde rgarte n
Brianna Stephens teaches kindergarten at Central Elementary School. She is currently in her eighth year serving this campus. She has taught third grade, prekindergarten, kindergarten, and first grade prior to this year. In addtion, she has served as an assistant principal. In her educational experience, she successfully implemented parent academies on campus to increase parent involvement on campus and lead lessons on how to tie in activities at home with the learning their child is receiving at school. She has also successfully led co-curricular Saturday STAAR math and reading academies, which supported the school’s and district 's achievement goals. She can be contacted at [email protected].
DTR Training: DTR Application Writing Workshop for Lifelong Learning on Tuesday, March 23.
DTR Training: DTR Application Writing Workshop for Lifelong Learning on Monday, March 4.
Ambassador: Laura Trevino Cam pus : W. E. Gre ine r Exploratory Acade m y Subje ct : 6 th Grade Re ading
A passionate reader and educator, Laura Trevino, is an accidental educator, having come to education through a Peace Corps assignment in Kazakhstan, nonprofit management, and Teach for America in conjunction with an alternative certification program. She teaches 6th grade Reading Language Arts at W.E Greiner Exploratory Academy in Oak Cliff. She can be contacted by email at [email protected].
DTR Training: DTR Application Writing Workshop for Leadership on Monday, March 4.
Ambassador: Brent Voorhees Cam pus : Skyline High School Subje ct : P re -Calculus
Currently in his twelfth year of teaching, Brent Voorhees teaches Pre-Calculus at Skyline High School. His interest in TEI was spurred on initially as a means of financial support during a health crisis for his oldest son. As a husband and father of three, Brent now continues to lead as a DTR ambassador for the district. He can be contacted by email at [email protected].
DTR Training: DTR Application Writing Workshop for Contributions to the Profession on Tuesday, March 23.
Ambassador: Carolina Xilotl Vasquez Cam pus : Eladio Mart ine z Subje ct : 3 rd grade Scie nce and Math Bilingual
Carolina Xilotl Vasquez is a third-grade science and math bilingual teacher. She has been teaching at Eladio Martinez for three years. Last year, she supported the Home Visits Project, which helped her to support other teachers and families. She can be contacted via email at [email protected].
DTR Training: DTR Application Writing Workshop for Contributions to the Profession on Tuesday, March 30.