American Words by decade of entry

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  • 7/30/2019 American Words by decade of entry



    1770s fraternity (student society), mockingbird, pesky, Santa


    1780s darn (exclamation), powwow (to discuss), renege (to go

    back on a promise), squatter

    1790s battleship, cavort, coleslaw, politically correct, seep (to

    trickle), washboard

    1800scahoot (in cahoots with), campaign (n, politics), cocktail,

    graduate (v), great (like splendid), hike, peanut, political

    correctness, proofreader, spat (argument), squat(v), stump (v),

    stomp (to stamp)

    1810s feel bad (about a situation, etc), bureau (chest of drawers),

    boost, cuss (to curse), gerrymander, keno (lotto game), strike

    (protest), suspender (brace), swell (adj), to do the trick, walkway,

    yank (sudden pull)

    1820s bakery (shop/kitchen), cup cake, enthuse, flurry (snow),

    grocery (shop), keel over, lummox, mail (v), mosey, pucker up,

    resize, run (as a candidate), sniffles, splurge, tenderloin

    1830s amigo, antsy, aplenty, baby (slang, girlfriend), back up

    (reverse), bartender, bat (v, bat an eyelid), big mouth, bobsleigh,

    bright and early, busted (adj), cafeteria, chipper, creative writing,

    cute (attractive), daily (newspaper), discombobulate, downtown,

    Jack-o-lantern, know-how, lynch (v), memorize, middle name, OK, pants (trousers), poker,

    popcorn, pretzel, rip-roaring

    1840s bedspread, bonanza, caboodle, fess (later fess up 1930), flunk (v, fail), goatee, guy

    (a fellow), mean (unkind), next thing one knows/remembers, park (v, a car), scallywag, shoo,

    shyster, smidgen, wallet (purse), watch out (v),

    1850s baking powder, bandwagon, billboard, blizzard, booze, buddy, cherry tomato,

    employee, get hitched (married), lager, mixologist, poppycock, railroad (v), shenanigan,

    show-business, stag-party, thesaurus, vigilante

    1860s ass (buttocks), bouncer, pass the buck, bum (tramp), classified (advert), commuter,

    concourse, double-decker, hunky-dory, merry-go-round, noughts and crosses, playschool,

    rapist, big-shot, tycoon

    1870s boom (finance, etc), burglarize, cash register, dump, hogwash (nonsense), hot

    under the collar, mull (v, consider), national park, pushy, sleuth (detective), vacation


    1880s bank on (v, rely on), commute (v, travel), delicatessen, flashlight, hamburger,

    highbrow (adj), hobo, hog (monopolize), milkshake, nauseous, nifty (adj, clever), respondent

    Decade New entries

    1770 191

    1780 270

    1790 260

    1800 330

    1810 346

    1820 545

    1830 972

    1840 1144

    1850 1184

    1860 1016

    1870 1022

    1880 1618

    1890 1358

    1900 1228

    1910 1123

    1920 1503

    1930 1517

    1940 1401

    1950 1123

    1960 1405

    1970 1232

    1980 809

    1990 222

    Total 21628

  • 7/30/2019 American Words by decade of entry


    (survey), sidetrack, size-up, slate (v, plan), slump, spike (v, a drink), sugar (exclamation),

    swear word, terminal (transport), tuxedo, underdog, winery

    1890s battleaxe (domineering woman), billfold, buggy (pram), cereal (breakfast), cold feet,

    feisty, freak (n, odd person), fudge (sweet), gangster, hell-bent, hooligan, hot dog, jumbo,

    lifeguard, phoney, pipe dream, ready to wear, rubberneck, ruckus, schmooze, seed (v,tennis, etc), in shape (good condition), cheapskate, skyrocket (v), sneaker, subway (railway),

    summer camp, sundae, volleyball, woozy

    1900s beef (n, grievance), butt in, Easter Bunny, eatery, escalator, franchise, hangover,

    hip (adj), jigsaw puzzle, joyride, landfill, mutt (dog), newsflash, optometrist, outage, phoney,

    pooch, preppy (adj, n), short-change, socialite, tip-off, underpass

    1910s blurb, cash and carry, chain store, cool, faggot (slang, gay male), fender, free

    range, hometown, jazz, jinx, joy-ride, kitchenette, klaxon, merchandising (v, promotion),

    moron, payphone, psycho (n, psychopath), queer (homosexual), radio, realtor, stooge,

    washcloth, whizz (n, skilful person), wino

    1920s AWOL, band-aid, belly-up, bimbo, cilantro, cotton candy, fanny (backside), gold-

    digger, greasy spoon, headcount, hijack, hitch-hike, indie (adj), junkie (drug user), macho

    (adj), malarkey, mixer (drink), motel, plus-size, popsicle, pound sign (#), pre-teen, rotisserie,

    runway (aviation), slapstick, T-shirt

    1930s babysitter, burger, burp, carport, dumpster, groovy (good), nookie, parking meter,

    pizzazz, sleepover, smooch, soap opera, straw poll, supermarket, teaser, tie-in, torch (v, to

    set fire too), czar (n, government adviser), wacky (odd)

    1940s acronym, bad mouth (v), boxer shorts, bug (v, annoy), cheesy (adj), dairy (n, milk-based food), disc-jockey, fanzine, gay (homosexual), hipster, honcho, jalapeo, Laundromat,

    nacho, passive-aggressive, pissed (angry), radar, retrofit, slumber party, teenager, update,


    1950s aerospace, ballsy, boho, brainwashing, fast food, funk, funky, gimmick, hippie,

    moonlighting, nerd, nitpick (v, to criticize), showboat, shower stall, spandex, stir-fry, stoned

    (adj, intoxicated), submarine sandwich, sweat pants, teleprompter, test-drive, think tank

    (research institute), travelator, UFO, upcoming (adj, forthcoming), wheels (n, car)

    1960s advertorial, barf, blowjob, boner, breakout (adj, unexpectedly successful), designer

    (made by a famous designer), diet (low-sugar), downplay (v), drop-dead (adj, gorgeous,etc.), fine-tune (v), garage sale, human resources, hunk, klutz, knock-off (n/adj, imitation

    goods), rehab, repo man, rip-off, shitload, sitcom, theme park, trivia (n, knowledge), urban

    legend, victimless (crime), whiz-kid

    1970s automatic teller machine/atm, awesome (adj, excellent), brain-dead, channel hop,

    chill (v, relax), closure, couch potato, detox, dork, downside, dude (familiar form of address),

    feel-good, food court, gift wrap, gnarly, grunge (music), hardcore, junk food, no-brainer, PIN

    (personal identification number), pump iron (v, to lift weights), retail park, romcom, smoothie

    (drink), spoiler (plot revelation), streak (v, run naked), wuss (n)

    1980s air guitar, bad hair day, beer goggles, chill (v, to hang out), Ecstasy (drug), hatecrime, high five, infomercial, lap dance, get a life, meltdown (n, disaster), mono-brow, mosh,

  • 7/30/2019 American Words by decade of entry


    motormouth, nimby, onesie, paintball, party animal, perp (perpetrator), poindexter, power

    walking, no problemo, retail therapy, snail mail, studmuffin, tag (n/v graffiti), thirtysomething,

    trash television, trash talk, upgrade (n, improvement), wannabe, zapper (remote control), 24-


    1990s arm candy, bi-curious, bootylicious, bridezilla, carjacking, crunk, emo, fist bump,freestyle (rap), grunger, get jiggy, joint (song, recording, etc), McMansion, microlending,

    polyamory, props (respect), thats how [one] rolls, smackdown (defeat, humiliation),

    subprime, tighty-whities, walk of shame, webinar, wife-beater (vest)

    Phrases under orig. US lemmas are counted erroneously.