Autodesk® Moldflow® Insight 2012 AMI Analysis Overview Tutorial

AMI Analysis Overview Tutorial

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Page 1: AMI Analysis Overview Tutorial

Autodesk® Moldflow® Insight 2012

AMI Analysis OverviewTutorial

Page 2: AMI Analysis Overview Tutorial

Revision 1, 30 March 2012.

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Page 3: AMI Analysis Overview Tutorial


Selecting the molding process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Chapter 1

Selecting the material. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Chapter 2

Manual cavity duplication. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Chapter 3

Designing a multi-cavity layout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Chapter 4

Designing a runner system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Chapter 5

Designing a cooling circuit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Chapter 6

Basic model analysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25Chapter 7

Tutorial review. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28Chapter 8


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1Selecting the molding process

In this task, you will select the molding process and the analysis sequence, that is, the series ofanalyses that will be performed.

1 Click File > New Project.2 Type in Modeling tutorial for the Project Name.3 Click OK.

4 Click (Home tab > Import panel > Import).5 Select the Files of type drop-down list. The list of file types directly supported is

shown. Select Study files (*.sdy).6 Navigate to the Tutorial folder where Autodesk Moldflow Insight is installed, typically

C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Moldflow Insight xxxx\tutorial.7 Click the file model_4.sdy and click Open.

8 Click (Home tab > Molding Process Setup panel > Thermoplastics InjectionMolding) and select Thermoplastics Injection Molding from the drop-down menu.It should already be selected by default.

9 Click (Home tab > Molding Process Setup panel > Analysis Sequence).The Select Analysis Sequence dialog appears.

TIP: You can click More... for a complete list of analysis sequences for theThermoplastics Injection Molding process.

10 Select Fill.

Notice in the Project View pane that there is a symbol next to the study name. Itshows you that you have selected a Fill analysis for that study. When the analysis hasbeen run and results are available, the inside of the symbol is colored in.

When analyzing a part from an imported CAD model, start with a basic filling ("Fill")analysis to check the filling pattern, injection pressure, and the location of air traps orweld lines. Once you are satisfied with the filling parameters for the part, you can run aFill+Pack analysis (filling and packing phases). Then run further analyses such as coolingor warpage.

Click the Next topic link below to move on to the next task of the tutorial.


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2Selecting the material

In this task, you will select a molding material.

You can select a material based on:

■ Supplier name.■ Trade name.■ Family of polymer.■ Filler material requirements.■ Comparison of similar material properties.

1 Ensure the model from the previous task is open.

Note that in the Study Tasks pane beside Material, the material 620-31 : ASchulman GMBH is selected. This part has a specified material that is to beused for analysis, Tenite LDPE 1870 from Eastman Chemical Products.

2 Click (Home tab > Molding Process Setup panel > Select Material) to openthe Select Material dialog.

3 Click the Manufacturer drop-down list.4 Scroll through the list until you find Eastman Chemical Products.5 In the Trade name drop-down box select the material, Tenite LDPE 1870.6 Click Details and the material properties are displayed.7 Click the Recommended Processing tab and notice that the recommended mold

surface temperature is 40° Celsius and the Melt temperature is 220° Celsius.8 Click OK twice.

The selected material is displayed in the Study Tasks pane.

9 Click (Home tab > Molding Process Setup panel > Process Settings) andnote how the recommended process settings for the selected material are nowlisted in the Process Settings Wizard—Fill Settings dialog.

10 Click Cancel to remove the dialog.

There are situations where the type of material is known, but the most suitable gradeis not defined. You can use the Autodesk Moldflow database to assist in the decisionprocess. Your part might need a 20% glass-filled polycarbonate, but which one?

1 Click (Home tab > Molding Process Setup panel > Select Material) to openthe Select Material dialog.

2 Click the Search button to open the Search Criteria dialog.

2 | Selecting the material

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3 In the Search Fields pane, select Family abbreviation and type PC in the Substringtext box.

4 Click Search. The Select Thermoplastics material dialog displays a list of materials.5 Click Search to open the Search Criteria dialog again.

Note how the previously defined search parameters are still specified.

6 In the Search Fields pane, select Filler data: Description and type glass in theSubstring text box.

7 Click Search. The Select Thermoplastics material dialog displays an updated listof materials.

8 To refine the search further, click Search again.9 In the Search Fields pane, select Filler data: Weight and type 20 in both the

Minimum and Maximum text boxes.10 Click Search. The Select Thermoplastics material dialog displays an updated list

of materials.

There are now about 50 materials to select from, some of which are blends.

11 Click the Family abbreviation column header. The list is now sorted alphabeticallyby abbreviation.

TIP: You may have to scroll horizontally or adjust the size of the SelectThermoplastics material dialog to see all of the columns.

Final selection can be made based on the properties of the individual materials.

12 From the list, click Panlite G-3420 QG0015X from Tenjin Chemicals tohighlight it.

13 While holding down the Ctrl key, select Calibre 5201-8 from Dow ChemicalUSA.

Both materials should be highlighted in the list.

14 Click the Compare button.

The Material Test Method and Data Comparison Report dialog appears. Thephysical properties of the two materials can now be compared and the mostsuitable material selected.

A molding problem might be solved by selecting a similar material with a differentphysical property, for example, melt mass-flow rate.

NOTE: Material shrinkage data is summarized in tabular form. Select the materialof interest from the Select Material dialog and then click Details to open theThermoplastic Material dialog. Select the Shrinkage properties tab to view thecomplete shrinkage data for this material.

15 Click OK, highlight Calibre 5201-8 from Dow Chemical USA, click the Selectbutton, and then click OK. The properties of this material will now be used whenthe model is analyzed.

16 Click (Home tab > Molding Process Setup panel > Process Settings) andnote how the recommended process settings at the top of the Process SettingsWizard—Fill Settings dialog have changed.

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17 Click Cancel to remove the dialog.

The Search Criteria dialog box has a default of only six characteristics to search thedatabase. There are in excess of 150 different material characteristics available. Ifyou were interested in birefringence, you would want to select a material with knownoptical properties.

1 Right-click the material description in the Study Tasks pane, and choose SelectMaterial... from the menu.

2 In the Select Material dialog, click Search...3 From the Search Criteria dialog, click Add...

The Add Search Fields dialog appears.

This dialog lists the available material characteristics that you can use to searchthe database. As we are looking for material with optical data, we will search byrefractive index.

4 Scroll down the list, select Refractive index for unoriented material andclick Add.

Refractive index now becomes a search option.

5 In the Filter pane, enter 1 in the Minimum text box and 5 in the Maximum textbox.

6 Click Search and the available materials appear.7 Select a material, click Details and select the Optical properties tab.

Important properties such as Refractive index and Stress-Optical Coefficients arelisted.

8 Click OK to close the Thermoplastic material dialog, then click Cancel twice toclose the remaining dialogs without changing the selected material.

Click the Next topic link below to move on to the next task of the tutorial.

4 | Selecting the material

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3Manual cavity duplication

In this task you will complete the steps required to duplicate a cavity manually.

In this task, you will:

■ Manually create a runner system■ Manually duplicate a cavity■ Check the integrity of the feed system

To build the runner system, you will specify nodes outside the model that the runnersystem will connect to.

1 Open the Modeling Tutorial project.

2 Click (Home tab > Import panel > Import).3 Select the Files of type drop-down list. The list of file types directly supported is

shown. Select Study files (*.sdy).4 Navigate to the tutorial folder where Autodesk Moldflow Insight is installed, typically

C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Moldflow Insight xxxx\tutorial.5 Click the file model_4_material.sdy and click Open.

6 Rotate the model to 0 85 90. Enter the values in the Rotation Angle text box (View tab > Viewpoint panel > Rotation Angle) and press Enter on your keyboard.

7 In the Layers pane, ensure that the New Nodes layer is selected.

You will now create nodes to define the gate and runner system.

8 Click (Home tab > Create panel > Geometry) to open the Geometry tab.

9 Click (Geometry tab > Create panel > Nodes) and select Node by Offset fromthe Nodes drop-down menu.

The Node By Offset tool pane appears. You are asked to enter the coordinates of aReference node in the Base text box. The node you select will become the injectionlocation.

10 Select the node indicated below as the Reference node.

The coordinates of the selected node appear in the Base text box.


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11 Click in the Offset text box to activate it. The Measurements dialog appears.

You will not use this dialog as you are going to enter distances directly into theOffset text box in the Tools pane.

12 Ensure the cursor is in the Offset text box, enter -10 0 7, close the Measurementsdialog, and click Apply. A new node is generated 10 mm in front of the modeland 7 mm higher than the Reference node you selected.

13 Rotate the model to -90 165 0. Enter the values in the Rotation Angle text box

(View tab > Viewpoint panel > Rotation Angle) and press Enter on yourkeyboard.

14 Click (View tab > Navigate panel > Zoom All) to rescale the model and viewthe new node you created more clearly.

15 Click (View tab > Navigate panel > Select) to change the cursor to the Selectcursor.

16 Click in the Base text box in the Tools pane and click the newly created node.

You will now create a second node offset from the first node by 50mm.

17 Enter -50 0 0 in the Offset text box and click Apply, then click Close.18 Rotate the model to -65 125 45. Enter the values in the Rotation Angle text box

(View tab > Viewpoint panel > Rotation Angle) and press Enter on yourkeyboard.

19 Click (View tab > Navigate panel > Zoom All) to rescale the model. You shouldnow be able to see both of the new nodes.

Create a line to represent the gate:

1 Click (Geometry tab > Create panel > Curves) and select Create Linefrom the Curves drop-down list.

6 | Manual cavity duplication

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You will now create a line between the base node you selected on the part andthe first node you created.

2 Click the node 10 mm from the part.3 Now, click the Reference node you chose to represent the injection location on

the part.

Towards the bottom of the Tools pane is the Create as option. It is set by defaultto Cold sprue. Change this to Cold Gate.

4 Click next to the Create as box.

The Assign Property dialog appears.

5 Click the New button and select Cold gate.

The Cold gate dialog appears.

6 From the Shape is drop-down list, select Tapered (by end dimensions) andthen click Edit dimensions...

The Cross-Sectional Dimensions dialog appears.

7 Enter 5 in the Start diameter box, and enter 1 in the End diameter box.8 Click OK three times to close the dialog boxes, and then click Apply in the Tools


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A line appears in the Model pane. Later in this task, you will mesh the line andthe gate characteristics you have selected to be represented graphically.

Create a curve representing the runner:

1 Activate the First Coordinate box and click the node 10 mm from the part.2 The Second Coordinate box is automatically activated; click the node furthest

from the part.3 Select the Absolute option in the Coordinates pane.

Note the Second Coordinate values in the Create Curves dialog. They will beused as the reference point coordinates when you duplicate the cavity later inthis task.

4 Click next to the Create as box.5 Click the New button and select Cold runner.

We will accept the default settings of a circular, non-tapered runner, but willedit the runner diameter.

6 Click Edit dimensions... and enter a diameter of 6 (mm) in the Cross-SectionalDimensions dialog.

7 Click OK three times, return to the Create Line dialog, and then click Apply.8 Click Close.

The gate and runner system have been modeled for this single part.

Duplicate the cavity, gate, and runner to create a two-cavity layout:

1 Click (Geometry tab > Selection panel > Select All).

2 Click (Geometry tab > Utilities panel > Move) and select Reflect from theMove drop-down list.

NOTE: Using the Reflect tool, you will obtain a mirror image of the part. TheRotate tool will give you a copy of that part.

3 Select YZ plane from the Mirror drop-down list.4 Activate the Reference point box and then click the node furthest from the part.

The coordinates of the node you created earlier should now appear in theReference point box.

5 Select Copy.6 Select Attempt connection to existing model.

When this option is on, Autodesk Moldflow Insight will automatically makeany necessary adjustments to the model, for example, merging coincident orvery close nodes to ensure that the copied entities are correctly connected tothe original entities.

7 Click Apply and then Close.

8 | Manual cavity duplication

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8 Rotate the model to -140 140 -35. Enter the values in the Rotation Angle text

box (View tab > Viewpoint panel > Rotation Angle) and press Enter on yourkeyboard

9 Click (View tab > Navigate panel > Zoom All) to rescale the model.

There should now be two connected cavities, as shown in the following image:

Create the sprue:

This time we will demonstrate that you can create the required curve directly withoutfirst creating nodes.

1 Click (Geometry tab > Create panel > Curves) and select Create Line fromthe Curves drop-down list .

2 Activate the First Coordinate box and click the node in the center of the runner.3 In the Second Coordinate area of the dialog, select Relative and enter the

coordinates 0 0 50.

4 Click next to the Create As text box.5 Click the New button and select Cold sprue.6 From the Shape is drop-down box, select Tapered (by angle), and click Edit

dimensions....7 Enter 6 (mm) in the Start diameter box, and -2 (degrees) in the Tapered angle

box.8 Click OK three times to return to the Create Curves dialog and then click Apply.9 Click Close.

Now that you have created the geometry for the runner system, you must mesh thenew curves:

1 Click (Home tab > Create panel > Mesh) to open the Mesh tab.

2 Click (Mesh tab > Mesh panel > Generate Mesh).

Manual cavity duplication | 9

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3 Ensure that Remesh already meshed parts of the model is not selected.

It will ensure that only the new curves are meshed.

4 Accept the defaults for the other options on the dialog and click Mesh Now.

NOTE: If the Mesh Generation Tip dialog appears, click Close to continue themeshing operation.

The new curves are meshed and a Mesh Complete message dialog appears. ClickOK to close the message dialog.

5 The Mesh Log that appears beneath the Model pane provides a record of themesh generation. Close this pane by deselecting the Logs checkbox.

The model should now appear as shown in the following image:

Now investigate the runner system you have created.

1 Rotate the model to -90 0 0. Enter the values in the Rotation Angle text box (View tab > Viewpoint panel > Rotation Angle) and press Enter on your keyboard.Zoom in on the gate region.

10 | Manual cavity duplication

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The gate is made up of two beam elements. For accurate modeling, a beam mustbe made of three or more elements. You must remesh this area to create a morerefined mesh.

2 Click (Mesh tab > Mesh Repair panel > Remesh Area).3 Select the beam elements in the gate.

Each of these elements has a unique element number that is displayed in theEntities text box.

The Target edge length box shows a current edge length of about 6mm. If thislength is reduced, there will be more beam elements in the gate.

4 Enter 3 into the Target edge length box and click Apply.

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The gate is now made up of four beam elements.

5 Remesh the gate that connects to the other cavity.

Now, check mesh connectivity, set the injection node, and analyze:

1 Click (Mesh tab > Mesh Diagnostics panel > Connectivity).2 To check the connectivity of the runners with the cavities, click the element at

the top of the sprue. Then click Show in the Mesh Connectivity Diagnostic dialog.3 You can see that all the mesh elements are connected.4 Click Close on the Mesh Connectivity Diagnostic dialog in the Study pane.

5 Right-click in the Model panel and select Mesh Diagnostics to remove thedisplay.

6 Double-click Set Injection Locations in the Study Tasks pane. When thecursor is moved into the Model panel, it changes shape. This indicates that theinjection selection location option is active. Click the top of the sprue.

7 Right-click the injection cone and select Finish Set Injection Locations.

12 | Manual cavity duplication

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Note that there are Check marks beside all the pre-analysis steps and that

the Start Analysis! icon and text is active.

The model is now ready for analysis.

This task has shown you how to create a runner system manually. The runners werecreated by creating nodes, creating curves connecting those nodes, assigning runner,gate, and sprue properties to the curves, and then meshing the runner system.

Click the Next topic link below to move on to the next task of the tutorial.

Manual cavity duplication | 13

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4Designing a multi-cavitylayout

In this task, you will use the Cavity Duplication Wizard to duplicate the part to produce afour-cavity layout.

1 Ensure the Modeling tutorial project you created in task 1 is open.

2 Click (Home tab > Import panel > Import).3 Select the Files of type drop-down list. The list of file types that are directly

supported is shown. Select Study files (*.sdy).4 Navigate to the tutorial folder where Autodesk Moldflow Insight is installed,

typically C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Moldflow Insight xxxx\tutorial.5 Click the file model_4_material.sdy, and click Open.

As this model was used in the previous task, the study has been automaticallyre-named model_4_material_1 in the Project View pane.

6 Rotate the model to -100 130 -25. Enter the values in the Rotation Angle text

box (View tab > Viewpoint panel > Rotation Angle) and press Enter on yourkeyboard.

You must identify the required injection location for the Cavity DuplicationWizard to proceed.

7 From the Study Tasks pane, double-click Set Injection Locations.We will use the same injection location that was used in the previous task.

8 Click the node as illustrated.

9 Right-click in the Model pane and select Finish Set Injection Locations.

10 Click (Home tab > Create panel > Geometry) to open the Geometry tab.

11 Click (Geometry tab > Modify panel > Cavity Duplication).12 Enter the following values:

14 | Designing a multi-cavity layout

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Number of cavities: 4■

■ Rows: 2

Ensure the Offset cavities to align gates option is selected.

13 Click Preview to view the layout that will be created.

The setting Rows=2 orients the cavities such that an undesirably complex runnersystem would be required, as shown in the following image:

We will alter the setting to arrive at a more favorable configuration.

14 Enter the following values in the Cavity Duplication Wizard dialog:

■ Columns: 2■ Column spacing: 100 mm■ Row spacing: 70 mm

TIP: The Offset cavities to align gates option is useful when the gate is notpositioned exactly midway along the side of the part.

15 Click Preview to view the layout.

Aligning the gates vertically in columns orients the cavities such that a muchsimpler runner system is required for this example.

16 Click Finish.

Designing a multi-cavity layout | 15

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17 Using the ViewCube, click Front View.

18 Click (View tab > Navigate panel > Zoom All) to view the multi-cavity layoutthat has been created.

Note how the Offset cavities to align gates option has vertically adjustedthe positioning of the parts.

In the next task, you will use the Runner System Wizard to create a runner systemfor your multi-cavity layout.

Click the Next topic link below to move on to the next task of the tutorial.

16 | Designing a multi-cavity layout

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5Designing a runner system

In this task, you will use the Runner System Wizard to design a runner system for the four-cavitylayout you created in the previous task.

1 Ensure the Modeling tutorial project you created in task 1 is open.

2 Click (Home tab > Import panel > Import).3 Select the Files of type drop-down list. The list of file types directly supported is

shown. Select Study files (*.sdy).4 Navigate to the tutorial folder where Autodesk Moldflow Insight is installed, typically

C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Moldflow Insight xxxx\tutorial.5 Click the file model_4_multi_cavity.sdy and click Open.

6 Click (Home tab > Create panel > Geometry) to open the Geometry tab.

7 Click (Geometry tab > Create panel > Runner System).The Runner System Wizard dialog appears.

The first page of the Wizard is used to specify the runner system layout. You willidentify the sprue position and the parting plane location. You also will specifywhether you want to use a hot runner system.

8 The Center of Mold and Center of Gates buttons specify where you would like thesprue to be relative to either the gates or the mold configuration.

Click each of these buttons to see the calculated X and Y coordinates displayed. Theseoptions produce identical results for the layout in this example. This is because youselected Offset cavities to align gates in the previous task.

9 You will not create a hot runner system in this example, so leave the hot runnersystem creation option deselected.

10 Different parting plane configurations will affect the Z coordinate for the runnersystem. Click the three parting plane specification buttons Top, Bottom, and GatePlane, and note the resulting Z coordinate. In this example, the appropriate optionto select is Top, so click this option.

11 Click Next to move on to the next Wizard page.

The second page of the Wizard is used to specify the sprue, runner, and drop sizes.

12 Enter the following values on the second page of the Runner System Wizard:

Sprue settings:

■ Orifice diameter: 5 mm■ Included angle: 3°■ Length: 50 mm


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Runners settings:

■ Diameter: 6 mm■ Select the Trapezoidal option■ Included angle: 15°

The Drops section of the Wizard is grayed out in this example because you arenot creating a hot runner system.

13 Click Next to move on to the final Wizard page.

The third page of the Wizard is used to specify the side and top gates to becreated.

14 Enter the following values on the third page of the Runner System Wizard:

Side Gates settings:

■ Orifice diameter: 3 mm■ Included angle: 15°■ Select the Angle option and specify 45°

The Top Gates section of the Wizard is grayed out in this example because theinjection locations are on the side of the part.

15 Click Finish to create the runner system.16 Rotate the model to inspect the runner system visually.

You should have obtained a runner system as shown in the following image.

TIP: If you did not obtain the required results or you want to modify the design,click Undo from the Quick Access toolbar to remove the runner system. Thenclick (Geometry tab > Create panel > Runner System) to open the Wizardagain. The Runner System Wizard remembers all the settings you last used sosimply step through the wizard pages and make adjustments as required.

It is also possible to create some or all the runner system manually. You can alsochange the size and style of runners, gates, and the sprue after you have created

them. To do so, click (View tab > Navigate panel > Select), click the runnersegment you want to change, right-click and select Properties.

In the next task, you will use the Cooling Circuit Wizard to create a simple coolingcircuit layout for the multi-cavity tool.

18 | Designing a runner system

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Click the Next topic link below to move on to the next task of the tutorial.

Designing a runner system | 19

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6Designing a cooling circuit

In this task, you will design a simple cooling circuit layout using the Cooling System Wizard.

The Wizard cannot create all the possible features of a cooling system, but it isexcellent for creating a quick initial layout that can serve as the basis for a morecomplex cooling system, for example, including bubblers, baffles, and other coolingaids.

1 Ensure the Modeling tutorial project you created in task 1 is open.

2 Click (Home tab > Import panel > Import).3 Select the Files of type drop-down list. The list of file types directly supported is

shown. Select Study files (*.sdy).4 Navigate to the tutorial folder where Autodesk Moldflow Insight is installed,

typically C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Moldflow Insight xxxx\tutorial.5 Click the file model_4_cooling.sdy and click Open.

NOTE: The Cooling Circuit Wizard requires the part to lie in the XY plane.

6 Use the ViewCube to select the

Front view.

The model is oriented so that the parting plane lies in the YZ plane (shown inthe following image). This is not the correct orientation for the successful creationof a cooling circuit.

20 | Designing a cooling circuit

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If the Cooling Circuit Wizard is used with the model orientation shown in theabove illustration, the cooling circuit will be created in the XY plane. Theincorrect cooling circuit that would be created is shown in the following image.

7 Click (Geometry tab > Selection panel > Select All).All elements in the model will turn pink.

8 Click (Geometry tab > Utilities panel > Move) and select Rotate from thedrop-down menu.

The Rotate dialog opens in the Tools tab.

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9 Select Y Axis from the drop-down list and enter -90 in the Angle box.10 Click Apply.

11 Select (View tab > Navigate panel > Zoom All) to view the layout.

The XY plane is now parallel with the top surface of the model.

12 Click Close on the Tools tab in the Project pane.

13 Click (Geometry tab > Create panel > Cooling Circuit).The first page of the Cooling Circuit Wizard appears. This is used to specify thelayout of the cooling circuits, in particular the channel diameters, the distancefrom the part surface to the cooling circuits, and the alignment of the circuitsrelative to the part.

14 Enter the following values on the first page of the Cooling Circuit Wizard:

■ Channel diameter: 6 mm■ How far above and below: 15 mm■ Ensure that the Y alignment option is selected.

15 Click Next to move on to the next Wizard page.

The second page of the Wizard is used to specify the number of channels, andtheir spacing relative to one another and the part.

16 Enter the following values:

■ Number of channels: 4■ Distance between channel centers: 40■ Distance to extend beyond part: 20.

17 Click Preview.

The bottom of the Wizard has two additional options:

This option is active by default, and will remove anyexisting cooling circuits from the model before creatingthe circuits.

Delete existingcircuits first

Allows the Wizard to apply the optional Hose attributeto the connecting end segments of the cooling channel;

Connect channelswith hoses

for this exercise, leave the check box deselected. Coolingcircuit segments with the Hose attribute will have a heattransfer effectiveness of zero and so they do notcontribute to the cooling of the part.

18 Click Finish.19 Rotate the model to inspect the cooling system visually. Your model should now

look as shown in the following image.

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TIP: If you did not obtain the required results, click Undo on the Quick Accesstoolbar, to remove the cooling system, then click (Geometry tab > Createpanel > Cooling Circuit) to restart the Wizard. The Wizard remembers all thesettings you last used so simply step through the Wizard pages and makeadjustments as required.

It appears that the distance between cooling channels might be too large.

20 Alter the distance between cooling channels to 30mm using the aboveinstructions.

You will now inspect the coolant inlet parameters automatically applied by theWizard and change the coolant inlet temperature in both circuits to 30°C.

21 Click (View tab > Navigate panel > Select), then click one of the light bluecoolant inlet symbols to select it. They are situated at the start of the coolingcircuits.

22 Right-click and select Properties.

You will see the coolant is water and a default coolant temperature has beenapplied.

23 Change the coolant inlet temperature to 30°C, enter Water - 30 degrees in theName box, and click OK.

24 Repeat with the other coolant inlet symbol.

It is also possible to create some or all of the cooling circuits manually. You can alsochange the diameter of the cooling circuits after you have created them using the

Cooling Circuit Wizard. To do so, click Select, click the cooling circuit segmentyou want to change, right-click and select Properties.

Each item in the Study Tasks pane now has a checkmark next to it, and the StartAnalysis! step should be active. This indicates that all the preliminary steps requiredfor your analysis have been completed. The mold is now ready to analyze. If you

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double-click the Start Analysis! icon in the Study Tasks pane, the analysis wouldstart. This takes in excess of 10 minutes depending on your computer. The analysishas been done for you and will be discussed in the next task.

Click the Next topic link below to move on to the next task of the tutorial.

24 | Designing a cooling circuit

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7Basic model analysis

In the previous tasks, you prepared the tutorial model for analysis. You selected a material, designeda multi-cavity mold, and modeled the runner system and cooling system.

In this task, you will:

■ Examine the information generated by the analysis.■ Examine the graphical representation of the analysis results.■ Determine the result value at a selected point on the mold.■ Look at a brief description of some of the major results.

1 Ensure the Modeling tutorial project you created in task 1 is open.

2 Click (Home tab > Import panel > Import).3 Click on the model drop-down arrow to see the list of supported file types.4 Select Study files (*.sdy).5 Navigate to the Tutorials folder where Autodesk Moldflow Insight is installed,

typically C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Moldflow Insight xxxx\tutorial.6 Click the file model_4_analysis.sdy and click Open.

In this study, a Fill analysis has been completed on the model from the previous taskand results are available for review.

7 Select Logs from the Study Tasks pane to show the Logs pane.

There are five tabs across the pane.

The Mesh Log tab summarizes any mesh alterations undertaken in the study with theparameters used to generate the mesh. As there have been no alterations, this tab is blank.The Analysis Log tab records the analysis inputs, the progress of the analysis, and somekey results. If any warnings or errors occurred, they are displayed in the Analysis Log.There is a warning about the low mesh match percentages. We made a decision in anearlier task to maintain the low mesh ratio.The Filling tab presents the analysis inputs and the summary results, including bulktemperature, shear stress, and frozen layer fraction at the end of the filling stage. Thelow mesh match percentage is also reported in this tab.The Machine Setup tab outlines the processing parameters used for the analysis. Thisincludes the material used, the machine specifications, and temperature and injectionsettings that should be used on the injection molding machine.The Filling-Check tab presents the results of the checks performed at the beginning ofthe analysis.

Once an analysis is complete, a selection of results are made available in the Study Taskspane. For a Fill (or Fill+Pack) analysis, the results appear in a Flow folder. If a different


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Analysis Sequence were selected, Fill + Cool + Fill+Pack + Warp for example,there would be additional folders for the results of the analysis types undertaken.

The Fill analysis that was run in this study was based on the default process settingsfor the selected material. You can edit these default process settings in the ProcessSettings Wizard to reflect the actual manufacturing settings. To do this, double-click

Process Settings in the Study Tasks pane. Alternatively, click (Home tab >Molding Process Setup panel > Process Settings). If you change process settings,you must run the analysis again to see the results.

Most of the results of the analysis are listed in the Study Tasks pane.

1 To view one of these results, click the checkbox next to the result name in theStudy Tasks pane. The result will be displayed graphically in the Model pane.

TIP: To view the exact value of a result at any location on the part, click (Results tab > Plots panel > Examine), and click one or more locations on themodel.

2 To view the full list of results from the analysis and/or create a customized versionof any of the results, click (Results tab > Plots panel > New Plot).

You will look at altering the format of these plots in the Postprocessing tutorial.

Autodesk Moldflow Insight gives detailed information about the part design, material,and processing conditions used in the simulation.

Some of the Fill analysis results available are listed below.

The Fill time result shows the flow path of the plasticthrough the part. This result can be animated against the timerequired to fill the part.

Fill Time

The Pressure result shows the pressure distribution throughthe flow path inside the mold at the switchover point fromvelocity to pressure control.

Pressure at V/Pswitchover

The Average velocity result plot displays the flow direction,and the average magnitude of velocity of the polymer insidethe mold cavity.

Average velocity

The Orientation at core result is created at the end of afilling analysis and provides a good indication of how

Orientation atcore

molecules or fibers would be oriented at the part core whenusing a fiber-filled material.

The Time to reach ejection temperature result showsthe time taken for the part to freeze to ejection temperature,measured from the start of the cycle.

Time to reachejectiontemperature

The Bulk temperature result displays the weighted averagetemperature across the thickness of the part at the time the


result was written. Bulk temperature represents the energythat is transported through a particular location.

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The Weld lines result indicates the presence and location ofweld in the filled part model. Weld lines appear as black lines

Weld lines

on the model, and can indicate weakness. To see all of theweld lines, you may need to rotate the model.

The Air traps result shows the regions where the melt stopsat a convergence of at least two flow fronts, or at the last point

Air traps

of fill. The regions highlighted in the result are positions ofpossible air traps. To see all of the air traps, you may need torotate the model. Air traps appear as large red outlines on themodel.

The Fill Time and Pressure results are good starting points when checking theresults of an analysis. They will show you where there may be filling or pressuredistribution problems associated with the part design. If problems are indicated,you may need either to change the part design or use a different combination ofmaterial and processing conditions.

The results in this study indicate a good fill pattern and part design.

Click the Next topic link below to move on to the next task of the tutorial.

Basic model analysis | 27

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8Tutorial review

This tutorial has given you an overview of the basic steps required to prepare a mold foranalysis and review the analysis results.

You have:

■ Specified the molding process and analysis sequence for your model.■ Specified the material being used.■ Manually duplicated a model.■ Set the injection location.■ Automatically duplicated the model to produce a four-cavity mold.■ Designed a basic runner system.■ Designed a simple cooling circuit.■ Reviewed the results of a basic Fill analysis.

28 | Tutorial review