Winter 2013 amos news no.126 www.amostrust.org The Bethlehem Pack Resources for Christmas 125 days and counting Street Child World Cup heads for Brazil Future Peacemakers Christmas appeal Education and liberation India

Amos News Winter 2013

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All the latest on Amos's partners around the world including our newest partner in India, the preparations for the Street Child World Cup as well as details of our Advent and Christmas resources, and the launch of our Future Peacemakers appeal for children & young people in Bethlehem.

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Page 1: Amos News Winter 2013

Winter 2013amos news no.126www.amostrust.org

The Bethlehem Pack Resources for Christmas

125 days and counting Street Child World Cup heads for Brazil

Future Peacemakers Christmas appeal

Education and liberationIndia

Page 2: Amos News Winter 2013

BelowTime for play at the 2010 Street Child World Cup© Wilf Whitty / Amos Trust

OppositeStar in the Church of the Nativity© Chantal Freeman

no injustice will last forever

The words ‘No injustice will last forever’ have been graffiti-ed on the Separation Wall in Bethlehem and our partners Wi’am Reconciliation Centre have adopted these simple yet powerful words as their new slogan. Garth has used them as a title for a new song and we chose this phase as the title for Amos Day. These words have been going round and round in my head for months, gnawing away with the same questions – Do I really believe this? And if I do what does that mean?

Chris RoseDirector At the heart of Advent is the promise that

Jesus’ message of love, forgiveness, hope, radical hospitality and non-violence will ultimately triumph over injustice, evil and suffering. Advent is not just about preparing for Jesus coming at Christmas, but it is also a time for reflecting on the fact that Jesus comes again and again through people just like us. If we believe this, then we have to strive to challenge injustice, to end suffering and to work for peace, however distant those aims may seem. In a 24/7 world where we look for quick wins, by far the most important response we can make to injustice is committing ourselves to the long, slow haul of effective change.

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In the case of Palestine, one way you can do this is by joining the new movement of British Christians, the Kairos Britain network – See page 9 for details.

We were reminded of the long-haul nature of working for change at the Changing the Game Summit in September when street child practitioners from the 25 projects taking part in the 2014 Street Child World Cup met together in the UK to prepare for Rio 2014. The frightening, front-line nature of their work was brought home on the Friday of the summit when the Brazil team heard that 16 children from their project had been gunned down on their way to school. At Amos Day the next day as the funeral was taking place in Rio, our chair of trustees Lucy Winkett reminded us that it is in fact “our tears that fill the well from which we draw resilience and strength”. The Summit had definitely provided an opportunity for the workers to refill their wells” not only through shared tears, but through solidarity, intellectual engagement and by laughing together and enjoying each others company. See page 7

We received the tragic news earlier this month that a key member of our cycling group, the Amos Road Club Dan Rowland had died. Our thoughts and prayers are with his wife Diane, their two young sons and his parents Richard and Prilla. Next year’s Road Club ride will be in memory of Dan with the money raised going to Amos’s partners and a UK mental health charity. The ride from Saturday 24 – Monday 26 May will be coast-to-coast along the Way of the Roses route from Morecambe to Bridlington. What Dan and all of us love about the rides is the camaraderie, the friendships, fantastic scenery, occasional beer and the wide cross section of ages and abilities – last year we had riders aged

between 6 and 67 taking part. Join us! Visit www.amostrust.org/news and follow the links to Amos Road Club.

Finally by the time you receive this newsletter, after a year of extensive refurbishment we should have moved into our new home, St Clement Eastcheap. We are grateful to the Diocese of London for their support in providing Amos with this fantastic new base. The Bishop of London will formally reopen St Clement on Tuesday 21 January. Keep an eye on our website in the new year for details.

We hope to see as many of you as possible at our Carol Service on Tuesday 3 December (page 6,) the perfect way to begin Advent united as people of action.

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In a region where religious and political extremism dominates Holy Land Trust (HLT) seek to be Christ-like extremists in their activism, seeking to find radical ways for peace, love and justice to be worked out for Palestinians AND Israelis, and the wider Middle East today.

Sami Awad, HLT’s Director explains this ethos: “The most unhelpful thing you can do is be pro one side, it just adds to the conflict. We have to not only understand those people who are oppressing us, but try to walk in their shoes, and ultimately to really engage with what it means to follow Jesus’ call to love our enemies.”

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future peacemakers appeal christmas 2013


RightAnita and Millie Levermore © Amos Trust

Far rightSchool children © Amos Trust

Amos’ Communications Officer Sarah Dean, trustee Jude Levermore and Street Child World Cup volunteer Millie Levermore travelled to India in September to visit our long-term partner The Tamarind Project in rural Tamil Nadu and newest partner Karunalaya in state capital, Chennai.

On all their publicity our partners Holy Land Trust use a quote from Martin Luther King Jr. to explain the motivation for their work. King said Jesus showed in his teachings, compassion and interactions that he was an extremist, “an extremist for love, truth and goodness.”

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Sarah DeanCommunications Officer

The brilliant thing about the Tamarind Project is that it is very simple and very effective. The project has one aim – helping children from the very poorest families to stay in school. These families are Dalits, the bottom rung of the Indian caste system and education is the only way to break the cycle of poverty.

Tamarind founders Jacob and Jasmine Devaraj introduced us to some of the families Tamarind are supporting. We met 17 year old Anita and her family, who are manual labourers, living hand-to-mouth. Their one room home is so small that they can’t lie flat to sleep. Tamarind provide the family with a small stipend equivalent to what Anita would earn in the fields, and cover her school bus fare, uniform and books. Her teachers think she is bright enough to secure a place to study medicine at university. Without Tamarind’s support Anita’s would not be able to stay in school and her family would remain trapped in this cycle of poverty.

“If you help families in the country, you are preventing problems in the city.” Jacob explained. Many migrate to urban areas seeking a better life, only to find a different kind of poverty. Amos’ new partner Karunalaya in Chennai works with the urban poor including street children, pavement dwelling families (often newly arrived from the countryside) and slum communities. Like Tamarind Karunalaya believes education is the key. Their work includes education programmes for child labourers (fitted round their working day), helping slum families to get their children into local schools, and they run an informal school for street children, with a soccer team raring to go for Brazil 2014.

It was clear from our trip that Tamarind and Karunalaya complement each other as Amos’s partners in India working to ensure every person can claim their human rights and realise their potential. We are delighted to journey with them both.

Visit www.amostrust.org/communities to find out more.

HLT work at a grassroots level in Bethlehem and across the West Bank to promote a non-violent end to the occupation, and to strengthen and inspire local communities worn down by the daily impact of the Separation Wall. The team work with local people to initiate non-violent resistance projects, such as the home rebuilding projects in Al Walaja and Battir and to organise cultural initiatives such as the Bet Lahem Live arts festival. The fastest growing area of their work is the non-violence and leadership training they run for all ages. Our Christmas appeal this year is to raise funds for this ground-breaking work.

The non-violence workshops for children and young people seek to build the children’s self-esteem and help them to recognise the humanity of their oppressors. They equip the participants with practical strategies and creative ways to deal with and challenge the oppression they experience daily without resorting to violence.

The young leaders programme sets out to address the shortage of effective leaders within Palestinian society. Using non-linear thinking and problem-solving techniques the sessions help young people to imagine and work towards a future which isn’t held back by the oppression and injustice of past experience.

As we prepare to celebrate the coming of the Prince of Peace, please support this unique work to enable all ages to meet oppression with love.

BelowVisiting the separation wall© Amos Trust

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125 days and counting

BelowChanging the Game Summit delegates© Amos Trust

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Join us for our Christmas Carol Service Tuesday 3 December, 7pm St James’ Church 197 Piccadilly, London W1J 9LL right in the heart of the West End — An Advent carol service thinking about Bethlehem past and present

Led by Amos’s Director Revd Chris Rose and Chair of Trustees Revd Lucy Winkett


Cry Palestine a new choral piece, created and performed by Palestinian musician Reem Kelani and writer/director Justin Butcher and choir, Vox Holloway

Singer-songwriter & Amos Founder, Garth Hewitt

Traditional carols with featured soloists

To book, visit www.amostrust.org/events Tickets: £7.00 Concessions: £5.00 All proceeds to our partners in Bethlehem

follow the star christmas cards The picture on this newsletter’s cover is also our new Christmas card design, painted by a school child from Bethlehem.

Packs of 10 cards and envelopes are £5.00 from www.amostrust.org/shop

The picture was featured in an exhibition of Palestinian children’s art called All they paint is walls... and you can find a reflection in the Bethlehem Pack which tells the story of this quote – see page 8.

conspiracy of love tour 2014 Amos Trust’s founder Garth Hewitt is back on the road from January on his “Conspiracy of Love” Tour, singing songs telling stories from Amos’ partners around the world. Featuring songs from his recent album, Justice like a River and Liberty is Near! his collection of hymns from the 1840s Chartist movement set to new music.

Garth explained the tour title as “The wonderful conspiracy of love brings hope to our world and to the communities that get forgotten. [This tour will feature] songs of hope, songs of joy, and of course songs of justice.”

Tour dates so far:

12 Feb Billericay, Essex; 21 Feb Henfield, W. Sussex; 2 May Grimsby, Humberside; 9 May Sevenoaks, Kent; 27 June Swansea; 6 July London; 26 July Cheltenham. For full details, visit www.amostrust.org/events or www.garthhewitt.org

If you would like to host a concert in your area, contact [email protected] for details. We provide all the publicity and support you need to run a gig in your community.

In 2010 we recognised a need to build a movement that would last beyond the tournament. The Changing the Game Summit in Cambridge in September brought together practitioners from the 25 street child projects who will taking part in the 2014 Street Child World Cup.Delegates included Mpendulo and Bona from our long-term partner Umthombo Street Children and Paul Sunder Singh from Amos’s new partner Karunalaya in India. – See page 4.

It was a week of laughter and tears, exploring the differences and similarities of working with street children in 19 different countries, sharing experience, practice and methodology.

Everyone felt that the summit and new relationships were the start of something important, which could strengthen street

Best day of my life ever? Apart from my wedding, birth of my kids, etc, etc? Honestly, well not exactly a day but my time at the 2010 Street Child World Cup in Durban. As I write the countdown on the Street Child World Cup website tells me there are only 125 days to go until Rio 2014 and I can feel the excitement building.

child campaigning world-wide. In the run-up to the event, each team will run a local campaign for street child rights in their home country, then uniting in Rio to put pressure on policy makers worldwide to make a change for street children.

As Fred from Casa Alianza in Nicaragua reflected:

“For too many years smaller organisations who work with street children have had a seat at the big table but rarely get invited to eat … Thanks to the Street Child World Cup we now have our own table.’

As the tournament gets closer, we hope Amos supporters will continue to raise awareness of the work of the Street Child World Cup, it is more than a football tournament, it is a movement for change.

Katie HagleyCommunity Engagement and Fundraising Manager

Visit www.amostrust.org/downloads for Street Child World Cup worship, schools and fundraising resources.

Contact [email protected] for publicity materials, slide shows and to book a speaker for your church.

Visit www.streetchildworldcup.org for all the latest news and links to YouTube, Facebook & Twitter.

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kairos britain

As people speaking up for Palestine, it is easy to lose hope of a just resolution, the roadblocks seem so many, the injustice so great and faith in any sort of political resolution seems to be slipping away, but consider of the challenging words of Zoughbi Zoughbi, the head of our partners in Bethlehem, Wi’am Reconciliation Centre. As he discussed the current situation, he told Amos’s Director Chris Rose, ‘We (the Palestinians) do not have the luxury of despair.’ Despair becomes unavoidable when you feel isolated, burnt out and when there seems so far to go, therefore it is essential that Palestinians know we stand in solidarity with them.

At the Greenbelt Festival this summer, Amos Trust joined with other members of the Kairos Britain network to launch Time for Action – A British Christian response to A Moment of Truth, the Kairos Palestine

Document. This call to action argues the case for why Christians in the UK should care about Palestine and gives practical suggestions of actions they can take.

To download a free copy of Time for Action visit www.kairosbritain.org.uk Here you will also find information about the Kairos Britain network and how you and your church can sign up and pledge your support.

The network are hoping to reach a target of 1000 churches and individuals signed up by Christmas, so please add your name to show that you agree with the arguments and the call for action.

We can be silent no longer. It is time for prophetic faithfulness. It is time for action. — Time for Action

You can also buy a hard copy of Time for Action for £5.00 plus postage & packing from our shop – www.amostrust.org/shop

RightView over Jerusalem© Amos Trust

the bethlehem pack

“Christian brothers and sisters – Pray for us. We remain hopeful and we are empowered by the joint efforts of committed, peace-seeking Jews and members of the international community.” – Rifat Cassis, Kairos Palestine

As thoughts turn to Christmas events and services, The Bethlehem Pack has been updated and is available now from www.amostrust.org/downloads

This free pack is to help churches talk about the current situation in Bethlehem at Christmas. It includes

– Reflections, prayers and a liturgy

– stats about Bethlehem then and now to get people thinking about what it would be like if Jesus was born today,

– first-hand accounts from local Christians of Christmas under occupation

– Links to short film clips about Bethlehem.

The pack also incorporates our 65@65 campaign, our challenge to Amos supporters to host a simple awareness raising event for Palestine. We have been delighted with the response. There have been 30 events so far ranging from Andrew & Lizzie selling Palestinian crafts at their church fete to Jenny organising a barn dance for her 65th birthday party and asking her guests to make a donation to Palestine instead of bringing gifts. Artist Rose created 65 silk painted gift tags and sold them in her local community explaining the 65@65 message to purchasers, whilst Graham held a very successful cake and coffee morning.

To reach our target of 65 events we need 35 more May 2014 and what better time of year to talk about Palestine than Christmas? Don’t be afraid to keep things simple at this busy time of year by using an existing event. Perhaps by using a prayer or reading from the Bethlehem Pack and giving out the 65@65 birthday cards at a carol service? Or by showing one of the short film clips as discussion starter at your house group during Advent?

Download the 65@65 resource pack from www.amostrust.org/downloads for more ideas.

Email [email protected] to order birthday cards to hand out and let us know what you are up to, so we can add it to the event tally.

This Christmas spread the word about the situation in the little town of Bethlehem, because 65 years is too long to wait.

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future peacemakers appeal christmas 2013

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Phone 020 7588 2638Email [email protected] amostrust.orgFacebook amos trustTwitter amostrust

Reg. Charity no 292592

TrusteesJenny BakerPeter BoneRamani LeathardJude LevermoreMairi NeevesSimon PlaterJulia RuxtonElliot ThomasLucy Winkett

PatronSimon MayoDirectorChris RoseOperations ManagerNive HallCommunications ManagerSarah Dean

FounderGarth HewittPA to Garth HewittIsobel WebsterAdministratorJill Howard-GunasekeraCommunity Engagement & FundraisingKatie Hagley

11summer appeal 201310

Amos Trust Parish Church of St Clement Eastcheap, Clements Lane, London EC4N 7HB

amos news winter 2013 amos news winter 2013palestine – israel

We are offering our widest ever range of trips to Palestine next year, so whether you are visiting for the first time or the eighth time, we have an itinerary for you.

Visit www.amostrust.org/travel for more details on all these trips.

Make an Alternative Pilgrimage 12 – 21 May 2014

Our annual trip combining visiting the historic and Biblical sights with meeting local peacemakers and understanding more of the current situation. Ideal for first-time visitors.

Run the Bethlehem Marathon 9 – 13 April 2014

Join Team Amos to run this unique marathon raising funds for our partners, then visit some the projects your funds will benefit.

Bet Lahem Live Festival June 2014

The festival runs from 19 – 22 June 2014, the exact dates of these trips will be available from our website at the beginning of December.

In its first year Bet Lahem Live Arts Festival line up of local musicians and international

acts attracted 5,000 people to its outdoor stages in the centre of the little town. Join the crowds at the 2014 Festival. This trip will combine day time sight-seeing and visits to peace making projects and Amos partners with evenings at the festival. A great way to experience the past and present and meet local people.

Volunteer at Bet Lahem Live Festival June 2014

Aged 18 – 35? Why not join a group of international volunteers working alongside local young people from Holy Land Trust preparing for and running the festival. This trip can be extended to include the Holy Land Trust’s Summer Encounter programme.

None of these dates suit you? We can tailor an itinerary especially for your church group. Contact the office to discuss dates and options.

We are delighted to be working in partnership with Palestine Pilgrimage, a UK based ATOL bonded travel provider on all our trips to Palestine and Israel in 2014.

”Thank you so much for the most amazing time, I’ve definitely come back a changed person!”Alternative Pilgrimage participant

visit palestine 2014

Starting on D D M M



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Page 7: Amos News Winter 2013

“We have to not only understand those people who are oppressing us, but try to walk in their shoes, and ultimately to really engage with what it means to follow Jesus’ call to love our enemies.“

– Sami Awad

Amos Trust Amos Trust, Parish Church of St Clement Eastcheap, Clements Lane, London EC4N 7HB

Phone 020 7588 2638Email [email protected] amostrust.org

Reg. Charity no 292592

Above Growing up in Bethlehem © Wilf Whitty / Amos TrustCover Follow the Star, detail from the Amos Christmas card © Amos Trust

As we prepare to celebrate the coming of the Prince of Peace, please support Holy Land Trust’s unique work providing non-violence training for children, young people and adults.

Children and young people in Bethlehem deal with the impact of the occupation every day, whether it is playing in the shadow of a 9 metre high separation wall overlooked by armed watch towers or seeing their parents and grandparents being stopped, questioned and often harassed by soldiers at check-points. These children grow up feeling traumatised and lack the hope and opportunity that should belong to all children.

The Holy Land Trust’s non-violence workshops provide local children with the techniques and skills they need to deal with their situation and living conditions. These sessions help them to rebuild their self-worth and recognise that they can respond to the occupation without violence and claim a future without fear.

£10 pays for a teenager to enrol on a young leaders training course.

£15 pays for a community worker to meet with local families and help the local community to find simple practical ways to maintain hope in the face of the occupation.

£25 pays a non-violence training workshop for local children.

£1,500 covers all the costs for young person to visit Auschwitz. This life-changing experience enables Palestinian young leaders to understand the roots of the Israeli people’s trauma and to identify effective ways to work towards a long term just peace.

Please find enclosed a pre-paid address envelope for your cheque. (We have Royal Mail forwarding in place, so the Development House address is still valid.)

future peacemakers appeal christmas 2013