Analisis kebijakan pemerintah sebagai respon terhadap penyakit AI di Pulau Lombok Analysis of the government policies in response to avian influenza hazard in Lombok West Nusa Tenggara BALAI PENGKAJIAN TEKNOLOGI PERTANIAN NTB Nurul Hilmiati Dwi Praptomo Pendahuluan Introduction Lombok dikonfirmasi sebagai daerah tertular AI pada Juni 2004 ketika 5.700 dari 13.000 ekor ayam layer afkiran dari Jawa Timur dan Bali mati di Kecamatan Masbagik, Sukamulia dan Selong-Lombok Timur. Berbarengan dengan outbreak AI di Jawa dan Bali. Confirmed as infected region in June 2004 when 5,700 out of 13.000 of cast-off layers from East Java and Bali died in Masbagik, Sukamulia and Selong, coincided with AI outbreak in Java and Bali.

Analisis kebijakan pemerintah sebagai respon terhadap ...pse.litbang.pertanian.go.id/ind/pdffiles/LOKA_NRL_22-05-08.pdf · Analisis kebijakan pemerintah sebagai respon terhadap

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Analisis kebijakan pemerintahsebagai respon terhadap

penyakit AI di Pulau Lombok

Analysis of the government policies in response to avian influenza hazard in Lombok

West Nusa Tenggara


Nurul HilmiatiDwi Praptomo


� Lombok dikonfirmasi sebagai daerah tertular AI padaJuni 2004 ketika 5.700 dari 13.000 ekor ayam layer afkiran dari Jawa Timur dan Bali mati di KecamatanMasbagik, Sukamulia dan Selong-Lombok Timur. Berbarengan dengan outbreak AI di Jawa dan Bali.� Confirmed as infected region in June 2004 when 5,700

out of 13.000 of cast-off layers from East Java and Bali died in Masbagik, Sukamulia and Selong, coincided with AI outbreak in Java and Bali.

Mataram, GunungSari, Cakra, Ampenan(+ AI)

Narmada (+ AI) Masbagik (+ AI)

Praya(+ AI)

Gerung(+ AI)

Source: WNT livestock office.

Sumber: Dinas Peternakan Prop. NTB

Pendahuluan (cont)

� Pemerintah dari tingkat pusat hingga kabupaten telahmenetapkan serta melaksanakan berbagai kebijakanuntuk penanggulangan AI.

� As response to AI, the Indonesian government from central to district level have passed and applied several regulations and policies to control AI.

Pendahuluan (cont)

Namun pertanyannya adalah:� apakah kebijakan yang ada sekarang sudah cukup?

ATAUKAH � Apakah kebijakan tersebut diperlukan? ATAUKAH� Apakah diperlukan kebijakan lain?

� Despite few regulations have been passed, it is not clear whether the existing policies are appropriate or whether new animal diseases policies are required?

Pendahuluan (cont)

� Tujuan study: menganalisis kebijakan pemerintahdalam menanggulangi AI serta melihat alternatifkebijakan lain untuk penanganan AI yang lebihoptimal.

� Aim: to analyze the government policies in controlling AI and to seek alternative policies for a more optimum AI control program.


� MaterialsKebijakan pemerintah dalam penanganan AI di PulauLombok saat ini dan hasil wawancara dari beberapastakeholder (pedagang dan peternak ayam).

Government policies, in-depth interview results from various stakeholder (chicken traders and farmers).

Metodemethods� Kebijakan pemerintah dalam penanganan flu burung

(AI) dianalisis dengan pendekatan SWOT analysis .

� Analize the government policies regarding AI using SWOT ANALYSIS.

Hasil dan Pembahasan� Results and Discussion

Respon pemerintah terhadap AIGovernment responses to AI

A. Gubernur NTB (Governor of WNT)

SK Gubernur No. 71 tgl 21 April 2004 tentang pelaranganmasuknya unggas dewasa ke NTB

Passsing a regulation on banning live chicken coming to WNT except the frozen ones.

B. Dinas Peternakan NTB (Provincial Livestock Office)Melaksanakan SK Gubernur No. 71 dengan tindakanadministratif (pembentukan komite daerahpenanganan AI) dan kebijakan teknis (vaksinasimasal, peningkatan bio-sekuritas, surveillance, kontrol transport unggas, depopulasi, penyuluhanserta monitoring

Apply the SK Governor No. 71 by administrative and technical policies (vaccination, improving bio-security, surveillance, transport control, extension and monitoring.

Respon pemerintah terhadap AIGovernment responses to AI (cont)

Respon pemerintah terhadap AIGovernment responses to AI (cont)C. Dinas Pertanian dan Peternakan Kabupaten dan

Kodya se-Pulau LombokMelaksanakan SK Gubernur dan implementasikebijakan tindakan strategis penanggulangan AI.

C. Agriculture and Livestock ofice (District Level)Implement the SK Governor and the strategic policies to

control AI in Lombok.

Hasil analisa SWOT dan DiskusiSWOT analysis Results and Discussion

SWOT Strengths Weakness Opportunities Threats

1. Staff - Animal health division in the Provincial/District office- Staff in the animal health division- Capability of the staff

3.05 2.17 0 0

2. Fund Fund’s source and availability

2.16 3.67 0.5 0

3. Horizontal coordination with other related institution - Coordination methods and affectivity- Coordination with DIC Denpasar- Coordination with animal quarantine

2.18 0.5 0.5 0

4. Vertical coordination with the District livestock office- The coordination methods and effectivity

2.83 1 0 0

5. Physical resources - Animal health laboratory- Animal hospital/Animal health Post- Vehicles for monitoring and surveillance- Vaccines and vaccination equipment- Cool chain

1.96 2.62 0 0

6. Local government policies/regulations - The Governor SK as a main basic to control AI

in WNT

4 0 1.83 0.83

7. ’s circumstances - NTB status in AI- Media- Public awareness- Geographical conditions- Chicken farming system- Neighborhood with island

0.62 0 1.35 1.33

8. Animal movement- Chicken trade- Chicken transport

0 0 0 2

9. Network 0 0 0.83 0

SWOT of the Provincial livestock office, District office and Animal Quarantine in implementing AI control program.

Requirements of AI control policies to be likely successful in implementation.



Staff Fund Coordination Physical resources Public awareness Government Regulation

Improving bio- security - Not too many staff required since it can be done by farmers- Staff required in public places like animal market.

- Not very expensive, farmers are likely able to afford it.


- low physical resource required.

- public awareness required

- Government encouragement is crucial

Surveillance - Many staff are required to scrutinize all area

- Quite a lot of fund required for operational budget as this should be carried out regularly.

- Coordination amongst related institutions is essential.

- Require vehicle

- -

Controlling poultry transport -Many staff are required to control the animal movement

- Fund is essential for operational budget

- Coordination amongst district Dinas is impostant

- Control points are needed

- public awareness required

- Regulation is crucial

Vaccination - Many staffs are needed. Very expensive for vaccines and operational expenditure

- Coordination amongst district Dinas is impostant

- a lot of vaccines, vaccination equipment, vehicle, and cool chain are needed.

- public awareness required

- Regulation is crucial to support vaccination implementation

Depopulation (limited destroying) -

Expensive to compensate- -

- public awareness required

Strong regulation is needed

Restocking- - - -

- public awareness required -

Increasing public awareness - Staffs are required for extension - - - - -

Monitoring and evaluation - - - - - -

Requirements of AI control policies to be likely successful in implementation.

Tindakan teknis penangan AI oleh Dinas Peternakan/ Pertanian tingkat propinsi dan Kabupaten.The government program to control AI in Lombok

1. Program vaksinasiTelah dilaksanakan sejak 2005 sampai terakhir ini, namun masih mengalami banyak kendala (cakupanvaksinasi 10% , biaya operasional, staf, peralatan, halteknis lainnya).

1. Vaccination programSince 2005 – recently, however still encountering constraints (10% coverage, operational cost, staff, equipment, other technical issues).

Program vaksinasi (cont)Kendala lain: sistem peternakan rakyat, keterbatasan

cool-chain, mobilisasi pemilik ayam untuk vaksinasimassal.Efektifitas vaksinasi untuk mengontrol AI?

Other constraints: free-ranged system, limited cool-chain and equipment, mobilization chicken owners for mass vaccination.The effectiveness of vaccination in controlling AI concerning all the constraints??

2. Peningkatan bio-sekuritasImproving bio-security� Implementasi: spraying pasar hewan, daerah-daerah

tertular AI dan populasi unggas yang padat sertapemberian desinfectan pada masyarakat.� Berperan penting dalam penanganan AI (SWOT)

Implementation: spraying animal market, AI infected villages, and provide disinfectant for chicken owners.

Plays important role is controling AI.

3.Surveilans dan kontrol transport unggasSurveillance and poultry movement control

� Komponen penting dalam penanganan AI� Implementasi: menindak lanjuti - insepeksi laporan

unggas mati mendadak, diagnosa, pengambilan sampellab, monitoring dan pengambilan sampel periodik

� Critical component in AI control program� Implementation: following-up report on poultry sudden

death, diagnosing, sampling and periodical monitoring and sampling.

3.Surveilans dan kontrol transport unggas (cont)Surveillance and poultry movement control

Kendala:� keterbatasan sarana transportasi untuk menjangkau

semua wilayah serta keterbatasan dana operasional.� Khusus untuk kontrol tranportasi unggas, koordinasi

antar wilayah masih sangat perlu untuk ditingkatkan.

Constraints:� Limited operational vehicle to cover all areas, limited

operational budget.� Particular for movement control, coordination

amongst Dinas need to be enhanced.

4. Depopulasi dan restockingDepopulation and restocking

� Depopulasi: pemusnahan semua hewan dalam satukandang terinfeksi dengan kompensasi Rp. 1000/ekor.� Restocking: pengosongan kandang diantara dua

periode pemeliharaan.� Kendala: keterbatasan dana kompensasi,pemilik ayam

kadang enggan memusnahkan unggasnya.� Depopulation: disposing all chicken within an infected

flock.� Restocking: emptying shed between two cycle.� Constraints: limited compensation budget.

KesimpulanConclusions� Pelaksanaan kebijakan pemerintah untuk

pengendalian AI di NTB khususnya Lomboksepertinya mengalami banyak kendala terutama bilakebijakan tsb sangat tergantung pada ketersediaandana dan sarana fisik.� Implementation of policies to control AI in WNT,

particularly in Lombok seems to encounter several constraints. The constraints become greater when such policies are highly dependent on fund availability and physical resources.

SaranSuggestions: � Memanfaatkan sumber daya masyarakat yang sudah

mulai sadar dengan bahaya AI menuju pengendalianswadaya dan swakelola.� Utilize the community awareness for self-control

prevention against AI.

� Restrukturisasi sistem peternakan rakyat� Restructuring the back yard farming system.

SaranSuggestions: � Penguatan bio-sekuritas pada peternakan rakyat

dengan penyuluhan intensif serta subsidi desinfektan.� Strengthening bio-security in back yard farms and

small scale farms by providing disinfectant and extention.

� Kontrol perpindahan unggas dengan memperkuatkoordinasi semua stake holder terkait.� Controlling poultry movement and strengthening

coordination amongst related institutions.

SaranSuggestions: � Call-senter untuk layanan informasi tentang AI serta

pengaduan masyarakat.� Call centre for all information about AI and reporting

suspected cases.

� Memberdayakan murid sekolah untuk meningkatkankesadaran keluarga akan bahaya AI. � Empowering high school students for raising public


SaranSuggestions: � Bila program vaksinasi dilaksanakan:

mempertimbangkan efektifitas dan efisiensi.� Fokus pada daerah tertular dan terancam.

� If vaccination is to be implemented, should be for 3 consecutive years with 3-4 vaccination in each year, covering 70% of the susceptible population in 1st year 90-100% of susceptible population in the 2nd and 3rd

year. � Vaccination program is focused in the most threatened


Terima kasihThank you