Anatomy of Maxilla

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  • 7/24/2019 Anatomy of Maxilla


    Anatomy of Maxilla

  • 7/24/2019 Anatomy of Maxilla



    It is the second largest bone of the face

    It forms the upper jaw with the fellow of theopposite side

    It also contributes to the formation of

    1. Floor of the orbit

    2. Roof of the mouth

    . !ateral wall of the nose

    ". #terigopalatine and infratemporal fossae

    $. #terigomaxillary and infraorbital %ssures

  • 7/24/2019 Anatomy of Maxilla


    Anatomy of the maxilla

    &he anatomy of the maxilla has two main parts'

    1. (ody)pyramidal shape*

    Anterior surface

    #osterior surface

    +rbital surface

    ,asal surface

    2. #rocesses





  • 7/24/2019 Anatomy of Maxilla


  • 7/24/2019 Anatomy of Maxilla


    Anterior /urface'

    Incisie Fossa' 0epressor septi nasi

    +rbicularis oris

    anine fossa'

    !eator anguli oris

    Infraorbital foramen

    )aboe canine fossa*

    Infraorbital neres and essels

    Aboe sharp border between

    anterior and orbital surface'

    !eator labi superioris

    ,asal notch' 0ilator ,aris

    Ant ,asal /pine

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    #osterior /urface

    It is directed bacwards and laterally

    It forms anterior wall of the infratemporal fossa

    Anterior and posterior surfaces are seperated by ridge which leadsto the socet of 1stmolar tooth

    ,ear the centre of posterior surface 2 to openings of dentalcanal for posterior superior aleolar essels and neres

    At the lower end there is a raised maxillary tubrosity which isrough in the upper part of its medial end for tubercle of thepalatine bone which has the attachment of super%cial %bres of the

    medial pterigoid muscles Aboe this smooth surface which forms the boundry of the

    pterigopalatine fossa is grooed for the maxillary nere3 thisgrooe is continuous with the infra orbital grooe

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    +rbital surface

    /mooth and triangular

    Medial border

    ,otch' lacrimal notch

    (ehind this it articulates with the


    +rbital plate of ethmoid

    +rbital process of palatine

    #osterior border' /mooth3 rounded and it forms greater part of

    infraorbital %ssure in middle infraorbital grooe Anterior border' forms orbital margin 3infraorbital grooe and canal4

    a little lateral to this is lacrimal canalis which passes in the anteriorwall of the maxillary sinus and reaches in the nasal caity andopens in the side of the nasal septum in front of incisie canal

    A little lateral to the lacrimal grooe there is attachment of inferiorobli5ue muscle of eeball

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    ,asal /urface

    In its upper posterior part there is a large maxillary hiatus whichleads into the maxillary sinus

    In articulated sull this hiatus is completed by ethmoid and lacrimalbones

    (ehind this there is a rough impression for the perpendicular plateof palatine bone

    More anteriorly concal crest for articulation with inferior nasalconcha&he upper jaw inside view

    1 6 frontal process42 6 lacrimal grooe4 6 cleft maxillary sinus4" 6 infratemporal surface4

    $ 6 palatine process46

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  • 7/24/2019 Anatomy of Maxilla


    Maxillary /inus

    !arge pyramidal caity with its apex directed laterally towards the8ygomatic process

    (ase is towards the lateral wall of the nose

    In articulated sull it is reduced by


    #rocess of ethmoid

    0esending part of lacrimal bone

    (elow' inferior nasal concha

    (ehind' perpendicular plate of palatine

    It opens into the middle meatus of the nose.

    +ccasionally there are projections in the maxillary sinus from roofto anterior wall

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  • 7/24/2019 Anatomy of Maxilla



    -ygomatic' it is rough and pyramidal

    Front'it is contineous with the anterior surface of body

    (ehind)concae*'in continuity of the posterior surface

    Aboe' articulates with 8ygomatic bone

    (elow)arched border* which anterior and posteriorsurface of the body

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    Frontal #rocess'

    !ateral /urface'

    9ertical ridge )!acrimal crest*

    :rooe for the lacrimal sac

    Medial surface' It is rough and uneen and articulates with the ethmoidand also closes the anterior ethmoidal sinus below ethmoidal crest

    ;pper end' Articulates with the frontal bone

    Anterior border with the nasal bone

    #osterior border with the lacrimal bone

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    Aleolar processes' It has thic arched borderbehind and contains socets to receie roots ofteeth which ary in si8e and depth

    anine deepest

    Molar widest and subdiided into minor socets byseptae

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    #alatine #rocess' &hic strong hori8ontal

    Inferior surface is concae and presents numerous foramina forpassage of nutrient essels and contains depressions for lodgement ofglands

    :rooe for grater palatine 9essels and neres

    Incisie fossa leads into the incisie canal

    /ometimes anterior and posterior incisie foramen for longsphenopalatine nere which communicates with the greater palatinenere

    ;pper surface' forms the

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    Maxillary Artery

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    9einous drainage

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    ,ere /upply

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    !argest and strongest bone of the face

    ured hori8ontal body4 conex forwards

    It has two rami which project upward from posteriorend of the body

    &he body is horse shoe shaped

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  • 7/24/2019 Anatomy of Maxilla


  • 7/24/2019 Anatomy of Maxilla


    =xternal /urface

    Faint ridge' symphisis menti

    Mental protuberance in the triangular area belowsympisis menti

    Mental tubercle on each side of mentalprotruberance

    Mental foramen between premolar teeth

    +bli5ue line

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  • 7/24/2019 Anatomy of Maxilla


    Internal /urface

    Myelohyoid line

    /ub mandibular fossa

    /ub lingual fossa :enial tubercle

    Myelohyoid grooe

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    (orders ;pper boder'

    /ocets for the mandibular teeth are present

    !ower border)(ase* presents a digastric fossa


    !ateral /urface

    Medial /urface

    Mandibular foramencanal

    !ingula6 mylohyoid grooe

    Inferior border is continuous with the angle of mandible

    ;pper (order' Mandibular ,otch

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    Arterial /upply of Maxilla

    and Mandible

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    ,ere supply of Mandible

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  • 7/24/2019 Anatomy of Maxilla


    9einous drainage of


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    Mandibular canal

    Age changes in mandible

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    Age changes in mandible

  • 7/24/2019 Anatomy of Maxilla


    Applied AnatomyMuscle injuries' Its cause and e>ects

    Incisivus labii Superioris:

    0uring the exposure of the bone ofpremaxilla between the canines 3amucoperiosteal

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    Mylohyoid muscle

    /urgical manupulation of the

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    Genoiglossus muscle

    0uring the eleationof thelingual mucosa before maingan impression for asubperiosteal implant a portionof the muscle may be re

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    Medial pterigoid

    &he medial pterigoid muscle

    binds the pterigomandibularspace medially 3during surgicalprocedures inoling the area ofpterigomandibular spaceinfection may occour and may bedangerous due to its closedproximity to the pharyngealspace

    /urgical exposure of the tissueposterior to the maxillarytubrosity may also inole themedial pterigoid muscle as a partof the muscle originates fromthe maxillary tubrosity

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    Lateral pterigoid muscle

    &he lateral pterigoid muscle %bres are placed in an angulated manner

    and because of this there may be pain in patients with a full archedsubperiosteal implant or prosthetic splint

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    Mentalis muscle'

    omplete re

  • 7/24/2019 Anatomy of Maxilla


    (uccinator muscle'

    Myositis of the detached buccinator muscle in patients withsubperiosteal implants may cause swelling and pain at the site of originof the muscle

    , i j i

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    ,ere injuries

    Inferior alveolar nerve:

    &he nere may bedamaged easily whenmaing an incision orre

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    Lingual nerve

    &he position of the nere islateral to the retromolar padthe incision should remainlateral to the pad and the

    mucosal re

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    Nerve to mylohyoid:

    &he nere lies in closed relation to the ramus of mandible hence it isprone to get damaged during surgical interention

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    Long buccal nerve:

    @hen the ramus is accessedfor the purpose of a blocgraft excision great caremust be tae to protect thisnere from injury

    I j t l

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    Injury to essels

    Maxillary essels' 0uring the surgical orthognathic

    procedures the major nutrientartery of the maxilla aresometimes damaged3 but theblood supply is maintained by

    anastamosis present in the softpalate

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