and Bhakti or devotion. Love and · the ocean of Love and Compassion. Our true identity is soul, the Self. Soul is part of God and therefore is God, or pure love. One must surrender

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Page 1: and Bhakti or devotion. Love and · the ocean of Love and Compassion. Our true identity is soul, the Self. Soul is part of God and therefore is God, or pure love. One must surrender





Page 2: and Bhakti or devotion. Love and · the ocean of Love and Compassion. Our true identity is soul, the Self. Soul is part of God and therefore is God, or pure love. One must surrender


Blessed are the souls who in today’s world have embraced their spirituality. One of India’s greatest poets and spiritual masters is Kabir. Kabir’s spirituality is a blend of Prem or love, and Bhakti or devotion. Love and devotion for the Beloved Lord, the One God, and a meditation practice through sacred music, lead to inner mystical experiences of divine light and sound. This is why Naam is very devotional.

All of the world’s scriptures teach about the same manifestation of God as inner mystical light and sound. Remembrance of The Lord is the highest of all practices. By vibrating Naam in this Age, many are saved; they cross over the terrifying karmic ocean of the world. In Kali Yuga, no spiritual activity would be successfully performed except Simran of Naam (repetition of the Holy Name) and Dhyan of Naam (contemplation of the Holy Name). The highest level of comfort, joy and bliss is Naam. The highest blessing as well is Naam. The highest Amrit is Naam. Vibrate Naam and you will be blessed with the treasure of spiritual wisdom and the power of the Word. The sacred tracks on the Absolute Goodness CDcontain perfect divine formulas that allow us to penetrate the hidden mysteries of the mind and to ignite our Divine Potential. You may work with the Divine Goodness track every hour of the day, but also, the pairing of the Divine Goodness track with the Divine Sodarchan Meditation makes a perfect practice. The Divine Goodness track contains five perfect metaphysical formulas:

Sat Nam Wahe Guru

God is Love, God is Wise, God is Kind, God is Good

My Mind is a Center of Divine Operation

Har Har, Every day in every way I am better and prosperous

Har Har, Infinite Substance, Manifest in me now, Wahe Guru

Page 3: and Bhakti or devotion. Love and · the ocean of Love and Compassion. Our true identity is soul, the Self. Soul is part of God and therefore is God, or pure love. One must surrender

The first formula in Divine Goodness is Sat Nam Wahe Guru. It contains two very powerful Divine Names; the Guru-Mantra Wahe Guru and the Naam Sat Nam. Wahe Guru signifies the praise of the Guru and basically signifies – “O Guru, You are Great” or “Wondrous God!” By reciting the Wahe Guru mantra, our soul automatically merges with God, the Wondrous Guru, which is absolutely true. The Divine Word Sat Nam is a powerful name of the Lord and is contained within our main Naam, Eck Ong Kar Sat Nam Siri Wahe Guru. Sat Nam is the power of Divinity. We must make it a habit of diving into the ocean of Sat Nam every day and night. With Naam, we must saturate every cell through loving devotion. Irrigate your mind and body with Sat Nam. Everything has emanated from Sat. Sat is the origin. We come from Sat and will go back to Sat. All divine powers or qualities are contained within Sat. The key to health, success, and happiness is Sat Nam. So let us vibrate Sat Nam. It is a divine truth that everything is contained in Sat Nam. The letter “S” of Sat, is a sound that controls consciousness and bestows power. It is the power of Shakti. The “S” sound connects us with the Divine Spirit, which flows through everything and has its presence within Divine Providence. With “S” you can have control over consciousness of self. It will give you magical abilities as well as control over your surroundings. The use of “S” leads to the mastery of fire in all of the kingdoms of God. The sound “S” itself vibrates like the sound of a snake. The letters “S” or “SH” of “Ad Such” represent the Hebrew letter Shin. “SH” is a very important combination that bestows will power and omnipotence, because Shin, in Kabbalah, is the equivalent of Ruach Elohim, the Spirit of God. Therefore, when you think of the “S” of “SH”, think of Ruach Elohim. It is the principle of activity that corresponds to the magnetic field. “SH” brings light into the intellect and is known as the helping fire that makes both the intellect and consciousness receptive to the Divine. It will allow you to manifest things in life. With “SH” you can influence everything in the Divine World. By working with “SH”, you are praying to Ruach Elohim, our internal God, to come down from the higher world in order to work on our creative fires so that we may awaken the Kundalini Shakti or the electric force. The Kundalini Shakti represents the forces of Shekinah. “S” is the fire of the electric force that we call Kundalini Shakti. By working with the “S” sound, we are starting to create. This is a glimpse into some of the advanced wisdom students receive at the Divine Spiritual Alchemy retreat where we take seven days to fully immerse ourselves in the higher mysteries. Sat, which stands for Truth, is the womb of love. Sat is the womb of the entire creation. Sat is God itself. All the infinite divine powers are contained within Sat. Focusing and vibrating the sacred word Sat Nam will open up all of the channels of love for us. When you sit and practice with the Naam Sat Nam, you will realize that it is full of spiritual powers. It pulls one closer

Page 4: and Bhakti or devotion. Love and · the ocean of Love and Compassion. Our true identity is soul, the Self. Soul is part of God and therefore is God, or pure love. One must surrender

and closer to God inside and everything around one becomes better. You can develop these powers by working with the Shakti Sat Nam track, found on the Sacred Naam CD. The root cause of all physical and mental ailments is the burden on the soul of the negative karmic dirt we bring with us from previous lives. This is what affects our mental health, our emotional health and our physical health, including our lives. In reality, in order to heal anyone permanently, we need to heal the soul. This can be achieved by the power of the Supreme Soul, manifested in Naam. Healing the human soul through the Supreme Soul via Naam, is the only of form permanent healing. Therefore, we spend more time vibrating Naam in order to wash away the burden of past negative karma that is carried on the soul. By vibrating Naam, we get out of the karmic account of deeds. Naam is our divine light and it is already inside us. The Divine Light is weak, because of all of the dirt of our negative karmic deeds that have burdened it. Therefore, what Naam does is ignite us; it makes our Light brighter. We are focusing our mind away from worldly thoughts and back onto our divine light through the divine words Sat Nam. Vibrating Sat Nam or Wahe Guru for many hours cleans up all the negative karmic dirt that is clinging to the soul. As a result, our Divine Light becomes brighter and brighter, the karmic filth washes away, resulting in the mental and emotional sicknesses and negativity and desires washing away, followed by the physical body becoming healed and radiant. That is the best way, the only true way to look after the mind and body. By putting the soul first, not the body and mind first. So by taking care of our soul, the soul will purify the mind, and the mind will purify the physical body and life becomes divine. The second formula, God is Love, God is Wise, God is Kind, God is Good, speaks about the power of divine truth. The beginning of the Gospel according to St. John states, “In the beginning was the word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Every man and woman at a far distant time knew how to create with the Word, but little by little, by coming into matter, we lost the power of the Word and had to create with our hands. Our tongue is connected to our thoughts and our cells are put into action harmoniously or disharmoniously according to the nature of our thoughts. All things begin with thought. Once you know how to

Page 5: and Bhakti or devotion. Love and · the ocean of Love and Compassion. Our true identity is soul, the Self. Soul is part of God and therefore is God, or pure love. One must surrender

consciously direct your thoughts, you can stimulate the creative processes in your mind. Through these processes you can assemble the things and conditions of your world to bring forth health, success, accomplishment and happiness in your life. Mental creation consists of directing your thoughts into a power that draws, compels and organizes your experiences into a worthwhile design for living.

You must learn how to draw upon your latent talents and powers. The powerful meditation within the Divine Goodness track uses simple and natural laws, and principles, which once understood, can make all things possible. We are using the hidden processes of life, in order to master the mysteries of self, and manifest our highest destiny. The divine statements of Divine Goodness uplift human thoughts by causing one to focus on God, thereby keeping the mind completely immune from all kinds of evil thoughts. Those who maintain healthy, positive thoughts not only maintain good physical health, they also send positive, pleasing vibrations all

around. It is essential that we keep our minds occupied with positive, ennobling thoughts so that we can not only keep negative thoughts as bay, but also uplift the moral character. Consistent positive thoughts change the patterning in our brains and clear the space for new beliefs, behaviors and outcomes. There is no more powerful and better prayer than to think or to say in the morning when you wake up, and throughout the day that God is Love, God is Wise, God is Kind and God is Good. This is the second formula of the Divine Goodness track. If we want to change our destiny, let us say with a feeling of gratefulness, and thankfulness that God is Love, God is Wise, God is Kind and God is Good, because in giving thanks to the Divine, we hold a magic force which is much more powerful and effective than any good luck talisman. By saying it, you will automatically feel better and your mind will be activated. This will neutralize any old destructive and unhealthy beliefs. Saying that God is Love, God is Wise, God is Kind, and God is Good, is a perfect spiritual formula to bring grace and goodness into your life. When you think and say God is Love, your heart receives divine warmth; and immediately Purity comes. Purity will give you Strength. Without love life has no taste. We must ask every day for Divine Love. God is Love. God is

Page 6: and Bhakti or devotion. Love and · the ocean of Love and Compassion. Our true identity is soul, the Self. Soul is part of God and therefore is God, or pure love. One must surrender

the ocean of Love and Compassion. Our true identity is soul, the Self. Soul is part of God and therefore is God, or pure love. One must surrender one’s entire being to the ocean of Love of which we are a part. When you think and say that God is wise, automatically light comes in your mind. This light will give you knowledge. We must search for all of the methods of Divine Wisdom. Wisdom is the greatest good in heaven. If a person is wise, he/she possesses the greatest divine blessing. When you think and say God is kind, you have divine truth in your soul. Truth in your soul will give you freedom. Truth is the light, which illuminates our way. Without it we are in darkness, deceived, and led astray. We must knock tirelessly to obtain our freedom. Our individual soul is truth, and also, the supreme is truth. When you say God is good, you are saying it so that the floodgates of blessings and goodness may be opened unto you. Goodness is the foundation upon which everything must be built. A life may be beautiful, but it will collapse if it is not based upon goodness. God is the principle of goodness. Goodness elevates. Goodness brings all the possibilities of the human world. The one who eats goodness never dies, he becomes the master of his destiny. God is hidden within goodness. There is only one Being in the world who is absolutely good, and that is God. All good things come from Him. Only the good can sustain life, only the good can nourish our entire life. Goodness is the fruit of love, and wherever there is goodness, God is revealed. Good removes all kinds of limitations. With this practice we are open to absolute goodness. The formulas used on the Divine Goodness track are divine words that serve as instruments through which the creative energy takes form. There is a seed of power in all the words contained in these divine statements. With consistent practice, these words will project themselves in order to manifest what they stand for in your life. Your whole life will be filled with the love, wisdom, kindness, and goodness of God. The Universe will cause the seeds of love, wisdom, kindness and goodness to begin to expand and project so that you may bear incredible fruits in your life. Nothing can prevent these divine statements from working. Nothing can stop words of truth. The Word of God can heal all disturbances. Through vibrating the Word of God, we are purified from within. Vibrating the Word of God is the highest of all good deeds. Doing this meditation purifies all those around us, along with the very atmosphere we live in. The Word of God is the key to destroying bad karma and rewriting one’s destiny. Doing this meditation daily is a way of opening life to grace and goodness. Divine Love, Divine Wisdom, and Divine Truth are the three precious stones that the sages

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have always looked for. Divine Love brings the Elixir of Immortal Life. Divine Wisdom is the Philosopher’s Stone. Divine Truth is the bringer of Absolute Freedom. The entire cosmos is a manifestation Love. Truth and wisdom are contained in Love. God is without qualities and beyond qualities. Its nature is infinite, imperishable and all-powerful. The Supreme Being is beyond the scope of the mind, the intellect and the senses. This entire universe is powered by the energy of this Being. This Being is not human. Our individual soul is an inseparable part of the Supreme Being. Regarding your physical difficulties, you know that all physical ailments are the result or reaction to past karma. Every day you have a chance to forge the future. Men and women are the makers of their own destiny. This present life is based chiefly on the reaction of past karma. We must liberate our soul, held prisoner by the body of pain, through love, wisdom, and truth. Divine Love, Divine Wisdom, and Divine Truth allow us to neutralize our body of pain and manifest our highest destiny. The third formula of Divine Goodness, My Mind is a Center of Divine Operation, will make your mind divine and when your mind is divine, your whole life will become divine. As a result, divine activity automatically begins to take place in your mind for your highest benefit. If the mind is a divine center of operation, then the fourth formula, Har, Har, Every day and in every way I am better and prosperous, becomes a natural result in your life. This result is a progressive improvement in every aspect of your life, bringing about prosperity, victory, love and health. The fifth formula, Har, Har, Infinite Substance manifest in me now, Wahe Guru, opens the doors for infinite goodness to flow limitlessly through your life. The words Har Har invoke the power of prosperity. Taken together then, the five statements of the Divine Goodness track are interconnected and designed to work on different aspects of your life.

Performing the Divine Sodarchan Meditation The Divine Sodarchan meditation causes us to consciously focus on divine truths, in order to completely spiritualize and positively improve our life. The practice of the Divine Sodarchan meditation is equal to Divine Goodness because it creates the same light in the mind and the heart and it grants health and strength for life. When you do this meditation, thoughts of God will replace thoughts about your troubles. As a result, all unpleasantness will disappear from your life. This meditation shifts your focus away from your problems and replaces them with divine thoughts. It will move your entire mental state to absolute Divinity. This powerful practice saturates your mind with divine statements of Absolute Truth, in order to remove from your consciousness the thought of any challenge you may have, so that the floodgates of blessings and goodness may be opened unto you. "Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved." (Acts 2:21).

Page 8: and Bhakti or devotion. Love and · the ocean of Love and Compassion. Our true identity is soul, the Self. Soul is part of God and therefore is God, or pure love. One must surrender

When we say God is good, Good is God, this opens the doors to goodness in our lives. When we say God is Health, Health is God, this opens the doors to health in our lives. When we say that God is Strength, Strength is God, we invite unlimited strength into our lives. When we say God is life, Life is God, we become one with the Universal life energy and it automatically flows through us. You are in essence saying, ‘I am one with Universal life energy and it is activated now and flowing through me.’ We must always choose pure, luminous, and divine statements of truth. The only way to be free is to live in divine truth. Divine truth sets you free. One’s freedom correlates to the extent to which one is able to feel close to God. This meditation has the power to raise the frequency of your mind because your mind will be thinking divine truths continuously, consciously bringing all the joy, success, health and happiness that you can possibly conceive of into your life. In other words, your house on the physical plane has a corresponding house in the spiritual world. If you do not like your house in the physical world change the house in the spiritual world. Your physical house will reflect those changes. With this meditation, you are mentally projecting, "I am only open to absolute goodness.” Those who walk in the way of the Word of God are blessed (Psalm 119:1), they are revived (Psalm 119:25), and are strengthened (Psalm 119:28). The Word of God will give insight (Psalm 119:99), and sustain us (Psalm 119:116). POSITION: Sit with a spine straight (either on the floor with your legs crossed, or in a chair with your feet flat on the floor). The eyes are slightly open, focused at the tip of the nose. BREATH AND MUDRA: 1. Block off the right nostril with the right thumb. Inhale slowly and deeply through the left nostril and hold the breath. Bring your hands to rest on your knees, palms up. With each statement of divine truth, move the fingertips of both hands in the following order: Thumb to the index finger. Thumb to the middle finger. Thumb to the ring finger. Thumb to the pinky finger. As your fingertips touch, mentally chant: God is Love (touch the thumb to the index finger)

Page 9: and Bhakti or devotion. Love and · the ocean of Love and Compassion. Our true identity is soul, the Self. Soul is part of God and therefore is God, or pure love. One must surrender

God is Wise (touch the thumb to the middle finger) God is Kind (touch the thumb to the ring finger) God is Good (touch the thumb to the pinky finger) God is Love (touch the thumb to the index finger) God is Wise (touch the thumb to the middle finger) God is Kind (touch the thumb to the ring finger) God is Good (touch the thumb to the pinky finger) God is Good (touch the thumb to the index finger) Good is God (touch the thumb to the middle finger) God is Health (touch the thumb to the ring finger) Health is God (touch the thumb to the pinky finger) God is Strength (touch the thumb to the index finger) Strength is God (touch the thumb to the middle finger) God is Life (touch the thumb to the ring finger) Life is God (touch the thumb to the pinky finger) At the same time, pump the navel with each movement of the fingertips, i.e. pump once on the word “God”, once on the word “is” and once on the word “Love”, continuing down the list for a total of 48 pumps. Pumping the navel is like pressing the save key on your human computer, bringing these divine truths deep into your psyche so that they can be reproduced in your life from your subconscious mind. Then, hold the breath while you mentally invoke Infinite Substance by mentally repeating, “Har Har, Infinite Substance is manifesting in me right now Wahe Guru”. 2. Block the left nostril with the right index or pinkie finger. Exhale slowly and deeply through the right nostril. Start again and continue inhaling left, then pumping the navel and exhaling right as described above. TIME: Suggested length of time to practice this meditation is 30 Minutes. END: To end the meditation, inhale and hold 5–10 seconds. Exhale. Then, stretch and shake the body for about one minute to remove any stagnant energy.

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COMMENTS: This meditation can be used to manifest health and success in every area of life. Practice it consciously and experience an outpouring of infinite goodness.