-,-...- : :-._ "..^-.^ ^nü^^»»^m»..M____ m.b.b.m EDUCA T IÖNÄTPAGE\=^^===: _ ___ To Everybody Once in Lifetime ocooooocoooooooo o o CLEVELAND SCHOOL o oooooooooooooooo Everything Is moving along nicely at Cleveland. The .school .grounds look very much improved since it bus been cleaned off. and several nice trees set out. It wus so encouraging to «ce the children take so much in- terest in cleaning oif. the ground. It shows that they are interested, in school. On account of rain lust Friday our entertainment was postponed until Monday night. Wo had a large crowd and everybody* seemed ivi enjoy them- selves. A nice'sum of money was raised, $18.70, wiiicl; will be used in beautifying the school building. The following program was suc- cessfully rendered: Song, Caroliua. Welcome. Examination Day. A Boy's Complaint. Enjoying the Telephone Music. Entertaining Sister's cliau. Mount Vernor'a Tribute. A,Morning Call. The Hay Seed Drill. Seen*'« in a Backwoods School. The Little Stitcher. . Music. Jupiter Jobjisum'b Affair. Song, Polly Wolly Doodle. Following in the honor roll for the past month: First grade.Luther Morrison, Ruth Campbell. Second grade.Lizzie Bratcher. Furman Lusk, Ernest Vaughn and Agnes Austin. Third grade.R. L. Vaughn. Walter Uambrell, Herbert Loll m and Furman Smith. Fourth grade.Claude Campbell. Fifth grade.Lucille Austin, Clyde Campbell and Willie Davis. Seventh grade.Frank Cox. Eighth grade.Carrie AuBtin. o.ooooooooooooooo 6 FRIENDSHIP SCHOOL o .' <*&kmm** 00 ©ooooooooooooo 1 Wo are glad to see the beautiful punohlcis again, and that spring Is most here.a season that makes all school glrla and boys happy. Wo. ai ways look forward' to Tues- day wh oh we can read the Educational PaiV You ousht to see our boys play ball these days. The-Friendship Improvement Asso- ciation held its regular meeting ï.îarch 3nL The president being nb- sont Miss Bortye Moore presided. The association decided to give a bazaar ca .the afternoon of April 1st. at 4 e'sloek.'' 'The" publld la cordially in- vited. Both pupils and teachers are very, proud of bur new steel-roller maps which csess - few days ago. There are a in all. Our teachers, Misses Jennie Erwin and Bertye Mooro attended the teach- ers' meeting in Anderson Saturday. Several o' our pupils attended the entertainment given at Cleveland by the school pupils last Monday night and all report a pleasant time. Our average attendance for last month surpasses any month for the past 3 years. We are. looking forward to Field Day exercises on the 9th and eome of out pupils hope to enter contests. The Friendship Lltorary Society held its regular meeting March 3rd: The following program was rendered: Respond to roll call with quotations. Original Story.Clarence Lindsay. Essay, I'On U. S. Flag".Maxle Co thron. v- Current Events.Dewey Harper Reading, "Good-Night".Mary Bur- ton. Declamation, " 'Tis Splendid to Live So Grandly".Claude Cot h ran. Story, "Maid of the Foot Hills". Ada Harpf-r. Original Story.Willie Bell. JOkes.Roy Cooper. » Toe following.officers were elected: President, Sadie Holiday; Vice pres- ident, Maude Cox; secretary, Alfred Cööper; Critic, Maxle Cothran. The following Is the hr/tor roll for our. 4tb month: Fltst grade.Eunice Lindsay, Ethel Bagwell, Robbie Motes. Hattle Young, Bortho Motes. Marvin Bagwell. .Third, grade.Ora Lindsay, Dewey Cox,-" Fourth' grade.Ralph Cox. .Fifth-grade.Henry LindBay, CIpt- etice Llüflsny,. .Partial eighth grate.Maude Cox, Roy.Cooper. Eighth grnd?.Grace Cox, John T. Townea, Leonard Cox. A PUPIL. OiO,0 O O O O O O OOOOOOOO; O '.': . S '' Ol ö; \ THE CITADEL o àj;:'^ o oo o oo o oooooo ~>ooo Tito failure of the railroads to give reasonably cheap rates for transport- in g the cadet corps to Jacksonville In April makes the proposed encamp- gnent at that placé seem rather doubt- ful. This' info).nation was given ou with roluctanceAby the Citadel authOr- vities as all of the cadets have been looking forward to the trip for sont? time und tho announcement ho s caus- ei'-distinct disappointment among .tltto^-Aa'.yet, nothing de«ntate has tefcri announced as to where the new fjmf alte will be but It Is more than llkil.v, that a placo near, the rifle range at Mount Pleasant will;be selected. The members of the Senior Phyalcs éloctîya stood the civil service ex- amination at the postoffice here last week. ; The position to which they desire to become eligible is aid in the till reu ti of Standard». A special meeting of the Cadet V. M. c. A. was held jn tin- chapel lam Sunday night. A musical program was rendered by several ladies of the city and the cadet quartette. "The .Marks of a Man" was »he subject of the forceüM and Interesting address given b> Mr. VV. It. I.-ink. supervisor »f muiiicipul playground in Charles- ton. Many of the under-cIausAien took advantages of ihe special leave by escorting their feminine friends to the occasion. A lire which was gaining consider- able headway was discovered in the weed shop Just over the engine room Sunday morning about s lr». Fire call was sounded by the bugler and the companies were formed on the quad- rangle where orders were given for the room orderlies to "fall out" and get. buckets. The caduls, however, faihd to make much progress its the shop was so full of smoke that it was Impossible ro enter it. A still alarm was sent Ihe oily department who In a short while succeeded in extermin- ating the blaze. This Is the first lire that has visited the Citadel in a long time und but for Its timely discovery might have proven serious. Consid- erable excitement existed for a while but there was no disOrder whatso- ever. ooooooooooooooooo o o o FRAZER FITTING SCHOOL o 0 o ooooooooooooooooo The past week has been n good be- ginning on the lust term of school. It was also very marked by being one continuous week of line tveather in which we could all feel line and do good work. The appeal of Cue bowling alley Is still strong but the sunshine \culls some to baseball and the plans of others tend toward getting the ten- nis court In shape and' playing tenr nia. The problem Is, will the boys with these 'attractions utill stick to their studies? 1 They must not fail to remember that their studies are of prime im- portance and should have hrst place. All the sports are good if lessons are not neglected. None of the boys have challenged Prof. Harden to bowl as yet, although there have been offers of two prizes bqered to the boy who succeed In npt bowling the members 'of the faculty. Possibly the boys are practicing up and yet intend to try their teachers skill on the alley. There is also a prize of $2.00 offer- ed to the student of the fitting school who wilt win a match of tennis from Prof Parks. Prof. Purks to give a handicap of 15. Besides this a prize of $2.00 is offer- ed to the best tennis temn in school and $1.00 for the winner of a tourna- ment. All entrants to be members ol the fitting school. There must be at least four teams enter in doubles and eight, players In the singles any number, however, may enter. For further Information those who may desire to enter may call vn Prof. Parks. It remains to be seen who Is the best bowler and best tennis player in Ahe Frazer Fitting School. oooooooooooooo o o o HONEÂ FÂTH SCHOOL o o o ooooooooooooooooo At the last meeting of the Honea Path High School Society all the grades from the third through the seventh were invited to hear the pro- gram, the debate being the main fea- ture. A great .amount of enthusiasm was shown by the society in general, as the members were allowed the privilege of argumentation as well as the debaters. The Judges were Miss Thompson, seventh grade teacher; Miss Moffutt, English teacher, and Prof. Qlvens. The program was as follows: Song, America.By Society. "Debate.Resolved : That Women aro Mentally Inferior to Men. Affirmative.Ansel Pinson, Frank McKenzie. Charlie Roper. Negative.Mary Sullivan, Eugenia Wright, Eunice Carter. Essay, The Sons of Erin.Frances Shirley. Recitation, The Dli.ner Party. Marie Gaines, r Essay.. Spring.Sllllo Beard. Current Events.Johnnie Donald. Decision of Judges.Favored the Negative. As next Wednesday. March.17th, is St. Patrick's Day there will be appro- priate exercises In chapel by some of the grades.. .On account of illness Miss Agnes Mcdlock was unable to attend school last Thursday. Prof. B. C. Glvens and five of-his assistants, Misses Adams. Thompson, Arnold, Edwards, and Flowers Attend- ed the teachers' meeting in Anderson Saturday. GET RID 'OF LINGERING COLDS, COUGHS AND LA GRIPPE. Spring finds many afflicted with lingering, hacking coughs that weak- en Ute system. Slush and wet cauro more colds than zero weather. Croup, bronchitis, and pneumonia are prevn lent. Every family should have a safo and reliiVolo cough medicine ready for US, Foley's Honey and Tar Compound contains no harmful ingredients, it ensea a cough, checks a. cold and re- lieves it flamed and congested mem- branes, ît clears the air passages and soothes Inflammation. Eva: * Phar- macy. I) O O O O O 0 0 (J o oooo o o o o o » o o FAIK A XII Fi KM) Il A V <i «» S( IIK.IH'LU CI» iXGKIl o n The dull- for Hic schm.I Faid o o at ml Meld Hit) exercises of Hie o <»' schools of Anderson County luis o u been changed from April 2 to <> o April if. The change in the dat.- o o of the uffuir mis brought uboiil o o by Ihe Itet. J. II. Gihhoiicy, rector u o of Lrace rhtircfi, appearing he- « » fore Ihe meeting of Hie Anderson o o Count y Teachers Association Sut- ii o iinluy and reminding I hem HuU o o the diite set for Hie exercises, u o April J. was Goed 1'rhhty. o o o o o o oo o o o o oo o o o o o o oo ooooooooooooooooo o o o MOUNTAIN CREEK o o o ooooooooooooooooo This week has been for examina- tions and near the nose all feel tired hut glad and eager, for all the pupils are watching for next week's report to see who gets rii the honor roll. Last Friday we planned lor un "Old Fiddler's Convention" but it rained the ''Old Fiddlers" away. Not- withstanding the rain, the trustee's and patrons with a great many neigh- bors, came with lunch boxes which we sold for about thirty cents each, then having two cake wnlks. We made a nice little sum of ten dollars. We will use u part of this money preparing for field day. The children are delightd with the idea of getting to attend Hold day, and are trying hard to prepare for it. Hoth teachers and pupils are expecting a nice day. Lnst year we bought a new three hundred dollar piano. Ily having lit- tle parties of different kinds we have almost paid tor It. Once the young people of the com- munity, who have finished school, ar- ranged a good play for us from which we realized farty-flye dollars. Then another thing was to have a pig. One of the patrons gave him to us, a tiny baby, and we found nearly twenty dollars in him when school closed. We fed him almost entirely on the scrapes from the lunch baskets. Sometimes the children would bring him little buckets of milk. I think by the time wo have our convention again, and have a play we are planning, we will have finished paying for the piano. The piano Is so much help in the opening exercises. The honor roll for this month will appear In this paper lafer in the week. We enjoy the Educational Page. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o ° TOWNVILLE SCHOOL o o ooooooooooooooooo' TOWNVILLE. March 11..Prob- ably the mo3t novel entertainment ever given at a schoolhouse in An- derson county was that givten last Monday evening aC the Townvllle school auditorium. The entertain- con8l8tetl largely in Hhowlng the kind of clasa work done by the pupils of the school. The children who took part appeared pleased to be able to play school for "their mamas and papas," and everybody seemed de- lighted with their work. The pro- gram was ubout as follows: First, a spelling mtch between the pupils of the secondhand third grades. Next, a number of declamations by the pupils of'the primary room; laBi. arithmetic work at the blackboard by pupils of the fifV grade. A fea- ture tint captivated {he audience was the recitation of Mother Goose-.rimes by a group of Miss Reliefs primary pupils. The group consisted of Missen Inez Boleman, Eunice ThraBher, '.Marie Adamsl Virginia Giles and Christine O'Neal and Messrs. Dan Kay. George Spears, Tom Hunt, Claude Fant, Henry Hol- cotnbe, W. II. Thrasher. Frank Spears and Nelson King. The teachers of the school feel much pleased with the result of the entertainment in that it proved so successful, and yet its preparation did not dot net from tho regular school work. Tliey plun to have more entertainments of a like nature. Last Saturday a crowd of hoys and girls from Pend le ton came over and met Townvllle students In various athletic contests. Tho contests prov- ed every interesting. Townvllle hav- ing the advtantage of being on home grounds, won moat of the events, but only by narrow margins. The home team won the relay race, and the majority of other events, but lost the girls' flag race and all ' three' places In the polo vault. The follow- ing wero the contestants from Pondlcton: Misses Aille Whltten. Katherine Campbell, Nancy Evans, Maggie Foster and Virginia Evans and Messrs. Dewey Brock, Robert Smith, Arthur Hall, Joy Oarvin. Rus- sell Culbertson, Robert Day, and Roy Garvin. Prof, and Mrs. T. L. Han- na accompanied tho Pendleton stu- dents. Next Saturday Ute Townvllle students are going to Pendleton. On last Monday night the - pre- liminary "declamation contest" for the Anderson contest was held. The judges were the Reverends J. E. Crim. W. T. Hollingsworth, and R. H. Lupo. After due consideration, the Judges decided that the four best speakers were. Miss Mamie Font, Harris Holcombe, Miss I.ea King and Harold Ledbettor. ' KATY THRASHER. Ninth Grode, Proper Treatment For Billonsness. ^For o long time Misa Lula -Skoltou. Churchvlllo. N. T.. was bilious and had sick headache and dltay spells. Chamberlain'» Tablets were the only thing that gove hex permanent relief. Obtainable everywhere. ooooooooooooooooo o o o BELTON HIGH SCHOOL, o o o OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO) The high school literary society rendered the following program on last Friday: Hiblc Reading.Irene Simmons. Prayer Mi^. GoVlsinHh Recitation Luci llaynie. Kxtemporary Speech.Subject, "What I would do if l'were a school teacher." Debate."Is the hope of Heaven a more powerful motive to a virtuous life I ban the fear of Hell? Affirmative.Lisa Mae Austin, William Gamhrcll. Negative.Frances While, Warren Johnson. Recitation. Forol Acker. Reading.Everette Campbell. Original Story.Etta Watkins. Current Events.Emma Acker. Jokes.Mary Strickland. Double Quintette.Charlie Cox. Eugene Johnson, L. I). Harris, Ken- neth Cox, Sloan Pruitt. Vera Mdila- hon, Georgia Fant, Grace Campbell, Bessie Wilson. Annie Harris. The extemporary speech was given to Vivian Cox. a tenth grade girl. On last Tuesday afternoon Cheddar base ball tea incarne down to play a game of ball with us. They came in a wagon and arrive dobout three fif- teen. At three forty-five umpire Har- ris called, "play ball." After nine bard fought innings Helton triumph- ed nine to eigb*. The features of the game was a home run by Harris of Cheddar, and tripples by Johnson and Shaw of Belton. ooooooooooooooooo o - o BELTON GRADED SCHOOL o o o ooooooooooooooooo Last Tuesday we were entertained in the auditorium by the third grade. The following program was render- ed: Song.Beautiful Red Drum.Class. Sketch of Eugene Fields.Tulles Blake. Recitation."The Rock-a-by Lady." .Olive Todd. Recitation.The Sugar Plum Tree. .Malcolm Cox. Recitation.Wynkln and Blynkln and Nod.Abble Sutherland. Recitation.The Duel.Harry Cul- breath. Recitation."The Q'.iest''.Winnie Williamson. Song."The Garden Swing.". Class. ., On next Tuesday we will be en- tertained 'by the fourth grade. The following program will be given: Bible Reading.Fifteenth Psalm.. By two girls and two boys. Song.Spring.By six girls. Reel tut ton-.Grandma's Beau.. Helen Pruitfc, Recitation.A Busy Day.Robert Parker. Recitation. ADream.Annie Vaughn. Recitation.The Blue Jay.Fred Grcer. Recitation.Mother's Almanac. Conway Williamson. Mrs. Johnson of Anderson College visited our school Thursday after- noon in behalf of the college asso- ciation. ooooooooooooooooo ö_ e o LEBANON HiuH SCHOOL o o o 00000000 0,00000 O'O o Last week two pupils of the tenth grnde were ' unporposely omitted from the honor roll. They were Mal- colm Ducwortu and Edith Hutchin- son, each having an average of 96. The literary^ ; society rendered a public program Friday night. A large crowd was present and everyone seemed to enjoy the program. The program rendered was: Song.By society."Flow Gently Sweet Afton.". ' Recitation.Ruth Owens. Music.Nancy Breazeale. Essay.Madeline Smith. Quartette.By boys ."Pollywolly Doodle." Instrumental Solo.Louise Martin. Jokes.Pcarle Webb. Recitation.Louise Martin. Debate.Resolved, That South Carolina should have compulsory education. Affirmative.Max Welborn, Clara Wei horn and Mil woe Wilson. Negative.Lois Richardeon, Alva Clark and Mildred Smith, ii^ Reading.Flprldc Welborn. The first recitation was funny and the second was on the trials of the 19th century teacher. The essay was on 'tDr. Samuel Lander." The quartette was rather comical, and the jokes were funny. The debate- was good and there were strong points on both sides. The rebuttal was good, but-both sides got so en- thusiastic it liked to have been car- ried too far. The Judges, Mr. Cint Watkins. Mr. F. Y. Wakefield and Miss Elizabeth Breazeale, were asked to decide not only which side beat, but tho best three debators. They decided In favor of "the affirmative and the best three debators as Max Welborn, Milweo Wilson and Mildred Smith. As t said a large crowd wa3 pres- ent which was around two hundred. Many were visitors from other~eom- münltles. The Improvement association will hold; a .meeting Saturday evening. The women will- serve supper,. All the honorary members are asked to be present. The subject to be dis- cussed will bet,?*Good roads In our own-community." Miss Maggie Gar- ungton, will be: present at this meet- ing. ooooooooooooobooo o o o LANDER COLLEGE. o o o ooooooooooooooooo During the week Just past the routine of school work was delight- fully broken Into Friday evening, when Dr. W. S Curroll of South Carolina I'niverwltj ga\!o an address in the college chapel. Ills theme, 'Hooks. Hlessing and a B/ne. prov- ed in his skillful handling to be brim- ful oT charm fto his entire audience. Before the address. Field's little poem. Wvnkon. Slykon and Nod was exquisitely sung by the Lyric Club of the college. Following this, two choice instrumental selections were given by Miss Isidor witli her violin and Miss Janet Bailey at the piano to the delight of the appreciative au- dience. The members of the college house- hold are enjoying a short visit from Mrs. W. T. Lander of Williumston. The commencement exercises will be on May 22-24. a? fojlows: 1. Art exhibit. .1-7 p. m.. May 22nd. 2. Baccalaureate sermon by Itev. J. II. Harms, president of Newberry College. 11 u. in.. May 23rd. 3. Address on "A Woman's words to voung women of today".By Mrs. W. L. Welt. Darlington, S. C, 8 p. m.. May 2?.rd. *4. Graduating exercises, 10 a. m.. May 24th. .">. Commencement address by Col. F. N. K. Bailey of Bailey Military Institute. S p. m.. May 24th. ooooooooooooooooo o PENDLETON SCHOOL o o o ooooooooooooooooo On Monday evening, March 8th, at 8 o'clock, the school improvement association held their monthly social meeting. They are to be held the first Friday night in each month, but owing to the Inclement weather on that night, the meeting was held on the following Monday night. When the appointed hour for the soctul meeting arrived, two hundred were gathered at the Pendleton school building to enjoy the evening. The night was clear, the air crisp and everyone came with one intent to enjoy themselves and carry out the social idea. The committee on the program for the amusements of the evening had the situation well in hand and without delay, games were begun in earnest. Both patrons,) teachers and children entered into every game with true zest and the school houje rung with laughter and merriment. The games played were Mirlous ones, the mouse and cat, three-legged race, sack race, and drop the handkerchief. They were filled with amusement and hugely enjoyed. Music interspersed the games of the evening and was vfry much enjoyed also. ' refreshments of delicious sand- wiches and tea was served, free to each person present by a committee of high L-chools. Each one went home feeling younger and benefitted for "having come to this Boclal meeting of the Pendleton school improvement association. We have heard many expressions of anvroval regarding these <nonthly| social meetings, and are looking for- ward to the one to be held in April We congratuste our worthy and gen- ial preaident, Miss Sallie Trescot, in her merited success In this, her ini- tiatory socio 1 gathering of Pendleton patrons, and those interested in the development, of the future welfare of this school. Mr. Hnna took the boys and girls who are '.aking part in the athletics o\ter to Townvllle school Saturday, to pracetice with, the pupils of thàt school. We w»re welcomed by the teachers, who cairled us In to re3t and get warm. The flrvt thing on the program was the hundred yard dash, the Townvllle boys wero the successful ones In this contest; following this wore the high and broad jump. We were then invited to the diff- erent homes for dinner and we en- joyed this very much'. ; lmmediatey after dinner the Pendleton girls won in a flag race; next came the relay and Vaulting, the Townvllle boys winning in the form- er and Pendleton* in the latter. After wishing the Townvllle school much success on "Field ;Day", we had a nice ride home fn a wagon. We appreciated very much the treatment accorded U3 by the pupils, teachers, and citizens, especially as there were no personal remarks made.' ; ooooooooooooooooo b ft> "*. o o BISHOP'S BRANCH o o o o o ooooooooo o o oo o o -V 'V .." V* »' .The advanced department of our school is preparing how for an en- tertainment to be given about the 1st of April. The exact date will be an- nounced later. The pupils of the primary grades nave organized e, lltei*ry society, r'acd are having some interesting meetings. .. Our . ball team had an interesting game at McElmoyle- with the Mc- Elmoylo team last Friday. This was our first match-game, and even though We wero slightly defeated in point scores, our boys did some fine playing. Thay, at ieait, made It In- teresting for Uin McElmoyjle. team. Kulte a number from pur corumounlty weh» .to witness the gamp. We ap- preciate ;thelr Interest.-, Mr. i,. Newton kindly prepared a square for flowers on the school THIS IS YOUR CHANCE Dollar-Day Specials AT Thürs. March 18 Cut out the List and Bring With You 1 Polishing Cloth 1 (Just Cloth ... 1 Dust)ess Mop . I Mop Handle . 1 Feather Duster 1 Scrul) IJrush .. 1 Cake I.onumi . For. ] Cake Cooler 1 Cake Turner 1 Spatula ... . 1 Mixing Howl 1 Cake Knife 1 Cake Plate.. 1 Slotted -Mix- ing Spoon... For. $ 1 1 l-lh Hound Butter Print. 1 «^-lb Butter Print. l Mutter Paddle. _ 1 Butter Bowl, guaranteed not to hOT crack. " * * * 1 Package White Butter Papers - 1 Win. Hogers Butter Knife . 1 China Butter Dish. 1 f»-lb Butter Crocl 1 25c Tooth Brush. 1 25c Package Tooth Paste 1 Box Tooth Picks .... 1 Can Talcum Powder ... J Bottle Hand Lotion .. 1 Bottle Peroxide. 1 Bottle Clean Oil ... î Box Paper Towels . 1 Ink Tablet .. 1 Bottle Ink ... . 1 Faber Lead Pencil .. 1 Lo:. Writing Paper . $ For $ 2 6-lb Smoothing Irons ... 1 Zinc Wash. Board. 50 Cloths Pins. 1 Cake Washing Compound 1 Clothes Pin Bag. 1 Bundle Clothes Line ... 1 Heavy Galvanized Pail 1 GOc Broom. I 50c Cotton Mop ... 1 50c Scouring Brush 1 Hearth Broom For For 1 6 Wm. Rogers Tea Spoons, 75c Set. 1 China Spoon Tray. 50c. For $1 2 lbs, 60 feet, best Cotton Rope 2 Good Curry Combs. 1 Good Horse Brush. 1 Good Main ana Tall Brush For $ 1 Don't fail to bring list. None delivered. None charged. None sent out on approval. No phone orders. Your uncle, JOHNNY, Under Masonic Temple. On the Square, THIS BOY TRAINED IN PERRY BUSI- NESS COLLEGE MEAT BARGAIN SALES For heaven's sake, child. STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! There is reason in all things. Think for s'a minute; that terrible foot and mouth disease. Buy the home raised meats and no other at any price. Buy from - LILY WHITE MARKET Phones 694 and 695 On Whttner St near new opera house ground. Wo spent part or Monday putting out the flowers. Â number of nice plants were sent in by mem- bers of the association. Saturday has been set as "clean up day." We Hope to haw a number of willing- workers present. Mr. and Mra. E. Lee Owen, and Josle, spent Saturday in Liberty as guests of Mr. Warren Hammond. We wish to commend Messrs. Wil- lis Newton, A. L. Whltten, L. New- ton, Clifton Owen, and Truman Wil- son for the excellent.condition of the road to Pen die ton. These gentlemen have, a new well made drag, with which they drag the road. Such roads as we have now make riding a real pleasure: Misses Declo Newton, and Lucy Haddod attended the teachers meet- ing in Anderson Saturday. Mrs. Hoggs from Greenville is visiting Mrs. Leard Newton. Only a tew years ago, a gentle- man brought his son to us and told us to take charge of htm and teach r*:m, if we could/ TI\e father stated that his son te earning $10.00 per month on'his farm. The boy applied himself and within a few short months he had mastered Bookkeping, Penman- ship, Stenography, and Typewrit- < ing. This same farmer fjoy soon, obtained a position in the city, schools in an adjoining State, worked in thatplace for a short;} time, was afterwards promoted to the bond department of a biî bank Jn the. same city, and a little later married the bankers daugh- ter. He is today filing that posi- tion at a salary of $2,500.00 per y err. Look, if you please^; Äpw'^ rapidly the farmer boy made a rise! You can do the same tiling. v WHY DON'T YOU TRY? BE- GIN TCDAY. WRITE FOR CATOLOGUE AND terms, to Perry Business College Greenville. S. C. £idaLa/tcrnoo.n the «ocre being 12 to 18 in favor of Big Spring We had 1 ItSSSt^S S*"0" Â aml'all oooooooooo^oooooo'Ä * ,nB the Vvory ° oL Mls? Lucy Drakes, who nttonda . snow school .Igg an a speedy recovery v »tLhLfftrm»t'8tor ma section; are glad to see the bright sunshine again, progressive condition under the man- agement of Messrs. Earl Keaton and Curtis Simmons. We spent a few bxnvrs Thursday af nrwl Ka a-i ° oumpju vs^*«**^

Anderson intelligencer.(Anderson, S.C.) 1915-03-16 [PAGE TWO]. · EDUCATIÖNÄTPAGE\=^^===:-,-...-::-._ "..^-.^^nü^^»»^m»..M____ m.b.b.mTo Everybody Once in Lifetime ocooooocoooooooo

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Page 1: Anderson intelligencer.(Anderson, S.C.) 1915-03-16 [PAGE TWO]. · EDUCATIÖNÄTPAGE\=^^===:-,-...-::-._ "..^-.^^nü^^»»^m»..M____ m.b.b.mTo Everybody Once in Lifetime ocooooocoooooooo

-,-...- : :-._ "..^-.^ ^nü^^»»^m»..M____ m.b.b.m


To Everybody Once in Lifetimeocooooocoooooooooo CLEVELAND SCHOOLo

ooooooooooooooooEverything Is moving along nicely

at Cleveland. The .school .groundslook very much improved since it busbeen cleaned off. and several nicetrees set out. It wus so encouragingto «ce the children take so much in-terest in cleaning oif. the ground. Itshows that they are interested, inschool.On account of rain lust Friday our

entertainment was postponed untilMonday night. Wo had a large crowdand everybody* seemed ivi enjoy them-selves. A nice'sum of money wasraised, $18.70, wiiicl; will be used inbeautifying the school building.The following program was suc-

cessfully rendered:Song, Caroliua.Welcome.Examination Day.A Boy's Complaint.Enjoying the TelephoneMusic.Entertaining Sister's cliau.Mount Vernor'a Tribute.A,Morning Call.The Hay Seed Drill.Seen*'« in a Backwoods School.The Little Stitcher.

. Music.Jupiter Jobjisum'b Affair.Song, Polly Wolly Doodle.Following in the honor roll for the

past month:First grade.Luther Morrison, Ruth

Campbell.Second grade.Lizzie Bratcher.

Furman Lusk, Ernest Vaughn andAgnes Austin.

Third grade.R. L. Vaughn. WalterUambrell, Herbert Lollm and FurmanSmith.Fourth grade.Claude Campbell.Fifth grade.Lucille Austin, Clyde

Campbell and Willie Davis.Seventh grade.Frank Cox.Eighth grade.Carrie AuBtin.


6 FRIENDSHIP SCHOOL o.' <*&kmm**

00 ©ooooooooooooo1 Wo are glad to see the beautifulpunohlcis again, and that spring Ismost here.a season that makes allschool glrla and boys happy.Wo. aiways look forward' to Tues-

day whoh we can read the EducationalPaiVYou ousht to see our boys play ball

these days.The-Friendship Improvement Asso-

ciation held its regular meetingï.îarch 3nL The president being nb-sont Miss Bortye Moore presided. Theassociation decided to give a bazaarca .the afternoon of April 1st. at 4e'sloek.'' 'The" publld la cordially in-vited.Both pupils and teachers are very,

proud of bur new steel-roller mapswhich csess - few days ago. Thereare a in all.Our teachers, Misses Jennie Erwin

and Bertye Mooro attended the teach-ers' meeting in Anderson Saturday.

Several o' our pupils attended theentertainment given at Cleveland bythe school pupils last Monday nightand all report a pleasant time.Our average attendance for last

month surpasses any month for thepast 3 years.We are. looking forward to Field

Day exercises on the 9th and eome ofout pupils hope to enter contests.The Friendship Lltorary Society

held its regular meeting March 3rd:The following program was rendered:Respond to roll call with quotations.Original Story.Clarence Lindsay.Essay, I'On U. S. Flag".Maxle

Co thron.v- Current Events.Dewey Harper

Reading, "Good-Night".Mary Bur-ton.

Declamation, " 'Tis Splendid to LiveSo Grandly".Claude Cot h ran.

Story, "Maid of the Foot Hills".Ada Harpf-r.

Original Story.Willie Bell.JOkes.Roy Cooper. »

Toe following.officers were elected:President, Sadie Holiday; Vice pres-ident, Maude Cox; secretary, AlfredCööper; Critic, Maxle Cothran.The following Is the hr/tor roll for

our. 4tb month:Fltst grade.Eunice Lindsay, Ethel

Bagwell, Robbie Motes. Hattle Young,Bortho Motes. Marvin Bagwell.

.Third, grade.Ora Lindsay, DeweyCox,-"

Fourth' grade.Ralph Cox..Fifth-grade.Henry LindBay, CIpt-

etice Llüflsny,..Partial eighth grate.Maude Cox,

Roy.Cooper.Eighth grnd?.Grace Cox, John T.

Townea, Leonard Cox.A PUPIL.

OiO,0 O O O O O O OOOOOOOO;O '.': . S

'' Olö; \ THE CITADEL o

àj;:'^ ooo o o o o oooooo ~>ooo

Tito failure of the railroads to givereasonably cheap rates for transport-ing the cadet corps to Jacksonville InApril makes the proposed encamp-gnent at that placé seem rather doubt-ful. This' info).nation was given ouwith roluctanceAby the Citadel authOr-vities as all of the cadets have beenlooking forward to the trip for sont?time und tho announcement ho s caus-ei'-distinct disappointment among.tltto^-Aa'.yet, nothing de«ntate hastefcri announced as to where the newfjmfalte will be but It Is more thanllkil.v, that a placo near, the rifle rangeat Mount Pleasant will;be selected.The members of the Senior Phyalcs

éloctîya stood the civil service ex-amination at the postoffice here lastweek. ; The position to which they

desire to become eligible is aid in thetill reu ti of Standard».A special meeting of the Cadet V.

M. c. A. was held jn tin- chapel lamSunday night. A musical programwas rendered by several ladies of thecity and the cadet quartette. "The.Marks of a Man" was »he subject ofthe forceüM and Interesting addressgiven b> Mr. VV. It. I.-ink. supervisor»f muiiicipul playground in Charles-ton. Many of the under-cIausAientook advantages of ihe special leaveby escorting their feminine friends tothe occasion.A lire which was gaining consider-

able headway was discovered in theweed shop Just over the engine room

Sunday morning about s lr». Fire callwas sounded by the bugler and thecompanies were formed on the quad-rangle where orders were given forthe room orderlies to "fall out" andget. buckets. The caduls, however,faihd to make much progress its theshop was so full of smoke that it was

Impossible ro enter it. A still alarmwas sent Ihe oily department who Ina short while succeeded in extermin-ating the blaze. This Is the first lirethat has visited the Citadel in a longtime und but for Its timely discoverymight have proven serious. Consid-erable excitement existed for a whilebut there was no disOrder whatso-ever.

oooooooooooooooooo o


0 o


The past week has been n good be-ginning on the lust term of school. Itwas also very marked by being one

continuous week of line tveather inwhich we could all feel line and dogood work.The appeal of Cue bowling alley Is

still strong but the sunshine \cullssome to baseball and the plans ofothers tend toward getting the ten-nis court In shape and' playing tenrnia.The problem Is, will the boys with

these 'attractions utill stick to theirstudies?1 They must not fail to rememberthat their studies are of prime im-portance and should have hrst place.All the sports are good if lessons arenot neglected.None of the boys have challenged

Prof. Harden to bowl as yet, althoughthere have been offers of two prizesbqered to the boy who succeed In nptbowling the members 'of the faculty.

Possibly the boys are practicing upand yet intend to try their teachersskill on the alley.There is also a prize of $2.00 offer-

ed to the student of the fitting schoolwho wilt win a match of tennis fromProf Parks. Prof. Purks to give ahandicap of 15.

Besides this a prize of $2.00 is offer-ed to the best tennis temn in schooland $1.00 for the winner of a tourna-ment. All entrants to be members olthe fitting school.There must be at least four teams

enter in doubles and eight, players Inthe singles any number, however, mayenter.For further Information those who

may desire to enter may call vn Prof.Parks.

It remains to be seen who Is thebest bowler and best tennis player inAhe Frazer Fitting School.

ooooooooooooooo oo HONEÂ FÂTH SCHOOL o

o oooooooooooooooooo

At the last meeting of the HoneaPath High School Society all thegrades from the third through theseventh were invited to hear the pro-gram, the debate being the main fea-ture. A great .amount of enthusiasmwas shown by the society in general,as the members were allowed theprivilege of argumentation as well asthe debaters. The Judges were MissThompson, seventh grade teacher;Miss Moffutt, English teacher, andProf. Qlvens. The program was asfollows:

Song, America.By Society."Debate.Resolved : That Women

aro Mentally Inferior to Men.Affirmative.Ansel Pinson, Frank

McKenzie. Charlie Roper.Negative.Mary Sullivan, Eugenia

Wright, Eunice Carter.Essay, The Sons of Erin.Frances

Shirley.Recitation, The Dli.ner Party.

Marie Gaines,r Essay.. Spring.Sllllo Beard.Current Events.Johnnie Donald.Decision of Judges.Favored the

Negative.As next Wednesday. March.17th, is

St. Patrick's Day there will be appro-priate exercises In chapel by some ofthe grades...On account of illness Miss Agnes

Mcdlock was unable to attend schoollast Thursday.

Prof. B. C. Glvens and five of-hisassistants, Misses Adams. Thompson,Arnold, Edwards, and Flowers Attend-ed the teachers' meeting in AndersonSaturday.GET RID 'OF LINGERING COLDS,


Spring finds many afflicted withlingering, hacking coughs that weak-en Ute system. Slush and wet cauromore colds than zero weather. Croup,bronchitis, and pneumonia are prevnlent. Every family should have a safoand reliiVolo cough medicine ready forUS, Foley's Honey and Tar Compoundcontains no harmful ingredients, itensea a cough, checks a. cold and re-lieves it flamed and congested mem-branes, ît clears the air passages andsoothes Inflammation. Eva: * Phar-macy.

I) O O O O O 0 0 (J o o o o o o o o o o» oo FAIK A XII Fi KM) Il A V <i

«» S( IIK.IH'LU CI» iXGKIl on The dull- for Hic schm.I Faid oo at ml Meld Hit) exercises of Hie o<»' schools of Anderson County luis ou been changed from April 2 to <>

o April if. The change in the dat.- oo of the uffuir mis brought uboiil oo by Ihe Itet. J. II. Gihhoiicy, rector uo of Lrace rhtircfi, appearing he- «» fore Ihe meeting of Hie Anderson oo County Teachers Association Sut- iio iinluy and reminding I hem HuU oo the diite set for Hie exercises, uo April J. was Goed 1'rhhty. oo oo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

oooooooooooooooooo oo MOUNTAIN CREEK oo o

oooooooooooooooooThis week has been for examina-

tions and near the nose all feel tiredhut glad and eager, for all the pupilsare watching for next week's reportto see who gets rii the honor roll.

Last Friday we planned lor un"Old Fiddler's Convention" but itrained the ''Old Fiddlers" away. Not-withstanding the rain, the trustee'sand patrons with a great many neigh-bors, came with lunch boxes whichwe sold for about thirty cents each,then having two cake wnlks. We madea nice little sum of ten dollars.We will use u part of this money

preparing for field day. The childrenare delightd with the idea of gettingto attend Hold day, and are tryinghard to prepare for it. Hoth teachersand pupils are expecting a nice day.

Lnst year we bought a new threehundred dollar piano. Ily having lit-tle parties of different kinds we havealmost paid tor It.Once the young people of the com-

munity, who have finished school, ar-ranged a good play for us from whichwe realized farty-flye dollars.Then another thing was to have a

pig. One of the patrons gave him tous, a tiny baby, and we found nearlytwenty dollars in him when schoolclosed.We fed him almost entirely on the

scrapes from the lunch baskets.Sometimes the children would bringhim little buckets of milk.

I think by the time wo have ourconvention again, and have a play we

are planning, we will have finishedpaying for the piano.The piano Is so much help in the

opening exercises.The honor roll for this month will

appear In this paper lafer in the week.We enjoy the Educational Page.




ooooooooooooooooo'TOWNVILLE. March 11..Prob-

ably the mo3t novel entertainmentever given at a schoolhouse in An-derson county was that givten lastMonday evening aC the Townvllleschool auditorium. The entertain-con8l8tetl largely in Hhowlng the kindof clasa work done by the pupils ofthe school. The children who tookpart appeared pleased to be able toplay school for "their mamas andpapas," and everybody seemed de-lighted with their work. The pro-gram was ubout as follows:

First, a spelling mtch between thepupils of the secondhand third grades.Next, a number of declamations bythe pupils of'the primary room; laBi.arithmetic work at the blackboardby pupils of the fifV grade. A fea-ture tint captivated {he audience was

the recitation of Mother Goose-.rimesby a group of Miss Reliefs primarypupils. The group consisted ofMissen Inez Boleman, EuniceThraBher, '.Marie Adamsl VirginiaGiles and Christine O'Neal andMessrs. Dan Kay. George Spears,Tom Hunt, Claude Fant, Henry Hol-cotnbe, W. II. Thrasher. FrankSpears and Nelson King.The teachers of the school feel

much pleased with the result of theentertainment in that it proved sosuccessful, and yet its preparationdid not dot net from tho regularschool work. Tliey plun to have moreentertainments of a like nature.

Last Saturday a crowd of hoys andgirls from Pend le ton came over andmet Townvllle students In variousathletic contests. Tho contests prov-ed every interesting. Townvllle hav-ing the advtantage of being on homegrounds, won moat of the events,but only by narrow margins. Thehome team won the relay race, andthe majority of other events, but lostthe girls' flag race and all ' three'places In the polo vault. The follow-ing wero the contestants fromPondlcton: Misses Aille Whltten.Katherine Campbell, Nancy Evans,Maggie Foster and Virginia Evansand Messrs. Dewey Brock, RobertSmith, Arthur Hall, Joy Oarvin. Rus-sell Culbertson, Robert Day, and RoyGarvin. Prof, and Mrs. T. L. Han-na accompanied tho Pendleton stu-dents. Next Saturday Ute Townvlllestudents are going to Pendleton.On last Monday night the - pre-liminary "declamation contest" forthe Anderson contest was held. Thejudges were the Reverends J. E.Crim. W. T. Hollingsworth, and R.H. Lupo. After due consideration,the Judges decided that the four bestspeakers were. Miss Mamie Font,Harris Holcombe, Miss I.ea King andHarold Ledbettor. '


Proper Treatment For Billonsness.^For o long time Misa Lula -Skoltou.Churchvlllo. N. T.. was bilious andhad sick headache and dltay spells.Chamberlain'» Tablets were the onlything that gove hex permanent relief.Obtainable everywhere.

oooooooooooooooooo oo BELTON HIGH SCHOOL, oo o

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO)The high school literary society

rendered the following program on

last Friday:Hiblc Reading.Irene Simmons.Prayer Mi^. GoVlsinHhRecitation Luci 1« llaynie.Kxtemporary Speech.Subject,

"What I would do if l'were a schoolteacher."Debate."Is the hope of Heaven a

more powerful motive to a virtuouslife I ban the fear of Hell?Affirmative.Lisa Mae Austin,

William Gamhrcll.Negative.Frances While, Warren

Johnson.Recitation. Forol Acker.Reading.Everette Campbell.Original Story.Etta Watkins.Current Events.Emma Acker.Jokes.Mary Strickland.Double Quintette.Charlie Cox.

Eugene Johnson, L. I). Harris, Ken-neth Cox, Sloan Pruitt. Vera Mdila-hon, Georgia Fant, Grace Campbell,Bessie Wilson. Annie Harris.The extemporary speech was given

to Vivian Cox. a tenth grade girl.On last Tuesday afternoon Cheddar

base ball tea incarne down to play a

game of ball with us. They came ina wagon and arrive dobout three fif-teen. At three forty-five umpire Har-ris called, "play ball." After ninebard fought innings Helton triumph-ed nine to eigb*. The features of thegame was a home run by Harris ofCheddar, and tripples by Johnson andShaw of Belton.




o o

oooooooooooooooooLast Tuesday we were entertained

in the auditorium by the third grade.The following program was render-ed:Song.Beautiful Red Drum.Class.Sketch of Eugene Fields.Tulles

Blake.Recitation."The Rock-a-by Lady."

.Olive Todd.Recitation.The Sugar Plum Tree.

.Malcolm Cox.Recitation.Wynkln and Blynkln

and Nod.Abble Sutherland.Recitation.The Duel.Harry Cul-

breath.Recitation."The Q'.iest''.Winnie

Williamson.Song."The Garden Swing.".

Class. .,On next Tuesday we will be en-

tertained 'by the fourth grade. Thefollowing program will be given:

Bible Reading.Fifteenth Psalm..By two girls and two boys.Song.Spring.By six girls.Reel tutton-.Grandma's Beau..

Helen Pruitfc,Recitation.A Busy Day.Robert

Parker.Recitation. ADream.Annie

Vaughn.Recitation.The Blue Jay.Fred

Grcer.Recitation.Mother's Almanac.

Conway Williamson.Mrs. Johnson of Anderson College

visited our school Thursday after-noon in behalf of the college asso-ciation.


ö_ eo LEBANON HiuH SCHOOL oo o00000000 0,00000 O'O o

Last week two pupils of the tenthgrnde were

' unporposely omittedfrom the honor roll. They were Mal-colm Ducwortu and Edith Hutchin-son, each having an average of 96.The literary^ ; society rendered a

public program Friday night. A largecrowd was present and everyoneseemed to enjoy the program. Theprogram rendered was:Song.By society."Flow Gently

Sweet Afton.".' Recitation.Ruth Owens.Music.Nancy Breazeale.Essay.Madeline Smith.Quartette.By boys ."Pollywolly

Doodle."Instrumental Solo.Louise Martin.Jokes.Pcarle Webb.Recitation.Louise Martin.Debate.Resolved, That South

Carolina should have compulsoryeducation.Affirmative.Max Welborn, Clara

Wei horn and Milwoe Wilson.Negative.Lois Richardeon, Alva

Clark and Mildred Smith, ii^Reading.Flprldc Welborn.The first recitation was funny and

the second was on the trials of the19th century teacher. The essay wason 'tDr. Samuel Lander." Thequartette was rather comical, andthe jokes were funny. The debate-was good and there were strongpoints on both sides. The rebuttalwas good, but-both sides got so en-thusiastic it liked to have been car-ried too far. The Judges, Mr. CintWatkins. Mr. F. Y. Wakefield andMiss Elizabeth Breazeale, were askedto decide not only which side beat,but tho best three debators. Theydecided In favor of "the affirmativeand the best three debators as MaxWelborn, Milweo Wilson and MildredSmith.As t said a large crowd wa3 pres-

ent which was around two hundred.Many were visitors from other~eom-münltles.The Improvement association willhold; a .meeting Saturday evening.The women will- serve supper,. Allthe honorary members are asked tobe present. The subject to be dis-cussed will bet,?*Good roads In ourown-community." Miss Maggie Gar-

ungton, will be: present at this meet-ing.

oooooooooooooboooo oo LANDER COLLEGE. oo oooooooooooooooooo

During the week Just past theroutine of school work was delight-fully broken Into Friday evening,when Dr. W. S Curroll of SouthCarolina I'niverwltj ga\!o an addressin the college chapel. Ills theme,'Hooks. Hlessing and a B/ne. prov-ed in his skillful handling to be brim-ful oT charm fto his entire audience.

Before the address. Field's littlepoem. Wvnkon. Slykon and Nod wasexquisitely sung by the Lyric Clubof the college. Following this, twochoice instrumental selections weregiven by Miss Isidor witli her violinand Miss Janet Bailey at the pianoto the delight of the appreciative au-dience.The members of the college house-

hold are enjoying a short visit fromMrs. W. T. Lander of Williumston.The commencement exercises will

be on May 22-24. a? fojlows:1. Art exhibit. .1-7 p. m.. May

22nd.2. Baccalaureate sermon by Itev.

J. II. Harms, president of NewberryCollege. 11 u. in.. May 23rd.

3. Address on "A Woman's wordsto voung women of today".By Mrs.W. L. Welt. Darlington, S. C, 8 p.m.. May 2?.rd.*4. Graduating exercises, 10 a. m..May 24th.

.">. Commencement address by Col.F. N. K. Bailey of Bailey MilitaryInstitute. S p. m.. May 24th.


o PENDLETON SCHOOL oo oooooooooooooooooo

On Monday evening, March 8th,at 8 o'clock, the school improvementassociation held their monthly socialmeeting. They are to be held thefirst Friday night in each month, butowing to the Inclement weather onthat night, the meeting was held onthe following Monday night. Whenthe appointed hour for the soctulmeeting arrived, two hundred weregathered at the Pendleton schoolbuilding to enjoy the evening. Thenight was clear, the air crisp andeveryone came with one intent toenjoy themselves and carry out thesocial idea. The committee on theprogram for the amusements of theevening had the situation well inhand and without delay, games werebegun in earnest. Both patrons,)teachers and children entered intoevery game with true zest and theschool houje rung with laughter andmerriment. The games played wereMirlous ones, the mouse and cat,three-legged race, sack race, anddrop the handkerchief. They werefilled with amusement and hugelyenjoyed. Music interspersedthe games of the evening and wasvfry much enjoyed also.

' refreshments of delicious sand-wiches and tea was served, free toeach person present by a committeeof high L-chools. Each one went homefeeling younger and benefitted for"having come to this Boclal meetingof the Pendleton school improvementassociation.We have heard many expressions

of anvroval regarding these <nonthly|social meetings, and are looking for-ward to the one to be held in AprilWe congratuste our worthy and gen-ial preaident, Miss Sallie Trescot, inher merited success In this, her ini-tiatory socio 1 gathering of Pendletonpatrons, and those interested in thedevelopment, of the future welfare ofthis school.Mr. Hnna took the boys and girlswho are '.aking part in the athletics

o\ter to Townvllle school Saturday,to pracetice with, the pupils of thàtschool.We w»re welcomed by the teachers,

who cairled us In to re3t and getwarm.The flrvt thing on the program

was the hundred yard dash, theTownvllle boys wero the successfulones In this contest; following thiswore the high and broad jump.We were then invited to the diff-erent homes for dinner and we en-joyed this very much'. ;

lmmediatey after dinner thePendleton girls won in a flag race;next came the relay and Vaulting, theTownvllle boys winning in the form-er and Pendleton* in the latter.After wishing the Townvllle school

much success on "Field ;Day", wehad a nice ride home fn a wagon. Weappreciated very much the treatmentaccorded U3 by the pupils, teachers,and citizens, especially as there wereno personal remarks made.' ;

ooooooooooooooooob ft> "*.oo BISHOP'S BRANCH oo oo o ooooooooo o o oo o o

-V 'V .." V* »'

.The advanced department of ourschool is preparing how for an en-tertainment to be given about the 1stof April. The exact date will be an-nounced later.The pupils of the primary grades

nave organized e, lltei*ry society,r'acd are having some interestingmeetings. ..

Our . ball team had an interestinggame at McElmoyle- with the Mc-Elmoylo team last Friday. This wasour first match-game, and eventhough We wero slightly defeated inpoint scores, our boys did some fineplaying. Thay, at ieait, made It In-teresting for Uin McElmoyjle. team.Kulte a number from pur corumounltyweh» .to witness the gamp. We ap-preciate ;thelr Interest.-,Mr. i,. Newton kindly prepared a

square for flowers on the school


Dollar-Day SpecialsAT

Thürs. March 18Cut out the List and Bring With You

1 Polishing Cloth1 (Just Cloth ...

1 Dust)ess Mop .

I Mop Handle .

1 Feather Duster1 Scrul) IJrush ..

1 Cake I.onumi .


] Cake Cooler1 Cake Turner1 Spatula ... .

1 Mixing Howl1 Cake Knife1 Cake Plate..1 Slotted -Mix-

ing Spoon...

For.$11 l-lh Hound Butter Print.1 «^-lb Butter Print.l Mutter Paddle. _

1 Butter Bowl, guaranteed not to hOTcrack. " * * *

1 Package White Butter Papers -1 Win. Hogers Butter Knife .1 China Butter Dish.1 f»-lb Butter Crocl

1 25c Tooth Brush.1 25c Package Tooth Paste1 Box Tooth Picks ....

1 Can Talcum Powder ...

J Bottle Hand Lotion ..

1 Bottle Peroxide.1 Bottle Clean Oil ...

î Box Paper Towels .

1 Ink Tablet ..

1 Bottle Ink ... .

1 Faber Lead Pencil ..

1 Lo:. Writing Paper .



2 6-lb Smoothing Irons ...

1 Zinc Wash. Board.50 Cloths Pins.1 Cake Washing Compound1 Clothes Pin Bag.1 Bundle Clothes Line ...

1 Heavy Galvanized Pail

1 GOc Broom.I 50c Cotton Mop ...

1 50c Scouring Brush1 Hearth Broom


For 16 Wm. Rogers Tea Spoons, 75c Set.

1 China Spoon Tray. 50c. For $12 lbs, 60 feet, best Cotton Rope2 Good Curry Combs.1 Good Horse Brush.1 Good Main ana Tall Brush

For $1Don't fail to bring list. None delivered. None charged. None

sent out on approval. No phone orders.Your uncle,

JOHNNY,Under Masonic Temple. On the Square,


MEAT BARGAIN SALESFor heaven's sake, child.

STOP! LOOK! LISTEN!There is reason in all things. Thinkfor s'a minute; that terrible foot andmouth disease. Buy the home raisedmeats and no other at any price. Buyfrom -

LILY WHITE MARKETPhones 694 and 695

On Whttner St near new opera house

ground. Wo spent part or Mondayputting out the flowers. Â numberof nice plants were sent in by mem-bers of the association.Saturday has been set as "clean

up day." We Hope to haw a numberof willing- workers present.Mr. and Mra. E. Lee Owen, and

Josle, spent Saturday in Liberty asguests of Mr. Warren Hammond.We wish to commend Messrs. Wil-lis Newton, A. L. Whltten, L. New-ton, Clifton Owen, and Truman Wil-

son for the excellent.condition of theroad to Pendieton. These gentlemenhave, a new well made drag, withwhich they drag the road. Suchroads as we have now make ridinga real pleasure:Misses Declo Newton, and LucyHaddod attended the teachers meet-ing in Anderson Saturday.Mrs. Hoggs from Greenville isvisiting Mrs. Leard Newton.

Only a tew years ago, a gentle-man brought his son to us andtold us to take charge of htm andteach r*:m, if we could/ TI\efather stated that his son teearning $10.00 per month on'hisfarm.The boy applied himself and

within a few short months he hadmastered Bookkeping, Penman-ship, Stenography, and Typewrit- <

ing.This same farmer fjoy soon,

obtained a position in the city,schools in an adjoining State,worked in thatplace for a short;}time, was afterwards promotedto the bond department of a biîbank Jn the. same city, and a littlelater married the bankers daugh-ter. He is today filing that posi-tion at a salary of $2,500.00 peryerr. Look, if you please^; Äpw'^rapidly the farmer boy made arise! You can do the same tiling. vWHY DON'T YOU TRY? BE-GIN TCDAY. WRITE FORCATOLOGUE AND terms, toPerry Business CollegeGreenville. S. C.

£idaLa/tcrnoo.n the «ocre being 12to 18 in favor of Big Spring We had1 ItSSSt^S S*"0"Â aml'alloooooooooo^oooooo'Ä * ,nB the Vvory°oL Mls? Lucy Drakes, who nttonda. snow school .Iggan a speedy recovery v

»tLhLfftrm»t'8tor ma section; areglad to see the bright sunshine again,

progressive condition under the man-agement of Messrs. Earl Keaton andCurtis Simmons.We spent a few bxnvrs Thursday af nrwl Ka a-i ° oumpjuvs^*«**^