Diseño, desarrollo y prototipo de un producto para la estimulación multisensorial de personas con discapacidad físico-psíquica Ariana Seigner-Marta Rius ANEXO 3: NORMATIVA FIJACIONES

ANEXO 3: NORMATIVA FIJACIONES - upcommons.upc.edu · dureza vickers hv mín. 95 120 130 155 160 190 250 255 290 320 385 máx. 250 250 250 250 250 250 320 335 360 380 435 DUREZA BRINELL

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Diseño, desarrollo y prototipo de un producto para la estimulación multisensorial de personas con discapacidad físico-psíquica Ariana Seigner-Marta Rius


Diseño, desarrollo y prototipo de un producto para la estimulación multisensorial de personas con discapacidad físico-psíquica Ariana Seigner-Marta Rius


Tornillería fijaciones………………………………………............................Primer catálogo

Contireminc (Taptite II Product)…………………………...…...….………Segundo catálogo



PÁGINAS TÉCNICAS ......................................... 633

TORNILLERÍA .................................................... 640

TUERCAS........................................................... 645


ESPÁRRAGOS ALLEN Y VARILLA ROSCADA................................. 641 / 648

ANCLAJES METÁLICOS .................................... 661

ANCLAJES QUÍMICOS ...................................... 665

FIJACIONES PARA MATERIALESHUECOS ............................................................ 664

TACOS LARGOS, DE NYLON,TACO-CLAVO.................................................... 670

TORNILLO PARA MONTAJEDIRECTO ........................................................... 673

ABRAZADERAS................................................. 674

GRAPAS Y CLIPS ............................................... 679

CINTA PERFORADORA ..................................... 684

REMACHES ....................................................... 690


� CARACTERÍSTICAS FÍSICAS DE TORNILLOS Y TUERCASTodos los tornillos standard de calidad superior o igual a 5.6 deben llevar en la cabeza:• la marca del fabricante• la clase de calidad.

Las tuercas de calidad superior o igual a 5 deben llevar:• la clase de calidad.

La clase de calidad se reconoce por la combinación de 2 cifras, que definen:

• La carga de rotura a la tracción: RM (N/mm2)≥Rm+1ª cifra x 10.

• El límite de elasticidad: RE (N/mm2)≥Re=1ª cifra x 2ª cifra.

Características Clase de calidad3.6 4.6 4.8 5.6 5.8 6.8 8.8 9.8 10.9 12.9

d<16 mm. d>16 mm.RESISTENCIA A LA TRACCIÓN nom. 300 400 400 500 500 600 800 800 900 1.000 1.200Rm (N/mm2) mín. 330 400 420 500 520 600 800 830 900 1.040 1.220

DUREZA VICKERS HV mín. 95 120 130 155 160 190 250 255 290 320 385máx. 250 250 250 250 250 250 320 335 360 380 435

DUREZA BRINELL HB mín. 90 114 124 147 152 181 238 242 276 304 366máx. 238 238 238 238 238 238 304 318 342 361 414

DUREZA ROCKWELL HR mín. HRB 52 67 71 79 82 89 - - - - -mín. HRC - - - - - - 22 23 28 32 39mín. HRB 99.5 99.5 99.5 99.5 99.5 99.5 - - - - -máx HRC - - - - - - 32 34 37 39 44

LÍMITE DE ELASTICIDAD nom. 180 240 320 300 400 480 640 640 720 900 1.080Re (N/mm2) mín. 190 240 340 300 420 480 640 660 720 940 1.100

ALARGAMIENTO % mín. 25 22 14 20 10 8 12 12 10 9 8Después de la rotura A

Resistencia a la corrosión(Test de la niebla salina)

Tipo de revestimiento Acabado Espesor Óxido blanco Óxido rojoNINGUNO BRUTO - - -


Mejora: ZINCADOResistencia a la corrosión. BRICOMATADO 5/7 µm 48 H 96 HAspecto físico. ZINCADO

REFORZADO 7 µm 200 a 400 H 300 a 800 H

DACROMET(Revestimiento PLATEADO 5 a 7 µm 300 a 400 H 1.000 Hpor inmersión en frío)

GALVANIZADO EN CALIENTE- > 70 µm 200 a 400 H > 400 H





Diámetro Paso Sección Carga en el límite elástico Pares de apriete coeficiente denormal de Tensión rozamiento 0,14 micras

8,8 10,9 12,9 8,8 10,9 12,94 0,70 560 790 950 0,29 0,41 0,495 0,80 910 1.280 1.530 0,60 0,85 16 1,00 20,1 1.286 1.809 2.171 1,1 1,5 1,77 1,00 1,7 2,10 2,608 1,25 36,6 2.342 3.294 3.953 2,6 4 4,18 1,00 39,2 2.509 3.528 4.234 2,7 3,8 4,5

10 1,50 58 3.712 5.220 6.264 5,3 7,5 8,310 1,25 61,2 3.917 5.508 6.610 5,2 7,3 8,810 1,00 5,50 7 8,5012 1,75 84,3 5.395 7.587 9.104 9 12,5 14,512 1,25 92,01 5.894 8.289 9.947 9,5 13,5 1612 1,50 88,01 5.638 7.929 9.515 9 12,5 1514 2,00 115 7.360 10.350 12.420 14 20 2314 1,50 125 8.000 11.250 13.500 15 21 2516 2,00 157 10.042 14.130 16.956 21,5 30 35,516 1,50 167 10.628 15.030 12.036 22,5 31,5 3818 2,50 192 12.288 17.280 20.763 29,5 41 42,518 1,50 216 13.824 19.440 23.328 32,5 46 5520 2,50 245 15.680 22.050 26.450 41,5 59 6920 1,50 272 17.408 24.480 29.376 46 64 7722 2,50 303 19.392 27.270 32.724 58 82 9322 1,50 333 21.312 29.970 35.964 61 86 10524 3,00 353 22.592 31.770 38.124 71 100 12024 1,50 384 24.576 34.560 41.472 78 110 13027 3,00 459 29.376 41.310 49.572 105 148 18030 3,50 561 35.904 50.490 60.588 142 209 24033 3,50 694 44.416 62.460 74.952 190 275 29036 4,00 817 52.288 73.350 88.236 240 358 37039 4,00 976 62.464 87.840 105.408 310 400 48042 4,50 1.120 71.680 100.800 120.96045 4,50 1.300 83.200 117.000 140.40048 5,00 1.470 94.080 132.300 158.76952 5,00 1.760 112.640 158.400 190.080

Calidad Límite elástico Carga rotura Alargamiento Dureza Brinell2º Ensayo

8,8 F-114 89-90 kg. m./m.2 80-90 kg. m./m.2 8% 247-277 kg. m./m.2

10,9 F-125 90 kg. m./m.2 100-120 kg. m./m.2 9% 296-353 kg. m./m.2

12,9 F-125 108 kg. m./m.2 120-140 kg. m./m.2 8% 353-407 kg. m./m.2




Nominal Medio BrocaØ x Paso mm. mm. mm.

M 2 x 40 2 1,74 1,6M 2,2 x 45 2,2 1,91 1,75M 2,5 x 45 2,5 2,20 2,05M 3 x 50 3 2,67 2,5M 3,5 x 60 3,5 3,11 2,9M 4 x 70 4 3,54 3,3M 4,5 x 75 4,5 4,01 3,7M 5 x 80 5 4,48 4,2M 6 x 75 6 5,51 5,2M 6 x 100 6 5,35 5M 7 x 75 7 6,51 6,2M 7 x 100 7 6,35 6M 8 x 100 8 7,35 7M 8 x 125 8 7,19 6,7M 9 x 100 9 8,35 8M 9 x 125 9 8,19 7,7M 10 x 100 10 9,35 9M 10 x 150 10 9,02 8,5M 11 x 150 11 10,03 9,5M 12 x 150 12 13,03 10,5M 12 x 175 12 10,06 10,25M 14 x 150 14 13,03 12,5M 14 x 200 14 12,70 12M 16 x 150 16 15,03 14,5M 16 x 200 16 14,70 14M 18 x 150 18 17,03 16,5M 18 x 250 18 16,38 15,5M 20 x 150 20 19,03 18,5M 20 x 250 20 18,38 17,5M 22 x 150 22 21,03 20,5M 22 x 250 22 20,38 19,5M 24 x 150 24 23,03 22,5M 24 x 300 24 22,05 21M 27 x 300 27 25,05 24M 30 x 350 30 27,73 26,5M 33 x 150 33 32,03 31,5M 33 x 350 33 30,73 29,5M 36 x 150 36 35,03 34,5M 36 x 400 36 33,40 32M 39 x 400 39 36,40 35M 42 x 450 42 37,08 37,5M 45 x 450 45 42,08 40,5M 48 x 500 48 44,75 43


Nominal Medio BrocaØ Paso mm. mm. mm.

1/8 - 40 h 3,17 2,77 2,65/32 - 32 h 3,97 3,46 3,23/16 - 24 h 4,76 4,08 3,87/32 - 24 h 5,55 4,88 4,61/4 - 20 h 6,35 5,54 5,25/16 - 18 h 7,94 7,03 6,63/8 - 16 h 9,52 8,51 7,87/16 - 14 h 11,11 9,95 9,41/2 - 12 h 12,70 11,34 10,59/16 - 12 h 14,28 12,93 125/8 - 11 h 15,87 14,39 13,53/4 - 10 h 19,05 17,42 16,57/8 - 9 h 22,22 20,42 19,51” - 8 h 25,40 23,37 22,51 1/8 - 7 h 28,57 26,25 251 1/4 - 7 h 31,75 29,42 281 3/8 - 6 h 34,92 32,21 311 1/2 - 6 h 38,10 35,39 341 5/8 - 5 h 41,27 38,02 36,51 3/4 - 5 h 44,45 41,19 39,51 7/8 - 4 1/2 h 47,62 44,01 41,52” - 4 1/2 h 50,80 47,18 45,5


Nominal Medio BrocaØ Paso mm. mm. mm.

Nº 4 - 48 h 2,84 2,50 2,35Nº 5 - 44 h 3,17 2,80 2,65Nº 6 - 40 h 3,50 3,09 2,9Nº 8 - 36 h 4,16 3,71 3,5Nº 10 - 32 h 4,82 4,31 4,1Nº 12 - 28 h 5,48 4,89 4,61/4 - 28 h 6,35 5,76 5,55/16 - 24 h 7,94 7,25 6,93/8 - 24 h 9,52 8,84 8,57/16 - 20 h 11,11 10,29 9,91/2 - 20 h 12,70 11,87 11,59/16 - 18 h 14,29 13,37 135/8 - 18 h 15,87 14,96 14,53/4 - 16 h 19,05 18,02 17,57/8 - 14 h 22,22 21,05 20,51” - 12 h 25,40 24,22 23,51 1/8 - 12 h 28,57 27,20 26,51 1/4 - 12 h 31,75 30,37 29,51 1/2 - 12 h 38,10 36,73 36


Nominal Medio BrocaØ Paso mm. mm. mm.

Nº 4 - 40 h 2,84 2,43 2,25Nº 5 - 40 h 3,17 2,76 2,6Nº 6 - 32 h 3,50 2,99 2,75Nº 8 - 32 h 4,16 3,65 3,4Nº 10 - 24 h 4,82 4,13 3,8Nº 12 - 24 h 5,48 4,80 4,51/4 - 20 h 6,35 5,52 5,15/16 - 18 h 7,94 7,02 6,63/8 - 16 h 9,52 8,49 87/16 - 14 h 11,11 9,93 9,41/2 - 13 h 12,70 11,43 10,59/16 - 12 h 14,29 12,91 125/8 - 11 h 15,87 14,37 13,53/4 - 10 h 19,05 17,40 16,57/8 - 9 h 22,22 20,39 19,51” - 8 h 25,40 23,34 22,51 1/8 - 7 h 28,57 26,22 251 1/4 - 7 h 31,75 29,39 281 1/2 - 6 h 38,10 35,35 34


Nominal Medio BrocaØ Paso mm. mm. mm.

1/8 - 28 h 9,73 9,15 8,71/4 - 19 h 13,15 12,30 11,753/8 - 19 h 16,66 15,80 15,251/2 - 14 h 20,95 19,79 195/8 - 14 h 22,91 21,75 213/4 - 14 h 26,44 25,28 24,57/8 - 14 h 30,20 29,04 28,251” - 11 h 33,25 31,77 30,51 1/8 - 11 h 37,89 36,42 35,51 1/4 - 11 h 41,91 40,43 39,51 3/8 - 11 h 44,32 42,84 41,51 1/2 - 11 h 47,80 46,32 451 5/8 - 11 h 51,32 49,84 48,51 3/4 - 11 h 53,75 52,27 512” - 11 h 59,61 58,14 572 1/4 - 11 h 69,30 67,82 66,52 1/2 - 11 h 75,19 73,71 72,5





DIN 84

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DIN 137

DIN 186

DIN 188

DIN 258

DIN 261

DIN 302

DIN 315

DIN 316

DIN 404

DIN 414

DIN 427

DIN 431

DIN 432

DIN 434

DIN 433

DIN 435

DIN 436

DIN 438

DIN 439

DIN 440

DIN 442

DIN 443

DIN 462

DIN 463

DIN 464

DIN 444

DIN 466

DIN 467

DIN 470

DIN 471

DIN 472

DIN 479

DIN 478

DIN 480

DIN 508

DIN 525

DIN 529

DIN 546

DIN 547

DIN 548

DIN 551

DIN 553

DIN 555

DIN 557

DIN 558

DIN 561

DIN 562

DIN 564

DIN 571

DIN 601




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DIN 653

DIN 660

DIN 661

DIN 662

DIN 703

DIN 705

DIN 787

DIN 792

DIN 797

DIN 674675

DIN 798

DIN 835

DIN 906

DIN 907

DIN 908

DIN 910

DIN 909

DIN 912

DIN 913

DIN 914

DIN 915

DIN 916

DIN 917

DIN 920

DIN 921

DIN 922

DIN 923

DIN 924

DIN 925

DIN 926

DIN 927

DIN 928

DIN 931

DIN 929

DIN 933

DIN 934

DIN 935

DIN 936

DIN 937

DIN 938

DIN 939


DIN 940

DIN 950951

DIN 960

DIN 961

DIN 963

DIN 964

DIN 965

DIN 966

DIN 975

DIN 976

DIN 979

DIN 980

DIN 981

DIN 982

DIN 975 Tr

970DIN 971





13 DIN 6900

DIN 3901

DIN 68816883

DIN 6911

DIN 6912

DIN 6913

DIN 6914

DIN 6915

DIN 6916

DIN 6917

DIN 6918

DIN 6921

DIN 6922

DIN 6923

DIN 6924

DIN 6925


DIN 983

DIN 984

DIN 985

DIN 986

DIN 1440

DIN 988

DIN 1441

DIN 1443



DIN 1445

DIN 1469

DIN 1470

DIN 1472

DIN 1473

DIN 1474

DIN 1475

DIN 1476

DIN 1471

DIN 1477

DIN 1479

DIN 1481

DIN 1587

DIN 1804



DIN 181

DIN 2093

DIN 2509

DIN 5417

DIN 5903

DIN 5914

DIN 6319

DIN 2510

DIN 6319

DIN 6325

DIN 6330

DIN 6331

DIN 6332

DIN 6340

DIN 6378

DIN 6379

DIN 6796

DIN 6797

DIN 6798

DIN 6799

DIN 6885

DIN 6888

DIN 68816883

6884DIN 6887




DIN 6926

DIN 6927

DIN 7337

DIN 7338

DIN 7340

DIN 7339

DIN 7341

DIN 73437344

DIN 7346

DIN 7349

DIN 7379

DIN 7380

DIN 7504

DIN 7505

DIN 7513

DIN 7500

DIN 7516

DIN 7603

DIN 7604

DIN 7623

DIN 7965

DIN 7967

DIN 7968

DIN 7969

DIN 7971

DIN 7972

DIN 7976

DIN 7977

DIN 7978

DIN 7979

DIN 7980

DIN 7981

DIN 7973

DIN 7982

DIN 7983

DIN 7984

DIN 7985

DIN 7989

DIN 7990

DIN 7991

DIN 7992

DIN 7993

DIN 7995

DIN 7996

DIN 7999

DIN 9021

DIN 7997



DIN 933-961-931-960M 2 M 3 M 4 M 5 M 6 M 7 M 8 M 10

SDIN / ISO 4 5,5 7 8 10 11 13 17 / 16k 1,4 2 2,8 3,5 4 4,8 5,3 6,4

amax 1,2 1,5 2,1 2,4 3 3 3,75 4,5b1 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 26b2 – – – 22 24 26 28 32b3 – – – – – – – 45

DIN 933-961

DIN 912M 1,4 M 1,6 M 2 M 2,5 M 3 M 4 M 5 M 6

dk 2,6 3 3,8 4,5 5,5 7 8,5 10k 1,4 1,6 2 2,5 3 4 5 6s 1,3 1,5 1,5 2 2,5 3 4 5

ISR – – T6 T8 T10 T20 T25 T30b1) 14 15 16 17 18 20 22 24

M 8 M 10 M 12 M 14 M 16 M 18 M 20 M 22dk 13 16 18 21 24 27 30 33k 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22s 6 8 10 12 14 14 17 17

ISR T45 T50 T55 T60 T70 T80 T90 –b1) 28 30 36 40 44 48 52 56

M 24 M 27 M 30 M 33 M 36 M 39 M 42dk 36 40 45 50 54 58 63k 24 27 30 33 36 39 42s 19 19 22 24 27 27 32

ISR – – – – – – –b1) 60 66 72 78 84 90 96

DIN 7984M 3 M 4 M 5 M 6 M 8 M 10 M 12 M14 M16

dk 5,5 7 8,5 10 13 16 18 21 24k 2 2,5 3,5 4 5 6 7 8 9s 2 2,5 3 4 5 7 8 10 12

ISR T10 T20 T25 T30 T40(45) T50 – – –b1 12 14 16 18 22 26 30 34 38b2 – – – – 28 32 36 40 44b3 – – – – – – – – 57

M 12 M 14 M 16 M 18 M 20 M 22 M 24 M 27SDIN / ISO 19/18 22 / 21 24 27 30 32 / 34 36 41

k 7,5 8,8 10 11,5 12,5 14 15 17amax 5,25 6 6 7,5 7,5 7,5 9 9b1 30 34 38 42 46 50 54 60b2 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 66b3 49 53 57 61 65 69 73 79

DIN 931-960

M 30 M 33 M 36 M 39 M 42 M 45 M 48SDIN / ISO 46 50 55 60 65 70 75

k 18,7 21 22,5 25 26 28 30amax 10,5 10,5 12 12 13,5 13,5 15b1 66 72 78 84 90 96 102b2 72 78 84 90 69 102 108b3 85 91 97 103 109 115 121

b1) Para L ≤ 125 mm. b2) Para 125 mm < L ≤ 200 mm. b3) Para L > 200 mm.

b1) Para L ≤ 125 mm.b2) Para 125 mm < L ≤ 200 mmb3) Para L > 200 mm.


13DIN 7991

M 3 M 4 M 5 M 6 M 8 M 10 M 12 M14 M16 M20dk 6,72 8,96 10,2 13,44 17,92 22,4 26,8 30,88 33,6 40,32

kmax 1,86 2,48 3,1 3,72 4,96 6,2 7,44 8,4 8,8 10,16s 2 2,5 3 4 5 6 8 10 10 12

ISR – T20 T25 T30 T40 T50 – – – –a 90º 90º 90º 90º 90º 90º 90º 90º 90º 90ºb 28 20 22 24 28 32 36 40 44 52

ISO 7380M 3 M 4 M 5 M 6 M 8 M 10 M 12 M16

dk 5,7 7,6 9,5 10,5 14 17,5 21 28dc 6,65 8,85 11,2 13 17,1 21 23,6 –k 1,65 2,2 2,75 3,3 4,4 5,5 6,6 8,8s 2 2,5 3 4 5 6 8 10

ISR T10 T20 T25 T30 T40 T50 T50 –

DIN 913-914M 1,4 M 1,6 M 2 M 2,5 M 3 M 4 M 5 M6

s 0,7 0,7 0,9 1,3 1,5 2 2,5 3dp max/dt max 0,45 0,8 1 1,5 2 2,5 3,5 4

t1 0,6 0,7 0,8 1,2 1,2 1,5 2 2t2 1,4 0,5 0,7 2 2 2,5 3 3,5

M 8 M 10 M 12 M 14 M 16 M 20 M 24

s 4 5 6 6 8 10 12dp max/dt max 5,5 7 8,5 10 12 15 18

t1 3 4 4,8 5,6 6,4 8 10t2 5 6 8 9 10 12 15

DIN 913

DIN 915M 3 M 4 M 5 M 6 M 8 M 10 M 12 M14 M16 M20 M24

s 1,5 2 2,5 3 4 5 6 6 8 10 12z1 max (corto) 1 1,25 1,5 1,75 2,25 2,75 3,25 3,8 4,3 5,3 6,3

t1 1,2 1,5 2 2 3 4 4,8 5,6 6,4 8 10dp 2 2,5 3,5 4 5,5 7 8,5 10 12 15 18

z2 max (largo) 1,75 2,25 2,75 3,25 4,3 5,3 6,3 7,36 8,36 10,36 12,43t2 2 2,5 3 3,5 5 6 8 9 10 12 15

DIN 916M 1,4 M 1,6 M 1,8 M 2 M 2,5 M 3 M 4 M5

s 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,9 1,3 1,5 2 2,5dv max 0,7 0,8 0,9 1 1,2 1,4 2 2,5

t1 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,8 1,2 1,2 1,5 2t2 1,4 1,5 1,6 1,7 2 2 2,5 3

M 6 M 8 M 10 M 12 M 14 M 16 M 20 M24

s 3 4 5 6 6 8 10 12dv max 3 5 6 8 9 10 14 16

t1 2 3 4 4,8 5,6 6,4 8 10t2 3,5 5 6 8 9 10 12 15

DIN 914


13DIN 963-965

M 1 M 1,2 M 1,4 M 1,6 M 1,8 M 2 M 2,5 M 3dk 1,9 2,3 2,6 3 3,4 3,8 4,7 5,6k 0,6 0,72 0,84 0,96 1,08 1,2 1,5 1,65

b* 1) 1) 1) 15 15 16 18 19n 0,25 0,3 0,3 0,4 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,8

PH – – – 0 0 1 1 1ISR – – – T5 – T6 T8 T10

M 4 M 5 M 6 M 8 M 10 M 12 M 16dk 7,5 9,2 11 14,5 18 22 29k 2,2 2,5 3 4 5 6 8

b* 22 25 28 34 40 46 58n 1 1,2 1,6 2 2,5 3 4

PH 2 2 3 4 4 4 4ISR T20 T25 T30 T50 T50 – –

DIN 84M 2 M 2,5 M 3 M 4 M 5 M 6 M 8 M 10

dk 3,8 4,5 5,5 7 8,5 10 13 16k 1,3 1,6 2 2,6 3,3 3,9 5 6n 0,5 0,6 0,8 1,2 1,2 1,6 2 2,5b 25 25 25 38 38 38 38 38

DIN 85M 2 M 2,5 M 3 M 4 M 5 M 6 M 8 M 10

dk 4* 5* 6 8 10 12 16 20k 1,3* 1,5* 1,8 2,4 3 3,6 4,8 6n 0,5* 0,6* 0,8 1,2 1,1 1,6 2 2,5b 25* 25* 25 38 38 38 38 38

DIN 7985M 1,6 M 2 M 2,5 M 3 M 4 M 5 M 6 M 8 M 10

dk 3,2 4 5 6 8 10 12 16 20k 1,3 1,6 2 2,4 3,1 3,8 4,6 6 7,5

PH 0 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 4ISR – T6 T8 T10 T20 T25 T30 T45 T50

DIN 966M 1 M 1,2 M 1,4 M 1,6 M 2 M 2,5 M 3 M 4 M 5 M 6 M 8 M 10

dk 1,9 2,3 2,6 3 3,8 4,7 5,6 7,5 9,2 11 14,5 18k 0,6 0,72 0,84 0,96 1,2 1,5 1,65 2,2 2,5 3 4 5

b* 1) 1) 1) 15 16 18 19 22 25 28 34 40f 0,25 0,3 0,35 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,75 1 1,25 1,5 2 2,5n 0,25 0,3 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,8 1 1,2 1,6 2 2,5

PH – – – 0 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 4

DIN 963

DIN 965


13DIN 7981 C-H / 7981 C-Z / 7981 F-H / 7961 C-ISR

ST2,2 ST2,9 ST3,5 ST3,9dk DIN / ISO 4,2/4 5,6 6,9/7 7,5

kmax DIN / ISO 1,8/1,6 2,2/2,4 2,6 2,8PH 1 1 2 2ISR T10 T15

Yforma c 2 2,6 3,2 3,5Yforma F 1,6 2,1 2,5 2,7

ST4,2 ST4,8 ST5,5 ST6,3dk DIN / ISO 8,2/8 9,5 10,8/11 12,5/12

kmax DIN / ISO 3,05/3,1 3,5/3,7 3,95/4 4,55/4,6PH 2 2 3 3ISR T20 T25 T25 T30

Yforma c 3,7 4,2 5 6Yforma F 2,8 3,2 3,6 3,6

DIN 7981 C-H

DIN 7981 C-Z

DIN 7981 F-H

DIN 7961 C-ISR

DIN 7982 C-H / 7982 C-Z / 7982 C-ISR / 7983 C-HST2,2 ST2,9 ST3,5 ST3,9

dk DIN / ISO 4,3/3,8 5,5 6,8/7,3 7,5kmax DIN / ISO 1,3/1,1 1,7 2,1/2,35 2,3

mForma z 1,9 3,2 4,4 4,6f 2 3,2 4,3 4,2

PH 1 1 2 2ISR T6 T10 T15 T20y 2 2,6 3,2 3,5

DIN 7504 KSt 2,9 St 3,5 St 4,2 St 4,8 St 5,5 St 6,3

ancho chapa 0,7 bis 1,9 0,7 bis 2,25 1,75 bis 3,0 1,75 bis 4,4 1,75 bis 5,25 2,0 bis 6,0dp max 2,3 2,8 3,6 4,1 4,8 5,8dc max 6,3 8,3 8,8 10,5 11,0 13,5kmax 2,8 3,4 4,1 4,3 5,4 5,9

s 4,0 5,5 7,0 8,0 8,0 10,0

ST4,2 ST4,8 ST5,5 ST6,3dk DIN / ISO 8,1/8,4 9,5/9,3 10,8/10,3 12,4/11,3

kmax DIN / ISO 2,5/2,6 3/2,8 3,4/3 2,8/3,15mForma z 4,6 5,2 6,6 6,8

f 4,6 5,1 6,5 6,8PH 2 2 3 3ISR T20 T25 T25 T30y 3,7 4,2 5 6

DIN 7982 C-H

DIN 7982 C-Z

DIN 7982 C-ISR

DIN 7983 C-H

DIN 5715 6 7 8 10 12 16 20

b ≥ 0,6l ≥ 0,6l ≥ 0,6l ≥ 0,6l ≥ 0,6l ≥ 0,6l ≥ 0,6l≥ 0,6lk 3,5 4 5 5,5 7 8 10 13s 8 10 12 13 17 19 24 30



M 5 M 6 M 8 M 10 M 12 M 16 M 20dk 13,5 16,55 20,65 24,65 30,65 38,8 46,8k 3,3 3,88 4,88 5,38 6,95 8,95 11,05f 4,1 4,6 5,6 6,6 8,75 12,9 15,9v 5,48 6,48 8,58 10,58 12,7 16,7 20,84

b1 16 18 22 26 30 38 46b2 22 24 28 32 36 44 52b3 – – 41 45 49 57 65

DIN 787M 8 M 10

amax 7,7 9,7l 32 / 40 / 50 / 65 / 80 32 / 40 / 50 / 65 / 80b 20 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 20 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 60

e1/b2 13 / 16 15 / 20f 1,6 1,6k 6 6

para tuerca T 8 10

DIN 603

M 12 M 16amax 11,7 15,7 17,7

l 40 / 50 / 65 / 80 / 100 / 125 / 200 / 250 / 300 65 / 80 / 100 / 125 / 160 / 200 / 250b 30 / 35 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 100 / 120 / 120 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 100 / 120

e1/b2 18 / 25 25 25f 2,5 2,5 2,5k 7 9 9

para tuerca T 12 16 18

M 20 M 24amax 19,7 23,7 27,7

l 65 / 80 / 100 / 125 / 160 / 200 / 250 / 320 / 400 100 / 160 / 200 /315b 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 100 / 120 / 120 / 120 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 100 / 120

e1/b2 32 40 40f 2,5 (4) 4k 12 16 18

para tuerca T 20 24 28

7504 P-H St 2,9 St 3,5 St 4,2 St 4,8 St 5,5 St 6,3

ancho chapa 0,7 bis 1,9 0,7 bis 2,25 1,75 bis 3,0 1,75 bis 4,4 1,75 bis 5,25 2,0 bis 6,0dp max 2,3 2,8 3,6 4,1 4,8 5,8dc max 5,5 6,8 8,1 9,5 10,8 12,4kmax 1,7 2,1 2,5 3,0 3,4 3,8PH 1 2 2 2 3 3

DIN 7504 P-H

DIN 7504 P-H

DIN 7504 N-H / 7504 P-H7504 N-H St 2,9 St 3,5 St 4,2 St 4,8 St 5,5 St 6,3

ancho chapa 0,7 bis 1,9 0,7 bis 2,25 1,75 bis 3,0 1,75 bis 4,4 1,75 bis 5,25 2,0 bis 6,0dp max 2,3 2,8 3,6 4,1 4,8 5,8dc max 5,6 6,9 8,2 9,5 10,8 12,5kmax 2,2 2,6 3,05 3,7 4,0 4,6PH 1 2 2 2 3 3 DIN 7504 N-H

DIN 7504 N-H


13M 1 M 1,2 M 1,4 M 1,6 M 1,7* M 2 M 2,3* M 2,5

mDIN / ISO 0,8 1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,6 1,8 2SDIN / ISO 2,5 3 3 3,2 3,5 4 4,5 5

M 2,6 M 3 M 3,5 M 4 M 5 M 6 M 7 M 8mDIN / ISO 2 2,4 2,8 3,2 4/4,47 5/5,2 5,5 6,5/6,8SDIN / ISO 5 5,5 6 7 8 10 11 13

M 10 M 12 M 14 M 16 M 18 M 20 M 22 M 24mDIN / ISO 8/8,4 10/10,8 11/12,8 13/14,8 15/15,8 16/18 18/19,4 19/21,5SDIN / ISO 17/16 19/18 22/21 24 27 30 32/34 36

M 26* M 27 M 30 M 33 M 36 M 39 M 42 M 45mDIN / ISO 22 22/23,8 24/25,6 26/28,7 29/31 31/33,4 34 36SDIN / ISO 41 41 46 50 55 60 65 70

M 48 M 52 M 56 M 60 M 64 M 68 M 72 M 76mDIN / ISO 38 42 45 48 51 54 58 61SDIN / ISO 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110

M 80 M 85 M 90 M 95* M 100 M 105 M 110 M 2,5mDIN / ISO 64 68 72 75 80 82 88 95SDIN / ISO 115 120 130 135 145 150 155 175

DIN 934

M 6 M 8 M 10 M 12 M 16 M 20

k – 11 13 16 20 25Cmax – 3,12 3,12 4,15 4,15 5,15

a1 – 4 4,5 5,3 6 7,5S – 8 10 13 161)/17 211)/22dc – 10 13 17 211)/22 271)/28z3 _ 2 2,5 3 4 5

DIN 480

M 5 M 6 M 8 M 10 M 12 M 16 M 20 M 24 M 30 M 36d2 5 6 8 10 12 26 18 22 27/28 32/33d3 12 14 18 20 25 32 40 45 55 65S 6 7 9 12 14 17 22 25 30 38b1 16 18 22 26 30 38 46 54 66 –b2 – – 28 32 36 44 52 60 72 84b3 – – – – 49 57 65 73 85 97

DIN 444

b1) Para L ≤ 125 mm.b2) Para 125 mm < L ≤ 200 mmb3) Para L > 200 mm.

M 8 M 10 M 12 M 14 M 16 M 18 M 20 M 22 M 24mDIN 5 6 7 8 8 9 9 10 10mISO 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

SDIN / ISO 13 17/16 19/18 22/21 24 27 30 32/34 36

M 26 M 27 M 28* M 30 M 32* M 33 M 35* M 36 M 38*mDIN 12 12 12 12 14 14 14 14 16mISO 13 13,5 14 15 16 16,5 17,5 18 19

SDIN / ISO 41 41 41 46 50 50 55 55 60

M 39 M 40* M 42 M 45 M 48 M 50* M 52mDIN 16 16 16 18 18 20 20mISO 19,5 20 21 22,5 24 25 26

SDIN / ISO 60 60 65 70 75 75 80

DIN 936


13M 8 M 10 M 12 M 14 M 16 M 18 M 20 M 22 M 24

de max – – 16 18 22 25 28 32 34m 9,5 12 15 16 19 21 22 26 27

nmin 2,5 2,8 3,5 3,5 4,5 4,5 4,5 5,5 5,5SDIN / ISO 13 17/16 19/18 22/21 24 27 30 32/34 36Wmax 6,5 8 10 11 13 15 16 18 19

M 26* M 27 M 28* M 30 M 32* M 33 M 36 M 39 M 42de max 38 38 38 42 46 46 50 55 58

m 30 30 30 33 35 35 38 40 46nmin 5,5 5,5 5,5 7 7 7 7 7 9

SDIN / ISO 41 41 41 46 50 50 55 60 65Wmax 22 22 22 24 26 26 29 31 34

DIN 935-1

M 45 M 48 M 50* M 52 M 56 M 58* M 60 M 64 M 68de max 62 65 65 70 75 80 80 85 90

m 48 50 50 54 57 65 63 66 69nmin 9 9 9 9 9 11 11 11 11

SDIN / ISO 70 75 75 80 85 90 90 95 100Wmax 36 38 38 42 45 48 48 51 54

M 72 M 76 M 80 M 85 M 90 M 100de max 95 100 105 110 120 130

m 73 76 79 88 92 100nmin 11 11 11 14 14 14

SDIN / ISO 105 110 115 120 130 145Wmax 58 61 64 68 72 80

M 3 M 4 M 5 M 6 M 7 M 8 M 10 M 12 M 14 M 16 M 18hmax 4 5 5 6 7,5 8 10 12 14 16 18,5mmin 2,4 2,9 3,2 4 4,7 5,5 6,5 8 9,5 10,5 13

SDIN / ISO 5,5 7 8 10 11 13 17/16 19/18 22/21 24 27

DIN 985

M 4 M 5 M 6 M 8 M 10hDIN /ISO 6 6,3/6,8 8 9,5 11,5/11,9

mmin 2,9 4,4 4,9 6,44 8,04SDIN / ISO 7 8 10 13 17/16

DIN 982

M 20 M 22 M 24 M 27 M 30 M 33 M 36 M 39 M 42 M 45 M 48hmax 20 22 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48mmin 14 15 15 17 19 22 25 27 29 32 36

SDIN / ISO 30 32/34 36 41 46 50 55 60 65 70 75

M 12 M 14 M 16 M 20 M 24hDIN /ISO 14/14,9 16/17 18/19,1 22/22,8 28/27,1

mmin 10,37 12,1 14,1 16,9 20,2SDIN / ISO 19/18 22/21 24 30 36

M 12 M 16 M 20 M 22 M 24 M 27 M 30

m 10 13 16 18 20 22 24S 22 27 32 36 41 46 50

DIN 6915

M 36 M 39* M 42* M 48* M 56* M 64*

m 29 31 34 38 45 51S 60 65 70 80 90 100


13M 4 M 5 M 6 M 8 M 10 M 12 M 16 M 20

dc max 10 11,8 14,2 17,9 21,8 26 34,5 42,8mmax 4,65 5 6 8 10 12 16 20

S 7 8 10 13 15 18 24 30

DIN 6923

M 3* M 4 M 5 M 6 M 8emax 314/315 –/16 21/20 26,5/26 32/33 38/39

hmax 8 11/10,5 13 16/17 19/20mmax 4 4,6 6,5 8 10d2 max 6 8 11 13 16d3 max 5 7 9 11 12,5

DIN 315

M 3 M 4 M 5 M 6 M 8 M 10 M 12 M 14dk max 5,8 6,5 7,5 9,5 12,5 15 17 20mmax 2,4 3,2 4 5 6,5 8 10 11

r 2,9 3,25 3,75 4,75 6,25 7,5 8,5 10SDIN / ISO 5,5 7 8 10 13 17/16 19/18 22/21

tmin 4,5 5,26 7,21 7,71 10,65 12,65 15,65 17,65Wmin 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4

DIN 1587

M 10 M 12 M 16 M 20 M 24emax 314/315 50/51 66/65 73 90 110

hmax 24/25 32/33,5 37,5 46,5 56,5mmax 12 14 17 21 25d2 max 20 23 29 35 44d3 max 16,5 19,5 23 29 37,5

M 16 M 18 M 20 M 22 M 24 M 27 M 30dk max 23 26 28 33 34 39 44mmax 13 15 16 18 19 22 24

r 11,5 13 14 16,5 17 19,5 22SDIN / ISO 24 27 30 32/34 36 41 46

tmin 20,58 24,58 25,58 28,58 30,5 35 39Wmin 4 5 5 5 6 7 7

M 4 M 5 M 6 M 8 M 10 M 12

b 0,8 1 1,2 1,5 1,8 2d4 min 6,4 8,2 9,1 12,8 15,6 17,4

h1 0,6 0,8 0,8 1 1,2 1,4h2 min 0,4 0,6 0,7 1,1 1,25 1,75

m 3,5 4,2 5 6,5 8 9,5s 7 9 10 14 17 19

DIN 928

M 3 M 4 M 5 M 6 M 8 M 10 M 12 M 14 M 16

b 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,9 1 1,25 1,25 1,5 1,5d2 4,5 6 7 8 10,5 12,5 14,8 16,8 18,8h1 0,25 0,38 0,4 0,4 0,5 0,65 0,8 1 1h2 0,25 0,35 0,4 0,4 0,5 0,65 0,8 1 1m 3 3,5 4 5 6,5 8 10 11 13s 7,5 9 10 11 14 17 19 22 24

DIN 929


13M 6 M 8 M 10 M 12 M 14 M 16 M 18 M 20 M 22 M 24 M 27 M 30

d1 7 9 11,5 14 16 18 20 22 25 26 29 32m 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 40 45

SR r1 9 11 15 17 20 22 25 27 29 32 37 41s 10 13 16 18 22 24 27 30 32 36 41 46

DIN 6630

M 6 M 8 M 10 M 12 M 16 M 20 M 24 M 30

m 18 24 30 36 48 60 72 90s 10 13 17 19 24 30 36 46

DIN 6634

1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5 5a ISO min 0,15 0,25 0,35 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,65 0,8 0,9d1 max

1) 1,3 1,8 2,4 2,9 3,5 4 4,6 5,1 5,6d2

1) 0,8 1,1 1,5 1,8 2,1 2,3 2,8 2,9 3,4s 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,75 0,8 1 1

cizallamiento2) 0,7 1,58 2,82 4,38 6,32 9,06 11,24 15,36 17,54

6 7* 8 9* 10 12 13 14 16a ISO min 1,2 1,8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2d1 max

1) 6,7 7,8 8,8 9,5 10,8 12,8 13,8 14,8 16,8d2

1) 3,9 4 5,5 6 6,5 7,5 8,5 8,5 10,5s 1,25 1,5 1,5 2 2 2,5 2,5 3 3

cizallamiento2) 26,04 – 42,76 – 70,16 104,1 115,12 144,7 171,0

18 20 21 25 28 30 35 40a ISO min 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4d1 max

1) 16,9 20,9 21,9 25,9 28,9 30,9 35,9 40,9d2

1) 11,5 12,5 13,5 15,5 17,5 18,5 221,5 25,5s 3,5 4 4 5 5,5 6 7 7,5

cizallamiento2) 222,5 280,6 298,2 438,5 542,6 631,4 859,0 1068

DIN 1481


Varilla roscada DIN 975Rosca métrica. Varillas de 1 m.

Calidad HierroRef. catálogo

Calidad 8,8Ref. catálogo

Calidad ZincadoRef. catálogo

Calidad Inox.Ref. catálogo

Medidas Ø(sistema métrico)




13Referencia d Paso



0513000 M-3 0,50 5,5 2,40513001 M-4 0,70 7 3,20513002 M-5 0,80 8 40513003 M-*6 1 10 50513004 M-7 1 11 5,50513005 M-8 1 13 6,50513006 M-*8 1,25 13 6,50513007 M-9 100 14 70513008 M-9 125 14 70513009 M-*10 100 17 80513010 M-*10 125 17 80513011 M-*10 150 17 80513012 M-11 100 17 90513013 M-11 125 17 90513014 M-11 150 17 90513015 M-*12 100 19 100513016 M-*12 125 19 100513017 M-*12 150 19 100513018 M-*12 175 19 100513019 M-*14 125 22 110513020 M-*14 150 22 110513021 M-*14 200 22 110513022 M-*16 150 24 13

Referencia d PasoSmm


0513023 M-*16 200 24 130513024 M-*18 150 27 150513025 M-18 200 27 150513026 M-*18 250 27 150513027 M-*20 150 30 160513028 M-20 200 30 160513029 M-*20 250 30 160513030 M-*22 150 32 160513031 M-22 200 32 160513032 M-*22 250 32 160513033 M-*24 150 36 190513034 M-*24 200 36 190513035 M-*24 300 36 190513036 M-27 150 41 220513037 M-27 200 41 220513038 M-27 300 41 220513039 M-30 150 46 240513040 M-30 200 46 240513041 M-30 350 46 240513042 M-33 150 50 260513043 M-33 200 50 260513044 M-33 350 50 260513045 M-36 150 55 29

Referencia d PasoSmm


0513046 M-36 200 55 290513047 M-36 300 55 290513048 M-36 400 55 290513049 M-39 150 60 310513050 M-39 200 60 310513051 M-39 300 60 310513052 M-39 400 60 310513053 M-42 150 65 320513054 M-42 200 65 320513055 M-42 300 65 320513056 M-42 450 65 320513057 M-45 150 70 350513058 M-45 200 70 350513059 M-45 300 70 350513060 M-45 450 70 350513061 M-48 150 75 380513062 M-48 200 75 380513063 M-48 300 75 380513064 M-48 500 75 380513065 M-52 200 80 400513066 M-52 300 80 400513067 M-52 300 80 40


DIN 934 tuerca hexagonal

*Suministrables en rosca izquierda

Referencia d HilosSmm


0513120 M-20 2,50 30 90513121 M-22 1,50 32 100513122 M-22 2,50 32 100513123 M-24 1,50 36 100513124 M-24 2 36 100513125 M-24 3 36 100513126 M-27 1,50 41 120513127 M-27 2 41 120513128 M-27 3 41 120513129 M-30 1,50 46 120513130 M-30 2 46 120513131 M-30 3,50 46 120513132 M-33 1,50 50 140513133 M-33 2 50 140513134 M-33 3,50 50 140513135 M-36 1,50 55 140513136 M-36 2 55 140513137 M-36 3 55 140513138 M-36 4 55 140513139 M-39 1,50 60 16

Referencia d HilosSmm


0513100 M-5 0,80 8 30513101 M-6 1 10 40513102 M-8 1 13 50513103 M-8 1,25 13 50513104 M-10 1 17 60513105 M-10 1,25 17 60513106 M-10 1,50 17 60513107 M-12 1 19 70513108 M-12 1,25 19 70513109 M-12 1,50 19 70513110 M-12 1,75 19 70513111 M-14 1,50 22 80513112 M-14 2 22 80513113 M-16 1,50 24 80513114 M-16 2 24 80513115 M-18 1,50 27 90513116 M-18 2 27 90513117 M-18 2,50 27 90513118 M-20 1,50 30 90513119 M-20 2 30 9

Referencia d HilosSmm


0513140 M-39 2 60 160513141 M-39 3 60 160513142 M-39 4 60 160513143 M-42 1,50 65 160513144 M-42 2 65 160513145 M-42 3 65 160513146 M-42 4,50 65 160513147 M-45 1,50 70 180513148 M-45 2 70 180513149 M-45 3 70 180513150 M-45 4,50 70 180513151 M-48 1,50 75 180513152 M-48 2 75 180513153 M-48 3 75 180513154 M-48 5 75 180513155 M-52 2 80 200513156 M-52 3 80 200513157 M-52 5 80 20

DIN 936 contratuerca


13Referencia d Hilos



0513200 M-8 1 13 9,50513201 M-8 1,25 13 9,50513202 M-10 1 17 120513203 M-10 1,25 17 120513204 M-10 1,30 17 120513205 M-12 1,25 19 150513206 M-12 1,50 19 150513207 M-12 1,75 19 150513208 M-14 1,50 22 160513209 M-14 2 22 160513210 M-16 1,5 24 190513211 M-16 2 24 190513212 M-18 1,5 27 210513213 M-18 2,5 2 210513214 M-20 1,5 30 220513215 M-20 2,5 30 220513216 M-22 1,5 32 260513217 M-22 2,5 32 260513218 M-24 1,5 36 270513219 M-24 2 36 270513220 M-24 3 36 270513221 M-27 1,5 41 300513222 M-27 2 41 300513223 M-27 3 41 300513224 M-30 1,5 46 330513225 M-30 2 46 330513226 M-30 3,5 46 330513227 M-33 1,5 50 350513228 M-33 2 50 350513229 M-33 3,5 50 350513230 M-36 1,5 55 380513231 M-36 2 55 380513232 M-36 3 55 380513233 M-36 4 55 380513234 M-39 1,5 60 400513235 M-39 2 60 400513236 M-39 3 60 400513237 M-39 4 60 400513238 M-42 1,5 65 440513239 M-42 2 65 440513240 M-42 3 65 440513241 M-42 4,5 65 440513242 M-45 1,5 70 470513243 M-45 2 70 470513244 M-45 3 70 470513245 M-45 4,5 70 470513246 M-48 1,5 75 500513247 M-48 2 75 500513248 M-48 3 75 500513249 M-48 5 75 500513250 M-52 3 80 520513251 M-52 5 80 52


DIN 935 tuerca almenada

Referencia d PasoSmm


0513300 M-3 0,5 5,5 40513301 M-4 0,7 7 50513302 M-5 0,8 8 50513303 M-6 0,75 10 60513304 M-6 1 10 60513305 M-8 1 13 80513306 M-8 1,25 13 80513307 M-9 1,25 14 90513308 M-10 1 17 100513309 M-10 1,25 17 100513310 M-10 1,5 17 100513311 M-12 1,25 19 120513312 M-12 1,5 19 120513313 M-12 1,75 19 120513314 M-14 1,5 22 140513315 M-14 2 22 140513316 M-16 1,5 24 160513317 M-16 2 24 160513318 M-18 1,5 27 180513319 M-18 2 27 180513320 M-18 2,5 27 180513321 M-20 1,5 30 200513322 M-20 2 30 200513323 M-20 2,5 30 200513324 M-22 1,5 32 220513325 M-22 2 32 220513326 M-22 2,5 32 220513327 M-24 1,5 36 240513328 M-24 2 36 240513329 M-24 3 36 240513330 M-27 2 41 270513331 M-27 3 41 270513332 M-30 2 46 300513333 M-30 3,5 46 300513334 M-33 2 50 330513335 M-33 3,5 50 330513336 M-36 3 55 360513337 M-36 4 55 360513338 M-39 3 60 390513339 M-39 4 60 390513340 M-42 3 65 420513341 M-42 4,5 65 420513342 M-45 3 70 450513343 M-45 4,5 70 450513344 M-48 3 75 480513345 M-48 5 75 480513346 M-52 3 80 500513347 M-52 5 80 50

DIN 985 tuerca autoblocante



Referencia d PasoSmm


0513400 M-6 1 10 80513401 M-8 1 13 9,50513402 M-8 1,25 13 9,50513403 M-10 1 17 11,50513404 M-10 1,25 17 11,50513405 M-10 1,50 17 11,50513406 M-12 1,25 19 140513407 M-12 1,50 19 140513408 M-12 1,75 19 140513409 M-14 1,50 22 160513410 M-14 2 22 160513411 M-16 1,50 24 180513412 M-16 2 24 180513413 M-18 1,50 27 200513414 M-18 2,50 27 200513415 M-20 1,50 30 220513416 M-20 2,50 30 220513417 M-22 1,50 32 250513418 M-22 2,50 32 250513419 M-24 1,50 36 280513420 M-24 2 36 280513421 M-24 3 36 280513422 M-27 3 32 410513423 M-30 3,50 35 46

DIN 982 tuercasautoblocantes altas

Referencia d PasoSmm


0513500 M-12 1,75 22 100513501 M-16 2 27 130513502 M-20 2,50 32 160513503 M-22 2,50 36 180513504 M-24 3 41 190513505 M-27 3 46 220513506 M-30 3,5 50 240513507 M-36 4 60 29

DIN 6915 tuerca paraestructuras

DIN 6923 tuerca de basegrafilada

DIN 315 tuerca mariposa

Referencia d Pasoamm



0513700 M-3 0,50 9,5 11,5 40513701 M-4 0,70 9,5 11,5 40513702 M-5 0,80 9,5 11,5 40513703 M-6 1 11,9 13,2 4,30513704 M-8 1,25 13,5 16 5,40513705 M-10 1,50 15,3 18,2 6,30513706 M-12 1,75 20,5 23,8 7,90513707 M-14 2 25 32,5 10,60513708 M-16 2 25 32,5 10,60513709 M-18 2,50 29,3 32,9 12,20513710 M-20 2,50 29,3 32,9 12,2

Referencia d PasoSmm



0513600 M-4 0,70 6 3,5 9,20513601 M-5 0,80 8 4,3 14,20513602 M-6 1 10 6 14,20513603 M-8 1,25 13 8 16,90513604 M-10 1,50 15 10 21,80513605 M-12 1,75 18 12 260513606 M-14 2 21 14 29,90513607 M-16 2 24 16 34,5

DIN 1587 tuerca ciega

Referencia d PasoSmm


0513800 M-4 0,70 7 80513801 M-5 0,80 8 100513802 M-6 1 10 120513803 M-8 1,25 13 150513804 M-10 1,50 17 180513805 M-12 1,75 19 220513806 M-14 2 22 250513807 M-16 2 24 280513808 M-18 2,50 27 320513809 M-20 2,50 30 340513810 M-22 2,50 32 360513811 M-24 3 36 40


13DIN 928 tuerca soldablecuadrada

Referencia d1 s e m

0513900 M-5 8 11 4,20513901 M-5 10 13 50513902 M-8 14 18 6,50513903 M-10 17 22 80513904 M-12 19 25 9,5

DIN 929 tuerca soldablehexagonal

Referencia d1 s e m d2

0514000 M-4 9 9,83 3,5 60514001 M-5 10 10,95 4 70514002 M-6 11 12,02 5 80514003 M-8 14 15,38 6,5 10,50514004 M-10 17 18,74 8 12,50514005 M-12 19 20,91 10 14,80514006 M-16 24 26,51 13 18,8

DIN 6330 B tuerca abarcón

Referencia Ø s e m

0514100 M-8 13 15,0 120514101 M-10 17 19,6 150514102 M-12 19 21,9 180514103 M-14 22 25,4 210514104 M-16 24 27,7 240514105 M-18 27 31,2 270514106 M-20 30 34,6 300514107 M-22 32 36,9 330514108 M-24 36 41,6 360514109 M-27 41 47,3 400514110 M-30 46 53,1 450514111 M-36 55 63,5 54

DIN 6334 tuerca deprolongación

Referencia Ø s m

0514200 M-6 10 180514201 M-8 13 240514202 M-10 17 300514203 M-12 19 360514204 M-14 22 420514205 M-16 24 480514206 M-18 27 540514207 M-20 30 600514208 M-22 32 660514209 M-24 36 720514210 M-27 41 810514211 M-30 46 90


Referencia Código e f a b s d cx



0502300 0212831-6 0,5-4 8 12 14,8 0,60 6,2 7 – –0502301 0212862-3 0,5-4 10,6 14 19,6 0,60 6,2 9,4 – –0502302 0212827-9 0,5-4 12,2 15 22 0,75 9,2 11 17 150502303 0212861-5 0,7-4 12,75 16 23,8 0,85 9 11,5 – –0502304 0212829-5 0,5-4 14,5 16,6 24,3 1 11,2 13 18 16

Tuercas rápidas universalesAcero para muellesHRc 40/45 (HV 390-445)Aceitado Antioxidante


13Tuercas rápidas de seguridad tipo “U”para tornillo rosca DIN 7970Acero para muelles HRc 43/49 (HV 420-500)Aceitado Antioxidante

Referencia Código Fig.Ø Din7970

e a b s d cx



0501900 0213074-8 3 2,9 (ISO-4) 0,6-1,2 9±0,2 16±0,3 0,4 6 +0,2 8,5 -0,3 9,5 8,50501901 0213055-3 1 2,9 (ISO-4) 0,7-1,2 8±0,2 11±0,3 0,5 5 +0,2 4,5 -0,3 8,5 60501902 0212825-2 1 2,9 (ISO-4) 2,0-3,0 8±0,2 12±0,3 0,5 4,7 +0,2 5 -0,3 8,5 80501903 0213020-3 1 3,5 (ISO-6) 0,7-1,0 9±0,2 12±0,3 0,6 5 +0,2 6,5 -0,3 9,5 70501904 0213022-0 1 3,5 (ISO-6) 1,1-1,5 9±0,2 12±0,3 0,6 5 +0,2 6 -0,3 9,5 70501905 0213024-6 1 3,5 (ISO-6) 1,6-2,0 9±0,2 12±0,3 0,6 5 +0,2 6 -0,3 9,5 70501906 0213026-2 1 3,5 (ISO-6) 2,1-2,5 9±0,2 11,5±0,3 0,6 5 +0,2 5 -0,3 9,5 7,50501907 0213028-9 1 3,9 (ISO-7) 0,7-1,0 9±0,2 12±0,3 0,6 6 +0,2 6,5 -0,3 9,5 70501908 0213030-0 1 3,9 (ISO-7) 1,1-1,5 9±0,2 12±0,3 0,6 6 +0,2 6 -0,3 9,5 70501909 0213058-8 1 4,2 (ISO-8) 0,6-0,8 16±0,2 11,7±0,3 0,6 6,5 +0,2 5 -0,3 16,5 70501910 0213053-7 1 4,2 (ISO-8) 0,6-1,1 9±0,2 10,5±0,3 0,6 6 +0,2 5,3 -0,3 9,5 60501911 0213032-6 1 4,2 (ISO-8) 0,7-1,0 9±0,2 12±0,3 0,6 6 +0,2 6,5 -0,3 9,5 70501912 0213062-5 1 4,2 (ISO-8) 0,7-1,6 11±0,2 17,6±0,3 0,6 7 +0,2 8 -0,3 11,5 8,50501913 0212816-4 1 4,2 (ISO-8) 0,8-1,5 9±0,2 19±0,3 0,6 7 +0,2 12 -0,3 9,5 120501914 0213034-2 1 4,2 (ISO-8) 1,1-1,5 9±0,2 12±0,3 0,6 6 +0,2 6 -0,3 9,5 70501915 0213065-0 1 4,2 (ISO-8) 1,4-1,6 9±0,2 10,5±0,3 0,6 6 +0,2 4,5 -0,3 9,5 60501916 0213036-9 1 4,2 (ISO-8) 1,6-2,0 9±0,2 12±0,3 0,6 6 +0,2 6 -0,3 9,5 70501917 0213052-9 1 4,2 (ISO-8) 1,7-2,2 16±0,2 15,5±0,3 0,6 6 +0,2 6 -0,3 16,5 8,50501918 0213038-5 1 4,2 (ISO-8) 2,1-2,5 9±0,2 11,5±0,3 0,6 6 +0,2 5 -0,3 9,5 7,50501919 0213051-0 2 4,2 (ISO-8) 3,5-4,8 11±0,2 16±0,3 0,6 6 +0,2 6,5 -0,3 11,5 8,50501920 0213046-5 1 4,8 (ISO-10) 0,6-1,0 12±0,2 21±0,3 0,7 7 +0,2 9,5 -0,3 12,5 120501921 0213041-6 1 4,8 (ISO-10) 0,9-1,4 12±0,2 15±0,3 0,7 7 +0,2 6,5 -0,3 12,5 100501922 0213048-1 1 4,8 (ISO-10) 1,1-2,5 12±0,2 21±0,3 0,7 7 +0,2 9 -0,3 12,5 120501923 0213042-2 1 4,8 (ISO-10) 1,5-2,4 12±0,2 15±0,3 0,7 7 +0,2 6 -0,3 12,5 100501924 0213085-2 2 4,8 (ISO-10) 1,5-3,0 12±0,2 21±0,3 0,7 6 +0,2 9 -0,3 12,5 120501925 0213044-9 1 4,8 (ISO-10) 2,5-3,2 12±0,2 15±0,3 0,7 7 +0,2 5,5 -0,3 12,5 100501926 0213050-2 1 4,8 (ISO-10) 2,6-3,8 12±0,2 21±0,3 0,7 7 +0,2 8 -0,3 12,5 120501927 0213060-9 1 5,5 (ISO-12) 0,4-0,9 16±0,2 16,5±0,3 0,8 7 +0,2 9 -0,3 16,5 90501928 0213057-0 2 5,5 (ISO-12) 0,8-1,5 16±0,2 14,7±0,3 0,8 6,5 +0,2 6,5 -0,3 16,5 90501929 0213061-7 1 5,5 (ISO-12) 1,6-2,1 16±0,2 16±0,3 0,8 7 +0,2 8 -0,3 16,5 9

Referencia Código Fig. a b c d s f L K±0,1H


Din 7970

0502200 0213301-7 A 14,5 7 10 13,5 0,7 9 2,5 0,75 12,6-13,1 8,8 0,8-1,2-1,2-1,6 4,8 (ISO-10)0502201 0213302-5 B 11,1 7,5 5,16 8,8 0,5 5,69 1 – 8,3 8,8 0,6-1,0 3,5 (ISO-6)0502202 0213303-3 B 13,5 9,5 6,30 10,8 0,6 7,10 1 – 10,2 – 0,6-1,0 4,2 (ISO-8)

Tuercas de expansiónAcero para muellesHRc 40/47 (HV 390-470)Aceitado Antioxidante

Fig. A Fig. B


13Tuercas rápidas de seguridad tipo “U”para tornillo rosca métricaAcero para muellesHRc 43/49 (HV 420-500)Aceitado Antioxidante

Referencia Código Fig.Ø MedidaNominal

e a b s d cx



0502000 0213001-9 1 M-3 0,8-1,6 8±0,2 12±0,3 0,3 5 +0,2 6 -0,3 8,5 6,50502001 0213054-5 2 M-4 0,6-2,5 10±0,2 16±0,3 0,4 5 +0,2 7 -0,3 10,5 8,50502002 0213002-7 1 M-4 1,0-2,0 10±0,2 18±0,3 0,4 6 +0,2 8,5 -0,3 10,5 8,50502003 0213003-5 1 M-4 3,0-4,0 10±0,2 17,5±0,3 0,4 6 +0,2 7 -0,3 10,5 8,50502004 0213005-1 1 M-5 0,6-1,1 12±0,2 15±0,3 0,5 7 +0,2 6,5 -0,3 12,5 80502005 0213011-5 1 M-5 0,6-1,4 12±0,2 21±0,3 0,5 7 +0,2 9,5 -0,3 12,5 100502006 0213015-8 1 M-5 0,6-1,4 12±0,2 24±0,3 0,5 7 +0,2 12,5 -0,3 12,5 10,70502007 0213007-8 1 M-5 1,2-1,8 12±0,2 15±0,3 0,5 7 +0,2 6,5 -0,3 12,5 80502008 0213013-1 1 M-5 1,5-2,6 12±0,2 21±0,3 0,5 7 +0,2 9 -0,3 12,5 100502009 0213017-4 1 M-5 1,5-2,6 12±0,2 24±0,3 0,5 7 +0,2 12 -0,3 12,5 10,70502010 0213009-4 1 M-5 1,9-2,2 12±0,2 15±0,3 0,5 7 +0,2 6 -0,3 12,5 80502011 0212807-6 1 M-5 2,3-3,0 12±0,2 14,7±0,3 0,5 7 +0,2 5,5 -0,3 12,5 80502012 0213068-4 1 M-6 1,0-1,8 16±0,2 16,5±0,3 0,5 7 +0,2 8,4 -0,3 16,5 80502013 0213066-8 1 M-6 1,9-3,0 16±0,2 16,2±0,3 0,5 8 +0,2 7,4 -0,3 16,5 80502014 0213018-2 1 M-6 2,0-3,2 16±0,2 24,5±0,3 0,5 8 +0,2 10 -0,3 14,5 10,70502015 0213087-9 1 M-6 3,3-4,6 16±0,2 24,5±0,3 0,5 8 +0,2 9 -0,3 14,5 10,70502016 0213064-1 1 1/4” 0,6-1,1 18±0,2 16,4±0,3 0,9 8,5 +0,2 7,5 -0,3 18,5 80502017 0213075-6 1 1/4” 0,7-1,4 14±0,2 30±0,3 0,8 9 +0,2 16,5 -0,3 14,5 100502018 0213063-3 1 1/4” 1,2-1,8 18±0,2 16,3±0,3 0,9 8,5 +0,2 7 -0,3 18,5 80502019 0213059-6 1 1/4” 1,5-2,3 14±0,2 30,5±0,3 1 9 +0,2 16,5 -0,3 14,5 12

Tuercas enjauladas tipo ClipJaula de acero para muellesHRc 40/47 (HV 390-470)Aceitado Antioxidante

Referencia CódigoMedidaNominal d A+0,5 B+0,3 C+0,3 E s



0502400 0310301-8 ◯ M 4 (0,5-1,1) 15,8 11,7 6,4 7 0,6 12,5 100502401 0310302-6 ◯ M 4 (1,2-1,8) 15,6 11,7 6,4 7 0,6 12,5 100502402 0310303-4 ◯ M 4 (1,9-2,5) 15,5 11,7 6,4 7 0,6 12,5 100502403 0310304-2 ◯ M 5 (0,5-1,1) 15,8 11,7 6,4 7 0,6 12,5 100502404 0310305-0 ◯ M 5 (1,2-1,8) 15,6 11,7 6,4 7 0,6 12,5 100502405 0310306-9 ◯ M 5 (1,9-2,5) 15,5 11,7 6,4 7 0,6 12,5 100502406 0310307-7 ● M 6 (0,5-1,1) 15,8 11,7 6,4 7 0,6 12,5 100502407 0310308-5 ● M 6 (1,2-1,8) 15,6 11,7 6,4 7 0,6 12,5 100502408 0310309-3 ● M 6 (1,9-2,5) 15,5 11,7 6,4 7 0,6 12,5 100502409 0310310-6 ● M 6 (0,5-1,0) 23,3 14,9 7,8 7 0,8 16,1 140502410 0310311-4 ● M 6 (1,1-2,0) 23,3 14,9 7,8 7 0,8 16,1 140502411 0310312-2 ● M 6 (2,1-3,0) 23,3 14,9 7,8 7 0,8 16,1 140502412 0310313-0 ● (*)M 7 (0,7-1,0) 23,5 15,3 8,3 8 1 16,1 140502413 0310314-9 ● (*)M 7 (1,1-2,0) 23,5 15,3 8,3 8 1 16,1 140502414 0310315-7 ● (*)M 7 (2,1-3,0) 23,5 15,3 8,3 8 1 16,1 140502415 0310316-5 ● M 8 (0,7-1,0) 23,5 15,3 8,3 9 1 16,1 140502416 0310317-3 ● M 8 (1,1-2,0) 23,5 15,3 8,3 9 1 16,1 140502417 0310318-1 ● M 8 (2,0-3,0) 23,5 15,3 8,3 9 1 16,1 14

◯ Clase resistencia 6. ● Clase resistencia 8.


13Referencia Código

MedidaNominal d D–0,5 B±0,4 d1±0,1 s

0502500 0310076-5 M 4 (0,7-4,0) 12,3 13 9,9 0,60502501 0310077-3 M 5 (0,7-4,0) 12,3 13 9,9 0,60502502 0310078-1 M 6 (0,7-4,0) 12,3 13 9,9 0,6

Tuercas enjauladas cilíndricasJaula, tuerca: Acero cincado

Tuercas enjauladas paranivelaciónJaula de acero para muellesHRc 40/47 (HV 390-470)Aceitado antioxidante

Referencia CódigoMedidaNominal d

0502600 0310401-0 M 8 (0,8-1,6)0502601 0310402-9 M 8 (0,8-1,6)0502602 0310403-7 M 10 (0,8-1,6)0502603 0310404-5 M 10 (1,7-2,4)

Tuercas enjauladas normales (jaula inoxidable)Jaula de acero inox. 18/8Tuerca de acero cincado

Referencia CódigoMedidaNominal d D±0,2 A+0,6 F±0,3 G±0,3 r

máx0502700 0310051-1 M 3 (0,3-0,9) 9,3 4,8 9,7 3,6 0,250502701 0310352-0 M 3 (1,0-1,6) 9,3 4,8 9,7 3,6 0,250502702 0310353-8 M 3 (1,7-2,3) 9,3 4,8 9,7 3,6 0,250502703 0310354-6 M 4 (0,3-0,9) 9,3 4,8 9,7 3,6 0,250502704 0310355-4 M 4 (1,0-1,6) 9,3 4,8 9,7 3,6 0,250502705 0310356-2 M 4 (1,7-2,3) 9,3 4,8 9,7 3,6 0,250502706 0310001-0 M 4 (0,5-1,5) 12 7,2 12,2 6 10502707 0310002-8 M 4 (1,6-2,5) 12 7,2 12,2 6 10502708 0310003-6 M 4 (2,3-3,5) 12 7,2 12,2 6 10502724 0310058-9 M 4 (0,7-1,6) 13,2 8,2 13,5 6 10502725 0310059-7 M 4 (1,7-2,7) 13,2 8,2 13,5 6 10502726 0310060-0 M 4 (2,7-3,5) 13,2 8,2 13,5 6 10502709 0310004-4 M 5 (0,5-1,5) 12 7,2 12,2 6 10502710 0310005-2 M 5 (1,6-2,5) 12 7,2 12,2 6 10502711 0310006-0 M 5 (2,6-3,5) 12 7,2 12,2 6 10502727 0310061-8 M 5 (0,7-1,6) 13,2 8,2 13,5 6 10502728 0310062-6 M 5 (1,7-2,7) 13,2 8,2 13,5 6 10502729 0310063-4 M 5 (2,7-3,5) 13,2 8,2 13,5 6 10502712 0310007-9 M 6 (0,5-1,5) 12 7,2 12,2 6 10502713 0310008-7 M 6 (1,6-2,5) 12 7,2 12,2 6 10502714 0310009-5 M 6 (2,6-3,5) 12 7,2 12,2 6 10502730 0310064-2 M 6 (0,7-1,6) 13,2 8,2 13,5 6 10502731 0310065-0 M 6 (1,7-2,7) 13,2 8,2 13,5 6 10502732 0310066-9 M 6 (2,7-3,5) 13,2 8,2 13,5 6 10502733 0310067-7 M 6 (1,0-1,7) 16 10,6 16,6 7,8 10502734 0310068-5 M 6 (1,8-3,2) 16 10,6 16,6 7,8 10502735 0310069-3 M 6 (3,3-4,7) 16 10,6 16,6 7,8 10502718 0310010-8 M 8 (1,0-1,7) 16 10,6 16,6 7,8 10502719 0310011-6 M 8 (1,8-3,2) 16 10,6 16,6 7,8 10502720 0310012-4 M 8 (3,3-4,7) 16 10,6 16,6 7,8 10502721 0310013-2 M 10 (1,0-1,7) 16 10,6 16,6 7,8 10502722 0310014-0 M 10 (1,8-3,2) 16 10,6 16,6 7,8 10502723 0310015-9 M 10 (3,3-4,7) 16 10,6 16,6 7,8 1


13Tuercas enjauladas de montaje frontalJaula de acero para muelles HRc 40/47 (HV 360-470)Aceitado antioxidante

Ref. CódigoMedidaNominal d A+0,3 B±0,5 C±0,3 D±0,3 E±0,3 S G±0,3

0502800 0310101-2 M 4 (0,5-1,0) 7,6 19,5 13 5,9 11,2 0,5 120502801 0310102-2 M 4 (1,0-1,5) 8,1 18,5 13 5,9 11,2 0,5 120502802 0310103-9 M 4 (1,5-2,0) 8,6 17,5 13 5,9 11,2 0,5 120502803 0310104-7 M 5 (0,5-1,0) 7,6 19,5 13 5,9 11,2 0,5 120502804 0310105-5 M 5 (1,0-1,5) 8,1 18,5 13 5,9 11,2 0,5 120502805 0310106-3 M 5 (1,5-2,0) 8,6 17,5 13 5,9 11,2 0,5 120502806 0310107-1 M 6 (0,5-1,0) 7,6 19,5 13 5,9 11,2 0,5 120502807 0310108-0 M 6 (1,0-1,5) 8,1 18,5 13 5,9 11,2 0,5 120502808 0310109-8 M 6 (1,5-2,0) 8,6 17,5 13 5,9 11,2 0,5 120502809 0310110-0 (*) M 7 (0,6-1,1) 9,4 27,4 19 7,4 15,5 0,7 16,50502810 0310111-9 (*) M 7 (1,1-1,6) 9,4 26,4 19 7,4 15,5 0,7 16,50502811 0310112-7 (*) M 7 (1,6-2,1) 10,4 25,4 19 7,4 15,5 0,7 16,50502812 0310113-5 M 8 (0,6-1,1) 9,4 27,4 19 7,4 15,5 0,7 16,50502813 0310114-3 M 5 (1,1-1,6) 9,9 26,4 19 7,4 15,5 0,7 16,50502814 0310115-1 M 5 (1,6-2,1) 10,4 25,4 19 7,4 15,5 0,7 16,5

Tuercas KM para rodamientosAcero para muelles HRc 43/49 (HV 425-495)Aceitado antioxidante

Ref.MedidaNominal d




0502900 10 x 0,75 18 4 30502901 12 x 1 22 4 30502902 15 x 1 25 5 40502903 17 x 1 28 5 40502904 20 x 1 32 6 40502905 25 x 1,50 38 7 50502906 30 x 1,50 45 7 50502907 35 x 1,50 52 8 50502908 40 x 1,5 58 9 60502909 45 x 1,50 65 10 60502910 50 x 1,50 70 11 60502911 55 x 2 75 11 70502912 60 x 2 80 11 70502913 65 x 2 85 12 70502914 70 x 2 92 12 80502915 75 x 2 98 13 80502916 80 x 2 105 15 80502917 85 x 2 110 16 80502918 90 x 2 120 16 100502919 95 x 2 125 17 100502920 100 x 2 130 18 100502921 105 x 2 140 18 120502922 110 x 2 145 19 120502923 115 x 2 150 19 120502924 120 x 2 155 20 120502925 125 x 2 160 21 120502926 130 x 2 165 21 120502927 135 x 2 175 22 140502928 140 x 2 180 22 140502929 145 x 2 190 24 140502930 150 x 2 195 24 140502931 160 x 3 210 25 160502932 170 x 3 220 26 160502933 180 x 3 230 27 180502934 190 x 3 240 28 180502935 200 x 3 250 18 18

Tuercas rápidasAcero para muelles HRc 43/49 (HV 425-495)Aceitado antioxidante

Ref. CódigoDin7970

M a b s

0503000 0212003-1 – M 4 6±0,2 9 0,30503001 0212005-8 – M 5 8±0,2 14 0,40503002 0212006-6 – M 6 10±0,2 16 0,60503003 0212008-2 – M 8 12±0,2 18 0,50503004 0212001-5 – M 3 16±0,2 24 0,60503005 0212010-3 2,9 (ISO-4) – 8±0,2 14 0,50503006 0212011-1 3,5 (ISO-6) – 8±0,2 13 0,60503007 0212012-0 3,9 (ISO-7) – 10±0,2 14 0,60503008 0212013-8 4,2 (ISO-8) – 10±0,2 16 0,60503009 0212014-6 4,8 (ISO-10) – 12±0,3 16 0,70503010 0212016-2 6,3 (ISO-14) – 14±0,3 19 1

(*) Hasta agotamiento de stock



DIN 125 arandelasplanas


tornillosd1 d2 s

0514300 M - 3 3,2 7 0,50504301 M - 4 4,3 9 0,80504302 M - 5 5,3 10 10504303 M - 6 6,4 12 1,60504304 M - 7 7,4 14 1,60504305 M - 8 8,4 16 1,60504306 M - 10 10,5 20 20504307 M - 12 13 24 2,50504308 M - 14 15 28 2,50504309 M - 16 17 30 30504310 M - 18 19 34 30504311 M - 20 21 37 30504312 M - 22 23 39 30504313 M - 24 25 44 40504314 M - 27 28 50 40504315 M - 30 31 56 40504316 M - 32 33 56 50504317 M - 33 34 60 50504318 M - 35 36 66 50504319 M - 36 37 66 50504321 M - 39 42 72 60504322 M - 40 40 72 60504323 M - 42 43 78 80504324 M - 45 48 85 80504325 M - 48 50 92 80504326 M - 50 52 92 80504327 M - 52 54 98 8

DIN 9021 arandelas planas


tornillosd1 d2 s

0514400 M - 3 3,2 9 0,80504401 M - 4 4,3 12 10504402 M - 5 5,3 15 1,20504403 M - 6 6,4 18 1,60504404 M - 7 7,4 22 20504405 M - 8 8,4 24 20504406 M - 10 10,5 30 2,50504407 M - 12 13 37 30504408 M - 14 15 44 30504409 M - 16 17 50 30504410 M - 18 19 56 40504411 M - 20 21 60 4

DIN 6916 arandelas planas


tornillosd1 d2 s

0514500 M - 12 13 24 30504501 M - 16 17 30 40504502 M - 20 21 37 40504503 M - 22 23 39 40504504 M - 24 25 44 40504505 M - 27 28 50 5

DIN 127 arandelas Grower


tornillosd1 b s

0514600 M - 3 3,1 1,6 0,80504601 M - 4 4,1 1,8 0,90504602 M - 5 5,1 2,4 1,20504603 M - 6 6,1 3,2 1,60504604 M - 7 7,1 3,2 1,60504605 M - 8 8,1 4 20504606 M - 10 10,2 4 2,20504607 M - 12 12,2 5 2,50504609 M - 14 14,2 6 30504610 M - 16 16,2 7 3,50504611 M - 18 18,2 7 3,50504612 M - 20 20,2 8 40504613 M - 22 22,5 8 40504614 M - 24 24,5 10 50504615 M - 26 26,5 10 50504616 M - 27 27,5 10 50504617 M - 30 30,5 12 60504618 M - 33 33,5 12 60504619 M - 36 36,5 12 60504621 M - 39 39,5 12 60504622 M - 42 42,5 14 70504623 M - 45 45,5 14 70504624 M - 48 49 14 70504625 M - 52 53 16 8


13DIN 912 AET arandelasdentadas

Ref. CódigoPara

tornillosd1 d2 t s

0514700 0232001-6 M - 3 3,2 5,5 0,6 0,40504701 0232002-4 M - 4 4,3 7 0,7 0,50504702 0232003-2 M - 5 5,3 8,5 0,9 0,60504703 0232004-0 M - 6 6,4 10 1 0,70504704 0232005-9 M - 8 8,4 13 1,2 0,80504705 0232006-7 M - 10 10,5 16 1,5 10504706 0232007-5 M - 12 13 18 1,5 10504707 0232008-3 M - 14 15 21 1,8 1,20504708 0232009-1 M - 16 17 24 1,8 1,2

Arandelas dentadasdobles elásticasAcero para muelles HRc 37/43 (HV 365-425)Aceitado antioxidante

Ref. CódigoParaØ

d1 d2h


0513400 0232001-6 M - 3 3,2+0,18 5,5-0,2 0,9 0,40503401 0232002-4 M - 4 4,3+0,18 7-0,25 1 0,50503402 0232003-2 M - 5 5,3+0,18 8,5-0,25 1,1 0,60503403 0232004-0 M - 6 6,4+0,22 10-0,25 1,2 0,70503404 0232005-9 M - 8 8,4+0,22 13-0,3 1,4 0,80503405 0232006-7 M - 10 10,5+0,22 16-0,3 1,6 10503406 0232007-5 M - 12 13+0,27 18-0,3 1,7 10503407 0232008-3 M - 14 15+0,27 21-0,35 2 1,20503408 0232009-1 M - 16 17+0,27 24-0,35 2,1 1,2

DIN 6798 forma A arandelasen abanicoAcero para muelles HRc 37/43 (HV 365-425)Aceitado antioxidante

Ref. CódigoParaØ

d1 d2 S1±0,1 Rosca


0503100 0117005-4 M - 3 3,2 6-0,3 0,4 1/8”0503101 0117007-0 M - 4 4,3 8-0,36 0,5 5/35”0503102 0117008-9 M - 5 5,1 9-0,36 0,5 3/16”0503103 0117009-7 M - 6 6,4 11-0,43 0,7 1/4”0503104 0117010-0 M - 7 7,4 12,5-0,43 0,80503105 0117011-8 M - 8 8,2 14-0,43 0,8 5/16”0503106 0117012-6 M - 10 10,5 18-0,43 0,9 3/8”0503107 0117013-4 M - 12 12,5 20,5-0,52 10503108 0117015-0 M - 14 14,5 24-0,52 1 9/16”0503109 0117016-9 M - 16 16,5 26-0,52 1,2 5/8”0503110 0117017-7 M - 18 19 30-0,52 1,40503111 0117019-3 M - 20 21 33-0,62 1,4 3/4”

DIN 6798 forma V arandelasen abanicoAcero para muelles HRc 37/43 (HV 365-425)Aceitado antioxidante

Ref. CódigoParaØ

d1 d2 SRoscaW

0503200 0119004-3 M - 3 3,2 6-0,3 0,4+0,1 1/8”0503201 0119006-0 M - 4 4,3 8-0,36 0,5+0,1 5/32”0503202 0119007-8 M - 5 5,1 9-0,36 0,5+0,1 3/16”0503203 0119008-6 M - 6 6,4 11-0,43 0,7+0,1 1/4”0503204 0119009-4 M - 8 8,2 14-0,43 0,8+0,1 5/16”0503205 0119010-7 M - 10 10,5 18-0,43 0,9+0,1 3/8”0503206 0119011-5 M - 12 12,5 20,5-0,52 1+0,1 1/2”0503207 0119012-3 M - 14 14,5 24-0,52 1+0,1 9/16”0503208 0119013-1 M - 16 16,5 26-0,52 1,2+0,2 5/8”

DIN 6798 forma J arandelasen abanicoAcero para muelles HRc 37/43 (HV 365-425)Aceitado antioxidante

Ref. CódigoParaØ

d1 d2 SRoscaW

0503300 0118005-8 M - 3 3,2 6-0,3 0,4 1/8”0503301 0118007-4 M - 4 4,3 8-0,36 0,5 5/35”0503302 0118008-2 M - 5 5,1 9-0,36 0,5 3/16”0503303 0118009-0 M - 6 6,4 11-0,43 0,70503304 0118010-3 M - 7 7,4 12,5-0,43 0,8 5/32”0503305 0118011-1 M - 8 8,2 14-0,43 0,8 5/16”0503306 0118012-0 M - 10 10,5 18-0,43 0,9 3/8”0503307 0118013-8 M - 12 12,5 20,5-0,52 10503308 0118014-6 13,2 22-0,52 1 1/2”0503309 0118015-4 M - 14 14,5 24-0,52 10503310 0118016-2 M - 16 16,5 26-0,52 1,2 5/8”0503311 0118017-0 M - 18 19 30-0,52 1,40503312 0118018-9 M - 20 21 33-0,62 1,4

DIN 6917 arandelas en cuña.Para uniones HV

Ref. d a b h

0503650 13 26 30 6,20503651 17 32 36 7,50503652 21 40 44 9,20503653 23 44 50 100503654 25 56 56 10,80503655 28 56 56 10,80503656 31 62 62 11,70503657 37 68 68 12,5


13DIN 6918 arandelas en cuña.Para uniones HV

Ref. d a b h

0503660 13 26 30 4,90503661 17 32 36 5,90503662 21 40 44 70503663 23 44 50 80503664 25 56 56 8,50503665 28 56 56 8,50503666 31 62 62 90503667 37 68 68 9,4

Arandelas cónicasde contacto


tornillod D s n Dientes

0503500 M - 4 4,1 10 0,9 1,4 320503501 M - 5 5,1 12 1,1 1,8 360503502 M - 6 6,1 14 1,3 2,1 450503503 M - 8 8,2 18 1,4 2,35 450503504 M - 10 10,2 22 1,6 2,75 450503505 M - 12 12,4 27 1,8 3,1 450503506 M - 14 14,4 30 2,4 3,7 450503507 M - 16 16,4 32 2,8 4,1 60

DIN 137 forma A arandelasde muelleAcero para muelles HRc 43/50 (HV 425-510)Aceitado antioxidante

Ref. Código d1 d2 s1h2mín.


0503600 0108001-0 2,2+0,25 4,5±0,37 0,3±0,03 0,50 10503601 0108002-8 2,5+0,25 5±0,37 0,3±0,03 0,50 10503602 0108004-4 3,2+0,3 6±0,37 0,4±0,05 0,65 1,30503603 0108006-0 4,3+0,3 8±0,45 0,5±0,05 0,80 1,60503604 0108007-9 5,3-0,3 10±0,45 0,5±0,05 0,90 1,80503605 0108008-7 6,4+0,36 11±0,45 0,5±0,05 1,10 2,20503606 0108009-5 7,4+0,36 12±0,45 0,5±0,05 1,20 2,40503607 0108010-8 8,4+0,36 15±0,45 0,5±0,05 1,70 3,40503608 0108011-6 10,5+0,43 18±0,45 0,8±0,06 2 4

DIN 137 forma B arandelasde muelleAcero para muelles HRc 43/50 (HV 425-510)Aceitado antioxidante

Ref. Código d1 d2 s1h2mín.


0503700 0108133-8 3,7+0,3 8±0,45 0,5±0,03 0,9 1,80503701 0108101-2 4,3+0,3 9±0,45 0,5±0,03 1 20503702 0108102-0 5,3+0,3 11±0,55 0,5±0,05 1,1 2,20503703 0108103-9 6,4+0,36 12±0,55 0,5±0,05 1,3 2,60503704 0108104-7 7,4-0,36 14±0,55 0,8±0,05 1,5 30503705 0108105-5 8,4+0,36 15±0,55 0,8±0,05 1,5 30503706 0108106-3 10,5+0,43 21±0,65 1±0,05 2,1 4,20503707 0108107-1 13+0,43 24±0,65 1,2±0,05 2,5 50503708 0108108-0 15+0,43 28±0,65 1,6±0,05 3 5,90503709 0108109-8 17+0,43 30±0,65 1,6±0,06 3,2 6,30503710 0108110-0 19+0,52 34±0,80 1,6±0,06 3,3 6,5

DIN 2093 serie A arandelasde muelle (duras)Acero para muelles HRc 43/50 (HV 425-510)Aceitado antioxidante

Ref. D d s h h+s

0503800 8 4,2 0,4 0,20 0,600503801 10 5,2 0,5 0,25 0,750503802 12,5 6,2 0,7 0,3 10503803 14 7,2 0,8 0,3 1,100503804 16 8,2 0,9 0,35 1,250503805 18 9,2 1 0,4 1,40503806 20 10,2 1,1 0,45 1,550503807 22,5 11,2 1,25 0,5 1,750503808 25 12,2 1,5 0,55 2,050503809 28 14,2 1,5 0,65 2,150503810 31,5 16,3 1,75 0,7 2,450503811 35,5 18,3 2 0,8 2,800503812 40 20,4 2,25 0,9 3,150503813 45 22,4 2,5 1 3,500503814 50 25,4 3 1,1 4,100503815 56 28,5 3 1,3 4,300503816 63 31 3,5 1,4 4,900503817 71 36 4 1,6 5,600503818 80 41 5 1,7 6,700503819 90 46 5 2 70503820 100 51 6 2,2 8,200503821 112 57 6 2,5 8,500503822 125 64 8 2,6 10,600503823 140 72 8 3,2 11,200503824 160 82 10 3,5 13,500503825 180 92 10 4 140503826 200 102 12 4,2 16,200503827 225 112 12 5 170503828 250 127 14 5,6 19,60


13DIN 2093 serie B arandelasde muelle (blandas)Acero para muelles HRc 43/50 (HV 425-510)Aceitado antioxidante

Ref. D d s h h+s

0503900 8 8 0,30 0,25 0,550503901 10 10 0,40 0,30 0,70503902 12,5 12,5 0,50 0,35 0,850503903 14 14 0,50 0,40 0,90503904 16 16 0,60 0,45 1,050503905 18 18 0,70 0,50 1,20503906 20 20 0,80 0,55 1,350503907 22,5 22,5 0,80 0,65 1,450503908 25 25 0,90 0,70 1,60503909 28 28 1 0,80 1,80503910 31,5 31,5 1,25 0,90 2,150503911 35,5 35,5 1,25 1 2,250503912 40 40 1,50 1,15 2,650503913 45 45 1,75 1,30 3,050503914 50 50 2 1,40 3,40503915 56 56 2 1,60 3,60503916 63 63 2,50 1,75 4,250503917 71 71 2,50 2 4,500503918 80 80 3 2,30 5,30503919 90 90 3,50 2,50 60503920 100 100 3,50 2,80 6,30503921 112 112 4 3,20 7,20503922 125 125 5 3,50 8,50503923 140 140 5 4 90503924 160 160 6 4,5 10,50503925 180 180 6 5,10 11,10503926 200 200 8 5,60 13,60503927 225 225 8 6,50 14,50503928 250 250 10 7 17

DIN 6799 arandelas deseguridad para ejes

Ref. Código d1 d2 ah10 d3 s

0515000 0111002-8 1,2 2,9 1,01 3 0,30515001 0111003-6 1,5 3,9 1,28 4 0,40515002 0111004-4 1,9 4,4 1,61 4,5 0,50515003 0111005-2 2,3 5,9 1,94 6 0,60515004 0111006-0 3,2 6,85 2,7 7 0,60515005 0111007-9 4 8,85 3,34 9 0,70515006 0111008-7 5 10,85 4,11 11 0,70515007 0111009-5 6 11,85 5,26 12 0,70515008 0111010-8 7 13,8 5,84 14 0,90515009 0111011-6 8 15,8 6,52 16 10515010 0111012-4 9 18,3 7,63 18,5 1,10515011 0111013-2 10 19,8 8,32 20 1,20515012 0111014-0 12 22,7 10,45 23 1,30515013 0111015-9 15 28,7 12,61 29 1,50515014 0111016-7 19 36,6 15,92 37 1,750515015 0111017-5 24 43,6 21,88 44 2


13� ANCLAJES METÁLICOSDe alta resistencia con certificaciónAnclaje Perno estándar

Código Estampac.en cabeza

Ø taladro(mm)

Profund. mín de taladro en montaje >



Espesormáximo afijar < (mm)

Longitudde rosca Rosca Ancho

llaveØ x espesorde arandela

FBN 6/5 – 6 45 40 5 / – 16 6 8 12 x 1,6

FBN 6 /10 – 6 50 55 10/– 30 6 8 12 x 1,6

FBN 6/30 – 6 70 75 30/– 30 6 8 12 x 1,6

FBN II 8/5 A 8 61 66 5/15 34 8 13 16 x 1,6

FBN II 8/10 B 8 66 71 10/20 39 8 13 16 x 1,6

FBN II 8/20 D 8 76 81 20/30 49 8 13 16 x 1,6

FBN II 8/30 F 8 66 91 30/40 59 8 13 16 x 1,6

FBN II 8/50 K 8 106 111 50/60 79 8 13 16 x 1,6

FBN II 8/710 M 8 126 131 70/80 99 8 13 16 x 1,6

FBN II 8/100 P 8 156 161 100/110 100 8 13 16 x 1,6

FBN II 10/10 B 10 78 86 10/20 46 10 17 20 x 4

FBN II 10/20 D 10 88 96 20/30 56 10 17 20 x 5

FBN II 10/30 F 10 98 106 30/40 66 10 17 20 x 7

FBN II 10/50 K 10 118 126 50/60 86 10 17 20 x 8

FBN II 10/70 M 10 138 146 70/80 100 10 17 20 x 9

FBN II 10/100 P 10 168 176 100/100 100 10 17 20 x 10

FBN II 10/140 S 10 208 216 140/150 100 10 17 20 x 11

FBN II 10/160 T 10 228 236 160/170 100 10 17 20 x 12

FBN II 12/10 B 12 95 106 10/25 59 12 19 24 x 2,5

FBN II 12/20 D 12 105 116 20/35 69 12 19 24 x 2,5

FBN II 12/30 F 12 115 126 30/45 79 12 19 24 x 2,5

FBN II 12/50 K 12 135 146 50/65 99 12 19 24 x 2,5

FBN II 12/80 N 12 165 176 80/95 129 12 19 24 x 2,5

FBN II 12/100 P 12 185 196 100/115 149 12 19 24 x 2,5

FBN II 12/120 R 12 205 216 120/135 169 12 19 24 x 2,5

FBN II 12/140 S 12 225 236 140/150 189 12 19 24 x 2,5

FBN II 12/160 T 12 245 256 160/185 100 12 19 24 x 2,5

FBN II 16/25 E 16 129 145 25/40 89 16 24 30 x 3

FBN II 16/50 K 16 154 170 50/65 114 16 24 30 x 3

FBN II 16/80 N 16 184 200 80/95 144 16 24 30 x 3

FBN II 16/100 P 16 204 220 100/115 164 16 24 30 x 3

FBN II 16/140 S 16 244 260 140/155 100 16 24 30 x 3

FBN II 16/160 T 16 264 280 160/175 100 16 24 30 x 3

FBN II 16/200 V 16 304 320 200/215 100 16 24 30 x 3

FBN II 20/30 F 20 165 184 30/55 50 20 30 37 x 3

FBN II 20/60 L 20 195 214 60/85 90 20 30 37 x 3

FBN II 20/80 N 20 215 234 80/105 90 20 30 37 x 3

FBN II 20/120 R 20 255 274 120/145 90 20 30 37 x 3

Disponible en acero inoxidable


13Anclaje Perno alto rendimiento



Profundidadmín anclaje


Espesormáx a fijar(mm)

FAZ II 8/10 94871 75 45 10

FAZ II 8/30 94877 95 45 30

FAZ II 8/50 94878 115 45 50

FAZ II 8/100 94879 165 45 100

FAZ II 8/150 94980 215 45 150

FAZ II 10/10 94981 93 60 10

FAZ II 10/30 94983 113 60 30

FAZ II 10/50 94984 133 60 50

FAZ II 10/80 94985 163 60 80

FAZ II 10/100 94986 183 60 100

FAZ II 10/150 95141 233 60 150

FAZ II 12/10 95419 108 70 10

FAZ II 12/30 95421 128 70 30

FAZ II 12/50 95446 148 70 50

Anclaje alta resistencia



Profundidadmín anclaje


Espesormáx a fijar(mm)

FH 10/10 S 045030 84 50 10

FH 10/25 S 045031 99 50 25

FH 10/50 S 045032 124 50 50

FH II 12/10 S 044884 90 60 10

FH II 12/25 S 044885 105 60 25

FH II 12/50 S 044886 130 60 50

FH II 15/10 S 044887 106 70 10

FH II 15/25 S 044888 121 70 25

FH II 15/50 S 044889 146 70 50



Profundidadmín anclaje


Espesormáx a fijar(mm)

FH II 18/10 S 046847 118 80 10

FH II 18/25 S 044894 132 80 25

FH II 18/50 S 044896 157 80 50

FH II 24/25 S 044898 160 125 25

FH II 24/50 S 044900 185 125 50

FH II 28/30 S 044901 192 125 30

FH II 28/60 S 044902 222 125 60

FH II 32/30 S 044903 215 150 30

FH II 32/60 S 044904 245 150 60

Cargas máximas admisiblesTracción centrada Cortante

Código HormigónComprim.

H fisuradotracción.


H fisuradotracción.

FAZ II 8 4,71 2,62 6,86 6,86

FAZ II 10 8,38 4,71 11,43 11,43

FAZ II 12 13,09 8,38 16,86 16,86

FAZ II 16 20,60 14,71 31,43 31,43



Profundidadmín anclaje


Espesormáx a fijar(mm)

FAZ II 12/80 95454 178 70 80

FAZ II 12/100 95470 198 70 100

FAZ II 12/150 95557 248 70 150

FAZ II 12/200 95605 298 70 200

FAZ II 16/25 95836 146 85 25

FAZ II 16/100 95865 221 85 100

FAZ II 16/150 95875 271 85 150

FAZ II 16/200 95967 321 85 200

FAZ II 16/250 95968 371 85 250

FAZ II 16/300 96188 421 85 300

Disponible en acero inoxidable

Disponible en acero inoxidable


13Anclaje de expansión a golpes



Ø broca(mm)

Profundidadde taladro(mm)

EA II M6 48264 30 8 32

EA II M8 48284 30 10 33

EA II M8 x 40 48323 40 10 43

EA II M10 x 30 48332 30 12 33

EA II M10 48339 40 12 43



Ø broca(mm)

Profundidadde taladro(mm)

EA II M12 48406 50 15 54

EA II M12 D 48407 50 16 54

EA II M16 48408 65 20 70

EA II M20 48409 80 24 85



Ø broca(mm)

Profundidadde taladro(mm)

EA M6 N 90159 25 8 25

EA M8 N 90160 30 10 30

EA M10 N 90161 40 12 40

EA M12 N 90162 50 15 50

EA M16 N 90163 65 20 65

EA M20 N 90164 80 25 80



Ø broca(mm) Rosca

HENOM06 25 8 M-6

HENOM08 30 10 M-8

HENOM10 40 12 M-10

HENOM12 50 15 M-12

HENOM16 65 20 M-16

HENOM20 80 25 M-20

Disponible en acero inoxidable

Cargas máximas admisiblesHormigón Comprimido Cargas de rotura

Código Traccióncentrada Cortante Tracción

centrada Cortante

EA II M6 – 2,1 – 6

EA II M8 3,1 2,8 12,4 9,8

EA II M10 4,7 4,5 18,8 11,7

EA II M12 6,5 6,7 26 21,2

EA II M16 9,7 11,5 38,8 31,4

EA II M20 13,3 18 53,2 50,3

Cargas máximas admisiblesHormigón Comprimido Cargas de rotura

Código Traccióncentrada Cortante Tracción

centrada Cortante

EA M6 N – 2,1 – 6

EA M8 N 3,1 2,8 12,4 9,8

EA M10 N 4,7 4,5 18,8 11,7

EA M12 N 6,5 6,7 26 21,2

EA M16 N 9,7 11,5 38, 31,4

EA M20 N 13,3 18 53,2 50,3


De alta resistencia sin certificaciónAnclaje expansión a golpes


13Anclaje Metálico estándar

Modelo CódigoLongitud total(mm)

Ø broca(mm)

Profundidad del taladro(mm)

Espesor máximoa fijar

FSL M6 x 45 D8 45650 45 8 55 2

FSL M6 x 60 D8 45759 60 8 70 15

FSL M6 x 45 D9 45760 45 9 55 2

FSL M6 x 60 D9 45651 60 9 70 15

FSL M8 x 60 D10 45652 60 10 70 5

FSL M8 x 80 D10 45653 80 10 90 15

FSL M8 x 60 D11 45761 60 11 70 5

FSL M8 x 80 D11 45763 80 11 90 15

FSL M10 x 70 D12 45654 70 12 80 2

FSL M10 x 100 D12 45655 100 12 110 25

FSL M10 x 70 D14 45764 70 14 80 2

FSL M10 x 100 D14 45765 100 14 110 25

FSL M12 x 80 D 16 45656 80 16 95 2

FSL M12 x 110 D16 45657 110 16 125 25

FSL M16 x 110 D20 45658 110 20 130 15

FSL M20 x 130 D25 45659 130 25 155 25

Código Medidas Ø(mm)

ACHT08C M-6 x 45 8

ACHT08L M-6 x 60 8

ACHT09C M-6 x 45 9

ACHT09L M-6 x 60 9

ACHT10C M-8 x 60 10

ACHT10L M-8 x 80 10

ACHT11C M-8 x 60 11

ACHT11L M-8 x 80 11

Código Medidas Ø(mm)

ACHT12C M-10 x 70 12

ACHT12L M-10 x 100 12

ACHT14C M-10 x 70 14

ACHT14L M-10 x 100 14

ACHT16C M-12 x 80 16

ACHT16L M-12 x 110 16

ACHT20C M-16 x 110 20

ACHT20L M-20 x 130 25

Anclaje zincadoAnclaje macho para cargas altas.

Código Medidas

AM06045 M-6 x 45

AM06060 M-6 x 60

AM06070 M-6 x 70

AM06080 M-6 x 80

AM06090 M-6 x 90

AM06100 M-6 x 100

AM06110 M-6 x 110

AM06120 M-6 x 120

AM06130 M-6 x 130

AM06140 M-6 x 140

AM06150 M-6 x 150

AM06160 M-6 x 160

AM06170 M-6 x 170

AM06180 M-6 x 180

AM08050 M-8 x 50

AM08060 M-8 x 60

AM08075 M-8 x 75

AM08090 M-8 x 90

AM080115 M-8 x 115

AM080130 M-8 x 130

Código Medidas

AM08155 M-8 x 155

AM10070 M-10 x 70

AM10090 M-10 x 90

AM10120 M-10 x 120

AM10150 M-10 x 150

AM10170 M-10 x 170

AM10210 M-10 x 210

AM10230 M-10 x 230

AM12075 M-12 x 75

AM12090 M-12 x 90

AM12110 M-12 x 110

AM12140 M-12 x 140

AM12160 M-12 x 160

AM12180 M-12 x 180

AM12220 M-12 x 220

AM12250 M-12 x 250

AM14080 M-14 x 80

AM14100 M-14 x 100

AM14120 M-14 x 120

AM14145 M-14 x 145

Código Medidas

AM14170 M-14 x 170

AM14220 M-14 x 220

AM14250 M-14 x 250

AM16090 M-16 x 90

AM16125 M-16 x 125

AM16145 M-16 x 145

AM16170 M-16 x 170

AM16220 M-16 x 220

AM16250 M-16 x 250

AM16280 M-16 x 280

AM20120 M-20 x 120

AM20170 M-20 x 170

AM20220 M-20 x 220

AM20270 M-20 x 270

AM24180 M-24 x 180

AM24260 M-24 x 260

Anclaje zincado antigiroTornillo hexagonal calidad 6.8


13Modelo Código Ø broca Profundidad de anclaje Para varillas

R M 8 050270 10 80 RG M8 / RG 8x75 M5 I

R M 10 050271 12 90 RG M10 / RG 10x75 M6 I

R M 12 050272 14 110 RG M12 / RG 12x90 M8 I

R M 14 050278 16 120 RG M14 / RG 14x90 M10 I

R M 16 050273 18 125 RG M16 / RG 16x100 M12 I

R M 20 050274 25 170 RG M20

R M 24 050275 28 210 RG M24

R M 27 079843 32 250 RG M27

R M 30 050276 35 280 RG M30

� ANCLAJES QUÍMICOSAmpollas y varilla roscadaAmpolla mortero

El Ø del agujero del taladro es mayor que el Ø de la ampolla.

Modelo Código Profundidad de anclaje

Espesor máxa fijar

RG M 8x110 050256 80 13

RG M 8x150 095698 80 60

RG M 8x250 095699 80 160

RG M 10x130 050257 90 20

RG M 10x165 050280 90 57

RG M 10x190 050281 90 82

RG M 10x250 095703 90 150

RG M 10x350 095718 90 250

RG M 12x160 080258 110 25

RG M 12x220 050283 110 90

RG M 12x250 050284 110 120

RG M 12x300 050285 110 255

RG M 12x380 095720 110 255

RG M 14x170 050286 120 38

RG M 16x165 050287 125 13

RG M 16x190 050259 125 35

RG M 16x250 050288 125 98

RG M 16x300 050289 125 148

RG M 16x380 095722 125 238

RG M 16x500 095723 125 355

RG M 20x260 050260 170 65

RG M 20x350 095707 170 155

RG M 20x500 095725 170 305

RG M 24x300 050261 210 65

RG M 24x400 095727 210 165

RG M 24x600 095728 210 365

RG M 27x340 090720 250 60

RG M 30x380 050292 280 65

RG M 30x500 095730 280 185

Varilla roscada con tuerca y arandela

Disponible en acero inoxidable. Solor con la ampolla RM se consigue la certificación CE.


13Fijaciones de inyecciónAnclajes químicos bicomponente a base de resina

Mortero de inyección de granadherencia FIS HB 345 S

Código Artículo Descripción

25400004 Cartucho 380 ml Compuesto poliéster más catalizador. No ejerce fuerza de expansión. Permite aplicaciones cercanas al borde.

Para fijaciones en ambientes secos (no húmedos).25400001 Cartucho 380 ml con válvula

25400013 Cartucho mini 150 ml Compuesto poliéster sin estireno más catalizador. No ejerce fuerza de expansión. Permite aplicaciones cercanas al borde.

Para fijaciones en ambientes secos (no húmedos).25400007 Cartucho 280 ml25400010 Cartucho 380 ml

25400201 Cartucho 380 ml Compuesto epoxi más catalizador. No ejerce fuerza de expansión. Permite aplicaciones cercanas al borde.

Fijación adecuada para ambientes húmedos (aplicar siempre en seco).25400203 Cartucho 380 ml con válvula

25400009 Cartucho 280 mlCompuesto epoxi sin estireno más catalizador.

No ejerce fuerza de expansión. Permite aplicaciones cercanas al borde.

Fijación adecuada para ambientes húmedos (aplicar siempre en seco).

25400008 Cartucho 380 ml

25400006 Cartucho 380 ml con válvula

25400015 Cartucho Jumbo 825 ml

25400253 Cartucho 300 ml Compuesto vinil éster sin estireno más catalizador. Bajo olor.No ejerce fuerza de expansión. Permite aplicaciones cercanas al borde. Fijación adecuada para ambientes húmedos (aplicar siempre en seco).25400255 Cartucho 380 ml

25400285 Cartucho 382 mlCompuesto epoxi puro más catalizador. Apto para zonas húmedas y elevadas temperaturas.

Isóneo para taladros realizados con broca de diamante. Para aplicación sobre piedra y hormigón.

25400004 25400001 25400010 25400201 25400203 25400008 25400006 25400253 25400285

Código Tipo Contenido

033211 FIS HB-345 S 345 ml.

Incluye 2 boquillas mezcladoras



FIS P 360 S

Código Tipo Contenido

093175 FIS P 300 MULTIBOND 300 ml.

056708 FIS P 360 S 360 ml.

040119 FIP C 700 380 ml.

Código Descripción

510637 Cartucho FIS P 300 T BRICO

Anclaje de inyección para ladrillo/hueco FIS PAnclaje químico para la fijación en ladrillo y materiales huecos.Versión MULTIBOND utilizable con pistola de silicona.





FIS V 360 S



FIS V 950 FIS 150 CCódigo Tipo Contenido

045302 FIS V 150 C 145 ml.

045303 FIS V 150 C SET 145 ml.

093180 FIS VS 300 T MULTIBOND 300 ml.

094405 FIS V 360 S 360 ml.

059118 FIS VT 380 C 380 ml.

017101 FIS V 950 S 950 ml.

Código Descripción

510636 Cartucho FIS VS 300 T BRICO

Anclaje de inyección para hormigón FIS VSIncluye 2 boquillas mezcladoras. Clasificación al fuego según diámetro. Cargas a tracción de hasta 12 toneladas por punto de anclaje. Versión MULTIBOND utilizable con pistola de silicona.Versiones con curado más rápido o más lento según necesidades.

Código Tipo BrocaØ (mm)

Prof. mín.anclaje (mm)

Long.taco (mm)


041900 FIS H 12x50 K 12 60 50 M6-8

041901 FIS H 12x85 K 12 95 85 M6-8

041902 FIS H 16x85 K 16 95 85 M8-10

041903 FIS H 16x130 K 16 140 130 M8-10

041904 FIS H 20x85 K 20 95 85 M12-16

046703 FIS H 20x130 K 20 140 130 M12-16

046704 FIS H 20x200 K 20 210 200 M12-16

Casquillo de inyección rígido FIS H K



Código Tipo BrocaØ (mm)

Long.total (mm)


050598 FIS H 12x1000 L 12 1000 M6-M8

050599 FIS H 16x1000 L 16 1000 M10-M12

045301 FIS H 22x1000 L 22 1000 M12-M16

Casquillo metálico a metros FIS M L

Incluye 5 adaptadores por caja

Código Tipo BrocaØ (mm)

Prof. mín.anclaje (mm)

Long.taco (mm)


043631 FIS E 11x85 M6 14 90 85 M6

043632 FIS E 11x85 M8 14 90 85 M8

043633 FIS E 15x85 M10 18 90 85 M10

043634 FIS E 15x85 M12 18 90 85 M12

Casquillo de inyección FIS E




13Pistolas de inyección

Modelo Código Descripción Para cartuchos

KPM2 053117 Para cartuchos de resina 150-300 FIS V 150 C, 300 MULTIBOND 150 y 300 ml

FIS AM 058000 Para cartuchos de resina 150 - 300 - 360 FIS V 150C, 300 MULTIBOND, FIS P 360 S 150-300-345-360 y 390 ml

FIS AK 058026 Pistola de inyección FIS AK FIS V 150C, 300 MULTIBOND, FIS P 360 S 150-300-345-360 y 390 ml

FIS A 030111

Pistola de inyección con batería FIS AA

FIS V 150C, 300 MULTIBOND, FIS P 360 S 150-300-345-360 y 390 ml

MSL 60 037296 Cargador

FIS AP 037296 Batería

FIS AC 096497 Pistola de inyección FIS AC FIP C 700, FIS VT 380 C

FIS AJ 016251Pistola de inyección neumática

FIS V 950 S

FIs AJ+ 041730 FIS EM 1100






Código Contenido Color

103383 1 kg. Gris

89509 5 kg. Gris

Código Contenido Color

103421 1 kg. Gris

89495 5 kg. Gris

SIKA minipack. Mortero de reparaciónMortero de reparación, monocomponente, a base de cemento, áridos, resinas sintéticas, humo de sílice y reforzado con fibras.

Código Contenido Color

89358 1,25 kg. Gris

SIKA mix & go. Mortero de reparaciónKit de mortero de reparación fácil de usar y de elevadas prestaciones.

SIKA minipack. Mortero impermeabilizanteMortero impermeabilizante, monocomponente, para revestimientos de capa delgada.


13Productos químicos de inyección

Código Contenido Color

97235 150 cm3 Gris claro

82145 300 cm3 Gris claro

90655 550 cm3 Gris claro

SIKA ANCHORFIX-1Resina de poliéster de curado rápido para aclajes químicos. Consumo: Aprox. 1,6 kg/l dependiendo del anclaje a realizar.

Modelo Código Contenido Color

N750 55301 750 cm3 Amarrillento

G750 78109 750 cm3 Amarrillento

SIKABOOM - N750 / G750Espuma de poliuretano, monocomponente y expansiva.



Taco universalCon reborde


8 810



Cargas máximas recomendables en placas de 12,5 mm. de espesor.

Modelo Código Ø taco(mm)

Longitudtaco (mm)

Profundidadmín taladro

Ø tornillo (mm)máx. min

UX 5 x 30 R 94722 5 30 40 3 4

UX 6 x 35 R 62756 6 35 45 4 5

UX 6 x 50 R 72095 6 50 60 4 5

UX 8 x 50 R 77870 8 50 60 4,5 6

UX 10 x 60 R 77872 10 60 75 6 8

Taco autoperforanteNylon

Modelo Código Longitud taco(mm)

Tornillo roscaMétrico

GK 52389 25 M 4-5

GKS* 52390 25 M 4,5x35

GKW 52393 Útil de inserción

Tanto el Modelo GK como el GKS, incluyen un útil de inserción.*Tornillos suministrados.


Modelo Código Longitud taco(mm)

Tornillo roscaMétrico

GKM 24556 31 M 4-5

GKM 12* 40432 31 M 4,5x35

GKM 27* 40434 31 M 4,5x50

*Tornillos suministrados.


13Taco para cartón y yeso

Modelo Código Ø taco(mm)

Longitud taco(mm)

Espesor mintablero (mm)

PD 8 S 24772 8 29 6

PD 10 S 15936 10 28 7

PD 12 S 15938 12 27 9

Modelo Código Ø taladro(mm)

Prof. mínima(mm)

Espesor máxtablero (mm)

HM 4x32 S 62306 8 42 3 - 13

HM 4x46 S 62307 10 56 5 - 18

HM 4x59 S 62308 12 69 35 - 42

HM 5x37 S 62310 12 47 6 - 15

HM 5x52 S 62311 12 62 7 - 21

HM 5x65 S 62312 12 75 20 - 34

HM 6x37 S 62314 12 47 6 - 15

HM 6x52 S 62315 12 62 10 - 21

HM 6x65 S 62328 12 75 20 - 34

HM 6x80 S 62316 12 90 38 - 50

HM 8x85 SS 62329 12 65 10 - 21

Taco metálicoAplicación sin pinzas

Taco clavableCabeza avellanada

Modelo Código Ø taladro(mm)

HM Z 1 62320 6

HM Z 2 62321 3

Código Medidas Espesor a fijar

CCA05025 05 x 025 5

CCA05030 05 x 030 5

CCA05035 05 x 035 10

CCA05050 05 x 050 25

CCA06035 06 x 035 10

CCA06040 06 x 040 10

CCA06050 06 x 050 20

CCA06060 06 x 060 30

CCA06070 06 x 070 40

CCA08060 08 x 060 20

CCA08080 08 x 080 40

CCA08100 08 x 100 60

CCA08120 08 x 120 80

CCA08140 08 x 140 100

Para un trabajo rápido mejorael tiempo de instalación



HM Z 1 HM Z 2

� TACOS LARGOS, DE NYLON, TACO-CLAVOTacos largosCon tornillo cabeza “T”. Premontado

Disponible en acero inoxidablePara macizo. Disponible en acero inoxidable

Código acero cincadoModelo Ø taladro


Profundidadtaladro (mm)Avellanado Cabeza


83601 – S 8 R 80 8 90

83602 – S 8 R 100 8 110

80612 S 10 R 60 10 70

80611 S 10 R 70 10 80

80736 – S 10 R 80 10 90

80737 – S 10 R 100 10 110

80738 – S 10 R 115 10 125

80739 – S 10 R 135 10 145

80740 – S 10 R 160 10 170

83615 – S 10 R 185 10 195

83616 – S 10 R 230 10 240

– 80621 S 12 R 70 12 80

– – S 12 R 100 12 110


13Sin tornillos

Para ladrillo hueco. Disponible en acero inoxidable

Código acero cincadoModelo Ø taladro


Profundidadtaladro (mm)Avellanado Cabeza


80721 – S 8 H 120 R 8 –

83619 86640 S 10 H 80 R 10 70

83620 86641 S 10 H 100 R 10 80

83621 – S 10 R 115 R 10 90

83622 – S 10 H 135 R 10 110

83623 – S 10 H 160 R 10 125

De alta resistencia

Código acero cincadoModelo Ø taladro


Profundidada traves deltaladro (mm)

Profundidadmín. de anclaje


Espesor máx. a fijar (mm)Avellanado Cabeza


– 19599 SXS 10 x 60 10 70 50 10

19601 19603 SXS 10 x 80 10 90 50 30

19604 19614 SXS 10 x 100 10 110 50 50

19616 19619 SXS 10 x 120 10 130 50 70

19621 19624 SXS 10 x 140 10 150 50 90

24076 27045 SXS 10 x 160 10 170 50 110

24080 24046 SXS 10 x 180 10 190 50 130

24083 – SXS 10 x 200 10 210 50 150

24085 – SXS 10 x 230 10 240 50 180

24557 – SXS 10 x 260 10 270 50 210

Disponible en acero inoxidable

Disponible en acero inoxidable

Modelo Código Ø taladro(mm)

Profundidad mín. de anclaje (mm)

Longitud taco(mm)

Espesor máx.a fijar (mm)

SXR 10 x 80 T 46263 10 90 80 30

SXR 10 x 100 T 46264 10 110 100 50

SXR 10 x 120 T 46265 10 130 120 70

SXR 10 x 140 T 46266 10 150 140 90

SXR 10 x 160 T 46267 10 170 160 110

SXR 10 x 180 T 46268 10 190 180 130

SXR 10 x 200 T 46269 10 210 200 150

SXR 10 x 230 T 46270 10 240 230 180

SXR 10 x 260 T 46271 10 270 260 210

UniversalUniversal certificado.


13Taco de NylonTacos SX / SX-L

*Tacos largos

Modelo Código Ø taladro(mm)

Prof. mín. taladro (mm)

Ø tornillo (mm)Mín. Máx.

SX 4 x 20 70004 4 25 2 3

SX 5 x 25 70005 5 35 3 4

SX 6 x 30 70006 6 40 4 5

SX 8 x 40 70008 8 50 4,5 6

SX 10 x 50 70010 10 70 6 8

SX 12 x 60 70012 12 80 8 10

SX 14 x 70 70014 14 90 10 12

SX 16 x 80 70016 16 100 12 (1/2”)

SX 6 x 50 L* 24827 6 60 4 5

SX 8 x 65 L* 24828 8 75 4,5 6

SX 10 x 80 L* 24829 10 95 6 8

Tacos S

Modelo Código Ø taladro(mm)

Prof. mín. taladro (mm)

Ø tornillo (mm)Mín. Máx.

S 4 50104 4 25 2 3

S 5 50105 5 35 3 4

S 6 50106 6 40 4 5

S 7 56106 7 40 4,5 5

S 8 50108 8 50 4,5 6

S 10 50110 10 70 6 8

s 12 50112 12 80 8 10

S 14 50114 14 95 10 12

S 16 50116 16 100 12 (1/2”)

S 20 50120 20 120 16 –

Tacos S-C

Modelo Código Ø taladro(mm)

Prof. mín. taladro (mm)

Ø tornillo (mm)Mín. Máx.

S 5 C 14818 5 35 3 4

S 6 C 14819 6 40 4 5

S 8 C 14820 8 50 4,5 6

S 10 C 14821 10 70 6 8

S 12 C 14822 12 80 8 10

Con reborde.

Taco Universal UX

Modelo Código Ø taladro(mm)

Prof. mín. taladro (mm)

Ø tornillo (mm)Mín. Máx.

UX 5 x 30 94721 5 40 3 4

UX 6 x 35 62754 6 45 4 5

UX 6 x 50 72094 6 60 4 5

UX 8 x 50 77869 8 60 4,5 6

UX 10 x 60 77871 10 75 6 8

UX 12 x 70 62758 12 85 8 10

UX 14 x 75 62757 14 95 10 12


13Taco clacoCon clavo roscado. Premontado

Disponible en acero inoxidable. Tipos de cabezales: para marcos de PVC, para marcos de madera.

Modelo Código acerocincado

Ø taco(mm)

Long. totaltaco (mm)

Prof. a través de taladro (mm)

N 4 x 35 Z 41983 4 35 50

N 5 x 30 Z 50395 5 30 45

N 5 x 40 Z 50351 5 40 55

N 5 x 50 Z 50352 5 50 65

N 6 x 40 Z 50354 6 40 55

N 6 x 60 Z 50355 6 60 75

N 6 x 80 Z 50358 8 80 95

N 8 x 60 Z 59356 8 60 75

N 8 x 80 Z 50358 8 80 95

N 8 x 100 Z 50357 8 100 115

N 8 x 120 Z 50359 8 120 135

N 10 x 135 Z 50347 10 135 150

N 10 x 160 Z 50348 10 160 175

N 10 x 230 Z 50335 10 230 245

Con reborde plano y tornillo premontado

Disponible en acero inoxidable. Tipos de cabezales: para marcos de PVC, para marcos de madera.

Modelo Código acerocincado

Ø taco(mm)

Long. totaltaco (mm)

Prof. a través de taladro (mm)

NU 5 x 25 ZZ 78392 5 25 35

NU 5 x 36 ZZ 78394 5 36 46

NU 5 x 45 ZZ 93106 5 45 55

NU 6 x 35 ZZ 93107 6 35 45

NU 6 x 42 ZZ 93108 6 42 52

NU 6 x 55 ZZ 93109 6 55 65

NU 6 x 70 ZZ 93110 6 70 80

NU 8 x 45 ZZ 93111 8 45 55

NU 8 x 57 ZZ 93112 8 57 67

NU 8 x 75 ZZ 93113 8 75 85

Para todos los materiales, especialmente termoarcilla. Para marcos de aluminio y P.V.C.

Modelo Código Ø taladro(mm)

Longitud total (mm)

FFS 7,5 x 42 62379 6 42

FFS 7,5 x 52 62395 6 52

FFS 7,5 x 62 62396 6 62

FFS 7,5 x 72 61550 6 72

FFS 7,5 x 82 68955 6 82

FFS 7,5 x 92 61551 6 92

FFS 7,5 x 102 68956 6 102

FFS 7,5 x 112 61552 6 112

Modelo Código Ø taladro(mm)

Longitud total (mm)

FFS 7,5 x 122 68957 6 122

FFS 7,5 x 132 61553 6 132

FFS 7,5 x 152 61554 6 152

FFS 7,5 x 182 61555 6 182

FFS 7,5 x 202 68958 6 202

FFS 7,5 x 212 61556 6 212

Tornillo de montaje directo FFSPara ladrillo cerámico



13Para todos los materiales, especialmente termoarcilla. Para marcos de madera

Modelo Código Ø taladro(mm)

Longitud total (mm)

FFSZ 7,5 x 52 92695 6 52

FFSZ 7,5 x 62 92697 6 62

FFSZ 7,5 x 72 92698 6 72

FFSZ 7,5 x 82 92699 6 82

FFSZ 7,5 x 92 92700 6 92

FFSZ 7,5 x 102 92701 6 102

FFSZ 7,5 x 112 92702 6 112

Modelo Código Ø taladro(mm)

Longitud total (mm)

FFSZ 7,5 x 122 92703 6 122

FFSZ 7,5 x 132 92704 6 132

FFSZ 7,5 x 152 92705 6 152

FFSZ 7,5 x 182 92706 6 182

FFSZ 7,5 x 202 92708 6 202

FFSZ 7,5 x 212 92709 6 212

Tornillo de montaje directo FFSZPara madera

Modelo Código Ø taladro enhormigón (mm)

Prof. a través de taladro (mm)

FBS 5/5 P 66774 5 65

FBS 6/5 SK 66935 6 65

FBS 6/5 P 66939 6 65

FBS 6/25 P 66948 6 85

FBS 6 M8 66949 6 60

FBS 6M8 / M10 I 66950 6 60

FBS 8/5 US 66956 8 90

FBS 8/25 US 66957 8 110

FBS 8/15 S 66958 8 100

FBS 10/5S 67062 10 100

FBS 10/15 S 67063 10 110

FBS 10/25 S 67168 10 120

Tornillo de montaje directo FBSPara hormigón y ladrillo macizo FBS P





FBS M8 / M10

Código Ø daplicación r e a b s

Valores máx. (*)Par Nm Pres. Bar

0301051-0 6 M3 8,4 9 0,5 0,4 15,0

0301052-8 8 M3 9 9 0,5 0,4 14,0

0301053-6 9 M4 6 10 10 0,5 1,0 15,0

0301054-4 9,5-10 M4 6 10 10 0,5 1,0 14,0

0301055-2 10-11 M4 6 10 10 0,5 1,0 13,0

0301056-0 12-13 M4 6 10 10 0,5 1,0 12,5

0301057-9 13-14 M4 6 10 10 0,5 1,0 12,5

0301058-7 14-15 M4 6 10 10 0,5 1,0 12,0

0301059-5 15-17 M4 6 10 10 0,5 1,0 12,0

0301060-8 16-18 M4 6 10 10 0,5 1,0 12,0

0301061-6 18-20 M4 6 10 10 0,5 1,0 10,5

0301062-4 19-21 M4 6 10 10 0,5 1,0 10,5

030163-2 20-22 M4 6 10 10 0,5 1,0 10,5

0301064-0 22-25 M4 6 10 10 0,5 1,0 9,5

0301065-9 23-26 M4 6 10 10 0,5 1,0 9,0

0301067-5 26-29 M4 6 10 10 0,5 1,0 8,5

0301068-3 29-32 M4 6 10 10 0,5 1,0 8,0

Abrazadera normal W1Cinta: Acero St. / 02Z (DIN 1.0226)

Tornillo: Clase resistencia 6.6. Cincado Cr3

Tuerca: Clase resistencia 6. Cincado Cr3.




Código Ø dnom. Ø di b a ±0,5 s

Ø da mín. máx.

0201402-5 6 5,5 ±0,1 7 3 0,5 5,9 6,1

0201403-3 7 6,4 ±0,1 7 3 0,5 6,9 7,1

0201404-1 8 7,4 ±0,15 8 3 0,6 7,9 8,2

0201405-0 9 8,4 ±0,15 8 3,5 0,6 8,9 9,3

0201406-8 10 9,3 ±0,2 8 3,5 0,7 9,9 10,4

0201407-6 11 10,3 ±0,2 8 4 0,7 10,9 11,5

0201408-4 12 11,1 ±0,2 8 4 0,7 11,9 12,6

021409-2 14 12,9 ±0,2 8 4 0,8 13,8 14,6

0201410-5 15 13,5 ±0,2 8 4,5 0,8 14,8 15,8

0201411-3 17 15,6 ±0,2 8 4,5 1,8 16,8 18

0201412-1 20 18,4 ±0,4 8 3,2 0,8 20 21,3

CódigoØ d

Color h máx. Ø s r 1 máx r 2 mínmín. máx.

0201601-2 7,3 7,8 Violeta 5,5 1,0 10,7 8,2

0201602-0 7,8 8,3 Blanco 5,5 1,0 10,7 8,3

0201603-9 8,3 8,8 Azul 5,5 1,0 11,0 8,6

0201604-7 8,8 9,3 Blanco 5,5 1,0 11,0 9,0

0201605-5 9,3 9,9 Negro 5,5 1,0 11,8 9,0

0201606-3 9,8 10,4 Violeta 6,3 1,2 13,5 10,5

0201607-1 10,4 11,0 Blanco 6,3 1,2 14,8 11,4

0201608-0 11,0 11,6 Verde 6,3 1,2 14,8 11,9

0201609-8 11,6 12,3 Roda 7,3 1,5 16,4 12,4

0201610-0 12,1 13,1 Verde 7,3 1,5 16,4 12,4

0201611-9 12,9 1,6 Blanco 7,3 1,5 17,5 14,0

0201612-7 13,6 14,4 Violeta 7,3 1,5 18,0 14,5

0201613-5 14,4 15,1 Verde 8,4 1,8 19,6 16,0

0201614-3 14,8 15,9 Rosa 8,4 1,8 21,0 16,4

0201615-1 15,9 16,8 Blanco 8,4 1,8 22,0 16,6

0201616-0 16,8 17,7 Azul 8,4 1,8 21,3 16,5

0201617-8 17,7 18,7 Blanco 9,9 2,0 22,7 17,7

0201618-6 18,7 19,6 Violeta 9,9 2,0 23,3 18,0

0201619-4 19,6 20,6 Verde 9,9 2,0 24,0 18,5

CódigoØ d Denom.

A10R Colormín. máx.

0301207-2 8 10 Abrazaderas una oreja Blanco

0301201-3 9 11 Abrazaderas una oreja Blanco

0301202-1 10 12 Abrazaderas una oreja Blanco

0301203-0 11 13 Abrazaderas una oreja Blanco

0301204-8 12 14 Abrazaderas una oreja Blanco

0301205-6 14 16 Abrazaderas una oreja Blanco

0301206-4 16 18 Abrazaderas una oreja Blanco

Abrazadera de alambre

Abrazadera de muelleAcero para muelles. HRc 43÷49 (HV 425-495). Cincado Cr3.

Abrazadera una oreja W1Material: Acero ST34. DIN 2393C. Acabado Cincado Cr3.


13 CódigoØ d Denom.

A10R Colormín. máx.

0301210-1 5 7 Abrazaderas dos oreja Blanco

0301211-0 7 9 Abrazaderas dos oreja Blanco

0301212-8 9 11 Abrazaderas dos oreja Blanco

0301209-9 10 12 Abrazaderas dos oreja Blanco

0301213-6 11 13 Abrazaderas dos oreja Blanco

0301214-4 13 15 Abrazaderas dos oreja Blanco

0301215-2 14 17 Abrazaderas dos oreja Blanco

0301216-0 15 18 Abrazaderas dos oreja Blanco

0301217-9 17 20 Abrazaderas dos oreja Blanco

0301218-7 18 21 Abrazaderas dos oreja Blanco

0301219-5 20 23 Abrazaderas dos oreja Blanco

0301220-8 22 25 Abrazaderas dos oreja Blanco

0301221-6 23 27 Abrazaderas dos oreja Blanco

0301222-4 25 28 Abrazaderas dos oreja Blanco

0301223-2 28 31 Abrazaderas dos oreja Blanco

0301224-0 31 34 Abrazaderas dos oreja Blanco

0301225-9 34 37 Abrazaderas dos oreja Blanco

0301226-7 37 40 Abrazaderas dos oreja Blanco

0301227-5 40 43 Abrazaderas dos oreja Blanco

0301218-3 43 46 Abrazaderas dos oreja Blanco

Abrazadera dos orejas W1Material: Acero ST34. DIN 2393C. Acabado Cincado Cr3.

Código Ø daplicación l máx. s

+0,1 0h




Valores máx.

Par Nm Pres. Bar

0300875-3 8-16 22,1 0,6 10 9 14 3,0 45

0300876-1 12-22 23,6 0,6 10 9 14 3,0 45

0300877-0 16-27 23,6 0,7 10 9 14 3,5 42

0300878-8 20-32 23,6 0,7 10 9 14 4,0 32

0300879-6 25-40 25,6 0,7 10 9 14 4,0 28

0300880-9 30-45 25,6 0,7 10 9 14 4,0 28

0300881-7 32-50 25,6 0,7 10 9 14 4,0 24

0300882-5 40-60 25,6 0,7 10 9 14 4,0 19

0300883-3 50-70 26,6 0,7 10 9 14 4,0 17

0300884-1 60-80 26,6 0,7 10 9 14 4,0 15

0300885-0 70-90 26,6 0,7 10 9 14 4,0 13

0300886-8 80-100 26,6 0,7 10 9 14 4,0 11

0300887-6 90-110 26,6 0,7 10 9 14 4,0 10

0300888-4 100-120 26,6 0,7 10 9 14 4,0 9

0300889-2 110-130 26,6 0,7 10 9 14 4,0 8

0300890-5 120-140 26,6 0,7 10 9 14 4,0 7

0300891-3 130-150 26,6 0,7 10 9 14 4,0 6

0300892-1 140-160 26,6 0,7 10 9 14 4,0 5

Abrazadera Sinfin “L” W1DIN 3017. Serie ligeraCinta y Soporte: Acero galvanizado s/EN 10292 (DIN 1.0935).

Tornillo: Acero Qst 36-3 (DIN 1.0213)

Cincado gris plata.


13Código Ø d

aplicación a b cValores máx.

Par Nm Pres. Bar0301826-3 17-19 18 0/+0,2 19,8 0,6 4,5 48

0301827-1 20-22 18 0/+0,2 19,8 0,6 4,5 48

0301828-0 23-25 18 0/+0,2 19,8 0,6 4,5 45

0301829-8 26-28 18 0/+0,2 19,8 0,6 4,5 45

0301830-0 29-31 20 0/+0,3 22 0,8 8 42

0301831-9 32-35 20 0/+0,3 22 0,8 8 42

0301832-7 36-39 20 0/+0,3 22 0,8 8 40

0301833-5 40-43 20 0/+0,3 22 0,8 8 40

0301801-0 44-47 22 0/+0,2 24,5 1,2 16 44

0301802-8 45-51 22 0/+0,2 24,5 1,2 16 40

0301803-6 52-55 22 0/+0,2 24,5 1,2 16 40

0301804-4 56-59 22 0/+0,2 24,5 1,2 16 40

0301805-2 60-63 22 0/+0,2 24,5 1,2 16 36

0301806-0 64-67 22 0/+0,2 24,5 1,2 16 36

0301807-9 68-73 24 0/+0,4 26,5 1,5 25 28

0301808-7 74-79 24 0/+0,4 26,5 1,5 25 28

0301809-5 80-85 24 0/+0,4 26,5 1,5 25 28

0301810-8 86-1 24 0/+0,4 26,5 1,5 25 20

0301811-6 92-97 24 0/+0,4 26,5 1,5 25 20

0301812-4 98-103 24 0/+0,4 26,5 1,5 25 20

0301813-2 104-112 24 0/+0,4 26,5 1,5 25 12

0301814-0 113-121 24 0/+0,4 26,5 1,5 25 12

0301815-9 122-130 24 0/+0,4 26,5 1,5 25 12

0301816-7 131-139 26 0/+0,5 29 1,7 50 9

0301817-5 140-148 26 0/+0,5 29 1,7 50 9

0301818-3 149-161 26 0/+0,5 29 1,7 50 9

0301819-1 162-174 26 0/+0,5 29 1,7 50 9

0301820-4 175-187 26 0/+0,5 29 1,7 50 6

0301821-2 188-200 26 0/+0,5 29 1,7 50 6

0301822-0 201-213 26 0/+0,5 29 1,7 50 3

0301823-9 214-226 26 0/+0,5 29 1,7 50 3

0301824-7 227-239 26 0/+0,5 29 1,7 50 3

0301825-5 240-252 26 0/+0,5 29 1,7 50 3

Abrazadera Super W1Serie gran presiónMaterial: Acero semisuave

Tornillo: Clase resistencia acero 8.8

Protección: Cincado bicromatizado amarillo


13 Código Ø daplicación r e a b

Valores máx.Par Nm Pres. Bar

0301901-2 17-19 M6 8 18 +0,2 19,8 4,5 50

0301902-0 19-21 M6 8 18 +0,2 19,8 4,5 50

0301903-9 21-23 M6 8 18 +0,2 19,8 4,5 48

0301904-7 23-25 M6 8 18 -0,2 19,8 4,5 48

0301905-5 25-27 M6 8 18 +0,2 19,8 4,5 45

0301906-3 27-29 M6 8 18 +0,2 19,8 4,5 45

0301907-1 29-31 M7 10 20 +0,3 22 8,0 42

0301908-0 31-34 M7 10 20 +0,3 22 8,0 42

0301909-8 34-37 M7 10 20 +0,3 22 8,0 40

0301910-0 37-40 M7 10 20 +0,3 22 8,0 40

0301911-9 40-43 M7 10 20 +0,3 22 8,0 38

0301912-7 43-47 M7 10 20 +0,3 22 10,0 38

0301913-5 47-51 M7 10 20 +0,3 22 10,0 36

0301914-3 51-55 M7 10 20 +0,3 22 10,0 36

0301915-1 55-59 M7 10 20 +0,3 22 10,0 34

0301916-0 59-63 M7 10 20 +0,3 22 10,0 34

0301917-8 63-98 M7 13 25 +0,4 27,5 25,0 28

0301918-6 68-73 M8 13 25 +0,4 27,5 25,0 28

0301919-4 73-79 M8 13 25 +0,4 27,5 25,0 28

0301920-7 79-85 M8 13 25 +0,4 27,5 25,0 20

0301921-5 85-91 M8 13 25 +0,4 27,5 25,0 20

0301922-3 91-97 M8 13 25 +0,4 27,5 25,0 20

0301923-1 97-104 M8 13 25 +0,4 27,5 25,0 20

0301924-0 104-112 M8 13 25 +0,4 27,5 25,0 12

0301925-8 112-121 M8 13 25 +0,4 27,5 25,0 12

0301927-4 130-140 M10 15 28 +0,4 31 50 9

0301828-2 140-150 M10 15 28 +0,4 31 50 9

0301829-0 150-162 M10 15 28 +0,4 31 50 9

0301830-3 162-174 M10 15 28 +0,4 31 50 6

0301931-1 174-187 M10 15 28 +0,4 31 50 6

0301932-0 187-200 M10 15 28 +0,4 31 50 6

0301933-8 200-213 M10 15 28 +0,4 31 50 3

0301934-6 213-226 M10 15 28 +0,4 31 50 3

0301935-4 226-239 M10 15 28 +0,4 31 50 3

0301936-2 239-252 M10 15 28 +0,4 31 50 3

Abrazadera Supra W2Inoxidable. Serie gran presiónCinta y guía cinta: Acero inox. X8Cr 17 (DIN 1.4016 (AISI-430)

Tornillo: Acero. Qst 34-3 (DIN 1.0213) Cincado Cr3.


13Abrazadera cofil con tirafondoClip con tirafondoAcabado Bicromatado.

Código Ømm P.G. Tubo

comercial Bergman Plásticoligero

0301176-6 8

0301177-4 10 9

0301178-2 12 1/8 9

0301179-0 14 11

0301180-3 15

0301181-1 16 9 1/4 11 13

0301182-0 18 11 13 16

0301183-8 20 13

0301184-6 22 16 16

0301185-4 24 3/8

0301186-2 26 23

0301187-0 28 21 23

0301188-9 30 1/2

0301189-7 32

0301190-0 35

0301191-8 37 29 3/4

0301192-6 42 36 36

0301193-4 47 36

0301194-2 50 1

0301195-0 60 48

Abrazadera cofilAcabado Bicromatado.

Código Ømm P.G. Tubo

comercial Bergman Plásticoligero

0301152-0 8

0301153-9 10 1/8 9

0301154-7 12 9

0301155-5 14 1/4 11

0301171-5 15

0301156-3 16 9 11 13

0301157-1 18 11 3/8 13 16

0301158-0 20 13

0301159-8 22 16 1/2 16

0301160-0 25

0301161-9 26 3/4 23

0301162-7 28 21 23

0301163-5 30

0301164-3 32 1

0301165-1 35

0301166-0 37 29

0301167-8 42 11/4 36 36

0301168-6 47 36 11/2

0301169-4 50

0301170-7 60 48 2


13Abrazadera cofil bituboAcabado Bicromatado.

Código Ømm Pulgadas Rosac P.G.

0301126-4 10-12 1/8 –

0301127-2 14-16 1/4 9

0301128-0 18-20 3/8 11-13

0301129-9 22 1/2 16

0301130-1 28 3/4 21

Abrazaderas IsofónicasSimpleAcabado Bicromatado.

Código Medida Pulgadas Tubo cobre

AB6I012 12 – 12

AB6I015 15 – 15

AB6I016 16 – –

AB6I018 18 3/8” 18

AB6I022 22 1/2” 22

AB6I026 26 – –

AB6I028 28 3/4” 28

AB6I035 35 1” 35

AB6I042 42 1 1/4” 42

AB6I048 48 1 1/2” –

AB6I054 54 – 54

AB6I060 60 2” –

DobleAcabado Bicromatado.

Código Medida Pulgadas Tubo cobre

ABDI0012 12 1/8” 12

ABDI0015 15 1/4” 15

ABDI0018 18 3/8” 18

ABDI0022 22 1/2” 22

ABDI0028 28 3/4” 28


13GrapasGrapas 1 pieZincado.


Código Medida(mm)




ABPI006 06

ABPI008 08

ABPI010 10 1/8”

ABPI012 12 1/4”

ABPI014 14

ABPI016 16 16 3/8” 16

ABPI018 18

ABPI020 20 20 1/2” 20

ABPI022 22

ABPI025 25 25 25

ABPI026 26 3/4”

ABPI028 28

ABPI032 32 32 1” 32

ABPI040 40 40 40

ABPI042 42 1 1/4”

ABPI047 47 1 1/2”

ABPI050 50 50 50

ABPI063 63 63 2” 63

Grapas puenteZincado.

Código Medida(mm)




ABPU016 16 16 3/8” 16

ABPU018 18

ABPU020 20 20 1/2” 20

ABPU022 22

ABPU025 25 25 25

ABPU028 28

ABPU032 32 32 1” 32


ABPU040 40 40 40

ABPU050 50 50 50

ABPU063 63 63 2” 63


Código Medida

ABZI018 M-6 1/8

ABZI014 M-6 1/4

ABZI038 M-6 3/8

ABZI012 M-6 1/2

ABZI034 M-6 3/4

ABZI100 M-6 1

ABZI114 M-6 1 1/4

ABZI112 M-8 1 1/2

ABZI200 M-8 2

Código Medida

ABZI214 M-8 2 1/4

ABZI212 M-8 2 1/2

ABZI300 M-8 3

ABZI312 M-8 3 1/2

ABZI400 M-8 4

ABZI412 M-8 4 1/2

ABZI500 M-8 5

ABZI600 M-8 6


13Guias, soportes y accesoriosSoportes perforados

Modelo 27/18

Código Medida Longitud

SPZ271820 27 x 18 x 1,25 200

SPZ271830 27 x 18 x 1,25 300

Modelo 38/40

Código Medida Longitud

SPZ384020 38 x 40 x 2 200

SPZ384025 38 x 40 x 2 250

SPZ384030 38 x 40 x 2 300

SPZ384035 38 x 40 x 2 350

SPZ384040 38 x 40 x 2 400

SPZ384050 38 x 40 x 2 500

SPZ384060 38 x 40 x 2 600

Modelo Indextrut 41 x 21

Código Medida Longitud

SPX412115 41 x 21 x 2,5 150

SPX412130 41 x 21 x 2,5 300

SPX412145 41 x 21 x 2,5 450


Código Medida Longitud

GPZ201010 20 x 10 x 1 2.000

GPZ250808 25 x 8 x 0,80 1.100

Inoxidable A-2

Código Medida Longitud

GPI271812 27 x 18 x 1,25 2.000

GPI283015 28 x 30 x 1,50 2.000

GPI384020 38 x 40 x 2 2.000

Modelo Indextrut 41 x 41

Código Medida Longitud

SPX414115 41 x 41 x 2,5 150

SPX414130 41 x 41 x 2,5 300

SPX414145 41 x 41 x 2,5 450

SPX414160 41 x 41 x 2,5 600

SPX414175 41 x 41 x 2,5 750


Código Medida

SPV2718 M-10 (27/18 - 28/30)

SPV3840 M-10 (38/40)


Código Medida

SPH2718 M-10 (27/18 - 28/30)

SPH3840 M-10 (38/40)


Código Válido para

PGZ2730 27/18

PGZ2830 28/30

PGZ2840 38/40

Inoxidable A-2

Código Válido para

PGI2718 27/18

PGI2830 28/30

PGI2840 38/40

Puentes guía

Guías perforadoras


Código Válido para

EMZ45 45º

EMZ90 90º

EMZ00 180º

Inoxidable A-2

Código Válido para

EMI45 45º

EMI90 90º

EMI00 180º





Código Medida Longitud

TG230620 M-06 x 20 27/18 - 28/30

TG230820 M-08 x 20 27/18 - 28/30

TG230830 M-08 x 30 27/18 - 28/30

TG231030 M-10 x 30 27/18 - 28/30

TG340830 M-08 x 30 38/40

TG341030 M-10 x 30 38/40


Código Medida Longitud

GPV251120 25 x 11 x 2 1.000

Plastificado amarillo

Código Medida Longitud

GPP271812 27 x 18 x 1,25 1.000


Código Medida Longitud

GPG271812 27 x 18 x 1,25 2.000

GPG283018 28 x 30 x 1,8 2.000

GPG384020 38 x 40 x 2,00 2.000

GPG402015 40 x 20 x 1,5 2.000


Código Medida Longitud

GPX414125 41 x 41 x 2,50 3.000

GPX412125 41 x 21 x 2,50 3.000

Tope - Tornillo guía


Código Medida Longitud

TUG201006 M-6 20/10

TUG201008 M-8 20/10

TUG271808 M-8 27/18

TUG271810 M-10 27/18

TUGX08 M-8 Indextrut

TUGX10 M-10 Indextrut

Tuercas guía

20/10 27/18 INDEXTRUT


13Abrazaderas guíaSimplesAbrazadera guía, con pre-rosca M-6. Gris.

Cinta perforada galvanizada

Código Medida Rosca

ABGUG12 12

ABGUG15 15 9

ABGUG18 18 11

ABGUG20 20 13

ABGUG22 22 16

ABGUG25 25

ABGUG28 28 21

ABGUG32 32

ABGUG35 35

ABGUG40 40

ABGUG50 50

Código Medida (mm)

CIP1708 10M / 17 x 0,8

DoblesAbrazadera guía, con pre-rosca M-6. Doble. Gris.

Código Medida Rosca

ABGUD15 15 9

ABGUD18 18 11

ABGUD22 22 16

ABGUD28 28 21



Código Tipo Para cables(mm)

Medidasclavo (mm)

Para cable paralelo

098864 GC 0-2 2 x 0,4 / 2 x 0,7 / 2 x 1 1,5 x 16

Para cable plano o paralelo

098850 GC 0-1 2 x 0,75 1,5 x 16

098865 GC 0-3 2 x 1 / 3 x 0,7 1,8 x 16

Para cable plano

098851 GC 1 2 x 1 2 x 20

098852 GC 2 2 x 1,5 / 2 x 2,5 2 x 20

098853 GC 3 3 x 1 2 x 25

Para cable redondo

098854 GC 4 1 x 1 / 2 x 0,5 2 x 20

098855 GC 5 1 x 1,5 / 2 x 0,75 2 x 20

098856 GC 6 2 x 1 2 x 20

098857 GC 7 2 x 1 / 2 x 1,5 2 x 25

098858 GC 8 2 x 2,5 2 x 25

098859 GC 9 2 x 4 / 3 x 2,5 2 x 30

098860 GC 10 2 x 4 / 3 x 4 2 x 30

098861 GC 12 3 x 6 / 4 x 2,5 2 x 30

098866 GC 14 4 x 6 2 x 35

098863 GC TV Coaxial TV 2,50 x 30

Grapilla GC



Herramienta PRO-12Homologada Reglamento CIP, Banco Oficial de Pruebas de Armas de Fuego nº77/99.Semiautomática de tiro indirecto a través de buterola. Con regulador de potencia,antirretroceso y silenciador, uso de impulsor ROJO y AMARILLO.

Utilizable con clavos tipo C-12, CE, LM6-8, LM6-12, FT. Suministro con buterola C-12.

Herramienta PRO-08Homologada Reglamento CIP, Banco Oficial de Pruebas de Armas de Fuego nº77/99.Semiautomática de tiro indirecto a través de buterola. Uso de impulsor AMARILLO.Únicamente para clavos tipo C-8.

Código Tipo

02000008 PRO-08

09000001 BUTEROLA C-8


Herramienta PRO-06 GASHerramienta a carga de gas para clavos P-C6 y P-CE M6 en peine.Peso: 3,86 kg.Total antiretroceso.Gran autonomía de disparo con cargador dev 40 clavos. Para trabajosintensivos de fijación: Electricistas, fontaneros y plaquistas.

Código Tipo

00800001 PRO-06 GAS 40

00800005 PRO-06 GAS 20

00800002 BATERÍA


Código Tipo

02000012 PRO-12

09000020 BUTEROLA C-12

09000021 BUTEROLA LM6-8

09000022 BUTEROLA LM6-12

09000023 BUTEROLA FT




Accesorios para PRO-06 GASDesa-multitube gas

Código Color Características

15060015 Gris Abrazadera plástica con sistema de cierre de seguridad.Fijación con pistola de gas PRO-06 GAS.

Rápida y fácil colocación. Para fijación de todo tipo de tubos.15060020 Gris

15060025 Gris

Accesorio para varilla

Código Rosca Características

06100228 M6 y M8 Para suspensión de varillas M6 y M8.Fijación con pistola de gas.06100230 –

Base brida

Código Color Características

14019102 Gris Base para sujeción de bridas de nylon con pistola de gas.Rápida instalación. Fijación con pistola de gas y taco de nylon.

Arandela plástica

Código Ø Características

00401020 20 (mm) Para fijación de canaletas y cajas de distribución eléctrica.Fijación con pistola de gas.

Grapa ciega metálica

Código Ø Características

11003160 –

Grapa ciega metálica de una pata.Acero cincado electrolítico.

Carga máxima de trabajo entre 25 daN y 40 daN.Para fijación de todo tipo de tubos.

Fijación con pistola de gas.

11003182 3/8”11003200 –11003221 1/2”11003252 –11003258 –11003320 1”

686Carga de gas adicional

Código Descripción

00802100 Carga de gas 1000

00802070 Carga de gas 700

Clavos y carga de gas para PRO-06 GASClavo p-ce en peine con carga de gas

Código Longitud Características

00800017 16DD

Clavo de impulsión para hormigón y acero.Peine de 10 clavos P-C6.

Acero cincado y templado Ø 2,6 (mm).Incorpora centrador de plástico y de guía de clavado de Ø 6 (mm).Para herramienta de gas con alimentador de peine PRO-06 GAS.

Se suministra con una carga de gas para 1.000 clavos.

00800020 20

00800025 25

00800030 30

00800035 35

00800040 40

00800043 43

00801117 16DD

00801120 20

00801125 25

00801130 30

00801135 35

00801140 40

00801143 43

00802100 00802070

Clavos P-C8 (en peine)Peines de 10 clavos C8.Para herramientas: PRO-08 AUTO

Código Longitud

01100116 16

01100122 22

01100127 27

01100132 32

Clavos LM6-8Acero templado ø 3,8 (mm), cabeza roscada M6 x 8.Arandela ø 12 (mm). Cincado blanco.

Código Longitud

01408121 12

01408220 22

01408275 27


13Impulsores de pólvoraPeines de 10 impulsores calibre ø 6,5 x 11 (mm).

VERDE: Baja potencia

AMARILLO: Potencia media.

ROJO: Alta potencia.

Manipular según instrucciones de seguridad.

Código Tipo

07000011 VERDE

07000025 AMARILLO

07000034 ROJO

Clavos C8Acero templado ø 3,8 (mm). Cincado blanco.Para herramientas: PRO-08, PRO-08 PLUS

Código Longitud

01100016 16

01100019 19

01100022 22

01100027 27

01100032 32

01100037 37

01100042 42

01100052 52



Clavo suspensión techo ST-C8Pieza de colgar varilla.

Código Longitud

06100032 32

Clavos C-12 (1 arandela)Acero templado ø 3,8 (mm), cabeza tonel.Arandela ø 12 (mm). Cincado blanco.

Código Longitud

02112220 22

02112275 27

02112321 32

02112422 42

02112550 55

Clavos LM6-12Acero templado ø 3,8 (mm), cabeza roscada M6 x 8.Arandela ø 12 (mm). Cincado blanco.

Código Longitud

01412125 12

01412171 17

01412224 22

01412279 27

01412323 32

01412400 40

Clavos C8+arandela metálica 25 (mm)Clavado de material blando sobre hormigón.

Código Longitud

01100272 27

01100283 37

Clavos C8+arandela plásticaClavado de material blando sobre hormigón.

Código Longitud Ø Arandela

01303037 34 35

01303047 47 35

01303237 37 60



Clavo CE (1 arandela)Acero templado ø 3,8 (mm), cabeza tonel.Arandela ø 12 (mm). Cincado blanco.Para clavado en estructuras de acero.

Código Longitud

02312166 16

02312190 19

Clavo FT-VR C12Acero templado ø 3,8 (mm), cabeza tonel.Para colgar varilla ROSCADA de M6.

Código Longitud

06100108 32

Clavo CE (2 arandelas)Acero templado ø 3,8 (mm), cabeza tonel.Arandela ø 12 (mm). Cincado blanco.Para clavado en estructuras de acero.

Código Longitud

02312167 16

02312192 19

Clavos C-12 (2 arandelas)Acero templado ø 3,8 (mm), cabeza tonel.Arandela ø 12 (mm). Cincado blanco.

Código Longitud

02212221 22

02212276 27

02212320 32

02212421 42

02212551 55



Consultar para otras medidas, colores y materiales.

Remaches aluminio / acero cabeza alomadaDIN 7337



Ø remache Fuerza cizallamientoN/kp

Fuerza tracciónN / kp


2,4 350 35 450 46 5,03,0 700 71 900 92 6,53,2 720 73 950 97 6,5

4,0 x 6-12 1.400 143 2.000 204 8,04,0 x 14-40 850 87 1.000 102 8,0

4,8 1.800 184 2.700 275 9,55,0 2.000 204 2.800 286 9,56,0 3.100 316 3.800 388 12,06,4 3.400 347 4.600 469 13,0

Código →Diámetro →Taladro LargoEspesor a remacharMínimo Máximo

6300316 3,2 3,3 6 1,5 3,56300324 3,2 3,3 8 3,5 5,06300332 3,2 3,3 10 5,0 7,06300340 3,2 3,3 12 7,0 9,06300081 3,2 3,3 14 9,0 11,06300359 3,2 3,3 16 11,0 13,06300413 4,0 4,1 6 1,5 3,06300421 4,0 4,1 7 3,0 4,06300448 4,0 4,1 8 4,0 5,06300456 4,0 4,1 10 5,0 6,56300464 4,0 4,1 12 6,5 8,56300472 4,0 4,1 14 8,5 10,56300480 4,0 4,1 16 10,5 12,56300499E 4,0 4,1 18 12,5 14,56300502 4,0 4,1 20 14,5 16,56300707 4,8 4,9 6 2,0 2,56300715 4,8 4,9 8 2,5 4,56300723 4,8 4,9 10 4,5 6,06300731 4,8 4,9 12 6,0 8,06300758 4,8 4,9 14 8,0 10,06300766 4,8 4,9 16 10,0 12,06300774 4,8 4,9 18 12,0 14,06300782 4,8 4,9 20 14,0 15,06300804 4,8 4,9 25 15,0 20,06300820 4,8 4,9 30 20,0 25,0

Código →Diámetro →Taladro LargoEspesor a remacharMínimo Máximo

6301045 5,0 5,1 35 25,0 30,06301061 5,0 5,1 40 30,0 35,06301096 5,0 5,1 45 35,0 40,06301126 5,0 5,1 50 40,0 45,06301142 5,0 5,1 55 45,0 48,06301169 5,0 5,1 60 48,0 52,06301185 5,0 5,1 65 52,0 57,06301207 5,0 5,1 70 57,0 62,06301223 5,0 5,1 80 62,0 72,06301304 6,0 6,1 8 2,0 3,06301312 6,0 6,1 10 3,0 5,06301320 6,0 6,1 12 5,0 7,06301339 6,0 6,1 16 7,0 11,06301347 6,0 6,1 18 11,0 13,06301355 6,0 6,1 20 13,0 15,06301371 6,0 6,1 25 15,0 20,06301401 6,0 6,1 30 20,0 24,06301436 6,0 6,1 35 24,0 29,06301452 6,0 6,1 40 29,0 34,06301495 6,0 6,1 50 34,0 44,06301606 6,4 6,5 12 2,0 6,06301622 6,4 6,5 16 6,0 10,06301940 6,4 6,5 18 10,0 12,06301649 6,4 6,5 00 12,0 14,06301665 6,4 6,5 25 14,0 18,06301681 6,4 6,5 30 18,0 23,0


13Cabeza cónica 120º

Ø remache Fuerza cizallamientoN/kp

Fuerza tracciónN / kp


3,0 700 71 900 92 6,0

4,0 1.400 143 2.000 204 7,5

5,0 2.000 204 2.800 286 9,0

Consultar para otras medidas, colores y materiales.

Remaches aluminio / acero cabeza alomada a la anchaDIN 7337

Código →Diámetro →Taladro LargoEspesor a remacharMínimo Máximo

6303412 4,0 4,1 6 1,5 3,06303447 4,0 4,1 8 3,0 5,06303455 4,0 4,1 10 5,0 6,06303463 4,0 4,1 12 6,5 8,56303471 4,0 4,1 16 8,5 12,56303501 4,0 4,1 20 12,5 16,56303714 4,8 4,9 8 2,5 4,56303722 4,8 4,9 10 4,5 6,06303730 4,8 4,9 12 6,0 8,06303765 4,8 4,9 16 8,0 12,06303781 4,8 4,9 20 12,0 15,06303803 4,8 4,9 25 15,0 20,0

Otros remaches disponiblesAluminio / acero




Acero / Acero


Ala Ancha



Ala Ancha



A2 Inox / A2 Inox


Ala Ancha

A4 Inox / A4 Inox


13Remaches PolygripEl remache Polygrip® de Gesipa®, originalmente destinado a ser sóloun remache para varios espesores ha demostrado ser válido ennumerosos usos. Esto hace que sea la opción favorita paraaplicaciones difíciles y exigentes en entornos industriales. Ya sea enaluminio, acero o acero inoxidable, exterior o interior, con materialesquebradizos o no, con diámetros y tolerancias críticas, cuando nadaparece funcionar correctamente, el remache Polygrip® de Gesipa®

suele arreglarnos el día.

Características principales

• Gran capacidad de espesor a remachar: un solo remache puede sustituir hasta cinco remaches estándar sujetos a la norma DIN de remaches.

• Excepcional capacidad de relleno: el cuerpo del remache se expande radialmente durante el proceso de remachado y compensa de este modolas tolerancias del taladro, centrando las desviaciones y diferencias en el diámetro resultando un conjunto con una fijación segura y firme.

• Bloqueo seguro de la cabeza del vástago: los remaches Polygrip® aseguran no generar ruidos por vibración o traqueteo ni hay riesgo de pérdidade la cabeza del vástago.

• La resistencia a las salpicaduras tampoco es un problema para el remache Polygrip® bajo ciertas condiciones. El relleno del taladro así como elcierre de la cabeza del vástago hacen de él una clara alternativa al remache estanco cuando es esencial la prevención del filtrado de agua através de la unión y no sólo a través del cuerpo del remache.

• Un cierre de cabeza mayor: para conseguir una alta resistencia a la tracción y prevenir el desprendimiento del vástago.

Gran flexibilidad en el diseño

• El proceso de deformación de los remaches Polygrip® es totalmentepredecible y puede ser programada especialmente para cada aplicaciónmediante la modifi cación de las marcas del vástago. Esto permiteasegurar la fuerza de apriete deseada, la expansión radial del eje y laformación del cierre de la cabeza del vástago.

• La producción del remache Polygrip® es una de las especialidades de lafábrica de Gesipa ubicada en Thal (Alemania).

Remache Polygrip

Diámetro Fuerza cizallamientoN/kp

Fuerza tracciónN / kp


3,2 720 73 1050 107 6,54 1060 108 1680 171 8,0

4,8 1500 163 2300 231 9,56,4 2800 285 4000 405 13,0

Código →Diámetro →Taladro LargoEspesor a remacharMínimo Máximo

6700012 3,2 3,3 8 0,5 5,06700020 3,2 3,3 9,5 1,5 6,56700039 3,2 3,3 11 3,0 8,06700071 4,0 4,1 10 0,5 6,56700098 4,0 4,1 13 3,5 9,56700101 4,0 4,1 17 7,0 3,06700144 4,8 4,9 10 0,5 6,56700152 4,8 4,9 15 4,5 11,06700160 4,8 4,9 17 6,5 13,06700217 4,8 4,9 25 11,0 19,56700225 4,8 4,9 30 16,0 24,06700268 6,4 6,5 15 1,5 9,06700276 6,4 6,5 20 6,0 14,06700284 6,4 6,5 25 10,0 18,0

Otros remaches disponiblesAluminio / acero

Ala ancha

Acero / Acero


Ala Ancha


A2 Inox / A2 Inox


A4 Inox / A4 Inox


13Tuercas Remachables

Código D Taladro CuerpoD1 x L

Espesor a remacharMínimo Máximo

Acero ranurada cabeza ancha. Fondo abierto6420052

M4 6,16 x 11,0 0,25 3,0

6420095 6 x 13,0 2,5 4,56420176

M5 7,17 x 11,5 0,25 3,0

6420214 7 x 13,5 2,5 5,06420273

M6 9,19 x 15,5 0,25 3,5

6420338 9 x 18,0 3,0 5,56420397

M8 11,111 x 17,0 0,25 3,5

6420427 11 x 20,0 3,0 6,06420494

M10 12,112 x 17,5 0,25 3,5

6420524 12 x 20,5 3,0 6,0Acero ranurada cabeza pequeña. Fondo abierto6420613 M4 6,1 6 x 12,0 0,25 3,06420710 M5 7,1 7 x 12,5 0,25 3,06420818 M6 9,1 9 x 15,5 0,25 3,56420826 M8 11,1 11 x 17,0 0,25 3,5

Otras tuercas remachables disponiblesAluminio












Hexagonal acero

Ranuradas acero



Hexagonal Inox A2




Inox A2

Cap - Acero


13Fuerza de apriete



Inox A2 / A4 / MonelNm

M4 2,5 3,0 5,5

M5 5,0 8,0 14,0

M6 9,5 12,0 27,0

M8 17,5 30,0 40,0

M10 28,0 38,0

Resistencia cizallamiento



Inox A2 / A4 / MonelN

M4 1.000 1.500 2.250

M5 1.400 2.200 3.200

M6 2.200 3.900 5.750

M8 3.000 5.100 7.600

M10 3.600 6.000

Resistencia de la rosca



Inox A2 / A4 / MonelN

M4 4.800 8.000 10.000

M5 5.700 11.500 15.000

M6 9.500 21.500 >25000

M8 13.000 28.000 >30000

M10 14.000 30.000

TAPTITE II® and Other TRILOBULAR™ Products For Fastening Metals and Plastics

L e a d e r s i n L o w e r i n g t h e C o s t o f A s s e m b l y

TAPTITE II® SCREWS Pages 4 & 5 Advantages Applications TAPTITE II® TRILOBULAR® thread-rolling screws roll-form strong, high integrity threads in drilled, punched or cored holes in ductile metals and castings. As each lobe of a TAPTITE II® screw moves through the pilot hole in the nut material, it forms and work-hardens the nut thread metal producing an uninterrupted grain flow. By elastic recovery, metal fills in behind the lobe, providing a greater area of thread contact with exceptional vibration resistance and fastening strength.

Practically eliminates chips. Low drive torque; high strip-to-drive ratio. Excellent resistance to vibrational loosening. Elimination of add-on locking devices. Reusable. Lower in-place fastener costs.

All ductile metals, die castings and punch extruded metals.

DUO-TAPTITE® SCREWS Pages 6 & 7 Advantages Applications DUO-TAPTITE® TRILOBULAR® thread-rolling screws have generous lobulation at the screw point for easy entry and optimum forming action plus reduced lobulation in the screw body for increased holding power. A stabilizing thread insures ready, aligned entry into the pilot hole, with easy pickup and minimal starting end load. In extensive laboratory tests, DUO-TAPTITE® screws consistently surpass conventional thread-forming fasteners in every area of demanding performance.

Easy entry, positive alignment and consistent starting stability. Lower starting end pressure. Higher strip- to-drive ratio. Higher prevailing torque. Excellent resistance to vibrational loosening.

All ductile metals, die castings and punch extruded metals.

EXTRUDE-TITE®, TAPTITE CA® SCREWS Pages 5, 13 & 14 Advantages Applications

TAPTITE® CA Point TRILOBULAR® thread rolling screws have a gimlet point for use when clearance holes and pilot holes are not in line. EXTRUDE-TITE® screws have less TRILOBULAR® shape and also have a gimlet point for use in more demanding sheet metal applications or in applications with minimal length of engagement. Either fastener can be supplied case hardened for normal use or as a CORFLEX®-I product for structural applications.

Low starting torque and initial end load, desirable features with large diameter fasteners, are provided by a second thread forming taper and by the TAPTITE II® step in the point. Vibration resistant.

For extremely rapid hole finding; for applications with floating nut members; where clearance and pilot holes are initially out of line; or where a sheet of material (gasket, carpet) must be pierced.

POWERLOK®, KLEERLOK® SCREWS Pages 15 & 16 Advantages Applications POWERLOK® TRILOBULAR®, thread-locking screws incorporate unique threads dimensioned to provided locking in tapped holes. A 30° thread-locking crest is superimposed on the normal 60° thread. This design, including a short tapered lead, allows hand starting in a tapped hole, adjustment and alignment of parts, and an exceptionally powerful locking action.

Locking action at thread periphery provides optimum holding power, even without seating of the head. Easy starting by hand and easy driving. Exceeds IFI locking standards. Extreme resistance to vibrational loosening.

All pre-tapped metal nuts, die castings and punch extruded assemblies where reliable, self-locking fasteners are required under conditions of severe vibration or high clamp load.

PLASTITE 45®, 48-2 SCREWS Pages 17, 18 & 19 Advantages Applications PLASTITE® 45 TRILOBULAR® thread rolling screws have extra wide spacing between narrow profile threads, resulting in exceptionally low induced stress and extra low boss bursting tendencies. TRILOBULAR® thread form design provides full relief for easy driving and effective resistance to vibrational loosening. PLASTITE® 45 screws provide wide differential between drive and fail torques for exceptionally easy drive tool adjustment. Screws are manufactured to nominal inch and metric diameters.

Easy driving. Excellent holding power. Reduced danger of burst bosses and induced stress. Easy power tool adjustment. Stronger internal threads: formed, not cut. No chips produced. Greater holding power. Reduced hoop stress and fewer burst bosses. Higher holding torque eliminates need for inserts or reinforcing clips. Allows for repeated removal and insertion.

Thermoplastics, engineering resins & certain thermosets. In cases where length of engagement is one diameter or more.

PUSHTITE® II SCREWS Page 20 Advantages Applications PUSHTITE® II thread-forming fasteners are designed to be pressed into recommended hole sizes with a single, straight-line stroke. They have a TRILOBULAR® thread form com-bined with a 70°-10° semi-buttress thread shape to permit easy straight-line entry and provide exceptional pullout resis-tance. Threads are helical, not annular, permitting displaced air to escape during insertion. The helical thread also allows the fasteners to be removed and reinserted, if necessary. The TRILOBULAR® shape insures high prevailing off-torque.

Fast installation. No drive torque or torque related problems and costs. Easy removal and reinsertion. Fewer burst bosses. Reduced in-place costs.

The resilient thermoplastics and several engineering grades. Component and boss design should allow for the stroke force.

CORFLEX® - TAPTITE II® SCREWS or Page 21 Advantages Applications DUO-TAPTITE® SCREWS AND BOLTS CORFLEX® TRILOBULAR® thread-rolling screws combine good bending toughness, resistance to high alternating load stresses and ability to easily form threads in deep, untapped holes, with excellent resistance to vibrational loosening. These high-durability, structural screws are made from alloy steel, neutral-hardened to individual specifications, such as SAE grades 5 or 8 or metric 9.8 and 10.9. Thread-forming lead threads are induction hardened for thread-rolling capability.

Excellent resistance to shock and alternating loads. TRILOBULAR® thread-forming capability in heavy sections. Custom heat-treated to speci f ic hardness/toughness requirements.

Recommended for critical or structural assemblies subject to vibration, shear stress, alternating loads, stress corrosion and rapid temperature fluctuations. For use when a neutral-hardened thread rolling screw is preferred over a conventional carburized and tempered fastener.

COPYRIGHT 2013, Research Engineering & Manufacturing Inc.


Reduced In-Place Cost!! TAPTITE II® and DUO-TAPTITE® thread rolling screws reduce in-place fastener costs and provide

vibration resistant assemblies. TAPTITE II® and DUO-TAPTITE® thread rolling screws are used to create

strong, uniform load carrying internal threads into untapped nut members upon installation. When REMINC/CONTI

developed the original TAPTITE® TRILOBULAR® shape thread rolling screw, it revolutionized the use of threaded

fasteners in high production assembly. Assembly efficiency and joint performance along with lower in-place

fastening cost, have been the benefits of using TAPTITE® screws. TAPTITE II® and DUO-TAPTITE® screws and bolts

continue these benefits along with meeting the quality and performance needs of the future.

Lower In-Place Fastening Costs Only 15% of the total in-place cost of a fastening is the cost of the screw or bolt. TAPTITE II® and DUO-TAPTITE®

screws and bolts lower the cost of the remaining 85%. The following is a list of some of the cost-savings advantages

of using TAPTITE II® and DUO-TAPTITE® thread rolling screws.

- Elimination of separate tapping operations and associated costs.

- Built-in resistance to vibrational loosening eliminates the need for lock washers, adhesives, or plastic patches

and plugs.

- Generates stronger mating threads with uninterrupted grain flow due to work hardening of the nut for higher

stripping resistance.

- Accepts larger pilot hole variations than drilled and tapped holes.

- Works in punched, drilled, cored and extruded holes in many different metals.

- With use of CORFLEX® metallurgy, can be provided in grade strengths of high tensile bolts for use in

structural applications in deep thread lengths of engagement.

- No assembly line cross threading.

- Prevailing torque often equals or exceeds locking screw standards.

- Manufactured to REMINC/CONTI standards all over the world by over 68 of the world’s leading fastener,

fastener processing and tooling companies.

Originators of the TRILOBULAR® Family of Fasteners Providing Technical Support, Marketing Support and

Innovative Fastener Design

COPYRIGHT 2013, Research Engineering & Manufacturing Inc.

Percent thread chart .......….. Page 8 Pilot hole sizes ................….. Page 9 Typical torque performance .. Page 10 Typical single punch extruded holes ...........….. Pages 11 & 12 Die cast cored holes ........…… Page 12 CORFLEX® ........................... Page 21 General Information ......….... Page 22

TAPTITE II® Thread Rolling Screws TAPTITE II® thread rolling screws have the TRILOBULAR® shape which reduces friction during thread forming, provides prevailing torque which exceeds the level of locking screws, and most importantly, inherently provides resistance to vibrational loosening.

The TRILOBULAR® engineering principles used to create TAPTITE II® screws create an efficient thread rolling screw in all sizes and pitches allowing the manufacture and efficient use of production screws in Sizes 00/M1 to as large as 1”/M24. Only TAPTITE II® screws can make this claim. Competing designs are not typically manufactured above M5 size and certainly not available up to M24 as are TAPTITE II® screws.

To utilize the in-place cost savings and performance benefits of TAPTITE II® screws in large sizes in structural applications, the combination of CORFLEX®-ʽI’ selective hardening (See Page 21) is highly beneficial. CORFLEX®-ʽI’ TAPTITE II® bolts can be used where high-strength grade-strength level bolts are required.

COPYRIGHT 2013, Research Engineering & Manufacturing Inc.

NominalScrew Length #4 - #12 1/4" - 1/2"

To 1/2" Inclusive +0, - .020 +0, - .030Over 1/2" to1" Inclusive

+0, - .030 +0, - .030

Over 1" to 2" Inclusive

+0, - .060 +0, - .060

Over 2" +0, - .090 +0, - .090

Nominal Screw Lengthto 3mm incl

over 3 to 10mmover 10 to 16mmover 16 to 50mm

over 50mm

± 0.2± 0.3± 0.4± 0.5± 1.0

Length Tolerance - Inch - Per ANSI B18.6.3Nominal Screw Size

Tolerance On Length

Length Tolerance - Metric Per ANSI B18.6.7MTolerance on Length



SIZE Max. Min. Max. Min.Metric Sizes (mm)M1.6 x 0.35 1.66 1.58 1.59 1.51M2.0 x 0.40 2.06 1.98 1.98 1.90M2.5 x 0.45 2.57 2.48 2.48 2.39M3.0 x 0.50 3.07 2.98 2.97 2.88M3.5 x 0.60 3.58 3.48 3.46 3.36M4.0 x 0.70 4.08 3.98 3.94 3.84M4.5 x 0.75 4.59 4.48 4.44 4.33M5.0 x 0.80 5.09 4.98 4.93 4.82M6.0 x 1.00 6.10 5.97 5.90 5.77M7.0 x 1.00 7.10 6.97 6.90 6.77M8.0 x 1.25 8.13 7.97 7.88 7.72M10 x 1.50 10.15 9.97 9.85 9.67M12 x 1.75 12.18 11.97 11.83 11.62M14 x 2.00 14.20 13.97 13.80 13.57M16 x 2.00 16.20 15.97 15.80 15.57

Inch Sizes (in)00-90 0.0481 0.0451 0.0461 0.04310-80 0.0613 0.0583 0.0588 0.05581-64 0.0745 0.0715 0.0715 0.06852-56 0.0875 0.0835 0.0840 0.08003-48 0.1010 0.0970 0.0970 0.09304-40 0.1145 0.1105 0.1095 0.10555-40 0.1275 0.1235 0.1225 0.11856-32 0.1410 0.1350 0.1350 0.12908-32 0.1670 0.1610 0.1610 0.155010-24 0.1940 0.1880 0.1860 0.180010-32 0.1930 0.1870 0.1870 0.181012-24 0.2200 0.2140 0.2120 0.20601/4-20 0.2550 0.2490 0.2450 0.23905/16-18 0.3180 0.3120 0.3070 0.30103/8-16 0.3810 0.3750 0.3685 0.36257/16-14 0.4445 0.4385 0.4305 0.42451/2-13 0.5075 0.5015 0.4920 0.48609/16-12 0.5710 0.5630 0.5540 0.54605/8-11 0.6340 0.6260 0.6160 0.6080


TAPTITE II® Screws and Bolts

Why TAPTITE II® Over TAPTITE® Screws? TAPTITE II® screws bring benefits to both fastener manufacturer and end user. TAPTITE II® screws were designed to:

- Provide a more efficient manufacturing method and tool design to result in a more consistent product.

- Be applicable to the quality and SPC philosophies of today’s market by utilizing the capabilities of today’s state of the art tooling and fastener manufacturing equipment.

- Provide more consistent torque performance, lower thread forming torque and lower end load necessary to initiate thread forming, than any other thread forming or thread rolling screw including the original TAPTITE® screw.

Behind the scenes, REMINC/CONTI has provided its licensed manufacturers with a total quality system for manufacturing TAPTITE II® fasteners. Included are design and processing failure mode and effects analysis procedures, statistical in process control data collection system, and improved inspection procedures and criteria. Although all REMINC/CONTI products are designed for consistent manufacture and performance, TAPTITE II® fasteners were physically re-designed to meet the above quality system, to be the quality flagship of TRILOBULAR® products.

Note: TAPTITE II® is often designated TYPE TT® AND TT-II™

TAPTITE® “CA” Screws with Step Taper “CA” Point TAPTITE® “CA” screws are for applications with floating nut members or in situations where clearance and pilot holes may not line up initially and where rapid hole finding is essential. Low initial end load is provided by the second taper and TAPTITE II® step, a particularly desirable feature with larger diameters.

REMINC/CONTI Statistical Process Control Electronic Data Collection System for TRILOBULAR® Products.

“The Controllable Product™”

COPYRIGHT 2013, Research Engineering & Manufacturing Inc.

TAPTITE II® Screws and Bolts

Percent thread chart .......….. Page 8 Pilot hole sizes ................….. Page 9 Typical torque performance .. Page 10 Typical single punch extruded holes ...........….. Pages 11 & 12 Die cast cored holes ........…… Page 12 CORFLEX® ........................... Page 21 General Information ......….... Page 22

DUO-TAPTITE® Thread Rolling Screws TAPTITE® screws were the leap forward in high pro-duction assembly using threaded fasteners. DUO-TAPTITE® screws represent the refinement of the TRILOBULAR® principle for specific demanding appli-cations. DUO-TAPTITE® screws have generous lobulation at the screw point for easy entry and optimum thread forming action plus reduced lobulation in the screw body holding area. A stabilizing threaded dog point insures ready, aligned entry, with easy pick-up requiring minimal starting end load. ADVANTAGES

- High vibrational resistance - Good axial alignment - Low end load - High strip-to-drive ratio - High prevailing torque - Good torque tension relationship

COPYRIGHT 2013, Research Engineering & Manufacturing Inc.

NominalScrew Length #4 - #12 1/4" - 1/2"

To 1/2" Inclusive +0, - .020 +0, - .030Over 1/2" to1" Inclusive

+0, - .030 +0, - .030

Over 1" to 2" Inclusive

+0, - .060 +0, - .060

Over 2" +0, - .090 +0, - .090

Nominal Screw Lengthto 3mm incl

over 3 to 10mmover 10 to 16mmover 16 to 50mm

over 50mm

± 0.2± 0.3± 0.4± 0.5± 1.0

Length Tolerance - Inch - Per ANSI B18.6.3Nominal Screw Size

Tolerance On Length

Length Tolerance - Metric Per ANSI B18.6.7MTolerance on Length


SCREWSIZE Max. Min. Max. Min.

Metric Sizes (mm)M2.5 x 0.45 2.57 2.48 2.52 2.44M3.0 x 0.50 3.07 2.98 3.02 2.93M3.5 x 0.60 3.58 3.48 3.52 3.42M4.0 x 0.70 4.08 3.98 4.01 3.91M4.5 x 0.75 4.59 4.48 4.51 4.41M5.0 x 0.80 5.09 4.98 5.01 4.90M6.0 x 1.00 6.10 5.97 6.00 5.87M7.0 x 1.00 7.10 6.97 7.00 6.87M8.0 x 1.25 8.13 7.97 8.00 7.85M10 x 1.50 10.15 9.97 10.00 9.82M12 x 1.75 12.18 11.97 12.00 11.80M14 x 2.00 14.20 13.97 14.00 13.77M16 x 2.00 16.20 15.97 16.00 15.77

Inch Sizes (in)2-56 0.0875 0.0835 0.0855 0.08153-48 0.1010 0.0970 0.0990 0.09504-40 0.1145 0.1105 0.1120 0.10805-40 0.1275 0.1235 0.1250 0.12106-32 0.1410 0.1350 0.1380 0.13208-32 0.1670 0.1610 0.1640 0.158010-24 0.1940 0.1880 0.1900 0.184010-32 0.1930 0.1870 0.1900 0.184012-24 0.2200 0.2140 0.2160 0.21001/4-20 0.2550 0.2490 0.2500 0.24405/16-18 0.3180 0.3120 0.3125 0.30653/8-16 0.3810 0.3750 0.3745 0.36857/16-14 0.4445 0.4385 0.4375 0.43151/2-13 0.5075 0.5015 0.5000 0.49409/16-12 0.5710 0.5630 0.5625 0.55455/8-11 0.6340 0.6260 0.6250 0.6170


DUO-TAPTITE® Screws and Bolts

Better starting stability – Axial Alignment Less misalignment at start of driving operation . . . the self-aligning characteristic of DUO-TAPTITE® screws reduces operator fatigue; eliminates interruptions in production; adds speed to every fastening operation. Suitable for automated and robotic assembly.

B – Higher prevailing torque Super ior e las t ic act ion of a DUO-TAPTITE® screw gives it better locking characteristics than many fasteners specifically designed as locking screws! Competitive round-bodied, thread-forming fasteners have no locking torque. G r aph shows compa r i s on o f DUO-TAPTITE® screw with IFI-124 mini-mum requirement for self-locking screws.



THREAD-FORMING SCREW2° 5°1° 3°2° 4°2° 2°


** Starting angle of four specimens of each type measured at 20x full size on an optical comparator.

Lower starting end pressure Lower starting end pressure combines with lower driving torque to reduce time and power costs right down the line.

A – Higher strip-to-drive ratio The higher, more uniform, strip-to-drive torque ratio of DUO-TAPTITE® screws provides a built-in safety factor against over-driving. Eliminates broken screws, damaged mating threads and inferior fastenings.

Torque-tension comparison M8 x 1.25 DUO-TAPTITE® vs. TAPTITE® Fastener Superior tension at any given applied torque (with normal clamping pressure) is a major factor in the better holding capability of a DUO-TAPTITE® screw.

NOTE: All screws were tested in unthreaded weld nuts of uniform hardness (Rockwell B 82-84) having 7.1mm hole diameters. End pressure was manually developed, measured and recorded by an electronic load cell and recorder. Drive, prevailing and strip torque values, and torque-tension values were measured with a GSE torque cell and recorded on a BLH electronic recorder. All test data is based on 5/16 - 18 or M8 x 1.25 screws.

DUO-TAPTITE® fasteners, and/or their manufacture according to REMINC/CONTI specifications, covered by one or more of the following patents: 6,089,806, 6,089,986, 6,261,040.

COPYRIGHT 2013, Research Engineering & Manufacturing Inc.

3.0 5.0 7.0 9.0 11.0



Result is an average of samples tested

2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0



Result is an average of samples tested

20 40 60



Result is an average of samples tested







10 20 30 40 50 60

TORQUE (Newton Meters) NOTE: This graph represents a linear calculation based on statistical data of the respective screws



N (





DUO-TAPTITE® Screws and Bolts

EXAMPLE - The shaded area indicates that an M5 - 0.8 screw size in a 4.58 hole size provides 80% thread engagement.

Because the above values are based on a linear relation between hole size and percentage thread engagement, the hole data becomes less accurate for engagements less than 70%.

Note also, these hole sizes are based on the U.S. basic thread depth of .6495 times the pitch and are calculated using nominal screw diameters. Hole = D - (0.6495 x P x %), where D = nominal screw diameter.

(1) Pilot holes listed under 90% & 85% (Thread Percent) also recommended for single punch extruded holes. See Page 11

For Pilot Hole Tolerance in terms of thread percentage, we suggest +5% to -10% of the nominal value, percent thread value.

EXAMPLE: If 80% is the percent thread for the nominal hole, the minimum hole would yield 85% thread and the maximum hole would yield 70% thread.

Suggested hole sizes for TAPTITE II®, DUO-TAPTITE® and TAPTITE® CA Screws and bolts at various percentages of thread engagement

COPYRIGHT 2013, Research Engineering & Manufacturing Inc.

Metric Sizes (mm)

NOMINALSCREW SIZE 100 95 90 (1) 85 (1) 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35

M2.5 x 0.45 2.21 2.22 2.24 2.25 2.27 2.28 2.29 2.31 2.32 2.34 2.35 2.37 2.38 2.40M3 x 0.5 2.67 2.69 2.71 2.72 2.74 2.76 2.77 2.79 2.80 2.82 2.84 2.85 2.87 2.90M3.5 x 0.6 3.11 3.13 3.15 3.17 3.19 3.21 3.23 3.25 3.27 3.29 3.30 3.32 3.34 3.36M4 x 0.7 3.54 3.57 3.59 3.61 3.64 3.66 3.68 3.70 3.73 3.75 3.77 3.79 3.80 3.84M4.5 x 0.75 4.01 4.04 4.06 4.09 4.11 4.13 4.16 4.18 4.21 4.23 4.26 4.28 4.30 4.33M5 x 0.8 4.48 4.51 4.53 4.56 4.58 4.61 4.64 4.66 4.69 4.71 4.74 4.77 4.79 4.82M6 x 1.0 5.35 5.38 5.42 5.45 5.48 5.51 5.54 5.58 5.61 5.64 5.67 5.71 5.74 5.77M6.3 x 1.0 5.65 5.68 5.72 5.75 5.78 5.81 5.84 5.88 5.91 5.94 5.97 6.01 6.04 6.07M7 x 1.0 6.35 6.38 6.42 6.45 6.48 6.51 6.54 6.58 6.61 6.64 6.67 6.71 6.74 6.77M8 x 1.25 7.19 7.23 7.27 7.31 7.35 7.39 7.43 7.47 7.51 7.55 7.59 7.63 7.67 7.72M10 x 1.5 9.03 9.07 9.12 9.17 9.22 9.27 9.32 9.37 9.41 9.46 9.51 9.56 9.61 9.66M12 x 1.75 10.86 10.92 10.98 11.03 11.09 11.15 11.20 11.26 11.31 11.37 11.43 11.49 11.55 11.60

Inch Sizes (in)

NOMINALSCREW SIZE 100 95 90 (1) 85 (1) 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35

2-56 .0744 .0750 .0756 .0761 .0767 .0773 .0779 .0785 .0790 .0796 .0802 .0808 .0814 .08193-48 .0855 .0861 .0868 .0875 .0882 .0888 .0895 .0902 .0909 .0916 .0922 .0929 .0936 .09434-40 .0958 .0966 .0974 .0982 .0990 .0998 .1006 .1014 .1023 .1031 .1039 .1047 .1055 .10635-40 .1088 .1096 .1104 .1112 .1120 .1128 .1136 .1144 .1153 .1161 .1169 .1177 .1185 .11936-32 .1177 .1187 .1197 .1207 .1218 .1228 .1238 .1248 .1258 .1268 .1278 .1289 .1299 .13098-32 .1437 .1447 .1457 .1467 .1478 .1488 .1498 .1508 .1518 .1528 .1538 .1549 .1559 .156910-24 .1629 .1643 .1656 .1670 .1683 .1697 .1710 .1724 .1738 .1751 .1765 .1778 .1792 .180510-32 .1697 .1707 .1717 .1727 .1738 .1748 .1758 .1768 .1778 .1788 .1798 .1809 .1819 .182912-24 .1889 .1903 .1916 .1930 .1943 .1957 .1970 .1984 .1998 .2011 .2025 .2038 .2052 .20651/4-20 .2175 .2191 .2208 .2224 .2240 .2256 .2273 .2289 .2305 .2321 .2338 .2354 .2370 .23865/16-18 .2764 .2782 .2800 .2818 .2836 .2854 .2872 .2890 .2908 .2926 .2944 .2963 .2981 .29993/8-16 .3344 .3364 .3384 .3405 .3425 .3445 .3466 .3486 .3506 .3527 .3547 .3567 .3588 .36087/16-14 .3911 .3934 .3957 .3980 .4004 .4027 .4050 .4073 .4096 .4120 .4143 .4166 .4189 .42131/2-13 .4500 .4525 .4550 .4575 .4600 .4625 .4650 .4675 .4700 .4725 .4750 .4775 .4800 .4825





Hole Size Information

COPYRIGHT 2013, Research Engineering & Manufacturing Inc.

Recommended pilot hole sizes for TAPTITE II®, DUO-TAPTITE® and TAPTITE® CA Screws and bolts for steel nut member thicknesses

(Expressed in terms of screw diameters)Metric Sizes (mm)Application


Percentageof 90% 85% 80% 75% 70%

ThreadNominal Material Pilot Drill Material Pilot Drill Material Pilot Drill Material Pilot Drill Material Pilot Drill

Size Thickness Hole Size Thickness Hole Size Thickness Hole Size Thickness Hole Size Thickness Hole Size#43 #432.26 2.26

#36 #36 7/64"2.71 2.71 2.781/8" 1/8"3.18 3.18

#27 #273.66 3.66

#21 #204.04 4.09

#15 #15 #144.57 4.57 4.62

#3 #3 7/32"5.41 5.41 5.56


L L7.37 7.40


7/16" 7/16" 7/16"11.11 11.11 11.11

Inch sizes (in)Application


Percentageof 90% 85% 80% 75% 70%

ThreadNominal Material Pilot Drill Material Pilot Drill Material Pilot Drill Material Pilot Drill Material Pilot Drill

Size Thickness Hole Size Thickness Hole Size Thickness Hole Size Thickness Hole Size Thickness Hole Size1.9mm #48 1.95mm 5/64 5/64.0748 .0760 .0763 .0781 .07812.2mm 2.2mm #43 #43 #43.0866 .0866 .0890 .0890 .0890#40 #40 #39 #39 #39

.0980 .0980 .0995 .0995 .09952.8mm #34 #33 #33 #33.1102 .1110 .1130 .1130 .1130#31 #31 3.1mm 3.1mm 1/8

.1200 .1200 .1220 .1220 .12503.7mm #26 3.75mm 3.8mm 3.8mm.1457 .1470 .1476 .1496 .1496#19 4.25mm #18 #18 11/64

.1660 .1673 .1695 .1695 .171911/64 #17 #17 4.4mm #16.1719 .1730 .1730 .1732 .1770#11 4.9mm #9 #9 5mm

.1910 .1929 .1960 .1960 .1969#2 5.7mm 5.7mm 5.75mm #1

.2210 .2244 .2244 .2264 .22807.1mm 9/32 7.2mm 7.25mm 7.3mm.2795 .2812 .2835 .2854 .28748.6mm 8.6mm 8.7mm 8.75mm 8.8mm.3386 .3386 .3425 .3455 .3465

X X X Y Y.3970 .3970 .3970 .4040 .404013/32 13/32 13/32 Z 10.5mm0.4062 0.4062 0.4062 0.413 0.413429/64 29/64 29/64 15/32 15/32.4531 .4531 .4531 .4688 .4688

.4099 .262-.371 .4115 .371-.4817/16-20 .087-.174 .4083 .174-.262

1.25 Diameter of Material0.3 Diameter of Material 0.5 Diameter of Material0.75 Diameter of Material 1.0 Diameter of Material





1.25 Diameter of Material

Light Medium-Light Medium-Heavy Full Strength Extended

Medium-Heavy0.75 Diameter of Material

Full Strength1.0 Diameter of Material0.3 Diameter of Material

Medium-Light0.5 Diameter of Material







































































.052-.073 .0767

.059-.084 .0882

.067-.095 .0990

.075-.106 .1120

.083-.117 .1218

.098-.141 .1478

.114-.162 .1683

.114-.162 .1738

.130-.184 .1943

.150-.213 .2240

.188-.266 .2836

.225-.319 .3425

.262-.371 .4004

.300-.425 .4600

.073-.095 .0773

.084-.110 .0888

.095-.126 .0998

.106-.141 .1128

.117-.152 .1288

.141-.180 .1488

.162-.209 .1697

.162-.209 .1748

.184-.238 .1957

.213-.275 .2256

.266-.345 .2854

.319-.413 .3445

.371-.481 .4027

.425-.550 .4625


.095-.169 .0779

.110-.141 .0895

.126-.157 .1006

.141-.175 .1136

.152-.193 .1238

.180-.230 .1498

.209-.266 .1710

.209-.266 .1758

.238-.302 .1970

.275-.350 .2273

.345-.438 .2872

.413-.525 .3466

.481-.612 .4050

.550-.700 .4650

.481-.612 .4148

M2.5 x 0.45

M3 x 0.5 0.5-1.1 2.71

0.5-0.9 2.24

M3.5 x 0.6 0.6-1.4 3.15

M4 x 0.7 0.8-1.4 3.59

M4.5 x 0.75 0.9-1.7 4.06

M5 x 0.8 1.0-2.1 4.53

M12 x 1.75 2.4-4.9 10.98

M7 x 1.0 1.4-2.4 6.42

M8 x 1.25 1.6-3.1 7.27

M10 x 1.5 1.9-3.9 9.12

M6 x 1.0 1.2-2.4 5.42

M6.3 x 1.0 1.3-2.4









1.1-1.7 2.72

1.4-2.0 3.17

1.4-2.4 3.61


2.1-2.9 4.56

2.4-3.6 5.45

2.4-3.7 5.75


3.9-5.9 9.17

4.9-7.4 11.03

2.4-4.4 6.45

3.1-4.9 7.31 7.30












1.7-2.7 2.74

2.0-2.9 3.19


2.9-4.4 4.58

3.7-4.9 5.78

4.4-6.5 6.48

5.9-8.3 9.22

7.4-10.5 11.09











2.1-2.7 2.28

2.7-3.3 2.76

2.9-3.8 3.21

3.3-4.4 3.66

3.9-4.9 4.13

4.4-5.9 4.61

4.9-6.9 5.51

4.9-7.4 5.81

6.4-7.7 6.51

6.9-8.9 7.39

8.3-10.9 9.27

10.5-14.5 11.15

2.7-3.5 2.30

3.3-4.0 2.77

3.8-4.5 3.23


4.4-5.5 3.68

4.9-6.4 4.16

5.9-7.1 4.64


10.9-12.9 9.32

14.5-17.0 11.2

6.9-8.1 5.55

7.4-8.9 5.85


















Notes: This chart pertains to steel nut members APPLICATION DUTY CLASS - A general term used here to group material thickness in terms of screw diameters. For example, the average material thickness listed under “medium-heavy” equals 75% of the screw diameter.

Hole Size Information

NOTES: - Torque values for metric sizes in

Newton-meters - Torque values for inch sizes in pound-

inches - Plate dimensions for metric sizes in

millimeters and for inch sizes in inches - Torque values were developed using

hex washer head screws, zinc plated plus lubricity wax, driven at low speed under laboratory-controlled conditions.

- Values shown represent the above conditions only and should not be used in lieu of proper application testing. The data is presented to provide the user with an estimate of what could be achieved in an actual application having a thicker or thinner nut member harder or softer material, different hole or fastener all contribute to variations in torque performance.

- Recommended tightening torque is intended to induce approximately 30,000 to 50,000 psi clamping force.

- Prevailing first removal torque, the torque necessary to remove the screw after the head has been un-seated, is an indication of TAPTITE II® screws inherent resistance of free turning which is an indication of resistance to loosen-ing under vibration, even without screw head being seated.

* Indicates probability that nut threads will strip.

† Indicates probability that screw will break.

Typical Torque Performance of TAPTITE II® Screws in Cold Rolled Steel

COPYRIGHT 2013, Research Engineering & Manufacturing Inc.

MetricPrevailing Recom-

Nearest Thread First mendedScrew Plate Hole Drill Forming Removal Assembly Failure

Size Thickness Size Size Torque Torque Torque Torque1.0 2.71 #36 .30-.45 .15-.30 1.0 1.5-2.0*2.0 2.75 2.75mm .35-.55 .15-.30 1.0 1.6-2.5*3.0 2.75 2.75mm .50-.80 .25-.40 1.6 2.5-3.5*†2.0 3.60 3.6mm .60-.85 .30-.40 1.8 2.8-3.8*3.0 3.66 #27 .90-1.3 .50-.70 3.3 5.5-7.54.0 3.66 #27 1.2-1.6 .60-.85 4.3 7.0-10.02.5 4.57 #15 1.3-2.0 .60-.80 2.8 5.3-8.0*3.5 4.57 #15 1.5-2.7 .90-1.5 6.0 10-12*5.0 4.60 4.6mm 2.0-3.0 .90-1.5 7.0 11-14*†3.0 5.41 #3 2.0-2.8 .60-1.2 5.0 9-13*4.5 5.50 5.5mm 3.2-4.5 .90-1.5 10.0 16-21*6.0 5.50 5.5mm 3.5-4.8 1.0-1.7 10.0 18-25*†4.0 7.30 7.3mm 4.8-7.0 1.5-2.8 20.0 33-42*6.0 7.37 L 5.5-9.5 2.2-3.6 28.0 43-53*8.0 7.37 L 7.0-12 4.0-6.0 30.0 55-65†5.0 9.20 9.2mm 11-15 5.0-7.0 30.0 53-63*8.0 9.20 9.2mm 14-19 6.0-9.0 45.0 80-92*10.0 9.25 9.25mm 15-22 7.0-12 55.0 92-102*†6.0 11.00 11.0mm 23-29 7.0-13 60.0 108-130*9.0 11.11 7/16 25-31 9.0-15 65.0 115-135*12.0 11.11 7/16 30-38 13-20 100.0 175-200*†

InchPrevailing Recom-

Nearest Thread First mendedScrew Plate Hole Drill Forming Removal Assembly Failure

Size Thickness Size Size Torque Torque Torque Torque0.0469 0.075 1.9mm 1-2 .5-1 4 6-7*0.0625 0.076 #48 1-2 .5-1 4 8-10*0.0938 0.079 #47 1-2 .5-1 5 11-14†0.0625 0.087 2.2mm 3-4 1-2 6 14-15*0.0938 0.089 #43 3-5 1-2 7 15-16*0.1250 0.090 #43 4-6 1-2 7 15-18†0.0312 0.098 #40 2-3 1-2 6 8-11*0.0625 0.102 2.6mm 3-4 1-2 9 15-18*0.0938 0.102 2.6mm 3-4 1-2 11 22-27†0.0625 0.111 #34 4-5 2-3 12 22-29*0.0938 0.113 #33 4-7 3-4 18 34-41*0.1250 0.116 #32 6-8 4-5 20 38-46†0.0625 0.120 #31 4-7 3-4 14 25-30*0.0938 0.120 #31 6-9 3-5 20 35-45*†0.1250 0.125 1/8 6-9 4-6 22 39-45†0.0938 0.147 #26 10-13 5-7 30 65-75*0.1250 0.150 3.8mm 11-14 4-7 45 75-85*†0.1875 0.150 3.8mm 16-20 8-11 45 75-95†0.0938 0.172 11/64 14-18 5-8 35 65-80*0.1250 0.172 11/64 14-18 5-8 45 80-90*0.1875 0.172 11/64 17-22 9-13 55 110-115†0.0938 0.173 #17 11-14 9-13 35 80-95*0.1250 0.177 #16 12-16 9-13 50 110-120*0.1875 0.177 #16 19-25 12-16 70 115-140*0.1250 0.196 #9 19-24 9-12 65 95-115*0.1875 0.199 #8 21-26 9-13 75 135-155*0.2500 0.203 13/64 21-26 10-14 85 150-170†0.1250 0.224 5.7mm 30-36 18-25 85 170-195*0.1875 0.224 5.7mm 45-55 25-35 125 205-235†0.2500 0.228 #1 55-65 25-35 125 205-235†0.1875 0.281 K 75-85 40-50 160 380-410*0.2500 0.285 7.25mm 75-85 40-50 225 425-465*†0.3125 0.285 7.25mm 80-90 55-65 250 450-500†0.2500 0.348 S 90-100 45-55 350 825-875*0.3125 0.348 S 110-125 50-60 400 950-1000*0.3750 0.354 9mm 95-110 30-45 450 950-1000*0.3125 0.404 Y 145-165 75-95 500 1000-1150*0.3750 0.406 13/32 145-170 60-90 600 1200-1350*0.5000 0.406 13/32 195-220 75-105 700 1400-1600†0.2500 0.465 29/64 150-180 60-80 500 975-1075*0.3750 0.469 15/32 185-215 60-90 850 1600-1800*0.5000 0.469 15/32 235-275 75-105 1000 1900-2200†

M8 x 1.25

M10 x 1.5

M12 x 1.75

M3 x 0.5

M4 x 0.7

M5 x 0.8

M6 x 1.0















TAPTITE II® Fasteners

mm Thickness 0.5 0.8 1.1 1.6 2.4 3.6 4.4 4.75 5.5Inch Thickness 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.09 0.13 0.16 0.19 0.22 0.25 0.31 0.38Screw SizeM2.5 x 0.45 2.21 2.22 2.25 2.27

2.24 2.26 2.28 2.30M3 x 0.50 2.68 2.71 2.74 2.77 2.80

2.71 2.74 2.77 2.80 2.83M3.5 x 0.6 3.11 3.13 3.16 3.19 3.24 3.27

3.15 3.18 3.21 3.24 3.29 3.326-32 0.118 0.118 0.12 0.120 0.122

0.120 0.121 0.12 0.123 0.125M4 x 0.70 3.55 3.58 3.60 3.64 3.69

3.59 3.62 3.65 3.68 3.738-32 0.14 0.14 0.15 0.15 0.147 0.148

0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.150 0.152M4.5 x 0.75 4.01 4.04 4.07 4.10 4.15

4.60 4.09 4.12 4.15 4.2010-24 0.16 0.16 0.164 0.165 0.166 0.168

0.17 0.17 0.167 0.168 0.170 0.17310-32 0.170 0.170 0.171 0.172 0.173 0.174

0.172 0.173 0.174 0.175 0.176 0.177M5 x 0.80 4.48 4.51 4.54 4.57

4.53 4.56 4.59 4.6212-24 0.19 0.19 0.190 0.191 0.192 0.193 0.195 0.198

0.19 0.19 0.193 0.194 0.196 0.197 0.200 0.203M6 x 1.00 5.35 5.38 5.41 5.44 5.49

5.42 5.45 5.48 5.51 5.56M6.3 x 1.00 5.65 5.68 5.71 5.74 5.79 5.85

5.72 5.75 5.78 5.81 5.86 5.911/4-20 0.218 0.218 0.219 0.221 0.224 0.227 0.228 0.230

0.220 0.221 0.223 0.225 0.228 0.231 0.233 0.235M7 x 1.00 6.35 6.40 6.45 6.50 6.55 6.63 6.71

6.42 6.47 6.52 6.57 6.62 6.70 6.785/16-18 0.28 0.278 0.279 0.280 0.281 0.283 0.285

0.28 0.280 0.281 0.283 0.285 0.288 0.290M8 x 1.25 7.19 7.22 7.25 7.30 7.35 7.43 7.51

7.27 7.30 7.33 7.38 7.43 7.51 7.593/8-16 0.335 0.336 0.337 0.337 0.342 0.344

0.337 0.338 0.340 0.340 0.346 0.349M10 x 1.50 9.03 9.08 9.13 9.18 9.26 9.34 9.42 9.50

9.12 9.17 9.22 9.27 9.35 9.43 9.51 9.597/16-14 0.392 0.394 0.396 0.398 0.401 0.404

0.395 0.397 0.400 0.402 0.405 0.409M12 x 1.75 10.86 10.91 10.96 11.01 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.3

10.98 11.03 11.08 11.13 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.51/2-13 0.450 0.452 0.454 0.455 0.459

0.453 0.455 0.457 0.460 0.464



Extruding holes for fasteners in light-gauge steel nearly doubles the length of thread engagement over original material thickness. TAPTITE II® and DUO-TAPTITE® screws and bolts will develop almost twice the failure torque in extruded holes, providing maximum joint integrity.

The areas of the upper chart indicate that an extruded hole diameter of .146” to .149” is suggested in .060” thick material when using a number 8-32 TAPTITE II® or DUO-TAPTITE® screw. The corresponding H dimension, shown on Page 12 for this hole will be .053” minimum, making the total length of engagement .113” minimum.

Suggested extruded holes in light-gauge steel for TAPTITE II® and DUO-TAPTITE® Screws and Bolts

(Continued on next page) COPYRIGHT 2013, Research Engineering & Manufacturing Inc.

Extruded Holes

Suggested extruded holes in light-gauge steel for TAPTITE II® and DUO-TAPTITE® Screws & Bolts (Continued from page 11)

Suggested hole sizes for Aluminum or Zinc die casting for TAPTITE II® and DUO-TAPTITE® Screws & Bolt

The minimum length of thread engagement should be equal to twice the diameter of the screw (to approach utilizing available screw strength). The hole diameter to ensure optimum performance, should provide for 65% to 75% thread engagement.

COPYRIGHT 2013, Research Engineering & Manufacturing Inc.


HOLE DIA. D H R H R H R H R H R H RIN. 0.081 - .100 0.040 0.005 0.040 0.005 0.040 0.006 0.043 0.010MM 2.06 - 2.54 1.02 0.13 1.02 0.13 1.02 0.15 1.09 0.25IN. .101 - .130 0.047 0.005 0.047 0.005 0.047 0.006 0.052 0.010 0.054 0.010MM 2.57 - 3.30 1.19 0.13 1.19 0.13 1.19 0.15 1.32 0.25 1.37 0.25IN. .131 - .150 0.053 0.005 0.053 0.005 0.053 0.006 0.060 0.010 0.063 0.010 0.072 0.013MM 3.33 - 3.81 1.35 0.13 1.35 0.13 1.35 0.15 1.52 0.25 1.60 0.25 1.83 0.33IN. .151 - .180 0.060 0.005 0.081 0.006 0.070 0.010 0.075 0.010 0.087 0.013MM 3.84 - 4.57 1.52 0.13 1.55 0.15 1.78 0.25 1.91 0.25 2.21 0.33IN. .181 - .220 0.070 0.005 0.070 0.006 0.090 0.010 0.095 0.010 0.104 0.013MM 4.60 - 5.59 1.78 0.13 1.78 0.15 2.29 0.25 2.41 0.25 2.64 0.33IN. .221 - .260 0.075 0.006 0.100 0.010 0.105 0.010 0.120 0.013MM 5.61 - 6.60 1.91 0.15 2.54 0.25 2.67 0.25 3.05 0.33IN. .261 - .300 0.083 0.006 0.116 0.010 0.125 0.010 0.140 0.013MM 6.63 - 7.62 2.11 0.15 2.95 0.25 3.18 0.25 3.58 0.33IN. .301 - .340 0.130 0.010 0.140 0.010 0.164 0.013MM 7.65 - 8.64 3.30 0.25 3.56 0.25 3.91 0.33IN. .341 - .380 0.140 0.010 0.155 0.010 0.170 0.013MM 8.66 - 9.65 3.56 0.25 3.94 0.25 4.32 0.33IN. .381 - .430 0.150 0.010 0.170 0.010 0.184 0.013MM 9.68 - 10.92 3.81 0.25 4.32 0.25 4.67 0.33The above hole sizes are suggested starting points to be confirmed by actual testing. Extrusion Dimensions can vary due to tooling design and material being extruded.




Approximate Material Thickness "T".024 - .0350.61 - 0.89

.042 - .0481.07 - 1.22


F L H JScrew Hole Dia. Length Boss Distance toSize as of Thread Dia. Edge for No

Drilled Engagement MeasurableDistortion

Max. Min. Max. Min. Min. Min.Metric Sizes (mm)M2 x 0.40 1.91 1.83 1.81 1.73 1.82 4.00 3.32 1.0M2.5 x 0.45 2.39 2.31 2.28 2.20 2.29 5.00 4.15 1.2M3 x 0.5 2.90 2.82 2.76 2.68 2.77 6.00 4.98 1.3M3.5 x 0.6 3.31 3.23 3.21 3.13 3.23 7.00 5.81 1.6M4 x 0.7 3.82 3.74 3.64 3.56 3.68 8.00 6.64 1.8M4.5 x 0.75 4.31 4.23 4.11 4.03 4.16 9.00 7.47 2.0M5 x 0.8 4.80 4.72 4.58 4.50 4.64 10.00 8.30 2.1M6 x 1.0 5.74 5.66 5.48 5.40 5.54 12.00 9.96 2.6M6.3 x 1.0 6.05 5.97 5.78 5.70 5.84 13.00 10.46 2.6M7 x 1.0 6.78 6.70 6.48 6.40 6.54 14.00 11.62 2.6M8 x 1.25 7.69 7.61 7.35 7.27 7.43 16.00 13.28 3.3M10 x 1.5 9.64 9.56 9.22 9.14 9.32 20.00 16.60 3.9M12 x 1.75 11.59 11.51 11.09 11.01 11.20 24.00 19.92 4.6Inch Sizes (in)2-56 0.081 0.078 0.077 0.074 0.0779 0.172 0.197 0.0463-48 0.093 0.090 0.088 0.085 0.0895 0.198 0.208 0.0544-40 0.105 0.102 0.099 0.096 0.1006 0.224 0.220 0.0655-40 0.118 0.115 0.112 0.109 0.1136 0.250 0.232 0.0656-32 0.128 0.125 0.122 0.119 0.1238 0.276 0.242 0.0818-32 0.155 0.152 0.148 0.145 0.1498 0.328 0.272 0.08110-24 0.177 0.174 0.168 0.165 0.1710 0.380 0.315 0.10810-32 0.182 0.179 0.174 0.171 0.1758 0.380 0.315 0.08112-24 0.203 0.200 0.194 0.191 0.1970 0.432 0.359 0.1081/4-20 0.235 0.232 0.224 0.221 0.2273 0.500 0.415 0.1305/16-18 0.297 0.294 0.284 0.281 0.2872 0.625 0.519 0.1443/8-16 0.359 0.356 0.343 0.340 0.3466 0.750 0.623 0.1627/16-14 0.419 0.416 0.400 0.397 0.4050 0.875 0.726 0.1861/2-13 0.481 0.478 0.460 0.457 0.4650 1.000 0.830 0.200

Hole Diameter as Cast

Top A Bottom B

Std. Taper

Extruded Holes

- Designed to resolve the fastening problems of ‘stripping’ and ‘spin-out’ in THIN SHEET METAL as is often found when using standard round-bodied sheet metal screws

- Increased torque performance in thin sheet metal applications

- Low end loads - EXTRUDE-TITE® screws tend to drive straight - E m p l o y s T R I L O B U L A R ®

technology in the joint - Electrical grounding assured by the intimate contact of the roll- formed threads - Reduces costs by allowing

thinner, lighter materials in the assembly

- Reduces costs by reducing or eliminating repairs due to ‘stripping’, ‘spin-outs’, and off-angled entry of fastener on the assembly line

- Reduces costs by eliminating cleanup of chips, oil and debris caused by tapping operations

- Reduces costs by simplifying assembly – fewer components

- Reduces costs by simplifying assembly equipment

Length Tolerances

Inch Lengths up to and including 1” ± 0.030” Lengths greater than 1” ± 0.050” Metric Lengths up to & including 25mm ± 0.8mm Lengths greater than 25mm ± 1.3mm

COPYRIGHT 2013, Research Engineering & Manufacturing Inc.


SIZE Max. Min. Max. Min. Maximum MaximumMetric Sizes (mm)M2.5 x 0.45 2.57 2.48 2.52 2.44 0.94 2.48M3.0 x 0.50 3.07 2.98 3.02 2.93 1.26 2.75M3.5 x 0.60 3.58 3.48 3.52 3.42 1.41 3.30M4.0 x 0.70 4.08 3.98 4.01 3.91 1.56 3.85M4.5 x 0.75 4.59 4.48 4.51 4.41 1.89 4.13M5.0 x 0.80 5.09 4.98 5.01 4.90 2.21 4.40M6.0 x 1.00 6.10 5.97 6.00 5.87 2.51 5.50M7.0 x 1.00 7.10 6.97 7.00 6.87 3.51 5.50M8.0 x 1.25 8.13 7.97 8.01 7.85 3.64 6.88M10 x 1.50 10.15 9.97 10.00 9.82 4.76 8.25M12 x 1.75 12.18 11.97 12.00 11.80 5.89 9.63

Inch Sizes (in)3-48 0.1010 0.0970 0.0990 0.0950 0.026 0.1154-40 0.1145 0.1105 0.1120 0.1080 0.024 0.1385-40 0.1275 0.1235 0.1250 0.1210 0.037 0.1386-32 0.1410 0.1350 0.1380 0.1320 0.028 0.1728-32 0.1670 0.1610 0.1640 0.1580 0.054 0.17210-24 0.1940 0.1880 0.1900 0.1840 0.044 0.22910-32 0.1930 0.1870 0.1900 0.1840 0.080 0.17212-24 0.2200 0.2140 0.2160 0.2100 0.070 0.2291/4-20 0.2550 0.2490 0.2500 0.2440 0.076 0.2755/16-18 0.3180 0.3120 0.3125 0.3065 0.119 0.3063/8-16 0.3810 0.3750 0.3745 0.3685 0.158 0.3447/16-14 0.4445 0.4385 0.4375 0.4315 0.190 0.3931/2-13 0.5075 0.5015 0.5000 0.4940 0.233 0.423




- First prevailing-off torque is an indication of locking torque and resistance to vibrational loosening and was judged favorably high for EXTRUDE-TITE® screws in thin sheet metal.

- Performance in extruded holes is slightly higher than in drilled holes. Therefore, either hole design is favorable.

- EXTRUDE-TITE® screws typically forward and backward extrude material beyond its original thickness, providing the fastener with over twice the engagement than that of non-extruded materials. - An important consideration is the

significantly superior and consistent strip-to-drive ratio of EXTRUDE-TITE® screws over other sheet metal screws which allows for more liberal driver clutch settings at the fastening site.

- Tests have shown that EXTRUDE-TITE® fasteners may be used in a wide range of pilot hole sizes with satisfactory results depending upon application requirements.

- May be used in thicker materials as a thread-forming, locating point fastener.

- Couple EXTRUDE-TITE® fasteners with an underhead locking feature for ultimate vibrational and ‘spin-out’ resistance or with a sharp point to pierce cloth, vinyl or other such similar materials.

Self-aligning point feature ‘finds’ the holes, lines them up and fastens them in one operation.

TEST PARAMETERS - Test material: cold-rolled draw quality aluminum killed steel plate hardened to Rb 50-55 Test washer: .063 thick steel Clearance hole: .180(#6), .200(#8), .220(#10), .280(1/4”) Drive speed: 250 RPM under load

- These values may vary proportionately to application. Smaller hole sizes for example, will increase drive, first off, strip torques, etc. Material thickness will also effect torque/tension values as indicated in the table. These values were derived from averages of over 1800 laboratory tests under specific conditions. These values are to be used only as a guide since actual application performance results may vary.

COPYRIGHT 2013, Research Engineering & Manufacturing Inc.

StripFirst to Recommended

Material Hole Drive Prevailing Strip Drive TighteningDescription Thickness Size Torque Off Torque Torque Ratio Torque#6 - 32 x 3/8 0.028 0.080 4 2 12 3:1 8

Hex Washer Head 0.032 0.080 5 3 15 3:1 10Zinc & Wax 0.040 0.080 7 3 21 3:1 14

#8 - 32 x 3/8 0.028 0.110 5 2 15 3:1 10Hex Washer Head 0.032 0.110 6 3 18 3:1 12

Zinc & Wax 0.040 0.110 10 4 26 2.6:1 18#10 - 32 x 9/16 0.028 0.138 8 3 25 3:1 17

Hex Washer Head 0.032 0.138 10 4 29 3:1 20Zinc & Wax 0.040 0.138 15 11 45 3:1 30

1/4 - 20 x 5/8 0.028 0.181 12 6 35 3:1 24Hex Washer Head 0.032 0.181 14 7 36 2.6:1 25

Zinc & Wax 0.040 0.181 21 10 57 2.7:1 39M4 x 0.7 x 13 0.70 2.64 0.90 0.32 2.18 2.4:1 1.54

Hex Washer Head 0.80 2.64 1.13 0.39 2.35 2:1 1.74Zinc & Wax 1.00 2.64 1.32 0.52 2.71 2:1 2.02

M5 x 0.8 x 16 0.70 3.45 0.93 0.35 2.59 2.8:1 1.76Hex Washer Head 0.80 3.45 1.11 0.73 3.55 3:1 2.33

Zinc & Wax 1.00 3.45 1.66 1.40 4.82 3:1 3.24M6 x 1.0 x 16 0.70 4.60 1.09 0.48 3.71 3.4:1 2.40

Hex Washer Head 0.80 4.60 1.32 0.52 3.79 3:1 2.56Zinc & Wax 1.00 4.60 2.12 0.92 6.17 3:1 4.15



Enhanced locking ability Continuous locking action Resistant to high temperatures Reusable No special taps

Enhanced locking ability “POWERLOK®, TRILOBULAR® self locking screws are a unique concept in locking screws.” Made from high strength steel, hardened and tempered to an optimum strength-toughness serviceability, the POWERLOK® screw achieves enhanced locking ability through the combination of a novel 60º-30º thread form and a TRILOBULAR® thread body section. A significant mechanical advantage of this design is that the locking action is developed at the outermost radius of the torque arm of the screw body, whereas other locking screws develop their effective resistance at lesser radius points on thread flanks, down even to the thread root surface. The deeper geometry of the POWERLOK® thread, along with a slight increase in the thread major diameter over equivalent size machine screw, adds to the effective stripping resistance of the fastener. In addition, the centralization of the POWERLOK® lobes in the nut member thread allows the 30º thread crest on the fastener to flex elastically under clamp load, simulating the live action of spring washers. Continuous locking action POWERLOK® screws do not have to be seated to lock, as the locking thread feature extends the entire length of the fastener. They resist vibration at any point along their body length. POWERLOK® fasteners are excellent adjusting screws. The locking action is instantaneous and, unlike chemical locking agents, no reaction or curing time is required. Resistant to high temperatures POWERLOK® screws do not lose their action or efficiency in high temperature environments. Non-metallic additives featured with many lock screws lose much or all of their developed force or deteriorate with time under the influence of temperatures of 200ºF or higher. POWERLOK®, being an all-metal locking fastener, is unaffected by these or higher operating temperatures. COPYRIGHT 2013, Research Engineering & Manufacturing Inc.

POWERLOK® - Metric Standards

MAX. MIN. MAX. MIN.M3.5 x .6 3.69 3.59 3.57 3.47M4 x .7 4.22 4.10 4.08 3.96M5 x .8 5.26 5.13 5.10 4.97M6 x 1 6.30 6.15 6.10 5.95M8 x 1.25 8.35 8.20 8.10 7.95M10 x 1.5 10.40 10.25 10.10 9.95M12 x 1.75 12.45 12.30 12.10 11.95

POWERLOK® - Inch Standards

MAX. MIN. MAX. MIN.4-40 0.1170 0.1120 0.1120 0.10705-40 0.1310 0.1250 0.1260 0.12006-32 0.1470 0.1410 0.1410 0.13508-32 0.1725 0.1665 0.1665 0.160510-24 0.2050 0.1980 0.1970 0.190010-32 0.1995 0.1925 0.1935 0.186512-24 0.2310 0.2240 0.2230 0.21601/4-20 0.2695 0.2615 0.2595 0.25155/16-18 0.3315 0.3235 0.3205 0.31253/8-16 0.3945 0.3865 0.3820 0.37407/16-14 0.4595 0.4515 0.4455 0.43751/2-13 0.5235 0.5155 0.5080 0.5000















Length ToleranceMetric per ANSI B18.6.7M

#4-#12 1/4"-1/2" Nominal Screw Lengthto 3mm incl.

To 1/2" Inclusive +0, -.020 +0, -.030 over 3 to 10mmOver 1/2" to +0, -.030 +0, -.030 over 10 to 16mm1" Inclusive over 16 to 50mmOver 1" to +0, -.060 +0, -.060 over 50mm2" InclusiveOver 2" +0, -.090 +0, -.090

Length Tolerance - Inch - Per ANSI B18.6.3

NominalScrew Length

Nominal Screw Size

Tolerance on Length

POWERLOK® All Metal Locking Screws

Exceed IFI locking screw standards Have locking action you can’t wear out!

Reusable - Subjecting the POWERLOK® screw to increasing clamp load results in continuously increasing thread flank contact so that unit pressure between mating surfaces tends to remain constant, an important factor in diminishing galling and abrasion. Together with the burnishing action of the TRILOBULAR® crests means continued locking effectiveness, after repeated insertions and removals. Locking performance - Will meet or exceed IFI 124 (inch) or IFI 524 (metric) Specifications for Prevailing Torque Locking Screws. Transverse vibration test data available upon request. Actual performance will vary depending on effective finish lubricity and nut condition. No special taps - You save time and money by using a regular nut or Class 2B (6G) tapped hole. POWERLOK® is precision made - so the hole thread doesn’t have to be.

Applications - Widely used in automotive and other mass-assembly operations. You can use POWERLOK® screws wherever you need reliable vibration resistance, continued high performance, despite repeated assembly/disassembly using normal tapped holes. They can be used in pre-tapped holes in ductile metals. STANDARD MATERIAL - Depending on part size, low carbon, medium carbon or alloy steel is selected. Then the steel is hardened and tempered to the optimum combination of tensile strength and toughness. Tensile or torsional strength can be more than twice that of machine screws. Screws can be made in strength levels to suit a wide range of application requirements. Property Class 10.9 is often preferred. Finishes can be supplied as required.

KLEERLOK® Thread Clearing Lock Screw The KLEERLOK® feature is designed to be used in conjunction with TRILOBULAR® fasteners in pre-tapped holes which may be contaminated with weld splatter, paint, primer or other foreign matter. The KLEERLOK® feature can be combined on a POWERLOK® screw for paint clearing and locking torque or on a reduced diameter TAPTITE® screw as a version for joints where classical torque-tension fastening rather than a locking screw is desired.

KLEERLOK® Point Form

COPYRIGHT 2013, Research Engineering & Manufacturing Inc.

POWERLOK® All Metal Locking Screws

The PLASTITE® family of TRILOBULAR® screws for fastening in plastic

The following is intended as a guide to choosing threaded fasteners which will provide optimum application and performance characteristics in a wide range of plastics. It contains detailed information on PLASTITE® thread-rolling screws.

Because of the variations in the manufacture of individual grades of plastics, particularly in the quantity of filler used, it is imperative that tests be conducted on each proposed application by a competent engineering laboratory.

REMINC/CONTI’s network of licensees provide this testing service usually with- out obligation. This provides the design engineer with recommendations in the following areas: type of fasteners, quantity and sizes, design of the fastening site or boss, hole sizes. Torque values needed for power tool settings during assembly, including: drive, strip, seating, breakaway and prevailing off torque. A written report on the test results is usually provided.

How the TRILOBULAR® family optimizes fastener performance and lowers in-place costs. PLASTITE® TRILOBULAR® thread-rolling screws were developed specifi-cally for use in plastics. They combine a unique TRILOBULAR® cross-sectional form with deep, wide, spaced threads.

Easier to drive. Three swaging lobes with full relief of the thread form reduce driving effort and operator fatigue.

More holding power. The three-lobed design of PLASTITE® screws takes full advantage of the cold flow characteris-tics of many plastics by allowing plastic material to recover and fill in between the lobes. This establishes maximum resistance to vibrational loosening. In addition, the screws’ deep, coarsely spaced threads provide a heavier shear area and deeper thread engagement in the plastic, further enhancing holding capabilities.

Reduced hoop stress. The PLASTITE® screw’s TRILOBULAR® design reduces dangerous hoop stress and the friction of root inter-ference, which can frequently cause the bursting of thin-walled bosses. Better quality threads. The smooth burnishing action of PLASTITE® thread-rolling screws eliminates the dangers inherent in the use of thread-cutting screws. PLASTITE® screws roll form high quality internal threads with no damage to the molecular structure of the plastic, significantly reducing the danger of material failure.

Fast, cost-effective application. The easy starting, easy driving capa-bilities of PLASTITE® screws cut as-sembly time and costs. Exceptional holding power eliminates the need for costly inserts and lockwashers. Fewer torque problems. The unusually high drive-to-strip ratio of PLASTITE® screws permits a wider span of torque settings to be safely used with automatic drivers. Strip out is virtually eliminated.

PLASTITE® 45 Screws PLASTITE® 45 screws represent the latest refinement of the cost savings and performance capabilities of TRILOBULAR® technology for assembling plastic components. The TRILOBULAR® shape makes use of the plastic’s natural resiliency and creep characteristics, allowing the plastic to fill in the depressions between the lobes. This helps lock the fastener in place providing prevailing torque if fastener removal is attempted. Years of research revealed that exceptional performance could be achieved by combining the TRILOBULAR® shape with the following attributes:

- Wide thread spacing - Narrow thread angle

The extra wide thread spacing and more acute thread angle of PLASTITE® 45 screws keep induced stress to a minimum during the thread forming operation. These attributes also per-mit a deeper thread without increased drive torque. Also, the extra wide thread spacing allows stress to be dispersed over a greater area in the plastic boss or nut member, and the plastic material remaining between the threads is left strong and intact, thus providing for high assembly loads and stripping resistance. The narrow thread angle also reduces stress by displacing less material

and creating less bursting pressure (See above illustration). Hardened and tempered screws are significantly stronger than plastic so if the assembly becomes over-torqued, usually the plastic will give way and strip out. Strip out in the plastic will occur cylindrically so the more nut member material that remains within the cylinder the more resistant to strip out will be the plastic. It is for this reason the wide thread spacing of a PLASTITE® 45 screw increases the assembly strength at the same time that it reduces stress. PLASTITE® 45 screws are the perfect balance between application needs and efficient manufacturing for consistent performance. PLASTITE® 48-2 Screws PLASTITE® 48-2 screws have a TRILOBULAR® body like PLASTITE® 45 screws, but incorporate a double lead, two-start thread. The steeper helix angle from the double lead permits higher fail torque to be obtained, usu-ally resulting in a higher differential between fail torque and thread forming torque, which allows for easier power tool adjustment when assembly stripping is the problem.

FRad 1

FAxi 1

R 1


R 222 1/2°

FRad 2

FAxi 2



COPYRIGHT 2013, Research Engineering & Manufacturing Inc.

Resolution of Resultant Forces comparing PLASTITE® 45 thread form with standard 60 thread form.


Recommended pilot hole sizes are subject to variation dependent on depth of engagement, ease of driving required and material being tapped. Users of PLASTITE® 45 screws should perform their own test to determine the most efficient pilot hole size for their own particular use, or contact the application engineering department of a licensed supplier or REMINC/CONTI. MATERIAL: LENGTH TOLERANCES:

SAE Low Carbon Inch Metric

Steel, Suitably Hardened and Tempered

Sizes #2 - #12 thru 3/4” ± .030”

Sizes M2 - M5 Up to 20mm ± 0.8 mm

Sizes #2 - #12 over 3/4” ± .050”

Sizes M2 - M5 Over 20mm ± 1.3mm

Finish: As Requested

Sizes Over 1/4” Dia. All Lengths ± .050”

Sizes M6 - M8 All Lengths ± 1.3mm

PLASTITE® 45 Standards - METRICScrew MinimumSize "C" "D" Out-of-

Round Min. Max.M2 x 1.35 2.04 - 1.92 1.99 - 1.87 0.05 1.40 1.60M2.5 x 1.4 2.53 - 2.41 2.49 - 2.37 0.05 1.85 2.05M3 x 1.5 3.04 - 2.92 2.99 - 2.87 0.05 2.30 2.50M3.5 x 1.65 3.54 - 3.42 3.46 - 3.34 0.08 2.75 3.00M4 x 1.75 4.04 - 3.89 3.94 - 3.79 0.10 3.20 3.45M4.5 x 2 4.54 - 4.39 4.43 - 4.28 0.11 3.60 3.90M5 x 2.2 5.04 - 4.89 4.94 - 4.79 0.10 3.70 4.10M5 x 2.3 5.04 - 4.89 4.94 - 4.79 0.10 3.70 4.10M6 x 2.5 6.04 - 5.89 5.93 - 5.78 0.11 4.70 5.10M8 x 3 8.04 - 7.86 7.89 - 7.71 0.15 6.50 7.10

PLASTITE® 45 Standards - INCHScrew MinimumSize "C" "D" Out-of-

Round Min. Max.#2-19 .0875-.0835" .0845-.0805" .002" .065" .073"#3-18 .101-.097" .098-.094" .002" .076" .084"#4-17 .1145.1095" .111-.106" .0025" .087" .096"#5-15 .1275-.1225" .1235-.1185" .003" .099" .108"#6-13 .141-.136" .137-.132" .003" .102" .114"#7-12 .153-.148" .1485-.1435" .0035" .114" .127"#8-11 .167-.161" .162-.156" .004" .126" .139"#9-10 .179-.173" .174-.168" .004" .135" .149"#10-9 .194-.188" .189-.183" .004" .150" .165"#12-9 .220-.214" .2145-.2085" .0045" .170" .186"1/4-8 .253-.247" .247-.241" .005" .198" .216"9/32-8 .284-.278" .278-.272" .005" .227" .246"5/16-8 .316-.308" .309-.301" .006" .255" .275"21/64-8 .332-.324" .325-.317" .006" .270" .290"11/32-8 .349-.341" .342-.334" .006" .285" .306"3/8-7 .379-.371" .371-.363" .007" .309" .332"

RecommendedPilot Hole

RecommendedPilot Hole

COPYRIGHT 2013, Research Engineering & Manufacturing Inc.

PLASTITE® 45 Screws

PLASTITE® 48-2 TRILOBULAR® thread-rolling screws have twin lead threads to provide faster, more efficient insertion. The sharp 48° thread profile increases holding strength and reduces material displacement and boss bursting tendencies. Drive and strip torques are higher, making drive tool adjustments simple. NOTE: Component and boss design should allow for much faster engagement than with single lead screws.

1. Size/TPI – The PLASTITE® 48-2 screw size designation combines the commonly used numerical screw size with the major diameter (Max. “D”) as measured with ordinary micrometers, followed by the number of threads per inch.

2. Recommended pilot hole sizes are subject to variation dependent on depth of engagement, ease of driv-ing required and material being tapped. Users of PLASTITE® 48-2 screws should perform their own test to determine the most

efficient pilot hole size for their own particular use, or contact the application engineering department of a qualified supplier or REMINC/CONTI.

MATERIAL:Low Carbon Steel, MinimumSuitably Hardened Screw Size Out-of- Soft Ductile Brittleand Tempered T.P.I. (1) Max. Min. Max. Min. Round Materials Materials

2 (.089) - 28 .092 .086 .089 .083 .002 .076 .080FINISH: * 3 (.106) - 24 .110 .104 .106 .100 .002 .088 .094As Requested 4 (.123) - 20 .127 .121 .123 .117 .002 .100 .106

6 (.143) - 19 .147 .141 .143 .137 .003 .122 .128LENGTH TOLERANCES * 7 ( .160) - 18 .166 .160 .160 .154 .004 .134 .142

8 (.179) - 16 .185 .179 .179 .173 .004 .149 .158Nom. * 9 (.193) - 15 .199 .193 .193 .187 .004 .162 .172Length Tol. 10 (.208) - 14 .212 .206 .208 .202 .004 .175 .185Thru 3/4" ± .030" 12 (.230) - 11 .235 .229 .230 .224 .005 .195 .206Over 3/4" ± .050" * 12 (.226) - 14 .232 .226 .226 .220 .005 .195 .205Over 1/4" Dia. 1/4 (.268) - 10 .276 .270 .268 .262 .006 .224 .240All Lengths ± .050" 5/16 (.335) - 9 .345 .335 .335 .325 .006 .286 .303

* Non-standard size

RecommendedPilot Hole Sizes

"C" "D"

COPYRIGHT 2013, Research Engineering & Manufacturing Inc.

PLASTITE® 48-2 Screws

PUSHTITE® II TRILOBULAR® fasteners are designed to be pressed into recommended hole sizes with a single, straight-line stroke. They can be used in a broad range of thermoplastics of widely varying densities. PUSHTITE® II fasteners combine a 3 lobe thread form with a 70º-10º semi-buttress thread shape to permit easy entry and provide exceptional pullout resistance.

Threads are helical, not annular, permitting displaced air to escape during insertion. The helical thread form also allows the fasteners to be removed and reinserted if necessary.

MATERIAL:Low Carbon Steel,Suitably Hardenedand Tempered

FINISH:As Requested


Nom.Length Tol.Thru 3/4" ± .030"Over 3/4" ± .050"Over 1/4" Dia.All Lengths ± .050"

Recommended length of thread engage-ment is two screw diameters minimum.

The range of suggested hole sizes is large because of the range of densities in thermoplastic compounds and length of thread engagements. Generally low density plastic can use smaller hole diameters. Long length of engagement (2.5 to 3 diameters) require larger holes.

Tamper Resistant yet Removable for Service. PUSHTITE® II fasteners are normally available with a drive system in the head for removal, adjustment or final tightening. Where adjustment or removal is not required they are available without slot, recess or socket in the head.

Performance in graphs is based on the average of several tests in different materials.

"P" Minimum PilotScrew Size Point Diameter Out-of- Hole

T.P.I. Max. Min. Max. Min. Ref. Round Diameter2-22 .0885 .0835 .0850 .0800 0.063 .0035 .079-.0733-20 .1020 .0970 .0980 .0930 0.073 .0040 .092-.0854-18 .1155 .1105 .1105 .1055 0.083 .0045 .105-.0976-16 .1410 .1350 .1360 .1300 0.104 .0050 .128-.1207-15 .1520 .1460 .1465 .1405 0.112 .0550 .139-.1318-14 .1680 .1620 .1620 .1560 0.124 .0060 .152-.1449-13 .1810 .1750 .1740 .1680 0.134 .0070 .165-.15610-12 .1940 .1880 .1850 .1790 0.143 .0090 .175-.16512-11 .2200 .2140 .2100 .2040 0.164 .0100 .201-.1911/4-9 .2550 .2490 .2440 .2390 0.182 .0110 .229-.217

"C" "D"

COPYRIGHT 2013, Research Engineering & Manufacturing Inc.

PUSHTITE® II Fasteners

CORFLEX® - EXPANDS THE COST SAVINGS HORIZON TAPTITE II®, TAPTITE® CA and DUO-TAPTITE® screws are capable of performing in large diameter sizes in deep thread engagements. The past limitation in exploiting the in-place cost savings of large size TRILOBULAR® products was that the required screw hardness was achieved through case hardening. Case hardening is detrimental to structural applications as the fastener would be susceptible to differing modes of “brittle” failure.

Tougher! That’s the whole reason why CORFLEX® fasteners were invented!

Screws come in many different strengths; ordinary machine screws are manufactured from non-hardened, low-carbon steel.

Regu la r t app ing sc rews a re manufactured from low-carbon steel case hardened to 107 ksi minimum strength.

Metric Grade 9.8 or inch Grade 5 machine screws are manufactured to 930 MPA and 120 ksi minimum respectively. They are manufactured from low to medium carbon alloy or boron intensified steel.

Metric Grade 10.9 or inch Grade 8 machine screws are manufactured from medium carbon alloy steel to 1040 MPA and 150 ksi strength respectively.

Prior to CORFLEX®-ʽI’ technology, there was no thread-forming or thread-rolling fastener with both the thread forming hardness of a tapping screw and the toughness of a grade strength machine screw!

CORFLEX®-I, TAPTITE II®, TAPTITE® CA and DUO-TAPTITE® and screws and bolts are unique. They are manufactured from 4037 alloy steel and custom heat treated throughout to whatever strength is required! This could be Grade 8.8, 9.8, 10.9, 12.9 or anything in between!

CORFLEX®-ʽN’ screws are neutral hardened so the bolt or screw has uniform structure similar to grade strength machine screws. Then, after bolt strength is heat treated to the required properties of the application, the thread rolling zone is induction hardened for thread forming capability. This selective zone heat treating is done on customized automatic feed induction hardening machines.

It is this two stage heat treatment that makes the CORFLEX®-ʽI’ version TAPTITE II®, TAPTITE® CA and DUO-TAPTITE® screws unique; strong and tough in the load bearing areas but very hard in the thread rolling area.

The combination of strength and toughness enables, the CORFLEX®-ʽI’ screw to bend without breaking and withstand alternating or cyclical loads. Tension can be applied and relaxed almost indefinitely without encouraging fatigue cracking.

CORFLEX®-ʽN’ versions of TAPTITE II®, TAPTITE® CA and DUO-TAPTITE® screws are neutral hardened and tempered to desired strength or grade level. A subsequent zone hardening of the thread rolling point is not necessary as the intended use of CORFLEX®-ʽN’ screws and bolts is in soft ductile non-ferrous materials, such as zinc and aluminum. Additionally, POWERLOK® screws are heat treated to CORFLEX®-ʽN’ Metallurgy.

Above is an illustration of the excellent thread forming capabil i ty of a CORFLEX®-ʽI’ TAPTITE II® bolt in producing deep threads of one diameter length or greater in heavy (multiple punch) extrusions as required for structural applications.


HEAT TAILORED FOR EXTRA RUGGEDNESS Pin-point precision of high hardness zone in axial section of CORFLEX®-ʽI’ TAPTITE II® screw is shown by crescent shaped area in chemically etched mounts.

“Punishment Proved” Performance: The unusual tapping and fastening capabilities of the CORFLEX®-ʽI’ screw are illustrated by this test. A ½-13 diameter CORFLEX®-ʽI’ screw withstands a 25° body bend after having formed an internal thread with a 95% engagement in a section of 5/8” thickness of cold rolled steel.


COPYRIGHT 2013, Research Engineering & Manufacturing Inc.

CORFLEX®-ʽI’ Fasteners

INSPECTION PROCEDURE: TRILOBULAR® products can be checked with standard micrometers for D and 60° vee-anvil micrometers for C. Alternatively, C may be gauged using plain-hole ring gauges. These must have accurate holes as tabled for minimum and as tabled plus .025mm (.001 inch) for maximum.

The values shown are for guidance only. They are not to be used for design criteria. Their use and reliance thereon for any purpose by anyone is entirely voluntary and at the sole risk of the user. REMINC/CONTI is not responsible for any loss, claim, or damage resulting from their use. Con-sult our application engineers or the application engineering department of one of our many qualified producers for your specific application data.

ORDERING/SUPPLY: When ordering from qual if ied TRILOBULAR® producers, be sure in all cases to specify thread size, nominal length, head and point style, whether it is TAPTITE II® or DUO-TAPTITE® etc., strength grade if CORFLEX®-N or CORFLEX®-ʽI’ is involved, any other special features required, finish and quantity.

TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: This brochure conta ins bas ic information needed to achieve the cost savings potential of TRILOBULAR® fasteners.

To obtain further assistance and a list of qualified manufacturers, contact REMINC at (401) 841-8880 or e-mail [email protected] for North America or CONTI at +41(0)41/761 5822 or e-mail [email protected].

Head Dimensions: All TRILOBULAR® screws and bolts can be provided with any standard head style, to ISO, ANSI or any other international standard.

Lengths: TAPTITE II®, DUO-TAPTITE® and POWERLOK® screws and bolts are manufac-tured to applicable local standards on thread length and screw length. Tolerances listed in brochure are suggested only. Due to the greater manufacturing variation in producing gimlet pointed screws, EXTRUDE-TITE® and TAPTITE® CA screws are manufactured to tolerancing as stated on Page 13. PLASTITE® and PUSHTITE® II screws are manufactured to length tolerances as stated on Pages 18-20.

Available Sizes: Sizes listed are the most popular standard sizes. TRILOBULAR® prod-ucts can be supplied in standard miniature screw and large bolt sizes not listed. Special size/pitch combinations are also available.

Materials: TRILOBULAR® screws and bolts are manufactured from low to medium carbon steel in the case hardened version and from various grades of alloy steel to meet the grade strength requirements of CORFLEX®-ʽI’ selective hardened version.

Metallurgy: TAPTITE II® screws are supplied in two metallurgical categories; case hardened or selective hardened to REMINC/CONTI CORFLEX® grade strength levels. Applicable standards would include SAE-J81 for inch screws and SAE-J1237 for metric. TAPTITE II® CORFLEX®-ʽI’ screws can be supplied to metric grades equivalent to 8.8, 10.9 and 12.9 and inch Grades 8 and 5 or to special hardness and toughness requirements.

Case hardened fasteners are not recom-mended for use in die cast or extruded aluminum or zinc particularly when galvanic conditions, severe load or thermal cycling is present. CORFLEX®-I or CORFLEX®-N are recommended for these conditions.

POWERLOK® screws are manufactured to metric Grade 10.9 or inch Grade 8. POWERLOK® screws can be provided as case hardened but are not recommended unless used in a light duty application.

All TRILOBULAR® products can be produced in various stainless steel grades or from non-ferrous materials. (Stainless steel and non-ferrous product have limitations on thread forming capabilities.)


Finish: TRILOBULAR® screws and bolts can be supplied with all commercially available finishes and coatings. Electro-plated finishes should be avoided on high strength grades. The addition of a wax lubricant is recommended on high surface friction finishes such as zinc. Electroplated fasteners should be baked.

Options: All TRILOBULAR® products can be supplied with several optional configura-tions, i.e. with shoulders, dog points, and with washer assembly. TAPTITE II® screws can be supplied with optional captive point or with “CA” gimlet point (see Page 5).

Optional Extras: Tables in this brochure cover only the standard, thread configurations and point styles available on TAPTITE II® / DUO-TAPTITE® CORFLEX® parts. Many variations are possible including:

- Sems versions with captive washers. Extra large heads and/or underhead collars to suit individual needs.

- Underhead earthing nibs to ensure earth continuity through painted surfaces;

- Unrolled root diameter dog points to assist location;

- Unrolled pitch-diameter ‘captive’ dog points for extra security;

- Partly threaded shanks for captive screws in cover plates;

- Security drive systems for tamper resistance.

Performance: TAPTITE II® and DUO-TAPTITE® screws in either case hardened or CORFLEX® version meet or exceed the performance requirements of SAE-J81, J1237, DIN 7500, GM 6171M, GM6202M, Ford WD-951 and 952, Ford ES-20003-S100 as well as several other automotive, OEM, and industrial specifica-tions. POWERLOK® screws meet the per-formance requirements of IFI-124 and 524.

The following are aids to assist on the use of TAPTITE II® and DUO-TAPTITE® fasteners.

Percent thread chart ……………… Page 8 Pilot hole sizes ……………………… Page 9 Typical torque performance ….. Page 10 Typical single punch extruded holes ………… Pages 11 & 12 Die cast cored holes …………..… Page 12 CORFLEX® …………………….… Page 21

COPYRIGHT 2013, Research Engineering & Manufacturing Inc.

General Information

RS Technologies Fastener Test Equipment Measures torque and tension vs. angle, combined with electronic data acquisition.

Tukon Micro-Hardness Tester Provided micro-hardness and micro-structure analysis

Junkers Design Transverse Vibration Tester Simulates accelerated service conditions to predict joint integrity.

COPYRIGHT 2013, Conti Fasteners AG

Test Facilities

REMINC/CONTI Research Engineering & Manufacturing Inc. (REMINC) and Conti Fasteners AG (CONTI) have successfully marketed TAPTITE® fastener technology internation-ally since 1961. Their success has been accomplished by licensing and training leading fastener producers worldwide.

The technical program in the United States is under the direction of REMINC, located in Middletown, Rhode Island and in other countries under the direction of CONTI, situated in Baar, Switzerland.

Although REMINC and CONTI are separate corporations and operate independently, each is dependent on the other for certain functional activities.

SERVICES A summary of the capabilities of REMINC/ CONTI in support of manufacturers:

Technical Support • New Product Development • Research and Development Reports • Technical Manuals • Technical Reports • Technical Information Updates • Engineering Consultation • Computer Aided Design and Analysis • Engineering Training • Tooling Design and Procurement • Manufacturing Guidance • Manufacturing Cost Reduction • Metallurgical Analysis • End-User Application Guidance • Technical Training Seminars


In addition to the above stated detail, REMINC/CONTI are positioned to provide:

Application Definition

Application Reports

Performance Documentation

Sales Seminars Audio/Video


Graphics Customer Product

Brochures Technical Liaison Joint Customer

Visits Cooperative

Studies Trademark and

Patent Use

Contract Testing

Contract Engineering

Consultation Activities

Contract Joint Analysis

Fastener Engineering Training

AVAILABILITY Currently there are 68 qualified producers located in 20 countries utilizing the Techni-cal Know-How, Patents, Trademarks, and Engineering and Marketing services of REMINC/CONTI. These producers delivered a volume in excess of 17,000,000,000 pieces of TRILOBULAR® fasteners in 2000, comprising a mix of products.

The proprietary products available in the program are marketed and sold, not as fastener items, but rather as COST REDUCTIONS TO END-USERS OF ASSEMBLED PRODUCTS.

The proprietary fasteners offered to the assemblers are the means to an end, i.e. used to generate cost reductions while at the same time providing reliably tightened joints.

ORDERING/SUPPLY When o rde r ing f rom qua l i f i ed TRILOBULAR® fastener producers, be sure in all cases to specify the TAPTITE II® brand name, thread size, nominal length, head and point style, strength grade if CORFLEX®-ʽN’ or CORFLEX®-ʽI’ style, or any other special features required, finish, and

DISCLAIMER CLAUSE The values shown in this brochure are for guidance only. They are not meant to be used for design criteria. Their use and reliance thereon for any purpose by any-one is entirely voluntary and at the sole risk of the user. REMINC/CONTI are not responsible for any loss, claim, or damage resulting from their use. Consult our appli-cation engineers or the application engi-neering department of one of our many qualified producers for your specific appli-cation data.

TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE This brochure contains basic information needed to achieve the cost-savings poten-tial of FASTITE®

2000™ fasteners.

To obtain further assistance and a list of qualified producers, visit our website at www.taptite.net or contact;

REMINC Tel: 401-841-8880 Email: [email protected]

CONTI Fasteners AG Tel: +41 (0)41/761 58 22 Email: [email protected]

Research Engineering & Manufacturing Inc. 55 Hammarlund Way, Tech II, Middletown, RI 02842 USA

Tel: 401-841-8880 • Fax: 401-841-5008 www.taptite.com • E-mail: [email protected]

CONTI Fasteners AG Albisstrasse 15, 6340 Baar (ZG) Switzerland

Tel: +41 (0)41/761 5822 • Fax: +41 (0)41/761 3018 www.taptite.com • E-mail: [email protected]