Angelman Today INCLUDING RESOURCES RESEARCH INSPIRATION digital magazine www.angelmantoday.com Winners of the Great Bike Giveaway Angelman Syndrome Foundation Walk 2015 Upcoming ASF & CASS Conferences Angels in Action

Angelman Today May - June Edition 2015

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Angelman Today online magazine is the first and only publication dedicated to parents, caretakers and professionals of individuals with special needs, specifically Angelman Syndrome. Inside this issue: Information about the upcoming Canadian Angelman Syndrome Society and Angelman Syndrome Foundation conferences. EZ-ON Custom Vest Winner of the Great Bike Giveaway and more.

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  • Angelman Today


    digital magazine


    Winners of the Great Bike Giveaway

    Angelman Syndrome

    Foundation Walk


    Upcoming ASF & CASS Conferences

    Angels in


  • May is here and many of us in the US are getting ready for the annual walk for the

    Angelman Syndrome Foundation. This will be my 5th year hosting the walk in Florida.

    Our family looks forward to it all year.

    When my son Nathan was diagnosed at 2 and a half years old, we left the Geneticists

    office pondering on what she had just told us. She said Angelman Syndrome was rare

    but I did not truly understand what that meant to the general population of people.

    Was he the only one in Florida? I remember feeling so isolated.

    Fast forward just a few quick years and our Florida walk has grown close to 300

    people, my Angelman family.

    I was so honored when our walk was featured on the cover of Celebration Life

    Magazine last year. We have come so far in a very short amount of time. All because

    of the amazingly hardworking people in this community. Cheers to all of the parents

    that continue to volunteer their time and efforts raising awareness so newly diagnosed

    families never feel so isolated, but supported.

    Warm Wishes,

    Lizzie Sordia

    Editor - in - Chief

    Lizzie Sordia

    Editor - in - Chief



    May - June

    EMAIL: [email protected]



  • 5


    Teeth Tips...5 E-Z-ON Vests.6 Great Bike Giveaway Winners.................7 Angels in Action.........10 The Benefits of Water By Darren Humphries.....11 Antipasto Spring Salad..18 Photos from the 2014 Angelman Syndrome Foundation Walk......19 Watermelon Fun Bites20 The History of Angelman Syndrome (Spanish)..........23 Stay Connected...24 History of AS....25 Parent Recommended Books...26

    Whats inside

    Angelman and Associated

    Foundations Canadian Angelman Syndrome Society4 The Angelman Network, New Zealand....8 The Angelman Syndrome Foundation..12


    On the cover: Gavin Staab is 4 years old.

    From Bettendorf, Iowa

    Photo provided by: The Angelman

    Syndrome Foundation

    10 7

    Winner of the

    Great Bike Giveaway

    16 21 11


  • Save the Date -- CASS Conference in 2016!


    Conference Co-chairs Terry Singleton and Kent Fleming advise

    newsletter readers that the CASS Board has approved the Double Tree by

    Hilton in Edmonton as the venue for the 14th International Conference of

    the Canadian Angelman Syndrome Society, scheduled for 13 to 16 July


    Watch the CASS Newsletter and Website www.angelmancanada.org for

    continuing updates as planning proceeds. Thank you, everyone, for

    helping to get the word out about your Edmonton 2016 Conference!

    We look forward to welcoming you to an informative and enjoyable


    Please stay tuned to the CASS website for News Flash Updates on this

    exciting event!



  • Teeth


    Flouride is newly classified as a developmental neurotoxin by medical authorities in the March 2014 Journal Lancet Neurology.

    Developmental neurotoxins are capable of

    causing widespread brain disorders such as

    Autism, Attention deficit hyperactivity

    disorder, learning disabilities, and other

    cognitive impairments. The harm is often

    untreatable and permanent.

    The CDCs own evidence reveals

    Americans already show signs of flouride-

    overexposure and reports that 41% of

    American teenagers have dental fluorosis.

    Individuals with Angelman Syndrome may

    have a difficult time not swallowing the

    toothpaste when brushing. Avoiding

    exposure is best.

    Notice the warnings on the back of most tubes

    of toothpaste containing flouride.

    Here are some options that may help

    Purchase Flouride Free Tooth paste. We listed

    a few brands: Toms of Maine, NOW Foods,

    Natures Plus

    Another simple solution that you can make at

    home is:

    -Coconut oil

    -Baking Soda (works great for gently

    removing tartar and discoloration).

    Click links to purchase from amazon.com



  • Will (iam) was diagnosed with UPD

    Angelman Syndrome in October 2011

    and epilepsy in June 2014 and the road

    ever since has been anything but easy.

    Between breakthrough convulsive

    seizures, adverse reaction to two

    medications (Keppra and Trileptal),

    hospital stays, high valium levels, we

    finally found seizure control in Depakote

    in February 2015. Now we struggle with

    aggression and are trying to work through


    On a whim, I decided to enter the Great

    Bike Giveaway as Will always wants to

    ride bikes with his friends.

    We received the required number of

    votes via amazing friends and family

    that made him eligible for the raffle

    and stopped promoting it there. I had

    basically forgotten about the contest

    until a friend posted on my wall that

    Will had won the raffle!

    He is still learning to pedal and control

    the bike, but I'm so excited he has the

    ability to keep up with his friends this

    summer when they ride their bikes!

    144 Bikes were given away for this

    years Great Bike Giveaway.



    Angels in Action Will is a Winner!!

  • News from New Zealand

    Hi to all, from down-under! Our

    families in Auckland enjoyed a

    glorious summer day in February

    to celebrate International Angelman Day.

    To raise awareness for Angelman

    syndrome, we booked a stall at an all-day music

    event a Forest Festival. This provided the

    perfect location for families to relax,

    reconnect and be visible in the community.

    Dressed accordingly, we brought along our

    picnic blankets, baskets, sunhats and

    sunglasses. Enthusiastic families, friends,

    artists and carers joined us in support, and

    helped make the day a great success.

    Children paid a gold coin donation to create

    their own awareness eyes. They decorated

    colourful masks with glitter, stickers and

    feathers. The Angelman Network posters

    were on prominent display and brochures

    were distributed throughout the day. Our donation buckets filled up as raffle tickets

    were circulated and sold. It was a productive, social and magical day, with music, food,

    sunshine, fun and creativity. We are already looking forward to next years event.

    The Angelman Network is a

    charitable trust based in New

    Zealand that aspires to

    connect and support those

    affected by Angelman


    We have a global network

    that connects families,

    organisations and specialists.

    Funds we raise go towards

    family grants, resources and

    small research grants.




  • The Angelman Network is seeking to fund research that will assist

    providers and policy-makers in the

    disability sector on how best to support

    families and individuals affected by rare

    disorders, such as Angelman syndrome.

    It is our hope that well researched

    material with relevant data will help them

    make better, more informed decisions

    when designing service models.

    1. Research on When I am no longer alive https://unidirectory.auckland.ac.nz/profile/h-thakkar. The Angelman

    Network has awarded Hemant Thakkar a small grant to support his Doctoral

    Research at the University of Auckland. Hemant has over 20 years of

    experience in the disability sector and has worked in the areas of special

    education, support service provision, disability responsiveness training, work

    place assessment, social policy, and promotion and protection of consumer

    rights. (More on his paper in the column on the right)

    2. Research on the supportive care needs of parents Lemuel Pelentsov (BHSc(Hons), GDip(Emerg), BN ) is a lecturer based in

    Adelaide, Australia. He is undertaking a PhD that investigates the supportive

    care needs of parents who care for a child with a rare disease. He is also a

    father of a child diagnosed with a rare disease. A major part of this research is

    to undertake an international online survey of affected parents. The survey is currently available internationally until June. If your child with AS is

    aged 18 years or younger and living at home, PLEASE PARTICIPATE!

    Click here to take the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/3NYKPH6

    The information obtained from this study should eventually lead to more

    appropriate individualised supportive care for parents.

    Through this research, Lemuel is aiming to:

    Give parents of children with rare diseases an opportunity to have

    their voices heard and their needs recognized

    Develop a tool for use by health professionals to assist them in

    identifying parental support needs.

    To improve the way health providers identify needs, tailor support

    and plan and implement services within the rare disease community.

    This study has been approved by the University of South Australia Human Research

    Ethics Committee (Protocol: 0000031772) and is being supported by Rare Voices

    Australia (RVA), EURORDIS, Association of Genetic Support of Australasia (AGSA),

    Genetic and Rare Disease Network (GaRD), and Genetic Support Network of Victoria


    When I am no longer alive:

    Understanding the wishes, the

    worries and the support needs of

    the parents of severely disabled


    The Angelman Network has awarded

    a small grant to help fund this

    Doctoral paper.

    Sooner or later, a question that starts

    concerning most parents of severely

    disabled children is what will happen

    to my child when I am no longer alive?

    For most parents, their support

    network would comprise of formal

    (publicly funded) supports and

    informal supports (provided

    voluntarily by their extended family

    members and friends This qualitative

    study seeks to gain insight into the

    aspirations and apprehensions of the

    parents of severely disabled adults

    living in India and New Zealand

    concerning long-term care and

    wellbeing of their children including

    the support mechanisms that they

    consider and value as being useful for

    their childrens future.

    The findings of this study will assist in

    making useful recommendations to

    policy makers on designing service

    models that are both efficient (in

    terms of cost) and effective, in terms

    of their usefulness to meet the needs

    of severely disabled adults and their


    If you are interested in this field of

    research or have any questions on these

    studies, contact The Angelman Network.



    Hermant Thakkar with Ursula

    Cranmer, Chairperson of

    The Angelman Network



    Angels in Action

    P.J. Snyder crossing the finish line last August at the Boulder

    Ironman. His partner Dennis, with Athletes in Tandem, finished

    the 140 mile event in 15.5 hours. What an awesome experience!

    Click to see video

  • Of all the place in the world that Elijah was the

    most comfortable - it was in water that he

    thrived. The only time we ever lost Elijah inside

    the house was water related. He managed to get

    into the bathroom, close the door behind

    himself, get into the shower and close the door

    behind himself and sit splashing in the remnants

    of water. In the end it was his giggling as he

    splashed that gave him away.

    Even though fascination with water is one of

    those characteristics of those whose lives are

    impacted with Angelman Syndrome, water

    satisfied Elijah in at least two ways.

    Firstly, it satisfied a sensory need in him to

    interact with water and was

    always pleasurable for him. Water always

    resulted in smiles and giggles - both very

    appropriate to the interaction. Who doesn't

    smile when interacting with water at pool,

    beach or shower, bath etc. There is a basic

    connection for human beings and water.

    Secondly, water was liberating for Elijah, it was

    in or on water that he was able to achieve many

    things that were not possible for him outside of

    water. It provided an environment of balance

    for him. It was in water that he did not have the

    challenge of carrying his own weight. Much to

    the joy of his family it was in a pool with a

    flotation ring around him he took his first

    unaided steps. There are many who know the

    utter and profound joy that arises in us when

    this happens for the first time. Elijah would

    walk many steps unaided in the pool before he

    was even up to pulling himself up and furniture

    surf outside of water. And Elijah knew he could

    do it.

    It was recommended that we take Elijah to

    hydrotherapy and so we did every week while

    his older sister Francesca went to piano lessons

    with her mum, I took Elijah swimming. He was

    always looking forward to and excited to go to

    the pool. This was a private pool where the

    staff worked with children and adults of

    varying abilities. This went on for sometime,

    and we would also go to the local pool where

    he would be mobile. Not unlike his sister both

    were born in water and so when it came to

    getting out it was always a challenge and met

    with signs of refusal and objection. These were

    responded to by promises of returning again

    soon which we did.


    The Benefits of Water - Not Just Hydration

    Darren Humphries New Zealand

    Father to Elijah - Del + (2004 - 2007)

  • www.Angelman.org (800) 432-6435 Intl (630) 978-4245 [email protected]

    Together, we are stronger

    Congratulations to the Top 5 Fundraising Teams!As of April 1, these five teams raised the most in online credit card donations to support AS research and families! Congratulations and THANK YOU to each of these teams, and to every ASF National Walk participant for your dedication, hard work and unwavering support for our loved ones with AS.

    Team MarliTeam Captain Drew Knoedler in memory of his sister, Marli KnoedlerWashington, DC

    Aaravs AngelsTeam Captain Alpesh Ansodaria for AaravPhiladelphia, PA

    Team OliverTeam Captains Chris and Christa Graham for OliverOntario, Canada

    Maisys DaisiesTeam Captains Dan and Karen Wolff for MaisyWashington, DC

    Team DylanTeam Captains Steve and Jamie for DylanSan Diego, CA

    ASF National Walk

    Its Not Too Late To Fundraise!Fundraising for the ASF National Walk continues until we reach our goal of $1.25 million for AS research and family support! THANK YOU for your generous support of our loved ones with AS.

  • Together, we are stronger

    Your support granted $1 million to AS research ASF-funded research will conduct clinical and pre-clinical research aimed at finding therapeutics, establishing biomarkers for future clinical trials, and improving symptoms of AS. Following last years ASF National Walk, the ASF committed more than $1 million to advance AS research, and has granted those funds to the following projects. These studies are unique, innovative approaches to resolving AS symptoms and understanding the genetic complexities of AS. The AS research community continues to grow and move us in the direction of ultimately finding a cure for AS!

    Testing human neurons with UBE3A-expressing drugStormy Chamberlain, Ph.D. University of Connecticut Health CenterTwo years $200,000

    Better understanding learning and memory deficits in AS mice Hanoch Kaphzan, Ph.D. University of Haifa, Israel Two years $200,000

    Examining proteins in brains of AS mice and their effects on AS symptomsBen Distel, Ph.D. Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, NetherlandsTwo years $199,705

    Validating biomarkers to measure clinical trial successBen Philpot, Ph.D. University of North Carolina-Chapel HillHeather Hazlett, Ph.D. Carolina Institute of Developmental Disabilities at University of North Carolina-Chapel HillRon Thibert, M.D. Massachusetts General HospitalTwo years $295,970Select participants will be needed for this study! Please click here for more information.

    This years Wagstaff FellowFostering the next generation of AS researchers, the Joseph E. Wagstaff Fellowship is awarded annually to budding AS researchers to further advance the community in creating treatments and ultimately a cure. Congratulations to Shalaka Mulherkar, Ph.D., with Baylor College of Medicine!

    Dr. Mulherkar has a strong publication record and is already considered to be a highly accomplished neurobiologist by her mentors. Dr. Mulherkar received both her Bachelors in 2002 and her Masters in 2004 from the University of Mumbai where she studied the molecular changes associated with learning and memory in the giant African snail Achatina fulica. She began studying AS during her graduate work at the National Brain Research Centre in Haryana, India from 2004 to 2010. Her doctoral thesis was titled Characterization of motor deficits in a mouse model of Angelman Syndrome: Role of Ube3a/E6-AP in dopaminergic neurons. Since 2011 she has been involved in postdoctoral studies at Baylor College of Medicine. The Baylor environment, where she has the opportunity to interact with other AS, is uniquely well suited to support her continued interest in AS research and scientific development.

    Learn more about her ASF grant and work here.

    Click here to register your family and individual with AS, or to update your information, in the ASFs Contact Registry to receive information about participating in future research studies and other AS-related information.



  • www.Angelman.org (800) 432-6435 Intl (630) 978-4245 [email protected]

    July 15 18, 2015Schaumburg, Illinois

    A Chicago suburb

    Hope Inspired isnt just the theme of the 2015 ASF Biennial Conferenceits a way of life for all families touched by Angelman syndrome. Join us for Hope Inspired by research, knowledge, community, awareness and support.

    View the Conference schedule! Click here to learn more about the speakers and their topics, and the variety of breakout sessions available for families to interact with experts and other families.

    REGISTER TODAY! Registration to Hope Inspired is FREE, thanks to the generous support of ASF donors who offset the costs of hosting the Conference.

    You will go home with new ideas, knowledge, enthusiasm, and friends to support you and your loved one with AS on your journey!

    Click here to read about other families experiences at ASF Conferences! Its an experience you WILL NOT WANT TO MISS!



    Brookfield Zoo

    Great America

    Woodfield Mall

    Concerts at Midwest Amphitheater

    Fashion Outlets of Chicago

    Key Lime Cove indoor water park and family resort

    Chicago Childrens Museum

    Art Institute of Chicago

    Explore and Much More childrens play space

    Kid City childrens play space

    Wrigley Field historic ballpark

    Museum of Science and Industry

    Michigan Avenue city thoroughfare with

    Magnificent Mile

    360 Chicago observation deck

    Buckingham Fountain landmark fountain

    Garfield Park Conservatory

    Lincoln Park Zoo

    Chicago is full of fun family attractions you can visit during your stay in Schaumburg, a close Chicago suburb. While attending Hope Inspired, find time for your family to enjoy all that this destination has to offer.

    Register today and join hundreds of families sharing the same journey as you for the 2015 ASF Biennial Conference.

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    Pediatrician Formulated SPEECHNUTRIENTS SPEAK

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    Supports cognitive function Provides antioxidant support Ultra-purified and concentrated formulation

    Learn more about the benefits of speak by visiting our website at www.SpeechNutrients.com

    800-471-0358 [email protected]



    Today!special pufa e and k

  • Antipasto Spring Salad




    - Mozzarella Cheese

    - Colby Jack Cheese

    - Chopped Green Bell Peppers



    -Italian Salad Dressing

    -Black Olives

    Mix it all together and enjoy!

  • Gavin Staab and his family and friends will be participating in the Angelman Syndrome Foundation 2015 walk in Naperville, Illinois. This will be Gavin's second Walk. Gavin Staab was diagnosed with Angelman Syndrome on April 29, 2013 at two and a half years old. We are grateful for our family and friends that support Gavin either by generous donations, participate in the walk, or do both. The walk is a positive way to spread awareness of Angelman Syndrome to others. While at the walk it is a welcoming environment to interact with other families who are going through similar daily challenges. Everyone's story is different, but there is a great sense of understanding that only parents of a child with Angelman Syndrome can know. The support we feel is amazing. The look on Gavin's face when we tell him that all these people are there walking for him is priceless. Gavin experiences Angelman Syndrome every waking moment and so do we. Our family and friends do all they can for us as we are on this journey with Angelman Syndrome. Gavin is now four and a half years old and continues to make daily strides in all his skills. We are so proud of him and how hard we work to help him achieve success in his own way. Gavin lives in Bettendorf, Iowa with his dad, Jeff, mom, Julie, big brother, Connor, and little sister, Audrey. We are excited for May 16th and the Angelman Syndrome Foundation Walk.


    Quinn Family D.C Walk Quinn Family D.C Walk Quinn Family D.C Walk

    Fingold Family Sacramento Walk Cecere Family Boston Walk Dumas Family SLC Utah Walk






    Fun Bites

    Mmm juicy


    Nutritious Delicious Hydrating


    Team Stevie, Chicago Walk Russell Family, Orlando Walk

    Webb kids, WA

    Mason, Phoenix Walk

    Lexis Angels, Long Island, NY Cameron Family, Orlando Walk

    Lexis Angels, NY

  • Thank you! A big thanks to all of the contributors that help bring you Angelman Today!

    Angelman Today Supporters:

    E-Z-On Products www.ezonpro.com

    Speech Nutrients www.speechnutrients.com

    All of the Angelman and



    across the globe

    Additional Contributors:

    Darren Humphries

    Melissa Winger

    Cindy Snyder

    The Staab family

    Angelman Today is a lifestyle guide to achieving better health for individuals with Angelman Syndrome and their families. It is written with your needs in mind but is not a substitute for consulting with your physician or other health care providers. The publisher and authors are not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of the suggestions, products or procedures that appear on this website or online magazine. All matters regarding your health should be supervised by a licensed health care physician. Copyright 2014 Angelman Today, LLC. All rights reserved worldwide.


    Marilyn Kennedy

    Assistant Editor [email protected]

    Sybille Kraft Bellamy

    Parent Expert in Nutrition

    And LGIT diet Facebook.com/AngelmanSyndromeDiet

  • Dr. Harry Angelman

    1915 1996

    El Dr. Harry Angelman fue un mdico Ingls quien

    identific lo que hoy en da se llama Sndrome de


    Naci en Birkenhead, Inglaterra. Le fascinaba el idioma

    y la cultura de Italia.

    El fue el primero quien observ trs nios no

    relacionados quienes demostraban sntomas similares

    atrasos severos intelectuales, un modo de andar que era

    espasmdico y rgido, ausencia del hablar,

    convulsiones, y una disposicin contento.

    Luego, duranted unas vacaciones en Italia, descubri

    una pintura llamada Un Nio con una Marioneta,

    creado por el artista del Renascimiento Giovanni

    Francesco Caroto, en el museo Castelvecchio en

    Verona. La pintura le hizo pensar en los nios que eran

    sus pacientes, y le condujo a publicar un artculo

    profesional en el ao 1965 que describa lo que el

    llamaba Nios Marionetas. En aquel momento la

    importancia de su artculo no fue reconocido como algo


    No pas nada mas hasta Charles A. Williams y Jaime L.

    Frias del departamento de Pedatra, Divison de

    Gentica, de la Universidad de Florida Colegio de

    Medicina de Gainesville, Florida, sometieron un

    artculo a la Revista Americana de Gentica Mdica

    explicando estudios de sis pacientes, comparando sus

    datos con los de informes previos incluyendo atrasos

    intelectuales severos, el andar como un marioneta,

    anormalidades cranio-faciales, y espisodios frecuentes

    de risas. De repente, se not que eso era mucho ms

    comn de lo que anteriormente se crea. Ellos

    propusieron ponerle el nombre de Sndrome de

    Angelman, en honor del Dr. Harry Angelman.

    La Historia del Sndrome de Angelman





  • Dr. Harry Angelman

    1915 1996

    Dr. Harry Angelman was an English physician

    who identified what is now known as Angelman


    He first observed three children who were not

    related but showed similar symptoms of severe

    intellectual delay; stiff, jerky gait; lack of speech;

    seizures; motor disorders; and happy demeanors.

    Although Dr. Angelman was born in Birkenhead,

    England, he was an enthusiast for the language

    and country of Italy. And it was while vacationing

    in Italy, he observed an oil painting called A Boy

    with a Puppet by the renaissance artist Giovanni

    Francesco Caroto at the Castelvecchio museum in

    Verona. Reminded of the children hed observed,

    Dr. Angelman published a paper in 1965 that

    described what he called puppet children. At

    this time, his paper was not immediately

    recognized as important.

    It wasnt until 1982, when Charles A. Williams

    and Jaime L. Frias of the department of Pediatrics,

    Division of Genetics, University of Florida

    College of Medicine, Gainesville submitted a

    paper to the American Journal of Medical

    Genetics reporting studies of six patients and

    comparing their data to those from previous

    reports - severe developmental delay, puppet-

    like gait, craniofacial abnormalities, and frequent

    episodes of laughter- that it became clear the

    syndrome was more common than previously

    thought. They proposed the name of this disorder

    be changed to Angelman Syndrome.

    The History of Angelman Syndrome


  • Books Recommended by Parents

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