THE METROPOLITAN COMMUNITY CHURCH Annual Congregational Meeting Sunday, November 14, 2010 2633 Denver St San Diego CA 92110

Annual Congregational Meetingstorage.cloversites.com/themetropolitancommunitychurchofsandieg… · Houston’s office. We have been given the gift of a facelift for virtually pennies

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Page 1: Annual Congregational Meetingstorage.cloversites.com/themetropolitancommunitychurchofsandieg… · Houston’s office. We have been given the gift of a facelift for virtually pennies


Annual Congregational Meeting

Sunday, November 14, 20102633 Denver St

San Diego CA 92110

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Mission-Vision-Core Values OUR MISSION… is to help bring people closer to God and one another. OUR VISION… We develop life-changing relationships with God and one another that result in people becoming passionate followers of Jesus Christ. Through our personal transformations, we are bridge builders for Christ, impacting the San Diego region and the global community by positively changing attitudes in the GLBT community toward Christ, and the Christian community toward GLBT people. OUR CORE VALUES…

The life and ministry of Jesus Christ is our model for Christian care, compassion, and community.

As Christians, we are all gifted and called to ministry.

As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are all called and responsible for sharing the “Good News” of God’s love for all people.

As followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to grow and mature as faithful and generous stewards of all God has entrusted to us…talent, treasure, and time.

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“For I know the plans I have for you, says your God, plans for your good and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.” Jeremiah 29:11

Dear Faithful Members,

I like this promise of God for us. We know that with God, our future is filled with hope – and hope will not disappoint. We certainly have experienced showers of blessings this past year!

As we are convening for our Annual Congregational Meeting, we will, most likely, be gathering together in a sanctuary without carpet. (The cement and plywood floor being covered with the “promises of God,” written by congregants, that we can stand on - literally!) We will always remember “the year of the flood.” Where, through an act of God, we were able to remodel and upgrade most of our church building - from insulation and drywall to paint and flooring. Almost the entire sanctuary, the Social Hall and entry ways, the Sunday School classrooms and Rev. Houston’s office. We have been given the gift of a facelift for virtually pennies on the dollar. What a gift! I’m so grateful for the generous congregants who have donated for upgrades during this window of opportunity. Thank you.

This past year we celebrated 40 years of ministry to the San Diego region! And we haven’t been alone. We have celebrated Rev. David Farrell Sunday, had Rev. Elder Troy Perry and Rev. Elder Nancy Wilson speak, along with workshops and Sundays with Rev. Elder Darlene Garner and Rev. Elder Ken Martin. We also celebrated by having our own Rev. Tony Freeman (who has been elected the Vice Chair of our denomination’s Governing Board) as well as Rev. June Norris (the first heterosexual ordained to the Metropolitan Community Churches), worship with us regularly and share from the pulpit. And don’t forget, PFLAG and Dr. Delores Jacobs, CEO of The Center, along with many elected officials.

We truly are involved in our community – part of the Community Leadership Council and many other community events. I think it is appropriate that “community” is our middle name. I hope you will read the many reports from your staff. We are reaching out in ministry, reaching out by giving hope and encouragement to so many people beyond our four walls.

This has been a tough year economically and I am more ready than ever to challenge us to unite, trust each other, and trust God to grow…to grow in influence, maturity, ministry and relationship with God and one another. I have faith in God and in you, our members, to rally together so that we will continue to move forward in faith and ministry.

God has called us to be bright, big, bold and beautiful. Part of what brings us here is the faithful ministry of each and every minister in the congregation. Each and every act of kindness, gift of time, talent and treasure is a form of ministry. You are all ministers. And to help us in ministry are the fine staff to lead us. Special thanks to: Lee Bowman, Rev. Houston Burnside, Jr., RC Haus, Kaki Johnson, Lyn Malone, Steve Ebner, Paulette Jansen, and also, Fred Ihler, Tim Alexander, Jade Monet Schmidt, Alisan Rowland, Debbie Stein, James Vandenburg, along with Jeffery Hall and Phil Ouellette. The amount of volunteer hours involved in making ministry happen are staggering. Thank you, each and every one of you!

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I also thank our Board of Directors: Al Smithson, Rhonda Gibson, Bud Cheetham, Charlotte Edwards, Danny Minchey, Nancy Neel, Ron Oster and Denise Wittenburg. Special thanks to Charlotte for 6 years, and Bud for 3 years of faithful and talented service. Also, special thanks to the Building Team - Mike Denison, Ron Oster and Al Smithson - along with the many others who volunteered their time and talent this past year.

This is the beginning of a new decade. Let us dare to dream and imagine what blessings God has for us. Are you ready? Let’s go!

Thank God for each of you, and thank God for The Metropolitan Community Church of San Diego! Love and blessings,

Pastor Dan

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ADMINISTRATION & COMMUNICATIONS Report  Wow, what a year at The Met! There is a temptation to end the report right there, because that really sums it up, but when have I ever limited myself to four words? ☺

Administrative/Communications Highlights of the Past Year Getting settled in our new church home and new offices Updated our database again with the “Spring Cleaning” project Assumed primary responsibility for maintaining / updating the website Learned and began using the Constant Contact e-mail program and converted the Metro-

Link newsletter to TheMetLink Constant Contact weekly e-mail Worked with a new graphics minister, Lisa DeMarco, on developing ads and marketing Grew our e-mail list to nearly 800 addresses ☺ and increased our use of e-mail Assumed main responsibility for designing the monthly Marketplace Pillar

Deep gratitude goes to the members of Administrative Ministry Team and others who just pitched in. in addition to Lisa, to help in this area the past year (in no particular order):

Rosie Linder Caroline Reader Jill Ingram Mo McElroy Jack Plummer Robert Christman Tom Rummel Jimm Crouch Bud Cheetham Jonathan Cervantes Dorene Wood Paulette Jansen David Sullivan Michael Prestridge Bill West Jenn Wright

Plus, any I missed. You have all been awesome in giving your time and talents so generously. We could not do ministry without you. I could not survive Thursdays without Rosie! God continues to bring us new people like Jonathan and his gift as a professional photographer!

My greatest joy, learning experience and enlightenment has come from taking on the website, striving (mostly with success) to keep it constantly updated, and using the new Constant Contact e-mail program (special kudos to Lisa for helping me get up to speed). People have, been responded positively to the new formats. It is fun seeing the statistical and analytic figures on webpage visits, the number of weekly e-mails opened (at about 30%, which is good), and geographic location of visitors to our site and how many are “new.”

Areas for growth: • Receptionists for answering phones and greeting visitors (single greatest admin need) • Expanding the Admin Team with more people with the gifts of computer skill, graphics,

organization and general office acumen • Delegating more tasks and responsibility to a willing Admin Team and cross-training • More use of our church Facebook site • Welcoming assistance with the website

It is difficult to predict what 2011 will bring (my crystal ball is not working today and, besides, it didn’t predict the flood), except that there will be ongoing and on-growing ministry; continued delight in working with a committed, dedicated, faithful staff; and God’s abundant blessings.


Lee Bowman, Minister of Administration & Communications   

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STAFF PASTOR Report  Beloved: What a joy it continues to be to serve this wonderful congregation!

Over the past twenty-one years of my tenure, we have labored tirelessly in ministry together, striving always to be the presence of God’s love to the LGBT and greater San Diego community. Through transitions and changes, we continue to keep our eye on the goal, fulfilling the essence of the inclusive message of God’s love for all people.

I am so thankful to be in ministry with such fine colleagues as Pastor Dan Koeshall, Lyn Malone, Lee Bowman, Kaki Johnson, RC Haus, Paulette Jansen and Steve Ebner. These dear friends, along with you dedicated members and volunteers of The Met Church (MCC San Diego), encourage and support me in ways only dreamed of in many other quarters. And, it is because of your steadfast faithfulness that I can honestly say that what I do is not so much “work”…for truly what I do here with you is most certainly a blessing of love, shared expressly between us, in this vineyard of God’s planting!

As I look back over the past year, and my areas of responsibility, I particularly want to thank the following: Nancy Knudson and Linda Clark for their passion, patience and faithfulness as leaders of the Altar Team, whose grace and love spill over into all they do and say…getting me vested and dealing with the evolving nature of Altar Team duties is not always the easiest task; Rob Ashton and Tony Roberts for their friendship and dedication, as former leaders and members of the Altar Team, and, Tony, who was an integral part of the Multimedia Team…now living in Colorado, seeking God’s will for their lives and ministry; David Eilert, Gary Hollinden, Marshall Ragsdale, Richard Van Brunt - four whose dedication and service helped make this past year’s worship services fuller and richer, through their talents around audio, visual, and lighting production; Steve Ebner, Alisan Rowland, and Jude Litzenberger, for their work in organizing and producing the Adult Sunday School opportunities…you created something of lasting value for those who participated in your excellent learning opportunities; Jeff Hall, Phil Ouellette, Scott Weldon, Sharon Fields, and, newly, RC Haus for your steadfast faithfulness in helping to make our worship experiences dynamic and reverent, all to the glory of God! You are all a blessing!

We are so blessed…with a wonderful, redecorated church campus by Mission Bay…with a thriving and growing congregation…with a dedicated and caring Board of Directors…and with a collegial and spiritually grounded ministry staff! The ministry opportunities for us this coming year are only bounded by our willingness to answer the call of God. If we will continue to live out our mission “to bring people closer to God and one another,” we will see a harvest greater than we ever seen before! Pastor Houston  

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CONGREGATIONAL CONNECTION Report I’ve heard it said that “variety is the spice of life”…if that is true then I certainly have had a “spicy” life during 2010. And again it has been overflowing with love, challenges, fun, excitement and ever so many, many rewards. I cannot count the many blessings I have received from you, the congregation, friends, staff, those new persons I have met and particularly those serving on the Ministry Teams that I work closely with and as ever and ever more….my beloved Patti.

Hospitality…has continued with success under the wonderful leadership of Arthur Casey. This Ministry is so faithful and ever present…despite weather conditions and last minute changes. Arthur, Charles Wolford and Woody Lambirth continue to provide “goodies” (and with wonderful attitudes and smiles) not only after each service, but at the many functions that have come about this past year.

Dinner@6:30...providing a wonderful and viable opportunity for fellowship, fun and great eating experiences throughout both the Hillcrest area and our new community. Christopher DiPatre continues to explore new and different places and this Ministry continues to be a place where many visitors and persons who do not normally attend our service come together and get to know one another in a new and different way.

Membership...provides an excellent opportunity for me to get to know many people on a more personal level while we celebrate our interest and knowledge of MCCSD. Al Smithson continues informing these classes of our wonderful and rich history, and I so appreciate his constant attendance at each and every Class.

Care Team…grows in sharing God’s great love for all people. Weekly we increase card sending, visitations, phone calls and other ways of extending care and sharing of God’s love for all people. This Team consisting of Rosie Linder, George Murphy, Mark Sanbower, Michael Prestridge, Erick Cecena, Eugene Nunez, Rachel Francois, and Linda Calder is growing the number of “thoughtful” blessings, and wishes sent each week. I am frequently the recipient of the appreciation of a congregant when it all truly belongs to this magnificent team.

Ushers…how smoothly would services run were it not for a dedicated Team of so many? I am not in any way slighting any of you by not using names here; it is more that with a Team of 32, I would run out of room. You know who you are, and I am so appreciative of your faithfulness and willingness to usher once a month and often so many fill in the spots that come about… special occasions, celebrations and those 5th Sundays. You are all quietly going about Ministry in a very special way.

During this our first year in our new home, we celebrated our 40th Anniversary, we taped comments from congregants (including Rev. Troy and Rev. David) which traced our 40 years, we joined in monthly activities that provided so much fun, fellowship and wonderful food! This came about with the wonderful and hard work of Betty Brink, Scott Weldon, Al Smithson, Patti Kennedy, Ron Oster and Larry Scott, and of course the “sub teams” that each activity used to further enhance our fun and excitement.

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In July, I, as one of three Lay Delegates, attended MCC’s 24th world-wide conference in Mexico. Such fun and excitement the conference was, as members of our Fellowship gathered to share and experience one another….and then in relating/reporting the tremendous week (on “Lay Delegate Sunday”) expressing our gratitude and enthusiasm for what MCC’s around the world are doing.

As we come to an end of the year 2010, I can only express my deep gratitude to our wonderful and faithful God of all. I look forward to a bright future continuously filled with all that God does and provides for each of us, and as together we acknowledge that it truly is a blessing to be in Ministry with so many who work toward making a difference in many lives, ways and areas. I know that there is much yet to be accomplished and I thank you, the Church, for sharing, your talents, friendships and mostly for your continued support and love. Blessings and peace, Lyn ☺

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“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to God’s purpose.” Romans 8:28

We give thanks to God for our children, teens and MCC families! It is a privilege, joy and honor to be involved in this vital and important ministry. Over the course of the year Rainbow Sunday School has had the following changes and activities::

• Debbie Stein resigned as Director after five years of strong and compassionate ministry • Luke Schlimme worked as a summer intern providing invaluable help and assistance • New curriculum implemented in September which included the Nursery classroom • Annual Bake Sale fundraiser • Four joint visits with Imperial Court to Mission Hills Health Care • Sponsored an all church social activity to the Padres game • Pizza Party to celebrate our 40th Anniversary • Developed and led an all-age Communion class • Participated in Pride Parade • Once a month participation in the 11 AM worship service • Sponsored an all-community Trunk n’ Treat event • Exchanged the Nursery and office rooms to allow more space for the children • Mural painted in the Nursery classroom, Younger Elementary classroom painted

The Rainbow Sunday School Ministry Team members over the course of the year - Linda Clark, Charlotte Edwards, Bob Fox, Brenna O’Callaghan, Freya Gordon, Tim Pablo, Michael Prestridge, Luke Schlimme, Jade Schmidt, Torie Seike, Debbie Stein, Pam Raptis and Rich Stevens - have each contributed so much to the care and nurturance of our children and teens. Their generous commitment of prayer, time, energy, resources and ideas has enabled this fundamental and vital ministry to remain strong and steady through personnel changes and facility challenges.

We look forward to welcoming new families to this ministry and seeing each classroom grow. The Teen Class is planning regular outreach opportunities to help others in San Diego. We are in the planning stages of developing a Prayer Ministry within the Rainbow Sunday School which will intercede for children, teens, families and teachers and be available for confidential prayer requests. The teens have taught the Nursery c=Class and we are incorporating more opportunities to have children and teens teach and learn from one another.

May our God of love and goodness continue to lead and guide each one who is involved in Rainbow Sunday School. We trust God to bless and guide our children and teens. All God’s Blessings,

Kaki Johnson Interim Director of Rainbow Sunday School Ministry

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Time commitment is October 1, 2010 to April 1, 2011

• The Program and Ministry Development Team started October 1, 2010. Since Oct. 1 we have been working on a Program and Ministry Fair. This fair will be a wonderful opportunity for people to discover and learn about all the programs and ministries that currently exist at the church. Hopefully it will help people come up with other ideas for programs or ministries that will feed their passions.

• Future activities o Facilitate the birth and growth of new ministries and programs

Meet with people who have a desire to start a new ministry or program Assist the congregation and program and ministry leaders in moving in a

unified direction through the development of ministry goals and reinforcement of identified core values

Develop uniform questions for those wanting to start a new program or ministry

• Keep the congregation informed of current programs and ministries • Maintain a current list of team leaders and team members and identify those with

talents and interests which fit our programs and ministries • Assist team development where needed • Set up classes to help people determine their spiritual locations • Set up classes using the UFMCC program called CLM (Creating a Life that Matters)

o Creating a Life That Matters is a three course curriculum which explores ways to rediscover relationship with the Sacred, with my Self, and with my Passion

Steve Ebner Paulette Jansen C0-Program and Ministry Developers

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SCRIP GIFT CARD Report It has been another good year for the Scrip Gift Card Program. Income has been down partially due to the economic downturn we have been experiencing. Scrip is retail fundraising that you do by doing your normal shopping using gift cards for the businesses where you shop. The 400 or more retailers that currently participate in Scrip pay between 1.25% and 25% in rebates to Metropolitan Community Church when you buy their Gift Cards from us. Essentially this is “free” money that cost the purchaser nothing and benefits MCC San Diego.

In the past program year (October 2009 to September 2010): (Amounts in ( ) are amounts for previous year)

• $95, 025 ($99,528.30) worth of Scrip Gift Cards were sold. • Profits on these sales were $4006.25 - 4.2% ($5802.86) (5.8%). • Albertson’s Rebates were $44.44. ($343.76). • The Albertson’s Community Program was terminated by them on 1/31/10. • Ralphs Rebates of $33.98 ($75.89) were received. • EScrip (Vons & other retailers) rebates of $319.89 ($346.84) were received. • Total Scrip Program income was $4404.56 ($6569.35).

Scrip income covers the program’s operating expenses and in the past year was used to purchase a $500 wall plaque at The Center and as Volunteer rewards. Scrip was also used as awards for our Anniversary Celebration’s Dessert Contest. Scrip is used regularly to purchase Hospitality and cleaning supplies and by the Feed My Sheep food ministry. To publicize and encourage the use of Scrip six monthly drawings were held for $50 of Scrip. Congratulations, again, to our six winners.

In the past, Scrip has been used to purchase computers and monitors for the church office, refrigerators and used as gifts of appreciation for staff and volunteers. The Scrip program also donated $500 to the Katrina Relief fund and is used for church needs that have not been budgeted.

I am extremely grateful to those who have continued to support this fundraising program during the past year. It is my hope that in the coming years more and more of the members and friends of MCC will participate in the Scrip Gift Card program. (Yes you can have your friends buy Scrip and support the church.) Please visit me in the Bookstore/Scrip Office to learn how you can begin to participate in the Scrip Gift Card Program.

Scrip is a great way to financially contribute to our ministries without cost to you. You do not have to spend a lot to make a difference. Every little bit you buy when added with everyone else’s little bits creates a substantial amount of income for Metropolitan Community Church. Fred Ihler, Scrip Coordinator

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BOARD OF DIRECTORS Report To paraphrase a well-known real estate maxim, the three most important things about our church is: Ministry, Ministry, and Ministry. Our beautiful new “church by the bay” is not only our home, but it is, in the final analysis, a tool of ministry! It is not the end, in and of itself, but a tool to enhance and deliver ministry. And, that is what this first full year in our new church home has been about – Ministry. Our incredible staff, led by the inspired leadership of our Pastor Dan Koeshall and the ever-steady, ever-present and always calm, cool and collected Lee Bowman, has utilized this great new facility of ours in unprecedented and fabulous ministries. Our staff, paid and unpaid, has been extraordinary not only in their ministry delivery, but in identifying and implementing exciting and effective new ministries. God Bless all of our Ministers. We are all ministers in this “priesthood of believers” – we know that and we lay claim to it.

Your Board, with the able assistance of our Treasurer, David Eilert, has charted a careful and frugal voyage during this year. With income being down, we have made the decision not to fill additional staff positions – there’s room for more ministry in our budget, but we’ll be fiscally careful in filling positions when we know we can fund them. With the assistance of our Treasurer, your Board reviews the church’s finances each and every month. We monitor income and expenses on a weekly basis. We review current balances in our church’s accounts.

Under the capable leadership of Board Member Danny Minchey, we have completed a comprehensive review and implementation of our risk management policies. We have brought our personnel time management and remuneration policies and procedures into compliance with state labor laws. We continue our policy reviews and are assembling all policies in writing and in one central location where we can turn to as we need them. When we discover policies that have not been placed in writing, we do so, and place them in our central policy file.

Your Board works closely with the Building Committee who has been steadfast and solid during this first year in our new home – and even more so during this challenging time following “the flood.” Special thanks and kudos go to Mike Denison who chairs the Building Committee and whose leadership and endless hours of dedicated volunteer service has served us well during this first year and during this time of our involuntary “extreme makeover.” Thank you,

Your Board for 2010 has been privileged to be Bud Cheetham, Charlotte Edwards, Rhonda Gibson, Danny Minchey, Nancy Neel, Ron Oster, Al Smithson, Denise Wittenburg and Pastor Dan Koeshall. We thank retiring Board Members Charlotte, as she completes 6 years of service on our Board, and Bud, as he completes his term of 3 years. Charlotte and Bud have been hard-working servant-leaders on your Board of Directors. God Bless You.

Kudos to Lyn Malone for leading a great 40th Anniversary Team and celebration. As we enter this next 40 years in the life of our wonderful church, we claim God’s promises – and as written in the Book of Esther, we know “that for such a time as this” we have been brought together to bring people closer to God and one another in fabulous ways which only God knows. God Bless! Respectfully submitted, Al Smithson, Vice-Moderator of the Board of Directors

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TREASURER Report As 2010 comes to a close, I must confess it has been quite a ride, both personally and in the financial life of our church. While our cash position is still incredibly strong, the staff and board have faced several challenges over this past year in keeping our expenses in line with the income.

Through September, operating income is down $24,867 or 8.4% from the same time last year.

Year-to-date, the church operating expenses have exceeded income by $19,199.00. This deficit was planned for in the budgeting process, but unfortunately no additional staff was brought on in light of the drop in revenue.

The total cash in the church operating account as of this writing is $116,623.

Over the past 12 months, just over $32,000 has been spent on capital improvements. Major costs included new exterior doors ($8,188), new locks ($5,229), HVAC/energy audit ($7,500), Sewer ($1,100) & ADA Ramp planning ($1,850). Since purchase, a total of $117,941 has been spent on building improvements. As of this writing, $122,362 remains in the Building Fund, which includes just over $8,000 of additional gifts to the fund. However, approximately $40,000 has been committed to the HVAC upgrades so the balance will be just over $80,000 going forward. A full accounting of the Building Fund expenditures has been prepared and is available for your review.

As I’m sure you are all aware, the recent flood in the sanctuary caused significant damage and the replacement costs were staggering, almost all of which will be covered by insurance. The Board and Staff have taken this disaster and turned it into an opportunity to upgrade many of the features in the sanctuary including new lighting, stage design, flooring and paint. It was agreed that no added expense would be incurred unless they were underwritten through additional giving, so the Building Fund itself will not be materially affected by the added costs. It is truly inspiring to see so many step forward with generous gifts to make our sanctuary as comfortable and inviting as possible.

The Board was extremely encouraged by the response to our initial pledge drive. 69 congregants made a total commitment of $209,000. Accordingly, the Board has submitted a budget for congregation approval of $400,000 for 2011 which is available for review following this report.

Once again I want to express my gratitude to the Board and the congregation for your continued confidence in me to serve as your Treasurer. It is indeed an honor and a privilege. In Christ,

David Eilert, Treasurer

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5000 INCOME:


Projected 2010 Budget 2011 Budget

5010 AIDS Ministry 823 4,000 1,000

5120 Building Operations Fund 43 0 1,000

5720 Flowers 2,486 1,500 2,500

5730 Fundraising 7,500 22,000 7,500

5735 Bequests 0 10,000 7,500

5770 Latino Ministry 0 100

5755 Pillars Club 54,228 75,000 55,000

5900 Tithes and Offerings 288,715 310,000 285,000

5910 Reserve Account Draw Down 28,792 35,000 30,000

5999 Miscellaneous Income (Audio, Hospitality, 9,957 20,000 10,000

Ads, Children’s Church,Music)

5998 Interest Income (non-BDT) 831 2,500 750

TOTAL INCOME 393,374 480,100 400,250



6110 Employee Benefits 19,260 21,068 20,000

6120 Mileage & Admin Reimbursement 1,834 3,505 2,000

6130 Ministry and Office Staff 180,886 229,000 181,000

6140 Payroll Taxes 6,909 18,719 7,727

6150 Staff Education & Development 34 2,000 1,000

6160 Worker's Compensation Insurance 4,617 4,809 4,800

6199 Miscellaneous Compensation 0

TOTAL COMPENSATION 213,540 279,101 216,527


6205 Mortgage Payments 45,843 45,900 45,900

6210 Church Insurance 2,954 4,160 6,300

6220 Custodial Service 2,326 2,400 2,400

6240 Utilities 7,260 8,160 8,000

6250 Security 7,265 515 400

6260 Trash 1,726 1,450 1,700

6290 Building Repairs & Maintenance 3,324 750 3,500

6299 Miscellaneous Facilities 86

TOTAL FACILITIES 70,785 63,335 68,200


6310 Copier Lease 9,187 7,800 8,200

6330 Office Equip. Maintenance 0 500 500

6340 Other Equipment 39 0

6350 Computer Lease 2,791 2,400

5360 Telephone System Rental 2,117 2,050 2,100

5399 Misc Office Equipment 1,233 250

TOTAL OFFICE EQUIPMENT 15,367 13,000 10,800


6410 Advertising 1,157 4,500 4,200

6420 Bank Charges 190 0 200

6430 Bookkeeping 9,300 9,300 9,300


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6440 Due, Subscriptions, Memberships 1,029 650 750

6450 Fundraising 0 800 500

6450 Office Supplies 1,932 3,100 2,600

6460 Postage 1,536 1,750 1,500

6480 Printing 0 500 500

6485 Telephone 4,293 3,800 4,200

6490 Website 0 750 1,250

6499 Misc Operations 0 1,195

TOTAL OPERATIONS 19,437 26,345 25,000


6510 Conferences 5,039 4,500

6540 UFMCC Pension 2,453 2,940 2,500

6550 UFMCC Tithes (12.5%) 39,778 55,510 45,344

6599 Misc Organizational 0 0

TOTAL ORGANIZATIONAL 47,270 62,950 47,844


6605 Care Team-Senior Ministry 0 300 200

6610 Christian Education 0 200 200

6615 Clergy Candidates 0 0 0

6620 Deaf Ministries 2,657 2,500 2,600

6625 Guest Speakers 4,000 1,250 2,500

6630 Hospitality – Special Events 538 500 500

6635 Hospitality – Sunday 2,734 2,000 2,500

6640 Leadership Training 1,793 620 1,000

6645 New Member/Welcome Ministry 0 600 250

6650 Nursery 0 200

6655 Outreach 2,882 2,400 2,500

6660 Pastor’s Benevolence 189 0

6665 Pillars Club 1,718 1,600 1,700

6670 Pride Activities 2,694 3,500 2,500

6675 Rainbow Sunday School/Youth Ministry 898 1,500 1,500

6680 Program Development 0 500 500

6685 Social Justice Programs 0 500 500

6690 Spiritual Retreats 199 500 200

6699 Misc. Ministry Fund 137 3,100

TOTAL SPECIAL MINISTRIES 20,439 21,770 19,150


6710 Multi-Media 185 2,000 4,000

6720 Flowers 1,294 2,000 1,250

6730 Supplies (Regular & Seasonal) 504 750 1,000

6740 Ushers 26 100 64

6750 Worship 3,979 3,600 3,600

6760 Choir Retreats 0 5,150 2,500

6799 Misc Worship 549 0 315

TOTAL WORSHIP SERVICES 6,537 13,600 12,729

TOTAL EXPENSES 393,374 480,100 400,250