Annual Report 2019 International Congress on Nutrition and Integrative Medicine

Annual Report 2019...consisted of one keynote lecture, 17 verbal presentations (12 basic studies and 5 clinical studies), and 33 poster presentations (22 basic studies and 11 clinical

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Page 1: Annual Report 2019...consisted of one keynote lecture, 17 verbal presentations (12 basic studies and 5 clinical studies), and 33 poster presentations (22 basic studies and 11 clinical

Annual Report 2019

International Congress on Nutrition and Integrative Medicine

Page 2: Annual Report 2019...consisted of one keynote lecture, 17 verbal presentations (12 basic studies and 5 clinical studies), and 33 poster presentations (22 basic studies and 11 clinical

h e 2 7 t h A n n u a l M e e t i n g o f t h e International Congress on Nutrition and Integrative Medicine (ICNIM) was held on

July 27th and 28th at the Hotel Royton Sapporo (Sapporo, Japan) with support from the Hokkaido Bureau of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (M E TI Hokk aido) , the Hokk aido government , and the City of Sapporo. The congress also received support from three associations: Integrative Medicine Japan, Japan Mibyou System Association, and Hokkaido Healthy & Medical Care Frontier. This year, a total of 452 participants attended the 2-day congress, including 218 foreign guests f r o m 3 0 c o u n t r i e s a n d r e g i o n s . F i f t y - o n e presentations in total were delivered. They consisted of one keynote lecture, 17 verbal presentations (12 basic studies and 5 clinical studies), and 33 poster presentations (22 basic studies and 11 clinical studies). In addition, 9 p o s t e r s o f p r o s p e c t i v e n e w t e c h n o l o g i e s developed in Hokkaido were presented in a separate area.

Keynote Lecture

Following the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine being awarded to Dist inguished Professor Tasuku Honjo (Kyoto University, Kyoto) and Professor James P. Allison (University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston) “for their discovery of cancer therapy by inhibition of negative immune regulation”, Associate Professor

Kenji Chamoto from Department of Immunology and Genomic Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University gave a keynote lecture t i t led “Advances in PD-1 blockade cancer immunotherapy: important roles of immune metabolism”. Cancer immunotherapy has been attracting attention recently as the 4th cancer treatment fol lowing surgery, radiat ion therapy, and chemotherapy, and it has been used widely in clinical sites. In the lecture, Associate Professor Chamoto �irst introduced the history of PD-1 discovery and the development of PD-1 blockade therapy. After explaining that approximately half of the patients were still unresponsive to the cancer immunotherapy, he described its causes and countermeasures, and the research to d i s t i n g u i s h r e s p o n s i v e n e s s f r o m unresponsiveness. Furthermore, he stated that the development of combination therapies and the search for biomarkers would be necessary to apply cancer immunotherapy to clinical sites.

Research Awards

The Best Research Award 2019 from METI Hokkaido was awarded to Dr. Yin-Ching Chan ( P r o v i d e n c e U n i v e r s i t y , T a i w a n ) f o r h e r presentation t it led, “ETAS ® 50 ameliorates cognitive impairment by reducing Aβ via p-Tau pathway, and improving the circadian rhythm signaling”. Additionally, the Young Investigator Award, an award given to the most promising researcher u n d e r t h e a g e o f 4 0 , w a s a w a r d e d t o D r . Jamaluddin Madolangan (Hasanuddin University, Indonesia) for his presentation titled, “The AHCC® e f f e c t o n c l i n i c a l o u t c o m e o f p u l m o n a r y tuberculosis in HIV-infected patients”. Finally, the Best Poster Award was given to Dr. Ki-Baik Hahm (CHA University, Republic of Korea) for his poster t it led, “Oligonol ® to prevent the relapse of ulcerative colitis: Nrf2-mediated antioxidative defense mechanism”. The award ceremony was carried out during the reception after the 1st day of the annual meeting on the 27th. The awards were given by Mr. Yasuhiko Ando, the Director-General of METI Hokkaido and the President of ICNIM, Dr . Toshinori Ito.

Public Symposium

This year, the public symposium was held on the 2nd day of the annual meeting on Sunday, July 28th f r o m 1 : 0 0 P M t o 3 : 0 0 P M . T h e t o p i c o f t h e symposium was “cancer and immunity” following the theme of the keynote lecture, and 209 public citizens attended to hear the presentations. In the �irst session, Dr. Toshihiko Torigoe from Sapporo Medical University gave a lecture titled “ M e s s a g e s f r o m M e d i c a l D o c t o r s : C a n c e r Immunotherapy and Integrative Medicine”. He

s t a t e d t h a t c a n c e r i m m u n o t h e r a p y w a s a treatment that would work on our immune system. In addition, he explained that stronger innate immunity could bring out more effects of the treatment, and factors such as food, nutrition, physical exercise, and intestinal microbiome could be important to strengthen the immunity. The second session was a panel discussion about how to face cancer, facilitated by Dr. Torigoe. The panelists actively discussed the importance of maintaining the immunity, the current status and challenges of cancer treatments, and the roles of integrative medicine. One of the panelists, Dr. Masaki Fujita from Fukuoka University spoke about the actual cases of using immune checkpoint inhibitors at clinical sites. Another panelist, Dr. Insoo Kang (Yale University, USA) mentioned that integrative medicine had been widely spreading in the U.S. where cancer treatments were advanced compared to other countries. Moreover, he introduced his research on the combined usage of AHCC® and immune checkpoint inhibitors as an

Associate Professor Kenji Chamoto

The 27th Annual MeetingInternational Congress on Nutrition and Integrative Medicine

example and explained that further research was required to identify the integrative medicine that could be combined with the treatment to enhance the effects. Following the previous talks, Dr. Shoji Hirata from Cancer Village Sapporo discussed the role of integrative medicine in advanced cancer. He mentioned that when he treated patients with advanced cancer, he would set goals for them to live happily by acquiring the mental status to face and live with cancer. As some approaches to achieve the goals, he introduced integrative medicine such as food supplement, Yoga, and bedrock bath that could help condition both the mind and the body. After the panel discussion, Dr. Torigoe summed up the session by stating the immunotherapy might be a new option to face cancer with maintaining higher quality of life compared to 3 conventional cancer treatments. Lastly, the President of ICNIM, Dr. Ito mentioned that further research would be required to apply the immunotherapy as the 4th cancer treatment option to clinical sites and closed the symposium. The results of the survey �illed out by the public citizens in the audience showed positive comments such as “The symposium was helpful to understand

the importance of integrative medicine”, “It helped to gain more knowledge about the immunity”, “The examples of a brake and an accelerator were helpful to understand about immune checkpoint inhibitors”, and “The symposium helped me think about dif�icult topics in medicine more easily by replacing them with familiar things” . ICNIM aims to continue delivering information about integrative medicine and functional food to the public. T

Page 3: Annual Report 2019...consisted of one keynote lecture, 17 verbal presentations (12 basic studies and 5 clinical studies), and 33 poster presentations (22 basic studies and 11 clinical

h e 2 7 t h A n n u a l M e e t i n g o f t h e International Congress on Nutrition and Integrative Medicine (ICNIM) was held on

July 27th and 28th at the Hotel Royton Sapporo (Sapporo, Japan) with support from the Hokkaido Bureau of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (M ETI Hokk aido) , t h e Hokkaido government , and the City of Sapporo. The congress also received support from three associations: Integrative Medicine Japan, Japan Mibyou System Association, and Hokkaido Healthy & Medical Care Frontier. This year, a total of 452 participants attended the 2-day congress, including 218 foreign guests f r o m 3 0 c o u n t r i e s a n d r e g i o n s . F i f t y - o n e presentations in total were delivered. They consisted of one keynote lecture, 17 verbal presentations (12 basic studies and 5 clinical studies), and 33 poster presentations (22 basic studies and 11 clinical studies). In addition, 9 p o s t e r s o f p r o s p e c t i v e n e w t e c h n o l o g i e s developed in Hokkaido were presented in a separate area.

Keynote Lecture

Following the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine being awarded to Dist inguished Professor Tasuku Honjo (Kyoto University, Kyoto) and Professor James P. Allison (University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston) “for their discovery of cancer therapy by inhibition of negative immune regulation”, Associate Professor

Kenji Chamoto from Department of Immunology and Genomic Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University gave a keynote lecture t i t led “Advances in PD-1 blockade cancer immunotherapy: important roles of immune metabolism”. Cancer immunotherapy has been attracting attention recently as the 4th cancer treatment fol lowing surgery, radiat ion therapy, and chemotherapy, and it has been used widely in clinical sites. In the lecture, Associate Professor Chamoto �irst introduced the history of PD-1 discovery and the development of PD-1 blockade therapy. After explaining that approximately half of the patients were still unresponsive to the cancer immunotherapy, he described its causes and countermeasures, and the research to d i s t i n g u i s h r e s p o n s i v e n e s s f r o m unresponsiveness. Furthermore, he stated that the development of combination therapies and the search for biomarkers would be necessary to apply cancer immunotherapy to clinical sites.

Research Awards

The Best Research Award 2019 from METI Hokkaido was awarded to Dr. Yin-Ching Chan ( P r o v i d e n c e U n i v e r s i t y , T a i w a n ) f o r h e r presentation t it led, “ETAS ® 50 ameliorates cognitive impairment by reducing Aβ via p-Tau pathway, and improving the circadian rhythm signaling”. Additionally, the Young Investigator Award, an award given to the most promising researcher u n d e r t h e a g e o f 4 0 , w a s a w a r d e d t o D r . Jamaluddin Madolangan (Hasanuddin University, Indonesia) for his presentation titled, “The AHCC® e f f e c t o n c l i n i c a l o u t c o m e o f p u l m o n a r y tuberculosis in HIV-infected patients”. Finally, the Best Poster Award was given to Dr. Ki-Baik Hahm (CHA University, Republic of Korea) for his poster t it led, “Oligonol ® to prevent the relapse of ulcerative colitis: Nrf2-mediated antioxidative defense mechanism”. The award ceremony was carried out during the reception after the 1st day of the annual meeting on the 27th. The awards were given by Mr. Yasuhiko Ando, the Director-General of METI Hokkaido and the President of ICNIM, Dr . Toshinori Ito.

Public Symposium

This year, the public symposium was held on the 2nd day of the annual meeting on Sunday, July 28th f r o m 1 : 0 0 P M t o 3 : 0 0 P M . T h e t o p i c o f t h e symposium was “cancer and immunity” following the theme of the keynote lecture, and 209 public citizens attended to hear the presentations. In the �irst session, Dr. Toshihiko Torigoe from Sapporo Medical University gave a lecture titled “ M e s s a g e s f r o m M e d i c a l D o c t o r s : C a n c e r Immunotherapy and Integrative Medicine”. He

s t a t e d t h a t c a n c e r i m m u n o t h e r a p y w a s a treatment that would work on our immune system. In addition, he explained that stronger innate immunity could bring out more effects of the treatment, and factors such as food, nutrition, physical exercise, and intestinal microbiome could be important to strengthen the immunity. The second session was a panel discussion about how to face cancer, facilitated by Dr. Torigoe. The panelists actively discussed the importance of maintaining the immunity, the current status and challenges of cancer treatments, and the roles of integrative medicine. One of the panelists, Dr. Masaki Fujita from Fukuoka University spoke about the actual cases of using immune checkpoint inhibitors at clinical sites. Another panelist, Dr. Insoo Kang (Yale University, USA) mentioned that integrative medicine had been widely spreading in the U.S. where cancer treatments were advanced compared to other countries. Moreover, he introduced his research on the combined usage of AHCC® and immune checkpoint inhibitors as an

Dr. Chan, Dr. Hahm, Dr. Madolangan

Public Symposium

example and explained that further research was required to identify the integrative medicine that could be combined with the treatment to enhance the effects. Following the previous talks, Dr. Shoji Hirata from Cancer Village Sapporo discussed the role of integrative medicine in advanced cancer. He mentioned that when he treated patients with advanced cancer, he would set goals for them to live happily by acquiring the mental status to face and live with cancer. As some approaches to achieve the goals, he introduced integrative medicine such as food supplement, Yoga, and bedrock bath that could help condition both the mind and the body. After the panel discussion, Dr. Torigoe summed up the session by stating the immunotherapy might be a new option to face cancer with maintaining higher quality of life compared to 3 conventional cancer treatments. Lastly, the President of ICNIM, Dr. Ito mentioned that further research would be required to apply the immunotherapy as the 4th cancer treatment option to clinical sites and closed the symposium. The results of the survey �illed out by the public citizens in the audience showed positive comments such as “The symposium was helpful to understand

the importance of integrative medicine”, “It helped to gain more knowledge about the immunity”, “The examples of a brake and an accelerator were helpful to understand about immune checkpoint inhibitors”, and “The symposium helped me think about dif�icult topics in medicine more easily by replacing them with familiar things” . ICNIM aims to continue delivering information about integrative medicine and functional food to the public.

Dr. Toshihiko Torigoe

Page 4: Annual Report 2019...consisted of one keynote lecture, 17 verbal presentations (12 basic studies and 5 clinical studies), and 33 poster presentations (22 basic studies and 11 clinical

International Congress on Nutrition and Integrative Medicine

h e 2 7 t h A n n u a l M e e t i n g o f t h e International Congress on Nutrition and Integrative Medicine (ICNIM) was held on

July 27th and 28th at the Hotel Royton Sapporo (Sapporo, Japan) with support from the Hokkaido Bureau of Ministry of Economy, Trade and I ndustr y (M E T I Ho kk aido ) , the Ho kkaido government , and the City of Sapporo. The congress also received support from three associations: Integrative Medicine Japan, Japan Mibyou System Association, and Hokkaido Healthy & Medical Care Frontier. This year, a total of 452 participants attended the 2-day congress, including 218 foreign guests f r o m 3 0 c o u n t r i e s a n d r e g i o n s . F i f t y - o n e presentations in total were delivered. They consisted of one keynote lecture, 17 verbal presentations (12 basic studies and 5 clinical studies), and 33 poster presentations (22 basic studies and 11 clinical studies). In addition, 9 p o s t e r s o f p r o s p e c t i v e n e w t e c h n o l o g i e s developed in Hokkaido were presented in a separate area.

Keynote Lecture

Following the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine being awarded to Dist inguished Professor Tasuku Honjo (Kyoto University, Kyoto) and Professor James P. Allison (University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston) “for their discovery of cancer therapy by inhibition of negative immune regulation”, Associate Professor

Kenji Chamoto from Department of Immunology and Genomic Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University gave a keynote lecture t i t led “Advances in PD-1 blockade cancer immunotherapy: important roles of immune metabolism”. Cancer immunotherapy has been attracting attention recently as the 4th cancer treatment fol lowing surgery, radiat ion therapy, and chemotherapy, and it has been used widely in clinical sites. In the lecture, Associate Professor Chamoto �irst introduced the history of PD-1 discovery and the development of PD-1 blockade therapy. After explaining that approximately half of the patients were still unresponsive to the cancer immunotherapy, he described its causes and countermeasures, and the research to d i s t i n g u i s h r e s p o n s i v e n e s s f r o m unresponsiveness. Furthermore, he stated that the development of combination therapies and the search for biomarkers would be necessary to apply cancer immunotherapy to clinical sites.

Research Awards

The Best Research Award 2019 from METI Hokkaido was awarded to Dr. Yin-Ching Chan ( P r o v i d e n c e U n i v e r s i t y , T a i w a n ) f o r h e r presentation t it led, “ETAS ® 50 ameliorates cognitive impairment by reducing Aβ via p-Tau pathway, and improving the circadian rhythm signaling”. Additionally, the Young Investigator Award, an award given to the most promising researcher u n d e r t h e a g e o f 4 0 , w a s a w a r d e d t o D r . Jamaluddin Madolangan (Hasanuddin University, Indonesia) for his presentation titled, “The AHCC® e f f e c t o n c l i n i c a l o u t c o m e o f p u l m o n a r y tuberculosis in HIV-infected patients”. Finally, the Best Poster Award was given to Dr. Ki-Baik Hahm (CHA University, Republic of Korea) for his poster t it led, “Oligonol ® to prevent the relapse of ulcerative colitis: Nrf2-mediated antioxidative defense mechanism”. The award ceremony was carried out during the reception after the 1st day of the annual meeting on the 27th. The awards were given by Mr. Yasuhiko Ando, the Director-General of METI Hokkaido and the President of ICNIM, Dr . Toshinori Ito.

Public Symposium

This year, the public symposium was held on the 2nd day of the annual meeting on Sunday, July 28th f r o m 1 : 0 0 P M t o 3 : 0 0 P M . T h e t o p i c o f t h e symposium was “cancer and immunity” following the theme of the keynote lecture, and 209 public citizens attended to hear the presentations. In the �irst session, Dr. Toshihiko Torigoe from Sapporo Medical University gave a lecture titled “ M e s s a g e s f r o m M e d i c a l D o c t o r s : C a n c e r Immunotherapy and Integrative Medicine”. He

s t a t e d t h a t c a n c e r i m m u n o t h e r a p y w a s a treatment that would work on our immune system. In addition, he explained that stronger innate immunity could bring out more effects of the treatment, and factors such as food, nutrition, physical exercise, and intestinal microbiome could be important to strengthen the immunity. The second session was a panel discussion about how to face cancer, facilitated by Dr. Torigoe. The panelists actively discussed the importance of maintaining the immunity, the current status and challenges of cancer treatments, and the roles of integrative medicine. One of the panelists, Dr. Masaki Fujita from Fukuoka University spoke about the actual cases of using immune checkpoint inhibitors at clinical sites. Another panelist, Dr. Insoo Kang (Yale University, USA) mentioned that integrative medicine had been widely spreading in the U.S. where cancer treatments were advanced compared to other countries. Moreover, he introduced his research on the combined usage of AHCC® and immune checkpoint inhibitors as an

he 5th International Exchange Meeting (IEM2019) was held at the Hotel Royton Sapporo on Friday, July 26th. This year,

the total of 78 guests attended the meeting. It included 20 professors and/or researchers from 15 universities overseas, 9 professors from 4 universities in Hokkaido, and guests from 11 companies in Hokkaido. The main topic of this year’s program was international internships. During the meeting, the participants discussed the current status and challenges of accepting international interns and

explored possible solutions. In addition, some activities and future possibilities of IEM were introduced to raise awareness of the participants. As the �irst speaker, Dr. Subehan Lallo from Hassanuddin University in Indonesia presented the internship program of his university. He mentioned that it was still limited to internships within the country due to dif�iculties of �inding opportunities overseas, and he requested to �ind some possible solutions at the meeting. Next, some available supports by Japanese government and companies in Hokkaido to accept

The 5th International Exchange Meeting

Panel Discussion

interns were introduced. One of the supports was presented by Mr. Ken-ichi Nakamoto from Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO). Their support is called, JAPAN Internship Program, which is supervised by METI (Japan Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry). This program is available for highly-skilled foreign professionals from developing countries to study in Japan and acquire technical skills. In 2018, although the total of 196 companies used this program and accepted 225 interns from 29 countries, only 2 of them were the companies in Hokkaido. Most of the companies that accepted interns expressed positive opinions. For instance, some expressed the experience helped raise awareness of globalization within the company, understand and accept cultural differences, and obtain ideas to expand their businesses internationally. As another available support, Mr. Daisuke T a k a h a s h i f r o m E m p l o y m e n t a n d L a b o r Administration Division, Department of Economic Affairs, Hokkaido Government introduced their career service for international students . According to him, various services, such as matching events for companies and international students, consulting services for students, and seminars for companies, are offered by the Hokkaido government, but the biggest challenge is the low level of awareness of the services among both students and companies. Ms. Eimi Yamauchi from the executive of�ice of Tsukushi Fellowship and Research Foundation (TFRF) introduced their scholarship program and past achievements. She also mentioned the possibil ity of expanding their activities to co-organize IEM and support fellowship students to �ind internship opportunities in the near future. Additionally, Dr. Tsukasa Okada from Hokkaido S y s t e m S c i e n c e C o . , L t d . d e s c r i b e d t h e i r experiences of accepting international interns, and Dr. Hajime Fujii from Amino Up Co., Ltd. shared

their achievements and challenges of hiring g l o b a l l y m i n d e d i n d i v i d u a l s . A f t e r t h e i r presentations, they both expressed that they would actively accept international interns or hire global ly minded individuals in the future. Furthermore, after international scholarship students of TFRF made some comments on the topic, the participants discussed the challenges and the possible solutions further. Some cases of international collaborations among ICNIM members were reported. Dr. Anil Kulkarni from the University of Texas in the U.S. reported that he visited Dr. Taiji Tsukamoto at Sapporo Medical University to discuss the project of “Global Surgery Alliance”, and Dr. Marek Pizon, Assistant Medical Director of Department of Cardiac Surgery at Hospital of Bayreuth in Germany, described that he had an opportunity to visit Dr. Yoshiki Sawa at Osaka University to see the most advance technology in the �ield of cardiovascular surgery. In addition, words of appreciation from Dr. Chantal Matar at the University of Ottawa in Canada were shared. According to her, the students from Saudi Arabia at her laboratory were able to continue their research at King Abdulaziz University (KAU) in Saudi Arabia when they were forced to return home by the Saudi government. She added that this collaboration wouldn’t happen if she didn’t meet Dr. Suhad Bahijri from KAU at the previous meeting of IEM. During the free communication and networking time at the end of the meeting, there were brief presentations of prospective new researches and technologies in Hokkaido and an introduction of a conference by Dr. Young-Joon Surh, the 2019 president of Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology. The participants actively exchanged information and shared opinions with each other during this opportunity.

example and explained that further research was required to identify the integrative medicine that could be combined with the treatment to enhance the effects. Following the previous talks, Dr. Shoji Hirata from Cancer Village Sapporo discussed the role of integrative medicine in advanced cancer. He mentioned that when he treated patients with advanced cancer, he would set goals for them to live happily by acquiring the mental status to face and live with cancer. As some approaches to achieve the goals, he introduced integrative medicine such as food supplement, Yoga, and bedrock bath that could help condition both the mind and the body. After the panel discussion, Dr. Torigoe summed up the session by stating the immunotherapy might be a new option to face cancer with maintaining higher quality of life compared to 3 conventional cancer treatments. Lastly, the President of ICNIM, Dr. Ito mentioned that further research would be required to apply the immunotherapy as the 4th cancer treatment option to clinical sites and closed the symposium. The results of the survey �illed out by the public citizens in the audience showed positive comments such as “The symposium was helpful to understand

the importance of integrative medicine”, “It helped to gain more knowledge about the immunity”, “The examples of a brake and an accelerator were helpful to understand about immune checkpoint inhibitors”, and “The symposium helped me think about dif�icult topics in medicine more easily by replacing them with familiar things” . ICNIM aims to continue delivering information about integrative medicine and functional food to the public.


Page 5: Annual Report 2019...consisted of one keynote lecture, 17 verbal presentations (12 basic studies and 5 clinical studies), and 33 poster presentations (22 basic studies and 11 clinical

he 5th International Exchange Meeting (IEM2019) was held at the Hotel Royton Sapporo on Friday, July 26th. This year,

the total of 78 guests attended the meeting. It included 20 professors and/or researchers from 15 universities overseas, 9 professors from 4 universities in Hokkaido, and guests from 11 companies in Hokkaido. The main topic of this year’s program was international internships. During the meeting, the participants discussed the current status and challenges of accepting international interns and

explored possible solutions. In addition, some activities and future possibilities of IEM were introduced to raise awareness of the participants. As the �irst speaker, Dr. Subehan Lallo from Hassanuddin University in Indonesia presented the internship program of his university. He mentioned that it was still limited to internships within the country due to dif�iculties of �inding opportunities overseas, and he requested to �ind some possible solutions at the meeting. Next, some available supports by Japanese government and companies in Hokkaido to accept

interns were introduced. One of the supports was presented by Mr. Ken-ichi Nakamoto from Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO). Their support is called, JAPAN Internship Program, which is supervised by METI (Japan Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry). This program is available for highly-skilled foreign professionals from developing countries to study in Japan and acquire technical skills. In 2018, although the total of 196 companies used this program and accepted 225 interns from 29 countries, only 2 of them were the companies in Hokkaido. Most of the companies that accepted interns expressed positive opinions. For instance, some expressed the experience helped raise awareness of globalization within the company, understand and accept cultural differences, and obtain ideas to expand their businesses internationally. As another available support, Mr. Daisuke T a k a h a s h i f r o m E m p l o y m e n t a n d L a b o r Administration Division, Department of Economic Affairs, Hokkaido Government introduced their career service for international students . According to him, various services, such as matching events for companies and international students, consulting services for students, and seminars for companies, are offered by the Hokkaido government, but the biggest challenge is the low level of awareness of the services among both students and companies. Ms. Eimi Yamauchi from the executive of�ice of Tsukushi Fellowship and Research Foundation (TFRF) introduced their scholarship program and past achievements. She also mentioned the possibil ity of expanding their activities to co-organize IEM and support fellowship students to �ind internship opportunities in the near future. Additionally, Dr. Tsukasa Okada from Hokkaido S y s t e m S c i e n c e C o . , L t d . d e s c r i b e d t h e i r experiences of accepting international interns, and Dr. Hajime Fujii from Amino Up Co., Ltd. shared

their achievements and challenges of hiring g l o b a l l y m i n d e d i n d i v i d u a l s . A f t e r t h e i r presentations, they both expressed that they would actively accept international interns or hire global ly minded individuals in the future. Furthermore, after international scholarship students of TFRF made some comments on the topic, the participants discussed the challenges and the possible solutions further. Some cases of international collaborations among ICNIM members were reported. Dr. Anil Kulkarni from the University of Texas in the U.S. reported that he visited Dr. Taiji Tsukamoto at Sapporo Medical University to discuss the project of “Global Surgery Alliance”, and Dr. Marek Pizon, Assistant Medical Director of Department of Cardiac Surgery at Hospital of Bayreuth in Germany, described that he had an opportunity to visit Dr. Yoshiki Sawa at Osaka University to see the most advance technology in the �ield of cardiovascular surgery. In addition, words of appreciation from Dr. Chantal Matar at the University of Ottawa in Canada were shared. According to her, the students from Saudi Arabia at her laboratory were able to continue their research at King Abdulaziz University (KAU) in Saudi Arabia when they were forced to return home by the Saudi government. She added that this collaboration wouldn’t happen if she didn’t meet Dr. Suhad Bahijri from KAU at the previous meeting of IEM. During the free communication and networking time at the end of the meeting, there were brief presentations of prospective new researches and technologies in Hokkaido and an introduction of a conference by Dr. Young-Joon Surh, the 2019 president of Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology. The participants actively exchanged information and shared opinions with each other during this opportunity.

Free communication and networking time


Page 6: Annual Report 2019...consisted of one keynote lecture, 17 verbal presentations (12 basic studies and 5 clinical studies), and 33 poster presentations (22 basic studies and 11 clinical

Greeting Message from a New Board Member

I t i s my great honour to be a boar d member of t h e International Congress on Nutrition and Integrative Medicine (ICNIM) . I would like to express my great appreciation to other board members, general members and Amino Up Co., Ltd. for giving me this special status. I have built surgical career of gastroenterological surgery, especially pancreatobiliary area. I am an instructor of highly advanced hepatobiliary pancreatic (HBP) surgery certi�ied by the Japanese society of HBP Surgery and the Japan Pancreas Society. I have also taken my efforts to improve surgical outcome after pancreatobiliary surgery and oncological outcome in patients with pancreatobiliary cancer using multimodal treatment including oncologic surgery.Using a functional food, AHCC®, we have conducted high quality clinical researches in HBP area. We have reported clinical effect of AHCC to improve survival of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma after hepatic resection, *1 to improve immune function of healthy volunteers after AHCC intake in a randomized clinical trial, *2 and to reduce proportion of adverse events during chemotherapy in patients with pancreatobiliary cancer. *3 Furthermore, we have been conducting a randomized control trial to investigate clinical effect of AHCC for reducing adverse events during chemotherapy, especially dysgeusia (UMIN000026461).I would like to dedicate my rest of career to further development of ICNIM by conducting high quality of clinical studies and share my knowledge and experience with all members of ICNIM.Thank you very much indeed again.

1991-1994: Resident in Surgery, Kansai Medical University1994-1996: Medical Staff in Surgery, Yao Tokusyukai Hospital1996-1999: Postgraduate Student and Investigator, Kansai Medical University1999-2000: Clinical Fellow in the Liver Unit, the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, United Kingdom 2000 Clinical Fellow in Service de Chirurgie Generale, Hopital de la Croix Rousse, Lyon, France2000 Clinical Fellow in Allgemeinchirurgie, Klinikum Leverkusen gGmbH, Leverkusen, Germany2000 Clinical Fellow in Allgemeinchirurgie, Universitaet Krankenhaus Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany2001-2009: Lecturer in Hepato-pancreato-biliary division, Department of Surgery, Kansai Medical University 2009-2013: Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, Kansai Medical University2013- Associate Professor, Department of Surgery, Kansai Medical University Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Surgery, Tokyo Medical University2015- Visiting Professor, Department of Surgery, Tokyo Medical University2018- Professor, Division of Pancreatobiliary Surgery, Department of Surgery, Kansai Medical University2019- Visiting Professor, Department of Surgical Oncology, University of Colorado

1. Matsui Y, Uhara J, Satoi S et al. J Hepatol. 2002;37: 78-86.2. Terakawa N, Matsui Y, Satoi S et al. 2008;60:643-651.3. Yanagimoto H, Satoi S, Yamamoto T et al. Nutrition and Cancer. 2016;68:234-240.


Kansai Medical UniversitySohei Satoi M.D., Ph.D.

Page 7: Annual Report 2019...consisted of one keynote lecture, 17 verbal presentations (12 basic studies and 5 clinical studies), and 33 poster presentations (22 basic studies and 11 clinical

Published Papers

AHCC●Modulation of T regulatory and dendritic cell

phenotypes following ingestion of Bifidobacterium longum, AHCC® and azithromycin in healthy individualsDileep N. Lobo (University of Nottingham, UK), et al.Nutrients, 11(10), pii: E2470 (2019)

●Activation of NF-E2 p45-related factor-2 transcription and inhibition of intestinal tumor development by AHCC, a standardized extract of cultured Lentinula edodes myceliaMichihiro Mutoh (National Cancer Center, Japan), et al.Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, Article ID: 19-36 (2019)

●Increased efficacy of oral fixed-dose combination of amphotericin B and AHCC® natural adjuvant against aspergillosisJavier Capilla (Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain), et al.Pharmaceutics, 11(9): 456 (2019)

●Bioactive immunomodulatory compounds: A novel combinatorial strategy for integrated medicine in oncology? BAIC exposure in cancer cellsIvano Hammarberg Ferri (Associazione Ricerca Terapie Oncologiche Integrate, Italy), et al.Integrative Cancer Therapies, 18: 1534735419866908 (2019)

●Active hexose correlated compound has protective effects in ischemia-reperfusion injury of the rat small intestineYosuke Ueyama, Tadayoshi Okumura (Kansai Medical University, Japan), et al.Journal of Surgical Research, 243: 265-273 (2019)

●An open label trial of a standardized extract of cultured Lentinula edodes mycelia (ECLM) in children with refractory epilepsyNatalia V. Mikhailichenko (NEVRON International Medical Center, Russia), et al.Functional Foods in Health and Disease, 9(3): 145-156 (2019)

●Assessment of anti-inflammatory effects of Japanese Kampo medicine versus functional foodsMikio Nishizawa (Ritsumeikan University, Japan), et al.Functional Foods in Health and Disease, 9(2): 79-91 (2019)

●From bench to bedside: Evaluation of AHCC supplementation to modulate the host immunity to clear high-risk human papillomavirus infectionsJudith A. Smith (UTHealth McGovern Medical School, USA), et al.Frontiers in Oncology, 9: 173 (2019)

●Clinical outcomes of active hexose correlated compound (AHCC®) and its effect on chemotherapy related adverse events in patients with unresectable pancreatic cancerAnarkhuu Bold-Erdene (National Cancer Center of Mongolia, Mongolia), et al.Diagnosis, 83(3): 56-60 (2018)

Oligonol● Flavanol-rich lychee fruit extract substantially

reduces progressive cognitive and molecular deficits in a triple-transgenic animal model of Alzheimer diseaseJianjun Liu (Shenzhen Center for Disease Control and Prevention, China), et al.Nutritional Neuroscience, doi: 10.1080/1028415X.2019.1673527 (2019)

● Oligonol alleviates sarcopenia by regulation of signaling pathways involved in protein turnover and mitochondrial qualitySue-Joan Chang (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan), et al.Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 63(10): e1801102 (2019)

● Oligonol, a low molecular weight polyphenol, enhances apoptotic cell death in ovarian cancer cells via suppressing NF-κB activationYong Beom Kim (Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Republic of Korea), et al.Nutrition and Cancer, 71(1): 141-148 (2019)

● Dietary flavanols: A review of select effects on vascular function, blood pressure, and exercise performanceRobert M. Hackman (University of California, Davis, USA), et al.Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 37(7): 553-567 (2018)

●Anti-Candida effectiveness of a candy containing citral, cinnamaldehyde, Oligonol, and capric acid for oral candidiasis (Japanese)Yoichi Nakagawa (Tsurumi University, Japan), Shigeru Abe (Teikyo University, Japan), et al.Oral Therapeutics and Pharmacology, 37(3): 101-107 (2018)

ETAS● A standardized extract of Asparagus officinalis

stem (ETAS®) ameliorates cognitive impairment, inhibits amyloid β deposition via BACE-1 and normalizes circadian rhythm signaling via MT1 and MT2

Yin-Ching Chan (Providence University, Taiwan), Sue-Joan Chang (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan), et al.Nutrients,11:1631 (2019)

● Effects of a standardized extract of Asparagus officinalis stem on photoaging in the epidermal layer of the skin using cultured keratinocytesTomoko Koda, Hideki Imai (Tokyo Healthcare University, Japan), et al.Natural Product Communications, doi: 10.1177/1934578X19857345 (2019)

December, 2018 ‒ November, 2019

Page 8: Annual Report 2019...consisted of one keynote lecture, 17 verbal presentations (12 basic studies and 5 clinical studies), and 33 poster presentations (22 basic studies and 11 clinical

Published Papers

AHCC●Modulation of T regulatory and dendritic cell

phenotypes following ingestion of Bifidobacterium longum, AHCC® and azithromycin in healthy individualsDileep N. Lobo (University of Nottingham, UK), et al.Nutrients, 11(10), pii: E2470 (2019)

●Activation of NF-E2 p45-related factor-2 transcription and inhibition of intestinal tumor development by AHCC, a standardized extract of cultured Lentinula edodes myceliaMichihiro Mutoh (National Cancer Center, Japan), et al.Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, Article ID: 19-36 (2019)

●Increased efficacy of oral fixed-dose combination of amphotericin B and AHCC® natural adjuvant against aspergillosisJavier Capilla (Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain), et al.Pharmaceutics, 11(9): 456 (2019)

●Bioactive immunomodulatory compounds: A novel combinatorial strategy for integrated medicine in oncology? BAIC exposure in cancer cellsIvano Hammarberg Ferri (Associazione Ricerca Terapie Oncologiche Integrate, Italy), et al.Integrative Cancer Therapies, 18: 1534735419866908 (2019)

●Active hexose correlated compound has protective effects in ischemia-reperfusion injury of the rat small intestineYosuke Ueyama, Tadayoshi Okumura (Kansai Medical University, Japan), et al.Journal of Surgical Research, 243: 265-273 (2019)

●An open label trial of a standardized extract of cultured Lentinula edodes mycelia (ECLM) in children with refractory epilepsyNatalia V. Mikhailichenko (NEVRON International Medical Center, Russia), et al.Functional Foods in Health and Disease, 9(3): 145-156 (2019)

●Assessment of anti-inflammatory effects of Japanese Kampo medicine versus functional foodsMikio Nishizawa (Ritsumeikan University, Japan), et al.Functional Foods in Health and Disease, 9(2): 79-91 (2019)

●From bench to bedside: Evaluation of AHCC supplementation to modulate the host immunity to clear high-risk human papillomavirus infectionsJudith A. Smith (UTHealth McGovern Medical School, USA), et al.Frontiers in Oncology, 9: 173 (2019)

●Clinical outcomes of active hexose correlated compound (AHCC®) and its effect on chemotherapy related adverse events in patients with unresectable pancreatic cancerAnarkhuu Bold-Erdene (National Cancer Center of Mongolia, Mongolia), et al.Diagnosis, 83(3): 56-60 (2018)

Oligonol● Flavanol-rich lychee fruit extract substantially

reduces progressive cognitive and molecular deficits in a triple-transgenic animal model of Alzheimer diseaseJianjun Liu (Shenzhen Center for Disease Control and Prevention, China), et al.Nutritional Neuroscience, doi: 10.1080/1028415X.2019.1673527 (2019)

● Oligonol alleviates sarcopenia by regulation of signaling pathways involved in protein turnover and mitochondrial qualitySue-Joan Chang (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan), et al.Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 63(10): e1801102 (2019)

● Oligonol, a low molecular weight polyphenol, enhances apoptotic cell death in ovarian cancer cells via suppressing NF-κB activationYong Beom Kim (Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Republic of Korea), et al.Nutrition and Cancer, 71(1): 141-148 (2019)

● Dietary flavanols: A review of select effects on vascular function, blood pressure, and exercise performanceRobert M. Hackman (University of California, Davis, USA), et al.Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 37(7): 553-567 (2018)

●Anti-Candida effectiveness of a candy containing citral, cinnamaldehyde, Oligonol, and capric acid for oral candidiasis (Japanese)Yoichi Nakagawa (Tsurumi University, Japan), Shigeru Abe (Teikyo University, Japan), et al.Oral Therapeutics and Pharmacology, 37(3): 101-107 (2018)

ETAS● A standardized extract of Asparagus officinalis

stem (ETAS®) ameliorates cognitive impairment, inhibits amyloid β deposition via BACE-1 and normalizes circadian rhythm signaling via MT1 and MT2

Yin-Ching Chan (Providence University, Taiwan), Sue-Joan Chang (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan), et al.Nutrients,11:1631 (2019)

● Effects of a standardized extract of Asparagus officinalis stem on photoaging in the epidermal layer of the skin using cultured keratinocytesTomoko Koda, Hideki Imai (Tokyo Healthcare University, Japan), et al.Natural Product Communications, doi: 10.1177/1934578X19857345 (2019)

Conference Presentations

AHCC● AHCC® intake contributes to cancer patient’ s

quality of life (Japanese)Hajime Tanaka (Kinokuni Clinic for integrative medicine, Japan), et al.The 8th Annual Symposium on Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine (Sep, 2019)

Oligonol● Anti-oxidative effect of Oligonol® on physical

fatigue of athletes (Japanese)Mikio Nishizawa (Ritsumeikan University, Japan), et al.The 14th Annual Meeting of the Biomedical Society for Stress Response (Nov, 2019)

● Elucidation of anti-inflammatory effect of Oligonol®, an oligomerized litchi fruit-derived procyanidins, on colitis mouse model (Japanese)Kyoichi Osada (Meiji University, Japan), et al.The 2019 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology and Agrochemistry (Mar, 2019)

●Effect of polyphenol intake on menstrual distress in young women (Japanese)Masaki Taga (Wayo Women’ s University, Japan), et al.The 16th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Medical Use of Functional Foods (Dec, 2018)

ETAS● ETAS attenuates UV-B irradiation-induced IL-6

expression by suppressing Akt phosphorylation in normal human dermal fibroblasts (Japanese)Ken Shirato, Takako Kizaki (Kyorin University School of Medicine, Japan), et al.

● ETAS prevents ultraviolet-B irradiation-induced reduction in heat shock protein 70 expression in normal human dermal fibroblasts (Japanese)Ken Shirato, Takako Kizaki (Kyorin University School of Medicine, Japan), et al.The 89th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Hygiene (Feb, 2019)

Perilla extract● Constituents in perilla extract inhibit production

of nitric oxide (Japanese)Yukinobu Ikeya (Daiichi University of Pharmacy, Japan), Mikio Nishizawa (Ritsumeikan University, Japan), et al.The 139th Annual Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan (Mar, 2019)

December, 2018 ‒ November, 2019

Page 9: Annual Report 2019...consisted of one keynote lecture, 17 verbal presentations (12 basic studies and 5 clinical studies), and 33 poster presentations (22 basic studies and 11 clinical

Announcements from the Executive Office of ICNIM

【A New Search Function for Presentation Abstracts】*From January 2020, a search function for presentation abstracts from past annual meetings will be available on the member page of our website. Using this function, members can simply enter the year and/or free key words to �ind titles of the presentations of their interest. By clicking the title, they can see its abstract. In addition, if you would like to receive further information of the presentation (e.g., its publication) or obtain contact information of the presenter or the principle investigator (only with his/her consent), please inquire the ICNIM Executive Of�ice.

NOTE: Membership registration on the website is required to use this function.

【The 28th Annual Meeting (ICNIM2020)】The 28th Annual Meeting of the International Congress on Nutrition and Integrative Medicine (ICNIM2020) will be held on Saturday, July 11th and Sunday, July 12th. The title registration and abstract submission must be done on the member page of our website. Please complete your membership registration at your earliest convenience if you are planning to present your research at ICNIM2020.

Membership Registration: https://icnim.org/icnim/admission.php

Editorial Note

We greatly appreciate your continuous contribution and support to ICNIM. Next year, the race walking and marathon events of Tokyo 2020 Olympic will be held in Sapporo. We hope this worldwide growing interests toward sports can lead to active investigation and research for roles of functional foods in the �ield of sports. If you have any opinions, requests, or suggestions regarding the activities of ICNIM, please send them to us. We wish everyone’ s health and happiness for the New Year. (ICNIM Executive Of�ice)

363-32 Shin-ei, Kiyota, Sapporo 004-0839 Japan Tel. +81-11-889-2299 Fax. +81-11-889-2375E-mail : [email protected] http://icnim.jpn.org/en