Anticyclones Anticyclones


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Remember anticyclones form as a result of air pil ing up aloft.

This encourages air to subside / sink down.

As the air sinks, it warms, this increases the amount of water the air can hold, and thus keeps the sky relatively cloud free.

Leading edge


Anticyclones, HighsAnticyclones, Highs Anticyclones over the British Isles occur Anticyclones over the British Isles occur

frequently, but are frequently, but are less commonless common than than depressions. depressions.

Anticyclones give rise to Anticyclones give rise to differentdifferent weather weather conditions, depending upon the time of year.conditions, depending upon the time of year.

Anticyclones move slowly and are stable Anticyclones move slowly and are stable features.features.

They can be 3000km wide – much bigger than They can be 3000km wide – much bigger than depressionsdepressions

High pressure systems tend to be longer lasting High pressure systems tend to be longer lasting than depressions, once ‘than depressions, once ‘blockedblocked’ they can last ’ they can last up 10 days. up 10 days. They deflect depressions away from They deflect depressions away from UK & Western Europe.UK & Western Europe.


Anticyclones are characterised by:Anticyclones are characterised by: High pressure readings in the middle.High pressure readings in the middle. Far apart isobars = calm wind.Far apart isobars = calm wind. The air subsides (sinks). It warms adiabatically The air subsides (sinks). It warms adiabatically

which leads to a decrease in relative humidity = lack which leads to a decrease in relative humidity = lack of cloud & dry conditions.of cloud & dry conditions.

Air moving away from the centre of the high.Air moving away from the centre of the high. Air spins clockwise around from the high.Air spins clockwise around from the high. They normally travel to the British Isles from They normally travel to the British Isles from

mainland Europe.mainland Europe. High pressure systems form commonly over the High pressure systems form commonly over the

Azores – ‘Azores High’.Azores – ‘Azores High’.


Anticyclones give rise to different Anticyclones give rise to different conditions, depending on the time of conditions, depending on the time of

year.year.WinterWinter Cold day time temps, Cold day time temps,

from below 0from below 0ooc to 5c to 5oocc Very cold night time Very cold night time

temps – frosts below temps – frosts below 00ooc c

Thick morning fogs are Thick morning fogs are often presentoften present

SummerSummer Hot day time temp, Hot day time temp,

over 25over 25ooc c Warm night time tempsWarm night time temps May not fall below 15May not fall below 15oocc Generally clear skies Generally clear skies

by day & nightby day & night


WinterWinter Low level cloud may Low level cloud may

linger and radiation linger and radiation fog may remain in low fog may remain in low lying areaslying areas

Causes high levels of Causes high levels of air pollution in urban air pollution in urban areas as pollutants areas as pollutants are trapped by are trapped by temperature inversiontemperature inversion

SummerSummer Hazy sunshine in some Hazy sunshine in some

areasareas Early morning mists Early morning mists

which disperse quicklywhich disperse quickly Heavy dew in the Heavy dew in the

morningsmornings East coast has sea frets East coast has sea frets

or haars (onshore winds)or haars (onshore winds) Thunder storms can Thunder storms can

occur when RH is high occur when RH is high (Spanish Plume)(Spanish Plume)

Anticyclones give rise to different condit ions, Anticyclones give rise to different condit ions, depending on the time of year.depending on the time of year.