Running head: TYPE  ABBREVI AT ED TITLE HERE 1 Title of the Paper in Full Goe Here !tudent "a#e Here Date Aign#ent !tra$er %ni&erit$

APA Template With Advice 6th Ed

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Title of the Paper in Full Goe Here

!tudent "a#e Here



!tra$er %ni&erit$

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Thi i the a'tra(t) *hi(h i t$ped in 'lo(+ for#at *ith no indentation, The a'tra(t 'riefl$

u##ari-e $our paper in 1./0// *ord, Through $our a'tra(t) $our reader hould 'e a'le to

full$ undertand the (ontent and the i#pli(ation of the paper, Alo) note that $ou (annot *rite

thi e(tion until the paper i (o#pleted, RE23VE THI! !E4TI3" %"LE!! Y3% ARE


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Title of the Paper 

Do not add an$ e7tra pa(e 'et*een the heading and the te7t 8$ou #a$ *ant to (he(+

Spacing  under Format ) Paragraph in $our *ord pro(eor) and #a+e ure that it i et to 9/;,

Intead) <ut dou'le pa(e a uual) indent a full = in(h 8ue the ta' +e$;) and tart t$ping, The

introdu(tion hould re(ei&e no pe(ifi( heading 'e(aue reader au#e that the firt e(tion

fun(tion a $our paper> introdu(tion, If $ou ue heading) follo* the intru(tion 'elo*, "3TE


Level 1 Heading

Thi te7t *ill 'e the 'eginning of the 'od$ of the ea$, E&en though thi e(tion ha a

ne* heading) #a+e ure to (onne(t thi e(tion to the pre&iou one o reader (an follo* along

*ith the idea and reear(h preented, The firt enten(e in ea(h paragraph hould tranition fro#

the pre&iou paragraph and u##ari-e the #ain point in the paragraph, 2a+e ure ea(h

 paragraph (ontain onl$ one topi() and *hen $ou ee $ourelf drifting to another idea) #a+e ure

$ou 'rea+ into a ne* paragraph, Alo) a&oid long paragraph 8#ore than three0fourth of a page;

to help hold reader> attention?#an$ horter paragraph are 'etter than a fe* long one, In

hort) thin+: ne* idea) ne* paragraph,

Another Level 1 Heading

Here i another Le&el 1 heading, Again) the topi( enten(e of thi e(tion hould e7plain

ho* thi paragraph i related or a reult of *hat $ou di(ued in the pre&iou e(tion, 4onider

uing tranition 'et*een enten(e to help reader ee the (onne(tion 'et*een idea, Belo* are

a fe* e7a#ple of ho* to tranition fro# one tate#ent to another:


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1, 2an$ #ui( tea(her at 3lon unior High are (on(erned a'out loing their <o' 8,

Tho#pon) peronal (o##uni(ation) ul$ @) //;) largel$ due to the tate> re(ent

finan(ial (ut'a(+ of fine art progra# 8Penn$l&ania Edu(ational !$te#) //;,

, 3'eit$ affe(t a #u(h a 1C of the total population of (hildren) an in(reae *hi(h

#a$ lead to other (hroni( health pro'le# 8ohnon Ha##er) //@ 4hritianon)


Level 2 Heading

The Le&el heading deignate a u'e(tion of the pre&iou e(tion, %ing heading i a

great *a$ to organi-e a paper and in(reae it reada'ilit$) o 'e ure to re&ie* heading rule on

APA @,/ and @,/@ in order to for#at the# (orre(tl$, For horter paper) uing one or t*o le&el

i all that i needed, You *ould ue Le&el 1 8(entered) 'old font *ith 'oth upper(ae and

lo*er(ae; and Le&el 8left aligned) 'old) 'oth upper(ae and lo*er(ae;, Thi te#plate

 pro&ide e7a#ple of APA> four heading le&el) 'ut re#e#'er that at leat t*o heading on the

a#e le&el are needed 'efore the ne7t heading le&el, For e7a#ple) a paper #ut ha&e at leat t*o

le&el @ heading 'efore a le&el heading,

Level 3 heading.  "ote that $ou hould *rite Le&el @ and heading in enten(e (ae)

#eaning that onl$ the firt *ord and an$ proper noun are (apitali-ed, The nu#'er of heading

needed in a parti(ular paper i not et) 'ut longer paper #a$ 'enefit fro# another heading le&el)

u(h a thi Le&el @ heading 8*hi(h i an indented) 'old) lo*er(ae paragraph heading;,

 Level 4 heading. 3ne (ru(ial area in APA i learning ho* to (ite in a(ade#i( *or+, 2a+e

ure to (ite our(e infor#ation throughout $our paper to a&oid plagiari#, Thi pra(ti(e i

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(riti(al: $ou need to gi&e (redit to $our our(e and a&oid (op$ing other> *or+ at all (ot,

Loo+ at APA tarting at ,/1 for guideline on (iting our(e infor#ation in $our te7t,

 Level 4 heading. You *ill *ant to in(lude at leat t*o of ea(h +ind of heading in $our

 paper) hen(e thi additional paragraph #odeling effe(ti&e heading uage, !ee 'elo* for further

tip on uing heading effe(ti&el$,

Level 3 heading. Again) if $ou (hooe to ue Le&el @ or heading) at leat t*o of ea(h

heading le&el hould appear in the paper, 3ther*ie) if onl$ one heading appear) $our reader

#a$ uetion the need for a heading at all, If $ou find $ourelf uetioning *hether or ho* to

ue heading) (onider (onulting $our intru(tor or (o##ittee (hair for hi or her input,

Level 1 Heading

APA (an ee# diffi(ult to #ater) 'ut follo*ing the general rule 'e(o#e eaier *ith

ue, The 6riting 4enter alo offer nu#erou reour(e on it *e'ite and '$ e#ail to help,

And o forth until the (on(luion,,

Level 1 Heading

The (on(luion e(tion hould re(ap the #a<or point of $our paper, Ho*e&er) perhap

#ore i#portantl$) the (on(luion hould alo interpret *hat $ou ha&e *ritten and *hat it #ean

in the 'igger pi(ture, To help *rite $our (on(luding re#ar+) (onider a+ing $ourelf thee

uetion: 6hat do $ou *ant to happen *ith the infor#ation $ou ha&e pro&idedJ 6hat do $ou

*ant to (hangeJ 6hat i $our ulti#ate goal in uing thi infor#ationJ 6hat *ould it #ean if the

uggetion in $our paper *ere ta+en and uedJ


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8Pleae note that the follo*ing referen(e are intended a EKA2PLE! 3"LY, Re#o&e and

inert $our referen(e;

2iller) B, !#ith) T, , 8//C;, Cultural Anthropology, 8!tra$er %ni&erit$ ed,;, Boton) 2A:

All$n Ba(on,

!#ith) B, , 8//;, 4hild la'or and #a<or dre 'rand, Georgia Journal of Management, 128@;)

0C, Retrie&ed fro# A(ade#i( !ear(h 4o#plete data'ae,

!ood) A, , 8//M;, A((ounting for #all 'uinee, Contemporary Accounting Research, 26 8@;)

.0/1, doi: 1/,11<N@.<p/M.0@@/M,/.M