Apache m aven Introduction to. Juven Xu twitter.com/juvenxu

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So, What Is Maven?

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Apache m aven Introduction to Juven Xutwitter.com/juvenxu So, What Is Maven? BIR 2 D B uild I nformation Aggregation R ule R epository D ependency Management We all build software But Not all in the same way People all use water But Not all in the same way pre-cleanclean post-clean process- resources compile test packageinstalldeploy pre-sitesite post-site site-deploy The Maven Way I dont like the feeling of being empty Hey buddy, you are not alone, here we come same information same place - pom.xml - src/main/java - src/main/resources - src/test/java - src/test/resources - No Rule, No Game Convention Over Configuration Super POM Foo-Parent Foo-Module-AFoo-Module-B Bar-Parent Bar-Module-A Local Remote Central ~/.m2/repositoryRemote Whats missing? No Repository Manager ? I bet you know this But Im talking Nexus, no one time bandwidth money Where Am I? a:3.1.1 my-app:1.0-SNAPSHOT c:1.1 d:1.0 b:2.0 d:0.9 BIR 2 D SNAPSHOT a timestamped version POM is just a carrier of BIR 2 D m aven report build deploy poll commit Continuous Integration coming soon Q&A