April 2012 CAPITAL HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Principal: Vice Principals: Clinton H. Giles Our job is to improve, not just maintain.” R Tommy Canterbury Wendy D Bailey Susan M Young Angela S Cruikshank STUDENT SIGN-OUT, SIGN-IN, RETURN TO CLASS (From pages #12 and #13 of the 2011 – 2012 Capital High School Student Handbook) The following procedures cover signing out, signing in after an absence or when tardy, and returning to class after an absence: Signing-Out 1. The student should have his/her agenda book. 2. The student must bring a note signed by the parent or guardian to the Attendance Office one day in advance of the sign-out date. 3. The parent or guardian must call the Attendance Office one day in advance of the sign-out date. 4. All medical or legal appointments must be verified in writing on an appointment card or official stationery, by a physician, dentist, law enforcement official, legal agent, or a representative of the office/firm visited. NOTE ADDED: Absent compliance with items #2 and #3 above a parent/guardian must be present in order for a student to be signed out of school. NOTE: There should never be an occasion wherein a student leaves the campus before the scheduled end of his/her school day without signing out through the Attendance Office. Students who do so will be considered as having skipped and will be dealt with accordingly. They will be credited with an unexcused absence for the day as well.

April Newsletter 2012

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Page 1: April Newsletter 2012

April 2012



Principal: Vice Principals: Clinton H. Giles Our job is to improve, not just maintain.” R Tommy Canterbury

Wendy D Bailey

Susan M Young

Angela S Cruikshank


(From pages #12 and #13 of the 2011 – 2012 Capital High School Student Handbook)

The following procedures cover signing out, signing in after an absence or when

tardy, and returning to class after an absence:


1. The student should have his/her agenda book.

2. The student must bring a note signed by the parent or guardian to the

Attendance Office one day in advance of the sign-out date.

3. The parent or guardian must call the Attendance Office one day in

advance of the sign-out date.

4. All medical or legal appointments must be verified in writing on an

appointment card or official stationery, by a physician, dentist, law

enforcement official, legal agent, or a representative of the office/firm


NOTE ADDED: Absent compliance with items #2 and #3 above a

parent/guardian must be present in order for a student to be signed out of


NOTE: There should never be an occasion wherein a student leaves the

campus before the scheduled end of his/her school day without signing out

through the Attendance Office. Students who do so will be considered as

having skipped and will be dealt with accordingly. They will be credited

with an unexcused absence for the day as well.

Page 2: April Newsletter 2012

Signing In Following an Absence or Tardy

The student arriving late to school and/or returning to school after three (3) or

more consecutive day’s absence:

1. Must appear at the Attendance Office window and have his/her admit processed

before being allowed to return to class.

2. Shall not be permitted to sign in tardy or late for school, for reasons other than

those authorized under the State Department of Education guidelines covering

excused and unexcused absences.

Student Dancing/Behavior Contract

DATE: _______________________

This contract between ______________________________________ the administration,

(Print Last Name First Here)

faculty, staff and remaining student body of Capital High School is designed to ensure

that I have a pleasant, memorable, and enjoyable experience at the Capital High School


Statement of Student Responsibility

I agree to conduct myself according to the following behavioral guidelines at all times

during the occasion:

1. I will follow all Capital High policies, Kanawha County School rules and state


2. I understand that if I am suspected of being under the influence of

intoxicating beverages I will be required to submit to a portable

‘Breathalyzer’ test conducted by our Prevention Resource Officer

and/or other City of Charleston, Kanawha County Sheriff’s

Department, and West Virginia State Police Personnel who may be on

duty in accordance with Project GPA sponsored by the Kanawha County

Sheriffs’ Department and the Kanawha County Commission.

3. I understand fully that “grinding”, “bumping”, “humping”,

“hunching”, “goosing”, or sexually explicit dancing such as

“freaking” or “dirty dancing” are all prohibited.

Any variation of dancing that approximates the following is

expressly prohibited:

Anyone (male or female) bent over at the waist with the pelvis of

another individual (male or female) pressed against their buttocks

while holding (or not holding onto) the bent-over student’s waist or

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hips is prohibited at all times at functions at Capital High School

where dancing is permitted, including the annual Prom.

A demonstration of this behavior or any other serious infraction of Capital High School

policies, Kanawha County School rules and state laws will result in my being suspended

from the Capital High School Prom.

Should I be suspended from the Capital High School Prom, the administration will insist

that I and my dance partner leave Capital High School/Kanawha County Schools

property immediately and my parents will be notified as soon as practically possible.



Student’s Signature Parent/Guardian’s Signature



Phone Number


An important condition added to our prom contract was established several years ago.

This condition targets students who demonstrate behavior and conduct that leads us to

believe they may be under the influence of intoxicating beverages requiring that they

submit to a Breathalyzer test.

A portable Breathalyzer unit will be maintained on the

scene of this year‘s prom and will be manned by our Prevention Resource Officer, SGT.

Kevin Smailes. Also, other members of the Charleston Police Department, The Kanawha

County Sheriff’s Department, and the West Virginia State Police will be on hand during

the evening.

Additional City of Charleston police officers will be provided by the Kanawha County

Sheriff‘s Department and the Kanawha County Commission as part of Operation

Graduation Prom Alive (GPA). Project GPA is a joint venture, conceived by Sheriff

Mike Rutherford, coordinating the efforts of several area law enforcement agencies as

well as municipality’s emergency services first responders.

Help Needed!

Valet Parking for the Prom

Saturday, April 28, 2012 at 7:30 PM valet parking for our annual prom begins. Each year

we hold the Capital High School Prom in our own Commons! The prom begins at 8:00

sharp. We feel that we have as beautiful a facility for this event as any in our area.

Having our prom here on our campus affords us the opportunity to provide our students

with a memory they can cherish for a life time. One thing that we have done to make this

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event special is to provide valet parking to those arriving by vehicle to attend the Capital

High School Prom. Members of the faculty and staff have been the individuals who have

done the bulk of this fun, rewarding, and sometimes challenging, work on prom evening.

However, this year we are asking that anyone - with a valid driver‘s license - who is

willing to lend their driving and parking skills to help us give our students a wonderful

evening on campus at the Capital High School Prom. If you wish to help, you may

contact the prom sponsor, Mrs. Laura Woolwine, or any administrator at the school, at


Lift Every Voice and Sing

Beginning on Friday, April 8, 2011, as an addition to our morning devotional we also

play - following the national anthem and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag - James

Weldon Johnson's ‘Lift Every Voice and Sing.’

Mr. Johnson first wrote this as a poem commemorating the birthday of President

Abraham Lincoln. However, it has become so much more than a simple birthday

recognition! As it has been pointed out to students this song (although it is referred to by

many as the Negro National Anthem) portrays no particular racial or ethnic identity.

And, during the reflections that were offered on the song during our Black History Month

Observation last year, it should have become even more apparent to all that this song is

about the triumphs of the American people as a whole over slavery, discrimination,

injustice, racism, and bigotry, more so than any other message conveyed through song.

This song speaks to, about, and for all people who have ever experienced any of the

indignities mentioned previously at any time in their lives, anywhere. Therefore, it

becomes incumbent upon us all, to be reminded of, and to make a concerted effort

to work against those forces that would attempt to perpetuate any form of slavery,

discrimination, injustice, racism, and bigotry anywhere in the world - not just here

in the United States of America. Make no mistake about it, eternal vigilance is the

price of peace! Through the playing of the song it is hoped that it will serve as a

reminder to all of us to be on guard against allowing slavery, discrimination, injustice,

racism, and bigotry to ever again plague this great nation of ours or any other part of the

world. The following are the lyrics to the three verses of this beautiful song. The first

four lines of the song speak volumes and invites everyone to celebrate the liberty

Americans enjoy!


Lift every voice and sing, till earth and heaven ring,

Ring with the harmonies of liberty;

Let our rejoicing rise, high as the list‘ning skies,

Let it resound loud as the rolling sea.

Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us,

Sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us;

Facing the rising sun of our new day begun,

Let us march on till victory is won.

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Stony the road we trod, bitter the chast‘ning rod,

Felt in the days when hope unborn had died;

Yet with a steady beat, have not our weary feet,

Come to the place for which our fathers sighed?

We have come over a way that with tears has been watered.

We have come, treading our path thro‘ the blood of the slaughtered,

Out from a gloomy past, till now we stand at last,

Where the white gleam of our bright star is cast.

God of our weary years,

God of our silent tears,

Thou who has brought us thus far on the way;

Thou who hast by thy might, led us into the light,

Keep us forever in the path, we pray.

Lest our feet stray from the places Our God where we met Thee,

Lest our hearts drunk with the wine of the world we forget Thee;

Shadowed beneath Thy hand may we forever stand,

True to our God,

True to our native land.

~James Weldon Johnson, John Rosamond Johnson ~

Graduation/Commencement Participation Requirements have


22.01Graduation Requirements. Students are required to earn twenty five (25) credits

in order to graduate. Specific graduation requirements for students in Kanawha

County Schools are outlined in the Senior Course Description Handbook that is

published annually for students and parents. All graduation requirements will be in

accordance with West Virginia Board of Education Policy 2510.

In the past it has been Kanawha County Schools policy to permit students who were

within one credit or less of meeting graduation requirements to participate in the annual

graduation/commencement activities hosted by the school.

Beginning with the 2009 - 2010 school year, participation in the annual

graduation/commencement activities will include only those students who have

accumulated the 25 credits in the requisite areas specified by the Kanawha County

Board of Education.

All students are encouraged to ensure that they meet graduation requirements as soon as

possible through meeting with their respective counselors. We do not wish to find

ourselves in the unenviable position of having to tell a student and their parent or

guardian that they will not be permitted to participate in the annual

graduation/commencement activities of Capital High School, after all appropriate

preparations and arrangements had been made by the student.

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Counselor Corner for May

Senior Schedule:

May 7 Finals – Periods 3 and 5

May 10 Finals – Periods 2, 4 and 6

May 11 Finals – Periods 1, 7 and 8

May 13 Baccalaureate

All seniors are required to attend this ceremony.

Capital High School at 1:00 p.m.

Be here at 12:30 p.m.

Wear graduation gown (Caps not required)

May 18 Senior’s Last Day

Senior Reception will be held in the Commons Area at 8:30 a.m.

Senior Assembly at 9:15 a.m. in the theater.

May 21 Graduation Practice at the Civic Center

9:00 – 11:00 a.m.

Be there on time! Dress appropriately.

May 21 Graduation – 7:30 p.m. at Charleston Civic Center

Be there at 6:45 p.m.

ATTENTION GIRLS: Wear dress shorter than gown and wear

dress shoes.

ATTENTION BOYS: Wear white shirt with dark necktie,

dress slacks, and dress shoes.


ATTENTION PARENTS/GUESTS: The Charleston Civic Center Security will not

allow any packages or gifts to be brought into the Arena during the Commencement


Seniors planning college must request a final transcript.

All outstanding obligations (textbooks, library books, debts, etc.) must be cleared by

Wednesday, May 16th

before a diploma or transcript will be issued.

Students have been counseled for four years on requirements for graduation. All

requirements must be met in order to graduate.

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Testing information:


, 10th

and 11th

graders will take the WESTEST 2 on May 14th

, 15th

, and 16th


Attendance is mandatory on test days.

Students should have brought a brochure home for their parents to read regarding the


May 18 Finals Periods 1 and 6

May 22 Finals Periods 2 and 5

May 23 Finals Periods 3 and 4

May 24 Finals Periods 7 and 8

“ Never make a permanent decision on temporary feelings”

International Luncheon

The twenty-third annual international luncheon was a great success again this year.

Parents and students exceeded all expectations by preparing a variety of delicious recipes.

Naturally there were dishes from all the Hispanic countries and France, but this year the

exchange students prepared dishes from their home countries as well. There were dishes

from Lebanon, India, Korea, and Bosnia. Many of the teachers and administrators ate

lunch with the students and commented on the variety and preparation of the food.

Most everyone followed the guidelines by bringing only disposable containers, so the

cleanup went very fast. Those containers helped us send six boxes of food to the

homeless shelter; thus, many were well fed that day. The international luncheon requires

the help of many: Students, parents, administrators, teachers, and custodians, and all are

very much appreciated.

S.C.O.R.E.S Academic Competition at Marshall University

Congratulations to Ciara Moore, she won one of the six Outstanding Student Awards.

This award entitles Ciara to a $1,000 scholarship to Marshall University or $500 toward

books if she is a Promise Scholar. Ciara’s 600 word essay won first place in the College

Honors Exam and her creative writing essay won third place. Ciara is the first student

from Capital High to win this distinguished honor at a S.C.O.R.E.S competition.

Other winners:

Scott Adams Human Geography 3rd


Spanish 4 2nd


Izabel Dorst Art portfolio 2nd


Madison Chase Dramatic Interpretation of Literature 1st place

Madison Fields Photo Journalism 3rd


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Kelton George Music Brass 2nd


Nate Goodwin Spanish 2 1st place

Katie Hicks Spanish 1 2nd


Sarah Hopkins Art Portfolio 3rd


Colleen Isaiah Acting Comic Monologue 3rd


Vishnu Kasireddy C++ and Java Programming 3rd


& Sarah Clifford

Vishnu Kasireddy Math 1 1stplace

Morgan King Original Oratory 3rd


Keefer Kirk Music Strings 3rd


Dayja Legg Music Voice 3rd


Nayde Menking-Hoggatt Creative Writing Poetry 2nd


Spanish 3 3rd

. place

Acting Dramatic Monologue 2nd


Ciara Moore Honors College Exam 1st place

Creative Writing Essay 3rd


Pete Nichols Music Percussion 3rd


Ethan Reed Math 1 3rd


Shayan Shafii Financial Marketing 2nd


Nathan Shin Music Strings 2nd


Courtney Thomas Dance Solo 2nd


J. C. White Music Percussion 1stplace

Nick Eplin

Martin Haydn

Joe Michael Television -Newscast 3rd


Will Tappe Television - Entertainment TV Show 2nd


Jessica Title

C J Harvey

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Coed dance group: Dance Group 3rd


Courtney Thomas,

Johnathon McMillion

Jessie Pauline

Dayja Legg

Morgan McNabb

Capital High students competed for a trophy with 13 schools in the large school division,

and were awarded the second place trophy. Individual students competed for medals with

superior students from 45 schools throughout West Virginia, Kentucky and Ohio.

We owe a big thank you to the 81 students who spent their first day of spring break

getting on a school bus at 7:00 am to take tests. Some of them won but all of them

competed honorably.

The competition is a school-wide effort with many teachers helping with registering

students before the day of the competition. I appreciate all the help that Mrs. McClure,

Mr. Cox and Mrs. Sears gave me on the day of the competition. Noelia Lerma, the Amity

Scholar, and Niki Sangani, my student helper, were also invaluable in organizing the

registration of competitors before the day of the competition.

It was a fun day, and we will try again next year for first place against Greenbrier East

who won a trophy for bringing the most student competitors.

Kanawha Charleston Health Department

Kanawha Charleston Health Department had an immunization clinic at Capital High on

Tuesday April 17, 2012. Consent form packets were sent home on Tuesday April 10,

2012. Please note that these immunizations are mandatory for entry into the 12th


We must have the student’s immunization records and insurance information before any

immunizations will be given. Students entering the 12th

grade must show proof of having

the TDap and Meningoccal immunizations prior to the first day of school for the 2012-

2013 school year.



NEW IMMUNIZATION REQUIREMENTS! Before students may enter the 12

th grade in the 2012-2013 school year, they must

show proof that they have had the Tdap vaccine booster, after the age of 11, and at

least one dose of the meningococcal vaccine, after their 16th

birthday. This is a new

rule that will go into effect with the beginning of the school year. It was created to

make sure students are protected from some pretty serious contagious diseases.

The Tdap shot is only one shot but protects against three diseases, tetanus,

diphtheria and pertussis. Students had these shots prior to entering Kindergarten,

but now must show proof that they have had the booster shot, since protection has

been shown to weaken as children get older. Pertussis is a very contagious disease

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and can last for 10 weeks or more. If pertussis is passed to infants or very young

children it may be life threatening.

Bacterial meningococcal vaccine protects adolescents from the deadly bacterial

meningitis. Even with treatment, people who get bacterial meningitis die in about

10% of the cases, and those who survive have long term complications such as

deafness, brain damage or amputated limbs about 20% of the time. Most colleges

now require the meningococcal vaccine before students are allowed to enroll.

If your child is going to begin the 12th

grade this August, please make an

appointment now with his or her primary health care provider for an adolescent

physical and the required immunizations. It is also a good idea to talk with your

provider about the HPV vaccine to prevent genital warts and cervical cancer. The

HPV vaccine is not required but is recommended. BE SURE TO ASK FOR


TDAP AND THE MENINGOCOCCAL VACCINES. You may bring that proof to

the school any time prior to the last day of school this year or before or on the first

day of school in August.

If you have any questions please call Kanawha Charleston Health Department at

304-348-8080 or Kanawha County Schools Health Services at 304-348-6494.

National Honor Society News

The National Honor Society has been busy collecting donations for their Chapter

Community Service Project: The Rea of Hope Fellowship House in Charleston.

On March 29, 2012, Thirty-Nine new members were inducted into the Capital High

School Chapter of the National Honor Society. Congratulations to:

Jennifer Acord Paige Lucas

Nathan Altman Amanda Maynus

Razhane Andrews Victoria McGinnis

Zachary Bonham Nadye Menking-Hoggatt

Kinsey Brown Corey Messer

Megan Bsharah Olivia Myers

Mallory Burka Justin Palmer

Austin Coleman Cheyenne Patten

Jessica Cullop Kandice Phifer

MacKensie Darnold Corrie Shaffer

Hannah Faegre Shayan Shafii

Emily Ford Marshall Sharp

Troy Hawkins Nathan Shin

Tahje’ Houston Jonathan Stricklen

Alexander James Adrian Surbaugh

Emily Jessee Morgan Vance

Abigail Jones Crestyn White

Isaac Jones Alysa Williams

Morgan King Joseph Wright

Daquan Yarbough

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West Virginia Thespian Conference 2012

At this year’s festival Capital competed against over 500 students from 26 high

schools around the state.

Our competition play “All I Really Need To Know I Learned by Being in a Bad

Play” was awarded “Outstanding Play” and was selected as 1 of 5 Outstanding


Capital was selected as the “alternate” to attend the National Thespian Conference

in Lincoln, Nebraska this June. If the selected school cannot attend Capital will

represent WV at the National Competition.

All State Cast: These students are selected by the panel of play judges as the best

performers in the state. This cast is a very honorable distinction. Three students won an individual spot in the All State Cast:

Colleen Isaiah, Daniel Caldwell, Cici White

Also, The Ensemble from “All I Really Need To Know I Learned by Being in a Bad

Play” was awarded a spot in the All State Cast: Daniel Caldwell, Cici White, Wesley Radcliffe, Hayven Crockett, Amanda Maynus,

Nadye Menking-Hoggatt, Sam Stockton, Peyton Panger, Charlee Young, Madisyn

Sizemore, Angel Moore, Colleen Isaiah Andrea Harvey, Anna Dudley, Brittany Awaldt,

Aishina Shaffer.


Place Outstanding Technical Theater School

1stPlace Costume Renderings: Sarah Hopkins

1stPlace Make Up-Fantasy:Victoria Cohen

1stPlace Make Up-Special Effects: Michael Davis

1stPlace Mask-Advanced:Nathan Bailey


Place Mask-Advanced:David Martin


Place Publicity-Novice:Dugan Slappe

1stPlace Puppets-Hand:Erin Manahan


Place Puppets-Hand:Abbey Ferrari

1stPlace Set Design-Novice:Hayle Akers


Place Set Design-Novice:Jairis Carter

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From the Studio After a great Spring Break cruising and performing in the Caribbean, it is back to

work. Students are studying Modern dance and its relationship to choreography in dance

class. This is a fun way for students to be creative and innovative within a safe


Several students traveled to Huntington on March 31st for the Annual SCORES

competition before leaving on April 1st for our Spring Break. Courtney Thomas won

Second Place in Dance Solo and his choreography placed third in the group category.

Courtney’s work was also selected to be featured in the Arts Alive: Best of WV showcase

on April 20th

at 7PM at the Clay Center. Admission is free and tickets can be acquired

by calling the Clay Center ticket office.

April 27-29 is the WV Dance Festival, we perform on Friday April 27th

at 7:30

PM at the Cultural Center Norman Fagan Theater and May brings on our Musical “42nd

Street.” If you are looking for a great time with lots of singing, dancing and particularly

TAPPING you don’t want to miss this one.

If you would like to help the dancers raise money, we have Kroger cards, PaPa

John’s coupons and Save Around books currently on sale. Please contact Ms. Legg if

you would like one of the books, coupons or cards. Below you will find some bullets

regarding things we have upcoming. Please feel free to email or call Ms. Legg for more

information on ANY of these events or to book us for a performance.

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 304-348-6500 ext. 159

April 20th

Arts Alive

April 27-29th

WV Dance Festival

May 2nd



May 9th

Dance Company Auditions

May 15th


May 23rd

and 24th

dance workshops

SCORCH Orchestra News

Colleen Tan, director/founder

Orchestra students have been working diligently to prepare repertoire for the Spring

Conert season. Here are a few accolades and upcoming events:

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Congratulations to the following students who auditioned and performed for the 2012

WV All State Orchestra: Viviana Nguyen, Jay Ta, Olivia Boughton, Kiefer Kirk, Parker

Boughton. Kiefer Kirk was selcted as Principal Viola. They performed beautifully at the

WVMEA Concert at WVU in March.

Congratulations to the following students who performed at the 2012 WVU Honors


Jay Ta, Nathan Shin, Viviana Nguyen, Julie Nguyen, Katelynn Brown, Vishnu

Kassireddy, Olivia Boughton, Molly Blackwood, Parker Boughton, Ryan Burgess,

Michael Swagger. Olivia Boughton was selected as Principal Viola. They presented a

magnificent concert at WVU in February.

Congratulations to Nathan Shin and Kiefer Kirk for placing second and third place

respectively in Strings at S.C.O.R.E.S. this spring.

SCORCH will be performing at a music festival in Williamsburg, VA on April 20. Wish

them luck as they represent our school!

They will present a Spring Concert at Capital High School on May 10 at 7 pm. They will

also perform at the Strawberry Festival on May 18 during the school day.

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Ninth Grade Career Day

Mr. Mathew Tyree, pictured above, was only one of the many professionals who

made time in their schedules to join the CSU ninth graders on Wednesday, March 28, for

the annual Career Day. Mr. Tyree was instrumental in securing several members of

Generation Charleston to share their career pathways with our students. Generation

Charleston is the emerging leader committee of the Charleston Area Alliance. Its mission

is to engage and empower the Capital City's young talent to create a more vibrant and

prosperous economy through community involvement, professional development and

social networking.

The day began with a keynote address by Mr. Timothy Meadows, who had an

excellent presentation to the entire ninth grade class concerning being prepared to meet

the demands of the future global economy as well as the importance of doing what you

love. Joining Mr. Meadows on stage with a special greeting from Vision 2030 was Mr.

Brian Young with BBT. Vision 2030 was an inspiration of Generation Charleston that is

an initiative to prepare future workers in the Kanawha Valley. Our third speaker in the

opening assembly was Mr. Robert Stigall from the West Virginia State Department. Mr.

Stigall suggested the many possibilities for employment in the state government for both

professional and non-degree positions.

The Capital High School administration and the CSU faculty wish to

acknowledge the following that gave of their time and expertise to share with students

about their chosen profession: Derek Raynes-Physical Therapy; Atish Baidya-TV

Broadcasting; Brent Hawley-Civil Engineer; S.Sgt. Eddie Coots and S.Sgt. Kenny

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Gibson-Military; Patrick Crane-Research Analyst; Jeb Corey-Small Business; LaDawn

Davis-Cosmetology; Rachel Evans and Heather Crawford-Nursing; Robert Stigall and

Deborah Wyner-State Dept; Adam Marco-WV Power; Jeff Pratt-Computer IT; Brian

Young-Banking; Alisha Samples-Firefighter; Mathew Tyree-Lawyer; Brent Hall-

Paralegal; Lukasz Obrzut-Pro-Athlete; Abbey Duplaga-Accounting; Daniel Young-

Accounting; Timothy Meadows-Energy/Communication; Megan Tarbett-Media

Specialist; John Slicer-Entertainer; Naomi Bays-Arts Council; John Calvert-Vision 2030;

Herbert Insoe and Rebecca Cornelius from Charleston School of Beauty Culture.

CSU Students of the Month The ninth grade teachers are pleased to recognize the following Students of the

Month for March. These students have demonstrated excellence in academics and

citizenship in their specific academic courses.

English 9: Mrs. Miller—Molly Blackwood and Zoe Casto

Mrs. Swayne—Timothy Boggs

Mrs. Garrison—Natalie Titensor

Algebra I: Miss Choi—Chris Smith

Algebra IB: Ms. Turner—Emily Calvert

Honors Geometry: Ms. Kline-- Layne Blasingim

Mrs. Price—Jamie Ransbottom

Physical Science: Mrs. Hoskins—Raymond Kryzak

Mr. Greene—Esha Pell

World History: Mr. Swayne—Julia Cowley

Mrs. Snyder—Zachary Moiore

Theatre: Mr. Corbett (WV Thespian Conference Awards)

1st Place Novice Set Design—Jairis Carter

1st Place Puppets—Hand—Erin Manahan


Place Puppets—Hand—Abbey Ferrari


Place Publicity Novice—Dugan Slappe

Cast of Winning Play—CiCi White, Sam Stockton, Peyton


Orchestra: Mrs. Tan—Molly Blackwood

Student Council News

Student council will wrap up the 2012 school year the same way we began: Busy,

busy, busy! Elections for the 2012-2013 school year will be held Thursday, April 26.

Applications, which can be found on the website or in the main office, are due no later

than 3:15 Tuesday, April 24. We will finish April with the Spring Sports Pep Assembly

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on Friday, April 27. May finds us appreciating our teachers! Teacher Appreciation

Week is May 7-11, and we have many treats in store! We close our year with our annual


grade social. This year’s theme is “Party Rock,” and it is a casual theme—formal

dress is not encouraged, though it is acceptable! “Party Rock” attire includes bright colors

and comfortable clothes in which to dance. The date is Thursday, May 24-the final day

of school for students. Time is 7:00-10:00 pm, and cost is $5 in advance (purchased at

the middle school) and $10 at the door. Dance contracts and tickets will be sent to the

middle schools by the first week of May.

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Due to a lack of interest/time constraints/volunteers, project graduation

will not occur this year. We will begin taking suggestions and planning

for next year. Many people have suggested holding an After-Prom instead

of Project Grad. Stay tuned early in the 2012-2013 school year for more


Senior Graduation Photo Announcements

We take a photo of each person after they receive their diploma.

You may order these in one of two announcement styles. Each comes with a mailing

envelope ready to

send out to family and friends.

Don’t worry about getting the perfect photo, we will do that for you.

Mail this no later than May 25, 2012.

Style One: $5.00 each. x ______(how many needed) = $_____________

Style Two: $5.00 each. x _______(how many needed) =


Black with

White lettering



With black and

white lettering

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Wallets : $8.00 for a sheet of 8: ______ sheets needed x $8 =


(These will not have anything

around them just the photo.)

MINIMUM ORDER IS $15.00 Make checks payable to Capital High Yearbook and mail to:

1500 Greenbrier St. Charleston 25311

Mail this no later than May 25, 2012.

Students are reminded to stop and smile for the camera for these shots. We

do not guarantee they will do this.

If the student does not stop for the photo, your money will be refunded upon

request. Orders will be mailed no later than June 15th.

Calendar of Events for the Month of April

**These events are subject to change. Wed Apr 11, 2012 7:30am Spring Casual Pic- 5:30pm Softball vs. Chas Catholic Thu Apr 12, 2012 All day All County Band 7:30am Activity Schedule- Clubs 9:30am Cap & Gown Delivery 4pm Tennis vs. Logan 5:30pm Softball vs. GEHS 6:30pm LaCrosse @ HHHS 9pm Baseball @ CMHS Fri Apr 13, 2012 All day All County Band 7:30am Activity Schedule- Miss WV Speaking 9am Operation GPA- @ Metro 911 4pm Track Meet- Capital City Classic 5pm Baseball @ Chapmanville 5:30pm Softball @ HHHS Sat Apr 14, 2012 7am ACT Testing 9am WV Thespian Conf.- Cultural Center- Fri & Sat 12pm Band using Commons 12pm LaCrosse at CHS vs. Linsly

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Where: CHS vs. Linsly

2pm Tennis @ Logan vs. GW Sun Apr 15, 2012 3pm LaCrosse @ Bridgeport Mon Apr 16, 2012 9am WV Dance Company- Two Performances 4pm Tennis vs. GW 6pm Baseball @ Sherman Tue Apr 17, 2012 All day CAP Meeting - Young Out All day Shadowing 12pm Cougar Cage in use- 11th Immunizations 6pm Baseball vs. SCHS Wed Apr 18, 2012 All day Shadowing 4pm Tennis vs. NHS 5:30pm Softball vs. HHHS 7pm Baseball @ SAHS Thu Apr 19, 2012 All day Step Up Day 7:30am Activity Schedule- DMD 4pm Tennis vs. RHS 7pm Baseball @ Scott 7pm LaCrosse @ Huntington Fri Apr 20, 2012 All day Shadowing 4pm Track Meet- GW Invit. 5:30pm Softball @ Wayne 6pm Baseball cs. GW 7pm ARTS ALIVE-Clay Center 4th 9 weeks midterms Sat Apr 21, 2012 10am LGI In Use All Morning 12pm LaCrosse @ Schoenbaum (double header) 1pm Baseball vs. NHS 2pm Softball Tourney @ RHS 3pm Tennis vs. GEHS @ Coonskin 6:30pm VIP's @ Embassy Suites Mon Apr 23, 2012 10:30am National Day to Prevent Teenage Pregnancy 4pm Tennis vs. Parkersburg 5:30pm Baseball @ Valley Fayette Tue Apr 24, 2012 7:30am AAPs Out 4:30pm Softball @ Sissonville 7pm Baseball vs. Sissonville Wed Apr 25, 2012

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All day CSU Renaissance Unit Early Dismissal 4pm Tennis MSAC 6pm Baseball @ Ripley Thu Apr 26, 2012 7:30am Activity Schedule- Clubs All day-Student Council elections for 2012-2013 8:30am All County Strings- Clay Center 4pm Tennis MSAC 6:30pm Lacrosse @ CHS vs. GW Fri Apr 27, 2012 40 minute pep assembly schedule-Spring Sports Pep Assembly 9am Arrive Alive Car in Breezeway 3pm Track Meet- Gazette Relays 6pm Baseball @ Parkersburg Sat Apr 28, 2012 8am Track Meet- Gazette Relays 9am WV Dance Festival 27th-29th 12pm Lacrosse @ Schoenbaum 7:30pm PROM Mon Apr 30, 2012 5pm Softball Sectionals- TBA 7pm Baseball MSAC Tourney