Arch Reinforced Concrete

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  • 7/21/2019 Arch Reinforced Concrete


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  • 7/21/2019 Arch Reinforced Concrete


    University of Michigan, TCAUP Structures II Slide 2/23

    Architecture 324

    Structures II

    Reinforced Concrete - WSD

    Material Proerties

    Stress in !ea"s

    Transfor"ed Sections

    Analysis #y $S%

    %esign #y $S%

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    Constituents of Concrete

    Sand Aggregate

    Ce"ent $ater

    li"estone aggregate

    & '()*

    & 3/+* aggregate

    ine aggregate



    Photos1 CC1!SA 4"adra5o -6i7iedia.


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    University of Michigan, TCAUP Structures II Slide 0/23

    Ce"ent Tyes Type 1

    nor"al ortland ce"ent( Tye ' is a

    general usece"ent(

    Type 2

    is used for structures in 6ater or soil

    containing "oderate a"ounts of sulfate,

    or 6hen heat #uildu is a concern(

    Type 3

    high early strength( Used 6hen high

    strength are desired at very early eriods( Type 4

    lo heatortland ce"ent( Used 6here the

    a"ount and rate of heat generation "ust

    #e 7et to a "ini"u"(

    Type !

    Sulfate resistantortland ce"ent( Used6here 6ater or soil is high in al7ali(

    Tyes IA, IIA and IIIA are ce"ents used to

    "a7e air-entrainedconcrete(

    Constituents of Concrete

    Sand Aggregate $ater

    Ce"ent 9i"estone Ce"ent roc7 Clay Iron ore

    : -after firing and grinding. gysu"

  • 7/21/2019 Arch Reinforced Concrete


    University of Michigan, TCAUP Structures II Slide )/23


    Measured #y the inches of ;slu"* of

    a "olded cone of fresh "i

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    rade B ield strength gr( 08 is 08 7si

    gr( >8 is >8 7si

    Si5e in '/+ inch incre"ents 0 is D inch dia(

    > is E inch dia(

    %efor"ation Patterns add to #ond 6ith concrete

    Sacing #et6een #ars

    !ar dia"eter


    )/0 < "a< agg(

    #et6een layers'*

    coverage3* against soil

    '()*2* e

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    Strength increases 6ith age( The

    ;design* strength is 2+ days(

    Source1 Portland Ce"ent Association

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    Strength Measure"ent

    Co"ressive strength

    = '2** cylinder= 2+ day "oist cure= Ulti"ate -failure. strength

    Tensile strength= '2** cylinder

    = 2+ day "oist cure= Ulti"ate -failure. strength= Slit cylinder test= Ca( '8H to 28H of fc






    Photos1 Source1 J#@8 -6i7iedia.

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    oungs Modulus

    %eends on density and strength

    or nor"al -'00 PC. concrete


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    Transfor"ed Section= Steel is converted to eLuivalent





    En =

    Source1 University of Michigan, %eart"ent of Architecture

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    University of Michigan, TCAUP Structures II Slide '3/23

    '( Assu"e the section iscrac7ed to the N(A(

    2( %eter"ine thetransfor"ation ratio, n

    3( Transfor" the area ofsteel to eLuivalentconcrete, nAs


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    University of Michigan, TCAUP Structures II Slide '0/23

    0( Calculate the N(A( usingthe #alanced tensionand co"ression tosolve for

  • 7/21/2019 Arch Reinforced Concrete


    University of Michigan, TCAUP Structures II Slide ')/23

    )( Calculate thetransfor"ed Mo"entof Inertia(


  • 7/21/2019 Arch Reinforced Concrete


    University of Michigan, TCAUP Structures II Slide '>/23

    >( Calculate a"a

  • 7/21/2019 Arch Reinforced Concrete


    University of Michigan, TCAUP Structures II Slide '@/23

    4ffect of

    The #ehavior of the #ea" at failure -"ode of deter"ined #y the relative a"ount of steel resent

    = "easured #y (

    B 8No steel used( !rittle -sudden. failure(


    ust enough steel to revent #rittle failure

    Q #alanceSteel fails first = ductile failure -desira#le.

    #alance B "a( Choose #ar si5es and


    Area RB As

    c(g( B %

    "ust #e sy"etric

    "ini"u" sacing

    @( Choose cover,recalculate dead load,iterate 6ith ne6"o"ent(
