Suppliers of Natural Stone At Stancliffe Stone Company, we are stone enthusiasts and see it as part of our business mission to promote the use of dimensional building stone to a wider constituency of building developers, designers and constructors. Sandstones in particular are wonderful natural building materials that can be hugely rewarding aesthetically and also practically – not simply beautiful, but profoundly functional and having unrivalled longevity. We have now extended the opportunities to use natural stone with the development of the new standard stone products uniquely available in the Stancliffe Architectural Masonry Range. Stancliffe Stone Company Ltd Suppliers of Natural Stone Stancliffe Stone Company Ltd Grangemill, Matlock Derbyshire DE4 4BW Telephone: 01629 653 000 Facsimile: 01629 650 996 E-mail: sales@ stancliffe.com Locharbriggs Sandstone Locharbriggs, Dumfries Dumfries & Galloway DG1 1QS Telephone: 01387 711 511 Facsimile 01387 711 358 E-mail: sales@ locharbriggs-sandstone.co.uk www.stancliffe.com Stancliffe Stone Company Ltd will not under any circumstances accept liability for any variation in colour or texture between the products as described/depicted in this brochure and the stone supplied by them. Any condition which might be implied by law to the effect that goods supplied will correspond with any description in this brochure as to their colour or texture is hereby excluded. SS4/05 Natural Stone Architectural Masonry Guide Stancliffe Stone Company Ltd Suppliers of Natural Stone

Architectural masonry guide - ESI.infocms.esi.info/Media/documents/Stanc_masonryguide_ML.pdfArchitectural Masonry Guide Stancliffe Stone Company Ltd Suppliers of Natural Stone

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Page 1: Architectural masonry guide - ESI.infocms.esi.info/Media/documents/Stanc_masonryguide_ML.pdfArchitectural Masonry Guide Stancliffe Stone Company Ltd Suppliers of Natural Stone

Suppliers of Natural StoneAt Stancliffe Stone Company, we are stone enthusiasts and see it as part of our business mission to promote the use ofdimensional building stone to a wider constituency of building developers, designers and constructors. Sandstones inparticular are wonderful natural building materials that can be hugely rewarding aesthetically and also practically – notsimply beautiful, but profoundly functional and having unrivalled longevity. We have now extended the opportunities to usenatural stone with the development of the new standard stone products uniquely available in the Stancliffe ArchitecturalMasonry Range.

Stancliffe Stone Company LtdSuppliers of Natural Stone

Stancliffe Stone Company LtdGrangemill, MatlockDerbyshire DE4 4BW

Telephone: 01629 653 000Facsimile: 01629 650 996E-mail: sales@ stancliffe.com

Locharbriggs SandstoneLocharbriggs, DumfriesDumfries & Galloway DG1 1QS

Telephone: 01387 711 511Facsimile 01387 711 358E-mail: sales@ locharbriggs-sandstone.co.uk


Stancliffe Stone Company Ltd will not under any circumstances accept liability for any variation in colour or texture between the products as described/depicted in this brochure and the stone suppliedby them. Any condition which might be implied by law to the effect that goods supplied will correspond with any description in this brochure as to their colour or texture is hereby excluded.


Natural Stone

Architectural Masonry Guide

Stancliffe Stone Company LtdSuppliers of Natural Stone

Page 2: Architectural masonry guide - ESI.infocms.esi.info/Media/documents/Stanc_masonryguide_ML.pdfArchitectural Masonry Guide Stancliffe Stone Company Ltd Suppliers of Natural Stone

Standardising stoneAs a building material, stone has a magic that few others can match. Ancient structures acrossthe world testify to its immense durability and to humankind’s lasting love affair with this, oneof the boldest and most beautiful of all natural materials.

Now the development of a standard product range is making the many benefits of natural stone availableto a much wider range of construction projects. Designed with a standard 10 mm jointing system in mind,to be used in a similar way to other familiar building products, the Stancliffe Architectural Masonry Rangegives you the opportunity to use natural stone in the most cost effective format yet devised.

Where a pre-determined solution is inappropriate then a bespoke stone plan needs to be developed.Previously this has been a difficult and contrived process. Stancliffe Stone, through its experience andexpertise is able to ease this process and simplify the approach to using natural stone.


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The stonesStanton MoorWon from one of the largest dimensional stone quarries in the British Isles, Stanton Moor is amongst the most popularof dimensional building stones. With a deep buff base colour, it varies from browns running through buffs to includethe distinctive pinks of Stanton Moor, keeping large expanses of stone fresh and colourful.

Stanton Moor has an impressive track record in large-scale projects in all categories. In pitched face form, it is widelyused throughout the UK, particularly in housing. Smooth or sawn textures show the stone at its best – the pinks andbrowns shine through making the use of complimentary stones and other materials easy and effective. Large-scalecommercial, and prestigious housing projects all benefit from the physical strength and aesthetic appeal of this beautifulmaterial. These properties facilitate all manner of imaginative applications.

LocharbriggsFor over a century, Locharbriggs sandstone has been renowned as one of the finest red sandstones available.Combining complete adaptability with a quality and consistency known throughout the industry, Locharbriggs hasrightly earned its place as one of the premier stones of the British Isles.

Its distinctive medium-grained texture, combined with subtle bedding planes, has made Locharbriggs sandstone apopular choice for a wide range of projects from contemporary commercial developments to more sensitive traditionalbuildings. All have looked to the warmth of the reds and pinks of this distinctive stone to add visual appeal.

Plumpton Red LazonbyAdaptability is an adjective eminently suited to Plumpton Red Lazonby. This medium-grained red sandstone is strongenough in all planes to be used equally effectively as a paving material and as vertical masonry product. Its base colourof salmon pink is enhanced by the brightness of quartz grains to give a sparkle that makes the stone one of the firstchoices for designers looking to use a natural stone with life.

Plumpton Red Lazonby can be used as a cladding or paving material at thicknesses which encourages exciting designsolutions. The combination of exceptional physical performance and intensity of colour is unique.

Red St.BeesSt.Bees has played a significant role in the life of the British Isles. Stone from St.Bees Head has been used forhundreds of years from Furness Abbey in Cumbria in the 13th century to Hope University in Liverpool in the 21st.

The distinctive close bedding and fine grain size means that the stone is very resistant to weathering both aestheticallyand physically. The inherent strength of the stone allows it to be used for a variety of projects from gate posts, where anhigh degree of structural integrity is required, to more traditional cladding and masonry projects where the consistencyof colour and its physical reliability make it a natural choice.


Stancliffe Stone CompanyAt Stancliffe Stone Company, we specialise in stones produced in our own quarries and processing sites fromthe English Midlands to the Scottish Lowlands. We are the leading manufacturer of dimensional stone in theUK and our expertise in this specialist field means that we are uniquely placed to provide the industry with theappropriate products, supplied to the most rigorous criteria.

Our Architectural Masonry Range has been developed for use with a standard 10 mm mortar joint. The block can be walled inexactly the same way as conventional concrete blocks, reconstituted stone and brick, while movement accommodation, fixingand mortar specification are all guided by BS 5628-3:2001. So experienced contractors will be able to lay components in thenormal way, to produce a reliable and consistent external leaf.

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Walling finish & size optionsFinishes available in 140 mm and 215 mm course heights. (See table)

Pitched face 140/215 mm Split face 140 mm only

Cottage 140/215 mm Standard ashlar 140/215 mm


All the standard formats have bothbed and perpend faces sawn andsquare. The bed dimension is anominal 100 mm and all the unitsare of random length. The coursetolerance is ± 5 mm, exceptstandard ashlar where it is ± 3 mm.

The stones come on timber palletsand are shrink-wrapped.

Combinations of course heightscan give an highly effectivetraditional wall.

The walling texturesThe inherent flexibility of Natural Stone means there are a wide variety of textures and finishes available, of which fourof the most beautiful and practical have been designed into the Stancliffe Architectural Masonry Range.

Pitched faceHistorically a way of flattening stone for use in a wide range of buildings, the pitched face has now becomethe most common finish for use in housing and commercial developments throughout the northern half ofthe British Isles. Originally produced by hand, it is now made using the latest technology at both ourLocharbriggs and Grangemill facilities.

Split faceWhere a less pronounced, flatter texture than pitched face is required, then split face may provide theanswer. This is where the stone is processed through a cropping machine to leave a raw face. Because ofthe intrinsic nature of the sedimentary rocks, it is common for the stone to split with either a convex or aconcave face and this can result in some variation of the bed width. Where this is inappropriate, further siteworking of the stone should be specified.

CottageLocal planning requirements and the increasing difficulty in finding reliable sources of reclaimed materialfor sensitive locations can make sourcing natural stone a problem. Cottage walling from Stancliffe, canprovide the ideal solution. Split faced stone is further processed by tumbling to create a stone which haseroded arrises, but still has sawn beds and perpends to allow easy construction.

Standard ashlarThe dictionary definition of ashlar is a finely dressed and jointed walling style. Our standard ashlar is, asare the rest of our standard components, based on a 10 mm joint rather than the 5 mm which is usual forbespoke ashlar.

These blocks are finely finished to give the overall appearance of the bespoke solution, but at the price andavailability of standard components.


140 mm 215 mm

Pitched face ✓ ✓

Split face ✓ ✗

Cottage ✓ ✓

Standard ashlar ✓ ✓

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The componentsStancliffe Architectural Masonry features a range of components designed to addressall the most common construction problems, from finishing boundary walls with copingsand caps, through to dealing with industry standard window openings. The whole rangehas a smooth or rubbed texture consistent with bespoke ashlar work.

All the details are generated in AutoCAD® and so are available electronically by e-mail or on CD-ROM.Please contact us to obtain further information.

For full details of the range, including product codes, please refer to our Architectural MasonryRange list. Where your specific need is not to be found within our Architectural Masonry Range thenplease contact us to discuss a bespoke solution.

Copings and capsThe coping range includes flat copings, once and twice weathered and saddlebackcopings which cover the majority of boundary wall requirements – while associatedreturns and terminal pieces complete the picture.

Opening treatmentsIndividual units have been developed for use with both stone and brick walling styles,and the heads, cills, mullions and jambs work with 102.5 mm and 140 mm seatings.You can either use the products list to choose the frame dimensions, or the dimensionsof the individual units to determine the project requirements.

Window setsWith the Stancliffe Architectural Masonry Range, giving windows the natural stonetreatment has never been easier. Working within industry standard frame dimensionsyou have a range of complete window sets to choose from. So with either brick orstone you now have a ready made solution.

Feature stonesThe addition of special features to a building can add value and give balance to thewhole construction. The Stancliffe Architectural Masonry Range offers a number ofstandard embellishments that provide the finishing touches to complete projectsstylishly. From quoins and rebate stones to corbels and gable vents all these units aredesigned to compliment the walling style of your choice.

Page 6: Architectural masonry guide - ESI.infocms.esi.info/Media/documents/Stanc_masonryguide_ML.pdfArchitectural Masonry Guide Stancliffe Stone Company Ltd Suppliers of Natural Stone


The Stancliffe portfolio of stonesStancliffe Stone is one of the largest producers of dimensional natural stone in the UK and, whilst the standard productrange is based on two of our most popular stones, we can offer a superb range of beautiful stones.

For many years Stancliffe Stone Company has been at the forefront of the innovative use of natural stone throughout the United Kingdomand further afield. With stones from Scotland, Cumbria and Derbyshire, Stancliffe has a suitable stone for many different locations andapplications. For literature and samples, you have only to ask.

LocharbriggsRed Sandstone

Halldale Gritstone

Plumpton RedLazonbySandstone

Stanton MoorGritstone

Red St.Bees Sandstone

Guidance notesThese are intended to be of general use. For project specific information please contact Stancliffe Stone Company direct.

Colour variationAs a natural product, stone may vary significantly in colour andtexture within a given range. Descriptions and images depicted inthis brochure concerning the colour of products are approximateonly, and it is strongly recommended that customers requestphysical samples of stone available from any range beforeplacing orders. We are always willing to supply stone for sitereference panels.

Use and fixingThe Stancliffe Architectural Masonry Range is designed to be builtlike brick with a 10 mm joint system. Sandstone blocks may beused in the same way as brick, block or concrete. The sameconsiderations apply in the use of wall ties, movement joints,catnic type lintels, wall and roof restraints, maximum height andlength of walls etc., as in any other type of wall or panel.

MortarGenerally, 1part cement: 1 part lime: 5 to 6 parts sand. For specificsituations see BS 5628-3:2001. Mortar joints should be struck offas the work proceeds, and great care must be taken to avoidsmearing faces with excess mortar. Bucket handle, weathered orvee joints are recommended.

TolerancesAll stone is processed at our own sites. Individual components arecut to ± 3 mm on length and depth and ± 3 mm on height. Wallingstone is of random length, a nominal 100 mm on bed and ± 5 mmon course height, except standard ashlar at ± 3 mm. All ordersare shrink-wrapped, supplied on pallets.

PropertiesThe stones are made up predominately of silica and have noappreciable clay content. Their strength ratings, weatheringqualities and finished appearance put them at the top of thequality list of British sandstones. A list of reference buildings overthe past 100 years and more is available on request.

Manual handlingManual Handling Guidelines should be adopted at all times.Stancliffe Stone Company will provide weight information for allunits upon request. (Ref: The Manual Handling Regulations1992 SI 1999/3242)

British standardsBS 5628-3:2001 Code of practice for use of masonry.BS 5642-1/2:1978/1983 Cills and copings. Specification for

window sills of precast concrete, caststone, clayware, slate and natural stone.

For further British Standards relevant to the use of natural stonein construction please refer to The Book of Stone from StancliffeStone Company.


Tarmac TarmacStone mortar match mortar contrast

Stanton Moor Gritstone Y111 Y146

Locharbriggs Red Sandstone Y119 Y2

Plumpton Red Lazonby Sandstone Y127 Y4

Red St.Bees Sandstone Y34 Y33