Arctic Animals Research Papers By Melissa Michael

Arctic Animals Research Papers - Structure · 2019-03-21 · Arctic Animals Research Papers By Melissa Michael . These research papers were written to make it easier for early readers

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Page 1: Arctic Animals Research Papers - Structure · 2019-03-21 · Arctic Animals Research Papers By Melissa Michael . These research papers were written to make it easier for early readers

Arctic Animals Research Papers

By Melissa Michael

Page 2: Arctic Animals Research Papers - Structure · 2019-03-21 · Arctic Animals Research Papers By Melissa Michael . These research papers were written to make it easier for early readers

These research papers were written to make it easier for early readers to find information and write a report about an animal in the Arctic. There are 24 animals featured in this pack. Students can choose an animal and then complete the research form by reading the research paper and other books. There are 2 copies of the research paper. One is for a rough draft and 1 is for a final copy. I like to have a photo board (I use a science fair type display) with all of the animals. I introduce each animal by telling an interesting fact about it. I then draw names and let students choose their favorite animal. I stress that all of these animals are very interesting – there isn’t a “bad” or boring choice! The photos can be used for a photo board or bulletin board type display. Enjoy! ~Melissa Teacher Treasure Hunter

Page 3: Arctic Animals Research Papers - Structure · 2019-03-21 · Arctic Animals Research Papers By Melissa Michael . These research papers were written to make it easier for early readers

Arctic Animal Research – Rough Draft The animal I’m learning about is Where does it live? It eats How does it get food? This is what it looks like: Its baby is called Its enemies are 2 interesting things I learned about this animal: * *

Practice drawing this animal:


Page 4: Arctic Animals Research Papers - Structure · 2019-03-21 · Arctic Animals Research Papers By Melissa Michael . These research papers were written to make it easier for early readers

Arctic Animal Research The animal I’m learning about is Where does it live? It eats How does it get food? This is what it looks like: Its baby is called Its enemies are 2 interesting things I learned about this animal: * *

Here is a picture of this animal:


Page 5: Arctic Animals Research Papers - Structure · 2019-03-21 · Arctic Animals Research Papers By Melissa Michael . These research papers were written to make it easier for early readers

Polar Bear

FEATURES & INTERESTING FACTS -Its paw is as big as a large plate! -Their skin is black. -Their fur appears to be white or a light yellow color. Each hair is a hallow tube (like a straw) that reflects light. That is why they look white. -Polar bear babies are called cubs. -When cubs are born they only weigh about 1 pound and are the size of a rat. -Male polar bears can weigh more than 1400 pounds. -Males can be up to 10 feet tall. HABITAT They live in the Arctic on the frozen seas and on land. The female makes a snow cave in winter and waits there for her babies to be born. DIET Their favorite food is a seal. They will wait by a seal’s breathing hole and strike (hit) them with their large paws when they come out of the hole to breathe. They can smell seals more than 20 miles away! PREDATORS Their only enemies are humans. Pollution (dirty air or land), pesticides (poisons) and ice shortage are dangers for polar bears.

© Teacher Treasure Hunter, 2012

Page 6: Arctic Animals Research Papers - Structure · 2019-03-21 · Arctic Animals Research Papers By Melissa Michael . These research papers were written to make it easier for early readers


FEATURES & INTERESTING FACTS -Adult male walrus can be 2000-3000 pounds. -Their brownish skin is very thick and wrinkled. -The walrus is covered with short, brown hair. -They have long, sharp tusks (enlarged upper canine teeth). -They have whiskers, small eyes and no external ears. -They can dive to the ocean floor. -They use their tusks to break breathing holes into the ice. -A walrus baby is called calf. A calf stays with its mother for 2-3 years. -They cannot move well on land, but they are good swimmers. -Walruses are threatened by global warming which melts ice in the Arctic waters. -When walruses are in the sun, their skin starts to turn red. The heat causes blood to rush to the skin. HABITAT Walruses live in Arctic seas and on land. They prefer to live on the ice. They have a nearly six-inch layer of blubber, or fat, to block out the cold. DIET The walrus feeds on clams, mussels, krill, crabs, worms and snails. It will also eat octopus and fish. A walrus may also attack a seal. Whiskers help the walrus feel food on the ocean floor. PREDATORS Their only enemies are the killer whale (orca) and polar bear. These animals have teeth that are strong enough to chew through the tough skin of the walrus. . © Teacher Treasure Hunter, 2012

Page 7: Arctic Animals Research Papers - Structure · 2019-03-21 · Arctic Animals Research Papers By Melissa Michael . These research papers were written to make it easier for early readers

Peregrine Falcon

FEATURES & INTERESTING FACTS -They are one of the largest falcons. -Their name means “wanderer.” -They are the fastest animal in the world! They can dive up to 200 miles an hour to catch something to eat. -They dive down quickly and strike (hit) their prey with their foot. This kills it or stuns it so that the falcon can catch it. -Their wingspan can be up to 3.6 feet. -The adults have blue-gray wing feathers that are barred (bar pattern). The underside of their body is covered with yellowish feathers. HABITAT Peregrine Falcons live all around the world except Antarctica. They can be found in hot places like the desert and cold places like the Arctic tundra. When it is winter time in the Arctic, these birds fly south! DIET They are a bird of prey. This means they are carnivores (meat-eaters). They eat birds, bats and ducks. PREDATORS They are near the top of the food chain and have very few enemies. Owls will sometimes catch young peregrine falcons. They also are in danger from running into things like cars or buildings.

© Teacher Treasure Hunter, 2012

Page 8: Arctic Animals Research Papers - Structure · 2019-03-21 · Arctic Animals Research Papers By Melissa Michael . These research papers were written to make it easier for early readers


FEATURES & INTERESTING FACTS -The narwhal is a toothed whale that lives year round in the Arctic waters. -Narwhals are usually found in pods (groups) of 2 -10. They have even been seen in pods of over a thousand narwhals all swimming together. -They are called the unicorn of the sea because of their very long, twisted tooth. -They are usually 13-20 feet in length. -Baby narwhals weigh 175 pounds and are about 5 feet in length. -Narwhal babies are called calves. -They make a lot of noise – squeals, whistles and clicks – to communicate or “talk” with the other narwhals. -They have about 4 inches of fat (blubber). This keeps them warm in the icy water. -They are colored white and green with brown spots. -Its tusk is about 9 feet long! It is made of ivory – the same material as an elephant tusk. -Narwhal tusks do not grow back if they break. -A long time ago people paid a lot of money for the tusks and were told they were unicorn tusks. Queen Elizabeth of England paid enough money to buy a castle! -We do not know exactly how narwhal’s use their long tooth. Some people think it is for fighting or breaking ice. Now, scientists think that they use it to tell the temperature of the water. They only like water that is icy cold! HABITAT They live in the Arctic Sea and stay around the ice. DIET They are carnivores. They eat fish, shrimp and squid. PREDATORS They are hunted by polar bears, walruses, sharks, orcas and Inuit (Eskimo) hunters. © Teacher Treasure Hunter, 2012

Page 9: Arctic Animals Research Papers - Structure · 2019-03-21 · Arctic Animals Research Papers By Melissa Michael . These research papers were written to make it easier for early readers

Musk Ox

FEATURES & INTERESTING FACTS -Musk oxen are large animals that look like buffalo, but have wool like sheep. -Their coat is eight times warmer than sheep wool. -Their long brown wool can be 24 inches long and hangs nearly to their feet. -They roam in herds of 10-20. -When they are threatened, they will form a circle around their young and face their enemies. -Both the males and females have horns. -In late spring, they shed large amounts of fur. The Inuit people use it for weaving clothing. -They snort when they are annoyed. -Musk oxen babies are called calves. -Calves huddle under their mother’s long coat to stay warm. HABITAT They live in the frozen tundra of the Arctic. DIET They are herbivores. They eat plants, grass and moss. Their sharp hooves help them dig for plants under the snow. PREDATORS Their biggest enemy is the wolf. . © Teacher Treasure Hunter, 2012

Page 10: Arctic Animals Research Papers - Structure · 2019-03-21 · Arctic Animals Research Papers By Melissa Michael . These research papers were written to make it easier for early readers

Arctic Wolf

FEATURES & INTERESTING FACTS -They are covered with thick, white fur. -They are 3-5 feet long, including their tail. -They travel in packs of up to 6-10 wolves. -Their babies are called pups and are usually born in a litter of 2-3. -Pups are born deaf (without hearing) and blind (without sight). They -are helpless and need the pack to take care of them. -Their ears are smaller than the ears of other types of wolves. This helps them to keep body heat and stay warm. -The bottoms of their feet have fur to help them stay warm. -Wolves live for 7-10 years in the wild. -Wolves howl for many reasons. It can be a warning or signal to other wolves. HABITAT They live in the Arctic region. Their dens are usually in caves or openings in rock formations. DIET They are carnivores (meat-eaters). They eat musk oxen, caribou, foxes, hares, seals and lemmings. PREDATORS Their enemies are coyotes and gray wolves.

© Teacher Treasure Hunter, 2012

Page 11: Arctic Animals Research Papers - Structure · 2019-03-21 · Arctic Animals Research Papers By Melissa Michael . These research papers were written to make it easier for early readers


FEATURES & INTERESTING FACTS -Puffins can fly, swim and dig burrows. -They have thick, waterproof feathers that protect them from the cold. -They “fly” underwater! -They have triangle-shaped beaks that are red and yellow. -They are black with white patches on their head. -They can live for up to 30 years. -Puffins are sometimes called “sea parrots”. HABITAT Puffins live along sea coasts, islands in the north Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean. Puffins build their nests in large groups that often include auks, gulls and other birds that live in the arctic. Puffins also make their nests in a hole in the mountains or tundra. DIET They are carnivores. They dive in the sea to get their food. They eat small fish. PREDATORS Their enemies are large gulls, snowy owls, foxes and bald eagles. .

© Teacher Treasure Hunter, 2012

Page 12: Arctic Animals Research Papers - Structure · 2019-03-21 · Arctic Animals Research Papers By Melissa Michael . These research papers were written to make it easier for early readers


FEATURES & INTERESTING FACTS -Babies are called kits. -They can live up to 13 years. -They are good climbers and often rest in trees. -They have thick brown fur with stripes of dull yellow along the sides. -The adult wolverine is about the size of a medium dog. -They can walk on their feet like bears. -They are a member of the weasel family. -They have long, sharp powerful claws that they use to catch prey and defend themselves from predators. They also use their claws for climbing and digging. -They have large feet to help them move across the snow. HABITAT They live in the Northwest USA, Alaska and western Canada. DIET They are omnivores. They eat beavers, porcupines, birds, squirrels, eggs, roots and berries. PREDATORS They have no natural enemies although they are sometimes killed by larger animals.

© Teacher Treasure Hunter, 2012

Page 13: Arctic Animals Research Papers - Structure · 2019-03-21 · Arctic Animals Research Papers By Melissa Michael . These research papers were written to make it easier for early readers

Arctic Tern

FEATURES & INTERESTING FACTS -They are white with a black head and orange beak. The edges of -their wings are also black. -They live together in colonies which are groups of about 50 terns. -They swoop down to catch fish out of the ocean and continue flying so they do not get wet. -Like the hummingbird, they can hover in mid-air. -They hardly ever land. They catch fish and insects while flying and eat while flying. -They weigh about 3-4 ounces and are 12-15 inches long. -Both parents care for the eggs. -Arctic terns have webbed feet, but they are not good swimmers and try to avoid water. HABITAT They are circumpolar. They live at both the South Pole and the North Pole. They spend summer in the Arctic (North Pole) and winter at the Antarctic (South Pole). They fly from one pole to the other (25,000 miles round-trip) which is the longest annual migration of any bird. The trip from pole to pole takes about 3 months. DIET They eat small fish, shrimp and insects. PREDATORS Their enemies are foxes, raccoons, weasels, rats and gulls.

© Teacher Treasure Hunter, 2012

Page 14: Arctic Animals Research Papers - Structure · 2019-03-21 · Arctic Animals Research Papers By Melissa Michael . These research papers were written to make it easier for early readers

Harp Seal

FEATURES & INTERESTING FACTS -The harp seal has thick white fur with black patches and a black face. The young are all white. -The mother seal knows which pup is hers by its scent. She can find it even amongst hundreds of other pups. -Young harp seals are born on the ice. -They are mammals. -Harp seals can weigh up to 400 pounds. -The harp seal body is covered with blubber. -Seals need air to breathe and when they go underwater they cannot breathe. They can stay underwater for up to 15 minutes. HABITAT They live in the icy water of the Arctic. DIET They are carnivores. They eat cod and herring fish. They also eat crabs and shrimp. PREDATORS They are hunted by killer whales (orcas), sharks and polar bears. People have hunted the harp seal for many years for food and because of its beautiful and warm fur. They are now considered endangered animals. .

© Teacher Treasure Hunter, 2012

Page 15: Arctic Animals Research Papers - Structure · 2019-03-21 · Arctic Animals Research Papers By Melissa Michael . These research papers were written to make it easier for early readers

Snowy Owl

FEATURES & INTERESTING FACTS -Snowy Owl pairs fiercely defend their nest against predators. -They make their nests on the ground -Male snowy owls are white with small amounts of brown markings. -They get whiter as they get older. -The feet of snowy owls are covered with feathers. -Babies are called owlets. -Snowy owls have incredible vision. They can see from high up in the sky and swoop down silently to capture their prey. -Their wingspan can be 60 inches long. -In the summer, snowy owls are brownish with dark spots and stripes. -In the winter, they are completely white. -They swoop out of the air to catch their prey with their sharp talons. HABITAT They live in the Arctic tundra. DIET They eat lemmings, rabbits, rodents, birds and fish. One Snowy Owl may eat up to 12 lemmings per day! PREDATORS Some of their predators are foxes, wolves and weasels

© Teacher Treasure Hunter, 2012

Page 16: Arctic Animals Research Papers - Structure · 2019-03-21 · Arctic Animals Research Papers By Melissa Michael . These research papers were written to make it easier for early readers


FEATURES & INTERESTING FACTS -Lemmings are small rodents that live in the Arctic tundra. -They weigh about 1-4 ounces and are 3-6 inches long. -They have long, soft fur and very short tails. -They are herbivores. They eat leaves, grass and roots. -They do not hibernate in the winter. -They live in burrows and tunnels under the ground. Their tunnels usually have many rooms. -Their coats are grayish brown and in winter their fur turns white. HABITAT They live in the Arctic tundra. DIET They are herbivores. They eat leaves, grass and berries, twigs and roots. PREDATORS Lemmings have many enemies. Many animals hunt lemmings. A few of their predators are hawks, owls, weasels and foxes.

© Teacher Treasure Hunter, 2012

Page 17: Arctic Animals Research Papers - Structure · 2019-03-21 · Arctic Animals Research Papers By Melissa Michael . These research papers were written to make it easier for early readers

Arctic Fox

FEATURES & INTERESTING FACTS -They are white in winter and brownish gray in summer. -Arctic foxes live in burrows. -A baby fox is called a kit. -Their paws are covered with thick fur so they can move on snow and ice. -They weigh from 6-10 pounds. -They average 43 inches in length including their tail. -They have incredible hearing and can even hear lemmings beneath the snow. -They jump on the snow to break it and catch the prey that is hiding there. HABITAT The arctic fox is found throughout the entire Arctic tundra. DIET They eat lemmings, voles or birds. Foxes sometimes eat vegetables when they are available. They also like to eat the “left-overs” from polar bears. If they cannot eat all of their food, they bury it to eat later. PREDATORS Their enemies are polar bears and wolves. Snowy owls are also a danger for the kits.

Kits in summer Winter coat

© Teacher Treasure Hunter, 2012

Page 18: Arctic Animals Research Papers - Structure · 2019-03-21 · Arctic Animals Research Papers By Melissa Michael . These research papers were written to make it easier for early readers

Arctic Hare

FEATURES & INTERESTING FACTS -They can hop on their hind legs like a kangaroo! -They do not hibernate in the winter. -The Arctic hare is the largest hare in North America. -In summer its fur is grayish-brown and in winter it is white with black coloring on the tips of its ears. -Arctic hares have long claws that help them dig through the snow to find food. -Baby hares are called leverets. HABITAT They live in the Arctic tundra. DIET They are herbivores (plant-eaters). They eat leaves, grass and bark. PREDATORS Their enemies are wolves, Arctic foxes, Snowy Owls and ermine.

Summer Winter

© Teacher Treasure Hunter, 2012

Page 19: Arctic Animals Research Papers - Structure · 2019-03-21 · Arctic Animals Research Papers By Melissa Michael . These research papers were written to make it easier for early readers

Bowhead Whale

FEATURES & INTERESTING FACTS -It is a relative of the right whale. -Bowhead whales are blue-black in color except for a white patch on the lower jaw. -Adult males can be as long as 50 feet and weigh as much as 60 tons (about as much as 5 school buses). -They have no dorsal (back) fin. -They are a baleen whale. They do not have teeth. The bowhead whale skims through the water with its mouth open. As water flows into the mouth and through the baleen, prey are trapped on the inside near the tongue to be swallowed. -They travel alone or in small groups of up to 6 whales. -They can live for well over 100 years and are probably the mammal with the longest life span. HABITAT They live at the edges of the Arctic ice during winter and move through the melting ice during summers. DIET They feed on plankton, krill and little water bugs (copepods & amphipods). They eat about 2 tons (about the weight of an adult male walrus) each day. PREDATORS Orcas (killer whales) are their only natural enemy. .

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© Teacher Treasure Hunter, 2012

Page 20: Arctic Animals Research Papers - Structure · 2019-03-21 · Arctic Animals Research Papers By Melissa Michael . These research papers were written to make it easier for early readers

Beluga Whale

FEATURES & INTERESTING FACTS -Adults are white; calves are dark gray. -They don’t have a dorsal (back) fin so they can swim freely under floating ice. -Adult males average between 14-16 feet in length. -It’s name comes from the Russian word for white. -Thick blubber makes it possible for the beluga to live in extremely cold water. -They have a nickname of “sea canary” because of the chirps and whistle sounds that they make. HABITAT They live primarily in the waters of the Arctic area. DIET They feed on small squid, crabs, clams, shrimp, sandworms, and other types of fish. They really like to eat young salmon. They can eat 50-60 pounds of food a day. They swallow their food whole without chewing. Their teeth are used to catch prey and to hold onto it. PREDATORS Orcas (killer whales) & polar bears. Belugas have been hunted for hundreds of years and are still hunted by native people of the Arctic.

© Teacher Treasure Hunter, 2012

Page 21: Arctic Animals Research Papers - Structure · 2019-03-21 · Arctic Animals Research Papers By Melissa Michael . These research papers were written to make it easier for early readers

Arctic Ground Squirrel

FEATURES & INTERESTING FACTS -They were named “sik-sik” by the Inupiaq Eskimo people because of the “sik-sik” sound that these squirrels make when they are startled. -They hibernate for over half of the year – usually from late August through March. -They are reddish to grayish brown with white flecks. -They are burrowing animals. They burrow holes into the ground for living space. -They live in colonies with other squirrels. Colonies consist of multiple burrows and tunnels with several entry points. HABITAT They live in the tundra area of the Arctic in Alaska and Canada. DIET They eat seeds, leaves, seeds, fruit, flowers, mushrooms and berries. They double their weight during the summer to prepare for hibernation. PREDATORS Their enemies are weasels, wolves, golden eagles, Arctic foxes and grizzly bears. Native people also hunt them for food and skins to make parkas.

© Teacher Treasure Hunter, 2012

Page 22: Arctic Animals Research Papers - Structure · 2019-03-21 · Arctic Animals Research Papers By Melissa Michael . These research papers were written to make it easier for early readers


FEATURES & INTERESTING FACTS -They are often called killer whales. -Their teeth can be up to 4 inches long! -They often live in pods of up to 40 orcas. -They are the largest of the dolphin family. -They are mammals. -They use echolocation to communicate (talk to each other) and to find food. -They can weigh up to 12,000 pounds. -They have black skin with white patches. -Orcas are fast swimmers and can swim up to 30 miles per hour. -Pods often work together to catch a meal. -A baby orca is called a calf. HABITAT They are found in all the oceans of the world. They are common in the Arctic and Antarctic. DIET They eat seals, sea lions, birds, fish, squid and other whales. PREDATORS They are at the top of the ocean food chain. Sharks sometimes eat the young or sick orcas.

© Teacher Treasure Hunter, 2012

Page 23: Arctic Animals Research Papers - Structure · 2019-03-21 · Arctic Animals Research Papers By Melissa Michael . These research papers were written to make it easier for early readers


FEATURES & INTERESTING FACTS -Their fur is a golden brown color with dark brown spots. They have white fur on their chests and bellies. -They have thick fur that hands down from their face and makes it look like they have a beard! -They have tufts of black hair at the tips of their ears. -They have a short, stubby tail which is black tipped. -Their feet are furry and wide. They work like snowshoes to let the lynx walk on top of the snow. -They have great hearing and vision. -They hunt at night. -Lynx babies are called kittens. HABITAT They can be found in Alaska and Canada. Some have also been seen in the Northern United States. DIET They are carnivores. They mostly eat hares. They also eat mice, squirrels and birds. PREDATORS Some of the enemies of the wolverine are the cougar, wolf and coyote.

© Teacher Treasure Hunter, 2012

Page 24: Arctic Animals Research Papers - Structure · 2019-03-21 · Arctic Animals Research Papers By Melissa Michael . These research papers were written to make it easier for early readers


FEATURES & INTERESTING FACTS -Both the males and females can have antlers. -Males are called bulls, females are called cows and the babies are called calves. -Calves can stand a few minutes after they are born. This is important because they need to travel soon after they are born so that they can stay with the herd which is always moving. -The caribou has fur that is brown. It becomes a lighter brown in winter. -They are good swimmers. They use their hooves as paddles. -They live in large herds. -They are the only species of deer that has been domesticated (can be tame). -Caribou chew their cud like cows. This means they chew their food and swallow it. Later, they bring it up a second time and chew it again! -Caribou travel more than any land animal. One type of caribou has been tracked travelling over 3,000 miles in a year. This is about the distance of traveling across the entire United States (coast to coast). -Their antlers are about 3-5 feet long. -They use their antlers like a shovel to move snow and get to food. HABITAT Caribou are found in Northern areas of Russia, Greenland, Scandinavia and Alaska and Canada. The ones in Alaska and Canada are usually called caribou. The ones in other parts of the world are usually called reindeer. DIET They are herbivores. They eat lichen (moss), plants, small shrubs and mushrooms. PREDATORS Some of the enemies of the caribou are wolves, wolverines, lynx and grizzly bears. The calves are also hunted by golden eagles.

© Teacher Treasure Hunter, 2012

Page 25: Arctic Animals Research Papers - Structure · 2019-03-21 · Arctic Animals Research Papers By Melissa Michael . These research papers were written to make it easier for early readers


FEATURES & INTERESTING FACTS -They are a type of weasel. Their body shape is like that of most weasels: a long body, short legs and a long neck. -The color of their fur changes with the season. In winter, it is white to blend with the snow. In summer, the ermine fur is brown and white. -They weigh between 3-15 ounces. The babies (kits) weigh ½ an ounce! -The litter (number of babies born at the same time) size is usually 3-9 babies (kits). -Kits are born blind and helpless. -Kits will start hunting with their mother when they are about 8 weeks old. -The mothers take care of the babies until they are able to live on their own. -The average life span (how long they live) is 2 years. -They mostly hunt at night. -They will sometime give a funny dance of jumping and twisting to attract the attention of rabbits. They will then try to catch the rabbit when it is close. -Ermines are in a few famous paintings. One is a painting of the Queen of England, Elizabeth I who was known as Good Queen Beth. HABITAT Ermine live in cold, northern habitats of the taiga (forest area) and tundra (Arctic fields). DIET They are carnivores. They eat rabbits, rodents (rats & mice) and insects. When the ground is covered with snow they look for rodents under the snow. PREDATORS Some of the enemies of the ermine are the snowy owl, hawks, arctic foxes and other large mammals.

© Teacher Treasure Hunter, 2012

Page 26: Arctic Animals Research Papers - Structure · 2019-03-21 · Arctic Animals Research Papers By Melissa Michael . These research papers were written to make it easier for early readers

Dall Sheep

FEATURES & INTERESTING FACTS -Females are called ewes, males are called rams and babies are lambs. -Males have large, curved horns and females have shorter, slightly curved horns. -They have an average life span of 15 years. -Their coat color is white to grayish. -Their horns are light brown and made of keratin (the same substance our fingernails are made of). -Growth rings on the horns tell how old the sheep is. HABITAT They live in the Arctic and sub-Arctic region of Alaska and western Canada. They live in the mountainous areas of the tundra (treeless plain) and taiga (forest area) of the Arctic region. DIET During the summer they eat grass and other vegetation. In winter, they eat lichen, moss and dry, frozen grass. They are herbivores. PREDATORS Their enemies are bears, wolves and golden eagles. Humans also hunt these animals for food.

© Teacher Treasure Hunter, 2012

Page 27: Arctic Animals Research Papers - Structure · 2019-03-21 · Arctic Animals Research Papers By Melissa Michael . These research papers were written to make it easier for early readers

Tundra Swan

FEATURES & INTERESTING FACTS -During the winter, they sleep while floating on the water. At other times, they will often sleep on land. -They make a large, round nest out of twigs and sticks. They line it with grass and moss to make it soft. -The mother swan lays 4-6 eggs and the female and male swans take turns sitting on the eggs for about a month. -Baby swans are called cygnets. Male swans are called cobs and females are called pens. -They migrate (travel) long distances (about 4,000 miles). -They are often confused with the Trumpeter Swan. They look very similar, but have different coloring on their beaks. They can also be told apart by their calls. -Tundra Swans are sometimes called Whistling Swans because of the sound their wings make while they are flying. HABITAT They nest in the Arctic tundra. They fly south in the fall to their winter homes. DIET The tundra swan eats aquatic (water) plants and shellfish. They use their long neck to reach deep under the water and get plants. They also eat grains that are left on the ground after harvest. PREDATORS Their enemies are foxes, raccoons, weasels, rats and gulls.

© Teacher Treasure Hunter, 2012

Page 28: Arctic Animals Research Papers - Structure · 2019-03-21 · Arctic Animals Research Papers By Melissa Michael . These research papers were written to make it easier for early readers

Ringed Seal

FEATURES & INTERESTING FACTS -They are marine (ocean) mammals. -They are grey with light colored circular markings – the markings often look like rings. -They can stay underwater for up to 45 minutes, but then they have to breathe. -They make breathing holes in the ice with the claws on their flippers. -They will often make a snow cave over their breathing hole as a den to have their baby. -Baby seals are called pups. -The female seal feeds and takes care of the pup for about two months and then leaves it on its own! -Seals have a thick layer of blubber to keep them warm in the icy water. -Once a year (annually) these seals molt. They lose their old hair and grow a new coat. HABITAT They live in Arctic and sub-Arctic waters and stay near the shore. They prefer ice covered water. DIET They eat fish and crustaceans (water animals with a shell – crab, shrimp, lobster). PREDATORS Their main predator is the polar bear. A polar bear will wait by a seal’s breathing hole and hit it with its large paw when it comes up to breathe. Polar bears can smell seals under the ice. Walruses and killer whales are other predators.

© Teacher Treasure Hunter, 2012

Page 29: Arctic Animals Research Papers - Structure · 2019-03-21 · Arctic Animals Research Papers By Melissa Michael . These research papers were written to make it easier for early readers
Page 30: Arctic Animals Research Papers - Structure · 2019-03-21 · Arctic Animals Research Papers By Melissa Michael . These research papers were written to make it easier for early readers
Page 32: Arctic Animals Research Papers - Structure · 2019-03-21 · Arctic Animals Research Papers By Melissa Michael . These research papers were written to make it easier for early readers
Page 33: Arctic Animals Research Papers - Structure · 2019-03-21 · Arctic Animals Research Papers By Melissa Michael . These research papers were written to make it easier for early readers
Page 34: Arctic Animals Research Papers - Structure · 2019-03-21 · Arctic Animals Research Papers By Melissa Michael . These research papers were written to make it easier for early readers
Page 35: Arctic Animals Research Papers - Structure · 2019-03-21 · Arctic Animals Research Papers By Melissa Michael . These research papers were written to make it easier for early readers
Page 36: Arctic Animals Research Papers - Structure · 2019-03-21 · Arctic Animals Research Papers By Melissa Michael . These research papers were written to make it easier for early readers
Page 37: Arctic Animals Research Papers - Structure · 2019-03-21 · Arctic Animals Research Papers By Melissa Michael . These research papers were written to make it easier for early readers
Page 38: Arctic Animals Research Papers - Structure · 2019-03-21 · Arctic Animals Research Papers By Melissa Michael . These research papers were written to make it easier for early readers
Page 39: Arctic Animals Research Papers - Structure · 2019-03-21 · Arctic Animals Research Papers By Melissa Michael . These research papers were written to make it easier for early readers
Page 40: Arctic Animals Research Papers - Structure · 2019-03-21 · Arctic Animals Research Papers By Melissa Michael . These research papers were written to make it easier for early readers
Page 41: Arctic Animals Research Papers - Structure · 2019-03-21 · Arctic Animals Research Papers By Melissa Michael . These research papers were written to make it easier for early readers

Credits: Frames are courtesy of Charlotte’s Clips. Most of the photos are from flickr.com and are licensed under a creative commons license granting permission to use for commercial work. Some photos are from US Fish & Wildlife Service and are public domain.

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