1 Editorial Statement ARISE is published four times a year and contributions for the next edition are welcomed by the Editorial Team. If you would like a copy of ARISE in any other format please let us know. Email [email protected] or call 01733 347135. We look forward to hearing from you. websites meet the highest levels of web accessibility which we felt was very important. You can also translate the site into 80 different languages, which, from an equality and diversity point of view, is amazing.” Chris Wood (resident) added: “What’s really good, and what wasn’t available on the old website, is that both sites are fully viewable on all types of devices. For example on smart phones and tablets, which is great for me, as I can now view the website when I am out and about.” We know how busy you are, however we hope you will spend a couple of minutes having a look at Axiom’s new internet sites. We’d really welcome your feedback. This edition is available on AUDIO CD 01733 347135 www.axiomha.org.uk www.axiomacademy.org.uk Arise Axiom Residents Influencing Service Excellence Summer 2014 Welcome to your summer newsletter Firstly, we’d like to tell you about Axiom’s two new websites which have been designed with you in mind. Axiom and Axiom Academy After more than 10 years faithful service, Axiom finally retired their old website to bring you two new fresher, brighter, modern, more accessible sites with inviting pictures and easy to read text. We were pleased to be invited to work together with Axiom, which has ensured that residents have been involved at every step of the way. We were able to influence the design, navigation and some of the content. Jan Eadie (resident) said: “I was really pleased to be involved in the website project. It was really interesting and I learned a lot. The new ‘ARISE newsletter for residents by residents’

Arise summer 2014

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Editorial Statement ARISE is published four times a year and contributions for the next edition are welcomed by the Editorial Team. If you would like a copy of ARISE in any other format please let us know. Email [email protected] or call 01733 347135. We look forward to hearing from you.

websites meet the highest levels of web accessibility which we felt was very important. You can also translate the site into 80 different languages, which, from an equality and diversity point of view, is amazing.” Chris Wood (resident) added:

“What’s really good, and what wasn’t available on the old website, is that both sites are fully viewable on all types of devices. For example on smart phones and tablets, which is great for me, as I can now view the website when I am out and about.”

We know how busy you are, however we hope you will spend a couple of minutes having a look at Axiom’s new internet sites. We’d really welcome your feedback.

This edition is available on AUDIO CD 01733 347135

www.axiomha.org.uk www.axiomacademy.org.uk


Axiom Residents


Service Excellence

Summer 2014 Welcome to your

summer newsletter

Firstly, we’d like to tell you about Axiom’s two

new websites which have been designed with you in mind.

Axiom and Axiom Academy

After more than 10 years faithful service, Axiom finally retired their old website to bring you two new fresher, brighter, modern, more accessible sites with inviting pictures and easy to read text. We were pleased to be invited to work together with Axiom, which has ensured that residents have been involved at every step of the way. We were able to influence the design, navigation and some of the content. Jan Eadie (resident) said: “I was really pleased to be involved in the website project. It was really interesting and I learned a lot. The new

‘ARISE newsletter for residents by residents’

Page 2: Arise summer 2014


The Axiom Resident Scrutiny Panel is currently looking for new members. If this is something that interests you, and you require

further information, please contact Charmaine Simei on 01733 347135 or email [email protected]

Alternatively for an application pack email [email protected]

Page 3: Arise summer 2014




All ARF meetings are held on a Friday at 10.00 am

at Axiom House, Cottesmore Close,

Peterborough PE3 9TP and on the following dates:

8 August 12 September 10 October 14 November

Please contact Ann Kemp for further

information and/or help with transport.

Members of the Community Improvement Panel (CIP) and Disability User Group (DUG) visited various sites in Lincolnshire and Cambridgeshire. They looked at where Axiom could improve its services, for example garden maintenance, and have now reported back the findings. We in ARF would like to see more residents involved and I see recruitment of new members as a priority in 2014/15; so please come along and see how it works!” Brian Harris (vice chair—ARF)

ARF Executive Committee: Paul Newton Chair Moorside Court Brian Harris Vice chair/Treasurer Sayer Court Chris Wood Secretary Charlton Court Howard Bell Community Grant Co-ord Sayer Court Andy Low* Oundle Road Fair View Court Brian Webster* Beech Court Ely Charlie Gilmore Blashfield Close Stamford Jackie Rice The Spinney Eye Jan Eadie Ethelred Close Ramsey Leslie Bailey Wellington Way Market Deeping Mervyn Cowdell Neath Court Eye ARF Committee: Brian Gaul Kestrel Court South Bretton Joan Newton* The Spinney Eye Melissa Low* Fair View Court Peterborough Piers Renfree Sayer Court Orton Goldhay Sue Jones Martin Court Werrington Yvonne Mayes Stamper Street South Bretton * co-opted If you would like to contact a member of ARF please call the ARF Secretary on 07718 780248.

Axiom Residents’ Forum: promoting your interests and views Axiom is committed to resident involvement, so the more people that get involved, the bigger the difference we can make. ARF are also here to help you with any issues or problems you may have with the services Axiom provides. To contact us email [email protected] or call Chris Wood, ARF Secretary 07718 780248 or Howard Bell, Community Improvement Grant Co-ordinator 07900 498626. We look forward to hearing from you.

Message from ARF vice chair

About Axiom Residents’ Forum (ARF) Axiom Residents’ Forum is there to help you with all sorts of issues! Formed in June 2007 the forum promotes the views and interests of Axiom residents, tenants and service users. ARF can act as an advocate and guide you through all sorts of issues you may have, however big or small!

“Unfortunately Paul Newton (ARF chair) is still not well enough to fulfil his commitment to ARF, so on behalf of all ARF members, I wish him a speedy recovery. As vice chair I would like to bring you up to speed. In the spring we made a film called Local Communities which was transmitted on Sky 212 and BBC Freesat in the early summer. ARF were involved and feedback from Axiom has been very encouraging. We are looking to show this at the residents’ conference and I know that Axiom are hoping to have this as a link on their website soon.

Axiom Residents’ Forum Membership


an H



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Photographic gardening competition reminder Every year, Axiom runs a gardening competition, with the winners announced at the Residents’ Conference in the autumn. There are three categories: best front/back garden, best pots/patio/window tubs and best communal garden. Please see page 18 for further information and an application form.

Hi everyone “I’m Ann, and I’ve been very busy meeting residents and familiarising myself with ARF and the work of the Scrutiny Panel as well as learning about all the resident groups across Axiom and how they are set up. Rowland Court, a community of 20 bungalows, is the newest resident group and as a collective group they have a say on the services we provide. They promote and help develop the community spirit by arranging social and fundraising events and also campaign on behalf of the community on issues such as traffic calming, estate improvements and improved lighting. Any resident (leaseholder, tenant or shared owner) can set up a group and once recognised we offer a £150 grant to help set it up. An organised group has a stronger voice than one individual, so why not consider setting up your own; just let me know. We recently held a very successful Strictly Come Dancing at The Pavilions with £177 being raised for Axiom Homeless Action, so thank you to everyone who helped out on the day. I am now currently working with the planning committee on the Residents’ Conference (Saturday 27 September) and the Family Fun Day (Friday 22 August), but more about those events later in this edition (see pages 5 and 18/19).

Please also look out for our

exciting news on page 19 about our revamp of the Axiom Week of


Ann’s contact details: 01733 347135 [email protected]

Axiom Housing Association, Axiom House, Cottesmore Close, Peterborough PE3 9TP

Ann Kemp Acting Resident Involvement Manager

As you may know Tracey Burton is taking a break from her ‘travels’ to take up the role of Interim Sheltered Housing Manager, so as Acting Resident Involvement Manager, Ann Kemp provides you with an update on

resident involvement and all that it involves.

Don’t forget that you can catch up with

us on Axiom’s own Facebook page ‘Axiom Involved’ and we would ask that you ‘like’ this page to be kept up to date

with resident involvement activities.

LIKE US on the ‘Axiom Involved’

‘Ann’s Adventures’


Page 5: Arise summer 2014

Calling all dog owners—new law Did you know that the Government has announced that from 6 April 2016 all dogs will have to be micro-chipped – so please bear this in mind and make arrangements to have your dog micro-chipped. If you don’t you could be fined £500 if you fail to meet these new requirements. Some places offer free micro-chipping: to find out more, please visit www.gov.uk and put mirco-chipping in the search box.

Family Fun Day—22 August 2014 (12 noon —3 pm) After a very successful event last year, the annual Family Fun Day for Axiom residents and their families, will take place on Friday 22 August in Peterborough Central Park from between 12 noon and 3 pm. Ann Kemp (Acting Resident Involvement Manager) said: “Among the activities planned are a bouncy castle, face painting and children’s races plus hopefully a visit from the Dogsthorpe Fire Station crew, unless of course they are called out. If last year is anything to go by, it will be a wonderful day, so why not grab a picnic and join us in Central Park for an afternoon packed full of fun.”

It’s a fantastic achievement for The Pavilions and The Spinney from the Elderly Accommodation Council.

As part of an annual competition the Elderly Accommodation Council (EAC) ran a consultation exercise with residents in the spring at The Pavilions and The Spinney about the services they receive. The process involved residents scoring our services via a game of cards, which is specially designed to encourage discussion and capture both group and individual feedback. Cards are arranged into four main areas:

Where we live : My home : Services : Lifestyle

The scheme managers are involved in the process, but only to the extent that they help distribute and organise the event; they cannot be present during the game. The results are then used to compare UK extra care scheme’s against each other.

The great news is that out of 28 extra care schemes in our region The Pavilions came 2nd and The Spinney 3rd. Rebecca Kightly (Sheltered Housing Manager) said: “This is a fantastic achievement which now means that we have two extra care schemes in the top three within our region. These EAC reports demonstrate the real quality of service that we provide which really do make a positive difference to the lives of frail older people. Well done to everyone involved and special thanks to the care teams, ARF members and resident volunteers.”

In our region residents voted The Pavilions second and The Spinney third

Here’s where both The Pavilions & The Spinney received putting them FIRST in the whole of the UK:

Building facilities Gardens Space standards Staff role and interaction A good place to make friends

Residents' play their cards right!

The Spinney (photo by George Wood) The Pavilions


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Poetry corner The poems HOPE and SUMMER, were submitted by the late Mrs Gill Robson for inclusion in this edition of ARISE. Sadly Gill passed away on 24 May, however her family have kindly given permission for her poems to be published here. Alison Lockett, Service Manager, said: “Gill began to write poems and has entered competitions since 1999. Gill had over forty poems published and her latest poem, called Hope, was published in 2013 as part of the National Poetry Competition Collection 2013. Our thoughts are with Gill’s family and friends”.

Hope You’re in a pool of loneliness. You’ve shown that you care. You love the man that loves you. You want to say its there. What are we searching for? Or looking to find, needing to be wanting. Needing peace of mind. But in all this confusion, delusion and doubt, is a smile that says I love you and a helping hand. You both hold each other closely. Where did it seem wrong. Just one now precious moment in heart and soul and mind.

Summer Oh for a drink to quench my thirst, parched from a walk that tells a tale. Glowing buttercups in the breeze, when swallows glide in the skies. Horse play happily in the fields, poppies blow gently to and fro. We remember them in years of despair and woe. Then the doves bill and coo, whisper ‘I

love you, I love you’. Oh where days never seem to

end. Ice cream, candy floss, gentle waves, everyone enjoying fun; summer has once at last begun.

By the late Mrs Gill Robson Resident from Moorside

Court, North Hykeham

Dementia Awareness Resident members of the ARISE Editorial Team always talk about new ideas for articles. We are therefore pleased to bring you information highlighting dementia awareness which has been provided by Chris Wood and Jan Eadie (Editorial Team members).

“Dementia knows no social, economic, ethic or geographical boundaries. Although each person will experience dementia in their own way, eventually those affected are unable to care for themselves and need help with all aspects of daily live. There are already 800,000 people with dementia in the UK with a financial cost of £23 billion each year. This is predicted to grow to over one million people by 2025 with one in three expected to develop dementia in their later life. As little as three decade ago, dementia/Alzheimer’s was very misunderstood, very little research was done and sadly there was much stigma attached, so it wasn’t widely discussed. Thankfully today it is a widely talked about subject with a lot of help now available. Dementia cafes are springing up all over the place, so if you need help or advice or know someone that may need more information, why not go along to one near you.” Contact your local group on:

Gainsborough 01522 692681 Lincoln 01522 692681 Boultham Park House 01522 681500 Hartford, Huntingdon 01223 276192 Girton, Cambridge 01223 276192 Ferry Meadows 01733 893853 Ely Cathedral Centre 01223 863854 Ramsey 01480 415235 St Ives 01480 415235 St Neots 01223 884031


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Safeguarding Adults has been an increasingly high profile issue over recent years and months. You may therefore be aware of a series of media based enquiries and incidents that have helped raise awareness of safeguarding. For example the Jimmy Saville and Max Clifford cases being on the TV and covered in the news.

There have also been BBC Panorama programmes that have highlighted

incidents of abuse and have led in some cases to criminal convictions. At Axiom, we have a number of services where there are potential risks – those where staff work alone; those where staff work in teams and there may be opportunities for collusion; basically we have a wide range of services that have vulnerable people as their client group. We take our safeguarding responsibilities seriously. Axiom’s Operations Director,

Stuart Fort, is our lead officer for safeguarding; we have policies and procedures in place and all staff are trained in safeguarding. Stuart Fort said: “We keep a log of any incidents and these are reviewed monthly. We also want residents to be watchful so if you see anything that causes you concern, please do not hesitate to bring it to our attention. We will advise you on what to do and can help refer it onto the appropriate people. There will be regular updates on safeguarding over the coming months as we work together to keep our services safe for vulnerable people.” If you wish to raise a safeguarding issue, please contact us on 01733 347135 and advise customer services that you have a safeguarding concern.

Safeguarding Adults

Preparation into Employment (PIE) the journey so far

Preparation into Employment is an innovative project involving three different organisations; Axiom Crossroads Care, Axiom Housing Association and Carers Trust Cambridgeshire. PIE is funded by the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) to engage with those with either a homeless background or those that have been former carers of a family member. The project centres around giving basic skills in maths, English and IT, with a further element of traineeships to give individuals a vocational qualification and work experience. Five months into the PIE programme and we are starting to see some great results. To date the project has engaged with more than 45 individuals, 17 of whom have enrolled in a Traineeship which is being delivered by Axiom Academy, in conjunction with the City College Peterborough.

The project team has established a programme that will provide training and mentoring to some of Peterborough’s most vulnerable, such as the homeless, carers and unemployed young people aged 16-23 years old. Karen Prince, Head of Axiom Academy, said: “I am proud of the progress that the PIE project has made. Mairead Wright and Sam Barrasso have really pulled together as a team and made some significant steps forward. The big priority for the coming months is to keep our candidates motivated, engaged and to provide great work experience opportunities. The majority of the people we are engaging with are extremely vulnerable and isolated. The PIE programme is a great opportunity to gain relevant qualifications and work experience whilst receiving support to achieve this. Such projects are invaluable to help individuals to realise their own potential which in turn has an impact on their confidence and self esteem.”

Stuart Fort


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s Victorian Tea at OTC!

Residents at Oak Tree Court would like you to know that on the first Sunday of every month they hold a Victorian Style Afternoon Tea. This event has already proved hugely popular with residents, their families and neighbours with the catering and hosting being done by residents. The whole event is funded by donations and everyone is welcome. For further information please contact Donna Jinks on 01480 412567.

On Wednesday 28 May residents, family, friends and staff took to the floor at The Pavilions for the second Strictly Come Dancing event of 2014. Jennie George-Underhill (Extra Care Scheme Manager) said: “There was a great turnout on the day with 13 residents from The Spinney making the journey to enjoy an afternoon filled with music and dancing. Axiom couldn’t do these events without help, so we would like to thank our resident helpers Chris & George Wood, Dee Knight (who also provided some

Strictly speaking; it’s so much fun!

delicious cupcakes) and Laura Richardson from Peterborough Foyer who helped to add some real inter-generational spirit”. Queenie (resident at The Pavilions) who has a great sense of humour said: “We had a wonderful afternoon, but Don my toy boy husband got stolen by one of the lovely carers!” Ruby Blake (resident at The Spinney) said: “So many of us can’t actually get up and dance, but it was great fun doing all the actions to ‘I am a music man’ and ‘The birdie song’ while sitting in our chairs.” The afternoon ended on a high with

£180 being raised for Axiom Homeless Action!


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Rose goes to the Palace for tea!

Rose Jolly, resident from Oak Tree Court in Godmanchester, was invited to the Queen’s Garden Party on 3 June in honour of her services to RAF Wyton. Rose tells us about her experience.

“I had learned about my invitation to the Palace two months ago and I couldn’t wait. The invitation duly arrived with the royal seal and it was beautifully addressed. One was a formal gold embossed invite, so this was framed and takes pride of place in my flat at Oak Tree Court (OTC). Hotel and train journey booked, the time was getting nearer and I was getting more excited. One of my friends at OTC had tailored my uniform and took some fantastic pictures of me in the beautiful gardens here. I was inspected by another friend and was passed as being dressed fit for the royal Queen! On arrival I had goose bumps as I entered into the palace and magnificent gardens. The food was fabulous with the sweetest strawberries I had ever tasted. The sandwiches were all regimented and neat and I tried some of the famous cucumber ones keeping my little finger poised of course! The Queen was dressed in lemon and indeed had matching trim on her umbrella. The heavens opened and I got soaked, but I didn’t

care as I was in the front row and the Queen was three feet away! I got the sweetest smile from Her Majesty. Then came Prince Charles and Camilla and the Duke of Edinburgh; the Duke of Kent was there too. There were two military bands playing in the background so I rested my tired feet and ate ice cream. I then wandered in the gardens and investigated the summer house which was probably bigger than my flat! The lake was gorgeous and the whole place seemed so relaxing. Then the national anthem sounded indicating it was time to depart. It was a day that will stay with me forever.”

Spring bazaar raises over £500

Congratulations to residents at Martin Court who raised over £500 at their spring bazaar which will go towards trips, entertainment and other social events throughout the year.

Foyer residents give something back!

Two residents from Market Rasen Foyer volunteered their time to support HIS Church. Wilf and Matt spent time with Richard Humphrey, a Senior Co-ordinator, distributing re-branded clothes that had been seized by Police which are then distributed to those in need. Richard Humphrey said: “Matt and Wilf were superb. Being punctual, attentive, enthusiastic and a tremendous help on the day. They are a great credit to Market Rasen Foyer”.

Rose (left and below) with her invitation and outside the Palace

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Congratulations to Chris Wood, resident from Charlton Court who recently passed her MS Word exam.

Chris Wood (below right) said: “As secretary of ARF, I felt I needed to learn more about MS Word. So, in October, I took the ‘bull by the horns’ and went to Axiom Academy at Peterborough Foyer and found I could do the course working from home and in my own time. After just a couple of months I nervously sat the exam and passed with an 80% pass rate. I was so excited it is the first time I have taken an exam in over 40 years; I was overjoyed.”

If, like Chris, you would like to find out more about what the Academy offers and how it could help you, please visit www.axiomacademy.org.uk or contact your nearest centre:

Sharing and celebrating success Work experience student makes a positive difference

Axiom Academy goes from strength to strength!

Axiom Academy is part of Axiom and provides quality learning, training and skills development from its community-based centres working with a range of learners aged 16 and over. The Academy’s objective is to provide an innovative and quality learning experience for people to meet their individual needs and aspirations. Karen Prince (Head of Axiom Academy) said: “The Academy continues to go from strength to strength and continues to develop into new areas. Last year alone we delivered over 550 courses and continue to place social work students within Axiom’s supported, sheltered and extra care schemes. Recognition for the great work that the Academy provides was demonstrated when we were shortlisted by the National Housing Federation for the impact the Academy has on local communities. We were therefore thrilled to have been recognised from over 180 entries under the investing in people category”.

What can Axiom Academy offer you?

Our centres offer a range of learning

opportunities in IT, maths, English and traineeships. In the first instance, we

will offer all our potential new learners a dedicated ‘information, advice and

guidance’ session. At this session we will discuss your aspirations and help find the

appropriate course for you.

The majority of learning takes place online with a qualified tutor on-hand to

support you in your learning.

Employability We have been successful and continue to seek funding to support specific projects

to provide additional opportunities. These include employability courses to help people gain skills and find work.

Our accreditations include:

Matrix standard for Information, Advice and Guidance City and Guilds for IT, maths and English British Computer Society for ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence)

Axiom Academy at the Community Impact Awards LtoR: Alan Lewin (CEO), Karen Prince (Head of Axiom

Academy), Reg Wood (board member), Mairead Wright & Roxanne Hobbs (tutors)

success story An

Paine’s Mill Foyer 01480 214685 Wisbech Foyer 01945 580547 Peterborough Foyer 01733 565465 New Haven 01733 341366 Fair View Court 01733 345527

Chris Wood

Photo by George Wood

Page 11: Arise summer 2014

Last November, Carol Hinds, Work Experience Co-ordinator at Jack Hunt School, contacted Kae Eddings in Axiom’s HR Department, asking for help placing one of their students, Daniel Harrod (aged 15).

Axiom helped Carol as the school were struggling to find Daniel something appropriate as he suffers from Coprolalia which is a symptom of Tourette’s syndrome (see explanation) and needed to find an understanding organisation for his work experience. Daniel is completing a construction course and wanted to experience practical work in line with his college course. Axiom really wanted to help, so after speaking to Patrick Lane (Works Supervisor), a plan was put in place for Daniel to get some real hands-on experience by working with the grounds maintenance team. Patrick Lane said: “When Daniel came for his interview he was extremely nervous, which exasperated his condition, but he soon calmed when talking to Kae and myself. We introduced him to the grounds maintenance team and he was soon

Sharing and celebrating success Work experience student makes a positive difference

We are delighted to bring you this success story which celebrates Axiom’s commitment to supporting local school children with

work experience requests, but this one’s a little different!

COPROLALIA (source: medicinenet)

The excessive and uncontrollable use of foul or

obscene language. Persons with Tourette syndrome do not usually curse out of anger or displeasure but out of uncontrollable compulsion. They cannot help


keen to get started! Daniel started his placement on 24 March for two weeks and to say the placement was successful is an understate-ment.” Carol Hinds, Jack Hunt School, said: “Due to the success of Daniel’s placement with Axiom, he has been nominated for a school award based on his attitude and behaviour during his time with you. According to Daniel, you have given him the best work experience ever!” Daniel worked at Maddison House, Paines Mill Foyer, The Spinney, Harvard House, Anson

House, Peterborough Foyer and Axiom House.

Diamond & Gold! ARISE would like to wish many congratulations to Kestrel Court residents:- Brian and Beryl Wilson who celebrated their DIAMOND Wedding Anniversary and David and Sandra McKinnon who celebrated their GOLDEN Wedding Anniversary both on the same day of 20 March this year. We wish both couples many more very happy years together.

Work experience provides the opportunity to gain hands on

experience of the working world and helps to develop key employment


If you are interested in gaining work experience within Axiom, please contact a member of the

Human Resources Team for further information.


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Moorside Court Sheila Wood (above) has lived at Moorside Court since 2006 and does an amazing amount of volunteering, especially for the

British Legion. Alison Lockett (Service Manager, Moorside Court) said: “I have known Sheila for over eight years now. She became involved with the British Legion

when she helped her mother sell poppies in her local village when she was just 16. In 1942 her father died during the war and the British Legion was her mother’s lifeline. Having been left with four young children to bring up from the age of two years to ten she found their support invaluable”. Sheila said: “After my marriage in 1955, I joined the Legion Branch and became a voluntary welfare worker. In the 1970’s I joined the women’s section and formed the Bracebridge Heath Branch and then in 1977 I became a Warden of the first British housing association in Lincolnshire.

Celebrating volunteers

I’m almost 82, but I still enjoy organising events helping to raise money for The Royal British Legion Women’s Section. I also help out with the soup kitchen held at Moorside Court once a month and organise the weekly bingo and raffle. I’m very proud to say that after 65 years, I am still involved with the poppy appeal as seller and organiser, and have no intention of giving up yet!”

Margaret Forbes has lived at Moorside Court since 2012 and has been a volunteer for 18 months at The Ark charity shop in North Hykeham. The Ark sells second hand goods and is part of the All Saints Church, Hykeham where all proceeds go back into the church funds. Margaret said: “I really enjoy my time working as a volunteer. It gives me the chance to meet other people and help out a very worthy cause”.

The ARISE Editorial Team received a request to include some articles about residents who volunteer their time to charity. We thought this was a great idea, so in this edition, we look at Moorside Court and Kestrel Court. Angela Robinson (Communications Manager) said: “Moorside Court put forward the idea of celebrating resident volunteers. We thought it was a really good idea and a great way of encouraging others to get involved in charitable work. The ARISE editorial panel members felt it was important to publically celebrate the amazing amount of work that Axiom residents do for other organisations. If you would like to feature in a future edition of ARISE about the volunteering that you do, please let us know.”

Sheila Wood Moorside Court

Margaret Forbes Moorside Court


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Kestrel Court Louise Laudat (Service Manager Kestrel Court) would like to praise the fantastic voluntary work that her resident, Mrs Beryl Mackereth of Kestrel Court, has done over the last couple of years. Louise said: “Beryl Mackereth has been really busy with her needles and wool and has managed to knit an amazing 60 blankets in the last two years. All of the blankets are donated to charity, and I think she’s worth her weight in gold!” Beryl said: “At 81 years of age, I like to feel useful. Having had nine children I’ve always been busy and as I got older I really missed that. Even though I have 24 grandchildren

and 10 great grandchildren I will always find time to knit blankets to help raise funds for my chosen charities.” Here’s where Beryl’s 60 blankets went:

East Anglian Children’s Hospice EACH Charity Shop Whittlesey MS Society

Beryl Mackereth Kestrel Court

Audio volunteers

The ARISE Editorial Team are pleased to advise that once again

this edition of ARISE has been produced as an audio CD and every single one is produced by resident volunteers. Chris Wood (resident volunteer) said: “As a member of the Disability User Group and ARISE Editorial Panel, I am really keen to ensure that ARISE is produced in as many formats as possible. We currently provide every resident with a printed paper copy of the newsletter, there is an electronic version available on

Axiom’s website and Angela Robinson, Axiom’s Communications Manager, now produces a digital flipbook version which is also available on the website.”

Jackie Rice (resident volunteer) added: “I’ve also been involved in creating ARISE in audio format and even though feedback to date has been good, we are still keen to improve. We have therefore decided to look at the quality of the sound over the coming months. We hope you enjoy this edition, please let us know what you think so we know how to improve in the future.”

Chris Wood preparing the SPRING edition audio CD

If you would like go give feedback or receive your own copy of the audio version of ARISE and all future editions please contact Angela Robinson on 01733 347135.

Copies are also available from your Service, Scheme or Project Manager.

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! From the start of June the support organisations we work

with has changed; income management team provide you

with an update on those changes.

Axiom is no longer supporting a priority service with the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB), so if you need to use their services you will have to go along to their local office and wait to be seen OR referrals can be made via referent (see opposite). For people requiring debt advice we are now referring residents to Step Change.

About Step Change Step Change is a nationwide charity, which has been in operation since 1993 (previously CCCS—consumer credit counselling service). The advice is free and done over the phone (Freephone 0800 138 1111) and is currently available in English or welsh. Step Change is totally client led, with advisors assisting clients to make decisions. Each client gets a tailored communication pack showing their personal situation and solutions available. However, this can also be done online. Axiom staff can make referrals on resident’s behalf and provide initial information if preferred.


If you need help with any of the above please contact a member of the Income Management Team on 01733 347135.

Refernet There is also now a free service offered by Peterborough CAB called Refernet which is a secure online referral system which has been developed to facilitate effective referral of clients. Agencies in the referral system include, Age Concern, PCAB – Housing & Legal, PCAS, Family Mediation, Health Watch Peterborough, and they offer advice on welfare benefits, debt advice, health and social care

www.peterborough. refernet.co.uk

Changes to JSA and benefits for migrant job seekers From 28 April 2014 there have been changes made for people claiming job seekers allowance (JSA) and looking for work. The changes are to try and help people back into work.

Migrant job seekers Over the last few months there have been a number of changes to benefits that migrant jobseekers can claim and there are more changes to come. Changes affect people that are nationals of: European Economic Area (EEA) including Bulgaria, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania and Slovenia. If you believe that you may be affected please contact a member of the income management team for further information or visit www.gov.uk and search for migrant job seekers.

Changes include:

Day one conditionality Mandatory English language requirements Quarterly work search interviews Weekly or daily work search reviews Community work placements


Page 15: Arise summer 2014




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! From the start of June the support organisations we work

with has changed; income management team provide you

with an update on those changes.

Axiom is no longer supporting a priority service with the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB), so if you need to use their services you will have to go along to their local office and wait to be seen OR referrals can be made via referent (see opposite). For people requiring debt advice we are now referring residents to Step Change.

About Step Change Step Change is a nationwide charity, which has been in operation since 1993 (previously CCCS—consumer credit counselling service). The advice is free and done over the phone (Freephone 0800 138 1111) and is currently available in English or welsh. Step Change is totally client led, with advisors assisting clients to make decisions. Each client gets a tailored communication pack showing their personal situation and solutions available. However, this can also be done online. Axiom staff can make referrals on resident’s behalf and provide initial information if preferred.


If you need help with any of the above please contact a member of the Income Management Team on 01733 347135.

Refernet There is also now a free service offered by Peterborough CAB called Refernet which is a secure online referral system which has been developed to facilitate effective referral of clients. Agencies in the referral system include, Age Concern, PCAB – Housing & Legal, PCAS, Family Mediation, Health Watch Peterborough, and they offer advice on welfare benefits, debt advice, health and social care

www.peterborough. refernet.co.uk

Changes to JSA and benefits for migrant job seekers From 28 April 2014 there have been changes made for people claiming job seekers allowance (JSA) and looking for work. The changes are to try and help people back into work.

Migrant job seekers Over the last few months there have been a number of changes to benefits that migrant jobseekers can claim and there are more changes to come. Changes affect people that are nationals of: European Economic Area (EEA) including Bulgaria, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania and Slovenia. If you believe that you may be affected please contact a member of the income management team for further information or visit www.gov.uk and search for migrant job seekers.

Changes include:

Day one conditionality Mandatory English language requirements Quarterly work search interviews Weekly or daily work search reviews Community work placements

‘Axiom in Action!’

By Ann Kemp (Interim Resident Involvement Manager) and Melissa Marston (Senior Surveyor)

Melissa Marston and Ann Kemp are very excited to

report that Axiom’s ‘Week of Action’ which originally focused only on helping the Sheltered

and Extra Care Schemes has now been re-branded ‘Axiom in Action’, and this year we will include general needs as well as sheltered

and supported housing.

Ann Kemp said: “The project will run over two weeks from 8 to 19 September with a maximum of 10 projects completed during that time. The

type of projects can vary and include, for example, fence painting and gardening”.

Melissa Marston added: “With Axiom in Action in mind we ask that you send in your submission

by completing the form opposite so we can consider all the requests that come in. We will

then confirm our plans. So please get your thinking caps on and get in touch.”


Address Contact telephone number:

Location of Project:

Description of Axiom in Action Project

(use a separate sheet if necessary)


Ann Kemp, Axiom in Axiom, Axiom Housing Association Limited,

Cottesmore Close, Peterborough PE3 9TP

Submissions should be sent no later than 15 August 2014; any received after

that date will not be considered.

Need help with utility bills: try CHARIS grants Residents that sit on the Housing Management Advisory Panel (HMAP) - Howard Bell, Leslie Bailey, Piers Renfree, Mavis Dettmer, Jean and Stuart Dowell, Brian Harris, Andy Low, Charlie Gilmore and Jackie Rice - would like to tell you about a charity called CHARIS GRANTS. CHARIS is a charity that offers financial help by way of a grant to anyone that finds themselves in financial difficulties with utility providers such as British Gas, EDF Energy, NPower, Anglian Water, First Utility or Scottish Power.

Jackie Rice (resident and HMAP member) said: “Anyone wishing to apply for financial assistance from the companies mentioned earlier will need to be a customer and complete a grant application form. You will be required to provide financial information and supporting documentary evidence, including recent bills and proof of benefits and banks statements. Other conditions may apply.” To apply for a grant, or to find out further information please call 01733 421060 or visit their website www.charisgrants.com

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Community Improvement Panel celebrate making a difference for the 200th time!

The Community Improvement Panel (CIP) was established in 2009 and were initially given a fund of £60,000 to distribute in response to applications received from residents who were interested in making a positive difference to their local neighbourhoods. Panel members have been extremely busy since this time; with every new financial year heralding a fresh allocation of funding and an influx of applications to review! Earlier this year CIP were delighted to mark the completion of their 200th job!

Howard Bell (CIP member) said: “Sitting on the Community Improvement Panel has been a really rewarding experience. Being able to listen to resident’s ideas for physical improvements to where they live, and being able to make a difference time and time again has made this a really worthwhile scheme. True resident involvement!”

The types of applications have included improvements to communal gardens, requests for garden benches, water butts, arbours, patio areas, fencing, greenhouses and bike stores etc . One of the most recent jobs was the completion of the communal garden at Moorside Court.

Charmaine Simei (Assistant Director Operations) said: “Due to the success of the fund, not only has it grown, but the panel and Axiom staff have separated out the funds available to ensure we can reach those areas most in need.”

The 2014-15 fund is allocated as:

POT1: £25,000 ARF allocation POT2: £30,000 ARF & Axiom allocation POT3: £25,000 Axiom allocation Foot paths & car parks: £40,000 ARF & Axiom

In 2011 the Disability Users Group (DUG) were granted their own ’fund pot’ which was utilised to improve the accessibility of estates and schemes. For 2014-2015 their allocation is £30,000. Both CIP and DUG work closely together to ensure that the maximum benefit is achieved on behalf of Axiom residents. What is a Community Improvement?

Any work that will benefit a community/estate

Please note that residents and housing officers can fill in applications at their regular estate walkabouts. What the fund cannot do:

Any individual request that is beneficial to an individual property No specialist adaptation requests for individuals (these will be considered separately by Axiom) Requests for improvements that are from Axiom’s Improvement Programme kitchens, bathrooms, windows etc.

Application Process If you would like to apply for funds please contact Customer Services on 01733 347135 for an application form or contact the resident CIP co-ordinator on 07900 498626. We look forward to hearing from you.

Arbour at Moorside Court

Resident CIP Panel Members Andy Low Brian Harris Charlie Gilmore Dee Knight Howard Bell Leslie Bailey

New drying area at Grace Court, Wisbech


Page 17: Arise summer 2014

Community Improvement Panel celebrate making a difference for the 200th time!

The Community Improvement Panel (CIP) was established in 2009 and were initially given a fund of £60,000 to distribute in response to applications received from residents who were interested in making a positive difference to their local neighbourhoods. Panel members have been extremely busy since this time; with every new financial year heralding a fresh allocation of funding and an influx of applications to review! Earlier this year CIP were delighted to mark the completion of their 200th job!

Howard Bell (CIP member) said: “Sitting on the Community Improvement Panel has been a really rewarding experience. Being able to listen to resident’s ideas for physical improvements to where they live, and being able to make a difference time and time again has made this a really worthwhile scheme. True resident involvement!”

The types of applications have included improvements to communal gardens, requests for garden benches, water butts, arbours, patio areas, fencing, greenhouses and bike stores etc . One of the most recent jobs was the completion of the communal garden at Moorside Court.

Charmaine Simei (Assistant Director Operations) said: “Due to the success of the fund, not only has it grown, but the panel and Axiom staff have separated out the funds available to ensure we can reach those areas most in need.”

The 2014-15 fund is allocated as:

POT1: £25,000 ARF allocation POT2: £30,000 ARF & Axiom allocation POT3: £25,000 Axiom allocation Foot paths & car parks: £40,000 ARF & Axiom

In 2011 the Disability Users Group (DUG) were granted their own ’fund pot’ which was utilised to improve the accessibility of estates and schemes. For 2014-2015 their allocation is £30,000. Both CIP and DUG work closely together to ensure that the maximum benefit is achieved on behalf of Axiom residents. What is a Community Improvement?

Any work that will benefit a community/estate

Please note that residents and housing officers can fill in applications at their regular estate walkabouts. What the fund cannot do:

Any individual request that is beneficial to an individual property No specialist adaptation requests for individuals (these will be considered separately by Axiom) Requests for improvements that are from Axiom’s Improvement Programme kitchens, bathrooms, windows etc.

Application Process If you would like to apply for funds please contact Customer Services on 01733 347135 for an application form or contact the resident CIP co-ordinator on 07900 498626. We look forward to hearing from you.

Arbour at Moorside Court

Resident CIP Panel Members Andy Low Brian Harris Charlie Gilmore Dee Knight Howard Bell Leslie Bailey

New drying area at Grace Court, Wisbech

Axiom’s new Sheltered Housing Service is launched By Rebecca Kightly, Sheltered Housing Manager

“On Monday 7 April 2014, following a comprehensive review last October, where over 80% of residents responded to a consultation exercise, Axiom launched its new sheltered housing service. The new service is delivered by a team of Older Person’s Service Manager’s who provide an integrated housing management, care and support service to residents in Cambridgeshire, Lincolnshire and Peterborough. The Scheme Manager role has always been part of the service and we have always understood the importance of this role. However, the service faced a number of changes to Supporting People Funding meaning that we could not continue to deliver the service without change. Following the consultation process we had a lot of work to do in order to prepare for the launch. We had a number of follow up meetings with residents, we recruited a new team of Service Managers and delivered a series of training programmes. We have also upgraded a number of emergency alarm systems, which now means that Service Managers can respond to a call even if they are at another scheme.

We are pleased to advise that a fantastic 93% of residents

signed up to the new service. We will now be working with Axiom Crossroads Care to create more ‘hub and spoke’ services, similar to those at Beech Court, for our residents and the wider community.”

Rebecca Kightly

The new sheltered service includes:

A weekly call (daily if needed).

An assessment covering housing, care and support to assess and arrange help from others i.e. Occupational Therapists and Social Workers.

Help to organise or co-ordinate activities and events.

Signposting to other organisations who can help with support needs i.e. Age UK and the Salvation Army.

Support with referrals for assistive technology, such as fall detectors and door sensors.

Assistance with forms and general benefits advice.

A housing management service which includes repairs reporting and tenancy advice.

Drug and Crime Seminar is a hit

Residents from Paines Mill Foyer and the local community recently benefited from a free Drugs and Crime Seminar which was sponsored by the Rotary Club and Enterprise Pathways Community Coaching Café.

Residents learned about the devastating effects that drugs and crime can have, not only on individuals but on family and friends too. Paul Hannaford, an award winning speaker, talked about his own life threatening experience of drugs, alcohol and crime. Rotary Club members were so impressed they are now contemplating sponsoring similar events. For more information visit www.paulhannaford.com

One month into the new service we set up a ‘Listening Ear’ campaign at each

scheme where residents gave feedback. The next ‘Listening Ear’ is due to take

place in the autumn. For further information in the meantime

please contact Rebecca Kightly on 01733 347135.


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Photo gardening comp 2014

It’s our 11th Residents’ Conference

Photo Gardening Comp 2014

Tick which category you wish to enter (you can enter more than one):

Best front of back garden Best communal garden Best tubs/pots/hanging & window baskets/patio Name ________________________________________ Address ______________________________________


___________________ Post Code _________________ Contact phone number __________________________ How many photographs you are enclosing ___________ If you are entering the communal garden category please state community you are ___________________

Return by Monday 1 September 2014 to Ann Kemp

Yes it’s that time of year again; if you wish to take part in our ‘photographic gardening competition’ please submit your photo entries by 1 September!

Best front or back garden Best communal garden Best tubs, hanging baskets, window boxes and/or patio

We have decided to keep things simple this year and ask that you simply submit photographs of your garden from any of the above categories using the entry slip opposite or contact Ann Kemp. Deadline for entries: 1 Sept. Winners will be announced at the conference. No visits will be made to your home or communal gardens.

You are invited to the residents’ conference on Saturday 27 September at The Kingsgate Conference

Centre 2014 will see the 11th resident conference and we would like you to come along and celebrate with us! You will meet Axiom staff, other residents and external companies. You can join in with workshops and discussions, with a free prize draw, a buffet lunch and special guest speaker in the afternoon. Axiom will pay for reasonable travel expenses and child care; invites for the day will be sent out in August to every resident.

So what’s planned for the day?

Photo booth: back by popular demand! Workshops: Four workshops will be available for you to attend, including digital inclusion and the ever popular gardening top tips.

Q & A section with the Axiom Executive: This is your chance to ask questions of members of the Executive team about Axiom Housing Association. This could be on any topic of your choice; maintenance, rent, welfare reform, major works…..we’ll open up the floor to you!

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And finally a word from Angela and the Editorial Team “We would like to encourage you all to submit articles for future editions of ARISE. We work hard to ensure that news is equally spread across all areas and that there is a good mix of your stories, along with Axiom news and regulatory information. We also work with the ARF Chair, who has the final say on what’s published. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEND IN A STORY, COMMENT ON ANY ARTICLE IN THIS NEWSLETTER, OR HAVE ANY ISSUES YOU WISH TO RAISE, PLEASE LET US KNOW: see front cover for details of how to contact us.

Angela Robinson Communications


STORIES/COMMENTS TO [email protected]

01733 347135

It’s our 11th Residents’ Conference

For more information about the conference contact Ann Kemp

Email: [email protected] Phone: 01733 347135 Address: Ann Kemp, Resident Involvement Manager, Axiom Housing

Association, Axiom House, Cottesmore Close, Peterborough PE3 9TP


(The Axiom Resident Oscars)

The communities in which we live are made up of some very special people; people who go above and beyond to look after others needs and who make our homes and communities a nicer place to live.

At the conference Axiom and ARF would like to give residents the opportunity to recognise some of those special people wherever they live. If you would like to nominate someone for a R’OSCAR, the categories for your nominations are:

The Good Neighbour award Best Youth achievement award Most Involved Resident award This is YOUR chance to make a nomination from any of the above categories, please contact Ann Kemp by Monday 1 September. When submitting your entry please provide their name, address and include a statement, no longer than one side of A4, and state why you are putting them forward; R’OSCAR winners will be announced at the conference!

Saturday 27 September 2014


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200g buttery biscuits (Fox’s Butter Crinkles are perfect for this recipe!) 200g cream cheese (such as Philadelphia) 200ml double cream 6 tablespoons icing sugar 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 500g fresh ripe strawberries (quartered) 8 jars with lids

Strawberry Cheesecake jars!



Jeżeli potrzebują Państwo pomocy, prosimy o kontakt z nami. Jei reikės pagalbos, kreipkitės į mus Caso necessite de ajuda, não hesite em nos contactar. Pokud potřebujete pomoc, prosím kontaktujte nás!


1. Crush the biscuits into fine crumbs: either whizz in a food processor or crush in a bowl using the end of a rolling pin.

2. Now evenly divide the crushed biscuits between the 8 jars.

3. Next, take a large bowl and whisk the cream cheese, double cream, vanilla extract and 5 tablespoons of the icing sugar until softly whipped.

4. In a separate bowl tip in around half the strawberries and remaining icing sugar and then crush with a fork into a purée.

5. Now pour the strawberry purée into the cream and fold gentle to form ripples.

6. Now divide the mixture equally between the eight jars and top each jar with the remaining strawberries. Pop on the lids and chill in the fridge.

These desserts are perfect for picnics so why not tie a spoon to the jar ready to enjoy wherever you are!

Did you know that we have posted our major works

programme on our new website along with a host of other information such

as gas and fire safety

www.axiomha.org.uk/ your-home

Why not drop us a line FREE

You can now send requests for articles to be included in ARISE free of charge. All you need to

do is address your envelope:

FREEPOST RTGB-HZYK-GXUJ Communications Manager

Axiom Housing Association Limited Axiom House

Cottesmore Close Peterborough PE3 9TP

You MUST use the freepost number