Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing 16: 547^552, 2000. ß 2001 KluwerAcademic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands. ARTERIAL-LINE MONITORING SYSTEM SIMULATION David M. Feinstein, MD, 1 and Daniel. B. Raemer, PhD 2 From the 1 Harvard Medical School and Department of Anesthesia, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and 2 Harvard Medical School and Bioengineer, Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care, Massa- chusetts General Hospital. Received Mar 17, 2000, and in revised form Jan 18, 2001. Accepted for publication Jan 18, 2001. Address correspondence to Daniel B. Raemer, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Department of Anesthesia, Boston, MA 02114, U.S.A. E-mail: [email protected] Feinstein DM, Raemer DB. Arterial-line monitoring system simu- lation. J Clin Monit 2000; 16: 547^552 ABSTRACT. Objective. We sought to improve the realism of our patient simulation environment by developing a simula- tion of the arterial-line monitoring system. Properties of the system we wished to depict were: electro-mechanical delay between ECG and radial artery pressure, beat to beat ampli- tude variability and respiratory variation, realistic looking pulse pressure in hypertensive and hypotensive states, a func- tional link to the stopcock and transducer £ush, and ¢ltering characteristics of the measurement system. Methods. A standard clinical pressure transducer and stopcock were modi- ¢ed to provide data about their state to a personal computer. A software program was written to modify the arterial pres- sure waveform from a patient simulator according to the pressure transducer and stopcock state as well as user settings to produce a new waveform. Results. All of the desired improvements in the realism of the arterial waveform were implemented. Conclusions. The realism of scenarios using the patient simulator is enhanced by having the arterial-line monitoring system more accurately simulated. KEY WORDS. Simulation, monitoring. INTRODUCTION Simulation of critical events for training clinicians re- quires that devices attached to the manikin simulator operate as realistically as possible. One limitation of the current patient simulators is the lack of realism of the arterial line monitoring system and its resultant wave- forms. The MedSim Advanced Simulation Ltd. manikin simulator produces vital sign data from a proprietary iterative mathematical model of physiology running in a computer program. Continuous physiologic data such as ECG and invasive blood pressure are generated using piece-wise segments that are converted to analog waveforms via a digital to analog (D/A) converter. With appropriate scaling and connectors, these waveforms can be measured and displayed on standard clinical phys- iologic monitors. As the iterative physiologic model controls the amplitude and timing of the continuous waveforms, the user of the manikin simulator is given the impression that the waveforms correspond to the expected physiologic state of the ``patient.'' Although the waveforms are plausible and are readily accepted by most users, it is clear that some of the subtleties of waveforms generated from real patients are not well depicted by the simulator. This is especially true of the arterial pressure waveforms. The MedSim simu- lator produces an arterial blood pressure tracing that is idealized; its shape is identical and textbook-like from

Arterial-Line Monitoring System Simulation

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Page 1: Arterial-Line Monitoring System Simulation

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Page 4: Arterial-Line Monitoring System Simulation

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Page 5: Arterial-Line Monitoring System Simulation

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Page 6: Arterial-Line Monitoring System Simulation

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