Assault Marine Doctrine for Soul Drinkers First Draft by Seth Abramson (Sethex)  Copyright Content on this website has been generated by The PlayStation 3 Soul Drinkers (Soul Drinkers) and its members.  The Soul Drinkers and/or the respectie authors o! material claim copyright ownership o! all written material stored on this website unless e"pressly stated otherwise.  #rit ten works$ images and other graphical ele ments on this website may not be co pied$ reproduced or communicated without the e"press prior consent o! #armaster %a&iel %a&e and the respectie author or artist. 'n the eent that permission is granted$ you are reuired to gie credit and all original copyrights are retained.  The purpose o! this te"t is to outline the general e"pectations o! an S* when placed in a roster . ' will outline arious roles and S* would be used !or and e"press how those roles would be !acilitated in arious game modes. ' will also describe the role o! the S* in competitie gameplay$ and some o! it+s generally agreed upon strengths and weaknesses.  Why an ASM?  There are a multitude o! reasons !or an S* to be placed in a roster$ but i! you are placed in a competitie roster it is important to understand the ba sic e"pectations and your place in the battle plan. Doing so will ma"imi&e your e!!ectieness$ and this understanding is the !ine line between playing !or you rsel! and playing !or your team.  s a side note, ' o!ten hear marines worrying abou t their -/D when playing with their C* or Captains. The desire to e"cel and b e recogni&ed is admirable$ but eery marine should be aware that in competitie play no one should be udged$ or in this chapter will  be udged$ by their -/D e"cept in nnihil ation. eryone in command positions has been at this !or a long time$ and marines shine best when they !ul!ill their e"pected role rather than indiidually per!orm well. '! ' saw the S* assigned !or !lag grabbing in a CT0 match had numerous kills$ but the game dragged on$ ' might uestion where their  priorities lay . 't should be noted that een in nnihilation$ i! an S* is asked to protect a teammate or target an en emy $ that task must be owned. 1our teammate2s deaths$ or that

Assault marine tactica in the game space marine

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Assault Marine Doctrine for Soul Drinkers

First Draft by Seth Abramson (Sethex)



Content on this website has been generated by The PlayStation 3 Soul Drinkers (Soul

Drinkers) and its members.


The Soul Drinkers and/or the respectie authors o! material claim copyright ownership o!

all written material stored on this website unless e"pressly stated otherwise.


#ritten works$ images and other graphical elements on this website may not be copied$

reproduced or communicated without the e"press prior consent o! #armaster %a&iel %a&eand the respectie author or artist. 'n the eent that permission is granted$ you are

reuired to gie credit and all original copyrights are retained.


The purpose o! this te"t is to outline the general e"pectations o! an S* when placed in

a roster. ' will outline arious roles and S* would be used !or and e"press how those

roles would be !acilitated in arious game modes. ' will also describe the role o! the S*

in competitie gameplay$ and some o! it+s generally agreed upon strengths and



Why an ASM?


There are a multitude o! reasons !or an S* to be placed in a roster$ but i! you are placed

in a competitie roster it is important to understand the basic e"pectations and your place

in the battle plan. Doing so will ma"imi&e your e!!ectieness$ and this understanding is

the !ine line between playing !or yoursel! and playing !or your team.


s a side note, ' o!ten hear marines worrying about their -/D when playing with their

C* or Captains. The desire to e"cel and be recogni&ed is admirable$ but eery marine

should be aware that in competitie play no one should be udged$ or in this chapter will be udged$ by their -/D e"cept in nnihilation. eryone in command positions has been

at this !or a long time$ and marines shine best when they !ul!ill their e"pected role rather

than indiidually per!orm well. '! ' saw the S* assigned !or !lag grabbing in a CT0

match had numerous kills$ but the game dragged on$ ' might uestion where their

 priorities lay. 't should be noted that een in nnihilation$ i! an S* is asked to protect a

teammate or target an enemy$ that task must be owned. 1our teammate2s deaths$ or that

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enemy2s kills$ should both be o! eual priority to your own -D% and are a part o! your

 per!ormance. othing makes me prouder to be an SD than to see how well our marines

alue the chapter2 ictories oer their own$ and it should always continue thus.


A Glass Cannon 

S* hae numerous strengths$ all o! which can o!!set their ulnerabilities when used

correctly. Their strengths and weaknesses are a care!ul balance which must be maintained

at all times$ and the loss o! that balance always precedes an S*s death.

 Strengths of the ASM 


*aneuerability is the most obious and most important strength. mobile ssault is a

di!!icult target$ has a better understanding o! the !low o! battle$ and most importantly has

the power to dictate the terms it !ights on. 4osing your maneuerability or allowingenemies to dictate your actions will proe !atal.

Dama!e out"ut

The S* can put a lot o! damage on a single target uickly. 't isn2t necessarily the

highest DPS in the game$ but it is the most !le"ible DPS. S* aren2t limited by lines o!

sight or distance !or ery long$ and are di!!icult to escape !rom once you2e been targeted.

#ace Control

The combination$ simultaneously$ o! pistols and CC weapons leaes the S* no e"cuse

!or not being able to handle a speci!ic loadout. S* can be ust as e!!ectie at range as

CC$ and their maneuerability allows them to employ their pistols with the adantage o!

surprise. 5y analy&ing a situation and !inding a plan that allows you to engage the

minimum number o! targets simultaneously you can chain together kills and engage

larger groups on your own terms.


good S* understands the di!!erence between speed and maneuerability. Speed

allows S* to reach obecties uickly$ escape !rom slower classes when inured$ and

when used to its !ull e!!ect will allow you to surprise enemies with une"pected directions

o! approach and rapid adances. 6se your speed to turn the in!ormation the enemy has

about your location into a weakness.

Weaknesses of the ASM 


The S* has the least armor o! any unit. The di!!erence in health is helped by the

'mpenetrable perk and the 7eal perks$ but as a general rule o! thumb S* must be

 played ery di!!erently once your shields are gone. 6nderstanding when to !ight and

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when to !lee is o! paramount importance. Dying matters !or more than -D%8 it also

remoes you !rom the !ight and places you in a rearward position.


S* weapons all play ery di!!erently$ but the di!!erences are !ar more subtle than the

TC or De options aailable. The di!!erence between a plasma pistol and the bolt pistol

or between sword and a"e are certainly nothing to sco!! at$ but the indiidual play styles

 between S* o!ten inole perk selection !ar more than the other classes. '! you like

your weapons but !eel you+e reached an early peak in your skill$ create loadouts made

up o! perks you don+t o!ten use. This will !orce you to discoer new play styles and

hope!ully reali&e which one !its you best. ' played S* !or 9 months be!ore !inding my

current loadout.


1our speed o!!sets the range limitations o! S*$ but the pistols don+t suppress groups

as well as some o! the more power!ul guns. 1ou should only e"pect to win shootouts withheaier !irearms when you get o!! the !irst shot or two$ and headshots are crucial with the

 bolt pistol. The pistols can work as a deterrent$ but ' personally !ind !ar more alue in get

opponents heading away !rom you to look back and stall. Direct approaches should be

aoided$ an S* should only consider his or hersel! in attack range when an opponent is

one and a half full tactical rolls within the reach of your jump. This is the distance$

accounting !or aerage latency against you$ which an aware opponent can trael be!ore

you reach them$ assuming you slam at the peak o! your ump (this is still applicable with

Des$ as the unperked stomp takes about this amount o! time.) This is an important rule

o! thumb$ because shorting a ump is unacceptable against an opponent that saw you

early in the ump. Storm bolters$ meltas and especially :4s will kill you be!ore you canshoulder charge or ump again$ or kni!e you once you do reach them. 6nless you hae the

adantage o! surprise or disorientation$ always leae an amount o! health !or an attack

 proportional to the enemies close range damage output.

#ith the assaults place in the killing hierarchy established$ let+s discuss the S*+s

 places in a battle plan. good command will always let you know why you were

included in a roster and what your role is$ and SD has a good command. Cold and !ast

isn+t ust the way we eliminate targets$ it+s the way we complete obecties. The

catechisms martial is designed to allow smaller and weaker !orces to oerwhelm

opponents psychologically$ and our enemies should be as disorgani&ed$ con!used and

hindered in enacting their plan as possible to account !or un!oreseen setbacks (such as

 points continually appearing by their spawn in C;C.) This is what allows SD to remain

unde!eated !or months at a time$ in spite o! random !actors such as aailability and our

numerous and aried !oes.

't+s important to play each game mode di!!erently$ and ust as crucial to play your

roles di!!erently in these modes. marine assigned to harassment will trael !ar di!!erent

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 paths in Sei&e <round as opposed to C;C$ een on the same map. These roles can be

 practiced without a team$ and the simpler opponents in pub matches or casual priate

lobbies allow the results to be much more apparent. Practice them accordingly$ and you+ll

!ind much more to learn about S* than ust your class.

y"ical ASM 'oles (Summary)%arassment

*y !aorite. This role is simply de!ined as hindering the enemy in the implementation o!

their plan. 1ou will preent the enemy !rom reaching obecties in su!!icient numbers$

creating strong points$ and press their !lanks. =arassment !rom S* !orces the enemy to

e"tend their lines$ protect their !lanks unnecessarily$ detour !rom uick routes and

generally !ocus on you instead o! the obectie. 1ou are a huge pain in the ass. 't+s

important to stay alie in most game modes as this role8 once you leae the !ield the

enemy can adance in !orce and undo whateer time you bought. #ounding should not

 be underestimated here$ as a wounded marine will either !all to your teammates or be

!orced to wait and heal$ so make the most o! your health bar een i! it means aoidingkills.


This one is relatiely sel! e"planatory, capture points and obecties. 1ou should be the

!irst to arrie and the !irst to moe on. %econ marines that die late in an obectie

capture$ i! they aren+t needed or the obectie is lost$ should moe on to a central location

so that they will be the !irst to arrie at the ne"t. %econ in -D% !ocused modes take a

!orward position and play easiely until needed or a ripe opportunity strikes. 'n most

modes these marines will hae much more caps than kills.

Shock troo"

Shock troops need to !ocus on hard targets and take care!ul note when killed by emplaced

enemies$ killing these troublemakers on their ne"t spawn. 6nderstand the adantage your

 et pack gies you and target enemies that SD Tacs and Des might hae trouble with.

-D% should be important here$ but the kills need to be happening where the action is.

Prioriti&e targets by how much o! a threat they pose to the team as a whole$ not ust you$

and always pick the greater threat so long as you are in a position to get the kill. Targets

away !rom obecties should be ignored$ weak targets eliminated uickly.


di!!icult role to master. Support S* are tasked with protecting slower teammates or

teammates accomplishing obecties. They di!!er !rom shock troops in that they are

usually leashed to the obectie$ and might be e"pected to sacri!ice themseles to gain an

adantage. Supports need to pay as much attention to SDs position as they do the

enemies$ and protect weaknesses. 1our priority should be anything that+s slowing the

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team+s momentum. The support S* is always scanning the !ield and should be listening

!or teammates reuesting !ire support.


*ore o! a sub role$ but worth noting. This is any S* assignment designed to create a

mobile point o! strength. 1ou might be assigned to a le!t !lank$ then commanded mid

 battle to shore up the right. %eseres need to be care!ul not to e"ceed their &one limits$

 because a commander e"pects these marines to be in a speci!ic location and plans

accordingly. '! you+e le!t your &one and he pulls the other marines on that that side out$

he+s unknowingly le!t it open when you+re e"pected to be de!ending it. %eturn to your

&one immediately when spawning and i! you don+t hae anything to kill$ ocali&e. 5etter

to get new orders than inent your own without telling anyone.

y"ical ASM 'oles (As Define$ by Game ty"e)

This section is designed to be a handy re!erence !or you when placed on a roster andassigned a role$ but the summaries aboe aren+t especially use!ul without understanding

how the carry oer to each game type. nyone wanting to understand their role in !ull has

to read !urther into how it should be enacted.


 Seize Ground:

Two targets here, enemies moing between points and enemies moing !rom their spawn

to a point$ should be watched !or. side !rom this the S* should be spending their time

uncapping anything le!t unguarded. great tactic which should be employed wheneer

 possible is to take the enemies home point out !rom under them when other points are

 being contested. *ost respawning enemies will moe to capture this point$ which means

the contested points will go unrein!orced and be easy !odder !or your team. ' challenge

you to try this in a public lobby because the results are incredibly immediate and usually

e"tremely obious.


nyone playing nnihilation should be tracking their team+s location to guess their

enemies spawns. 1our ob is to shorten the enemy+s lines by taking out stragglers$

con!ining them to a smaller space. nyone not rolled into the enemies grouping needs to

 be taken out uickly and uietly$ without being allowed to oin the group. This allows

your team to engage the enemy with superior numbers$ and most commonly inolesenemies that hae respawned away !rom the group or wandered out o! it.

Capture the Flag:

0or this mode you are the intermediate between %econ and %esere$ handling the middle

ground between your !lag and theirs. nyone moing to engage the !lag de!ense$ or

trying to take a position where they could intercept your carrier$ should be cut o!!. 1our

 ob is less concerned with protecting !lag carriers or eliminating them than it is making

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sure your team has an easier time doing so. gain$ reduce their numbers to gie your

team the adantage in encounters.

Capture and Control:

This one is !un, kill the bastards on their way to the point. 1ou+re like a bird picking o!!

ants !rom a trail$ engage whoeer has the most distance between him and the marine

!ollowing him and work your way to the point. 1ou should basically be !lying towards

their spawn and then killing your way to whereer the point is. %inse and repeat>

 Dreadnought Assault:

1our !ocus isn+t either team+s dreadnought$ it+s the marines around it. 1ou enable your

heay hitters easy access to the enemy+s giant cripple$ and preent anyone !rom being

able to !ocus on your own. #hen SD holds the dreadnought you can make a huge

di!!erence by keeping the !ocus on yoursel!. 't+s ama&ing how enemies can be distracted

 by the threat o! a sudden death while your buddy takes ? o! the points in a game.


 Seize Ground:@biously %econ is crucial in getting progress on captures while their slower teammates

arrie$ but the enemy might reach you !irst. %econ marines need to be able to buy time

!or their backup to arrie$ at which point they can immediately moe on to any

uncontested obecties. <ain an understanding o! how uickly progress is lost on

uncaptured points when you leae their area een momentarily8 it+s crucial to keep your

 body near the point and alie as long as possible. Sur!ing and ery short umps can help

you aoid !ire$ while !eigning attacks can press the enemy back. lways keep your pistol

trained on approach routes when capping$ as those !irst shots will gie enemies pause.

#hen points aren+t aailable$ recon can target weak enemies$ but your goal should

always be to open aenues to points away !rom the enemies !ocus. Don+t be a!raid to take

out single enemies on a point and take it !or your own8 recon still !ights when needed.


'! you are playing a recon role in nnihilation$ (which won+t be common$) you become a

!irst responder. '! your team makes a push$ be the !irst in and distract the enemy. Try to

 present their backs to weak points and draw !ire. 1ou might attack 3 enemies$ only to buy

time while your team kills A and take the easy third. <o !or the lowest number o! deaths

 possible while still being inoled$ and open up easy kills !or your team.

Capture the Flag:

bsolutely a reuirement in both SD and most other chapters CT0 strategies. 1ou should

 practice !or this role$ or not take it at all. "cellent ground sur!ing and map knowledge is

reuired$ you need to take the route less traeled but still delier the enemies !lag be!ore

yours can be taken. 5ase your route home on communication !rom your teammates and

only take riskier routes when time is an issue. 't+s also up to you to take the !lag

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de!ensiely to preent the enemy bringing in your own8 in these cases you should !ind a

secluded location close to your !lag point and aoid con!lict as best as possible until your

!lag is returned. ny good S* should be able to land on top o! a !lag and sur! out o! its

immediate icinity under the noses o! considerable de!ense. The challenge should lie in

the return ourney$ where you rely on your teammates. #hen carrying the !lag engage

other carriers as little as possible. 5etter to depend on your team to hunt them down

while you hold the enemy !lag.

Capture and Control:

n important mode !or recon. %each points$ buy time until you die$ and then assess

whether or not you can reach the point again be!ore it is captured$ or i! it+s a lost cause. '!

you can+t help that obectie position yoursel! nearest the B or A possible spawns your

team is !urthest !rom (there will neer be more than 3 possible locations.) %econ makes

the di!!erence when the cap point is at the enemies spawn$ and taking ust one o! the

enemies home cap points can usually win a Capture and Control game outright.

 Dreadnought Assault:<et the dreadnought i! you can. t the ery least leae whoeer takes your place with as

!ull a capture bar as possible. #hoeer has the dreadnought$ arrie at the obectie be!ore

the dreadnought and weaken the opposing teams marines$ caring a path !or your own to

either create a de!ensie line or assault the dreadnought in !orce. 1ou will usually also

need to help destroy dreadnoughts so pick a loadout that can do good damage and learn

to use it against both marines and dreadnoughts.

Shock roo"

 Seize Ground:

Shock S* are !rontline troops and in Sei&e <round must be where the !ighting is

heaiest. 5e present at the most contested point at all times. Shock S* should only stop

to capture points that they2e !ought !or and won8 leae the easy point captures !or other

roles to handle. 1ou need to be able to clear out emplaced enemies such as heay bolters

and meltas hiding behind corners$ these targets pose a greater threat to your troops trying

to capture. ngage the same targets as your team when possible to ma"imi&e your

e!!ectieness and preent casualties.


1our adantage as S* here is your speed. 1ou can engage targets at any erticality$

regardless o! their coer$ and attack targets uickly !rom behind. #heneer your team

 becomes held up$ or is dying repeatedly to a single enemy$ they should become your!ocus. Smooth out the bumps and lead SD to an easy ictory. Targets at distance$ targets

in di!!icult to reach places$ and other S* are a priority. eryone else is still a target.

The most important thing is to allow as !ew deaths as possible$ so play to your strengths

and try to aoid being a meat shield. 1ou can aoid enemy !ire with maneuerability$ but

you sacri!ice this when you swing your sword. Don+t engage targets that are well

de!ended i! you+e been noticed.

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Capture the Flag:

1ou need to thin out enemy de!enses around the !lag and be ready to engage an enemy

carrier anywhere on the !ield. 1ou should be moing !or an enemy carrier as soon as they

hae the !lag$ and able to intercept them be!ore they make it hal!way back. This includes

enemy carriers that are sur!ing. 1ou should hae better map knowledge than them and be

using your ability to ump to take shortcuts wheneer possible. @ther than carriers target

anything that moes and isn+t cold nor !ast$ but always be positioned to retriee our !lag

or protect one o! our carriers.

Capture and Control:

-ill anything you encounter on the way to the point and make a priority o! any @

damage !iring on the point before you take it. 1ou should engage PCs and :4s be!ore

trying to cap8 leae the initial capturing to your team. 1ou need to use your reach and

speed to make the point as sa!e as possible as uickly as possible. #hen the point is at

their home spawn you need to go absolutely apeshit on their entire team until backup

arries. 5e a distraction$ a threat and a pain in the ass all at once and most o! all eliminateas many enemies as possible. They will respawn uickly but once you become their

 priority$ and not the capture$ SD has an opening to take their point !rom under them.

Taking a home point on some maps practically demands pressing the enemy all the way

into their spawn (=ab Center$ Tertius$ Desolation$ etc) and this process starts with you.

 Dreadnought Assault:

Play your normal loadout when capturing$ or when SD has the dreadnought$ and kill any

threats to the capture or the big cripple. #hen the enemy has the dreadnought you should

 be ready to spawn with a hammer/-illing 5low loadout. There+s some credence to a"es

and swords against dreadnoughts$ but killing blow proides a E damage increase. This

raises the hammer+s DPS well aboe any other weapon. Some also pre!er sure strike andthe triangleFtriangle hammer slam$ but you don+t step !orward uickly enough to !ollow a

sprinting dreadnought. This does howeer hae the adantage o! instantly killing enemies

around you$ but with that also the disadantage o! killing !riendlies. ' use -illing 5low

and 'mpenetrable ust to ensure ' reach the target$ or -illing 5low and CT to be able to

engage it uickly.


 Seize Ground:

1ou are the opposite o! the %econ S* here. %ather than the !irst to an uncontested point

you should be the last standing on the most contested points. Stay alie and attack onlytargets your team cannot handle. SD depends on you to hold contested points once the

remainder o! your team is killed. 1ou should always be where the !ighting is !iercest$

ensuring that SD is not outnumbered anywhere on the !ield. 1our speed and agility allow

you to rein!orce hal! o! the map simultaneously$ and i! you aren+t needed to assist in

!inishing a capture make your way to where you think$ or know$ the enemy is striking

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ne"t. The ictorious enemy marine$ standing on a !reshly won point and licking his

wounds$ need !ear Support S*.


The obectie (which is Support+s !ocus) in nnihilation is to get kills$ but also to aoid

deaths. Since other S* roles can handle the killing you should !ocus on aoiding death

and killing enemies to prevent the deaths of teammates. Teammates using scoped

weapons$ braced against partial coer or otherwise engaged are your priorities. #atch

them and preempt any opponent trying to attack unaware or wounded teammates. 1ou

need to be able to get close uarters kills against enemy S* without hurting the

teammates they were attacking$ (a skill you should be working on regardless$) and you

need to remain aware o! where your team+s !ormation is weakest and deny that area to the


Capture the Flag:

'n CT0 the obectie is the enemy !lag. #hen necessary$ yes$ your own !lag must be

de!ended but the enemy !lag should be the Support S*+s priority. #hile %econ !ocusown capturing enemy !lags$ you should escort them both to and !rom the obectie. #hen

the enemy !lag is well de!ended$ go in !irst (sacri!icing yoursel! i! necessary) and open an

aenue !or %econ. 1ou should be able to respawn and reoin them be!ore long.

Capture and Control:

Support in C;C is worried about captures and nothing else. Play this mode like S<8

remain on the point een a!ter the rest o! your team has !allen and keep the enemy back

as long as possible. 't will take longer to get rein!orcements in some cases than it would

in S<$ but any time you buy gets your team that much closer. The second priority$ and

still an important one$ is the de!ense o! SD teleport homers. -now who has them$ and try

to get a sense !or their in game appearance during the !irst minutes o! the match. s longas these marines are alie and near the point$ SD can take it.

 Dreadnought Assault:

Capture the initial point as you would !or S<. '! the enemy gets the dreadnought$ de!end

 priorities such as our 4ascannons$ any PCs and our :4s. #hen we hae the dreadnought$

you should be in sight o! it at all times. liminate the same enemies you would protect

(ranged damage dealers) and be ready to ump in and eliminate enemy S* going !or the

dreadnought. The dreadnought is weakest when sprinting between points and when its

 back is turned to an enemy$ especially ranged enemies. Stay alert and watch !or enemy

tracers when it traels between points$ and when on a point be aware o! which direction it

is !acing. Don+t get so absorbed that you allow a 4ascannon any !ree shots on our



Col$ an$ Fast

The S* is a clear representation o! our tactical ideology. SD S* need to understand

where they !it into the master plan$ and hope!ully this guide can assist in that regard.

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#ith SD gearing up again !or bigger tournaments a!ter a lengthy break it+s time !or us

once again to show that we hae the best ssaults and the best tactics o! any chapter that

eer has or will play this game. en in the days o! %aen 4unatics ' was proud knowing

we had the greatest team o! ssaults in the game. The bar has been raised since then$ and

neer once hae we !allen below it$ but oer the last two months the !ield o! competitie

 play has changed. @ther chapters hae taken in new threats and deeloped new training.

ery single chapter in this game has improed signi!icantly since we last !ought and we

need to be twice as deadly now in order to assert absolute$ total and ruthless domination

o! the competitie scene. :ictory is not enough. The Soul Drinker is a dark and !earsome

specter o! death and engeance. 't won+t su!!ice to win8 we must conince the enemy that

against us there is no hope !or reprisal$ no chance !or redemption$ no weakness within

our brotherhood o! brutality and blood. There will not be another day or another chance

!or the !oe8 all they are le!t with is despair. Cold and !ast brothers.