Assignment Two Reflection This assignment was particularly challenging to me because of my lack of research skills. I do not remember if I ever have or the last time I had to write a research paper. The biggest issue was finding creditable sources about the subject. There is not a lot of creditable literature about disc golf while some of the creditable literature I found was prior to 2000. When I first started I was not thinking about all the different places I could acquire sources from for example: books, magazines, and interviews. The process of reading, interpreting, and exacting useful information seemed to be the worst part. I received so much information I had trouble deciding what information to use and where to use it or to not use the information at all. My biggest strength for this paper is my ability to engage the reader with creative writing. Most research papers can be boring or dull to read. I incorporated attention-grabbing titles while using language and examples that most individuals can relate too. The other biggest strength that I have, like assignment one, is my passion for this subject. I have such a strong desire to see this sport grow, which allows me to write passionately about disc golf and to give a full effort towards this assignment. The feedback was extremely useful for this research paper. My group’s attention to detail was the most helpful aspect. I used every single comment that they gave me. They read this paper as an individual not knowing much about the sport of disc golf or even what a disc golf course really is. With this aspect it allowed me to make changes that would be understood by a larger amount of individuals. A perfect example of this was their comments towards my terms. In some of the terms it talked about “holing out,” which means to complete that individual hole. I would have never thought about adding a term describing this because I play, but receiving feedback from non-players showed me to not

Assignment Two Reflection

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Assignment Two Reflection

This assignment was particularly challenging to me because of my lack of research skills. I do not remember if I ever have or the last time I had to write a research paper. The biggest issue was finding creditable sources about the subject. There is not a lot of creditable literature about disc golf while some of the creditable literature I found was prior to 2000. When I first started I was not thinking about all the different places I could acquire sources from for example: books, magazines, and interviews. The process of reading, interpreting, and exacting useful information seemed to be the worst part. I received so much information I had trouble deciding what information to use and where to use it or to not use the information at all.

My biggest strength for this paper is my ability to engage the reader with creative writing. Most research papers can be boring or dull to read. I incorporated attention-grabbing titles while using language and examples that most individuals can relate too. The other biggest strength that I have, like assignment one, is my passion for this subject. I have such a strong desire to see this sport grow, which allows me to write passionately about disc golf and to give a full effort towards this assignment.

The feedback was extremely useful for this research paper. My group’s attention to detail was the most helpful aspect. I used every single comment that they gave me. They read this paper as an individual not knowing much about the sport of disc golf or even what a disc golf course really is. With this aspect it allowed me to make changes that would be understood by a larger amount of individuals. A perfect example of this was their comments towards my terms. In some of the terms it talked about “holing out,” which means to complete that individual hole. I would have never thought about adding a term describing this because I play, but receiving feedback from non-players showed me to not assume terms will automatically be understood. Their feedback made this a more professional paper even above my own expectations and ability

One of the ways that I have gone above and beyond for this assignment is by adding an addendum page. This page has pictures and examples of what courses around the country look like and what a community course could look like. The reason I have this page as an addendum and not incorporated into my paper is the need for it to be taken out. The biggest way this assignment has gone above and beyond is it will be used by a disc golf club in North Carolina in an effort to show their community the benefit of building a disc golf course. This research paper will be the focal point of the clubs arguments and will be presented to the local community counsel. This is the reason that the images will be an addendum and not completely incorporated into this paper. I feel like having images in the paper that is presented is not appropriate because they need to base the decisions of building a course off of that community’s landscape.