" A A s s t t r r o o l l o o g g y y" i i i i i i s s s s s s a a a a a a n n n n n n A A A A A A n n n n n n c c c c c c i i i i i i e e e e e e n n n n n n t t t t t t a a a a a a n n n n n n d d d d d d M M M M M M o o o o o o d d d d d d e e e e e e r r r r r r n n n n n n D D D D D D a a a a a a y y y y y y I I I I I I d d d d d d o o o o o o l l l l l l a a a a a a t t t t t t r r r r r r y y y y y y Compiled by: Isa Abdullah Biago Astrology is an Ancient and Modern Day Idolatry Popularity of Astrology The current world-wide interest in astrology has reached almost epidemic propportions. In fact, one noted authority on the subject referred to astrology as ‘ the most widely spread superstition of our time. ( Dr. Kurt Koch, Between Christ and Satan p. 12) Astrology fules a multi-million dollar industry which caters to multitudes with products ranging from customs jewelry to Zodiac trinkers. Astrology has bent into a $ 200,000,000 a year business. Personalized horoscope can be purchsed through vending machines, 24 hours a day , dial- a-horoscope, and even astro flash computers found in many departments stores and on over 2, 000 colleges campuses in US and Philippines. In United States alone, there are over 175, 000 part time astrologers and 10,000 full time astrologers. Some 77 % of American adults know their astrological sign and, according to a 1976 Gallup poll, 32 million Americans take astrology quite seriously. Over 2,000 newspapers cater to this interest by carrying daily horoscope. Astrology’s rapid rise in popularity can be seen


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Page 1: Astrology


iiiiiiiissssssss aaaaaaaannnnnnnn AAAAAAAAnnnnnnnncccccccciiiiiiiieeeeeeeennnnnnnntttttttt aaaaaaaannnnnnnndddddddd MMMMMMMMooooooooddddddddeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrnnnnnnnn

DDDDDDDDaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy IIIIIIIIddddddddoooooooollllllllaaaaaaaattttttttrrrrrrrryyyyyyyy Compiled by: Isa Abdullah Biago

Astrology is an Ancient and Modern Day Idolatry

Popularity of Astrology The current world-wide interest in astrology has reached almost epidemic propportions. In fact, one noted authority on the subject referred to astrology as ‘ the most widely spread superstition of our time. ( Dr. Kurt Koch, Between Christ and Satan p. 12) Astrology fules a multi-million dollar industry which caters to multitudes with products ranging from customs jewelry to Zodiac trinkers. Astrology has bent into a $ 200,000,000 a year business. Personalized horoscope can be purchsed through vending machines, 24 hours a day , dial- a-horoscope, and even astro flash computers found in many departments stores and on over 2, 000 colleges campuses in US and Philippines. In United States alone, there are over 175, 000 part time astrologers and 10,000 full time astrologers. Some 77 % of American adults know their astrological sign and, according to a 1976 Gallup poll, 32 million Americans take astrology quite seriously. Over 2,000 newspapers cater to this interest by carrying daily horoscope. Astrology’s rapid rise in popularity can be seen

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in the fact that less than twenty years ago, only 1000 daily newspaper carried Horoscope Colums. (John Goodwin, Occult America p. 2). Astrological magazines sell about 2,000,000 copies monthly in the U.S. Dell’s Horoscope has the largest circulation of about 500,000 a month. Astrological literature is carried in bookstores and supermarket checkout stands, airplane and bus departure areas, ranges from Zodiac cookbooks, Zodiac astrograph books, and even Zodiac coloring books for children. Astrological books written on such diverse subjects as health, birth control, horse racing, teens, finding a mate, diet, your occupation, , business, sex, music, your cat’s and dog’s horoscope , and even religion. It’s widespread appeal is not restricted to America. For example, 66% of the adult population of Great Britain read their hosroscope, 53% of France’s adult population, and 63% of Germany’s. Even in the Middle East, with a strict adherence to the Islamic Faith of Monotheism are not exempted from the popularity of Horoscope. In fact, in many countries, it is deeply entrenched as an intimate part of daily life.

What is Astrology ?

Astrology is a “study of life’s reaction to planetary vibration.” In another meaning , astrology is the study of the positions and movements of astronomical bodies—particularly the Sun, Moon, planets, and stars—in the belief that they correspond to events on Earth.

Astrologers believe that the position of astronomical bodies at the exact moment of a person’s birth and the subsequent movements of the bodies reflect that person’s character and, therefore, his or her destiny. Scientists have long rejected the principles of astrology, but millions of people continue to believe in or practice it. The Merriam –Webster's Collegiate Dictionary defined it as: " the divination of the supposed influences of the stars and planets on human affairs and terrestrial events by their

positions and aspects. " It is also an art and pseudo-science which teaches that the fixed positions of the stars, moon, and planets exert a mysterious and decisive influence upon people, places, events and

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According to astrology, every individual allocated one of these signs depending on their date of birth.

things. It has also been defined as “ the art of divining fate or the future from the juxtaposition of the sun, moon, and planets”. (John W. Mongomery, Principalities and Power p. 108). This predictive aspect concerning the future is an integral part of Astrology while Astronomy as a branch of science deals purely or a study of objects and matter outside the earth's atmosphere and of their physical and chemical properties. Astrology is another type or analogous to Fortune-Telling. It is a practice of predicting the future through psychic means, such as the interpretation of signs or communication

with supernatural forces. Many people use astrology as a method of fortune-telling

Astrologers assign every planet (which in astrology includes the Sun and Moon) with a particular sign, depending on where that planet appears on the ecliptic at the time for which the horoscope is cast. Each planet represents basic human drives, and each sign represents a set of human characteristics. When astrologers designate a person as a certain sign—a Leo or a Pisces, for example—they are referring to the person’s Sun sign, meaning the sign that the Sun occupied at the time of the person’s birth. According to the modus operandi of astrology, the earth is positioned at the center of an imaginary belt in the heavens which circles the earth and emcompasses the apparent paths of all the principal planets, and has as its central line the apparent path of our sun. This imaginary belt is called the “zodiac” or “circle or ring.” This belt is divided into 12 sections of 30 degrees each called houses. These correspond to 12 constellations or “signs” of the Zodiac. The 12 signs of the zodiac correspond to 12 time period within a year as follows.

AquariusAquariusAquariusAquarius Water BearerWater BearerWater BearerWater Bearer January 20 January 20 January 20 January 20 ---- February 18February 18February 18February 18

PiscesPiscesPiscesPisces FishesFishesFishesFishes February 19 February 19 February 19 February 19 ---- March 20March 20March 20March 20

AriesAriesAriesAries RaRaRaRammmm March 21 March 21 March 21 March 21 ---- April 19April 19April 19April 19

TaurusTaurusTaurusTaurus BullBullBullBull April 20 April 20 April 20 April 20 ---- May 20May 20May 20May 20

GeminiGeminiGeminiGemini TwinsTwinsTwinsTwins May 21 May 21 May 21 May 21 ---- June 20June 20June 20June 20

CancerCancerCancerCancer CrabCrabCrabCrab June 21 June 21 June 21 June 21 ---- July 22July 22July 22July 22

LeoLeoLeoLeo LionLionLionLion July 23 July 23 July 23 July 23 ---- August 22August 22August 22August 22

VirgoVirgoVirgoVirgo VirginVirginVirginVirgin August 23 August 23 August 23 August 23 ---- September 22September 22September 22September 22

LibraLibraLibraLibra ScalesScalesScalesScales September 23 September 23 September 23 September 23 ---- October 22October 22October 22October 22

ScorpioScorpioScorpioScorpio ScorpionScorpionScorpionScorpion October 23 October 23 October 23 October 23 ---- NNNNovember 21ovember 21ovember 21ovember 21

SagittariusSagittariusSagittariusSagittarius ArcherArcherArcherArcher November 22 November 22 November 22 November 22 ---- December 21December 21December 21December 21

CapricornCapricornCapricornCapricorn GoatGoatGoatGoat December 22 December 22 December 22 December 22 ---- January 19January 19January 19January 19

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Where did it Originate ? Astrology comes into view to have originated from the ancient Babylon. In fact, many scholars believe that this ancient form of terrestrial worship was intimately connected with the tower of Babel

which God destroyed ( see the Bible in Genesis 11:1-9) The people of Babylon constructed astrological observations called “Ziggurats” to investigate the heavens. Priest (Magi or wise men of the east) acted as mediators between kings

and the gods. These towers served as platforms for astrological calculating the arrangements and movements of the sun, moon, and planets in order to determine the will of the gods for the fate of kings and nations. The horoscope also is divided into twelve houses, which make up the 24-hour period during which the Earth rotates once on its axis. Each house deals with certain areas of a person’s life, such as marriage, health, work, travel, and death. Astrologers make predictions by interpreting the position of astronomical bodies within the signs and houses of the horoscope. Astrology is an ancient practice that different civilizations seemed to develop

independently. The Chaldeans, who lived in Babylonia (now Iraq), developed one of the original forms of astrology as early as 3000 BC. The primitive Chaldean (Babylonians) sketch out of astrology is called “mundane astrology” and was practiced exclusively for the benefits of Kings and predictions concerning nations. However, through the conquest and take-over of Alexander the Great, astrology was exported to Greece where it was systimatically refined into an art and science so that it could universally be applied to the masses. This form of astrology is called “birth or

natal” astrology.” Ptolemy (130 AD) was the chief designer behind this

change. In the Tetrabiblios , he finalized the diagramming of horoscope using the positions of the sun, moon, and five major planets that are known to exist. The Tetrabiblios has been the classic manual for astrologers in the western world ever since. Many scholars viewed astrology and astronomy as complementary sciences until about the 1500s. At that time, the discoveries made by such astronomers as Nicolaus Copernicus and Galileo undermined some of the foundations of astrology. Since then, astrology has not been considered a science. However, it should be pointed out that there are different schools of astrology which are diametrically opposed to each other. For example,

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Oriental (Chinese) astrology disagrees greatly from its western counterpart. Widespread confusion and self contradiction exists among astrologers world-wide because of the contradictory system The Chinese were practicing astrology by 2000 BC. Other varieties formed in ancient India and among the Maya of Central America. These people may have observed that certain astronomical bodies, particularly the Sun, affected the change of seasons and the success of crops. Based on such observations, they may have developed a broader system by which the movements of other bodies such as the planets affected or represented additional aspects of life.. Even in the West, some astrologers believe in 8 signs of the Zodiac rather than 12, while the other contend for 14 or even 24 signs. Other debate whether they should use the tropical or sidereal zodiac, whether Saturn exerts an evil influence or influence for justice, whether stars influence is physical or astrasl in nature, and many more conflicting opinion.

Why Horoscope and Other related practices is Haram ?

Abu Dawud reported in his Sahih Hadith that Ibn Abbas (RAA) related that the Prophet (SAW) said: ‘ Whoever draws any knowledge from the stars has committed sorcery;… Shall I tell you what is al-adh ( lying by prediction is sorcery) ? It is conveying false rumours with the purpose of spreading evil and ill will.” In The Qur’an, Allah (SWT) said: “ They knew too well that the buyers of sorcery will have no share in the Paradise of the hereafter … They believe in al jibt ( sorcery) and al Taghut ( idol worship) [ 2:102; 4:51].

The Soothsayers and Their Likes are Sorcerers Muslims reported that the Prophet said: Whoever goes to a fortune teller and believes what the latter tells him will have his prayers rejected for the following days.” Abu Dawud reported also that the Propeht said: “ Whoever goes to a soothsayers and believes what the latters tells him has committed blashphemy, and has denied what was revealed to Muhammad.” In addition to this Al- Baghawi said: “ The soothsayers ( al-arraf) is a person who claims to know facts such as stolen items, the place where a stary animal has gone, and like matters by means of omens. “ Abu al-Abbas Ibn Taymiyyah said: “ Al-Arraf is a name for the mediator, astrologers, fortune teller or other who claims knowledge in these ways.” Ibn Abbas said of the people who practice astrology and gaze at the stars : “ Whoever does what they do will have no share of divine blessing.”

The Purpose of the Stars In al-Bukhari reported that Qatadah said: “ Allah created the stars for three purposes: as ornaments for heaven, missiles against devils, and as signs for guidance of travelers. Whoever speculates beyond this err and dissipates his credit as a scholar , for he would be transgressing the limits of his own knowledge.” Abu Musa reported that the Prophet said: “ Those that will not enter Paradise are three, the habitual alcohol drinker, the denier of blood relation and the believer in sorcery.”

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The Qur’an and Prophet Muhammad(SAW) strongly condems this ancient occult deception. The Qur’an and the Prophet(SAW) warns people agaisnt relying on astrologers and astrology ( Sorcerrers or sorcery). Even the Bible prohibited such practices ( Isaiah 47:13,14; Duet. 4:19; 17:3).

Ancient Astral Gods

Astronomical planets worship was rebeliously practiced in Israel throughout its history. It was intimately associated with calf worship (the god Taurus [2 Kings 17:16] )

Baal worship (Phoenician sun-god [2 Kings 23:10],

Asherath (The Phoenician worship of Venus[ 2 Kings 23:4])

Moloch ( a sun god- Leviticus 18:21)

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Rephan ( or Saturn [Acts 7:23],

The Queen of Heavens

(The Moon [Jeremiah 7:18; 44:19]), and

Tammuz (Worship of 7 planets and 12 signs of Zodiac.

New international Version, --Ezekiel 8 13 - 16 ..Again, he said, "You will see them doing things that are even more detestable." 14 Then he brought me to the entrance to the north gate of the house of the LORD , and I saw women sitting there, mourning for Tammuz. 15 He said to me, "Do you see this, son of man? You will see things that are even more detestable than this." 16 He then brought me into the inner court of the house of the LORD , and there at the entrance to the temple, between the portico and the altar, were about twenty-five men. With their backs toward the temple of the LORD and their faces toward the east, they were bowing down to the sun in the east.

Science Versus Astrology Though advocates of astrology strongly contend that it is an exact science, in reality does not support their calculations. Astrology is a radical perversion and departure from the scientific study of the celestial realm known as astronomy. In fact, not only the

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Qur’an and Prophets denounced astrology, but numerous scientific societies have denounced astrology as sceintifically worstless. For examples:

1. In 1949, The Astronomical Society declared : “ Whatever hides

behind the title of astrology… is nothing more than a mixture of superstition, duplicity, and business.”

2. In 1975, 18 Nobel prize winners and 186 other prominent American scientist spoke out agiants astrology, denouncing the pretentions claims of astrological charlatans. And saying that “ there is no scientific basis of facts whatsoever for the assumption that the stars foretell events and influence lives.”

3. Bart J. Bok, former President of the American Astromomical Society said: ‘ It is deplorable that so many newspaper now print this daily nonsense … At the start, the regular reading is a sort of fun game, but it often ends up as a mighty serious business. The steady and ready availability of astronomical predictions can over many years have insidious influence on a person’s personal judgment.”

4. The American Association of Scientific Societies investigated

numerous statistical studies by astrology to prove astrology‘s alledged accuracy and conluded that they lack any scientific

merit or credence. Their conclusion was that “none of the influnces alledged by astrologers was verified.” ( Michael Gauquelin, Cosmic Clocks p. 85)

5. Paul Conderc, An Astronomer at the Paris Observatory, concluded “ The assets of scientifc astrology are equal to zero, as is the case

with commercial astrology” ( Paul Conderc, I, Astrologie, Au Sais-je ? p. 89)

Does Astro-Physics Prove the Validity of Astrology ? Astrologers claim that astrological discoveries of science concerning the gravititional influence of the sun, moon, and the stars prove the legitimacy of astrology. They appeal to the documented information that albumin increases in human blood during sunspots, osyter open and close according to the tidal force of the moon, and there is clear gravititional and tidal force of the moon upon insects, animals, and even men. (Robert Moorey, Horoscope and The Christians p. 28) For example, researchers at the University of Miami concluded that “ Outbreaks of murder

may be triggered by the moon tugging on biological tides inside the body.” ( L.A. Times, May 5, 1972 Part 1 p. 12) However, these scietifically observable phenomena do not prove astrology’s claim. There is no biological correlation between astrology and the discoveries of astro-physics. The established

evidence concerning the influences from the sun and the moon reveals only wide-ranging influences, while astrology requires a special or

“There is no biological correlation between astrology and the

discoveries of astro-

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particular influence from these heavenly bodies which fatalistically affects an individual entire fate.

Astrology’s Statistical Accuracy Astrologers claim that statistical studies clearly show that an individual’s horoscope find out that person’s destiny, personality, personality, and probable profession or career. For example, they contend that a person born under the sign of Libra will be artistically prone because Venus, the planet of art and beauty, rules Libra. They likewise challenge that because Mars is connected with hostility and death, it is well-known in the horoscope of a majority of criminals and military men. However, extensive statistical investigations have been conducted which overwhelmingly disprove astrology’s claim and calculations. In fact, The American Association of Scientific Societies

investigated the studies put out by astrologers and found that “none of the influnces alledged by astrologers was verified.” (Michael Gauguelin, Cosmic Clocks p. 85) For example, after investigating one astrologers’s survey concerning the horoscope of 2, 817 musicians, collected data concluded that: “The position of the

sun had absolutely no musical significance. The musicians are born throughout the entire year on a changeces basis. No Signs of the Zodiac or fraction of a sign favors or does not favor them.” ( Paul Couderc, I, Astrologie, Wue sais-je ? pp. 86-89). Another study involving over 2,000 painters and musicians found that a correspondence of

their birth dates with Libra does not exists. In fact, chances made the correlation come out negative; that is Libra had fewer that its quota of artists.” (Michael Gauguelin, Cosmic Clocks p. 81) Another researchers examined the Hosroscope of murderers to see if Mars was predominant and found Mars was not particularly prominent, he concluded that: “ none of the figures differs significantly from the theoritical numbers expected in chance. It is rather dissapointing for the astrological theory.” ( Ibid. p. 85) Another study of the prominnece of Mars among military men also found no evidence of the Mars effect.

Astrology of Astrological Predictions Astrologers often bragging of their truthfulness rate in predicting the future. Popular astrologers such as Jeanne Dixon, Linda Goodman, and Nostradamus are often praised for their hypothetical success rate. However, in reality the actual disappointment

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rate of astrological

prediction in comparison to the success rate is

wretched and is equivalent to comparing ant hill to

Mount Everest.

Most astrology books

only list the success stories, often in an accurate and


manner, and never acknowledge their failures. Often, astrological predictions are so absurdly indistinguishable or comprehensive that almost any plausible situation could be pointed to as a fulfillment. For example, with a general prediction such as “many will die next year”, countless conceivable

situations could be forced into the context of such prediction. A classic example of ambiguity and generalization which millions religiously read is the daily horoscope columns of newspapers. The fact that daily newspaper forecast are so hopelessly vague that any predictions under any sign would appear to be a fulfillment was dramatically proven by one newspaper editor who stumbled upon a short cut to save money. The absurdity (insignificance) of horoscopes was demonstrated indirectly by the editors of a large daily newspaper who was forced to publish an outdated version when the material failed

to arrive in time for publications. Not one of the 10,000 readership complained of any irrelevance so the editor concluded he could spare

himself the cost of new horoscope and repeat the old ones.” ( Merrill G. Unger, Demons in the World Today, p. 61)

The astrologer's argument

that fulfilled predictions provide evidence to astrology, it also logically means that unfulfilled predictions disprove astrology. Therefore, the glaring fact that libraries filled with failed astrological predictions offers a powerful proof against the truthfulness of astrology.

Problems with Astrology On the following pages, we will briefly observe some of the more grave weakness facing astrology.

1. Missing Planets

The majority of modern astrologers base their calculations and charts upon Ptolemy’s assumptionPtolemy’s assumptionPtolemy’s assumptionPtolemy’s assumption that there are only five planets. When he systematized astrology in the second century AD, there were only seven heavenly bodies visible to the naked eye: the sun, moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter.

Nostradamus a French physician Nostradamus, (1503-1566), French physician and astrologer who wrote Centuries, a famous collection of prophecies published in 1555. Microsoft ® Encarta ®

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His calculations concerning the influence of these bodies form the basis for the modern day horoscope charts and calculation in the western world. However, since then, Uranus (1718), Neptune (1816), and Pluto (1930) have been discovered. Furthermore, Copernicus discovery that the sun and planets do not revolve around the earth also undermined Ptolemy ‘s system. Since astrology stresses that the movement and positions of these celestial bodies influnce human behavior, these new astronomical discoveries undermines the complete fundamentals of modern day astrology derivative from Ptolemy.

2. An Expanding Universe

Ptolemy’s Zodiac was also based upon the erroneous assumption that the constelation were rigidly fixed in the heavens. However, science has proven that the constellation are constatnly shifting and moving away from us at tremendous speeds thus reducing their supposed influnce according to astrology. Over the last 2,000 years, the constellations have shifted about 30% which means that the constellation of Virgo in Ptolemy’s day is now in the Sign of Libra.

These facts completely disintegrate present calculations based upon Ptolemy’s configuration and renders horoscope calculations hopelessly meaningless and erroneous.

Models of the UniverseModels of the UniverseModels of the UniverseModels of the Universe

According to the widely accepted theory of the big bang, the

universe originated about 14 billion years ago and has been expanding ever since.

Astronomers recognize four

models of possible futures for the universe. According to the closed model, many billions of years from now expansion will slow, stop, and the universe will contract back in upon itself. In the flat model, the universe will not collapse upon itself, but expansion will slow and the universe will approach a stable size. According to the open model, the universe will continue expanding forever. In the accelerating expansion model, the universe will expand faster and faster until even the particles in normal matter are torn away from each other. Astronomers currently favor the accelerating expansion model

3. Tropical Zodiac Ptolemy also assumed that the earth was flat and that everyone could see the same stars as he did. He developed the tropical Zodiac which is geographically limited in that it does not work above 60 degrees latitude because no one can see what point of the Zodiac is ascending. This means that astrology is useless because horoscope cannot be drawn from those living in the higher latitude such as Alaska or Holand.

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4. The Precession of Equinoxes Ptolemy also thought that the earth ‘s axis of rotation was fixed and always pointed to the star Polaris. This directional heading is an vital references point for astrologers to begin calculation. However, science has found that the equinox is not fixed but constantly moving backward, in a counterclockwise motion, thus gradually throwing modern day calculations off by moving the signs of the Zodiac backward. As one astrological authority noted : “ It is the discovery of the precession of the equinox that threatens astrology at its very foundation, namely

the signs of the Zodiac.” (Michael Gauquelin, The Scientific Basis of Astrology

5. Astral Twins Since an individual’s moment of birth is so crucial to astrology, identical and fraternal twins should share a analogous destiny. However, documented research on the case history of twins proves this is not so. (W. Keith Erickson, The Inacurracy of Astrological Research The Humanist pp. 43, 44)

6. Actual, Personal Experience

If astrology really worked, history would have verified it to be cause of many incredible achievement stories world-wide to those devoted to its predictions. For example, Adolf Hitler, who was a zealous follower of astrology, would have won the war according to his astrologers, Ferdinand E. Marcos, a former dictator President of the Philippines vehemently believe predictions and assurances from his astrologers but was overthrow through a popular Edsa revolution. Furthermore, business men and investors would have accumulated vast fortunes by following astrological predictions. But, as one Wall Street Broker commented, “If you want to lose your money, use astrology to pick the you want to lose your money, use astrology to pick the you want to lose your money, use astrology to pick the you want to lose your money, use astrology to pick the sssstocks!.”tocks!.”tocks!.”tocks!.”



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7. Time of Reckoning

Astrology has never provided a logical or scientific reason why the time of one’s birth is supposedly when a person’s destiny is fixed by the stars. Why doesn’t the time of conception mark the point of the star’s influence? Since all the hereditary factors are determined at conception, we musk ask why astrology pinpoints birth as the precise moment of influence. The only reason is because of Ptolemy’s system of reckoning.

8. DNA and Genetics

Astrology offers a purely mystical or magical explanation of the reasons for a person’s unique temperament, character and destiny. Astrology contends that an individual’s psychological and physical

characteristics are determined solely by the

stars. However, modern

science has shown that these result from an interplay of internal genetic

forces, external environment forces, and an individual own free will.


As stated earlier, astrology has consistently suffered from widespread confusion, disagreement, conflicting perspective and self contradiction and are deeply divided over which system is more accurate or realible. Since astrology is so hopelessly divided and confused, the inevitable result to its followerrs is confusion and disagreement as well.

The Dangers of Astrology Though astrology may be considered by many to be harmless pursuit, it can result in extremely detrimental consequences.

1. Satanic Exposure

Occultism is a belief in the efficacy of various practices—including astrology, alchemy, divination, and magic—regarded as being based on hidden knowledge about the universe and its mysterious forces. Since astrology is a branch old occultism ,its knowledge characteristically depends upon the notion of correspondences, or postulated relationships that unite all things—stars, planets, gemstones, colors, or even parts of the human body and life events—to one another and to invisible realities as well. Those who subscribe to this view believe that they can use occult

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knowledge to effect healing or to predict the future, for example. Occultism may also include a belief in beings, such as angels, deities, or spirits, who can be contacted by those who possess the appropriate knowledge. There are occult practices within nearly all traditional civilizations. Western occultism has its roots in ancient Babylonian and Egyptian lore, especially as recorded and transmitted through Neo-Platonism and the Hermetic books. Medieval occult practice included astrology, alchemy, and ceremonial magic rites for evoking spiritual beings. Eminent scholars such as 13th-century Italian theologian Saint Thomas Aquinas and his contemporary, English philosopher Roger Bacon, assumed the efficacy of alchemy and other occult arts.

In the late medieval and early modern period (13th century to 15th century), however, occultism came to be increasingly regarded by the church as connected with the worship of Satan.

In the 20th century, another rebirth of occultism can be seen in the counterculture movement of the 1960s, with its interest in astrology, divination, and magic. The New Age movement of the 1980s and 1990s may be considered another manifestation of occultism. Though severely criticized by some orthodox religious groups and mainstream scientists, occultism has remained vital. Astrological practioners are often unknowingly exposed to dangerous satanic influences which can subtly lead to demonic oppression, possession, deception and manipulation.

2. Loss or Ruin

Since astrology is a confusing and self-contradictory system with no scientific or spiritual basis in reality, those who

govern any aspect of their life by its predictions run the grave risk of financial, moral and social ruin.

3. Psychological Because of its fatalistic approach to life, it can have disastrous psychological consequences, and as one noted psychiatrist commented: “ We can see how dangerous it is by the way in which serious psychic disturbances, a fear of life, despair and disarangment are produced by it

in intensive people. Astrology paralyzes initiative and the powers of judgment. “ ( Wm J. Peterson, Those Curious New Cults p. 28) We have carefully examined the subject of astrology and have offered an overwhelming proof that it is a system which is both Biblical ( for Christians), Qur’anic and the teaching of the Prophet and scientifically bankrupt. When weighed in the balance of truth and reason, astrology and its claim fall miserably short of the truth. In spite of its widespread appeal and current popularity, it is not an innocent pursuit or harmless pastime. It is a practice riddled with

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supertitions, confusion, and outright quakery. Furthermore, it is a deceptive and manipulative practice with potentially harmful results. It is, in fact a branch of the occult directly linked to the ancient religion of planetary worship which is strickly condemned by God in the Scripture of Islam and Christianity. It is should therefore be renounced by all those who have dabbled in it in any form. ------------------------- References and Excerpts from the following:

• Christian Equippers,

• Fundamental of Tawheed, Bilal Philip;

• The Book of Tawheed, Sh. Saleh al-Fozan

• Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2008. © 1993-2007 Microsoft Corporation. )