Asylum Case Revised

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  • 7/25/2019 Asylum Case Revised


    The ICJ said that Extradition based on its defnition cannot apply to the

    dispute beore it . ( because the concern is diplomatic asylum

    Issue in this case:

    Whether or not Columbia as the State rantin asylum! is competent to

    "ualiy the nature o the o#ense by a unilateral and defniti$e decision

    bindin on %eru&

    In this case Columbia 'o$ernment relied on rticle ) o this areement

    concernin extradition o a criminal reuee rom the territory o the State in

    *hich he has souht reue. The aruments submitted in this respect re$eal

    a conusion bet*een territorial asylum (extradition+! on the one hand! and

    diplomatic asylum! on the other,

    -istinction: -iplomatic sylum $s Territorial sylum:

    In the case o Territorial sylum Extradition/:

    0ere the reuee is *ithin the territory o the State o reue. decision *ith

    reard to extradition implies only the normal exercise o the international

    territorial so$ereinty. The reuee is outside the territory o the State *ere

    the o#ence *as committed! and a decision to rant him asylum in no *ay

    deroates rom the so$ereinty o that State.

    In the case o diplomatic asylum! the reuee is *ithin the territory o the

    State *here the o#ense *as committed. decision to rant diplomatic

    asylum in$ol$es a deroation rom the so$ereinty o that State. It *ithdra*s

    the o#ender rom the 1urisdiction o the territorial State and constitute aninter$ention in matter *hich territorial so$ereinty cannot be reconi2ed

    unless its leal basis is established in each particular case.

    034 C543E4TI54 S6789

    The Columbian 'o$ernment in$oed the 0a$ana Con$ention yslum o,; it lays do*n certain rules on diplomatic asylum! but ( a bi ?8T+ there

    is no pro$ision conerrin on the State rantin asylum a unilateral

    competence to "ualiy the o#ence *ith defniti$e and bindin orce or the

    territorial state.

    ,sylum Case! ,;@A ICJ reports! last line o pae ;

  • 7/25/2019 Asylum Case Revised


    Important: Sir hihlihted on this part o

    the case:

    9onte$ideo Con$ention : moreo$er its preamble states that it modifes the

    0a$ana Con$ention! it cannot represent merely an interpretation o the
