SEBACEOUS CYST GENERAL INFORMATION PREOPERATIVE PREPARATION The human skin has several types of very tiny glands Do not eat or drink anything for 4 hours before the just under its surface. One such type is the sweat gland; operation. another is the oil (sebaceous) gland that puts out very tiny amounts of very thick oils. Sometimes, the very tiny OPERATION pore that lets these oils come to the surface gets The skin over the sebaceous cyst will be painted with plugged. Because the gland keeps on producing the oily an antiseptic solution and surrounded with towels. material, it becomes enlarged. When it is large enough A very fine, short needle will be used to inject an that you can feel it, it is called a sebaceous cyst. The anesthetic around the area so that it will become material in it gradually becomes thick, has a cheese-like completely numb. appearance, and has a sweaty odor (Fig. 1). A cosmetic incision will be made and the cyst A sebaceous cyst can stop growing when it is pea- removed entirely. sized or it can continue to grow until it is as big as a The operation usually takes less than 30 minutes. golf ball. The incision will be closed in a similar cosmetic Sebaceous cysts are not cancerous, and they never manner. become cancerous. If the cyst is infected and red and full of pus, then the wise thing is to simply make a small incision and COMMON SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS let the pus out. A few weeks later, when things have Sebaceous cysts usually appear as a smooth, dome- quieted down and the sebaceous cyst is much shaped growth in the skin, most commonly in the smaller, it can be totally excised as described above. head and neck and upper back. They do not hurt unless they are infected. POSTOPERATIVE CARE DIAGNOSIS You should be able to go home directly after the Usually, the diagnosis can be made by taking the operation. history and doing a careful examination of the lump. Arrangements will be made for your follow-up office visit and stitch removal. TREATMENT Removing the sebaceous cyst by an operation is the HOME CARE only way to cure the problem. Resume your usual activities. You may shower as you wish with any dressings on or off. There may be narrow strips of tape across the incision. It’s all right if they get wet. They will be removed in the doctor’s office. After you dry yourself, replace any dressings with clean, dry ones. Pain is minimal and can be controlled with over-the- counter medicine. CALL OUR OFFICE IF The incision becomes red or swollen, or there is drainage from it. “Pore” Skin Subcutaneous fat Sebaceous cyst You develop a temperature higher than 1007F. Figure 1. Usually a sebaceous cyst is removed entirely, includ- ing the ‘‘sac’’ that is part of it. You have any questions. q Copyright 1999 by WB Saunders Company. All rights reserved. SEBACEOUS CYST 547

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    s GENERAL INFORMATION PREOPERATIVE PREPARATIONThe human skin has several types of very tiny glands x Do not eat or drink anything for 4 hours before thejust under its surface. One such type is the sweat gland; operation.another is the oil (sebaceous) gland that puts out verytiny amounts of very thick oils. Sometimes, the very tiny n OPERATIONpore that lets these oils come to the surface gets

    x The skin over the sebaceous cyst will be painted withplugged. Because the gland keeps on producing the oily an antiseptic solution and surrounded with towels.material, it becomes enlarged. When it is large enoughx A very fine, short needle will be used to inject anthat you can feel it, it is called a sebaceous cyst. The anesthetic around the area so that it will becomematerial in it gradually becomes thick, has a cheese-like completely numb.appearance, and has a sweaty odor (Fig. 1).x A cosmetic incision will be made and the cyst

    x A sebaceous cyst can stop growing when it is pea- removed entirely.sized or it can continue to grow until it is as big as ax The operation usually takes less than 30 minutes.golf ball.x The incision will be closed in a similar cosmetic

    x Sebaceous cysts are not cancerous, and they never manner.become cancerous.x If the cyst is infected and red and full of pus, then

    the wise thing is to simply make a small incision andCOMMON SIGNS AND SYMPTOMSlet the pus out. A few weeks later, when things havex Sebaceous cysts usually appear as a smooth, dome-quieted down and the sebaceous cyst is muchshaped growth in the skin, most commonly in thesmaller, it can be totally excised as described above.head and neck and upper back.

    x They do not hurt unless they are infected.POSTOPERATIVE CARE

    DIAGNOSISx You should be able to go home directly after the

    x Usually, the diagnosis can be made by taking the operation.history and doing a careful examination of the lump. x Arrangements will be made for your follow-up office

    visit and stitch removal.l TREATMENTx Removing the sebaceous cyst by an operation is the

    : HOME CAREonly way to cure the problem.x Resume your usual activities.x You may shower as you wish with any dressings on or

    off.x There may be narrow strips of tape across the

    incision. Its all right if they get wet. They will beremoved in the doctors office.

    x After you dry yourself, replace any dressings withclean, dry ones.

    x Pain is minimal and can be controlled with over-the-counter medicine.

    & CALL OUR OFFICE IFx The incision becomes red or swollen, or there is

    drainage from it.





    x You develop a temperature higher than 1007F.Figure 1. Usually a sebaceous cyst is removed entirely, includ-ing the ``sac'' that is part of it. x You have any questions.

    q Copyright 1999 by WB Saunders Company. All rights reserved. SEBACEOUS CYST 547

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