SERBS FO SERBS 2010 Monthly Report www.SrbizaSrbe.us Monthly Report No 2 August, 2010 Charity organization Serbs for Serbs PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634 Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS Website: www.SerbsForSerbs.org E-Mail: [email protected]

August 2010 Monthly Report

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Monthly Report August 2010 Mesecni Izvestaj za Avgust 2010 Srbi za Srbe-SAD www.SerbsForSerbs.org

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Monthly Report No 2 August, 2010

Charity organization Serbs for Serbs

PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634 Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS

Website: www.SerbsForSerbs.org E-Mail: [email protected]

Page 2: August 2010 Monthly Report

Monthly Report www.SrbizaSrbe.us 2010

Dear friends and donors,

Charity organization Serbs for Serbs have

finally registered in the state of Illinois in United

States by the group of the Serbian youth. Charity

organization Serbs for Serbs is currently in the

process of applying for a 501(c)3 non-profit

organization status. We registered organization in

Jun 2010 and we have already started working and

began raising donations for our first small project -

providing humanitarian aid for Serbian children

and people living in Kosovo and Metohija villages.

Since this is our fresh start in the United States

please excuse us for any difficulties and mistakes

that we make in the beginning.

About Us

The mission of Charity organization Serbs for

Serbs is to affect on consciousness of Americans,

Serbs and their friends through planned

projects, social and humanitarian activities in

order to develop and foster better society for

future generations and provide aid for

underprivileged families in need.

Although there are many humanitarian

organizations and associations, help often doesn't

reach the most jeopardized. Due to unnecessary

administration, missing information and slow

decision making, the delivery of aid arrives too late

to the final consumers, or not at all. It is a sad and

embarrassing, but true fact that more than 18.000

children daily die around the world because of

starvation and malnutrition. There, among us, the

blind and deaf.

We are witnesses of the bad demographic situation

of our nation, decreasing natality, increasing

number of singles, abortions, accelerated aging of

the population and generally bad economic

condition of the households in Serbia, Republic of

Srpska and Montenegro and other countries in the


An average couple has "fallen" on one child.

Analysts warn that Serbs will become a minority in

its own country in the following century if the

nation, individuals and government don't wake up

from the nescient in which they've fallen!

On the other hand, nobody is talking about the

families with many children which grieve by living

in bitter poverty. Occupied by their everyday

struggle for survival, they are being humbly in their

desire for implementing rights which belong to

them. Their life stories, fears and problems are

identical, but almost invisible and unheard in order

to gain the attention of the public, media and even

state. That's why the idea of the Charity

organization Serbs for Serbs arose. Organization

was formed by a group of young and trustful

people, who are united by the common vision of

helping families blessed by many children and who

are aware of the fact that even a small help means a

lot for those who don't live in a material excess.

We are united by the humane idea to help the

poorest part of the Serbian nation.

Charity organization Serbs for Serbs try to

revive the spiritless energy of the Serbian Diaspora

which would be able to reinforce people of Serbian

heritage as well as all good people throughout the

world with minimal, but constant monthly


We hope and believe that there is also a grain of

doing good and that you will join us in the endless

struggle against poverty.

God bless and save all Serbian families with many

children and our honored donors who participate in

the noble effort to return smile on children faces.



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The mission of Charity organization Serbs for

Serbs is to affect on consciousness of Serbian

people through our projects and humanitarian

activities, in order to develop better society for

future generations.

Why Serbs for Serbs?

We wanted to alleviate impaired spirit of Serbian

people in togetherness and brotherhood help

through humanitarian work and social aid.

Who do we help?

We help Serbian families who live in the Balkans,

have five or more children and live in terrible


How do we define “terrible poverty”?

Under terrible poverty we define absence of one or

more basic factors required for living: food,

clothes, shoes, and safe space for living.

Why do we help?

We believe that there is a basic need for one

human (or a group) to help others in distress. A

help is not only human virtue but also a Christian

responsibility. By focusing our help on families

with many children, we directly affect on their

stirring toward becoming independent from social-

dependable government programs. Indirectly, we

want to affect on birth rate of Serbian people that

has been in great decline in last 20 years.

What are our long term goals?

- family is ready to support itself daily and manage

to pay all required expenses and bills

- their children are encouraged to continue with

school and raising their own family

- our donors are satisfied with the activities and

they are ready to help other families

- our organization is satisfied with the results

- family is ready in the future to become our donor

and if necessary help other families that are in

need of help

Who do we need in organization?

We need members and donors that will secure

financial stability through supporting our

programs and activities in the future. Donors may

join our daily activities within the organization in

order to coordinate our work better. We also need

volunteers ready to donate several hours per week

for actual work within the organization. Activities

of volunteers and their specific tasks would be

determined by the required projects and their

personal interest. From that group of volunteers

we would look for future leaders of organization.

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In August we helped 13 families in Serbia,

Krajina and Montenegro

Help for family Milic from Montenegro

Representatives of charity organization Serbs for Serbs in

Montenegro gave a new emergency assistance for Milic

family in the refugee settlement Ribnicka Vrela (Ribnica

Springs) near Podgorica. Help from our organization in the

amount of 300 Euros was spent for food and for paying or

debt for food in local shops, provision of medicines and

hygiene for children. More detailed report will be presented


Mothers are still raising little Obilics

Friends of the humanitarian organization Serbs for Serbs in

Belgrade have developed a new series of shirts that will be

sold in order to collect funds for the planned actions to help

the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija, which will carry

out our organization in September of this year and January


Collecting money for the tractor

Humanitarian organization Serbs for Serbs continues with

collecting funds for one of the permanent projects by

purchasing a tractor for family Ekmečić in Herzegovina. This

time, we transferred an additional 300 Euros to fund the

tractor, which raises the total to 800 Euros which we have

collected so far. After many attempts to get help from the

Serbian government institutions for the provision of funds for

this seven-member family, we got a negative responses, so,

like all these years, we are forced to rely on our own


SFS at the council of Serbian youth

Charity organizations Serbs for Serbs participate in 10th

Council of Serbian youth and 4 gathering of Serbian network.

Although our organization is not a member of the Serbian

network, we were invited to participate in the Council and

represent our organization. We were pleased to accept the

invitation. Several of our representatives on Friday had the

opportunity to visit the Serbian holy sites on Frushka Gora-

Krushedol monastery, Grgeteg I Velika Remeta and beautiful

city Sremski Karlovci.

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On Saturday we attended the working part of the

Parliament House in the parish home of St. Sava church,

where we presented our organization.

Our video presentation.

We would like to thank Serbian organization Dveri as

organizers of this event for the invitation, hospitality and

good organization. Also, this Parliament, we used it as

an opportunity for a new meeting with our sister

organizations - the Serbian Orthodox youth Innsbruck-

SPOJI and Serbian Society Foundation-Zaduzbina .We

agreed the details about the common major humanitarian

actions in the Krajina in August, so we use this

opportunity to announce the action and noting that

humanitarian organization Nemanjić Ticino will

participate in this action with us.

Only unity and faith in God Saves the Serbs!

Krajina will live!

Report: Predrag Marinkovic / PHOTO GALLERY

With join forces on Saturday ,August 14th we

conducted another in a series of major humanitarian

activities in the area of Serbian Krajina.In this great joint

venture in addition to ours organization, three more

fraternal organizations participate: Serbian Society

Foundation -Slovenia (€ 250), humanitarian

organizations Nemanjić Ticino -Switzerland (700 €) and

the Serbian Orthodox Youth SPOJI Innsbruck -Austria

(300 €).Our organization in this action participated with

€ 2,100. We helped people in the area of the places

Lapac, Gracac and Srb helped 9 Serbian families with

22 children under the age of 20 years.

Total donations for this action were more

than 3300 Euro

For that amount we managed to obtain the following


- 3 stoves

- 1 combination cooker gas / electricity stove

- 2 washing machines

- 2 refrigerators

- 10m ³ of firewood

- 1 bed


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In addition to the main help we provide extra help for children

: books of saints, the best Serbian fables, short stories, fairy

tales, school supplies, games, clothes, candy, balls and toys.

The beautiful landscapes ličkih hills, pastures and mountains

greeted us early in the morning after entering the land of

Krajina. Unfortunately idyll ended the burned and destroyed

Serbian homes to which they are powerless watched the road,

and I believe that if they could speak, they would say what we

probably all know. Among all of us was left a bitter taste in

the mouth because of the beauty of a country that for centuries

was Serbian, where our ancestors hundreds of years kept Serbs

and Orthodoxy, which is now deserted and left to someone

else who does not deserve.

Upon arrival in the Lower Lapac soon found the house where

was the father Predrag ,this way we thanks for the hospitality

and great help in organizing and implementing this initiative

into action. After a brief elaboration of the plan and three

friends from the "Foundation" come to us and slowly we move

to work. The first family we visited was a family from

Gracac Trbojevic located at hour drive from the Lower

Lapca. Two children, twins Stephen and Mary raise aunt

Gordana with her mother. For this family we intended to

donate a wood stove while kids received gifts in the form of

toy, books and candy.

After visiting the family Trbojevic we went to the bank

where we paid for ordered home appliances, it will be

delivered to all families in the next week. Since we had more

finance left we went to the close store where we buy school

supplies and candy for children.

Out trip taking us further towards place with nice sounded-

name that sound just like people and name testifies about the

people that lived here for centuries, and unfortunately today

only survives-it is a place Srb. In Srb we were welcomed by

polynomial family Djilas which is composed of six small

children from the youngest Sladjana (month and a half ago)

by Miroslav (2 yr.), Stefan (3 yr.), Radmila (5 yr.), Milica (7

yrs.) And Predrag (9 yr.). Small Djilas were very pleased with

our visit, and especially balls and sweets .Father Radislav real

host, although materially poor, he insisted that before our

arrival at their home he roast a lamb, which was his way to

expressed their appreciation for the visit and the help we

intended it. In addition to gifts for children we intended

combined stove for this family. After socializing with the

youngest ones and I have to mention excellent lamb, the way

we continue on.

The rest of the families we planned to visit and support are

located in the Lower Lapac and vicinity. Before entering the

Lower Lapac we come to the house of Milorad and Vera

Kovacevic and their two children Dusan (8 yr.) And Natasha

(14 years)Milorad Kovacevic, a former member of the Army

of the Republic of Serbian Krajina have very difficult life.

Occasional he work part time are that is the only source of

income. Milorad on all of us leaves a positive impression of

their firm and steadfast positions to stay and persevere in their

centuries-old homes and keep the faith of grandfathers. For

Milorad and his family we planned to donate fridge and sofa,

and for children as in previous cases, books, school supplies ,

sweets. And in this house we were welcomed, the way only

Serb welcomed its guests. Father Predrag had to leave us

briefly for private business, and we find the following two

families with the help of Milorad, which started as a guide

with us and stayed with us until the end of our actions.

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Fourth family in a series of families was the Rasheta

family .Parents Snezana and Milan with sons Zora (21

yr.), Goran (20 yr.), Lazar (17 yr.) and Natasha (11 yr.)

Live in very difficult conditions. Social support and the

son Zoran, which deals with a bit of cattle are the only

sources of income. Disease and poverty have left a

visible impact on the family. Little Natasha is suffering

from epilepsy, but as we learned from father Predrag

after staying in one of our monasteries and reading the

prayer for the recovery of God it stop attacks and we

hope it will remain so. For Rasheta Family we intended

a wood stove while the children received books, candy

and school supplies.

The most difficult situation we found in the family

Bibic. The family lives in inhumane conditions in two

dilapidated rooms, where residents Milan father who is a

nervous patient and unable to work with his wife Nada

and children Mirjana (14 yrs.), Slobodan (16 years)and

little Ivan (10 years)The family survives on welfare and

children's allowances. Unfortunately more than one

washing machine and gifts for children we are not able

to provide. With words of support for family we move


We come to our acquaintance from our past actions

grandmother Milica and her granddaughter Milanka

(15 year) For Milanka we bought some clothes and gave

her a book and some candy. The main part of the aid for

our Srpkinje(Serbian ladies) was 10m of firewood,

which we expect to arrive next week. We also saw and a

wood stove that we provide to them last time and with

which they are delighted.With the promise that we will

see tham again, we move on .

Next stop was the family Ljiljak where young Valentina

and Stevo live with three children, Tijana (8 yr.), Dario

(7 yrs.) Danijela(2 yrs.).Stevo was not present and we

were welcomed by his mother and his wife Valentina

and their children.Children are of course, like all the

other happy for sweets and toys, while the young parents

are certainly happy for new washing machine which we

prepared as a donation for them.

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Slowly leaving municipalities shortlisted Lapac and move to

other two families from our plan for assistance. Before that, on

proposal of Fr. Predrag who joined us again in the meantime

we visited the Church of St. Ilija /Elias, dating from the late

eighteenth century and is one of the oldest in the region.

For me it was particularly interesting because the first priest in

the church after the expulsion of Turks from these regions was

my namesake. The church has suffered major damage after

the second world war by the Communist fifth column, and

now with a great effort by Fr.Predrag it slowly getting back

the old glory.

Nearby in the village Nebljusi we visit family Bubalo. Parents

Milan and Jasna livie there with her two little son Rade (3 yr.)

And Daniel (2 yr.) and as well with Milan's parents.While part

of our team sat with the oldest members of the family Bubalo

and talked about their current problems, we tested a couple of

the youngest with sports skills . While the children were happy

with ball we believe that also the oldest members of this

family will be happy with wood stove that we intended for


Visibly exhausted but not with lack of energy and enthusiasm

we are going to the last family that we planned to visit in this

action. Repac family consisting of father Vladimir, mother

Zorica and children Vladana (3 yr.) Radovan (less than a year)

we helped this family with a fridge.With greetings to the

family we are successfully completing the action.

The position of the Serb

people in Krajina, remains critically difficult. As in

Kosovo and Metohija, our nation is in danger in the area

of Krajina, exposed to various types of harassment, and

the inability to obtain adequate employment. Krajina is not

thousands of miles away from Serbia, and even less from the

Republic of Srpska, Slovenia, Montenegro ... It's not the end

of the world, and every one of us / you can visit at least one

family in the Serbian Krajina. Bring support to them at least

with our presence ,help those heroes who are determined to

return and survive on our grandfather land. Wake up and start

doing something useful because it’s not only Kosovo-Serbia!


Са вером у Бога,

With faith in God,

Предраг Маринковић

Predrag Marinkovic

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We helped three families in Sabac

Report: Milos Golic, Serbia / ACCOUNTS / / PHOTO


On Tuesday 24th August, we visited and assisted the three

Serbian families in the municipality of Sabac – Misic ,

Gligoric Crvenković in cooperation with our friends from the

Fund Humanitarian heart .. Special thanks to KUD Nikola

Tesla in Ushter and Maja Jovanovic who gave a big bags with

clothes, shoes and school supplies with the help of

representatives of our organization from Switzerland. All

goods was appropriate for the children we visited.In addition

to the goods that arrived from Switzerland, in this action to

help Serbian families we have bought a set of books for the

second, fifth and seventh grade.We took the entire school

supplies for ten children and several dozen kilograms of

hygiene and basic food supplies. Value 50 thousand dinars.

HO Serbs for Serbs with Misic family in front of their home

Although we had planned to help the two families, Crvenković

and Gligoric, the proposal of Mrs. Ruzica, President of the

Fund, we visited and handed over part of the aid in food

hygiene and family Misic in the village of Majur. This family

consists of Biljana and Dragan parents and their children

Bojana (20), Rade (17), Dragana (16), Mirjana (14), Mihajlo

(11), Sarah (8), Darko (3) and the youngest Valentina of only

18 months - daughter of oldest Bojana. Also, with them lives

and Dragan's mother. For Misic family, we chose the part of

footwear that has arrived from Switzerland. The children were

very happy , and a special feeling to see how happy they are in

the new shoes and the most basic things like shampoo, soups

and banana cream from and other candies , which they have

not been able to have on the table recently.

Representative from Switzerland Dusan Đaković with small

Darko Misic

This family have a new roof over head and the house

substantially extended due to the Fund Humanitarian heart

from Sabac. Few months ago this family of 11 members lived

isolated at the end of the village in two rooms of 15 square M

without basic living conditions, particularly survival. This

unexpected visit has allowed us to meet another multi-member

family in the middle of Serbia,wich live near the famous

battlefield of Serbian army, starving and living on edge of


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We are absolutely confident that our glorious ancestors

certainly not fought for that and such'' a freedom'' where

Serbian families because of the large number of children

are thrown to the margins of Serbian society.

HO Serbs for Serbs with family Gligoric and president

of Humanitarian Heart Fund

After family Misic we continue our campaign by visiting

family Gligoric in the village Sinošević . We found them

working as they worked to build new houses, which also

helps fund from Sabac. House where they currently live

in is literally falling apart and does not seem safe for

domestic animals, especially not safe for people. After

upgrading the house they will finally have basic hygiene

facilities. The sad story of this family is not only in their

extreme poverty, which is easily comparable to those in

Kosovo and Metohija. In fact, mother after a family

drama left five of her children and married in another

village. Father Radenko and his mother somehow

managed to feed this family and ensure that they survive

the next day. Despite the very difficult situation in which

they live they nicely welcomed us, Milan (7) did not

stop to examine us and hang out with us. For Gligoric

we provide two sets of books for the second and seventh

grade, and complete school supplies for all children. In

addition, we delivered them a few pounds of hygiene,

canned food and other living necessities.

HO Serbs for Serbs in front of the new-Crvenković

reconstructed houses

At the end of the day we visited the family Crvenković in

Beljine village.. We provide them with the same help like

other families in the area: textbooks for fifth grade as a

complete school supplies as notebooks, pencils, crayons,

tempera, blocks.... and hygiene pack and a few pounds of

foodstuffs that will surely last a few months. Children were

mostly happy with candys we brought them. The family has

nine members, parents, Milan and Sladjana and children

Milesa (16), Sinisa (15), Marijana (14), Aleksandar (10),

Milica (8), Tamara (5) and Nikolina only 6 months. It should

be noted that the road to them is a different story. The house is

located at the end of the village and with a few other house it

was virtually cut off from rest of the world.

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The children were very happy and surprised when we

arrived because we have not previously announced our

arrival. Special impression on us left their friendliness

and how the children are beautiful, nice and well brought

up. The family has a few pigs and chickens that will

bring them the minimum food they need.. Fund from

Sabac also made efforts to help this family with updating

of home. After a short fellowship time with this family

we started way back full of beautiful impressions.

In return we visited the monument in Misar

dedicated to Karadjordje and heroes from Misar

dedicated to the centenary of Mišarska


All goods that are sent to us from KUD Nikola Tesla

these days will be distributed to families that we visited

during this action through the Fund Humanitarian heart

of Sabac. We agreed with people from Fund to make

few pictures of children and families when they are

giving up the goods so that we can publish these pictures

to the site.

Report: Milos Golic, Serbia / ACCOUNTS / / PHOTO


Read Serbian Report/Извештај на Српском

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August in USA

Serbs for Serbs visited 20th annual Serb Fest

Members of charity organization Serbs for Serbs visited 20th

annual Serb Fest

Serb Fest - 20th Annual celebration of Serbian culture

Serb Fest was traditionally held in the yard of Holy

Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago.

We should always celebrate our culture and tradition. Our

organization supports the idea that we should support all

Serbian cultural events especially outside of Serbia.

Next important event in Chicago area :

Taste of Serbia September 4-5, 2010

Sixth Annual Food and Music Festival is coming to

St. Basil of Ostrog Parish.

St. Basil of Ostrog

Serbian Orthodox Church

27450 North Bradley, Lake Forest, IL 60045,USA

See you there.

Charity Organization Serbs for Serbs in

newspaper Vesti

Purpose of the organization is collecting aid for poor

families with five or more children; the organization

"Serbs for Serbs" is engaged in humanitarian work for

five years. In Chicago there are since June of this year,

donors are its most loyal members.

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Organization Motto, which is its driving force -

"Children are our future."

These, mostly young people, employees in different

professions, their time, knowledge, effort and money

donate to large families showing on that way fraternal

solidarity, striving that our youth do

not grow malnourished, lonely, with no clothe, at the

same time they are trying to revive the consciousness of

our Serbian people in the homeland and abroad, and

awake up Serbian Diaspora sleeping energy.

On the web site of the organization you can see

information on actions that are underway, plans for

action that will be launched, the mission of the

organization and the names of donors.

We edit our web site daily; we maintain it, trying to

appeal to our people and work effectively to assist the

most vulnerable. We helped over 130 families, which

mean that we have helped more than 1,000 children. We

helped the work of national cuisines in Kosovo and

Metohia , and we have many actions in the plan.

Read more →Vesti Online -Serbian Link

Click here for Printed version/Newspaper

Metropolitan Christopher Reposes In The











Born in Galveston, Texas, and baptized Velimir Kovacevich,

the future Metropolitan Christopher was the ninth of twelve

children of Serbian immigrant parents.

After graduation from high school, he attended Nashotah

House and graduated from St. Sava Serbian Orthodox

Seminary in Libertyville, Illinois. After marriage, he was

ordained to the Diaconate and Priesthood. Continuing his

education, he earned a B.A. (Philosophy), Master of Letters

(History) at the University of Pittsburgh; the Master of

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Divinity from Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of

Theology in Brookline, Massachusetts, and completed

courses and examinations for the doctorate at the

Chicago Theological Seminary.

Father Velimir ministered to parishes in Pennsylvania

and in Chicago, also serving as chaplain to four

universities. He assisted his parishes to become bilingual

in their worship and education programs, and at the same

time he was active in the defense of unity and canonical

order in his church during a period of schism. As a

priest, he served as spiritual father, counselor, youth

worker, administrator, educator, and, above all, in

priestly ministry at the Holy Altar. Widowed in 1970, he

is the father of four, as well as the grandfather of nine.

Elevated to the episcopate in 1978 by the Assembly of

Bishops in Belgrade and tonsured with the monastic

name of Christopher, he became the first American-born

bishop to serve a diocese of his church in North

America. As Bishop of Eastern America and Canada, he

soon developed a diocesan-wide program in religious

education. Active also in ecumenism, he has served on

the joint commission of Orthodox and Roman Catholic

bishops and on the Orthodox-Lutheran dialogue, and has

represented his church at high levels in both the National

and World Councils of Churches. In 1991, he was

elevated to the rank of Metropolitan, thereby becoming

Primate of the Serbian Orthodox Church in the U.S. and


May the Lord our God grant blessed repose and eternal

rest to His Eminence Metropolitan Christopher.




Planned for September

Humanitarian action in Kosovo and Metohija

Help polynomial Serbian families

Plan Departure: 09/25/2010

Anticipated funding: over 4,000 Euros

Number of families: 7-9




Support our organization.


Деца су наша будућност!


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Donors in August


1. www.CikaskiSrbi.com (IL) - $50

2. Mladen Simic (OH) - $35

3. Mateja Stojkovic(IL) -$25

4. www.NemaPredaje.net - $25

5. B.K (VA) -$15

6. Zeljka K. (IL) -$50

7. Miladinka Filipovic (IL) - $50

8. AK (IL) - $100

9. Aleksandar Krsmanovic (NY) -$50

10. Olja Meyer (NY) -$20

11. A.S (CA) -$50

12. Gorana Simunovic (VA) - $50

13. Dragan Reljic (Ontario,Ca) -60 CAD


Total: ≈ $580.00 ($520 + 60 CAD)

Be a Volunteer or Donor, support

our charity.










July August

Number of Donors (13) August 01 - August 31

Number of Donors (13) August 01 -August 31









July August

Donations in August ($580.00)

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