ED 218 392 \AUTHOR TITLE INSTITUTION SPONS AGENCY . PUB DATE CONTRACT NOTE AVAILABLE FROM DOCUMENT RESUME UD 022 322 Ascher, Carol; Alladice, Darryl Refugees in the United States: A Bibliography of ERIC Documents. ERIC/CUE Bibliography<Number 7. Columbia Way., New York, N.Y. Inst. for Urban and Minority Education.; ERIC Clearinghouse on Urban Education, New York, N.Y. National Inst. of Education (ED), Washington, DC. Apr 82 400-77-0071 31p.; For related documents see ED 205 649 and ED 210 371. ERIC Clearinghouse on Urban Education, Columbia University, Teachers College, Box 40, New York, NY 10027 (write for price). EDRS PRICE MF01/PCO2PlUs Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Adjustment (to Environment); Asian Americans; Civil Liberties; Cubans; *Cultural Background; Cultural Influences; Cultural Pluralism;'Educational Assessment; Educational Background; *Educational Needs; Elementary Secondary Education; Haitians; Health Services: Immigrants; Indochinese; Orientation Materials; Postsecondary Education; *Public Policy; *Refugees; Resource Xaterials; *Social Services; Testing IDENTIFIERS RusSian Jews ABSTRACT This bibliography contains 303-citations of conference papers, research and project reports, and other materials drawn from the ERIC database. The eWtries are organized.according to a number of issues relating to the resettlement and adaptation of Indochinese, Cuban, Haitian, and Russian refugees in the United States. The categories include: refugee background; orientation materials; refugee adjustment and host acceptance; health and associated services; school curriculum and other school information; 'government policy statements, statistical reports and other documents; testing; and bibliographic resources. (.AuthOr/MJL) *************w********************************************************* Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. ****************************************.**********4********************

AUTHOR Ascher, Carol; Alladice, Darryl Refugees in …DOCUMENT RESUME UD 022 322 Ascher, Carol; Alladice, Darryl Refugees in the United States: A Bibliography of ERIC Documents. ERIC/CUE

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Page 1: AUTHOR Ascher, Carol; Alladice, Darryl Refugees in …DOCUMENT RESUME UD 022 322 Ascher, Carol; Alladice, Darryl Refugees in the United States: A Bibliography of ERIC Documents. ERIC/CUE

ED 218 392






UD 022 322

Ascher, Carol; Alladice, DarrylRefugees in the United States: A Bibliography of ERICDocuments. ERIC/CUE Bibliography<Number 7.Columbia Way., New York, N.Y. Inst. for Urban andMinority Education.; ERIC Clearinghouse on UrbanEducation, New York, N.Y.National Inst. of Education (ED), Washington, DC.Apr 82400-77-007131p.; For related documents see ED 205 649 and ED 210371.ERIC Clearinghouse on Urban Education, ColumbiaUniversity, Teachers College, Box 40, New York, NY10027 (write for price).

EDRS PRICE MF01/PCO2PlUs Postage.DESCRIPTORS *Adjustment (to Environment); Asian Americans; Civil

Liberties; Cubans; *Cultural Background; CulturalInfluences; Cultural Pluralism;'EducationalAssessment; Educational Background; *EducationalNeeds; Elementary Secondary Education; Haitians;Health Services: Immigrants; Indochinese; OrientationMaterials; Postsecondary Education; *Public Policy;*Refugees; Resource Xaterials; *Social Services;Testing


ABSTRACTThis bibliography contains 303-citations of

conference papers, research and project reports, and other materialsdrawn from the ERIC database. The eWtries are organized.according toa number of issues relating to the resettlement and adaptation ofIndochinese, Cuban, Haitian, and Russian refugees in the UnitedStates. The categories include: refugee background; orientationmaterials; refugee adjustment and host acceptance; health andassociated services; school curriculum and other school information;

'government policy statements, statistical reports and otherdocuments; testing; and bibliographic resources. (.AuthOr/MJL)

*************w*********************************************************Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made

from the original document.****************************************.**********4********************

Page 2: AUTHOR Ascher, Carol; Alladice, Darryl Refugees in …DOCUMENT RESUME UD 022 322 Ascher, Carol; Alladice, Darryl Refugees in the United States: A Bibliography of ERIC Documents. ERIC/CUE












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ERIC CLEARINGHOUSE ON URBAN EDUCATIONInstitute for Urban and Mmorit) Education

Teachers College, Columbia UM\ ersityNew York, New York 10027

Page 3: AUTHOR Ascher, Carol; Alladice, Darryl Refugees in …DOCUMENT RESUME UD 022 322 Ascher, Carol; Alladice, Darryl Refugees in the United States: A Bibliography of ERIC Documents. ERIC/CUE



COmpiled by

Carol Ascher, Ph.D.


Darryl Alladice

This publication was prepared withfunding from the National Instituteof Education under contract number400-77-0071.


ERIC/CUE Bibliography Number 7 April 1982


Page 4: AUTHOR Ascher, Carol; Alladice, Darryl Refugees in …DOCUMENT RESUME UD 022 322 Ascher, Carol; Alladice, Darryl Refugees in the United States: A Bibliography of ERIC Documents. ERIC/CUE

This bibliography contains 501 citations dl awn from the ERICdata base. The items have been organized according to a"nusker cf issues centxal to understanding LI:e. resettlementand adaptation of Indochinese, Cuban, Haitian, and Sovietrefugees, The categoiies include: refugee background, orien-tation materials, refugee adjustment/host ncceptance, healaand associated serviceso school curriculum (excepting lan-guage instruction) and other school informationgovernmentdocuments which include policy statements and statisticalreports, testAng, and bibliographic resources. Because of

the newness A the field of refugee resettlement, periodicalarticles of a scholarly nature are still rare. The includeddocuments were generally produced as conference papers,research and project reports, or materials directed to aspecific interest group. Thus they are not widely available,except through the ERIC system.

4Document Availability

Most. ERIC documents can be read at any location that housesan ERIC microfiche collection and can be purchased in micro-fiche or paper copy from ERIC Document Reproduction Service(EDRS), P.O. Box 190, Arlington, VA 22210 unless otherwisespecified.


Page 5: AUTHOR Ascher, Carol; Alladice, Darryl Refugees in …DOCUMENT RESUME UD 022 322 Ascher, Carol; Alladice, Darryl Refugees in the United States: A Bibliography of ERIC Documents. ERIC/CUE




Refugee Background 1

Orientation Materials, 3

RefugeeAdjustment/dost. Acceptance 5

Health and Associated Services for Refugees 11

School Curriculum and Other School-Related Inforhation 13


GoVernment Documents: Policy Statments and Statitical Reports...21

Testing 23

Bibliographic Resources 24



Page 6: AUTHOR Ascher, Carol; Alladice, Darryl Refugees in …DOCUMENT RESUME UD 022 322 Ascher, Carol; Alladice, Darryl Refugees in the United States: A Bibliography of ERIC Documents. ERIC/CUE


Refugee Background

Arutyunyan, Y.V. A Comparative Study of Rural Youth in the National Regionsof.the USSR: General and Specific Features. Paper presented at theWorld Congress of Rufal Sociology, Torun, Poland, August, 1976. 18p.(Available, only in microfiche from EDRS.) ED 128 121.

Bui huy Bao, et al. Teacher's Guide, Health, Grade 1. Saigon, South Viet-nam: Ministry of Education, 1965. 117p. ED 136 577.

Bui Van Bao, et al. Health, grade 3. Saigon, South Vietnam: Ministry of*Education, 1964. 126p. ED 136 578.

Bui Van Bao, et al. Health, Grade 5. Saigon, South Vietnam: Ministry ofEducation, 1965. 100p. ED 136 579.

_ _ _

Center for Applied Linguistics; Washington, District of Columbia. Back-ground Information on the Ethnic Chinese llefugees. General InformationSeries No. 22. Indochinese Ref6 ee Education Guides. 1980. 28p.ED 196 311.

Claydon, Leslie F. Refugee Settlers: Some Aspects of Australia's ChancedInstitutional Response. Victoria, Australia, December, 1980. Mimeo-graphed. 15p. ED 200-383.

Duong Quang Ham. History of Vietnamese Literature. Saigon, South Vietnam:Ministry of Education, 1951. 474p. (Available only in microfichefrom EDRS.) ED 138 112.

Fontes, Maria Joao,'ed., and Fontes, Manuel da Costa, ed. Christmas, Natal,Navidad in Cuba, Mexico, and Portugal. Cer-ritos, CA: ABC Unified SchoolDistrict., 1975. 71p. ED 123 137.

Hunter, William A., and Nguyen, Liem Thanh. Educational Systems in South:Vietnam and of Southeast Asians in Comparison with Educational Systemsin the United States: Ames, IA: Research Idstitute for Studies inEducation, Iowa State University of Science and Technology, 1977. 217p.ED 155 099.

Huynh Cong Tu, et al. Practicing Good Habits, Grade 1. Saigon, South Viet-nam:

4Ministry of Education, 1965. ED 136 574.

Institute for Educational Leadership, and National Public Radio, Washington,District of Columbia. Soviet Jewish Refusees. 1980. 13p. (Availableonly in microfiche from EDRS.) ED 195 456.


Page 7: AUTHOR Ascher, Carol; Alladice, Darryl Refugees in …DOCUMENT RESUME UD 022 322 Ascher, Carol; Alladice, Darryl Refugees in the United States: A Bibliography of ERIC Documents. ERIC/CUE

Institute for Intercultural Relations and Ethnic Studies, Rutgers,' The State,University, New Brunswick, New Jersey. Mosaic. Hispanic Sub-CulturalA/alues: Eimilarities and Differences.' 1977. 23p. ED 141 466.e

Le Xuan Thuy. Handicraft (Industrial Arts), Grades 4-5. Saigon, SouthVietnam: Ministry of Education, 1965. 110p. ,ED 136 581.

Lefevre, M.D., et al. Physical Education, Teacher's Guide, Elemyntary(Grades 1-5). Saigon, South Vietnam: Ministry raf Education, 1965.134p. ED 136 573.

Lewis, Marvin A. Ethnicity, Alienation, Identity: , Themes in HispanicMinority'Fiction.Q 1977. Mitheographed. 16p. ED 143 716.

Miller, Wright. Russians As People. New York, NY: E.P. Dutton & Company,1960. 205p. (Not available from EDRS; available in paper copy frompublisher.) ED 638 060.

Milvaney, Susan E. The Chinese Refugees in Hong Kong. Yarmouth, ME, 1975.Mimeographed. 78p. ED 116 987.

Montilus, Cuerlin. Africa, the Motherland, in the Haitian CollectiveMemory: A Study of African Religious ContinuitY among the Haitians:.1969. 40p.\_ (Availabl-4.--uffiv in microfiche from.EDRS.) ED 182 392.

Mulroy, Kevin Vietnamese Proverbs Compared with Other Sources inInvestigating National Characteristics for Pedagogical Purposes.Mast'er's thesis, City University of New York, 1977. 82p.ED 140 668.

Newland, Kathleen. Refugees: The New International Politics of Displace-ment. Worldwatch Paper 43'. Washington, DC: Worldwatch Institute,1981. 35p. (Available in microfiche from EDRS; available in paper,copy from publisher.) ED 199 147.

Nguyen, Chinh B., comp. Summary of the Culture, History and EducationalSystem of Viet Nam. PA: Lancaster County School Board, 1976. 28p.ED:136 619.

Nguyen, Liem thanli. Vietnamese Culture Kit. Ames, IA: Research Instifutefor Studies in Education, Iowa State University of Science and Tech-nology, 1976. 36p. ED 149 602.

Nguyen,Van Quan, et al. Practicing Good Habits, Grade 2. Saigon, SouthVietnam: Ministry of Education, 1971. 142p. ED 136 575.

Nickel, James W. Human Rights and. the Rights of Aliens. Working PaperNB-3. Center for Philosophy and Public Policy, University of Mary-land, College Park, MD, 'July, 1980. 25p. ED 204 478.


Paulston, Rolland G. "Revolutionary Educational. Reform Efforts in LatinAmerica." Pitts Magazine 30,2 (1975):16-20. 6p. ED 128 256.


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Pittsburgh University. University Center for International Studies, Penn-sylvania. Cuban Studies Newsletter. December, 1970. 20p.

ED 049 107.Pt

Rogge, John R. Refugees and Forced Migration: Need for New Definition.Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association of AmericanGeographers, Los Angeles, CA, April, 1981. 17p. ED 204 463.

Tinh, Tran Thi. Pre-School Education in a Vietnamese C une: A CaseReport. Pre-School Education Documents Reprint Sffies No. F.1.Bangkok, Thailand: United Nations Educational, Scientific, andCultural Organization, 1979. 11p. (Available only in microfiche'from EDRS.) ED 195 320.

. -

Tran Trong Phan, et al. Learning Geography, Grade 2'1 Saigon, SouthVietnam: Ministry of Education, 1965. 134p. ED 136 571.

Van Cong Lau,et al. Practicing Good Habits, Grade 4. Saigon, SouthVietnam: Ministry of Education, 1966. 148p. ED 136 576.

Van Cong'Lau, et al. Teacher's Guide, Civics. Grade 3. Saigon, South

Vietnam: Ministry of Education, 1962. 97p. ED 136 572.

Vu Nhat Thanh. Teacher's Guide, Child Care, Grades 4-5. Saigon, South

Vietnam: Ministry of Education, 1965. 139p. ED 136 580.

Yang See, Koumarn, and Barney, G.L. Glimpses of Hmong History addCulture. General Information Series, no. 16. Indochinese Refugee

Education Guides. A4ington, VA: Center for Applied Linguistics,1978. 45p: ED 159 901.

Zigler, Edward. The Vietnamese Children's Airlift:' Too° Little and TooLate. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the, AmericanPsychological Association, Chicago, IL, August 30-September 3, 1975.

45p. ED 119 827.

Orientation Materials

American National Red Cross, Washington, District of Columbia. Your NewCountry: A Guide to Language and Life in the U.S.A. 1975. 96p.

(Not available from EDRS.) ED 113 933.

Arizona State Department of Education, Phoenix. Some Hints to Work with

Vietnainese St4dents.' 1976. 24p. ED 133 383.

Center for Applied Linguistics, Arlington, Virginia. Continuing EnglishStudies during.the Summer--Hints for Sponsors and Teachers of SchoolAge Children. Elemehtary Education Series, no. 5. Indochinese

Refugee EduCation Guides. 1976. 15p. ED 302.

Center for Applied Linguistics, Arlington, Virginia. Indochinese Refugee

Alert Bulletin, No. 4. February', 1976. 13p. ED 123 892.


Page 9: AUTHOR Ascher, Carol; Alladice, Darryl Refugees in …DOCUMENT RESUME UD 022 322 Ascher, Carol; Alladice, Darryl Refugees in the United States: A Bibliography of ERIC Documents. ERIC/CUE


Center for Applied,Linguistics, Arlington, Virginia. Indochinese RefugeeAlert Bulletin, No. 11. November, 1978. 12p. ED 165 489.

Center for Applied Linguistics, Arlington, Mifginia. Perspectives on aCross-Cultural Problem: Getting to Know the Vietnamese. General,Information Series, no. 13. Indochinese Refugee Education Guides.1976. 25p. ED 129 067.

Dye, Dal et al. Living with an American Family. A Guide for VietnameseYouth. Song Trong Mot 6ia Dinh Hoa Ky: Cam nang cho thieu nien VietNam. (In English.and Vietnamese.) Philadephia, PA: Lutheran Child-ren and Family Service; Washington, DC: Office of Refugee Resettle-tent (DHHS). December, 1980. 30p. ED 201 693.

Interagency Task Force for Indochina Refugees, Washington, District ofColumbia. g Guide to Two Cultures: American. A Guide to TwoCultures:: Indochinese. Publication 8. August, 1975. 52p. ,

ED 112 648.

Interagency Task Force for Indochina Refugees, Washington, District ofColumbia. Guidebook for the Cambodian Refugees. 1975. 42p.ED 1f2 651.

Interagency Task Force for Indochina Refugees, Washington, District of. Columbia. An Organization and Welcome Guide 'for Groups Sponsoring.

Indochinese Refugees. Publication 3. July, 1975. 32p..'ED 112 649.

rna-R-fInteragency Task Force_for_Indoe}r' e ugees, Washington, Dist:rict of__IColumbia:--Trainamese Refugee Orientation Handbook. 1975. 59p.

ED 112 650.

trnternal Revenue Service, Department of the Treasury, Washington, Districtof Columbia. Tax Information for Refugees and Their S on§org:Questions and Answers. Revised. 1981. 14p. S 202 978.


Los Angeles County Commission on Human Rights, California. Chao Mung Dat4 t

My (Welcome to America). Mimeographed. 60p. ED 131 156.

Maldonado, Stephen. Programmatic Recommendations and Considerations in'Assisting School Districts to Serve Vietnamese Children. San Antonio,TX: Intercultural Development Research Association, September, 1976.17p. ED 133 405.*

Mangum, Margaret. Face to Face: introduction to5the People and Historyof Cuba. LIRS Manual for Sponsors of Refugees. New York, NY:Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, 1980. 16p. (Availablein microfiche from EDRS;available in paper copy from publisher.)ED 202 931.

Mangum, Margaret. Face to Face: Introduction to the People and Historyof Haiti. LIRS Manual for Sponsors of Refugees. New York, NY:Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, 1981. 17p. (Available inmicrofiche from EDRS; available in paper copy from publisher.)ED 202 929.

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, o




Miller,gelen M. Tips-on the Care and Ad'ustment of Vietnamese and OtherAsian Children in the United States... Washington, DC: Children's

. Bdreau (DHEW), 1975. 30p. ED 116 8$11.

Neal, TIlumas. Team Leader; Refugee Welfare Field Manuel. Norwalk, Gamin:Community Development Foundation, June, 1968. 65p. (Not availablefrom EDRS.) ED 026 584.

Programs, Services and Assistance for Indo- Chinese Migrants and cefugees;9 August, 1975. Mimeographed. 101p. ED 117 268..

SMalley, Carol. Faeeto Face: Learning English. LIRS Manual for Sponsorsof Refugees. New York, NY: Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service,1981. 29p. (Available in microfiche from EDRS; available in papercopy from publisher.) ED 202 930.

Tobin, Joseph Jay, and Koschmann, Naucy Lee. Handbook for Sponsors ofIndochinese Refugees. 'Traveler:. Aid of Chicago, IL, 1978. .13p.ED 198 220.

Refugee Adjustment/Host Acceptance

Ahrnsbrak, Henry C., et al. Third Party Evaluation Report of Ca'reerEducation for Persons in Rural'Areas: Primary Focus on Adults16 and Over. Wausau, WI: North Central Technical Institute;Madison, W1: Wisconsin University, Center for Studies in Vocational-

_and Technical Education, July, 1976. 61p. ED 131 260.

Boosey, Anne, et al. A Comparative Study of Relocated Vietnamese inRural and Urban Arkansas. Little Rock, AR: Arkansas University,1976. 70p. ED 142 343.

Briggs, Vernon M. Implications of Noninstitutional Considerations Uponthe Effectiveness of Manpower Programs for Chicanos: Austin, TX:Texas University, Center for the Study of Human Resources, January,1973. 28p. ED 130 808.

Britain, Susan D., and Abad, Marcy. Field Independence: A Function ofSex and Socialization in Cuban and American Adolescents. Paperpresented at the American Psychological Association Convention,New Orleans, LA, August,'I974. 9p.' ED 099 741.

Carliner, Geoffrey. Ethnic Minorities in American Labor Markets: FinalReport. Berkeley, CA:. Wright Institute, Oqtober, 1977. 191p.(Available only in microfiche from EDRS.) ED 161 788.

Chan, Carole. Cambodians in America. Los Angeles, CA: Los Angeles CountyCommisdion on Human Rights,_ August, 1975. 13p. ED 123 311.

Clarke, Gerard R. "Contemporary'Puerto Rican, Cuban-in-Exile, and Mexican-American Literature in a Pluralistic Society." Pennsylvania StateModern Language Association Bulletin, 53, 2 (1975):7-12. 8p.ED 107 150.

Page 11: AUTHOR Ascher, Carol; Alladice, Darryl Refugees in …DOCUMENT RESUME UD 022 322 Ascher, Carol; Alladice, Darryl Refugees in the United States: A Bibliography of ERIC Documents. ERIC/CUE

Co'nde, Carlos, ed. LIliLlEilLildLIpling people of thc United States: A

New Era. Washington, -DC: Cabinet' Committee on Opportunities forSpanish- Speaking People, 1970. 26p. ED 044 220.

Cooke,' .161m, ed. Perspectives on Ethnicitf in New Orleans. New Orleans,

LA: Committee. on Ethriicity in New Orleans, 1979. 63p. ED 193 405;

Councilion Interracial Books for Children, Inc., New York, New York."Asian Americans in Children's Books." Inter.sracial Books for Child-

ren Bulletin, 7,2 (1976). 40p. "(Available: in microfiche. from'

EDRS; available in paper copy from publisher.) _ED 123 315.

Delker, Paul V. Immigration as the United States National Euerience.Remarks made at International Seminar: Education of.Adult Immigrants,

Cheshire, England, January 21, 1976. 24p. m 126 288.

Education Commission of the States, Denver, Colorado. Working Papers on

Meeting the Education Needs of Cultural Minorities. Summary Report.

November,' 1980. 13p. ED 196 622.

Gee, Emma, ed., et al. Counterpoint: Perspectives on Asian America.

Los Angeles, CA: California University, Asian American StudiesCenter, 1976. 614p. (Avails e in microfiche from EDRS; available

in paper copy from publisher. ED 147 378.

Gray, Naomi T., pt. al. Preliminary Finding of a Study of Minority

Developmentally Disabled. Paper presented az the Natiohal Conferenceon Social Welfare, Los Angeles, CA, May, 19.78. i8p. (Not available

,from EDRS.) ED 164 635.

Hogges, Ralph, and Hogges, Lille, A Study cf Factors Affecting CubanParent-Child Interaction. April-, 1976. Mimeographed. 18p.

ED 127 525.

. Jaipaul. Directory of Ethnic Resources of Philadephia and Delaware Valley.

July, 1976. 160p. ED 150 213.

Kim, Young Y. Dynamics of Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Communication:A Study of Indochinese Refugees in the Initial Phase of Acculturation.Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Speech CommunicationAssociation, San Antonio, TX, November 10-13, 1979. 42p. ED 181 511.

Kumata, Ruth,*and Murata, Alice. Employment of Asian/Pacific American

Women in Chicago. Report of a Conference Sponsored by the Women'sBureau, United States Depaitment of Labor, Chicago,,IL, March 22,

1980. 99p. ED 199 307.

LaRose, Robert, and Eisenstock, Barbara. Assessing Multi-cultural Tele -

vision Characters for Children. Paper presented at the annual meetingof the Mass Communication Division of the International ComMunicationAgsociation, Minneapolis, MN, 1981. 32p. ED 204 444.

Linn, Margaret W., et al. Fertility Related Attitudes of Mi

with Large and Small Families. Miami, FL: sity of Miami School

of Medicine, .1974. 21p. ED

1'. a,

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-7 _

Shdh Yun, et al. Some Considerations for Coping with School ProblemsInvolving_ Indochinese Students. Office for Equity Education's Multi-cUltural Education Resource Series. Olympia, WA: Office of the StateSuperintendent of Public Instruction, 1981. 9p. ED 204 469.

41.Llanes, JospR. Moving toward Cultural Pluralism, Part I: The Process of

Eneulturitdon. Paper presented at the annual meting of the WorldEducation Association, Honolulu, HI, July, 1976: 17p. ED 133 263.

Llanes,'Jose R. Moving toward Cultural Pluralism, Part II: Enculturationwithin Group. Culture- Clusters. 1980. Mimeographed. 23p.ED 194 370.

McInnis, Kathleen M. Secondary Migration Among the Indochinese: Tne Wis-consin St*. 19$1. Mimeographed.. 20p. (Availale only in micro-fiche from EDRS.). ED 205 636. .

Manitoba Depactment of kddcation, Winnipeg, Canada. Vietnamese Studentsin the'Publlc School. 1980. 17p. ED 198 222.

Moncarz, Raul. A Study of the Effects of Environmental Change on HumanCa ital'Amon,SeletteA Skilled Cubans. Tallahassee, FL: FloridaState University, College of Arts and Sciences, August, 1969.172p. (Not available from LDRS; available in paper copy fromNational Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22151.)


ED 053 256.

Montero, Darrel. The Vietnamese Refugees in America: Patterns of Socio-economic Adaptation. 1978. Mimeographed. 48p. (Available only inmicrofiche from EDRS.). ED.179 612.

Moten, Charlyne H. Persistence of Indochinese Refmee Students Enrolledin Developmental Studies. Ed.D. practicum, Nova University, Penn-

;sylvania, April, 1978. 25p. ED 178 120.

National Association for Asian and Pacific AmeriCan Education, Berkeley,California. 1980 Resolutions: National Association for Asian andPacific American Education. Resoluticns adopted at the annual con-ference of the National Association for Asian and Pacific AmericanEducation, Washington; DC, April 23-25, 1980. 21p. ED 190,714,

National Education Association, Washington, District of Columbia. EipalEducational Opportunity for Asians and Pacific Islanders.in theUnited States. Report of the National NEA Conference on Civil andHuman Rights in Education, San Francisco, CA, 1975. 45p .(km.lilable-in microfiche from EDRS; available-in paper cover from publisher.)ED,143 741.

National Institute of Education, DHEW), Washington, District of Columbia._ -Conference on the Educational and Occupational Needs,of Hispanic

Women. June 29-30, 1976, December 10-12, 1976. September, 1980.288p. ED 194 252.


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Nelson, Dale C. Ethnic Sources of Non-Electoral Participation in an Urban

Setting. Paper presented at annual meeting of the American PoliticalScience Association, Washington, DC, September 1-4, 1977. 49p.

ED 148 715.

Nelson, Dale C. Hispanic Political Attitudes: A Comparison of Cubans,.

Dominicans and Puerto Ricans. Paper presented at annual meeting ofthe American Political Science Association, Washington, DC, August

28-31, 1980. 40p. (Available only in microfiche from EDRS.)

ED 202 777.

Ogletree, Earl J., and garcia, David.' Education of the Spanish-SpealiqgUrban Child: Book of Readings. Springfield, IL: Charles C.

Thomas, 1975. 474p. (Not available,form EDRS; available from

Charles C. Thomas; 301-327,E. Lawrence Ave., Springfield, Illinois

62705.) ED 126 185.

Palmer, Stephen E., Jr. Toward Imi=d1LU.S. Immigration and International

Education Programs. Preliminary Draft. 1974. Mimeographed. 159p.

ED 096 556.

Parish, Thomas S., and Lambert, Frank. Changing Anti - Negro, and Anti-Viet-

, slnamese Attitudes in Children Using Classical Conditioning ProCedures.


April, 1973. Mimeographed. 16p. ED 089 831.

Pascua, Reynaldo:Jr. Rural Asian Americans--An Assessment: A Report of

the Yakima Valley Asian American Task Force. Olympia, WA: Washington

'State Commission on Asian-American Affairs; July, 1976. 44p.

ED 132 235.

Penner, Louise A., and. Anh,, Tran. A Comparison of American and Vietnamese

Value Systems. Tampa,, FL: Univei4ity of Florida. 37p. ED 131 133.

Pian, Canta% ConsUltation Focus: Identification of Issues. Washington,

DC: United States Commission on Civil Rights, Consultation on Civil

-Rights of Asian Americans, May, 1979. 30p. ED 177 251.

Reyes, Domingo Nick. Viva--A Look at the Hispanic Americans. Washington,

DC: National Education Association, 1975. 52p. (Available in

microfiche from EDRS; available in paper copy from publisher.)

'ED 122 990.

Reyes, Manuel C. The Migrant Child. 1977. Mimeographed. .25p.

ED 162 803.

Robinson, Christine Emilie. "The Uses of Order and Disorder in Play: An

Analysis of Vietnamese Refugee Children's Play." In Play: Anthropo-

logical Perspectives. ,West Point, NY: Leisure Press, 1978. 19p.

ED 153 944.

Robinson, Christine E. Vietnamese Refugee Students and Interethnic Com-,

munication. California: Stanford University, 1979. Mimeographed.

Mg.+ (Available only in microfiche from EDRS.) ED 177 247.

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-9 .

Rogg, Eleanor M. The Occupational Adjustment of Cuban Refugees in the WestNew York, New Jersey Area. Ph.D. dissertation, Fordham University,Bronx, NY, 1970. 464p. (Not available from EDRS.) ED 051 366.

Rogg, Eleanor Meyer, and Cooney, Rosemary Santana. Adaptation and Adjust-ment of Cubans: West New York, New Jersey. Monograph'no. 5. BrOnx,

NY: Fordham University, Hispanic Research Center, 1980. 101p.

(Available only in microfiche from EDRS.) ED 198 232.

Rupp, James 'H. _Attitudes and Expectationg.of Indochinese Parents. Paper

presented at the National Conference on Indochinese Education onSocial Services, Arlington, VA, March 28-29, 1980. 13p. ED 197 037.

Scherer, Darlene and Rasmussen, Karen, eds. The Hungarian-Americans ofSouth Bend. South Bend, IN: Indiana University, Ethnic HeritageStudies Program, June, 1975. 34p. ED 174 555.

Scott, Della Beidleman. A Report on Characteristic of Registrants forAdoption, Children Placed and Services Rendered by Adoption Agencies.New York, NY: Traveler's Aid-International Social Service of America,April, 1976. 106p. ED 127 005.

Skinner, Kenneth A., and Hendricks, Glenn L. Indochinese Refugees: An

. Emerging Minority. Paper, presented at the annual meeting of theAmerican Anthropological Association, 1.08 Angeles, CA, November14-18, 1938. 33p. ED 177 255.

Skinner, KennethA., and Hendricks, Glenn L. A New Minority: Indochi'iese

Refugees in Higher Education. Minneapolis, MN: Minnesota UniversityOffice for Student Affairs, December, 1977. 102p. ED 148 274.

Smith, Kathleen A. Acculturation of Late - Arriving Refugees: A New Jobfor Adult Educators.' Paper presented at the Natuonal Adult EdudationConference, St. Louis, MO, November 5, 1980. 15i). ED 1.94 737.

Smither, Robert, and Podriguez-Giegling, Marta. Personality, Demographics,and Acculturation in North American Refugees. Paper presented atannual meeting of the American Psyc:Lological Association, Montreal,Canada, September 1-4, 198". 14p. ED 198 025.

Soberano, Jane, and Soberano, Rawlein. New Orleans: Melting Pot of theSouth? Paper presented in a workshop given to the .social workers ofNew Orleans Associated Catholic Charities, New Orleans, LA, May 25,

1978. 18p. ED 199 312.

Soberano, Rawlein G. The Vietnamese of New Orleans: Adapting to American_Social Structure. Las Cruces, NM: New Mexico State University,Bureau of Educational Research, July, 1980. 12Lp. ED 196 979.

Soberano, Rawlein. The Vietnamese of New Orleans: Problems of America's

Newest Immigrants. 1978. Mimeographed. llp. (Available only in

microfiche from EDRS.) ED 173 525.

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10 -

Subervi-Velez, Federico A. The Effects of Communication and SocioeconomicStatus on the Political Participation of Puerto Ricans, Mexican-Americ-

ans, and Cubans.in Chicago. Paper, presented at the annual meeting of

the International Communication Association, Acapulco, Mexico, May

18-23, 1980. 32p. ED 192 419,

Subervi-Velez, Federico A. Mass Media Exposure and Perceived Discrimination

Among Latinos in Chicago. Paper presented at the annual meeting of theAssociation f,r Education in Journalism, Houston, TX, August 5-8, 1979.

27p. ED 173 847.

Szapocznik, Jose, et al. Acculturation: Theory, Measurement, and Clinical

Implications. 1975. Mimeographed. 37p. ED 191 958.

Szapocznik, Jose, et al. Bicultural Involvement and Adjustment in Hispanic

American Youths. Coral.Gables, FL: Miami University, 1979. 21p.

(Available only in microfiche from EDRS.) ED 193 374.

rSzapocznik, Jose, et al. What Changes, What Remains the Same, and What

Affects Acculturative Change in Cuban Immigrant Families. Coral'

Gables, FL: Miami University, 1977. 14p. (Available only in

microfiche from EDRS.) ED 193 375.

Tamminga, Harriet L. Past and Present School System Response to Asian

Immigrants. Paper presented at annual meeting of the American Socio-

logical Association, Chicago, IL, September 5-9, 1977. 39p.

ED 146 094.

Thuy, Vuong G. The Needs and Expectations of the Indochinese in America.

Paper delivered at the National Conference on Indochinese Education

and Social Services, Arlington, VA, March 28, 1980. 14p. ED 191 966.

Triana, Armando R. Hispanics in Chicago: Demographic Changes and Behavior-

al Characteristics at the Workplace. Revised. Paper, presented at the

American Statistical Association Conference, Chicago, IL, March 25,

1980. 15p. ED 190 324.or

Valverde, Leonard A. Segregation, Desegregation, and Resegregation of theSpanish-Surname Student in the United States. Austin, TX: University

of Texas, 1976. 41p. ED 131 963

Weis, Lois, et al. Women, Education and Industrialization: A Comparative

Analysis of Jewish, Ghanaian and Vietnamese Women. Paper presented

at the Comparative Sbcial Development State of the Art Conference,

Columbia, MO, Ociober 29-31, 1978. 26p. ED 178 374.

Wheat, Valerie, comp. Hispanic Women and Education:. Annotated Selected

References and Resources. Bibliography Series: 5. San Francisco,

CA: Women's Educational Equity Communications Network, 1978. 22p.,

ED 164 246.

Wilber, George L., and Hagan, Robert J. Metropolitan and' Regional In-

equalities Among Minorities in the LabOr Market. Minorities in the

Labor Market, vol. 3. Lexington, la: Kentucky University, Social

Welfare Research Institute, 1975. 150p. ED 118 300.

Page 16: AUTHOR Ascher, Carol; Alladice, Darryl Refugees in …DOCUMENT RESUME UD 022 322 Ascher, Carol; Alladice, Darryl Refugees in the United States: A Bibliography of ERIC Documents. ERIC/CUE

Health and Associated Services for Refugees


Alvarez, Rodolfo, ed. Delivery Of Services for Latino Community MHealth. Monograph no. 23 Paper presented at the annual meetithe National Council of Community Mental Health Centers and NaInstitute for Community Mental Health, Washington, DC, February23-26, 1975. 75p. ED 118 673.


ng of


Ballesteros, David. Counseling Needs of Spanish Speaking Americans., presented at the annual meeting of the American Personnel and GuAssociation, New Orleans, LA, March, 1970. 11p. '(Available oalmicrofiche from EDRS.) ED 132 443.


Paperidancey in

Cohon, J. Donald, Jr. Can TESOL 'Teachers Addreu the Mental Health Coof the Indochinese Refugees? Draft. Draft of paper presented atTeachers of English-to Speakers of Other Languages. San FranciscoCA, March 8, 1980. 26p. ED 204 471.



Cohon, J. Donald, Jr.' A Mental Health Training Model for Use with Inch)chinese Refugees. Paper presented at the Fall Conference on Trainiin the Human Services, Ann Arbor, MI, October 21-24, 1979. 16p.

ED 204 472.

Cohon, Donald J., Jr. The Trauma Syndrome: Identification, Treatment, a nd

Referral Of Commonly Seen Problems. Paper presented at the Conferencof the Northern California Indochinese Refugee Assistance Program,San_Francisco, CA, August 1-2, 1977. 38p. 'ED 205 638.

Commission for Racial Equality, London, England. Housing_ Need Among EthnicMinorities: Comments on the Consultative Document on Housing PolicyPresented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for the Environmentand the Secretary of State for Wales. December, 1977. 14p. (Avail-able only in microfiche froth EDRS.) ED 182 354.

Congress of the United States, House Committee of the Judiciary, Washington,District of Columbia. Admission of Alien Physicians for GraduateMedical Education: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Immigration,Refugees, and International Law of the Committee on the Judiciary,ifouse of Representatives, Ninety-Sixth Congress, Second Session onH.R. 7118. -May,1980. 252p. (Available only in microfiche fromEDRS.) ED 192 707.

Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Washington, District ofColumbia. Primary Health Care Needs of Immigrants. 1980. 75p.

(Available only in microfiche from EDRS.) ED 189 244.

Koschmann, Nancy Lee, and Tobin, Joseph Jay. Working with IndochineseRefugees: A Handbook for Mental Health Workers and Human Serviceproviders. Travelers Aid Of Chicago, IL, 1979. 59p. ED 202 923.

Ladner, Robert A. Social and Demographic Factors Affecting Psychopathologyand Substance Ouse in a Spanish Family Clinic Population. Coral

Gables, FL: Miami University, June, 1976. 25p. (Available only inmicrofiche from EDRS.) ED 193 367.


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Lefley, Barriet P., and Restman, Evalina W. Psychotheruy in Carribbean

Cultures. Paper presented at the annual convention of the AmericanPsychological Association, San Francisco, CA, August 26-30, 1977.

22p. ED 148 968.

Minsky, Raphael. Psychological Assessment o't Indochinese Refugees. Paper

presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Associa-tibhMontreal, Quebec, Canada, September 1 -5, 1980. 12p. ED 194 638.

Montgomery County Public Schools, Department of Adult. Education, Rockville,Maryland. Outreach Counseling: The Essential Element: Sqpport to

Indo-Chinese Refugees. June, 1977. 37p. ED 146 483.

Montiel en, Hispanic Families: Critical Issues for Policy. and

Programs in Human Services. Washington, DC: National Coalition of

Hispanic Mental Health and Human Service Organizations, 1978. 113p.

(Not available from EDRS;.available in paper, copy from publisher.)

ED 182 098.

Okura, K. Patrick. Asian Pacific American Mental Health Needs for the

Future. Paper presented at the APHA Anntial Meeting, Los Angeles,

CA, October 15-19, 1978. 13p. (Available only in microfiche from

EDRS.) ED 174 709.

Rieu, Le Tai. Modern and Traditional Medical Practices of Vietnam: Viet-

namese Concepts of Illness and Treatment. 1978. Mimeographed. 11pe

ED 204 475.

Scopetta, Mercedes A. An Ecostructural Family Therapy Approach to the

Rehabilitation of the Latino Drug Abuser: History and Development.

Coral Gables, FL: Miami University, 1976. 14p. (Available only in

microfiche from-EDRS.) ED 193 373.

Sccpetta, Mercedes A, et al. Ecological Structural Family Therapy with

Cuban Immigrant Families. Coral Gables, FL:. Miami UniVersity, 1978.

28p. (Available only in microfiche from EDRS.) ED 193 368:

Szapocznik, Jose, et al. Cuban Value Structure: Treatment Implications.

Coral Gables, -FL: Miami University, 1976. 33p. (Available only in

microfiche from EDRS.) ED 191369)

Szapocznik, Jose, et al. Culture Specific Approaches to the Treatment ofLatin Multiple Substance Abusers: Family and Ecological InterventionModels. Coral Gables, FL: Miami University, 1976. 33p. (Available

only in microfiche from EDRS.) ED 193 371,

Szapocznik, Jose, et al. Life Enchancement Counseling: A Psychosocial Modelof Services for Cuban Elders. Coral Gables, FL: Miami University,

1980. 31p. ED 198 224.

Union of Pan Asian Communities, San Diego, California. Understanding the

Pan Asian Client: A Handbook for Helping Professionals. August, 1978.

86p. (Available only in microfiche from EDRS.) ED 169 182.


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School Curriculum and Other School-Related Information

Alchin, Don D. Cuban History and Culture, Social Studies: 6478.19.Miami, FL:. Dade County Public Schools, 1971. 103p. ED 071 968.

Arlington County Public Schools, Virginia. Teaching for Cross CulturalUnderstanding. 1978.. 287p. ED 182 228.

Balch Institute, Philadephia, Pennsylvania. The Balch Institute StudyGuide for Immigration History'and Ethnic Studies. 1976. 64p.

ED 161 .792.

Biggs, Shirley A., ed., et al. Thumbprints and Thoughtprints: EveryLearner Unique. Proceedings of the Annual Pittsburgh Conference onReading and Writing, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1981. (Includesa section on teaching English reading\and writing to Vietnamesechildren.) 197p.. ED 203 293.

Billings, Mai; DeWitt, et al. Ai.erican Potpourri: Multi-ethnic Books forChildren and Young Adults: A Bibliography Based on the Acquisitionsof the Educational Materials Center. Washington, DC: Office ofEducation (DHEW), Jangary, 1977. 13p. ED 137' 177.

'Bolet, Margareta, et al. Cuba: The Pearl of the Antilles. Cuban EthnicStudies: Resource Material. Atlanta, GA: Atlanta Public Schools,1976. '40p. ED 174 703.'

Cabinet Committee on Opportunities for Spanish Speaking People, Washington,District of Columbia. The Spanish Speaking in the United States: A ,

Guide to Materials. 1971. 171p. (Available only in microfiche fromEDRS.) ED 133 129.


Center for Applied Linguistics, Arlington, Virginia. Academic Resources.General Information Series, no. 8. Indochinese Refugee EducationGuides. 1975.. 32p. ED 116 491.

Center for Applied Linguistics, Arlington, Virginia. Classroom Instructionsin Vietnamese/Inside the Classroom. Elementary Education Series, no. 2.Indochinese Refugee Education Guides. 1975. 9p. ED 116 483.

Center for Applied Linguistics, Arlington, Virginia. Classroom Instructionsin Vietnamese/Outside the Classroom. Elementary Education Series, no.4. Indochinese Refugee Education Guides. 1975. 11p. ED 116 485.

Center for Applied Linguistics, Arlington, Virginia. Detailed Content ofthe Vietnamese Secondary Curriculum. Intermediate/Secondary EducationSeries, no. 2. Indochinese Refugee Education Guides. 1976. 72p.

ED 129 069.

Center for Applied Linguistics, Arlington, Virginia. Education in Vietnam:Fundamental Principles and Curricula. General Information Series, no.

. 3. Indochinese Refugee Education Guides. 1975. 20p. ED 116 488.


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Center for AppliVLinguistics, Arlington, Virginia. flints for Tutors.

General Information Series, no. 1. Indochinese Refugee Education

Guides. 1975. 8p. ED 116 486.

Center for Applied Linguistics, Arlington, Virginia. I Find Out About

Science. Grade 1.. 076. 164p. (Not Available from EDRS; avail-

able from publisher.) ED 131 666.

Center for Applied Linguistics, Arlington, Virginia. I Find Out Abot

Science. Grade 2. 1976. 1571: (Not avnirabje from EDRS;

able from publisher.) ED 131 667.

Center for Applied Linguistics, Arlington, Virginia. I Find Out About

Science. Grade 3. 1976. 154p. (Not available from EDRS; avail-

able from publisher.) ED 131 668.

Center for Applied Linguistics, Arlington, Virginia. 'I Find Oat About

Science. Grade 4. 1976. 185p. (Not available from EDRS; avail-

able from publisher.) ED 131 669.

Center for Applied Linguistics, Arlington, Virginia. I Find Out About

Science. Grade 5. 1976. 159p., (Not available from EDRS; avail-

able from publisher.) ED 131 670.

Center for Applied Linguistics, Arlington, Virginia. I Learn to Read.

Grade 2. 1976. 215p. (Not available from EDRS; available from

publisher.) ED 131 672.

Center for Applied Linguistics, Arlington, Virginia. I Study Arithmetic.

Grade 1. 1976. 157p. (Not available from EDRS; available from

publisher.) ED 131 659.

Center for Applied Linguistics, Arlington, Virginia. I Study Arithmetic.

Grade 2. 1976. 139p. (Not available from EDRS; available from

publisher.) ED 131 660.

Center for Applied Linguistics, Arlington, Virginia. 'I Study Arithmetic.

Grade 3. 1976. 195p. (Not available from EDRS; available from

publisher.) ED 131,661.

Center for Applied Linguistics, Arlington, Virginia. Learning English a

Different Way. Adult Education Series, no. 3. Indochinese Refugee

Education Guides. 1976. 9p. ED 129 061.

Center for Applied Linguistics, Arlington, Virginia. Manual for Indo-

chinese Education 1976-1977. 1976. 288p. ED 135 236.

Center for Applied Linguistics, Arlington, Virginia. On Assimilating

Vietnamese and Cambodian Students into U.S. Schools. Educational

Administrator Series, no. 1. Indochinese Refugee Education Guides.

1976. Sp. ED 125 307.

Center for Applied Linguistics, Arlington, Virginia. On Keeping Lines of

Communication with Indochinese Children Open. Elementary Education

Series no. 1. Indochinese Refugee Education Guides., 1975. 6p.

ED 116 482.


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Center for Applied Linguistics, Arlington, Virginia. Reader. Grade 3.1976. 219p. (Not available from EDRSIk available from publisher.)ED 131 673.

Center for Applied Linguistics, Arlington, Virginia. Reader. Grade 4.1976. 228p. (Not available froM MKS; available from publisher.)ED 131 674.

Center for Applied Linguistics, Arlington, Virginia. Reader. Grade 5.1976. 235p. (Not available from EDRS; available from publisher'.)ED 131 675.

Center forApplied Linguistics, Arlington, Virginia. Recreational Readingin Vietnamese. Adult Education Series, no. 5. Indochinese RefugeeEducation Guides. 1976. 12p. ED 129 063.

Center for Applied Linguistics, Arlington, Virginia. Vietnamese History,Literature, and Folklore. Intermediate/Secondary Education Series,no. 1. Indochinese Refugee Education Guides. 1975. 6p.

ED 116 480.

Center for Applied Linguistics, Arlington, Virginia. Vietnamese History,Literature and Folklore. Elementary Education Series, no. 3. Indo-chinese Refugee Education Guides. 1975. 4p. ED 116 484.

Clarke, James F. Bulgarians: Who They Are. Pittsburgh, PA: DuquesneUniversity, Tamburitzans Institute of Folk Arts, 1979. 19p.' (Avail-able in microfiche from EDRS; available in paper copy from publisher.)ED 198 035. . . 1.-.e

' i.v..%

Dade County Public Schools, Miami, Florida:::' Survey on Russian Soci4Y:Discover Russian and the Russians. 1971. 35p. ED 062 863.

Dissemination and Assessment Center for Bilingual Education, Austin, Texas,and Spanish Curricula Development Center, Miami Beach, Florida.Intermediate SCDC Spanish Curricula Units. Science /Hearth, Unit 1,Kits 1-4, Teacher's Guide. 1977. 181p. (Available only in micro-fiche from EDRS.) ED 160 317.

Dissemination and Assessment Center for Bilingual Education, Austin, Texas,and Spanish Curricula Development Center, Miami Beach, Florida. SCDCSpanish Curricula Units. Social Science, Unit 10, Grade 3, Teacher'sGuide. 1977. 252p. (Available only in microfiche from EDRS.)ED 161 617.

Do, Dinh Tuan, et al. Biology: A Vietnamese Supplement. A High-SchoolBilingual Handbook for the Vietnamese Student. Indochinese High-School Supplements. Arlington Heights, IL: Title VII MidwestResource Center, 1976. 131p. ED 180 221.

Do, Dinh Tuan, et al. Mathematics: A Vietnamese Supplement. A High SchoolBilingual Handbook for the Vietnamese Student. Indochinese High-SchoolSupplements. Arlington Heights, IL:. Title VII Midwest Resource Center,1977. 146p. ED 180 224.

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Do, Dinh Tuan, et al. Physics: A Vietnamese Supplement. A High- School

Bilingual Handbook for the Vietnamese Student. Indochinese High-

School Supplements. Arlington Heights, 1L: Title Vii Midwest Resource

Center, September, 1976. 133p. ED 180 223.

Do, Dinh Tuan, et al. 'U.S. History: A Vietnamese Slaplement. A His_,h-

School Bilingual Handbook for the Vietnamese Student. Indo6hinese

High-School-Supplements. Arlington Heights, IL: Title VII Midwest

Resource Center, January, 1977. 111p. ED 180 222.

Duong, Nga. K-6; Vietnamese Multicultural Learning Units for Use in the

Classroom. Bilingual Education Resource Series. Olympia, WA:

Washington Office of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction,August, 1980. 28p. ED 201 715. _ _ _ _ _

Duong, Thanh Binh. A Handbook for Teachers of Vietnamese Students: Hints

for Dealing with Cultural Differences in Schools. Vietnamese Refugee

Education Series, no. 3. Arlington', VA: Center for Applied Linguis-

tics, August, 1975. 39p. ED 108 516.

Forbes, Robert J. Guidelines for the Development of a Program in PuertoRican and Cuban Ethnic Heritage Studies at the Post-Secondary Level.Milton, MA: Curry College, 1976. 311p. ED 186 521.

Gunther, Phyllis E. Basic Skills After School Pre-Kindergarten Program,

1975-1976. Brooklyn, NY: New York City Board of Education, Office

of Educational Evaluation, 1976. 22p. ED 141 476.

Hanh, Vu Duc, ed. Mathematic TeLinolog. Pensacola, FL: Escambia County

School Board, Evaluation Services, 1975., 54p. (Available only in

microfiche from EDRS.) ED 134 470.

Inclan, Rosa Guas. A Report on the Cuban Students in the Dade County Public

Schools, Miamii Florida: Working Papers on Meeting the Education Needs

of Cultural Minorities. Denver, CO: Education Commission of the

States, November; 1980. 61p.. ED 198 215.

Indochina Curriculum Group, Cambridge, Massachusetts. The Vietnam Era.

A Guide to Teaching Resources. 1978. 110p. ED 201 565.

Intercultural Development Research Associatiop, an Antonio, Texas. Hand-

Book for Teachers of Vietnamese Students. 1976. 47p. ED 135 881.,

Irizarry, Ruddie A., et al. George W. Wingate High School Integrated Bi-

linguallingual Career Education Program. Final Evaluation Report, 1978-1979.

NNBrooklyn, NY: New York City Board of Education, Office of EducationalEvaluation, 1'979. 71p. ED 194 657.

Jones;W. Ron, ed. DeSchool Primer Number Four. San Francisco, CA: 'Lep-

hyrus EdUcational Exchange, 1972. 24p. (Not available from EDRS.)

ED 070.247.

Leaf, Jeanette B. Project Mini-Teachers, 1975-1976 Academic Year. Brook-

lyn, NY: NeW.york City Board of Education:OffIce of Educational

Evaluation, 1976. 40p. ED 142 641.

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Lereah, Lucy, et al. Cuban Staff Develcimcnt Module. Atlanta, GA: AtlantaPublic Schools, 1976. 9p. ED 174 702.

Mackey, William Francis, and Beebe, Von Bilingual Schools for a Bi-cultural Community: Miami's Adaptatl,, to tie Cuban Refugees. Rowley,MA: Newbury House Publishers, 1977. 223p. (Not available from EDRS;available from publisher.) ED 145 686.

Moore, John A. A Nation of Immigrants. 'Social Studies. 6416.17. Miami,FL: Dade County Public Schools, 1972. 1.1) 079 226.

Maxwell, Liz. Achieving Multilingual Education in a Meiricultural School:A Teacher Corps Model. Paper based on a presentation at the AnnualInternational Bilingual/Bicultural Education Cf,pference, Puerto,Rico-San'Juan, April 24-28, 1978. January, 1979. 1.0p. ED 166 3.473:'

Mortensen, Knud, and Wagner, K.D. The UNRWA/UNESCu Experience in RefugeeEducation: A Report Submitted to the Danish International DmelopmenAgency. Denmark: Copenhagen'Univers-Institute a Education,November, 1980. 148p. ED 200 349.

National Education Association, Washiigton, District of Columbia. EthnicHeritage Studies Program: Assessment of the First Year, July 1, 1974 -June 30, 1975. 1977. 99p. .(Available in microfiche from EDRS; avail-able in paper copy from publisher.) ED 142 501.

New York City Board of Education, Brooklyn, New York. Haitian ResourceUnit, Level III--A Systems Management Approach. 1978. 244p. (Avail-able only in microfiche from EDRS.) ED 166 343.

New York University, Department of Technology and Industrial Education,New York. Curriculum Development for Bilingual Vocational EducationMaterials Modification & Translation. Volume 1. 1978. 159p. (Avail-able only in microfiche from EDRS.) ED 170 490.

Nguyen-Van-Chinh. 80 Games. (In Vietnamese.) Arlington, VA: Center forApplied Linguistics, 197i. 101p. (Not available from EDRS; availablefrom publisher.) ED 131 665.

Partnow, Patricia H. Handbook for Central Aleutian Site: The Aleuts of theEighteenth Century; Social Studies Unit, Book IV. Anchorage, AL:Alaska Native Education Board, Inc., 1976. 56o. ED 127 254.

Partnow, Patricia H. Strangers, the Russian Side: The Aleuts of the Eight-eenth Century, Social Studies Unit, Book Ib. Anchorage, AL: Alaska.Native Education Board, Inc., 1976. 18p. ED 127 252.4

Pham -Van- Trong, and Huynh-Van-Do. National History. Grade 2. Arlington,VA: Center for Applied Linguistics, 1976. 120p. (Not available fromEIRS; available from publisher.) ED 131 662.

Pham-Van-Trong, and Huynh-Van-Do. National History. Grade .3. Arlington,VA: Center for Applied Linguistics, 1976. 130p. (Not available fromEDRS; available from publisher.) ED 131 663.

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Pham-Van-Trong,.and Pham-Thi Ngoc-Dung. National ilistory._Grade4. Arling-ton, VA: Center for Applied Linguistics, 1976. 176p. (Not availablefrom EDRS; available from publisher.) ED 131 664.

Reyes, Vinicio H. Bicultural-Bilingual' Education for Latino Students: AContinuous Progress Model. New York, NY: Arno Press, 1978. 317p.

(Not available from EDRS; available from publisher.) ED 164 730.

Rodarte, Dolores, ed., et dl. Intermediate SCDC Spanish Curricula Units.Fine Arts, Unit 1, Kits 1.-4, Teacher's Guide. Austin, TX: Dissemina-tion and Assessment Center for Bilingual Education; Miami Beach, FL:Spanish Curricula Development Center, 1977.- 155p. (Available onlyin microfiche from EDRS.) ED 160 315.

Rodrigues, Raymond J. Skeletons; BooncialIndSuccess: Multicultural-Education at the University of Utah. Paper presented to the AmericanAssociation_of-Colleges-for-TJa-cher Education, Institute on MultiethnicStudies for Teacher Education, San Francisco, CA, April 5-17, 1979.110. ED 171 637.

-4 Saint Paid Public Schools, Minnesota. 'Asian American Curriculum Guide..June, 1978. 259p. (Available only in microfiche from EDRS.)ED 179 658.

Saint Paul Public Schools, Minnesota. Asian American Curriculum Guide: .

Secondary. June, 1979. 231p. (Available only in microfiche fromEDRS.) ED 179 659.

Schwartz, Lita L. Asian Americans: Now. Paper presented a World EducatorsConference on Multicultural Education, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 12, 1976.11p. ED 130 985

Sherwood, Charles Frederick. A Paradigm for Teacher-Education ReadingInstruction Based upon the Perceptions of Selected Elements Teachers,

in Dade County, Florida. Ed.D. dissertation, University of7MIETT---

1972. 214p. (Not available from EDRS; available from University

Microfilms; Ann Arbor; MI 48103.) ED 078 355.

Skjervold, Christian K., et al. Minneapolis Multi-Ethnic Curriculum Project-

Acculturation Unit. Minneapolis, MN: Minneapolis Public Schools,

Department of Intergroup Education, 1975., 44p. ED 183 479.

Skjervold, Christian K., et al. Minneapolis Multi-Ethnic Curriculum Project-

Enclaves Unit and the First Original New Ethnic Comic Book. Minneapolis,

MN: Minneapolis Public Schools, Department of Intergroup Education,

1975. 32p. ED 183 485.

Skjervold, Christian K., et al. Minneapolis Multi-Ethnic Curriculum Project -

Family Unit.. Minneapolis, MN: Minneapolis Public Schools, Department

of Intergroup Education, 1975. 61p: El) 183 481.

Soberano, Rawlein G. Civic Education for the Vietnamese as Prospective

Citizens. (In English and Vietnamese.) 1975. 38p. (Available only

in microfiche from EDRS.) -ED 185 151.


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Social Security Administration (Department of Health, Education, and r:elfare),Office of Family Assistance, Washington, District of Columbia. A Guideto Two Cultures American...and a Guide to Two Cultures Indochinese.(In English and Vietnamese.) 1979. 27p. ED 184 926.

Soy, Rosa H. Bilingual Education through Music. A research project pre-sehted to the Department of Educational Arts and Systems, Kean College,NJ, in partial fulfillment of .the M.A. degree, July, 1975. 65p.ED 141 473.

Sullivan, Zola Jiles. Teaching Multiculutural Awareness and UnderstandingThrough the Language Arts--Creative Writing: Suggested Topics forCreative and Expository Writing Based on the Roots of the CubanCulture for Use with Cuban Children and Others Who Are Interested inUnderstanding Their Culture. 1980. Mimeographed. 18p. ED 198 553.

Sullivan, Zola Jiles. Teaching Multicultural Awareness and UnderstandingThrough, the Language Arts--Creative Writing: Suggested Topics forCreative and Expository Writing Based on the Haitian Culture ftlr Usewith Haitian Children, ,the Children of the Antilles and Others WhoAre Interested in Understanding Their Culture. Miami, FL: FloridaInternational University, 1980. 10p. ED 198 554.

Thompson, Fred. Vietnam. Grade Six, Unit One. 6.1. Comprehensive SocialStudies Curriculum for the Inner City. Youngstown,'OH: YoungstownBoard of Education, June; 1971. 70p. (Available only in microfichefrom EDRS.) ED 104 787..

Tipple, Bruce E., and Whitehead,. Pamela. Minneapolis Multi-Ethnic Curri-culum Project Overviews: Student Reading Booklets. Minneapolis, MN:Minneapolis Public Schools, Department of Intergroup Education, 1975.103p. ED 183 478.

Trang, Kim Dung, and Sutherland, Kenton. Personnel Resources Directory forthe Education of Vietnamese Refugees. Vietnamese Refugee EducationSeries, no. 5. Arlington, VA: Center for Applied Linguistics, August,1975., 35p. ED 108'522. ,

Tuan, Do Dinh, et al. _Chemistry: A Vietnamese Supplement. A lligl-SchoolBilingual Handbook for the Vietnamese Studer.E. Indochinese High-SchoolSupplement. Arlington Heights, IL: Bilingual Education Service Center,September, 1976. 121p. ED 177 847..

Tuan, Do Dinh, et al. U.S. History. A Cambodian Supplement. (In Cambodian.)Arlington Heights, IL: Bilingual Education Service Center, February,1977. 98p. ED 177 848.

United Nations Children's Fund, United States Committee, New York, New York.Vietnam in Children's Books. June, 1975. 7p. ED 117 269.

Utah State Board of Education, Salt Lake City. Utah Migrant Education AnnualEvaluation Report 1980. 1980. 36p. ED 197 925.

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yanHooft, Gordon E. A Broad Look at Prilgrams That Serve Vietnamese

-,c Refugee Children.' Februnryp1976. Mimeographed. 12p. El) 131 161.

Washington Office of the State Superinxendent of Public Instruction, Olympia,Washington. Teacher Resource Packet for Vietnamese Students. July,1975. 40p. (Available only in microfiche from EDRS.) ED 118 679.

Wei, Tam Thi Dang. Handbook for Teachers of Vietnamese Refugee Students.Springfield, IL: Illinois State Office of Education, November, 1977.98p. ED 167 281.

Williams, Shirley S., et al. The Cultural Training Semester: A ModelField-Based Program in Multi-Cultural Education for Non-Urban Univ-


ersities. Paper presented at the Annual Conference on MinorityStudies, Las Cruces, NM, April, 1981. 24p: ED 204 039.

Zook,. Doris, et al. Buying a 'Car: Decisions, Decisions. Book Two.ProjectDrive. Lancaser, PA: Lancaster-Lebanchi Intermediate Unit13, 1979. 39p. (Available in microfiche from EDRS; available inpaper copy from publisher.) ED 185 302.

Zook, Doris, et al. The Car: Its Parts and What Makes It CO000. BookOne. Project Drive. Lancaster, PA: Lancaster-Lebanon IntermediateUnit 13, 1979. 27p. ED 185'301.

Zook, Doris, et al. Driving for All Seasons and Reasons. Book Four.Project Drive. Lancaster, PA:- Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit13, 1979. 31p. ED 185 -304.

Zook, Doris, et al. Finding Your Way. Book Six. Project Drive. Lancas-ter, PA: Lancaster-Lebanon intermediate Unit 13, 1979. 29p.ED 185 306.

Zook, Doris, et al. Forms, Forms and More Forms. Book Seven. ProjectDrive. Lancaster, FA: Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13, 1979.42p. ED 185 307.

5 Zook, D6ris, et al. Insurance. Book Eight. Project Drive. Lancaster, $1k.

PA: Lancaster-Lebanon. Intermediate Unit 13, 1979. 38p. ED 185 308.

took, Doris, et al. Maintenance. Book Three. Project Drive. Lancaster,PA: Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13, 1979. 36p. ED 185 303.

Zook, Doris, et al. Project Drive Teacher's Guide. Lancaster, PA: Lancas-ter-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13, 1979. 30p. ED 185 330.

Zook, Doris, et al. Signs, Symbols and Signals. Book Five. Project Drive.Lancaster, PA: Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13, 1979. 29p.

ED 185 305.


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Government Documents: Policy Statements and Statistical Et2p2sts

Bureau of the Census (DOC), Suitland, Maryland. Persons of Spanish Originin the United States: March 1977. Population Characteristics. CurrentPopulation Reports, Series-P-20, no. 329. September, 1978. 75p.(Availabl in microfiche from E)RS; ayailable in piper copy from U.S.Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402.) El) 164 653.

California Community Collqges, Office of the Chancellor, Sacramento.Departmental Master Plan for Refugee Assistance and Services. July,1981. 20p. ED 203 953.

Canadian Association for Adult Education, Toronto, Ontario. Immigration1975-2001: Report of the NationalConfe.ence on Immigration Policy.,May 22-24. 1975. 1975. 90p. ED 117': .

Congress of the United States, House Committee on Education and Labor,Washington, District of Columbia. Cuban.a.nd Haitian Refugee Educ-arion. Hearings before the Subcommittee on Elementary, Secondary,and Vocational Education of the Committee on Education and Labor,House of Representatives, Ninetv-Sixth Congress, Second Session,on H.R. 7425 (Miami, Florida, on June 23; Washington, D.C., onJuly 1, 1980). 164p. (Available in microfiche from EDRS.)ED 199 3:0,.

Congress of the United States, House Committee on the Judiciary, Washington,District of Columbia. Extension, of Indochina Refugee Assistance Program:Hearings before the SubcOmmi,ttee on Immigration, Citizenship; and Inter-national Law of the Committee on thfliciLtry_l1121224e cif Representatives,Ninety-Fiff.hCmgrirst Session, on H.R. 9133, H.R. 9134, and H.R.9110. 1971. 240p. .(Available only in microfiche from EDRS.)ED 152 067.

Congress of the United States, House Committee on the Judiciary, Washington,District of Columbia. Immigration and Naturalization of Adopted Child-ren. Report (to Accompany H.R. 12508), Committee on the Judiciary,House of Representatives 95th Con :Tess, Second Session- Report no.95 1301. June, 1978. 16p. ED 174 353.

Conner, Roger, and Grant, Lindsey. The SCfRP Report: A Retrospective.Washington, DC: Fe..ieration for American Immigration Reform, 19$31.17p. ED 201 703.

Crosland, David. Statement of*David Crosland, Actin& Commissioner Immig-ration and Naturalization Service. Before the Subcommittee on Immi -ration, Refugees, and International Law, Judiciary Committee, on HaitianRefugees on June 17, 1980. WashingtOn, DC: Department of Justice.13p. ED 190 720.

Estrada, Leonardo F. The Spanish Origin EideAllsasmaptlicSaryley,1970-75. Paper presented at the Research Utilization Project/TheGeneration Connection; Tekas State Department of Public Welfare Con-ference, McAllen, TX, January, 1977. 22p. ED 137 001.


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'Fernandez, Edward-W., et al., comps. Persolis of Spanish Origin in the

United States: March 1975 (Advance Report). Population CharaCter-

ristics, Current Population Reports.. Washinton, 1)C: Bureau of the

Census, Current Population Reports, Series P-20, No. 283, August,

1975. 101w ED 110 255. Ste

Fernandez, Edward W., et al., comps, Persons of Spanish Origin in the

United States:, March 1'975. Population Characteristics- CurrentPopulation. Reports. Suiting, MD: Bureau of the Census. (DOC),

Population Division, February, 1976. 69p. (Available in micro-

' fiche from EDRS; available in paper copy from publisher.)

ED 119 940.

Fernandez, Edward W., et al. Persons of Spanish Origin in the United

States: 'March 1976 (Advance Report). Population Characteristics.

Current Population Reports. Suitland, MD: Bureau of the Census /-

(DOC), November, 1976. 13p. ED 135 565.

Fernandez,. Edward, et al., comps. Persons of"Spanish Origin in the

'United States: March 1976. Population Characteristics, Current

Population Reports. -Suitland, MD: Bureau of the Census (DOC),

Population Division, July, 1977. .74p. (Available in microfiche f.

from EDRS; available in paper copy from publisher.) ED 141 050.

Fernandez, Edward W., et al. Persons of Spanish Origin in the United

States: March 1977 (Advance Report). Population Characteristics,

Current Population Reports. Suitland, MD: Bureau of the Census"

(DOC), Population Division, December, 1977. 14p. ED 147 095.

Fernandez, Edward W., et 'asl. Persons of Spanish Origin in the United

States. March 1978t(Advance Report). Population Characteristics,

Current: Population Reports. Series P-20, no. 328. Suitland, MD:

Bureau of the -Census (DOC), Population Division, August, 1978.

15p. ED 158 953.

Greenbaum, Lenora. American Inequality: A Statistical Comparison ofRelative Social Standing Among White Ethnic and Racial Minority

Groups. 1979. 43p. (Available only in gicrofiche from EDRS.)

ED 185 208.

Illinois State Office of Education, Department of Planning and Research,

Springfield. Statistical Profile ofrthe 1976 Bilingual Census:

1976. '13p. 'ED 152 070.

Jaffe, A.J., et al. Spanish Americans in the United States Changing

Demographic Characteristics. New York, NY: Research Institute

for the Study of Man, September; 1976. 504. ED 151 131.

Mingle,"James R. Black and Hispanic Enrollment in Higher Education, 1:978:

Trends in the Nation and the South. Atlanta, GA: Sguthern Regional

Education Board, 1980. 118p. (Available in microkiche from EDRS;

available in paper copy frOm publisher.) ED 101 378.

2 7


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National Center for Educational Statistics,-(DHEW/OE), Washington, Districtof Columbia. Birthplace and Language Characteristics of Persons ofChinese, Japanese, Korean, Pilipino and Vietnamese Origin in the UnitedStates, Spring 1976. Bulletin 79-B-12. May, 1979. 12p. ED 177 076.

National Center for Education Statistic:4, .(DHW/OE), Washington, Districtof Columbia. Birthplace and Language Characteristics of Persons ofChinese, Japanese, Korean, Pilipino and Vietnamese Origin in the UnitedStates, Spring 1976. National Center for Education Statistics Bulletin.May, 1979. 14p. ED 185 810.

° Office of Education, (DHEW), Washington, District of Columbia. The Indo-chineseRefugee Children Assistance Prograth (Under P.L. 94-405, TitleII, as Amended by P.L. 95-561, Title XIII): Breakdown of Child CountFY 1980 with Comparison to FY 1978. April, 1980. 55p. 'ED 187 801.


Smith, Eugene H., and Baron, Marvin. Faculty Member's Guide to T.S. Immi-gration Law. Washington, DC: National Association for Foreign StudentAffairs, September, mp. 24p. (Available in microfiche from EDRS;available in paper cog from publisher.) ED 197 633Y

. Social security Administration, (DHEW), Office of Family Assistance, Washing-, ton, District of Columbia. Report to the Congress: HEW Task Force for

Indochina Refugees. September, 1977, 112p. ED 166 318.

Zook, Doris, et al. Signs, Symbols and Signals. Book Five. Project Drive.Lancaster, PA: ,Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13, 1979. 29p.ED 185 305.


Center for Applied Linguistics, Arlington, Virginia. Testing the Reading' Ability of Cambodian's. General Information Series, no. 7. Indochi-

nese Refugee Education' Guide's. 1975. 8p ED 116 490.


Hardy, Roy.,. From CIRCUS to EL CIRCO: Issues in Instrument Development forYoung Spanish-speaking Children. Paper presented at the, National Con-ference on Multicultural Curriculum and Materials, San'Francisco, CA:1§76. '19p. ED 150 185. '

Spencer, Thelma L. Ethnic Minorities and National Standardized Testing.Paper presented at' the Annual Conference of the Society of Ethnicand. Special Studies, Atlanta, GA, November, 197.5. 21p. ED 141 467.

Towers, Richard L, Toward Nonbiased,Cross-CulturalAssessment of LimitedEnglish Proficient Students inMontgomery County, Maryland, PublicSchools. Paper presented at The Councillor Excepti al ChildrenConference on The Exceptional Bilingual Child, New Orl ns, LA,February, 1981. 30p. ED 204 879.

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Bibliographic Resources

B'nai B'rith, Anti-Defamation League, New York, New York. A Selected andAnnotated Resource List of Materials on the Holocaust. 1977. 65p.

(Available in microfiche from EDRS; available in paper copy frompublisher.) ED 157 858.

Center for Applied Linguistics, Arlington, Virginia. An Annotated Biblio-,aaplylofijaterials on the Hmong of Laos. General Information.Series,no. 17. Indochinese Refugee Education Guides. 1978. 31p.

ED 159 902.'

Center for Applied Linguistics, Arlington, Virginia. A Bibliogrphy ofReading Materials for Adult Students of English as a Second Language.Adult Education Series, no. 4. Indochinese Refugee Education Guides.1976. 21p. ED 129 062.

Center for Applied Linguistics, Arlington, Virginia. A Selected Biblio-graphy of Dictionaries. General Information Series, no. 9. Indo-chinese Refugee Education Guides. 1975. 9p. ED 116 492.

Center for Applied Linguistics, Arlington, Virginia. A Selected Biblio-graphy of Dictionaries. General Information Series, no. 9. Indo

chinese Refugee Education Guides. Revised. October, 1978., 9p.ED ,163 768.

Center for Applied Linguistics, and English Ladguage Resource Center,Washington, District of Columbia. A Selected Bibliography of Dictio-naries and Phrase-kooks. General Information Series no. 9. Indo-

chinese Refugee..Education Guides. October, 1980. 13p. ED 196 310.

Center for' Applied Linguistics, Arlington, Virginia. A Selected, Anno.tated' Bibliography, of Materials for Teaching English to Indochinese Refugee .

Adults. -Adult Education Series no. 2. Indochinese Refugee Education

Guides. 1978. 46p. (Available in microfiche from EDRS; availablein paper copy from publisher.) ED 165 457. ..


t . .

Center for Applied Linguistics, Arlington, Virginia. A Selected, AnnotatedBibliography on Bilingual/Bicultural Education. Bilingual/BiculturalEducktion Series no. 2. Indochinese Refugee Education Guides. 1976.

13p. ED 153 496.

Department of State, Washington, District of Columbia. List of ChineseDictionaries in All Languages. External Research Paper. 1967.

51p. (Available only in microfiche from EDRS.) 'ED 011 658.

Dissemination Centerlor Bilingual Bicultural Education, Austin, Texas.CARTEL: Annotated Bibliography of Bilingual Bicultural Materials .

No. 12. Cumulative Issue--1973. , 210p. ED 086 429.

DisseminatiOn and Assessment Center for Bilingual Education, Austin, Texas.CARTEL. Annotated Bibliography of Bilingual-Bicultural Materials.Vol. III, No. 42. 1976. 380p. ED 140 677.



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English Language Resource Center, Washington, District of Columbia: A Select-ed, Annotated Bibliography.of Materials for Teaching English to Indochi-nese Refugee Adults (Second Revised Version). Adult Education Seriesno. 2. Indochinese Refugee Education Guides. November, 1980. 75p.

ED 197 627. .

ERIC Clearinghouse on Early Childhood Education, Urbana, Illinois. ResourceLists from ERIC/ECE: 1974-75. (Includes resources on Vietnamese child-ren in America.) June, 1976. 38p. ED 125 787.

. Escobar, Joanna Sculley, and Daugherty, John. An Annotated Bibliography of

Adult ESL Instructional Materials. Arlington Heights, IL: Bilingual

Education Service Center, 1976. 331p. ED' 132.389.

Graham, Janet Roth. Bilingual Adult Basic Education Project. Final Report.

Pittsburgh, PA: Allegheny.Intermediate Unit,, August, 1980. 294p.

ED 195 724.

Hafenrichter, John L. Library Science Literature and Documentation Prein Viet-Nam 1967-1974: A,Bibliographical Essay. 1974. 20p., Mimeographed. ED 090 953.

Hammer, John H., and Rice, Frantc A. A Bibliography of Contrastive Linguis-tics. Arlington, VA: Center for Applied Linguistics, 1965.' 46p.ED 130 509.

Jayatilleke, Raja. The, Education of Asian Americans: A Bibliography.Urban Disadvantaged Series, no. 43. New York, NY: ERIC Clearinghouseon Urban Education, Teachers College, Columbia University, August,1975. 54p. 4D 110 594.

Kobayashi, Vivian, and Yeh, Irene. Asian Languages Library, Materials:Chinese, Pilipino, Vietnamese Bibliographies. Santa Barbara, CA:California Ethnic Services Task Force, 1979. 162p. ED 180 451.

Maryland State Department of Education, Division of'Library Developmentand Services, Baltimore, Maryland. Ethnic and Cultural Studies:A Bibliography. 1978. 25p. (Available in microfiche from EDRS;available in-paper copy from publisher.) ED 156 580.'

Midwest Center for Equal Educational Opportunity, Columbia, Missouri.Annotated Bibliography of Multi-Ethnic Curriculum Materials. Index.

1977. 147p. ED 160 475.

Molina, Alexis. Minority Aged: A Bibliography. Urban Disadvantaged Series,

no. 49. New York, NY: Inititute for Urban and Minority Education,. Columbia University, July, 1977. 44p. ED 142 659.

National Association for Asian and Pacific American Education, Berkeley,California. Selected Bibliography on Asian and Pacific AmericanChildren and Families. Asian Pacific American Education OccasionalPapers. 1980. 49p. (Available in microfiche from EDRS; availablein paper copy from publisher.) Ea 205 632.


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National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education, ApliLgton, Virginia.Sources of Materials for Minority Langlia.ges: A Preliminary List.July, 1978. 41p. ED 165 461.

National Indochinese Clearinghouse and Technical Assistance Center, Wash-ington, Districtof Columbia. A Selected, Annotated Bibliography ofMaterials for Teaching English to Indo-Chinese Refugee Adults. ReviedVersion. Adult Education Series, no. 2. Indochinese Refugee EducationGuides. September, 1979. 69p. ED 175 288.

Pfannkuche, Anthony. Selected Annotated Bibliography for Teaching Englishto Speakers of Vietnamese and Cambodian: A Supplement. IndochineseRefugee Education Guides, no. 12. Arlington, VA: Center for AppliedLinguistics, 1975. 21p. ED 122 631.

Robson, Barbara, and Sutherland, Kenton, comps: A Selected Annotated Biblio-graphy for Teaching English to Speakers of Vietnamese. VietnameseRefugee Education Series, no. 4. Arlington, VA: Center for AppliedLinguistics, 1975. 68p. ED 108 519.

Teschner, Richard V., et al. Spanish and English of United States Hispa-nos: A Critical, Annotated, Linguistic Bibliography. Arlington, VA:Center for Applied Linguisitics, 1975. 382p. ED 108 515.

Tong, T.K., and Wu, Robert. Asians in America: An Annotated, Biblio,raphyof Selected, Reference Works. New York, NY: City College ResearchFoundation, 1975. 154p. ED 189 208.

United Nations High Commission for Refugees, Washington, District of Colum-,bia. A Bibliography on Refugees as It Appeared in UNIICR Newspaper No.4, October-November, 1980: A Selection with Comments by Professor BarryStein of Michigan State University, USA. 13p. ED 200 671.

Williams, Shirley Stennis, comp. Multicultural Groups in American Schools:A Resource Bibliography (Revised). Oshkosh: University of Wisconsin,1980. 14p. ED 190 478.
