Automatic Login Using Curl

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Automatic Login Using Curl

Automatic Login Using Curl

Started by rw4dmin, Jun 22 2006 08:06 AM

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Posted 22 June 2006 - 08:06 AM

If you'are lazy people like me. This script may help u. This script is to automated our login to some site.You must have cURL installed to use this script.

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#17 Guest_Gizmo_*


Posted 11 June 2011 - 12:10 PM

Mr IvIeoh, on 07 April 2011 - 10:15 AM, said:

>> Pls show me where is my errors in this code :

Thu Jun 22 8:06:25 UTC 2006 - Reply -


Well done. I used this script to reverse engineer dynamic daily emails on my website in conjuction with jetable.Org to avoid getting spammed. Thanks! :D

-Cliff Bennett Wed Dec 12 20:23:32 UTC 2007 - Reply -


Great StuffAutomatic Login Using Curl

Wow, I've been through so many examples recently trying to login via curl and submit data to a database but could not get it to work due to cookies etc but this worked like a charm! I just wish I'd found your example 6-7 hours ago!! Thank you!

-reply by denise Sun Oct 5 12:39:17 UTC 2008 - Reply -


OMG! That was exactly what I was looking for, and it took me forever to find a script.Thanks, now I will use it Wed Oct 29 18:36:42 UTC 2008 - Reply -


Thank you brother.It`s a small script, but it very help me. Fri Oct 31 9:46:46 UTC 2008 - Reply -


AHA! youve answered a question i couldnt be bothered to ask!

I needed to login to a page with a GET var to the page i want, then be redirected to the page i want (now logged in) and decrypt some text and i was getting stuck at sending POST vars but now it may be solved!


Nice code too Good use of comments! Sat Nov 1 13:04:13 UTC 2008 - Reply -

iGuest-Nasir Ali Shah

How we set cookie?Automatic Login Using Curl

Replying to harrison858

Still not login by using is script

-reply by Nasir Ali Shah Fri Oct 31 5:13:42 UTC 2008 - Reply -


Username/PasswordAutomatic Login Using Curl

How do I designate a username and password to use in the Automatic Login Using cURL script?

Fri Mar 27 12:45:24 UTC 2009 - Reply -

(G)Tom Guilleaume

Great Code - Thanks!Automatic Login Using Curl

Thanks for the great code it was exactly what I needed to automate the crediting on my site for those annoying affiliate networks that refuse to use postback URLs! It couldn't have been more customized to fit my needs!

Regards,Tom Guilleaume

Sun Apr 19 9:59:33 UTC 2009 - Reply -


Clear Example Of Curl.Automatic Login Using Curl

This was my first time attempting Curl and with your concept it made it easy to understand. Thank you for your post with the code.

-feedback by Mark Thu Jun 4 13:33:00 UTC 2009 - Reply -

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>> Pls show me where is my errors in this code :




