Revision G Issued August 2014 AvePoint Tags 1.1 for Microsoft Dynamics® CRM Installation and Configuration Guide

AvePoint Tags 1.1 for Microsoft Dynamics® CRM · Required Permissions To install the AvePoint Tags for Dynamics CRM solution properly, ensure that the user importing the solution

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Page 1: AvePoint Tags 1.1 for Microsoft Dynamics® CRM · Required Permissions To install the AvePoint Tags for Dynamics CRM solution properly, ensure that the user importing the solution

Revision G Issued August 2014

AvePoint Tags 1.1 for Microsoft Dynamics® CRM

Installation and Configuration Guide

Page 2: AvePoint Tags 1.1 for Microsoft Dynamics® CRM · Required Permissions To install the AvePoint Tags for Dynamics CRM solution properly, ensure that the user importing the solution

Table of Contents

About AvePoint Tags for Microsoft Dynamics CRM...................................................................................... 3

Required Permissions ................................................................................................................................... 4

Installing AvePoint Tags for Microsoft Dynamics CRM ................................................................................. 5

Importing the AvePoint Tags for Dynamics CRM Solution ....................................................................... 5

Registering Your License ......................................................................................................................... 12

Configuring the AvePoint Tags for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Solution ...................................................... 16

Overview of Tag-Related Security Roles ................................................................................................. 16

Assigning Security Roles to Users ........................................................................................................... 18

Creating Tags ........................................................................................................................................... 18

Defining Entities ...................................................................................................................................... 18

Adding Entities .................................................................................................................................... 18

Removing Entities ............................................................................................................................... 19

Adding Tags to Records ........................................................................................................................... 19

Managing Tags ............................................................................................................................................ 21

Editing Tags ............................................................................................................................................. 21

Replacing Tags ......................................................................................................................................... 21

Viewing Related Tags .............................................................................................................................. 22

Deleting Tags ........................................................................................................................................... 22

Tags in the Workplace ................................................................................................................................. 23

Adding Tags to Records Directly on an Entity Form.................................................................................... 24

Functionality Integrated with Dynamics CRM ............................................................................................ 26

Advanced Find Functionality for AvePoint Tagging for Microsoft Dynamics ......................................... 26

SearchAll Functionality for AvePoint Tagging for Microsoft Dynamics .................................................. 26

Notices and Copyright Information ............................................................................................................ 27


AvePoint Tags for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Install and Configuration Guide

Page 3: AvePoint Tags 1.1 for Microsoft Dynamics® CRM · Required Permissions To install the AvePoint Tags for Dynamics CRM solution properly, ensure that the user importing the solution

About AvePoint Tags for Microsoft Dynamics CRM AvePoint Tags for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 (including Dynamics CRM 2013 Service Pack 1) and Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 allows users to add tags to records, resulting in easy classification and location of records. Users who are assigned the AvePoint Tags for Dynamics CRM Power User security role can create tags and manage created tags.


AvePoint Tags for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Install and Configuration Guide

Page 4: AvePoint Tags 1.1 for Microsoft Dynamics® CRM · Required Permissions To install the AvePoint Tags for Dynamics CRM solution properly, ensure that the user importing the solution

Required Permissions To install the AvePoint Tags for Dynamics CRM solution properly, ensure that the user importing the solution into Microsoft Dynamics CRM has the System Administrator security role for AvePoint Tags for Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

End-users must be assigned the tag-related security role by the AvePoint Tags for Dynamics System Administrator. Refer to the Overview of Tag-Related Security Roles section for details.


AvePoint Tags for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Install and Configuration Guide

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Installing AvePoint Tags for Microsoft Dynamics CRM To install the AvePoint Tags for Dynamics CRM solution properly, ensure that the user importing the solution into Microsoft Dynamics CRM has the System Administrator security role for AvePoint Tags for Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Refer to Required Permissions for details.

To properly install AvePoint Tags for Microsoft Dynamics CRM, the following steps must be performed in this order. Click the link to jump to the corresponding section.

Importing the AvePoint Tags for Dynamics CRM Solution

Registering Your License

Importing the AvePoint Tags for Dynamics CRM Solution The solution must be imported into Dynamics before any of its functionality can be leveraged. Follow the steps below to import the AvePoint Tags for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Solution into Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 or Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011.

1. Log onto Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

2. Navigate to SETTINGS > CUSTOMIZATIONS > Solutions.

3. Click Import to import the solution. The Select Solution Package pop-up window appears.


AvePoint Tags for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Install and Configuration Guide

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Figure 1: Clicking Import to import the solution (Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 environment shown).


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4. In the Select Solution Package pop-up window, click Browse. Select the AvePoint_Tagging_for_Dynamics_CRM_Serial_Number.zip file that contains the solution.

Figure 2: The Select Solution Package pop-up window (Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 environment shown).

5. Click Next. The Solution Information page appears.


AvePoint Tags for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Install and Configuration Guide

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6. In the Solution Information page, verify the solution Name, Publisher, and Package Type.

Figure 3: The Solution Information page (Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 environment shown).

7. If desired, you can view the details of the solution package.

a. Click View solution package details for more details.

• Solution Details – Displays the version, package type, and so on.

• Publisher Details –Displays the phone, e-mail, and so on.

• Solution Components – Displays the solution components that will be imported.


AvePoint Tags for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Install and Configuration Guide

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b. Click Close to return to the Solution Information page.

Figure 4: The Solution Details and Publisher Details page (Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 environment shown).

8. Click Next to continue.


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9. This step is optional. If you have a prior version of AvePoint Tags for Dynamics CRM installed, the Import Options interface displays:

Figure 5: The Import Solutions interface (Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 environment shown).

Select one of the following radio buttons, and then click Next to proceed.

• Maintain customizations (recommended) – Retains any unmanaged customizations performed on components, some of the updates included in this solution will not take effect.

• Overwrite customizations – Overwrites any unmanaged customizations previously performed on components included in this solution. All updates included in this solution will take effect.


AvePoint Tags for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Install and Configuration Guide

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10. In Dynamics CRM 2013, to complete the import process, select the Enable any SDK message processing steps included in the solution checkbox shown below.

In Dynamics CRM 2011, select the Activate any processes and enable any SDK message processing steps included in the solution checkbox.

Figure 6: The Import Options page (Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 environment shown).

*Note: If the checkbox above is not selected, then the steps to install the plug-in will not be activated and the process will not complete.

11. Click Import and wait for the operation to complete.

Figure 7: The Importing Solution page (Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 environment shown). 11

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12. After the solution imports successfully, click Close to close the Importing Solution page.

13. In Dynamics CRM, navigate to SETTINGS > SOLUTIONS, and verify that the AvePoint Tags for Dynamics CRM solution is displayed in the All Solutions list.

Figure 8: The AvePoint Tags for Microsoft Dynamics CRM solution (Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 environment shown).

Registering Your License Next, you will apply your license to the AvePoint Tags for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Solution. Note that AvePoint Tags for Microsoft Dynamics CRM comes with a one month (30 days) free trial. After the trial period ends, contact an AvePoint representative to purchase an Enterprise license.

Refer to the instructions below:

1. After importing the solution, refresh Microsoft Dynamics CRM.



AvePoint Tags for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Install and Configuration Guide

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Figure 9: Click Manage Tags (Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 environment shown).

3. Click LICENSE MANAGER. The AvePoint Tags Registration pop-up window appears.

Figure 10: The Dynamics Tagging Registration pop-up window (Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 environment shown).


AvePoint Tags for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Install and Configuration Guide

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4. Open the license file using Notepad and copy all of the content within it into the blank text box on the AvePoint Tags Registration interface.

5. Click Apply to apply the license. The AvePoint Tags for Dynamics CRM License Agreement pop-up window appears.

Figure 11: The AvePoint Tags for Dynamics CRM License Agreement pop-up window (Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 environment shown).

6. Select the I accept the terms in the license agreement checkbox, and then click Save.

After the license applied successfully, the license information is displayed in the License Details area.

• Product – The product that the license is applied to.

• License Type – The license type information. The available license types are Demo and Enterprise:

o Demo – The validity period of a Demo license is 30 days.

o Enterprise – The formal license needed to register the product. The validity period for this license depends upon the details of your purchase.

• Number of Licenses – The maximum number of users that are able to use the solution.

• Organization GUID – The GUID of the organization that has installed Microsoft Dynamics CRM. This is used when you want to purchase the Enterprise license.

• Validity Period – The validity period that you can use the Enterprise solution.


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Figure 12: Applying the license (Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 environment shown).


AvePoint Tags for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Install and Configuration Guide

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Configuring the AvePoint Tags for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Solution See the information below to get started using AvePoint Tags for Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

Assigning Security Roles to Users: The AvePoint Tags for Microsoft Dynamics System Administrator assigns security roles to end-users. Refer to Assigning Security Roles to Users for details.

Creating Tags: Only users who are assigned the AvePoint Tags for Dynamics CRM Power User security role can create tags. Refer to Creating Tags for details.

Defining Entities: Only users who have the AvePoint Tags for Dynamics CRM Power User security role can define entities. The records under the defined entities can have tags added to them. Refer to Defining Entities for more information.

Adding Tags to Records. Refer to the Removing Entities

Refer to the following steps to remove entities:

Navigate to SETTINGS > MANAGE TAGS, and click MANAGE TAGS on the ribbon. The Manage Tags window appears.

Select the entities listed in the table of the Manage Tags window.

Click Remove Entities above the table. Click OK to proceed, or click Cancel to return to the Manage Tags window without making any changes.

Adding Tags to Records section for more information.

Overview of Tag-Related Security Roles After the tagging solution is imported, two security roles will be automatically created in SETTINGS > ADMINISTRATION > Security Roles. These two roles are:

AvePoint Tags for Dynamics CRM End-User

AvePoint Tags for Dynamics CRM Power User

Users with the System Administrator security role can assign AvePoint Tags security roles to users.


AvePoint Tags for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Install and Configuration Guide

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• AvePoint Tags for Dynamics End-User – Users who are assigned this security role can view tags and add tags to records, but cannot create tags and cannot define the entities. Click the role in the Security Roles interface to go to the Security Role: AvePoint Tags for Dynamics CRM End-User window and view the detailed permissions.

Figure 13: AvePoint Tags End-User security role (Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 environment shown).

• AvePoint Tags for Dynamics CRM Power User – Users who are assigned this security role can import the AvePoint Tags for Dynamics CRM license and perform all of the actions in Manage Tags. Click the role in the Security Roles interface to go to the Security Role: AvePoint Tags for Dynamics CRM Power User window to view the detailed permissions.

Figure 14: AvePoint Tags for Dynamics CRM Power User security role (Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 environment shown).


AvePoint Tags for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Install and Configuration Guide

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Assigning Security Roles to Users Refer to the following steps to assign security roles to users:

Navigate to SETTINGS > ADMINISTRAION > Users, select the users who you want to assign the security role.

In Dynamics CRM 2013, click the MORE COMMANDS ( ) button on the ribbon, and then select Manage Roles in the appeared drop-down list.

In Dynamics CRM 2011, click Security Roles on the ribbon.

Select the checkbox before AvePoint Tags for Dynamics CRM End-User or AvePoint Tags for Dynamics Power User in the Manage User Roles window. Note that both security roles cannot be selected at the same time.

When finished, click OK. The user then will be assigned the selected security role.

Creating Tags Refer to the following steps to create tags.

Navigate to SETTINGS > MANAGE TAGS, and click MANAGE TAGS on the ribbon. The Manage Tags window appears.

Select the Manage Tags tab. The Create button appears above the table listing the information of Tag Name, Description and Created Time.

Click Create. The Create a New Tag Window appears.

Enter a Tag Name and an optional description.

Click OK. The new tag is created and listed in the table. Alternately click Cancel to go back to the Manage Tags window without saving any changes.

Defining Entities Refer to the following section for defining the entities.

Adding Entities Refer to the following steps to define the entities that can have tags:

Navigate to SETTINGS > MANAGE TAGS, and click MANAGE TAGS on the ribbon. The Manage Tags window appears.

Click Add Entities. The Add Entities window appears.

Select on the Which entities would you like to have tags? drop-down list, and select the entity. You can select more entities by repeating this step. The selected entities are listed in the


AvePoint Tags for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Install and Configuration Guide

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Which entities would you like to have tags? field. Click after the selected entity to deselect the entity.

Click OK. The selected entities are listed in the table of the Manage Tags window. Alternately click Cancel to go back to the Manage Tags window without saving any changes.

Removing Entities Refer to the following steps to remove entities:

Navigate to SETTINGS > MANAGE TAGS, and click MANAGE TAGS on the ribbon. The Manage Tags window appears.

Select the entities listed in the table of the Manage Tags window.

Click Remove Entities above the table. Click OK to proceed, or click Cancel to return to the Manage Tags window without making any changes.

Adding Tags to Records The entity can be defined to have tags in the Tags Manager. Refer to Defining Entities for the details. Refer to the following steps for adding tags to records:

In Dynamics CRM 2013, click the entity that can add tags on the navigation bar. The related entity interface appears.

In Dynamics CRM 2011, click the entity that can add tags in the left pane. The Add Tags button appears on the ribbon.

In Dynamics CRM 2013, select one or more records, click the MORE COMMANDS ( ) button on the ribbon and then select Add Tags in the appeared drop-down list. A pop-up window appears.

In Dynamics CRM 2011, click the Add Tags button on the ribbon, a pop-up window appears.

In the pop-up window, select the tag you want to add in the Select tags you want to add: drop-down list. You can select more tags by repeating this step. You can also enter a tag name in the Select the tags that you want to add: field. If the entered tag does not exist, the Create New Tag link appears in the appeared drop-down list. Click the Create New Tag link, the Create New Tag window appears. You can then create the new tag in the window. For detailed information on creating tags, refer to Creating Tags.

The selected tags are listed in the Select the tags that you want to add: field. Click after the selected tag to deselect the tag.

Click the Add button after the drop-down list. The tags will be added in the Existing Tags field. And the tags in the Existing Tags field have been added to the records.

You can click to delete the tags from the Existing Tags field. In Dynamics CRM 2013, click on a record, the record related information interface appears and the record name appears in the navigation. Click the down arrow ( ) beside the record name


AvePoint Tags for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Install and Configuration Guide

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and then select TAGS in the appeared navigation bar. The Tag Record Associated View interface appears. You can view all of the added tags and their created time in this interface. In Dynamics CRM 2011, click on a record, the record related information interface appears. In the appeared interface, click the Tags button under the Common heading in the left pane. You can view all of the added tags and their created time.

*Note: If a Lead record is qualified, the tag that has been added to the Lead record will also add to the generated Contact, Opportunity and Account records.


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Managing Tags Users who are assigned the AvePoint Tags for Dynamics CRM Power User security role can manage the previously created tags.

Navigate to SETTINGS > MANAGE TAGS to manage tags. All previously created tags are listed. Click a tag. An interface appears. You can view the detailed tag information in the window and perform actions to the tag.

Refer to the following section for the detailed information on managing tags.

Editing Tags Refer to the following steps to edit tags.

Navigate to SETTINGS > MANAGE TAGS, and click MANAGE TAGS on the ribbon. The Manage Tags window appears.

Select the Manage Tags tab. The Edit button appears above the table listing the information of Tag Name, Description and Created Time.

Select a tag that you want to edit from the table, and then click Edit. The Edit Tag window appears. You can then edit the tag name and description in the window.

Click OK to save the changes, or click Cancel to go back to the Manage Tags window without saving any changes.

Replacing Tags Refer to the following steps to replace tags.

Navigate to SETTINGS > MANAGE TAGS, and click MANAGE TAGS on the ribbon. The Manage Tags window appears.

Select the Manage Tags tab. The Replace button appears above the table listing the information of Tag Name, Description and Created Time.

Select one or more tags from the table, and then click Replace. The Replace Tags window appears. Configure the following settings.

• Replace Options – If you select Replace but Do Not Delete the Selected Tags, the selected tags will not be deleted. But all of their related records will not relate to them anymore; if you select Replace and Delete the Selected Tags, the selected tags will be deleted, and all of their related records will not relate to them.

• Replace with the Tag – Select the tag from the drop-down list. The selected tags will be replaced with this tag; the selected tag’s related records will relate to this tag.


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Click Replace to replace tags, or click Cancel to go back to the Manage Tags window without saving any changes.

Viewing Related Tags Refer to the following steps to view related tags.

Navigate to SETTINGS > MANAGE TAGS, and click MANAGE TAGS on the ribbon. The Manage Tags window appears.

Select the Manage Tags tab. The Tagged Records button appears above the table listing the information of Tag Name, Description and Created Time.

Select one or more tags, and click Tagged Record. The Tagged Record window appears. A table displaying the selected tags’ related records is displayed in this window. You can perform the following actions in the window:

• Search ( ) – Filter the records displayed by the keyword you designate; the keyword must be contained in a column value. At the right top of the window, enter the keyword for the records you want to display.

• Refresh ( ) – Refresh the lists in the table.

• To go to the specified page, enter the page number in the Page … of text box at the lower right corner in the table and press Enter.

• To go to the next page, select the > button at the lower right corner; to return to the previous page, select the < button at the lower right corner.

Deleting Tags Refer to the following steps to delete tags.

Navigate to SETTINGS > MANAGE TAGS, and click MANAGE TAGS on the ribbon. The Mange Tags window appears.

Select the Manage Tags tab. The Delete button appears above the table listing the information of Tag Name, Description and Created Time.

Select one or more tags that you want to delete from the table, and then click Delete. When the selected tags are deleted, the previously tagged records will not relate to these deleted tags.


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Tags in the Workplace Navigate to WORKPLACE > TAGS. All of the created tags will be listed in the Tags field. The tags with the highest number of records are listed at the top, and the fonts for these tag names are larger in size. By default, all of the tags’ related records are listed in the Related Records field.

Refer to the following points to view the tagged records:

• Click one tag. The tag name will be displayed on the top of the Tags field. The tag’s related records will be listed in the Related Records field. Click after the tag name in the Related Records field. The records of this tag will not be listed, but all records will be listed.

• Click more tags. The tag names will be displayed on the top of the Related Records field. The records that have been added the selected tags will be listed. Click after the tag name in the Related Records field. The records of this tag will not be listed.

There are three columns in the table of Related Records field:

• Record – Displays the records. Clicking the record name will direct you to the corresponding record information interface.

• Entity – Displays the entity to which the corresponding record belongs.

• Tags – Displays the tag name.

You can perform the following action in the table of Related Records field.

• Search ( ) – Filter the records displayed by the keyword you designate; the keyword must be contained in a column value. At the right top of the Related Records field, enter the keyword for the records you want to display.

• Refresh ( ) – Refresh the lists in the Related Records field.

• To go to the specified page in the Related Records field, enter the page number in the Page … of text box at the lower right corner and press Enter.

• To go to the next page, select the > button at the lower right corner; to return to the previous page, select the < button at the lower right corner.


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Adding Tags to Records Directly on an Entity Form Users with the System Administrator security role can add a Web resource to an entity’s form, which adds a drop-down menu to the entity form. From this menu, users can easily view, add, and delete tags for records directly on the entity form itself. Upon adding the Web resource, all records of that particular entity will have this drop-down menu added.

*Note: This functionality only works for entities that can have tags. For more information on defining entities that can have tags, refer to Defining Entities.

Refer to the following steps:

In Dynamics CRM 2013, select the record of an entity to which you want to add the Web resource. Click the MORE COMMANDS ( ) button, and select Form from the drop-down list. The Form window appears.

In Dynamics CRM 2011, select the record of an entity to which you want to add the Web resource. The record interface appears. Click the Customize tab, and then click Form on the ribbon. Alternately, navigate to SETTINGS > CUSTOMIZATIONS > Customize the System. Select Forms under the entity in the left pane, and then select the form to which you want to add the Web resource in the right pane.

Click the INSERT tab on the top of the Form window. Then, click Web Resource on the ribbon. The Add Web Resource window appears.

Under the General tab, click the select value ( ) button under the Web resource field. A drop-down list appears. Select Look Up More Records in the drop-down list. The Look Up Record window appears.

Enter the keyword in the Search textbox and click the search ( ) button to find the ave_tags_addtags_form_html file. The file appears in the table of the Look Up Record window. Click Add. The ave_tags_addtags_form_html file is added in the Add Web Resource window.

In the Field Name and Properties field, enter the Name and Label. If you select the Display label on the Form checkbox, the label will display in the form.

Click the Formatting tab to configure the format related information. In the Border field, select or deselect the Display border checkbox according to your preference.

Click OK in the Add Web Resource window to save the changes, or click Cancel to exit the Add Web Resource window without any changes.

Save the form, and then click Publish. If you have selected the Display label on the Form checkbox in the Add Web Resource window, the corresponding label will be displayed on all records of that entity.


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Click the down arrow ( ) in the textbox beside the label. A drop-down list appears. All of the tags are listed in the drop-down list. Select the tag in the drop-down list to add it to the record. The added tags are displayed in the textbox.

*Note: Click the delete ( ) button after a tag to cancel adding this tag to this record.


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Functionality Integrated with Dynamics CRM AvePoint Tagging for Microsoft Dynamics supports Advanced Find and the AvePoint SearchAll for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Solution, which enables users to quickly find entity records by using a keyword search in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

Advanced Find Functionality for AvePoint Tagging for Microsoft Dynamics The Microsoft Dynamics CRM includes advanced find functionality that allows users to create complex queries in order to return specific datasets. Once a set of data is isolated, the user can do many different CRM actions. AvePoint Tagging for Microsoft Dynamics is also supported this functionality.

Refer to the following steps for getting the general information of using the Advanced Find function for AvePoint Tagging for Microsoft Dynamics:

Click Advance Find button in the ribbon of Microsoft Dynamics CRM, The Advanced Find pop-up window appears.

Select Tag Records or Tags in the Look for drop-down list, and select the field, then you can perform the complex queries for getting the corresponding results.

SearchAll Functionality for AvePoint Tagging for Microsoft Dynamics The SearchAll functionality enables users to quickly find entity records by using a keyword search. The SearchAll functionality for AvePoint Tagging for Microsoft Dynamics supports searching the desired tagged records and tags. For the details on the SearchAll functionality, refer to the SearchAll for Dynamics CRM User Guide.


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AvePoint Tags for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Install and Configuration Guide