The Andes News By Mrs. William Hisman Mrs. Ellen VanSteenburg was admitted to the Margaretville Memorial hospital last week Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Gibson of Napanoch were Saturday night supper guests of his mother, Mre. Maria Gibson, and his sister, Mrs. Maude Murphy. Mrs. Gertrude Larsen spent two weeks with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Ellett, at Danbury, Conn. A surprise baby shower for Mrs. Ai Tague was held at the home of Mrs. Richard Laddie last week Tuesday evening. Mre. Liddle was assisted by Mrs. Gilbert McKee, Mrs. Arvid Nygren and Mrs. Gerald Aoker- ley. After the 18 guests watched Mrs. Tague open the gifts, refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. William Kauf- mann of Los Altos, Calif., spent four days with her father, J. Edsal Hanlon, and helped him celebrate his birthday. Mr. Kaufmann was on a business trip to New York city with “Scientific Aiherican.” Arrtve in Germany S/Sgt. and Mrs. John Powell have arrived in Germany, where he will ibe stationed for the next four years. The Powells spent a month with his mother, Mrs. John Powell, be- fore going overseas. Mrs. John Damgaard, a pa- tient in the Margaretville Me- morial hospital for the last two weeks, underwent surgery last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hall and son, Eddie, spent the last week with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Harland Jester, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clif- ford Hall, at Bovina Center. Ed has completed his training dn the National Guard at Fort Gordon, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Hall moved this weekend to Pough- keepsie, where he resumes his job at IBM. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hyzer arrived home Friday from spending the winter in Braden- ton, Fla. Bill Glendening of Albany College of Pharmacy spent the weekend with his aunt, Mrs. Arch Glendening. Mrs. Ken- Thursday, April 29 neth Harding and son, Brad- ford, of Columbus, Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Harding Sr. of EndweH were Sunday visitors at (the Glendening home. Charles Miller of Denver, Colo., spent time last week with his great-unde and aimt, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Albin Bschorr and daughters of Plandome, L. I., were Wednesday through Sat- urday guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Diokson. Mr. and Mrs.' Clifford Burgin and son, Bobbie, of Bowna Cen- ter were Saturday night guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W alter Sprague^ The WSCS Circle 1 of the United Methodist church will meet at the home of Mrs. Har- old Miller Wednesday, May 5, at 1:30 a. m. Mrs. Charles Dennington of Stone Ridge visited friends in the village last week Tuesday. Mary Gladstone of Central City Business institute in Syra- cuse spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wayland Gladstone. Paul Rowe of Puyallup, Wash., was a weekend guest in Andes and attended the wed- ding of his son, Gordon, and Miss Kathy Louden at the Laurens Presbyterian church on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wallaites of New York city and Miss Liza Rowe of Groton, Conn., were weekend ;guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Matthews, for the wedding of her son, Gordon Rowe. Liza was a bridesmaid at her broth- e r’s wedding. Besides the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Matthews, other guests from Andes were Mrs. Donald Matthews and daughter, Gail, Mrs. Gyneth Haynes, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Finkle, Mrs. Wil- liam Hisman, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Cole, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cole, Robert Laing and Clififord Hoknes. Mr. and Mrs. Arne Hofsdal spent last week visiting their sons and daughters-in-laws, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hofsdal, and Mr. and Mrs. Christ Hofs- Peace Symbol.. . Are You Sure (Reprinted From the “Florida Mason”) This is the symbol worn by many of today’s young people and is known as th e, "Peace Symbol.” We wonder how many of them, or you for that matter, know the real meaning of this symbol ? The “Peace Symbol” is not something that is the prod- uct of today’s restless youth. It was well known back in- the Middle Ages and was known either as the “Crow’s Foot” or the Witch’s Foot.” Now are you ready for the real shock? This was the siffn of those who were op- posed to Christianity! It was (and is) the Anti-Christ sym- bol. Look at it closely. What do you see? It is a Broken Cross turned -upside down. Now do you see why it is a subtle sign of those who are opposed to Christianity. It is used today as a cen- tral part of the national f ymboUsm of Communist lussia. It appears the Com- munists are winning their •battle for the minds of our youth. They are making special efforts to capture the attention of today’s youth in America. Many young peo- ple are familiar vwth the Peace Symbol and wear it as jewelry and even paint it on their cars. There are those in the Garment industry who have the Broken Cross embroid- ered on their jackets and many other garments. It is manufactured as a metal trinket and worn on a chain and many young people wear it as a “Fad” Gadget, not realizing they are supporting the emblem of the Anti- Christ, the Broken Cross. Be sure of this—every per- son who knowingly or thoughtlessly wears this em- blem is bringing joy to the hearts of those dedicated to the destruction of everything we hold dear. The Com- munists are gleeful when they see this symbol worn by Americans. It is the mark of Atheism. —^Arthur Kurzman Halcott Center, N. Y. BASS M0Tlffi»*S DAY SMORGASBOtB Sunday, M ay 9 A large and varied array of your favorite hot and cold delicacies served from noon cm. $5.50 iSpccial iPrice io r binder Jt2 REGULAR BINDERS AS ‘USUAL COMPLETE BANQUET FACILITIES Route 30 Between Margaretv'ille and Roxbury 'For Reservations Phone 914 586-9844 or 586-4841 Ssd a t BaysHore, E. 1. CSirisf Hofs<M and family spent a few days ait the Hofsdal h<Mne after bringing his parents home. Weekend guests of the Hofsdals were Miss Sinone Mass and their son, Roger Hofsdal, of New York oity. Pvt. DEurell Finkle returned to Fort Meade, Md., after a itwo-week leave at the home of his .parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gil- bert Finkle. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Douglas of - Carle Place, L. I., visited her mother, Mrs. Speer An- drews, and her ibi;‘other €uid sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. David Andrews, and family over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Da^ad Russell and children of North Syracuse were weekend guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clide Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Conine ohael Conine, at Plattsburg, returning to the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Conine, before driving back to Colorado, where they will make their home. Keith Harvard returned home Friday after 11 days as a car(Mac paljient at Peter Bent Brigham hospital in Boston. Have New Son Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Ruff are parents of a new son. He was named Jeffrey Robert. Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Wright of Delancey and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ruff are the grandparents. M argaretville M em orial H ospital Admissions: April 20-26 Mrs. Linda Himter of Fleisch- manns, Mrs. Joan Shook of Rox- bury, Anthony Cirami of Fleischmanns, Mre. Ellen Van- Steenburg of Andes, Eugene Mead of New Kii^ston, Mrs. Sandra Hitt of Margaretville, Mre. Bernard Fairbaim of Margaretville, Mrs. Elenore Satmary of Arkville, Willis VanKeuren of Margaretville. Discharges: April 20-26 Mrs. Linda Hunter of Fleisch- manns, Mrs. Eva McFarland of Arkville, Mrs. Osena Fair- bairn of Arkville. The new mother was guest of honor Saturday night at a balby shower at the home of Mrs. Willis VanKeuren Jr. in Wea- ver hollow. Jeffrey received several useful gifts. Refresh- ments were served iby Mrs. Charles Cappiello and Mrs. Richard Lid^e, co-hostesses, and Mrs. VanKeuren. Mr. and Mre. Edmond Jones and daughters, Julie and Mar- cia, of Meohanicville were Saturday overnight guests of her father, Sheldon Ackerley. Sunday all were dinner guests of her grandmother, Mrs. Maria Gibson, and her aunt, Mre. Maude Miuphy. John Acker- ley and his fiancee, Miss Bar- bara Bush, were also present. M G S K ey h o k A ndes Girl N am ed news . Margaretville, N. Y. »RHirs./April a S /J S a -B tg e Nine T rem perskill Club M eets M ay 3 Senior Interviews Warren William Reynolds of Halcott Center, son of Mr. and Mre. Ward Reynolds, was born May 25, 1953, at Margaretville. His high school activities during high school include JV and vareity beisketball, JV and varsity baseball, science dub, student council vice president and Boy’s State. His favorite sports are bas- ketball and hunting, and he en- joys listening to Creedence Clearwater Revival and James Taylor. English 10 was his favorite class ^because Mr. Har- ris made the course revelant to today. Warren’is future plans are to attend SUNY college at Cort- land. HilUs Ralph Faulkner of Mar- 'garetville, son of Mr. and Mre. Kenneth Faulkner, was bom Sept. 21, 1952, at the Marga- retville hospital. His school activities include four yeare of soccer, two years of intramural basketball and one year of track. His favorite sports are hunt- ing and fishing, and he enjoys listening to the Rolling Stones and Simon and Garfunkel. Eng- lish 12 was his favorite class because of the interesting sub- ject and the everyday laughs. HilMs’s future plans are to enlist in the Navy and then go on to be a game WcUixien or a wUdiife specialist. He says he Betty A. Mueller of Andes was n ^ e d to the high honors list for the first semester at the University of New Hamp- shire.' will miss the fun that was had in the library and miss ha.ving Mre. Weiss near by. Lynn Hilton KeUy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Holton Kelly of Fleischmanns, was bom on March 23, 1953, at the Marga- retville hospital. His favorite sports are hunt- ing and golfing. “Of Mice and Men” is one of his favorite ibooks. His school activities in- clude soccer, basketball and in- itramural basketball. Lynn plans on going to col- lege after he graduates. Marjorie Ann £lliott, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mre. James W. Elliott of New Kingston, was born Nov. 25, 1953, at the Mar- garetville hospital. During high school she par- ticipated in giri’s field hockey and softball teams, yearbook staff, chorus, Saturday Semi- nar and was in the cast of the fall play. She enjoys snowmo- biling on the outside. Among her favorit^ books are “Jane Eyre” and “Canticle for Leibo- witz,” and she enjoys Simon and Garfunkle and Peter, Paul and Mary. She says she will msis all her friends at MCS and plans to go to college. By Gloria Bacon Tremperskill, April 29 Weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W arren WeaA^er Sr. were Mr. and Mrs. James Hannon and five sons of Broad Channel and Mr. and Mre. Ger- ald Norris and children of KingS'ton. Gerald Norris also visited his parents, Mr. and Mre. Conger Norris. Mr. and Mrs. David Stratton and children of Delhi were Fri- day night guests of Mr. and Mre. Warren Weaver Sr. Mrs. Betty Lakin was a sup- per guest of Mr: and Mre. Wfl- liam Buckalew in Margaret- ville Friday night. Linda Drew was a weekend guest of Sandy Bacon. Mr. and Mre.-Fred Bergham- mer, Joe, Betty and Eddie spent the weekend at their camp here. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Barnes of Arkville, Mrs. Anita Gerald of Walton, Mrs. Ardith Allen of Delhi and' Mre. Thelma Fletcher of Afton visited Mil- ford Butler on Sunday. Mr. and Mre. Lincoln Ab- rams of Massapequa Park spent the weekend at their camp at Shaver hollow. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Shaver and children of Sloatsburg were The Second irteeting of the Dielaware Coimtjr Ostomy Club will toe held Monday, May 3, at 7:30 p. m. at Delaware Valley hospital in Walton. Colostomy and ileostomy patients are in- vited. Guest speakere will be Miss Jean Shaw, enterostranal therapist at Lourdes hospital in Binghamton, and Miss Sonia Osier, RN, Sirat runner up Miss Hope for ^ e New York State divisicm- ol (the American Cancer society. weekend guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Shaver. Sunday visitore were Mr. and Mre. Eddie Hotchkiss and Sindee of Downsville. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Woodin of Walton, Mr. and Mre. Doug- ilas Woo4in df Coxsackie spent the weekend At the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Woodin. Mr. and Mrs. Charles • Woio- zeckowsk spent the weekend at their home in Wolf Holilow. Mrs. George Firment Jr. Jo- ann, Steve and Anne visited her parenits, Mr. and Mrs. Thor Klindt, at DownsviUe on Sunday. Mre. Lena Elwood was dis- charged from the Delhi hospi- tal and is spending time with Mrs. Donald Elwood and Mrs. Carrie Elwood. M argarine Vegetables nte^nationai . s m tm - w w w ^ wo.ij ^ . FJamenco P09CELAIN.CLAD STEEL COOKWARE O n Sale This W eek: 1 V i ^M irtc«v«f«d Muc* pen. The oll-rounder. T ighM iiting ltd mole* rtjuilr.ghiforjimmering »oi>a perfection. Hn Cor Entrees^'^^‘¥f»^n'’ Sauerkraid Corned Beef HashT49« Ili-No Crackers Cod! F lS llS flC llS G « s> an Bonnie Spic & Span W ithCanMa GintSii» lestoilSt- Topco Aminoiiia‘^'”:^l5t Topco Sponges Window Cleaner iS?L33*, O’Cedar «n»oms Plnstk Paik Corn Broom Silver Floss 1No. 2% Cans Tomato PcBle Cans Dole luice Pineapple 3 8 f Grapefruit ,»c„29« 49 ( G npeirult H Bluebird, mllUSA Cbilled, Floridi j4GalIoi Broccoli 1 0 0 EXTRA Gre«n Stamps W ith coupon and $10.00 or more n purcfesis. Stans flol issued on beer or cigarettes, tiriit one to a " 1 ^ Good at Victory Thru May ,1,1971 Bunch ' 40C Anti-Perspirant MM. 6oz.Can Good at Victory thru May 1.1971 Club Imported Danish SMced BOILDIMM Dial Shampoo ".M Dial Roll ' " Dial Deodorantl^7t Pawty Hose'»»£'99t, All Entries Must Be in by S ^ , 1/71. 1 Have Your Kids Enter the big Captain Crunch Coloring Contest. Prizes For Everyone. WHITE 40t OFF Pair-Fit Fantastic mnty hose Good at Victory thru May?1.1971 SAVE 10c Quaker Cereal KINO vnAMAN C-131 9 <K- 43« atA/ictory thru Way V 1971 Topco Cone. l»ICS»nilKR| at Victorv^rtfMay 1,197 m w ^ am no HaJf.Gallor.. $ 2 ^ j Good at Vjctoiv tteu May 1. 1971 ■ SAV?^(l(i lOlor ftrting 0 iii»ges“« 65t 'GoHden FertllEiir’£K! Srass Sffido 'S, CW&ass Seed® lartle.aiiir*^'^*^hatllliislSSSffi;'’*!” Hl*e8tJlipusJiSl411'’*J*!Peat WSpiBS? gf«l»»Moss AiFULLj.lNE<>PHCH.M>NfMM>eRTED SPRING; FLOWER BULBS ■M e IF Tiwo- I lb;Pi(gs. Good at Vi IIIMHVRII Victory thru May 1 lA INE SAVE L40c 10» . _Pkg. Chunk Cut V N'ctory CUK- Caodrt»Vjetonrthni Maw 1. ^ i

B A S S - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031247/1971-04-29/ed-1/seq-9.pdf · uct of today’s restless youth. It was well known back in- the Middle Ages and

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The Andes NewsBy Mrs. William Hisman

Mrs. E llen VanSteenburg was adm itted to the M argaretville Memorial hospital last week Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Gibson of Napanoch were Saturday n ight supper guests of his m other, Mre. M aria Gibson, and his sister, Mrs. Maude Murphy.

Mrs. G ertrude Larsen spent two weeks w ith her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Elvin E llett, a t Danbury, Conn.

A surprise baby shower for Mrs. Ai Tague was held a t the home of Mrs. Richard Laddie la s t week Tuesday evening. Mre. Liddle was assisted by M rs. G ilbert McKee, Mrs. Arvid N ygren and Mrs. Gerald Aoker- ley. A fter th e 18 guests w atched Mrs. Tague open the gifts, refreshm ents were served.

Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Kauf- m ann of Los Altos, Calif., spent four days w ith her father, J. E dsal Hanlon, and helped him celebrate his birthday. Mr. Kaufm ann was on a business tr ip to New York city with “Scientific A iherican.”

A rrtve in GermanyS /S g t. and Mrs. John Powell

have arrived in Germany, w here he will ibe stationed for th e next four years. The Powells spent a m onth with his m other, Mrs. John Powell, be­fore going overseas.

Mrs. John Damgaard, a pa­tien t in the M argaretville Me­m orial hospital fo r the la s t two weeks, underwent surgery last Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H all and son, Eddie, spent the last week w ith h er uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. H arland Jester, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clif­ford Hall, a t Bovina Center. Ed has completed his training dn the N ational G uard a t Fort Gordon, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. H all moved th is weekend to Pough­keepsie, where he resum es his job a t IBM.

Mr. and Mrs. M artin Hyzer arrived home F riday from spending the w inter in Braden­ton, Fla.

Bill Glendening of Albany College of Pharm acy spent the weekend w ith his aunt, Mrs. Arch Glendening. Mrs. Ken-

Thursday, April 29neth H arding and son, B rad­ford, of Columbus, Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs. K enneth H arding Sr. of EndweH w ere Sunday visitors a t (the Glendening home.

Charles M iller of Denver, Colo., spent tim e last week w ith his g rea t-unde and aimt, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Miller.

Mr. and Mrs. Albin Bschorr and daughters of Plandome, L. I., w ere W ednesday through S a t­u rday guests of her parents, M r. and Mrs. C. L. Diokson.

Mr. and Mrs.' Clifford Burgin and son, Bobbie, of Bowna Cen­te r w ere Saturday night guests a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. W alter Sprague^

The WSCS Circle 1 of the United Methodist church will m eet a t the home of Mrs. H ar­old M iller Wednesday, May 5, a t 1:30 a. m.

Mrs. Charles Dennington of S tone Ridge visited friends in th e village last week Tuesday.

M ary Gladstone of C entral C ity Business institu te in S yra­cuse spent the weekend a t the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W ayland Gladstone.

Paul Rowe of Puyallup, Wash., was a weekend guest in Andes and attended the wed­ding of his son, Gordon, and Miss K athy Louden a t the Laurens P resbyterian church on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. P e te r W allaites of New York city and Miss Liza Rowe of Groton, Conn., w ere weekend ;guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon M atthews, fo r the wedding of her son, Gordon Rowe. Liza was a bridesm aid a t h e r broth­e r ’s wedding. Besides the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon M atthews, o ther guests from Andes were Mrs. Donald M atthews and daughter, Gail, Mrs. Gyneth Haynes, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Finkle, Mrs. W il­liam Hisman, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Cole, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cole, Robert Laing and Clififord Hoknes.

Mr. and Mrs. Arne Hofsdal spent las t w eek visiting th e ir sons and daughters-in-laws, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hofsdal, and Mr. and Mrs. C hrist Hofs-

Peace Symbol.. . Are You Sure(Reprinted F rom the “F lorida Mason”)

This is the symbol worn by many of today’s young people and is known as th e , "Peace Symbol.” We wonder how many of them, or you for th a t m atter, know the real meaning of this symbol ?

The “Peace Symbol” is not something th a t is the prod­uct of today’s restless youth. I t was well known back in- the Middle Ages and was known either as the “Crow’s F oot” or the W itch’s Foot.” Now are you ready for the real shock? This w as the siffn of those who were op­posed to Christianity! I t was (and is) the Anti-Christ sym­bol. Look a t it closely. W hat do you see? I t is a Broken Cross turned -upside down. Now do you see why it is a subtle sign of those who are opposed to Christianity.

I t is used today as a cen­tra l p a rt of the national

fymboUsm of Communist lussia. I t appears the Com­m unists are winning th e ir

•battle fo r the minds of our youth. They a re m aking special efforts to capture the atten tion of today’s youth in America. M any young peo­ple are fam iliar vwth the Peace Symbol and w ear it as jewelry and even pain t it on the ir cars.

There are those in the G arm ent industry who have the Broken Cross embroid­ered on the ir jackets and m any other garm ents. I t is m anufactured as a m etal tr in k e t and worn on a chain and many young people w ear it as a “F ad” Gadget, not realizing they are supporting the emblem of the Anti- C hrist, the Broken Cross.

Be sure of this—every per­son who k n o w i n g l y or thoughtlessly w ears this em­blem is bringing joy to the h earts of those dedicated to th e destruction of everything we hold dear. The Com­m unists are gleeful when they see this symbol worn by Americans. I t is the m ark of Atheism.

—^Arthur Kurzm an

H alcott Center, N. Y.


M0Tlffi»*S DAY

S M O R G A S B O tBS u n d a y , M a y 9

A large and varied array of your favorite hot and cold delicacies served from noon cm.

$ 5 . 5 0

iSpccial iPrice ior binder Jt2


COM PLETE BANQUET FACILITIESRoute 30 Between M argaretv'ille and Roxbury

'For Reservations Phone 914 586-9844 or 586-4841

Ssd at BaysHore, E. 1. CSirisf Hofs<M and fam ily spent a few days ait the Hofsdal h<Mne a fte r bringing his paren ts home. W eekend guests of the Hofsdals w ere Miss S inone Mass and the ir son, Roger Hofsdal, of New York oity.

Pvt. DEurell F inkle retu rned to F o rt Meade, Md., a f te r a itwo-week leave a t the home of his .parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gil­b ert Finkle.

Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Douglas of - Carle Place, L. I., visited her m other, Mrs. Speer An­drews, and h er ibi;‘o ther €uid sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. David Andrews, and family over the weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. Da^ad Russell and children of N orth Syracuse w ere weekend guests a t the home of h er parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clide Edwards.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Conine ohael Conine, a t P lattsburg , re tu rn ing to th e home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. K enneth Conine, before driving back to Colorado, w here th ey will m ake the ir home.

K eith H arvard returned home Friday a fte r 11 days as a car(Mac paljient a t P e te r Bent Brigham hospital in Boston.

Have New SonMr. and Mrs. Melvin Ruff

are paren ts of a new son. He w as nam ed Jeffrey Robert. Mr. and Mrs. Edmond W right of Delancey and Mr. and Mrs. F red Ruff are the grandparents.

M a r g a r e t v i l l e

M e m o r i a l H o s p i t a l

Admissions: April 20-26Mrs. Linda H im ter of Fleisch-

manns, Mrs. Joan Shook of Rox­bury, Anthony Ciram i of Fleischmanns, Mre. Ellen Van­Steenburg of Andes, Eugene Mead of New K ii^ston , Mrs. Sandra H itt of M argaretville, Mre. B ernard F airbaim of M argaretville, Mrs. Elenore S atm ary of Arkville, Willis V anKeuren of M argaretville.

D ischarges: April 20-26Mrs. Linda H unter of Fleisch­

manns, Mrs. Eva M cFarland of Arkville, Mrs. Osena Fair- bairn of Arkville.

The new m other was guest of honor Saturday n ight a t a balby shower a t the home of Mrs. Willis VanKeuren Jr . in W ea­ver hollow. Jeffrey received several useful gifts. Refresh­m ents w ere served iby Mrs. Charles Cappiello and Mrs. Richard L id^e , co-hostesses, and Mrs. VanKeuren.

Mr. and Mre. Edmond Jones and daughters, Julie and M ar­cia, of Meohanicville were S aturday overnight guests of her father, Sheldon Ackerley. Sunday all were dinner guests of her grandm other, Mrs. M aria Gibson, and her aunt, Mre. Maude M iuphy. John Acker­ley and his fiancee, Miss B ar­bara Bush, w ere also present.

M G S K e y h o k A n d e s G i r l N a m e d n e w s . Margaretville, N. Y. »RHirs./April aS/JSa-B tge Nine

T r e m p e r s k i l l C l u b M e e t s M a y 3Senior Interview sW arren W illiam Reynolds of

H alcott Center, son of Mr. and Mre. W ard Reynolds, was born May 25, 1953, a t M argaretville.

His high school activities during high school include JV and vareity beisketball, JV and varsity baseball, science dub, studen t council vice president and Boy’s S tate.

His favorite sports are bas­ketball and hunting, and he en­joys listening to Creedence C learw ater Revival and Jam es Taylor. English 10 was his favorite class ^because Mr. H ar­ris m ade th e course revelant to today.

W arren’is fu tu re plans a re to a ttend SUNY college a t C ort­land.

HilUs Ralph F aulkner of Mar- 'garetville, son of Mr. and Mre. K enneth Faulkner, was bom Sept. 21, 1952, a t the M arga­retville hospital.

His school activities include four yeare of soccer, tw o years of in tram ural basketball and one year of track .

His favorite sports are hun t­ing and fishing, and he enjoys listening to th e Rolling Stones and Simon and Garfunkel. Eng­lish 12 was his favorite class because of the interesting sub­ject and the everyday laughs.

HilMs’s fu tu re plans are to enlist in the N avy and then go on to be a game WcUixien or a wUdiife specialist. H e says he

B etty A. M ueller of Andes was n ^ e d to the high honors lis t fo r the firs t sem ester a t the University of New Ham p­shire.'

will miss the fun th a t was had in the library and miss ha.ving Mre. Weiss near by.

Lynn H ilton KeUy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Holton Kelly of Fleischmanns, was bom on M arch 23, 1953, a t the M arga­retville hospital.

His favorite sports are hun t­ing and golfing. “Of Mice and Men” is one of his favorite ibooks. His school activities in­clude soccer, basketball and in- itram ural basketball.

Lynn plans on going to col­lege a f te r he graduates.

M arjorie Ann £ llio tt, daugh­te r of Mr. and Mre. Jam es W. E llio tt of New Kingston, was born Nov. 25, 1953, a t the M ar­garetville hospital.

During high school she par­ticipated in g iri’s field hockey and softball team s, yearbook staff, chorus, Saturday Semi­n a r and was in the cast of the fa ll play. She enjoys snowmo- biling on the outside. Among h e r favorit^ books a re “Jane E yre” and “Canticle for Leibo- w itz,” and she enjoys Simon and G arfunkle and Peter, P aul and Mary.

She says she will msis all her friends a t MCS and plans to go to college.

By Gloria Bacon

Trem perskill, April 29Weekend guests a t the home

of Mr. and Mrs. W arren WeaA^er Sr. w ere Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Hannon and five sons of Broad Channel and Mr. and Mre. Ger­ald N orris and children of KingS'ton. Gerald N orris also visited his parents, Mr. and Mre. Conger Norris.

Mr. and Mrs. David S tra tto n and children of Delhi were F ri­day n ight guests of Mr. and Mre. W arren W eaver Sr.

Mrs. B etty Lakin w as a sup­per guest of Mr: and Mre. Wfl- liam Buckalew in M argaret­ville Friday night.

L inda Drew was a weekend guest of Sandy Bacon.

Mr. and M re.-Fred Bergham- mer, Joe, B etty and Eddie spent the weekend a t th e ir camp here.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Barnes of Arkville, Mrs. A nita Gerald of W alton, Mrs. A rdith Allen of Delhi an d ' Mre. Thelma F letcher of Afton visited Mil­ford B utler on Sunday.

Mr. and Mre. Lincoln Ab­ram s of M assapequa P ark spent th e weekend a t their cam p a t Shaver hollow.

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Shaver and children of S loatsburg were

The Second irteeting of the Dielaware Coimtjr Ostomy Club will toe held Monday, May 3, a t 7:30 p. m. a t D elaw are Valley hospital in W alton. Colostomy and ileostomy patients are in­vited. Guest speakere will be Miss Jean Shaw, enterostranal therap ist a t Lourdes hospital in Binghamton, and Miss Sonia Osier, RN, Sirat runner up Miss Hope fo r ^ e New York S ta te divisicm- o l (the American Cancer society.

weekend guests of his parents, M r. and M rs. K eith Shaver. Sunday visitore w ere Mr. and Mre. Eddie H otchkiss and Sindee of Downsville.

Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Woodin of W alton, Mr. and Mre. Doug- ilas Woo4in df Coxsackie spent th e weekend At the home of th e ir parents, M r. and Mrs. Floyd Woodin.

Mr. and M rs. Charles • Woio- zeckowsk spent the weekend a t th e ir hom e in W olf Holilow.

Mrs. G eorge F irm en t J r . Jo ­ann, Steve and Anne visited her parenits, Mr. and Mrs. Thor Klindt, a t DownsviUe on Sunday.

Mre. Lena Elwood w as dis­charged from the Delhi hospi­ta l and is spending tim e w ith Mrs. Donald Elwood and Mrs. C arrie Elwood.

M a r g a r i n e

V e g e t a b l e s nte nationai .

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