Inglés B2

B2.2 Unit 3

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Inglés B2

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B2.2 Unit 3

Warm up video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dWMIuipn_c#t=157


- You know I really enjoy interviewing applicants for this management training course. Come

in. Ah. Come and sit down.

- Thank you.

- Would you mind just standing up again one moment? Take a seat.

- I'm sorry?

- Take a seat. Ah! Good morning.

- Good morning.

- Good morning.

- 'morning.

- Tell me, why did you say 'good morning' when you know perfectly well that it's afternoon?

- Well, well, you said 'good morning'. Ha, ha.

- Good afternoon.

- Ah, good afternoon.

- Oh dear. Good evening.

- ... Goodbye?

- Ha, ha. No. ... Aren't you going to ask me why I rang the bell?

- Err... why did you ring the bell?

- Why do you think I rang the bell? Five, four, three, two, one, zero!

- Well, I, I...

- Too late! Goodnight, ding-ding-ding-ding-ding. Goodnight. Ding-ding-ding-ding-ding-ding-


- Uhm. Oh this is, is the interview for the management training course is it?

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- Yes. Yes it is. Goodnight. Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.

- Oh. Oh dear, I don't think I'm doing very well.

- Why do you say that?

- Well I don't know.

- Do you say it because you didn't know?

- Well. I, I, I, I...

- Five, four, three, two, one, zero! Right!

- I'm sorry, I'm confused.

- Well, why do you think I did that then?

- Well, I don't know.

- Aren't you curious?

- Well, yes.

- Well, why didn't you ask me?

- Well...I...err...

- Name?

- What?

- Your name please, your name!

- Um, err David.

- David. Sure?

- Oh yes.

- David Sure.

- No, no Thomas.

- Thomas Sure?

- No, no, David Thomas.

- Goodnight. Ding-ding-ding-ding-ding- ding-ding-ding.

- Oh dear we're back to that again.

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- Goodnight. Ding-ding-ding-ding-ding-ding-ding-ding-ding.

- I don't know what to do when you do that.

- Well do something. Goodnight. Ding-ding-ding-ding-ding, five, four, three, two, one . . . Good!

- Good?

- Very good - do it again. Very good' indeed, quite outstanding. Ah right. Ready now. Right,

once more. Goodnight, ding-ding-ding-ding-ding-ding.

- What's going on? What's going on?

- You've got very good marks.

- Well I don't care; I want to know what's going on! I think you're deliberately trying to

humiliate people, and I'm going straight out of here and I'm going to tell the police exactly

what you do to people and I'm gonna make bloody sure that you never do it again. There,

what do you think of that? What do you think of that?

- Very good marks.

- Oh, oh well, do I get the job?

- Err, well, I'm afraid not. I'm afraid all the vacancies were filled several weeks ago.



These three expressions can be used (often with a past perfect tense) to suggest that one thing happened very soon after another. Note the sentence structure:


…..scarcely……. when/before…..

……no sooner……..than

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• I had hardly/scarcely closed my eyes when the phone rang.

• She was hardly/scarcely inside the house after the kids started screaming.

• I had no sooner closed the door than somebody knocked.

• We no sooner sat down in the train than I felt sick.

In a formal or literary style, inverted word order is possible.

• Hardly had I closed my eyes when I began to imagine fantastic shapes.

• No sooner had she agreed to marry him than she started to have doubts.


Exclamations are often constructed with ¨how¨ and ¨what¨ or with ¨so¨ and such¨; negative questions forms are also common.

1.Exclamations with ¨how¨

These are often felt to be a little formal or old-fashioned

How + adjective

Strawberries! How nice!

How + adjective/adverb + subject + verb

How cold! (NOT: How it is cold!)

How beautifully you sing! (NOT: How you sing beautifully!)

How + subject + verb

How you´ve grown!

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2.Exclamations with ¨what¨

What a/an (+adjective) + singular countable noun

• What a rude man! (NOT: What rude man!)

• What a nice dress! (NOT: What nice dress)

• What a surprise!

What (+ adjective) + uncountable / plural noun

• What beautiful weather! (NOT: What a beautiful weather!)

• What lovely flowers!

• What fools!

What + object + subject + verb (note word order)

• What a beautiful smile your sister has! (NOT: ……has your sister!)

3.Exclamations with ¨so¨ and ¨such¨

So + adjective

• You´re so kind!

Such a/an (+adjective) + singular countable noun

• He´s such a nice boy! (NOT: …a such nice boy)

Such (+adjective) + uncountable / plural noun

• They talk such rubbish! (NOT: …..such a rubbish)

• They´re such kind people (NOT: ….so kind people)

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4.Negative question forms

• Isn´t the weather nice!

• Hasn´t she grown!

Americans and some British speakers may use ordinary (non-negative) question forms in exclamations.

• Boy, am I hungry!

• Wow, did she make a mistake!

• Was I furious!


◙ Utilizamos el tercer condicional para hablar de situaciones que podrían haber tenido

lugar en el pasado pero finalmente no lo hicieron.

◙ Estructura: [If + past perfect clause] + [ Subject + would + pr esent perfect]

� If it had rained in Granada, I wouldn’t have gone skiing last December.

(Si hubiera llovido en Granada, no habría ido a esquiar el pasado diciembre).

◙ Las dos construcciones que forman el tercer condicional ([a] ,[b]) pueden aparecer

en el orden inverso ([b] [a]) sin que esto suponga ningún cambio en el significado.

Sin embargo, a la hora de escribir la oración sólo es necesaria la coma cuando la frase

con If aparece en primer lugar.

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� If we had played a little better , we would have won the game.

(Si hubiéramos jugado un poco mejor, habríamos ganado el partido).

� We would have won the game if we had played a little better.

(Habríamos ganado el partido si hubiéramos jugado un poco mejor).

◙ Existen otras conjunciones condicionales que pueden utilizarse como alternativa a


- Unless = a menos que, a no ser que.

� I never listen to the radio, unless there is something interesting.

(Nunca escucho la radio, a no ser que haya algo interesante).

[I only listen to the radio if there’s something interesting].

- As long as = siempre que, mientras que.

� I don’t care what you did, as long as you love me.

(No me importa lo que hiciste, mientras que me quieras).

[If you love me, I don’t care what you did].

- Providing that , provided that = siempre que, sólo en el caso de que.

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� Providing that she works harder, she’ll have a rise.

(En el caso de que trabaje más, tendrá un aumento de sueldo).

[If she works harder, she’ll get arise].

- In case = por si, en el caso de que.

� I’ll knock on the door again, in case he hasn’t heard it before.

(Llamaré de nuevo a la puerta, por si no me ha oído antes).

[If he hasn’t heard it before, I’ll knock again on the door].

Exercise6 . Rewrite the sentences using the third conditional structure:

a. He crashed his car, because he fell asleep while driving.


b. We couldn’t go to the concert, because we didn’t have enough money.


c. I lost my job because I was late in several occasions.


d. The wind was so strong that the bridge collapsed.


e. I couldn’t call Mats, because I lost her number.

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Exercise7 . Match the sentences on the left (1-5) with the ones on the right (a-e):

1. If the cook hadn’t ran out of flour, a. we would have seen the match.

2. If I had won the lottery, b. you wouldn’t have got stomachache.

3. If you hadn’t eaten so much, c. she would have baked a cake.

4. If you hadn’t had a coffee, d. you wouldn’t have been so nervous!

5. If we had stayed at home, e. I would have sent you a present.

Exercise8 . Complete each sentence with as long as, unless, in case or provided that:

1. They don’t go abroad __________ the language of the country is the same as theirs.

2. __________ you do it in the smoking area, you are allowed to have a cigarette.

3. I offered some snacks and refreshments __________ they were hungry and thirsty.

4. She’s arriving this evening __________ there aren’t any delays.

5. __________ anything unexpected happens, I do the same thing every day.

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Trabajador Puntual Diligente Tenaz Motivado Extrovertido Determinado Fiable Paciente Organizado De confianza

Hard-working Punctual Diligent Tenacious Motivated Outgoing Driven Reliable Patient Organized Trustworthy



The HR responsible is on a medical leave and asked you to be in charge of a job interview. It´s up to you to decide whether or not you want to hire a candidate. As you want to make the right decision, we want to confirm it with your team mates. Continue as shown in the example:

E.g. Mark – carta de presentación ¨ Before we decide whether we´re going to hire / to employ this candidate, let´s have another look at his cover letter¨

1.Julie – preferencias laborales

2.Sam – experiencia

3.John – curriculum vitae

4.Jorge – permiso de trabajo

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5.Ana – formación

6.Helen – antecedentes

7.Mike – solicitud de empleo

8.Sue - referencias


Remember the useful verb we´ve seen before? If not, let us remind you that it was ¨to prove¨ (demonstrar) .

Continue as shown in the example below:


-¨I proved I´m hard-working by getting the highest grades at university.

• Puntual - llegar siempre temprano a todas las reuniones

• Diligente – nunca cometer errores con los informes

• Tenaz – triplicar los beneficios anuales de la empresa como director de ventas

• Motivado – ascender cuatro veces en un año

• Extrovertida – aumentar el interés en productos y ferias de trabajo

• Determinado – trabajar hasta tarde por la noche hasta terminar los proyectos

• Fiable – terminar con éxito cada tarea asignada por mi jefa

• Paciente – aumentar el nivel de inglés de mis alumnos en el colegio

• Organizada – coordinar a cien empleados en mi último puesto de trabajo