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Bacteria Summary


By: Andrew Lukman (07120110067)

Normal Flora

All body surfaces possess a rich normal bacterial flora, especially the mouth, nose, gingival crevice, large bowel, skinVirulence

Quantitative ability of an agent to cause disease


1. Adherence

2. Invasion

3. Toxin

4. Enzyme

5. Iron Binding Protein

6. Anti Phagocytic Factors

Gram Positive:

Staphylococcus Aureus

Gram Positive

Spherical cells

Grape-like structure


Carbohydrates Produce:

White to Deep yellow pigments Pathogenic Hemolyze blood

Coagulate plasma

Produce extracellular enzymes and toxins

Most common type of food poisoning (Heat-stable staphylococcal enterotoxin)

Rapid resistance to antimicrobial agents and present difficult therapeutic problems

Methicilin resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) -> from production of (-lactamaseMorphology

A. Culture

Grow most rapidly at 35C

Form pigment at room temperature (20-25C)

Gray to deep golden yellow colonies

B. Growth characteristics

Produce catalase -> differentiate from streptococcus Ferment:

Carbohydrates -> produce lactic acid but not gas

Resistant to: Drying (Can withstand 6-14 weeks)

Heat (Can withstand 50C for 30 minutes)

9% Sodium Chloride

Antigenic Structure Contains:

Antigenic polysaccharide

Antigenic proteins

Protein A:

Cell wall component

Bacterial surface of protein -> characterized by adhesions called microbial surface components recognizing adhesive matrix molecules (MSCRAMMS)

Binds to Fc portion of IgG (except IgG3)

Fab portion of IgG bound to protein A is free to combine with a specific antigen Inhibits the complement cascade


Helps in bacterial attachment in host cell

Important virulence factor

Structural defense against Phagocytosis

Protein A:

Binds to Fc portion of IgG (except IgG3)

Fab portion of IgG bound to protein A is free to combine with a specific antigen

Inhibits the complement cascade Clumping Factor (Bound coagulase)

Converts the soluble blood protein fibrinogen in insoluble fibrin molecules that form blood clots

Fibrin clots hide the bacteria from phagocytic cells

Synthesize loosely organized polysaccharide slime layers (often called capsules)

Inhibit chemotaxis of and phagocytosis by leukocytes

Facilitates attachment of Staphylococcus to artificial surfaces



Triggers blood clotting


Breaks down hyaluronic acid, enabling the bacteria to spread between cells


Dissolves fibrin threads in blood clots, allowing Staphylococcus aureus to free itself from clots


Digest lipids, allowing staphylococcus to grow on the skins surface and in cutaneous oil glands


Breaks down penicillin

Allows the bacteria to survive treatment with (-lactam antimicrobial drugsToxins

Staphylococcus aureus produces toxins more frequently than S.epidermidis Cytolytic toxins

Disrupts the cytoplasmic membrane of a variety of cells

Leukocidin can lyse leukocytes specifically

Exfoliative toxins Causes the patients skin cells to separate from each other and slough off the body

Toxic-shock-syndrome toxin

Causes toxic shock syndrome


Stimulate the intestinal muscle contractions, nausea, and intense vomiting associated with staphylococcal food poisoning


Noninvasive Disease Food poisoning from the ingestion of enterotoxin-contaminated food Cutaneous Disease Various skin conditions including scalded skin syndrome, impetigo, folliculitis, and furuncles

Systemic Disease Toxic shock syndrome-TSS toxin is absorbed into the blood and causes shock Bacteremia-presence of bacteria in the blood Endocarditis-occurs when bacteria attack the lining of the heart Pneumonia-inflammation of the lungs in which the alveoli and bronchioles become filled with fluid Osteomyelitis-inflammation of the bone marrow and the surrounding bone


Detection of Gram-positive bacteria in grapelike arrangements isolated from pus, blood, or other fluids Specimen Smear Culture Film Biochemical Reactions Antibiogram Typing


Methicillin is the drug of choice to treat staphylococcal infections

Is a semisynthetic form of penicillin and is not inactivated by (-lactamasePrevention

Hand antisepsis is the most important measure in preventing nosocomial infections

Also important is the proper cleansing of wounds and surgical openings, aseptic use of catheters or indwelling needles, an appropriate use of antiseptics

Staphylococcus epidermidis Normal flora in skin as oppose to S.Aureus (pathogenic) Normal flora of:


Mucus Membrane

No protein A

No Coagulation

White in colorStreptococcus Pneumoniae

Gram Positive


Normal: Upper Respiratory Tract









A. Culture

Form round colonies

Enhanced by CO2B. Growth Characteristics

Energy from fermentation of glucose

Rapid production of lactic acid -> Limits growthAntigenic Structure

Cell wall has: Peptidoglycan Teichoic acid Capsular polysaccharide is covalently bound to the peptidoglycan and to the cell wall polysaccharidePathogenesis

A. Production of disease Pneumococci produce disease through their ability to multiply in the tissues The virulence of the organism is a function of its capsule, which prevents or delays ingestion by phagocytes

A serum that contains antibodies against the type-specific polysaccharide protects against infection

If such a serum is absorbed with the type-specific polysaccharide, it loses its protective power Humans immunized with a given type of pneumococcal polysaccharide are subsequently immune to that type of pneumococcus and possess precipitating and opsonizing antibodies for that type of polysaccharideB. Loss of natural resistance Since 40-70% of humans are at some time carriers of virulent pneumococci, the normal respiratory mucosa must possess great natural resistance to the pneumococcus

Among the factors that probably lower this resistance and thus predispose to pneumococcal infection are the following:

1. Viral and other respiratory tract infections that damage surface cells; abnormal accumulations of mucus (eg, allergy), which protect pneumococci from phagocytosis; bronchial obstruction (eg, atelectasis); and respiratory tract injury due to irritants disturbing its mucociliary function2. Alcohol or drug intoxication, which depresses phagocytic activity, depresses the cough reflex, and facilitates aspiration of foreign material3. Abnormal circulatory dynamics (eg, pulmonary congestion, heart failure)4. Other mechanisms, eg, malnutrition, general debility, sickle cell anemia, hyposplenism, nephrosis, or complement deficiencyDiagnostic Laboratory Tests

Blood is drawn for culture

CSF and sputum are collected for demonstration of pneumococci by smear and culture

Sputum may be examined in several ways.

Stained smears A Gram-stained film of rusty-red sputum shows typical organisms, many polymorphonuclear neutrophils, and many red cells.

Capsule swelling tests Fresh emulsified sputum mixed with antiserum causes capsule swelling (the quellung reaction) for identification of pneumococci.

Culture The culture is created by sputum cultured on blood agar and incubated in CO2 or a candle jar. A blood culture is also taken.


Immunity to infection with pneumococci is type-specific and depends both on antibodies to capsular polysaccharide and on intact phagocytic function. Vaccines can induce production of antibodies to capsular polysaccharidesTreatment

Since pneumococci are sensitive to many antimicrobial drugs, early treatment usually results in rapid recovery, and antibody response seems to play a much-diminished role

Penicillin G is the drug of choice, but in the United States 15% of pneumococci are penicillin-resistant (MIC 2g/mL) and about 18% are moderately resistant (MIC 0.1-1 g/mL)

High-dose penicillin G with MICs of 0.1-2 g/mL appears to be effective in treating pneumonia caused by pneumococci but would not be effective in treatment of meningitis due to the same strains

Some penicillin resistant strains are resistant to cefotaxime

Resistance to tetracycline and erythromycin occurs also

Pneumococci remain susceptible to vancomycin.Gram Negative:Neisseria Gonorrhoeae Gram-negative Intracellular Aerobic diplococcus Pathogenesis: It mainly affects the hosts columnar or cuboidal epithelium Pili help in attachment of gonococci to mucosal surfaces and contribute to resistance by preventing ingestion and killing by neutrophils Opacity-associated (Opa) proteins: Increase adherence between gonococci and phagocytes Promote invasion into host cells Possibly down-regulate the immune response Porin channels (porA, porB) In the outer membrane play key roles in virulence Gonococcal strains with porA may have inherent resistance to normal human serum An increased ability to invade into epithelial cells, explaining their association with bacteremia TEM-1type beta-lactamase (penicillinase) affects penicillin binding and efflux pumps and confers resistance to penicillin TetM protects the ribosome and confers resistance to tetracycline Alterations in gyrA and parC genes result in fluoroquinolone resistance by efflux activation and decreased antibiotic cell permeation Gonococci attach to the host mucosal cell (pili and Opa proteins play major roles) Within 24-48 hours, penetrate through and between cells into the subepithelial space A typical host response is characterized by invasion with neutrophils, followed by epithelial sloughing, formation of submucosal microabscesses, and purulent discharge If left untreated, macrophage and lymphocyte infiltration replaces the neutrophils Some gonococcal strains cause an asymptomatic infection, leading to an asymptomatic carrier state in persons of either sex The ability to grow anaerobically allows gonococci, when mixed with refluxed menstrual blood or attachment to sperm, to secondarily invade lower genital structures (vagina and cervix) Progress to upper genital organs (endometrium, salpinx, ovaries) Treatment:Andrew Lukman (07120110067)