Baiquni Global Warming 1992

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  • 8/19/2019 Baiquni Global Warming 1992



    Development Issue Assignment



    M. Baiquni

    Institute for Rural Technology Development

    (Appropriate Technology Group) 

    Paper Presented in OTO Bappenas

    Jakarta, 1992

  • 8/19/2019 Baiquni Global Warming 1992



    Some Scientist Scenario Debates

    By M. Baiquni

    “From Stockholm to Rio de Janeiro, a road to save

    our world. It is just only two decades that the

    environmental issues were change. The environmental

    issue in Stockholm conference (1972) was environmental

    problems of human settlements, management of natural

    resources and environmental pollutions. Now the

    environmental issues are changing to be sound globally

    concerns. One of the main issues in Rio de Janeiro

    conference this month (1992) is global warming”. 


    Global warming issues is broadly discussed and sharply

    debated by many scientists. Some scientists researched many

    trends evident that connected many data and cross-checked many

    research over the world. Other scientists have simulated some

    future scenarios that supported by up to date information from

    satellite and computer technology.

    Some climate theorists believe that we are already

    entering a period of drastic alteration in the earth’s

    climate, trigged by excessive carbon dioxide emission into the

    air ……said Sherwood B. Idaho (dennis Senft, 1990).

    Richard A. Houghton and George M. Woodwell supported this

    idea that the world is warming. Climatic zone are shifting.

    Glaciers are melting. Sea level is rising. These are not

    hypothetical events from a science-fiction movie; “these change

    and others are already taking place, and we expected them to

    accelerate over the next years as the amounts of carbon

    dioxide, methane and other trace gases accumulating in the

    atmosphere through human activities increase”. 

    In contrast, two Indonesian professors, Otto Soemarwoto

    and Herman Johannes have opinion that global warming is not

    proof yet and some scientists still debating this issue.

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     What is Global Warming?

    Naturally, the earth is changing by it self through a long

    time historical period since its occurrence. John A. Katili

    (1990) stated that “our unique planet is a product of synergism

    between the living and non-living parts. Hence, it is

    significant to know that throughout the earth history which

    spans about 4.5 billion years the global environment has been

    changing”. So the  earth is a dynamic matter that through its

    time can makes changing to get its balance.

    The earth has been an atmosphere; a kind of air covered

    the earth with moderate temperature and many gases that

    suitable for life. The atmosphere has function as natural

    filter of sunlight rays that warms the earth. A path of

    atmosphere is stratosphere that has a layer of ozone. The ozone

    protests the earth by blocking most of the sun’s harmful

    ultraviolet light.

    According to john R. Justus, et all (1989), some of the

    minor gasses in the atmosphere control the earth’s temperature

    by a mechanism that operates much like a greenhouse. This

    mechanism is incoming sunlight that warms the earth but is

    opaque to the infrared radiation arising from the earth’s

    surface and the lower atmosphere traps a portion of the heat

    that would escape. So, this mechanism makes the earth surface

    and lower atmosphere are mild.

    The balance of greenhouse mechanism can be disturbed by

    living and non-living activities. The example of non-living

    activity as a volcanic activities and the living activity is

    human life. The human life activities such as fossil, fuel

    combustion, industrial chemical wastes, forest burning, caused

    ozone degradation. Carbon dioxide (CO2), chlorofluorocarbon

    (CFC), and chlorine monoxide (ClO), are blamed as the chief

    agents of ozone destructions.

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      According to Idso, some climate theorist believe that the

    carbon dioxide, as the result of fuel burning, will trap the

    sun’s heat in the atmosphere in much the same way that glass in

    a greenhouse hold heat. In this case, the earth get warmer

    (Dennis Senft, 1990).

    Cause and Impact of Global Warming and Ozone Destruction

    Global warming is cause by natural happen and human

    activities. Natural happen is naturally occurring process of

    gasses that influence to atmosphere balance. This naturally

    changing can be neutralized by natural process of atmosphere.

    Most of environmentalists are concern about human activities as

    a cause of global warming.

    The four of most important greenhouses gases whose

    concentrations be produced by harm activities are carbon

    dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and the family of CFCs. Other

    gases collectively contribute to global warming (John R.

    Justus, et all, 1989). It so happens that chlorine and bromine,

    in reactive forms, can also catalyze ozone breakdown (Roger

    Beckmann, 1991).

    Carbon dioxide is the chief cause of global warming, these

    gases come from fuel combustion, forest fire, living organism

    activities, etc. but CO2 is also essential for plant growth,

    being one f the raw materials of photosynthesis. Naturally, it

    is balance between CO2 in atmosphere and CO2 in biosphere

    (vegetations, humans, animals, in the earth surface). This

    balanced cycling of carbon was disturbed when human burned

    large quantities of fossil fuels (coal and oil) and destructed

    forest. Simultaneously, increasing human activity increased CO2

    in atmosphere that contributed to trap sun heat.

    In recent years investigators have recognized that the

    atmospheric burden of greenhouse gases than carbon dioxide,

    such as methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), and the

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    chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), I s also growing at increasing rate

    (Rhicard A. Hunghton and Goerge M. Woodwell. 1989).

    Chlorine naturally occurs from the earth surface, mainly

    from sea water, volcanic eruptions and rotting or burning

    vegetation. According to Roger Beckman (1991), chlorine from

    natural supply is now dwarfed by synthetic compounds, such as

    the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). There are human being are

    currently responsible for 80 % of stratosphere’s chlorine. As

    well as CFCs, common industrial chemical such as carbon

    tetrachloride and methyl chloroform contribute to the bud up of

    unwanted stratospheric chlorine. Other compounds, termed

    halons, contain ozone-destructive bromine.

    Evident of ozone destruction is found a hole of ozone over

    Antarctica in 1985. Based on Michael D. Lemonick (1992)

    previous studies had already showed that ozone level here

    declined 5 % to 8% over the northern hemisphere in the last

    decade. But latest data imply that ozone layer over some

    regions, including the northern paths of US, Canada, Europe,

    and Russia, could be temporarily depleted in the late winter

    and clearly spring by as much as 40%. That would be almost as

    big as 50 % ozone loss recorded over Antarctica.

    Common industrial chemical above are dangerous to

    atmosphere balance. Some of those gases caused heat trapping

    that caused global warming and other gases have destructed

    ozone layer in stratosphere. Those phenomenon’s have dangerous

    impacts to the environment. This picture figured some chemicals

    of ozone formation and destruction (Source: Roger Beckmann,


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    The impacts of global warming are dangerous for our life.

    Mainly, global warming can produce climate change. Some

    scientists predicted that changing can cause increasing

    temperature-evaporation-rainfall, melting ice polar, and

    shifting climatic zone.

    Climate change can disturb many ecosystem balances. In

    agricultural, many food productions could fail harvesting, some

    crop diseases may be will increase. In addition, this changing

    has impacts for natural resources, biological diversity, human

    health and quality of life.

    Flooding and increasing sea level re also the impacts of

    climate change. According to Paul Handley (1992), some

    scientists tried to simulate the effects in Southeast Asia. In

    the next half century, primary consequence would be increasing

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    average temperature by 3-4 degree Celsius and sea level by 1

    meter. Some prediction impacts of these phenomenons are :

    -  Low lying rice, shrimp and fish farms along the coast

    would be permanently inundated with sea water.

    -  Heavier rain would improve irrigation, but would also

    greatly exacerbate erosion and soil leaching.

    -  Areas prone to flooding would be swamped more frequently

    and more severely.

    -  Yields of many crops would fall.

    -  Hydroelectric dams would silt up more rapidly, reducing

    their life spans.

    Other hazards of global warming in connected with ozone

    destruction, are very dangerous for living matter. Destructing

    ozone by some gasses of greenhouse effects caused increasing

    ultraviolet light, a harmful for human, to penetrate the earth

    surface. According to Michael D. Lemonick (1992) the potential

    effect of ultra violet light are: developing eyes cataract,

    accelerating various forms of skin cancer, reducing immune

    system of the body, reducing crop yields, and affecting to

    growth of phytoplankton.

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    Some scientist Scenario Debates on Global Warming

    Global warming due to the accumulation of heat-trapping

    gases, particularly carbon dioxide, has been debating among

    scientists. They have a scenarios based on their views.

    Stephen H. Schneider (1989) stated that as early as the

    19th  century it was recognized that carbon dioxide in the

    atmosphere gives rise to a greenhouse effect. Some atmospheric

    scientist have scenarios that in the future increasing the

    concentration of CO2 and other gases will increase that heat

    trapping and warm the climate. There is controversy among the

    scientist “will the rising concentrations of greenhouse gases

    rise the earth temperature by 1.5 or 8 degrees Celsius?, will

    the increase take 50, 100, or 150 years?”. 

    Most of scientists fear about occurring global warming

    that is caused by human activities. I consider dividing some

    scientist opinions in to three scenarios.

    The first scenario is optimistic opinions that the earth

    is flexible matter to respond global warming. They argued that

    carbon dioxide can be recycled by planting trees to reduce CO2

    in the atmosphere. According to Roger Beckmann (1990), Dr.

    Gifford and Dr. Barson examined the effectiveness of three

    possible scenarios of deliberate tree-planting by mathematical

    model. This mathematical means describing the uptake of carbon

    into organic matter as time progresses. The speed of carbon up

    taken and total stored both depend on the productivity of the

    forest and this can vary considerably, being influenced by the

    species of tree, soil fertility, and climate.

    According to Dennis Senft (1990), Idso says that “while

    the increase in carbon dioxide measurable and global warming

    may occur sometime in the more distance future, I have come

    across no evidence that the earth has already begun to warm.

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    Our study plus a half dozen others, indicates that we have no

    yet begun to feel global warming due to the greenhouse effect”. 

    Two Indonesian professors, Otto Soemarwoto and Herman Johannes

    have opinion that underlined the scenario “global warming is

    not proof yet and some scientists are still debating this

    issue” (Cokrokusumo, 1992 and Kompas, 1992). 

    The second scenario is realistic opinions based on some

    evident of global warming. They believe that the earth has

    limitation to adapt they changing. If the human activities are

    increasing, it will increased the global warming and changed

    the climate. Some climate and atmosphere research showed that

    the temperatures recorded in some areas were steeply increased.

    Dennis Senft (1990) believed that the changing won’t be as

    rapid or as severe as some sensational news report indicates.

    He also argued “that some changes will even be for the better

    than of the earth’s human population-like increased food


    The third scenario is pessimistic views that global

    warming will increasing sharply and destructing dangerously.

    They have done some models to predict global warming. According

    to John R. Justus, et all (1989), “many scientists are

    projecting that increased concentrations of CO2 and other

    greenhouse gases could lead to more adsorption of infrared

    radiation by the atmosphere, forcing additional, global warming

    with deleterious effects. Estimates of predicted global

    warming, based current rates of greenhouse gases production

    from human activities, very widely between 3 and 16 degrees

    Fahrenheit by middle of twenty first century.

    Some scientists tried to simulate that if average

    temperatures increase by 3-4 degree Celsius, it will raised 1

    meter sea level. This report regards as a possibility within

    the next half century (Paul Hardley, 1992). Schneider believes,

    that we are already in the first years of the greenhouse

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    century and the planet is probably in store Fore some “nasty

    surprises” and “catastrophic changes”. (Nicholas Lessen, 1989). 

    Conclusion : action Plans “ Think Globally, Act Locally”. 

    Since the ozone hole over Antarctica was confirmed in

    1985, many worlds’  governments reached a usually rapid

    consensus that action had to be taken. In 1987, they crafted

    the landmark Montreal Protocol, which called for a 50 %

    reduction of CFC production by 1999 (Michael D. Lemonick,


    In the earth summit this month, an agenda of this meeting

    is a treaty to head off global warming. This issue also be

    connected with sustainable development. There is an “agenda 21”

    that consist of an 800pages action plan for sustainable


    Most of mass media duplicated environmental concerns

    especially global warming. They warn us to aware to save our

    world. Many scientists have conducting many environmental

    researches. Although, many scientists still have debating about

    global warming phenomenon’s, we must to make actions rather

    than waiting for evidence.

    Schientist lays out three options for forestalling warming

    : technological solutions, adaptations, and preventions. He

    also believes that what makes economic and ecological sense now

    anyway-improving energy efficiency, halting tropical

    deforestation, and promoting reforestation, to name a few-will

    slow warming (Nicholas Lenssen, 1989).

    I think the best solution is preventions. Everybody must

    takes a part in participations to preventions to prevent our

    environment. We must act now, act locally will contribute a

    result globally, to consume everything sufficiently. I am agree

    with Schneider’s statement “ I wonder what we will say to our

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    children when they eventually ask what we did-or didn’t do to

    create the greenhouse century they will inherit”. 

    “ We did not inherit this earth from or parents, but have

    borrowed it from our children” (originated from an Indian tribe

    in America).

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    Dennis Senft. 1990. “ Greenhouse effect may not be all bad”.

    Agricultural Research, October : 20.

    Emily T. Smith, 1992. “The road to Rio : Plenty of good

    intentions, but….” Business Week, May 11, 1992:42.

    John A Katily, 1990. “Earth science and problems of global

    change” Pertambangan dan Energi in English magazine. No 4

    Jhon R. Justus, et all. 1989. “Global warming : what is known

    about it?. CRS Review : Congressional Research Service.

    Kompas, 1992. “ Jangan terjebak menghadapi masalah pemanasan

    global” Kompas newspaper. 

    Michael D. Lemonick, 1992. “ The ozone vanishes” Time, February

    17 : 40

    Nicolas Lessen, 1989. “ Warm enough?”. World Watch. November-

    December : 33.

    Paul Handley, 1992. “ before the flood, climate change may

    seriously affect southeast Asia”. Far Eastern Economic

    review. April 16; 65.

    Richard A. Hougton and George M. Woodwell, 1989. Global

    Climate Change”. Scientific America, April 1989, volume


    Roger Backmann, 1991 “ what’s happening to the ozone layer?”.

    Ecos 69, spring: 6.

    Stepehen H. Schneider, 1989. “ The changing climate”.

    Scientific America. September : 38.

    Tjokrokusumo, 1992. “Bumi dan Pemanasan Global”. Kompas
