Baltic Languages !!

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  • 8/2/2019 Baltic Languages !!


    Baltic languages !!

    Made by : Stanislava K. Donina

  • 8/2/2019 Baltic Languages !!


    Baltic languages are spoken mainly inareas extending east and southeast ofthe Baltic Sea in Northern Europe. The

    language group is usually divided into twosub-groups: Western Baltic andEastern Baltic.

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    Western Baltic Containing only extinct languages like :

    Galindian,Old Prussian,Sudovian andSkalvian.

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    Eastern Baltic ontaining both extinct and the two living

    languages in the group: Lithuanian(including both Standard Lithuanian

    and Samogitian) and Latvian (includingboth literary Latvian and Latgalian). Therange of Eastern Balts reached to the Ural


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    While related, the Lithuanian, the Latvian,and particularly the Old Prussianvocabularies differ substantially from one

    another and are not mutually intelligible. .The now-extinct Old Prussian languagehas been considered the most archaic of

    the Baltic languages.

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    Geographic distribution

    Speakers of modernBaltic languages aregenerally

    concentrated withinthe borders ofLithuania and Latvia,and in emigrant

    communities in theUSA,Canada,Australiaand states of theformer Soviet Union.

  • 8/2/2019 Baltic Languages !!


    Historically the languages were spokenover a larger area: West to the mouth ofthe Vistulia river in present-day Poland, at

    least as far East as the Dniepr river inpresent-day Belarus, perhaps evento Moscow.

  • 8/2/2019 Baltic Languages !!


    Prehistory and history

    Although the various Baltic tribes were mentioned byancient historians as early as 98 B.C., the firstattestation of a Baltic language was in about 1350, withthe creation of the Elbing Prussian Vocabulary, a German

    to Prussian translation dictionary. It is also believed thatBaltic languages are among the most archaic of theremaining Indo-European languages, despite their lateattestation.

  • 8/2/2019 Baltic Languages !!


    Relationship with other Indo-

    European languages

    The Baltic languages are of particular interest tolinguists because they retain many archaicfeatures.Linguists have had a hard time

    establishing the relationship of the Balticlanguages to other languages in the Indo-

    European family.Language kinship is generallydetermined by the identification of linguistic

    innovations that are held in common by twolanguages or groups.

  • 8/2/2019 Baltic Languages !!


    Several of the extinct Baltic languages have a limited ornonexistent written record, their existence being knownonly from the records of ancient historians and personalor place names. All of the languages in the Baltic group

    (including the living ones) were first written downrelatively late in their probable existence as distinctlanguages. These two factors combined with others haveobscured the history of the Baltic languages, leading to a

    number of theories regarding their position in the Indo-European family.

  • 8/2/2019 Baltic Languages !!


    The Baltic languages show the closestrelationship with the Slavic languages, and have,by most scholars, been reconstructed to a

    common Proto-Balto-Slavic stage, during whichCommon Balto-Slavic lexical, phonological,morphological and accentological isoglosses are

    thought to have developed.