Barbie Brashear Amy Smith Harris County Domestic Violence Coordinating Council Understanding Intimate Partner Violence

Barbie Brashear Amy Smith Harris County Domestic Violence Coordinating Council

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Understanding Intimate Partner Violence. Barbie Brashear Amy Smith Harris County Domestic Violence Coordinating Council. Statistics. An estimated 1.3 million women are victims 85 % of domestic violence victims are women. Females who are 20-24 years of age are at the greatest risk - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Barbie Brashear Amy Smith Harris County Domestic Violence Coordinating Council

Barbie BrashearAmy SmithHarris County Domestic Violence Coordinating Council

Understanding Intimate Partner Violence

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Page 3: Barbie Brashear Amy Smith Harris County Domestic Violence Coordinating Council

• An estimated 1.3 million women are victims • 85% of domestic violence victims are women. • Females who are 20-24 years of age are at the greatest risk• Most cases of domestic violence are never reported to the

police. • 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men have experienced severe

physical violence by an intimate partner.• Nearly ½ of all women and men in the U.S. have experienced

psychological aggression by an intimate partner in their lifetime.

• 30% to 60% of perpetrators of intimate partner violence also abuse children in the household.


Page 4: Barbie Brashear Amy Smith Harris County Domestic Violence Coordinating Council

Healthy vs. Unhealthy RelationshipsHealthy Relationships

Value Systems : A sense of belonging

Boundaries: Members speak freely, no fear of retaliation or punishmentFreedom of Expression: Members share lively discussions and love is not withdrawn due to differences

Unhealthy Relationships

Rigid or nonexistent, unaccepting of differing views

Individuals are isolated with little community connection

Pressure to hide feelings to avoid adversity

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Organizing and Negotiating Skills: Members discuss differences and little stress exists

Warmth, Joy and Humor: Members share happy experiences and good humor which allow them to feel at ease

Individuals argue repeatedly and structure is based on control

Individuals have little or no shared, happy memories and feel as though no one cares. They do not seek to comfort others and have humor at the expense of others

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Definition of IPV-Intimate Partner


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One HitInsults Restrictin

g MoneyChronic



A pattern of coercive behavior which must include physical aggression or threat, commonly accompanied by other forms of controlling behavior that adults or adolescents use against their intimate partners. (Kemp A., 1998)

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Power and Control

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Styles of Violence

Tyrannical Offender• Aggression, intimidation, verbal abuse, physical

assault to control and dominate• Intention to frighten, intimidate and punish• Feels justified or understandable due to

frustration and anger• Tendency to minimize his violence by admitting

to having committed verbal abuse, denial and shift of blame

• Describes partner as being submissive and careful around him

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Exploder Offender• Experiences violence as being out of control,

sudden, explosive• Typically in response to partner criticism or

challenge• Uses violence to silent partner• Acknowledge use of violence but blames

partner for provoking him

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Common Traits in an Abusive Relationship

Quick InvolvementRelationship Enmeshment- “You are all I need and if you love me, I am all you need”IsolationExcessive Rule MakingRigid Gender RolesJealousyAnimal CrueltyNo accountability for feelings and behaviors

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History of battering and sexual violenceUsing force during an argumentBreaking or striking objectsCruelty to childrenNegative attitude toward womenDrugs and alcohol abuse (never an excuse)

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Advocacy Program

Landlord/HRA Notified

Warning Given

Eviction Hearing

Sheriff Evicts

911 Call

Squads Investigate

Arrest No Arrest

Arrest Report

Non-Arrest Report


Arraignment Hearing

No Contact Order

Conditions of Release

Pre-Trial/ Hearing

Trial Sentencing Monitoring/Probation

Files OFP

Seeks Shelter

Ex Parte Granted

Sheriff Serves RespondentEx Parte


Judge Reviews

Civil Court Hearing

Initial Intervention Unit Contacted

Child Protection Screening

CP Investigation

Child Welfare Assessment

Child Maltreatment Assessment

Law Enforcement Notified

Risk Assessment

Service Plan

Safety Plan

CP Case Mgmt

CD Assessment

Psych/Mental Health

Parenting Education


Individual/Family Therapy

DV Classes

Emergency Placement

EPC Hearing

Safety Assessment


Court Oversees and Sanctions Plan

Child Placement

OFP Granted

OFP Denied

Reliefs Granted

OFP Filed

Supervised Exchange/Visitation

Files for Divorce

Family Court Hearing

Final Divorce Hearing

Custody Evaluation

Interviews by Evaluator

Custody Awarded

Child Support Established

Custody Hearing

Temporary Custody

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Stages of Behavioral Change• Pre-contemplation

• He loves me and the kids. It’s my fault.

• Contemplation• I am scared for myself and my kids.

Where can I go for help?

Prochaska JO, 1997

Zimmerman GL et al, 2000

Page 16: Barbie Brashear Amy Smith Harris County Domestic Violence Coordinating Council

Stages of Behavioral Change• Preparation

• I need an escape plan

• Action• I am out of here!

Prochaska JO, 1997

Zimmerman GL et al, 2000

Page 17: Barbie Brashear Amy Smith Harris County Domestic Violence Coordinating Council

Stages of Behavioral Change

• Maintenance

Prochaska JO, 1997

Zimmerman GL et al, 2000

I will survive.

I can support my family and found friends to


Page 18: Barbie Brashear Amy Smith Harris County Domestic Violence Coordinating Council

• Immediate risk: “If you return home, will you or your children be in immediate physical danger?”

• Child Abuse: “Is your partner hurting or threatening your children?”

• Stage of readiness for change: “What type of assistance would you like?” “Are there any changes you would like to make?” “What steps would help you towards those goals?” “What actions are you ready to take?”

• Suicide: “Have you had suicidal thoughts in response to your situation?”

Social Work Assessment:


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Blame Shame


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The impact of IPV on


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Child Maltreatment

Occurs in 33-77% of families in which there is abuse of an adult

Children of battered mothers

6-15 times more likely to be abused

Approximately1 Million Children Maltreated

Approximately 2 Million Women


DHHS, 1998 and Tjaden & Theones, 1998, In Harm’s Way: Domestic Violence and Child Maltreatment


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Young children and their caregivers need to be safe…

Two kinds of difficult decisions.

First, how will she protect herself and her children from the physical dangers posed by her partner?

Second, how will she provide for her children?

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Effects on Children:

• Developmental Regression• Fear, Anxiety, Depression• Impairments in learning• Impairments in social/emotional

learning• Risk of coincident or bystander

victimization• PTSD• Risk of Future Victimization,


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Medical Services

Law Enforceme


Other Social


Criminal Justice



DV Services


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• Listen to the victim and believe her. • Tell her she is not alone and that help is

available. • Let her know that without intervention, abuse

often escalates in frequency and severity over time.

• Seek expert assistance. Suggesting that she merely return home places her and her children in real danger.

What can I do?

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• Hold the abuser accountable. Don't minimize his abusive behavior. Support him in seeking specialized batterers counseling to help change his behavior.

• Continue to hold him accountable and to support and protect the victim even after he has begun a counseling program.

What can I do?

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Barbie BrashearAmy SmithHCDVCC
