Friday 17 th May 2019 David Drapkin LCSW Behavioral Health Program Manager & Addiction Specialist at: The benefits to RN’s of learning MHFA

Behavioral Health Program Manager & Addiction Specialist at · 2019-05-14 · NOT behavioral health specialists More time talking about personal, social and informal aspects of life

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Page 1: Behavioral Health Program Manager & Addiction Specialist at · 2019-05-14 · NOT behavioral health specialists More time talking about personal, social and informal aspects of life

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David Drapkin LCSWB e h a v i o r a l H e a l t h P r o g r a m M a n a g e r

& A d d i c t i o n S p e c i a l i s t a t :

The benef i ts to RN’s of learning MHFA

Page 2: Behavioral Health Program Manager & Addiction Specialist at · 2019-05-14 · NOT behavioral health specialists More time talking about personal, social and informal aspects of life


MHFA is the initial help offered to a person developing a mental health or substance use problem or experiencing a mental health crisis. The first aid is given until appropriate treatment and support are received or until the crisis resolves.

Mental Health First Aid

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What’s Wrong?

More than 34,000 American lives are lost annually to suicide

In 2017 72,000 people died in America from drug overdoses.

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Suicide Prevention

38% of patients that died by suicide made some type of healthcare visit within a week before attempting suicide64% of visits came within a month of the suicide attempt 94% came within a year


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Some StatisticsNearly eight NJ residents died of drug overdoses each day in 2017. Half of American adults (46%) will experience a mental illness during their lifetime; 20% this year alone.In the past year, 20 million adults (8.4%) had a substance use disorder. Almost 8 million American adults battled both a mental health disorder and a substance use disorder (co-occurring disorders).Half of all mental disorders begin by age 14 and three-quarters by age 24.50% of high school students diagnosed with a mental illness don’t graduate high school.

NAMI 2017, SAMHSA 2014, Depression & Bipolar Support Alliance website, MHFAhttp://www.treatmentadvocacycenter.org, https://www.mentalhealthamerica.net

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5The Guardian – September 2014

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So, how do we identify, understand and respond to signs of addictions and

mental illnesses?

Our Response

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Choose Your Path

8-hour MHFA course>Adult>Youth

3-day Instructor Course>Adult>Youth

Specializations>School-based for teens; EMS; Rural; Veterans;



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Risk factors and warning signs of mental health and substance use problems

Information on depression, anxiety, trauma, psychosis and substance use

A 5-step action plan to help someone who is developing a mental health problem or is in crisis

Available evidence-based professional, peer and self-help resources

What Participants Learn

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Assess for risk of suicide or harm

Listen nonjudgmentally

Give reassurance and information

Encourage appropriate professional help

Encourage self-help and other support strategies


MHFA Action Plan

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EVIDENCE BASED & FULLY REFERENCED• What is Mental Health First Aid?• Mental Health Problems in the United States• Mental Health First Aid Action Plan • Understanding Depression and Anxiety• Mental Health First Aid Action Plan for Depression and

Anxiety> Suicidal Behavior - Depressive Symptoms> Non-Suicidal Self-Injury> Panic Attacks> Traumatic Events> Anxiety Symptoms


Adult Curriculum Overview

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• Understanding Psychosis• Mental Health First Aid Action Plan

>Acute Psychosis - Disruptive or Aggressive Behavior

• Understanding Substance Use Disorders

• Mental Health First Aid Action Plan>Overdose – Withdrawal>Substance Use Disorders

• Using your Mental Health First Aid Training


Adult Curriculum Overview (cont inued…)

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Well Becoming Unwell Unwell Recovering


Early Intervention


Where Mental Health First Aid can help on the spectrum of mental health interventions

Where MHFA Can Help

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Who does taking MHFA Help?

YouYour familyYour friendsYour communityYour society (fighting stigma)Your colleaguesAND, your patients…


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In May 2018, Englewood Health was officially designated a stigma-free zone after demonstrating a dedicated effort to educate the community and offer resources to help combat discrimination and negative perceptions toward individuals with mental illness and substance use disorders.


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Nobody's Perfect


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Who do we train in MHFA?

Community MembersTeachersSchool PsychologistsEMSReligious leadersFront-desk staffYouth workersInternsVolunteersProfessionals

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Who We’re Reaching

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Teachers, supervisors, first responders, caretakers, co-workers, journalists, parents and even international superstars and First Ladies love Mental Health First Aid.

Support for Mental Health First Aid

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What People Are Saying

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Rates of depression, anxiety, suicidality, substance use/overdose all increasingProportion of census with behavioral health needs is increasing year on yearNation-wide lack of behavioral health specialistsWaiting lists for psych/therapy are getting longerThe average person with mental health symptoms waits 10 years before getting help


We need more healthcare professionals trained in behavioral health

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Why MHFA Matters in Health Care

About 300-400 doctors complete suicide each year.In a survey of 2,000 U.S. physicians, roughly 50 percent believed they met criteria for a mental health disorder in the past, but had not sought treatment.Healthcare workers are more likely to develop substance use disorders (drug diversion/stress)An estimated one in eight emergency room visits involves a mental health and/or substance use condition."ER boarding" is becoming more common

21Mayo Clinic

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How MHFA Can Help in Health Care Settings

Attunes your intuition and “radar” for spotting red flagsIncreases mental health and substance use literacyMore confidence in communicating during difficult conversationsReduces stigmaEncourages open dialogue about mental health and substance use among health care staffTeaches strategies for connecting a patient or co-worker with appropriate local resources and treatment


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Why Nurses and MHFA?Nurses set the tone and define the culture on the unit!Nurses spend MOST time with patientsNOT behavioral health specialistsMore time talking about personal, social and informal aspects of life vs MDPatients identify RN as more relatablePatient disclosure more likelyChecking vitals = “emotional check-in”Already do screenings for depression, anxiety, addiction, suicidality, eating disorders


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MHFA’s Cost

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Find a Course or Instructor near you: www.MentalHealthFirstAid.org

Contact Us:[email protected]


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