Bereshit Page 1

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  • 8/13/2019 Bereshit Page 1


    1:1 In the beginning Elohim created the heaven and the earth: 1:2 And the

    earth was void and empty and darkness [was] upon the surface of the

    deep and the spirit ofElohim is hovering over the surface of the water:

    1:3 And Elohim said let there be light and there was light. 1:4 And

    Elohim saw the light for it [was]good and Elohim separated between the

    light and between the darkness: 1:5 And Elohim called the light day and

    the darkness he called night and it was evening and it was morning oneday: {-------------}1:6 And Elohim said let there be a space in the midst of

    the water and let there be a separation between the water and the water:

    1:7 And Elohim made the space and he separated between the water that

    [is] underneath the space and between the water which [is] above the

    space and it was so: 1:8 And Elohim called the space heaven and it was

    evening and it was morning the second day.{-------------}1:9 And Elohim

    said let the water be gathered together from underneath the heaven unto

    one place and their appeared dry ground and it was so. 1:10 And Elohim

    called the dry ground earth and the gathering of water sea and Elohim

    saw for it [was] good. 1:11 And Elohim said let the earth sprout forthherbage and vegetation yielding seed trees offruit making fruit according

    to its kind which its seed [is] in it upon the earth and it was so. 1:12 And

    the earth sprouted forth herbage and vegetation yielding seed according

    to its kind and trees bearing fruit which its seed [was] in it according to

    its kind and Elohim saw it [was] good: 1:13 And it was evening and it

    was morning the third day: {-------------}1:14 And Elohim said let there

    be luminaries in the space of heaven to separate between the day and

    between the night and they shall be for signs and for appointed times and

    for days and years: 1:15 And they will be for illumination in the space of

    heaven to shine upon the earth and it was so: 1:16 And Elohim made twogreat luminaries the great luminary to govern the day and the small

    luminary to govern the night and the stars: 1:17 And Elohim placed them

    into the space ofheaven to shine upon the earth: 1:18 And to govern by

    day and by night and to separate between the light and between the

    darkness and Elohim saw for it[was] good: 1:19 And it was evening and

    it was morning the forth day. {-------------}1:20 And Elohim said let the

    water swarm swarming beings of life and birds of flight upon the earth

    upon the surface of the space of heaven: 1:21 And Elohim created the

    large elongated creatures

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    `k :minXd riw x ipRlr u x dlrmilcBd mpiPYdz

    zi W` xA zW xR \ ziW` xA xtqSefer Breshit / Parashat B'reshit
