Best Pedagogical Practices of E-Learning for Building Motivational and Interactive Communities Curt Bonk, Indiana University (and CourseShare.com) [email protected] http://php.indiana.edu/~cjbonk

Best Pedagogical Practices of E-Learning for Building Motivational and Interactive Communities

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Best Pedagogical Practices of E-Learning for Building Motivational and Interactive Communities. Curt Bonk, Indiana University (and CourseShare.com) [email protected] http://php.indiana.edu/~cjbonk. Timeout!!! What do you do with technology in New Zealand today? ____________________ - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Best Pedagogical Practices of E-Learning for Building Motivational and Interactive Communities

Best Pedagogical Practices of E-Learning for Building

Motivational and Interactive Communities

Curt Bonk, Indiana University(and CourseShare.com)

[email protected]://php.indiana.edu/~cjbonk

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Timeout!!! What do you do with technology in New Zealand today?

____________________What about 10 years ago???


Page 3: Best Pedagogical Practices of E-Learning for Building Motivational and Interactive Communities

Asynchronous Possibilities1. Link to peers and mentors.2. Expand and link to alternative resources. 3. Involve in case-based reasoning.4. Connect students in field to the class.5. Provide e-mail assistance.6. Bring experts to teach at any time.7. Provide exam preparation.8. Foster small group work.9. Engage in electronic discussions & writing.10. Structure electronic role play.

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Pedagogical Actualities1. Teacher-Created Cases2. Student-Created Cases3. Online Mentoring4. Starter-Wrapper Discussions5. Field Reflections6. Reading Reactions7. Debates (Teacher and Student Created)8. Critical Friend Activities9. Web Buddies10. Synchronous Group Problem Solving

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E-Learning Vision and Goals?

• Making connections through cases.• Appreciating different perspectives.• Students as teachers.• Greater depth of discussion.• Fostering critical thinking online.• Interactivity online.

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Exponential Growth of the Web

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Brains Before and After E-learning


And when use synchronous and asynchronous tools

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E-LearningProblems and Solutions

1. Tasks Overwhelm2. Confused on Web3. Too Nice Due to

Limited Share History4. Lack Justification5. Hard not to preach6. Too much data7. Communities not easy

to form

Train and be clear Structure time/dates due Develop roles and

controversies Train to back up claims Students take lead role Use Email Pals; set

times and amounts Embed Informal/Social

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E-LearningBenefits and Implications

1. Shy open up online2. Minimal off task3. Delayed collab more

rich than real time; discussion extends

4. Students can generate lots of info

5. Minimal disruptions6. Extensive E-Advice7. Excited to Publish

Use async conferencing Create social tasks Use Async for debates;

Sync for help, office hours (use both to reflect)

Structure generation and force reflection/comment

Foster debates/critique Find Practitioners/Experts Ask Permission

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Selecting Distance Learning Instructors(Karen Mantyla, July 2000, Learning Circuits; author of Distance Learning: A Step-by-Step Guide for Trainers’

QuietPower@aolcom) Exude enthusiasm Be learner-centered Be flexible and willing to learn new skills Be adaptable to student and team needs Display a sense of humor Learn new technologies and practice or rehease

delivery Willing to create and use interactive tasks

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Tips for SuccessUniv of Missouri Extension, Distance

Learning Design Center (DLDC)http://dldc-courses.ext.missouri.edu/dldcwww/dlplanning/

Give pts for participation & contribution. Set time limits for task, feedback, etc. Set quantity for regular participation.Prompt and remind frequently.Summarize discussion occasionally.Encourage to answer each other’s q’s.

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Steps in Building an Electronic Community (Palloff & Pratt, 1999)

• Clearly define the purpose of the group.• Create a distinctive gathering place for group.• Promote effective leadership from within.• Define norms and a clear code of conduct.• Allow for a range of member roles.• Allow for and facilitate subgroups.• Allow members to resolve their own disputes.

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Online Strategies(Karen Lazenby, University of Pretoria, Nov.,


• Limit lecturing online—promote self-directed learning

• Set clear rules for posting and interaction• Explain tasks and overlooked info.• Let learners synthesize key points.• Publish best work of students (with permission)• Involve participation from outside experts

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Changing Role of the TeacherThe Online Teacher, TAFE, Guy Kemshal-Bell (April, 2001)

• From oracle to guide and resource provider

• From providers of answers to expert questioners

• From solitary teacher to member of team

• From total control of teaching environment to sharing as a fellow student

• From provider of content to designer of learning experiences.

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Key Skills or Attributes (scale 0-3)The Online Teacher, TAFE, Guy Kemshal-Bell (April, 2001)

• Ability to provide effective online fdbk (2.86)• Ability to engage the learner (2.84)• Ability to provide direction and support (2.82)• Skills in online listening (2.76)• Ability to use email effectively (2.70)• Ability to motivate online learners (2.66)• Positive attitude to online teaching (2.66)• Skills in effective online questioning (2.65)

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Online Techniques & Moderator ActionGilly Salmon, The Open University Business School

Type:1) Idea Generation2) Deepen Engagement3) Interest Groups4) Debating5) Market Research6) Resource Recog.7) Exam Preparation

Moderator Action: Emphasize BS rules Challenge, test, share Summarize, current info Moderate, lobby, detail Ask key q’s, follow-up Offer feedback, prizes Post q’s, facilitate discuss

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Knowledge Sharing & ConstructionE-Moderating: The Key to Teaching and Learning Online,

(Gilly Salmon, (1999) Kogan Page)

• Be an equal participant in the conference.• Provide sparks or interesting comments.• Avoid directives and right answers.• Acknowledge all contributions.• Weave, summarize, and model discussion.• Support others for e-moderator role.• Reward knowledge construction &

accomplishments.• Be tolerant of twists in the discussion.

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Managerial Recommendations(Berge, 1995, The role of the online


• Distribute lists of participants• Provide timely administrative info—

books, enrollment, counseling, etc.• Change procedures that are not working• Change misplaced subject headings• Decisively end discussion sessions• Don’t overload

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Pedagogical Recommendations(Berge, 1995, The role of the online instructor/facilitator)

• Don’t expect too much/thread• Draw attention to conflicting views• Do not lecture (Long, coherent sequence

of comments yields silence)• Request responses within set time• Maintain non-authoritarian style• Promote private conversations

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Dennen’s Research on Nine Online Courses

• 9 case studies of online classes using asynchronous discussion

• Topics: sociology, history, communications, writing, library science, technology, counseling

• Range of class size: 15 - 106 • Level: survey, upper undergraduate, and

graduate• Tools: custom and commercial• Private, semi-public, and public discussion areas

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• Little or no feedback given

• Always authoritative• Kept narrow focus of

what was relevant• Created tangential

discussions• Only used “ultimate”


• Provided regular qual/quant feedback

• Participated as peer• Allowed perspective

sharing• Tied discussion to

grades, other assns.• Used incremental


Poor Instructors Good Instructors

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Web-Based Resources(Oliver & McLoughlin, 1999)

• URL Postings in Dynamic Database (for inquiry)• Electronic Discussions (to see ideas unfold)• Debates (submit arguments in a public space)• Personal Reflections (encourage to rebut/refute)• Concept Maps (see relationships)• Nominal Group Process (to gain consensus)• Survey (can aggregate student responses)

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Collaborative and Constructivist Web Tasks (McLoughlin & Oliver, 1999; Oliver & McLoughlin, 1999)

1. Apprenticeship: Q&A; Ask an Expert (chats & asynchronous discussion).

2. Case-Based and Simulated Learning: Exchange remote views; enact events online.

3. Active Learning: Design Web pages and project databases.

4. Reflective/Metacognitive Learning: Reflect in online journals, bulletin boards

5. Experiential Learning: Post (articulate ideas) to discussion groups

6. Authentic Learning: PBL, search current databases

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Pedagogical Techniques of CMC(Paulsen, 1995, The Online Report on Pedagogical

Techniques for Computer-Mediated Communication)

1. Collective databases2. Informal socializing (online cafes)3. Seminars (read before going online)4. Public tutorials5. Peer counseling6. Simulations, games, and role plays7. Forum8. Email interviews9. Symposia or speakers on a theme10. The notice board (class announcements)

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Framework for Pedagogical CMC Techniques(Paulsen, 1995, The Online Report on Pedagogical Techniques

for Computer-Mediated Communication)

1. One-alone Techniques: Online journals, online databases, interviews, online interest groups.

2. One-to-one Techniques: Learning contracts, internships, apprenticeships.

3. One-to-many Techniques: Lectures, symposiums, skits.

4. Many-to-many Techniques: Debates, simulations, games, case studies, discussion groups, brainstorming, Delphi techniques, nominal group process, forums, group projects.

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Considerations: The Event Jennifer Hoffman, ASTD, Learning Circuits, (2001, March)

• Log on early; students come 15 minutes early.• Do tech checks of microphones (sound check).• Check to see if students brought needed items• Welcome to the session/class; explain goals;

ask for feedback on goals.• Vary instructional strategies; max interactivity• Make it visual—color, sound, animation A “Do Not Disturb” sign & be near a

restroom; pitcher of water

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Pedagogical Tips (Bonk 1998)

• Test system with immediate task• Build peer interactivity• Embed choices (avatars, tasks, etc.)• Simplify (everything!!!)• Embed peer and portfolio fdbk

tools• Offer early feedback• Link to prior work (legacies)

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What do we need???


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1. Reflect on Extent of Integration:The Web Integration Continuum

Level 1: Course Marketing/Syllabi via the WebLevel 2: Web Resource for Student ExplorationLevel 3: Publish Student-Gen Web ResourcesLevel 4: Course Resources on the WebLevel 5: Repurpose Web Resources for Others======================================Level 6: Web Component is Substantive & GradedLevel 7: Graded Activities Extend Beyond ClassLevel 8: Entire Web Course for Resident StudentsLevel 9: Entire Web Course for Offsite StudentsLevel 10: Course within Programmatic Initiative

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2. Reflect on Interactions:Matrix of Web Interactions(Cummings, Bonk, & Jacobs, in press)

Instructor to Student: syllabus, notes, feedback to Instructor: Course resources, syllabi, notes to Practitioner: Tutorials, articles, listservs

Student to Student: Intros, sample work, debates to Instructor: Voting, tests, papers, evals. to Practitioner: Web links, resumes

Practitioner to Student: Internships, jobs, fieldtrips

to Instructor: Opinion surveys, fdbk, listservs to Practitioner: Forums, listservs

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3. Models of Technology in Education (Dennen, 1999)

• Enhancing the Curriculum– computers for extra activities: drill and

practice CD-ROMs; tool; intelligent tutor

• Extending the Curriculum– transcend classroom and engage in activities not

possible without it: Online class conferences, Cross-University Collaboration, CSCL.

• Transforming the Curriculum– allowing learners to construct knowledge bases and

resources in a community setting regardless of physical location or time and join a learning community.

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4. Reflect on Environment:How to Be Learner-Centered on the Web

(Bonk & Cummings, 1998)

1. Safe Lrng Community2. Foster Engagement3. Give Choice4. Facilitate Learning5. Offer Feedback6. Apprentice Learning

7. Use Recursive Tasks8. Use Writing & Reflection9. Build On Web Links10. Be Clear & Prompt

Help11. Evaluate Dimensionally12. Personalize in Future

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5. New Theories• Situated Learning--asserts that

learning is most effective in authentic, or real world, contexts with problems that allow students to generate their own solution paths (Brown, Collins, & Duguid, 1989).

• Constructivism--concerned with learner's actual act of creating meaning (Brooks, 1990). The constructivist argues that the child's mind actively constructs relationships and ideas; hence, meaning is derived from negotiating, generating, and linking concepts within a community of peers (Harel & Papert, 1991).

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5a. Smartweb Activities and Sociocultural Link (Bonk, 1998)

Smartweb Activities• Weekly Chapter Activ• Web Link Suggestions• Personal Profiles• Student Portfolios• Feedback on Portfolios• Class Picture• Links to Prior Semesters• Web Assignment Posting


Sociocultural Link• Connect to Experience• Push to Explore & Res.• Build Intersubjectivity• Dynamic Assessment• Scaffolding within ZPD• Learning Community• Modeling and Legacy• Visual Overview of

Smartweb Activity

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5b. COW Activities and Sociocultural Links (Bonk, 1998)

COW Activity• Starter-Wrapper Disc• Field Reflections• Café Latte, Int’l Café• Field Observ Case Disc

(& samples cases)• Small Schools Small Grp• Whole Class Disc• Service Teaching• Volunteer Explorations

Sociocultural Link• Recip Teach & Dialogue• Apprentices Learning• Intersubjectivity• Scaffolded & Authentic

(assist in learning)• Build ZPD & Negotiate.• Learning Community• Context for Apprent.• Student Choice

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6. Four Key Hats of Instructors:– Technical—do students have basics? Does their

equipment work? Passwords work?– Managerial—Do students understand the

assignments and course structure?– Pedagogical—How are students interacting,

summarizing, debating, thinking?– Social—What is the general tone? Is there a

human side to this course? Joking allowed?– Other: firefighter, convener, weaver, tutor, conductor, host,

mediator, filter, editor, facilitator, negotiator, e-police, concierge, marketer, assistant, etc.

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Other Hats

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Personal Learning Trainer

• Learners need a personal trainer to lead them through materials and networks, identify relevant materials and advisors and ways to move forward (Mason, 1998; Salmon, 2000).

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Online Concierge

• To provide support and information on request (perhaps a map of the area…) (Gilly Salmon, 2000).

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• While one hopes you will not call yourself this nor find the need to make laws and enforce them, you will need some Code of Practice or set procedures, and protocols for e-moderators (Gilly Salmon, 2000).

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Other Hats

• Weaver—linking comments/threads• Tutor—individualized attention• Participant—joint learner• Provocateur—stir the pot (& calm flames)• Observer—watch ideas and events unfold• Mentor—personally apprentice students• Community Organizer—keep system going

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Still More HatsAssistantDevil’s advocateEditorExpertFilterFirefighterFacilitator


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7. Online Mentoring and Assistance Online

Twelve forms of electronic learning mentoring and assistance

(Bonk & Kim, 1998; Tharp, 1993; Bonk et al., 2001)

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1. Social (and cognitive) Acknowledgement: "Hello...," "I agree with everything said so far...," "Wow, what a case," "This case certainly has provoked a lot of discussion...," "Glad you could join us..."

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2. Questioning: "What is the name of this concept...?," "Another reason for this might be...?," "An example of this is...," "In contrast to this might be...,""What else might be important here...?," "Who can tell me....?," "How might the teacher..?." "What is the real problem here...?," "How is this related to...?,“, "Can you justify this?"

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3. Direct Instruction: "I think in class we mentioned that...," Chapter ‘X’ talks about...," "Remember back to the first week of the semester when we went over ‘X’ which indicated that..."

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4. Modeling/Examples: "I think I solved this sort of problem once when I...," "Remember that video we saw on ‘X’ wherein ‘Y’ decided to...," "Doesn't ‘X’ give insight into this problem in case ‘Z’ when he/she said..."

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5. Feedback/Praise: "Wow, I'm impressed...," "That shows real insight into...," "Are you sure you have considered...," "Thanks for responding to ‘X’...," "I have yet to see you or anyone mention..."

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6. Cognitive Task Structuring: "You know, the task asks you to do...," "Ok, as was required, you should now summarize the peer responses that you have received...," "How might the textbook authors have solved this case."

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8. Push to Explore: "You might want to write to Dr. ‘XYZ’ for...," "You might want to do an ERIC search on this topic...," "Perhaps there is a URL on the Web that addresses this topic..."

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10. Encouraging Articulation/Dialogue Prompting: "What was the problem solving process the teacher faced here?," "Does anyone have a counterpoint or alternative to this situation?," "Can someone give me three good reasons why...," "It still seems like something is missing here, I just can't put my finger on it."

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Web Facilitation???Berge Collins Associates

Mauri Collins and Zane L. Bergehttp://www.emoderators.com/moderators.shtml#mod

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Facilitation (Dennen, 2001)

• Participation was higher when students had a clear goal & extrinsic motivation to participate

• Relevance has a positive effect on participation• Greater dialogue when shared perspectives• Fact-based q’ing strategies did not work well• Consistent, regular fdbk motivates students• Quantitative and qualitative guidelines

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Facilitating Electronic Discussion

• Have Students Initiate, Sign up for Roles• Provide Guidelines and Structure• Weave and Summarize Weekly• Be patient, prompt, and clear• Foster Role Play, Debate, and Interaction• Assign Due Dates, Times, and Points• Constantly Monitor, Converse not Dictate• Assign Buddies/Pals or Include Mentoring

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There is a problem…

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Do we want degrees in electronic page turning???

• To get the certificate, learners merely needed to “read” (i.e. click through) each screen of material

• Is this pedagogically sound?

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I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore!!!

“Network”, 1976, shouted by Howard Beale (Peter Finch)

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• Howard Beale: We'll tell you anything you want to hear, we lie like [hec].

• Howard Beale: You're beginning to believe the illusions we're spinning here, you're beginning to believe that the Web is reality and your own lives are unreal! You do! Why, whatever the Web tells you: you dress like the Web, you eat like the Web, you raise your children like the Web, you even think like the Web! This is mass madness, you maniacs! ..., you people are the real thing, WE are the illusion!

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• Howard Beale: Right now, there is a whole, an entire generation that never knew anything that didn't come out of this Web! This Web is the gospel, the ultimate revelation; this Web can make or break presidents, popes, prime ministers; this Web is the most awesome [darn] propaganda force in the whole godless world, and woe is us if it ever falls into the hands of the wrong people...And when the 12th largest company in the world controls the most awesome [darn] propaganda force in the whole godless world, who knows what [stuff] will be peddled for truth on this network!?

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Who am I Mad At???• Administrators• Colleagues• The Registrar’s Office• Students• Textbook Companies• Bookstores=============================• Courseware Companies• The Media

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Must Online Learning be Boring?

What Motivates Adult Learners to Participate?

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Three Most Vital SkillsThe Online Teacher, TAFE, Guy Kemshal-Bell (April, 2001)

• Ability to engage the learner (30)• Ability to motivate online learners (23)• Ability to build relationships (19)• Technical ability (18)• Having a positive attitude (14)• Adapt to individual needs (12)• Innovation or creativity (11)

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Intrinsic Motivation“…innate propensity to engage one’s interests

and exercise one’s capabilities, and, in doing so, to seek out and master optimal challenges

(i.e., it emerges from needs, inner strivings, and personal curiosity for growth)

See: Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (1985). Intrinsic motivation and self-determination in human behavior. NY: Plenum Press.

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Extrinsic Motivation

“…is motivation that arises from external contingencies.” (i.e., students who act to get high grades, win a trophy, comply with a deadline—means-to-an-end motivation)

See Johnmarshall Reeve (1996). Motivating Others: Nurturing inner motivational resources. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

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8. E-Learning Pedagogical StrategiesMotivational/Ice Breakers:1. 8 Noun Introductions2. Coffee House Expectations3. Scavenger Hunt4. Two Truths, One Lie5. Public Commitments6. Share-A-Link

Creative Thinking:1. Brainstorming2. Role Play3. Topical Discussions4. Web-Based Explorations & Readings5. Recursive Tasks6. Electronic Séance

Critical Thinking:1. Electronic Voting and Polling2. Delphi Technique3. Reading Reactions4. Summary Writing and Minute Papers5. Field Reflection6. Online Cases Analyses7. Evaluating Web Resources8. Instructor as well as Student Generated

Virtual Debates

Collaborative Learning:1. Starter-Wrapper Discussions2. Structured Controversy3. Symposium or Expert Panel4. Electronic Mentors and Guests5. Round robin Activities6. Jigsaw & Group Problem Solving7. Gallery Tours and Publishing Work8. Email Pals/Web Buddies and

Critical/Constructive Friends

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Page 75: Best Pedagogical Practices of E-Learning for Building Motivational and Interactive Communities

Motivational Terms?See Johnmarshall Reeve (1996). Motivating Others: Nurturing inner motivational

resources. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. (UW-Milwaukee)

1. Tone/Climate: Psych Safety, Comfort, Belonging2. Feedback: Responsive, Supports, Encouragement3. Engagement: Effort, Involvement, Excitement4. Meaningfulness: Interesting, Relevant, Authentic5. Choice: Flexibility, Opportunities, Autonomy6. Variety: Novelty, Intrigue, Unknowns7. Curiosity: Fun, Fantasy, Control8. Tension: Challenge, Dissonance, Controversy9. Interactive: Collaborative, Team-Based, Community10. Goal Driven: Product-Based, Success, Ownership

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1. Tone: B. Thiagi-Like Ice Breakers

1. Introductions: require not only that students introduce themselves, but also that they find and respond to two classmates who have something in common (Serves dual purpose of setting tone and having students learn to use the tool)

2. Peer Interviews: Have learners interview each other via e-mail and then post introductions for each other.

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1. Tone/Climate:B. Thiagi-Like Ice Breakers

3. Eight Nouns Activity:1. Introduce self using 8 nouns2. Explain why choose each noun3. Comment on 1-2 peer postings

4. Coffee House Expectations1. Have everyone post 2-3 course expectations2. Instructor summarizes and comments on how they

might be met(or make public commitments of how they will fit into

busy schedules!)

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Page 79: Best Pedagogical Practices of E-Learning for Building Motivational and Interactive Communities

1. Tone/Climate:C. Thiagi-Like Ice Breakers

5. Public Commitments: Have students share how they will fit

the coursework into their busy schedules.

6. 99 Seconds of Fame: In an online synchronous chat, give each student 99 seconds to present themselves and field questions.

7. Chat Room Buds: Create a discussion prompt in one of “X’ number of chat rooms. Introduce yourself in the chat room that interests you.

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1. Tone/Climate:B. Thiagi-Like Ice Breakers

8. Storytelling Cartoon Time: Find a Web site that has cartoons. Have participants link their introductions or stories to a particular cartoon URL. Storytelling is a great way to communicate. http://www.curtoons.com/cartooncoll.htm

9. Favorite Web Site: Have students post the URL of a favorite Web site or URL with personal information and explain why they choose that one.

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1. Tone/Climate: B. Thiagi-Like Ice Breakers

10. Scavenger Hunt1. Create a 20-30 item online scavenger

hunt (e.g., finding information on the Web)

2. Post scores

11. Two Truths, One Lie1. Tell 2 truths and 1 lie about yourself2. Class votes on which is the lie

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2. FeedbackA. Requiring Peer Feedback

Alternatives:1. Require minimum # of peer comments

and give guidance (e.g., they should do…)

2. Peer Feedback Through Templates—give templates to complete peer evaluations.

3. Have e-papers contest(s)

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2. Feedback:B. Acknowledgement via E-mail, Live

Chats, Telephone (Acknowledge questions or completed assignments)

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2. Feedback:C. Self-Testing and Self-Assessments

(Giving Exams in the Chat Room!, Janet Marta, NW Missouri State Univ, Syllabus, January 2002)

1. Post times when will be available for 30 minute slots, first come, first serve.

2. Give 10-12 big theoretical questions to study for.3. Tell can skip one.4. Assessment will be a dialogue.5. Get them there 1-2 minutes early.6. Have hit enter every 2-3 sentences.7. Ask q’s, redirect, push for clarity, etc.8. Covers about 3 questions in 30 minutes.

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2. Feedback (Instructor)D. Reflective Writing

Alternatives:1. Minute Papers, Muddiest Pt Papers2. PMI (Plus, Minus, Interesting), KWL3. Summaries4. Pros and Cons

1.Email instructor after class on what learned or failed to learn…

(David Brown, Syllabus, January 2002, p. 23)

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3. EngagementA. Annotations and Animations:

MetaText (eBooks)

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3. Engagement:B. Electronic Voting and Polling

1. Ask students to vote on issue before class (anonymously or send directly to the instructor)

2. Instructor pulls out minority pt of view3. Discuss with majority pt of view4. Repoll students after class(Note: Delphi or Timed Disclosure Technique:

anomymous input till a due date and then post results and

reconsider until consensus Rick Kulp, IBM, 1999)

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3. EngagementC. Survey Student Opinions

(e.g., InfoPoll, SurveySolutions, Zoomerang, SurveyShare.com)

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4. Meaningfulness:A. Job or Field Reflections

1. Instructor provides reflection or prompt for job related or field observations

2. Reflect on job setting or observe in field3. Record notes on Web and reflect on concepts

from chapter4. Respond to peers5. Instructor summarizes postsAlternative: Pool field interviews of practitioners

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4. Meaningfulness:B. Case Creation and Simulations

1. Model how to write a case2. Practice answering cases.3. Generate 2-3 cases during semester based on

field experiences.4. Link to the text material—relate to how how text

author or instructor might solve.5. Respond to 6-8 peer cases. 6. Summarize the discussion in their case.7. Summarize discussion in a peer case.

(Note: method akin to storytelling)

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5. Choice: A. Multiple Topics

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6. Variety

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7. Curiosity: A. Electronic Seance

• Students read books from famous dead people• Convene when dark (sync or asynchronous).• Present present day problem for them to solve• Participate from within those characters (e.g.,

read direct quotes from books or articles)• Invite expert guests from other campuses• Keep chat open for set time period• Debrief

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7. Curiosity: B. Electronic Guests & Mentoring1. Find article or topic that is controversial2. Invite person associated with that article

(perhaps based on student suggestions)3. Hold real time chat4. Pose questions5. Discuss and debrief (i.e., did anyone

change their minds?)(Alternatives: Email Interviews with expertsAssignments with expert reviews)

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8. Tension: A. Role PlayA. Role Play Personalities• List possible roles or personalities (e.g., coach, optimist,

devil’s advocate, etc.)• Sign up for different role every week (or 5-6 key roles)• Reassign roles if someone drops class• Perform within roles—refer to different personalities

B. Assume Persona of Scholar– Enroll famous people in your course– Students assume voice of that person for one or more

sessions– Enter debate topic or Respond to debate topic– Respond to rdg reflections of others or react to own

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8. Tension:B. Instructor Generated Virtual Debate (or student generated)

1. Select controversial topic (with input from class)2. Divide class into subtopic pairs: one critic and

one defender.3. Assign each pair a perspective or subtopic4. Critics and defenders post initial position stmts5. Rebut person in one’s pair6. Reply to 2+ positions with comments or q’s7. Formulate and post personal positions.

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9. Interactive: A. Critical/Constructive Friends,

Email Pals, Web Buddies1. Assign a critical friend (perhaps based on

commonalities).2. Post weekly updates of projects, send reminders of

due dates, help where needed.3. Provide criticism to peer (I.e., what is strong and

weak, what’s missing, what hits the mark) as well as suggestions for strengthening. In effect, critical friends do not slide over

weaknesses, but confront them kindly and directly.

4. Reflect on experience.

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9. Interactive:B. Symposia, Press Conference, or

Panel of Experts1. Find topic during semester that peaks interest2. Find students who tend to be more controversial3. Invite to a panel discussion on a topic or theme4. Have them prepare statements5. Invite questions from audience (rest of class)6. Assign panelists to start

(Alternative: Have a series of press conferences at the end of small group projects; one for each group)

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10. Goal Driven:A. Group Problem Solving or Jigsaw• Provide a real-world problem• Form a committee of learners to solve the problem• Assign a group reporter/manager• Provide interaction guidelines and deadlines

– Brainstorming– Research– Negotiation– Drafting– Editing– Reflecting

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10. Goal Driven:B. Gallery Tours

• Assign Topic or Project(e.g., Team or Class

White Paper, Bus Plan, Study Guide, Glossary, Journal, Model Exam Answers)

• Students Post to Web• Experts Review and Rate• Try to Combine Projects

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Motivational Top Ten 1. Tone/Climate: Ice Breakers, Peer Sharing2. Feedback: Self-Tests, Reading Reactions3. Engagement: Q’ing, Polling, Voting4. Meaningfulness: Job/Field Reflections, Cases5. Choice: Topical Discussions, Starter-Wrapper6. Variety: Brainstorming, Roundrobins7. Curiosity: Seances, Electronic Guests/Mentors8. Tension: Role Play, Debates, Controversy9. Interactive: E-Pals, Symposia, Expert Panels10. Goal Driven: Group PS, Jigsaw, Gallery Tours

Pick One…??? (circle one)

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Pick an Idea• Definitely Will Use:


• May Try to Use: ___________________________

• No Way: ___________________________

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Have you seen an online community…???

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A learning community is a group of individuals interested in a common topic or area, who engage in knowledge related transactions as well as transformations within it. They take advantage of the opportunity to exchange ideas and learn collectively.

(Bonk & Wisher, 2000;Fulton & Riel, 1999)

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Factors in Creating any Community

(1) membership/identity(2) influence(3) fulfill of indiv needs/rewards(4) shared events & emotional connections(McMillan & Chavis, 1986). History, stories, expression, identity, participation, respect,

autonomy, celebration, team building, shape group, Schwier, 1999)

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How Facilitate Online Community?

• Safety: Establish safe environment• Tone: Flexible, inviting, positive, respect• Personal: Self-disclosures, open, stories telling• Sharing: Share frustrations, celebrations, etc• Collaboration: Camaraderie/empathy• Common language: conversational chat space• Task completion: set milestones & grp goals• Other: Meaningful, choice, simple, purpose...

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Four Sample Communities


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“Colleges and universities ought to be concerned not with how fast they can ‘put their courses up on the Web,’ but with finding out how this technology can be used to build and sustain learning communities” Hiltz (1998, p. 7)

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Final advice…whatever you do…