PREPARED FOR City of Beverly Hills Community Development Department Planning Division Attn: William R. Crouch, AlA, AICP, Urban Designer 455 N. Rexford Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90210 PROPOSAL Beverly Hills Citywide Historic Resources Survey and Update January 9, 2013 HISTORIC RESOURCES GROUP 12 S. Fair Oalcs Avenue, Suite 200, Pasadena, CA 91105-1915 Telephone 626-793-2400, Facsimile 626-793-2401 www.historicla.com

Beverly Hills Citywide Historic Resources Survey and ... · Leslie Heumann conducted historic resources surveys together from 1983 to 1989 as Johnson Heumann Research Associates;

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City of Beverly HillsCommunity Development DepartmentPlanning DivisionAttn: William R. Crouch, AlA, AICP,Urban Designer455 N. Rexford DriveBeverly Hills, CA 90210


Beverly Hills Citywide HistoricResources Survey and UpdateJanuary 9, 2013HISTORIC RESOURCES GROUP12 S. Fair Oalcs Avenue, Suite 200, Pasadena, CA 91105-1915Telephone 626-793-2400, Facsimile 626-793-2401www.historicla.com


1 Introduction

S Technical Approach

7 Team Organization

8 Work Plan

12 Project Schedule

16 Project Team Bios

21 Summary

Appendix A: Organizational ChartAppendix B: Project ScheduleAppendix C: Fee ScheduleAppendix D: Professional Staff ResumesAppendix E: ReferencesAppendix F: Work Samples (on CD)


Beverly Hills Citywide HistoricResources Survey and UpdateJanuary 9, 2013HISTORiC RESOURCES GROUP



In response to the Request forProposals dated December 7, 2012,Historic Resources Group (HRG) ispleased to submit this proposal toconduct a Citywide Historic ResourcesSurvey and Update for the City ofBeverly Hills. HRG has assembled anoutstanding team with decades ofexperience that in addition to HRG’spersonnel includes Jan Ostashay ofOstashay & Associates Consulting,Leslie Heumann, ArchitecturalResources Group (ARG), andconsultants Steven Price and MarcWanamaker.

Team members were selected for theirskills and experience conductinghistoric resources surveys, and fortheir unmatched knowledge of thehistory and built environment ofBeverly Hills. As the co-authors of thefirst citywide survey in the 1985,Christy Johnson McAvoy and LeslieHeumann provide continuity to thisimportant project with an unparalleledknowledge of the survey area, and theability to bridge previous surveytechniques with today’s standards andpractices. Jan Ostashay, in her currentrole as historic preservationconsultant to the City, bringsimportant insight to City processesand needs. Senior staff members ofHRG and ARG have valuable expertiseconducting large-scale historicresources surveys, and bring to the


project a proven methodology forgathering and managing dataefficiently and effectively. Steven Pricewill consult with the team on theevaluation of Trousdale Estates, andfilm historian Marc Wanamaker (aconsultant to the 1985 effort) willprovide valuable expertise on thehistory and influence of theentertainment industry in BeverlyHills.

HRG, established in 1989, hasextensive experience preparinghistoric context statements,coordinating survey and planningprograms, and conducting historicresource surveys. HRG is a leadingconsultant in the design andimplementation of effective historicpreservation programs, including thepreparation of survey documents,ordinances, preservation elements,design guidelines, training for staff anddecision-makers, and otherpreservation-related activities. Thefirm strongly believes in theimportance of public outreach, and hascoordinated these efforts for a varietyof municipal clients, including severalprojects in Beverly Hills, and a three-year public outreach program for thecitywide survey for the City of LosAngeles (SurveyLA) which helped topromote the survey and gathervaluable property-specific informationfrom local residents.

Beverly Hills Citywide HistoricResources Survey and UpdateJanuary 9, 2013HISTORIC RESOURCES GROUP


HRG staff is composed of preservationprofessionals at the senior level whohave experience working with localcommunities on historic resourcessurveys and historic contextstatements for cities throughoutCalifornia, including: San Diego, SanClemente, Santa Ana, Santa Monica,Whittier, Los Angeles, Glendale,Ventura, Lompoc, Fresno, and Oakland.HRG has participated extensively inSurveyLA, which has become ablueprint for 21st century historicresources surveys nationwide, fromthe earliest planning stages throughthe most recent field surveys.

HRG staff has academic training inarchitectural history, architecture, andplanning. In the past decade, the firmhas devoted a significant amount of itspractice to the development of contextstatements, which are critical to theunderstanding of the builtenvironment. The firm has specificexperience with post-World War IIdevelopment, local industriesincluding aeronautics andmanufacturing, and the history of theentertainment industry and its role inthe development of SouthernCalifornia.

HRG has an extensive history workingwith the City of Beverly Hills andprivate developers on projects such asthe Wallis Annenberg Center for thePerforming Arts, Greystone Mansion,


Virginia Robinson Garden, the BeverlyHilton, Robinsons-May, and a varietyof historic assessments for individualproperty owners.

ARG comprises architects, planners,and conservators who workcollaboratively to provide specializedservices in historic preservation. Arecognized leader in the field, ARG hasnearly 35 years of experience workingwith city and county jurisdictions inthe management of their historicresources. ARG’s planning group staffhas varied interests and areas ofspecialization in the fields of history,architectural history, historicpreservation, cultural resources, cityplanning, preservation technology,architecture, and urban design.

Historic resources surveys compose alarge component of ARG’s project base.The firm’s planning group utilizesinnovative tools, including GISmapping software, and Access-basedsurvey databases to complete largesurvey projects efficiently, accurately,within budget, and on schedule.Working together with city/countystaff, local commissions, historicpreservation advocacy groups, andprivate citizens, ARG has successfullycompleted historic resource surveyand context statement projects forcities throughout California, includingLos Angeles, Santa Monica, PalmSprings, West Hollywood, Napa,

Beverly Hills Citywide HistoricResources Survey and UpdateJanuary 9, 2013HISTORIC RESOURCES GROUP


Monterey, San Jose, Stockton, Carmel,Fresno, and Davis.

ARG has extensive experience workingin Beverly Hills and surrounding areas,including projects at the RobinsonsMay department store, the BeverlyHills Hotel, and the City of BeverlyHills Water Treatment Plant (now theFairbanks Center for Motion PictureStudy). ARG provides on-callpreservation consulting services to theproximate cities of Los Angeles, CulverCity, and Santa Monica.

Jan Ostashay of Ostashay & AssociatesConsulting has completed numerouslarge-scale survey projects in over 20years of work in historic preservation.Projects include a City of Beverly Hillssurvey update of residentialimprovements located south ofWilshire Boulevard; a city-wide, multi-phase historic resources surveyupdate of the City of South Pasadena;an intensive-level cultural resourcessurvey of two neighborhoods inRiverside; an intensive-level historicresources survey update survey of theCentral District Specific Plan inPasadena; citywide historic resourcessurvey of the City of Costa Mesa; andadditional survey work for the cities ofSanta Monica, Los Angeles (CRA), andLaguna Beach, among others. JanOstashay brings to the project a deepfamiliarity and understanding of theCity’s historic preservation and


historic resources within thecommunity, gleaned through herexperience as a historic preservationconsultant to the City.

Leslie Heumann, a renownedarchitectural historian, has been aleader in the identification, evaluation,and documentation of historicresources in Southern California formore than 35 years. An experiencedcultural resources specialist, Leslie hasworked for, and with, localmunicipalities, government agencies,state offices of historic preservation,property owners, developers,attorneys, and local interest groups.She has coordinated, performed, orcontributed to historic resourcessurveys for the cities of Aihambra,Beverly Hills, Glendale, Long Beach,Los Angeles, Pasadena, Rancho Mirage,Riverside, Santa Ana, Santa Monica,Upland, and West Hollywood, amongothers. She has conducted district-wide surveys to identify historicresources for the Los Angeles Unifiedand Pasadena Unified School Districts,and assisted the Beverly Hills UnifiedSchool District with its modernizationefforts, including management of afocused Environmental Impact Reportfor the Beverly Vista School. Leslie waspart of the team of specialists thatdeveloped the Historic ContextStatement for the City of Los Angelesand supervised two community planareas for SurveyLA.

Beverly Hills Citywide HistoricResources Survey and UpdateJanuary 9, 2013HISTORIC RESOURCES GROUP


Consultants Steven Price and MarcWanamaker will provide valuableresearch assistance in their respectiveareas of expertise.

The members of this project team havesuccessfully collaborated in the field ofhistoric preservation for threedecades. Christy Johnson McAvoy andLeslie Heumann conducted historicresources surveys together from 1983to 1989 as Johnson Heumann ResearchAssociates; Jan Ostashay and LeslieHeumann have been involved in avariety of roles in numerous projectsand survey efforts. In the past twoyears, HRG, ARG, and Leslie Heumannhave created the nucleus of theprofessional team which is responsiblefor multiple phases of SurveyLA.


HRG has assembled a uniquelyqualified team to complete theCitywide Historic Resources Surveyand Update. This team brings anunmatched level of familiarity withboth the unique history of the City ofBeverly Hills, and current surveymethodology. The effort will bespearheaded by three renownedhistoric preservation professionalsand architectural historians who willbring invaluable leadership, oversight,and experience to the project team. Allmembers of the team look forward toworking with the City of Beverly Hillson this important project.

Beverly Hills Citywide HistoricResources Survey and UpdateJanuary 9, 2013HISTORIC RESOURCES GROUP

Greystone Mansion


The HRG team has developed atechnical approach that will meet theproject goals in an efficient mannerand assist the City in:

• land use planning;

• implementation of the HistoricPreservation Element and HistoricPreservation ordinance;

• evaluating proposed alterations toidentified properties;

• reviewing demolition permits forbuildings over 45 years of age; and

• providing guidance to the Staff,Cultural Heritage Commission.

Using the Survey Area Map developedfor the 1985 survey effort as anorganizational tool, the team, based onits extensive knowledge of the physicaldevelopment of the City, has devised astrategy for completing the projectefficiently. The project team will worktogether with City representatives todevelop the appropriate (and mostuseful) level of documentation forsurveyed properties, both eligible andineligible. The team’s knowledge of theCity and its experience with previoussurveys in Beverly Hills allows for anapproach that will allocate appropriatetime and resources to each of thesurvey areas:

Area 1: Area 1 is the City’s industrialarea and has been the focus of


intensive new construction since firstsurveyed in 1985. It is not anticipatedthat a large number of eligibleresources will be identified in thisarea.

Areas 2A and 2B: These two areaswere the most thoroughly documentedin the 1985 survey, and many of theseproperties were re-evaluated in 2004.These areas consist primarily of single-family residential developmentconstructed in the 1920s and 1930s. Itis anticipated that survey work inthese areas will consist primarily ofupdating existing survey forms,providing the appropriate context forevaluation, and confirming extantproperties. There may also be someeligible properties that have not beenpreviously documented, particularly inthe northern section of Area 2B wheremany resources date from the 195 Osthrough the 1970s.

The project team proposes DPR523Lforms (Continuation Sheets) for theproperties that have been previouslysurveyed. The Continuation Sheet willconsist of a photograph,documentation of alterations since1985, and an updated CaliforniaHistorical Resources status code toinclude an evaluation for localeligibility based on the City’s HistoricPreservation Ordinance, and, ifnecessary, eligibility for the CaliforniaRegister of Historical Resources, as

Beverly Hills Citywide HistoricResources Survey and UpdateJanuary 9, 2013HISTORIC RESOURCES GROUP

well as an indication of the properties, and ARG will have theappropriate historic context. primary responsibility forProperties that have been demolished documenting this area.since 1985 will be documented in thedatabase.

Individual properties constructed after1945 will be surveyed, documentedand evaluated in the database, andDPR forms will be produced foreligible properties as necessary.

Areas 3 and 4: These areas consist ofsingle- and multi-family residentialdevelopment. Surveyed in 1985 andpartially re-surveyed in 2004,documentation in these areas willlargely consist of updating existingsurvey records with ContinuationSheets forms as necessary.

Area 5: The City’s commercial triangle,this area was documented beginningin 1985, and updated in 2006. It isanticipated that most of the eligiblecommercial resources have beenpreviously surveyed and will thereforerequire updates and contextualinformation.

Area 6: Area 6 comprises TrousdaleEstates, which was largely developedin the 195 Os and 196 Os and has notbeen previously documented oninventory forms. Significant projectresources are devoted to theevaluation of Trousdale Estates.Consultant Steven Price will assistwith the identification of eligible


Beverly Hills Citywide HistoricResources Survey and UpdateJanuary 9, 2013HISTORIC RESOURCES GROUP

Historic Survey AreasCity of Beverly Hills

i~1J1: ~~ii .1ii~



The collaborative approach that hasbeen developed for this projectcapitalizes on the strengths of eachfirm and consultant. The collectiveinvolvement and expertise of ChristyJohnson McAvoy, Jan Ostashay, andLeslie Heumann in projects in the Cityover many years ensures consistencyof evaluation across all geographic andthematic areas.

Using each firm’s areas of expertise tomaximum advantage, HRG proposes todistribute the following tasks amongthe project team:

HRG will assume the overallmanagement and quality control of theproject. The firm will assist with theupdate and further development of theHistoric Context Statement, and willperform field reconnaissance for allsurvey areas. It will take primaryresponsibility for documentation ofpreviously surveyed properties, andmanagement of the public outreachcomponent.

ARG will participate in the fieldreconnaissance for all survey areas.The firm will have primaryresponsibility for the documentationof properties that have not beenpreviously surveyed, development ofthe survey database, and will provideGeographic Information Services (GIS)and mapping for the project.


Jan Ostashay will assist with theupdate and further development of theHistoric Context Statement and fieldreconnaissance. She will providequality control for all documentedproperties, and participate in publicoutreach efforts.

Leslie Heumann will have primaryresponsibility for the update andfurther development of the HistoricContext Statement. She will assist withfield reconnaissance, analysis andevaluation of properties selected fordocumentation, and will participate inpublic outreach efforts.

Consultants Steven Price and MarcWanamaker will participate in aportion of the field reconnaissance.They will provide research andassistance with the formation ofrelevant sections of the HistoricContext Statement.

Management Team

Christy McAvoy, Jan Ostashay, andLeslie Heumann will serve as ProjectLeaders and will head theManagement Team. They will guidethe survey effort and update andfurther development of the HistoricContext Statement, will participate infield reconnaissance, will review andadvise on properties that meeteligibility criteria, and will providecritical oversight and quality controlfor all deliverables. They will also lead

Beverly Hills Citywide HistoricResources Survey and UpdateJanuary 9, 2013HISTORiC RESOURCES GROUP


the public outreach efforts andparticipate in City Commission andCouncil meetings.

As a member of the ManagementTeam, Christine Lazzaretto, Principalat HRG, will coordinate the project andserve in the role of Project Manager.The Project Manager will serve as theliaison between the project team andthe City. Katie Horak will representARG as its team leader and surveyprofessional. She will also be a part ofthe Management Team.

An Organizational Chart is included asAppendix A.


The work plan addresses the tasksoutlined in the Request for Proposalsand is further based on previoushistoric resources survey experience,along with specific experience in theCity of Beverly Hills.

Task 1 and 6: Historic ContextStatement and Survey Report

The Historic Context Statement will bedeveloped by Leslie Heumann, withassistance from HRG, and input fromJan Ostashay and other members ofthe Management Team. The HistoricContext Statement will be anaccumulation of existing contexts andhistorical narratives about the City,combined with new research asnecessary — particularly to address


properties and neighborhoodsdeveloped after 1945. The HistoricContext Statement will emphasizeeligibility standards and integritythresholds, so that it will become avaluable planning document for theCity. Consultants Steven Price andMarc Wanamaker will review andprovide input on relevant sections ofthe Historic Context Statement.

A Survey Report will be developed byHRG, with input from the ProjectLeaders and Management Team. Thefinal Survey Report will include theHistoric Context Statement, describethe survey areas, identify the researchand survey methodology, summarizethe survey findings (includingproperties to be added to, or removedfrom, the City inventory), and providerecommendations for further study.

Task 2: Public Outreach

HRG believes that a combination ofonline outreach and communitymeetings are the most effective toolsfor the public outreach component ofthe project. The survey effort can bepromoted using the City’s existingFacebook page and Twitter account.Additionally, these sources can be usedto educate property owners, solicitinput, and gather specificrecommendations from the public tohelp inform the survey effort.

Beverly Hills Citywide HistoricResources Survey and UpdateJanuary 9, 2013HISTORIC RESOURCES GROUP


HRG proposes two communityworkshops prior to thecommencement of fielddocumentation, and a third after aportion of the field work has beencompleted. The first two meetings willintroduce the project, review the goalsand strategies for the project, solicitcommunity input, and answerquestions from property owners. Thethird meeting will identify theimportant themes developed in theHistoric Context Statement, and willreview progress of the field teams todate.

Facebook and Twitter will be usedthroughout the process to keep thepublic informed, and to continue toengage and communicate withinterested stakeholders. The publicoutreach component will be led byChristy Johnson McAvoy and ChristineLazzaretto, and will target communityorganizations and other interestedstakeholders.

Task 3-5: Historic Resources Surveyand Update, Database, and Mapping

The reconnaissance survey will be acollaborative effort between HRG andARG, along with the Project Leaders.Members of the Management Teamwill execute a street-by-streetreconnaissance survey of each of thesurvey areas. During the


reconnaissance survey phase, theManagement Team will:

• confirm properties and districtsthat have been previouslysurveyed;

• identify properties (includingbuildings, structures, landscapes,and other historic features) forfurther study;

• identify potential historic districtsfor further study;

• determine integrity thresholds forthe extant property types andperiods of development identifiedin the field; and

• determine the relevant criteria andhistoric context for potentiallyeligible properties.

This reconnaissance methodologyensures a thoughtful approach toresource identification and evaluation,creates consensus among theprofessionals on the field surveyteams, and produces consistent surveyresults. It substantially streamlines thefield documentation process, enablingthe field survey teams to documentlarge numbers of properties quicklyand efficiently.

Once the reconnaissance survey iscomplete, survey professionals fromARG and HRG will document theeligible properties using ARG’s custom

Beverly Hills Citywide HistoricResources Survey and UpdateJanuary 9, 2013HISTORIC RESOURCES GROUP


database. The database will include aphotograph and relevant informationabout the property, includingalterations, applicable eligibilitycriteria, and a significance statement.

Field data will be gathered usingTablet PCs, allowing surveyors tocollect building information that issimultaneously incorporated into anAccess/GIS database developed byARG. The field database contains prepopulated information from theCounty Assessor to guide the survey(such as addresses and parcelnumbers) as well as blank fields forinputting building features. Thedatabase includes functionalitywhereby gathered field dataautomatically populates preliminaryDPR 523 forms for each property.

In order to more efficiently completethe building description section of theDPR 523A form, ARG has worked withthe California Office of HistoricPreservation to develop a non-narrative building descriptionformat. These bullet-point descriptionscan be completed quickly andaccurately in the field, eliminating thetime needed to draft narrativedescriptions. Building features,alterations, and character-definingfeatures are identified by the surveyor,creating a description that is easilyread and understood.

In order to maximize the projectbudget, the team proposes anapproach to the DPR 523B form that


will utilize a consistent format andstandardized significance statementsdeveloped for the evaluation ofproperties under each relevanthistoric context. Each property that isdetermined as potentially eligibleunder National, State, and/or localcriteria will be documented with theappropriate Context and Theme, alongwith a brief statement of significance.For unique or unusual properties, in-depth property-specific research and amore detailed significance statementmay be developed, as appropriate. Thisapproach will allow for thedocumentation of a large number ofproperties quickly and efficiently, andwill provide planning staff withconcise information about potentiallyeligible properties to guide land usedecisions.

In addition to compiling writtendocumentation for each buildingsurveyed, surveyors take a digitalphotograph of each individualbuilding, as well as pertinentlandscape and streetscape features,which are incorporated into the DPRforms. The use of Microsoft Access andGIS software will enable the projectteam to easily and accurately createmaps that will serve as importantvisual tools. The maps will displayindividual resources, contributors andnon-contributors to historic districts,historic district boundaries,development chronologies, and otherdata relevant to the survey area. ARG

Beverly Hills Citywide HistoricResources Survey and UpdateJanuary 9, 2013HISTORIC RESOURCES GROUP


has worked effectively with GIS andSystems staff in multiplemunicipalities throughout California tohelp integrate historic resource datainto existing City GIS systems.


Beverly Hills Citywide HistoricResources Survey and UpdateJanuary 9, 2013HISTORIC RESOURCES GROUP

Legend: Chronology


—— 1920$





— 19705

—unknows o~ muIt~ple dates of deselopment

IE] at5 of Heverly Hills Bo*rndary

City of Beverly Hills



Sample map produced by ARC for analysis


Beverly Hills Citywide HistoricResources Survey and UpdateJanuary 9, 2013HISTORIC RESOURCES GROUP

.~.• ,‘5

Ill -.




A preliminary project schedule isoutlined below to indicate the team’soverall approach and identify thesignificant milestones. This schedulefollows a 15-month timeline, allowingfor project completion by June 2014;specific deadlines and meeting dateswill be coordinated with City staff.

The schedule is organized to allow forinternal review by the Project Leaders,along with review by City staff atcritical junctures. The public outreachis phased to allow the community tohave meaningful input at variousstages of the project, and to allow timeto address questions from propertyowners.

A Timeline is attached as Appendix B;the Fee Schedule is Appendix C.

Months 1-3

The initial three months of the projectwill consist of:

• Review of existing City documentsand previous surveys.

• Customization of the database tomeet the specific needs of theproject.

• Production of maps to be used forresearch and analysis, along withfield maps. Mapping will reflecthistorical periods of development,


tract boundaries and subdivisiondates, and zoning patterns.

• Kick off meeting with the City.

• Commencement of online publicoutreach and initial publicoutreach meeting.

• Preliminary field reconnaissancewith the Project Leaders to informthe update and furtherdevelopment of the HistoricContext Statement, and to makepreliminary decisions aboutproperties to be documented,eligibility standards, and integritythresholds.

• Preliminary research for theHistoric Context Statement and thefield survey. Research tasks willinclude neighborhood andproperty-specific research guidedby the Project Leaders and basedon the results of the preliminaryfield reconnaissance. Research willinclude collecting and reviewingSanborn maps, tract maps, historicphotographs and aerials, localhistories, previous surveys andevaluations, and other relevantmaterials.

Meeting(s): Monthly phone updatewith City staff; Kick off meeting withCity in Month 1; presentation to theCultural Heritage Commission in

Beverly Hills Citywide HistoricResources Survey and UpdateJanuary 9, 2013HISTORIC RESOURCES GROUP


Month 2; Initial public outreachmeeting in Month 3.

Deliverable(s): Materials for CulturalHeritage Commission meeting inMonth 2; Materials for the publicoutreach meeting in Month 2; Sampledatabase structure and format for Cityreview in Month 2.

Months 4-6

This phase of the project will consistof:

• Continued development of theHistoric Context Statement.

• Completion of the reconnaissancesurvey with the Project Leadersand Management Team. Thereconnaissance survey will beorganized by the Survey Area map,and will be sequenced so thatpriority is given to those areas thatare anticipated to yield the mosteligible properties. This will allowthe team to begin property-specificresearch on potentially eligibleproperties.

• Property and neighborhood-specific research for resourcesflagged for further study duringthe reconnaissance survey.

• Compilation of a property list ofpotentially eligible propertiesbased on research, field


reconnaissance, and discussionwith the Project Leaders.

• Commencement of fielddocumentation. This will beorganized by the Survey Area Map.In order to complete the fielddocumentation efficiently and tomaximize the budget, photographyand documentation will beundertaken by the surveyassistants, with oversight by thesurvey professionals and ProjectManager.

• Continued public outreach.

Meeting(s): Monthly phone updatewith City staff; Project status meetingwith City staff in Month 5; Publicoutreach meeting in Month 6.

Deliverable(s): Draft Historic ContextStatement outline in Month 5;Preliminary reconnaissance surveyfindings (in list or map format) inMonth 5; Materials for public outreachmeeting in Month 6.

Months 7-9

During this phase of the project, theproject team will:

• Prepare the Draft Historic ContextStatement (50% Draft).

• Identify the relevant Contexts andThemes for the properties flaggedas potentially eligible during thereconnaissance survey, and

Beverly Hills Citywide HistoricResources Survey and UpdateJanuary 9, 2013HISTORIC RESOURCES GROUP


develop standardized significancestatements for use in the field.

• Continue public outreach.

• Continue field documentation.

• Produce 25 Draft DPR forms forreview by City staff.

Meeting(s): Monthly phone updatewith City staff; Project status meetingwith City staff in Month 8; Publicoutreach meeting in Month 9;presentation to the Cultural HeritageCommission in Month 9.

Deliverable(s): Draft Historic ContextStatement (50% Draft) in Month 8; 25Draft DPR forms in Month 8; Materialsfor public outreach meeting in Month9; Materials for presentation toCultural Heritage Commission inMonth 9.

Months 10-12

This phase of the project will consistof:

• Continued public outreach usingonline tools.

• Follow-up field work based oninput from City staff and thepublic.

• Completion of field documentation,documentation of properties in thesurvey database, and ongoingproduction of DPR forms.


• Production of a draft Survey Mapfor review.

• Production of a draft SurveyReport (including the 100% draftof the Historic Context Statement)for comment and review by Citystaff. The Survey Report willdescribe the survey areas, identifythe research and surveymethodology, summarize thesurvey findings (includingproperties to be added to, orremoved from, the City inventory),and provide recommendations forfurther study.

Meeting(s): Monthly phone updatewith City staff.

Deliverable(s): Draft Survey Map inMonth 12; Draft Survey Report inMonth 12.

Months 13-15

During the final phase of the project,the project team will:

• Finalize all documentation and thenecessary DPR forms for surveyedproperties based on feedback fromCity staff.

• Prepare the Final Draft of theSurvey Report for presentation tothe Cultural Heritage Commissionand the City Council.

Meetings: Monthly phone update withCity staff; Project update meeting with

Beverly Hills Citywide HistoricResources Survey and UpdateJanuary 9, 2013HISTORIC RESOURCES GROUP

City staff in Month 13; Presentation toCultural Heritage Commission inMonth 14; Presentation to City Councilin Month 15.

Deliverable(s): Materials forpresentation to Cultural Heritage —

Commission in Month 14; Materials for —

presentation to City Council in Month15; Final Survey Report, Survey Map,DPR Forms, and Database in Month 15 Beverly Hilton

(following final recommendations byCity staff, the Cultural HeritageCommission, and the City Council).

V -—



Beverly Hills Citywide HistoricResources Survey and UpdateJanuary 9, 2013HISTORIC RESOURCES GROUP



Historic Resources Group

Christy Johnson McAvoy, FoundingPrincipal of HRG, has been at theforefront of historic preservation sincethe late 1970s. Her command of theregulatory and incentive environmentsfor historic resources combined withexpertise in urban and social historyhas enabled the successfuldevelopment of creative andintegrated approaches to a widevariety of preservation effortsincluding the rehabilitation andadaptive reuse of historic buildings,historic resource identification,preservation planning, environmentalreview, community outreach, andheritage education.

Christy consults with real estatedevelopers, architects, public agencies,and nonprofit organizations to helpthem meet their preservation-relatedneeds. Projects include SurveyLA, theAnnenberg Community Beach House at415 PCH, the Downtown Women’sCenter, Hollywood studios, the WallisAnnenberg Center for the PerformingArts, Wattles Estate and Gardens, theShrine Auditorium, the Academy ofMotion Picture Arts and Sciences, theUniversity of Southern California, andBarlow Hospital. Her work hasreceived recognition from the NationalTrust for Historic Preservation, theAmerican Institute of Architects, the


California Preservation Foundation,the Cultural Heritage Commission ofthe City of Los Angeles, the LosAngeles Conservancy, and the LosAngeles City Historical Society.

Throughout her career, Christy hasbeen highly involved in national, stateand local historic preservationorganizations. She served on the Boardof Advisors of the National Trust forHistoric Preservation and on the Boardof the National Center for PreservationTraining and Technology. She is a pastpresident of both the Los AngelesConservancy and the CaliforniaPreservation Foundation and a cofounder of Hollywood Heritage.

Christy will serve as one of the ProjectLeaders. She meets the Secretary ofthe Interior’s ProfessionalQualifications Standards in Historyand Architectural History.

Christine Lazzaretto, Principal atHRG, has more than eight years ofexperience in historic preservation.Christine previously worked forPasadena Heritage, a nonprofit historicpreservation organization, where sheserved as Director of Education andthe first Preservation Director. At HRG,Christine has worked on several large-scale historic resources surveys,including San Diego, Paso Robles, andFresno. She managed the SurveyLApublic outreach project, and authored

Beverly Hills Citywide HistoricResources Survey and UpdateJanuary 9, 2013HISTORIC RESOURCES GROUP


the MyHistoricLA Guide to PublicParticipation. Christine was an integralpart of survey teams for the SurveyLApilot surveys, Groups 1, 3, 4, and 5, andwrote the Entertainment IndustryContext for the SurveyLA HistoricContext Statement. She has writtennumerous successful National Registernominations, and along with KariFowler, co-authored the Resources ofthe Recent Past Historic Context forthe City of Pasadena.

Christine will serve as the ProjectManager. At HRG, she manages teamsof professional colleagues on large-scale planning and mitigation efforts.Christine meets the Secretary of theInterior’s Professional QualificationsStandards in History and ArchitecturalHistory.

Paul Travis, Principal at HRG, hasmore than seven years of experience inhistoric preservation. At HRG, Paulmanages planning-related projectswith a focus on large, multi-propertysites including historic downtowns,neighborhoods and districts, industrialsites, motion picture studios, militarybases, and college campuses. Recentsurvey experience includes historicresource surveys for the cities ofVentura, Glendale, Paso Robles, SanDiego, and Fresno. Paul alsoparticipated in the SurveyLA Group 1,3, and 5 surveys.


Paul will participate in the fielddocumentation. He meets theSecretary of the Interior’s ProfessionalQualification Standards in History.

Kari Michele Fowler, SeniorPreservation Planner at HRG, has tenyears of experience conductinghistoric resources surveys, developinghistoric context statements, generatingenvironmental documents relating tohistoric resources, and evaluating anddocumenting historic resources at thelocal, state and national levels. Kari hasmanaged several large-scale historicresources surveys throughout thestate, including Ventura, San Clemente,Santa Monica, and San Diego. She hasserved as the Project Manager for theSurveyLA Group 1, 3, and 5 surveys;participated in the SurveyLA pilot andGroup 4 surveys; and drafted theMulti-Family Residential Sub-Contextfor the SurveyLA Historic ContextStatement.

Kari has particular experience with awide range of midcentury resourcetypes. Projects include the NationalHistoric Landmark nomination for theEames House (Case Study House #8); aNational Register Determination ofEligibility for the Panorama CityHistoric District; and the citywidehistoric context statement forPasadena’s Resources of the RecentPast, co-authored by ChristineLazzaretto.

Beverly Hills Citywide HistoricResources Survey and UpdateJanuary 9, 2013HISTORIC RESOURCES GROUP


Kari will participate in thereconnaissance survey and fielddocumentation. She meets theSecretary of the Interior’s ProfessionalQualifications Standards in History.

Robby Aranguren, PlanningAssociate, has two years of experienceparticipating in historic resourcessurveys, evaluating and documentinghistoric resources at the local, stateand national levels, and assisting withhistoric preservation tax creditprojects. Robby has worked on severallarge-scale historic resources surveysthroughout the state, includingSurveyLA and Fresno. Robby hastraining in GIS, and has providedphotography for a number of surveyprojects and National Registernominations.

Robby will participate in research andfield documentation.

Architectural Resources Group

Charles E. Chase, AlA, Principal atARG, has more than 30 years ofexperience in the field of historicpreservation. His past work inarchitectural practice, governmentalservice and nonprofit institutionalmanagement provides a uniqueperspective and knowledge base tofacilitate successful planning andproject development. He hasparticipated in and directed cityplanning, overseen historic resourcessurveys, and developed design


guidelines. Charles is a licensedarchitect, and he serves as Director ofPlanning at ARG.

Charles will be ARG’s principal-in-charge, and will be responsible forgeneral oversight for the project. Hemeets the Secretary of the Interior’sProfessional Qualifications Standardsfor Architectural History, Architecture,and Historic Architecture.

Katie E. Horak, Senior Associate atARG, is an Architectural Historian andPreservation Planner in ARG’sPasadena office with nearly ten yearshistoric preservation experience inboth the private and public sectors.Katie has extensive historic resourcessurvey experience having led a widerange of survey projects throughoutNew York City and California, forwhich she has managed large teamsand utilized state-of the-art fieldtechnology. A recognized expert inhistoric resources surveys, Katie hasspoken on the topic at a number oflocal and state conferences andteaches a course in historic sitedocumentation at the University ofSouthern California.

Katie will serve as ARG’s team leaderand a member of the ManagementTeam. She meets the Secretary of theInterior’s Professional QualificationsStandards for Architectural History.

Beverly Hills Citywide HistoricResources Survey and UpdateJanuary 9, 2013HISTORIC RESOURCES GROUP


Allison M. Lyons, ArchitecturalHistorian and Preservation Planner,has diverse experience conductinghistoric resources surveys and writinghistoric context statements, havingworked on a wide range of projectsthroughout New York City, Memphis,California. She is proficient inGeographic Information Systems (GIS)software and manages the toolsnecessary to conduct large-scalesurvey projects and manage largeamounts of data. She has workedcollaboratively with a number of citiesto successfully integrate surveyfindings and historic resourceproperty data into their existing GISsystems.

Allison will handle technology-relatedtasks, and will be responsible forgenerating maps, and compilinginformation into the database. Allisonwill participate in research and fielddocumentation. She meets theSecretary of the Interior’s ProfessionalQualifications Standards forArchitectural History.

Ostashay & Associates Consulting

Jan Ostashay, Principal, has over 20years of experience managing andconducting multi-disciplinary historicpreservation projects and programsnationwide. Having served as theHistoric Preservation Office for theCity of Long Beach, California, Jan isfamiliar with the local planning


process, preservation commissions,and the Certified Local Government(CLG) program. Her historicpreservation experience includesconducting a variety of historicresources surveys and evaluations;preparing State inventory forms (DPR523 series), National Registernomination forms, Historic AmericanBuilding Survey/Historic AmericanEngineering Record (HABS/HAER)documentation, and other relatedhistoric resources reports. She hasalso reviewed design projects forcompliance with the Secretary of theInterior’s Standards, and has prepareda number of historic preservationplans, preservation elements,ordinances, and agreement documentsfor various agencies.

Jan will serve as one of the ProjectLeaders. She meets the Secretary ofthe Interior’s ProfessionalQualifications Standards inArchitectural History.

Leslie Heumann

Leslie Heumann, Consultant, wasformerly the Cultural ResourcesManager and Architectural Historianat Sapphos Environmental. Leslie has36 years of experience covering allaspects of historic architecturalevaluation, documentation, andpreservation. She specializes incoordination of historic resourcessurveys, assessment of historic

Beverly Hills Citywide HistoricResources Survey and UpdateJanuary 9, 2013HISTORIC RESOURCES GROUP


significance, and preparation ofdocumentation pursuant to theCalifornia Environmental Quality Act(CEQA), National Historic PreservationAct (NHPA), and NationalEnvironmental Policy Act (NEPA).

Leslie will serve as one of the ProjectLeaders, and will have primaryresponsibility for the development ofthe Historic Context Statement. Shemeets the Secretary of the Interior’sProfessional Qualifications Standardsin History and Architectural History.


Steven Price is a native-bornAngeleno. Encouraged in particular byhis father, Herbert 1. Price, Steven wasintroduced while very young to avariety of defining influences drawnfrom his everyday life andenvironments: Frank Lloyd Wright’sHollyhock House (Barnsdall Park), thethen-burgeoning hillside residentialdevelopments of the San FernandoValley, Malibu beach houses (where hereceived his first exposure toarchitects such as Craig Ellwood andJohn Lautner), the glittering high risesof Wilshire Boulevard and CenturyCity, and homes of family and friendsin Brentwood, Bel-Air, and BeverlyHills - most memorably, TrousdaleEstates.

Steven is currently working on twobooks--OverThe Top-the


Architectural History of TrousdaleEstates, Beverly Hills, and a biographyof builder and businessman (andformer Trousdale Company President)Ronald C. Waranch.

Marc Wanamaker is a world-classexpert and consultant in film historywho has worked in many facets of filmproduction, exhibition, and researchfor several decades. He holds degreesin theater arts, music, and history. Hehas extensive administrationexperience with the American FilmInstitute and is a published historian,lecturer, and teacher.

Marc’s company, Bison Archives, hasan extensive and unique photocollection, assembled over an almost40-year period that is used for storyresearch, publishing, internationalmedia outlets and documentary filmproduction. Through Bison Archives,Marc has consulted on more than 100documentary films. He is a leadingexpert on the physical development ofcommunities associated with the filmindustry, as well as the industry’spioneer stars, directors, producers,and craftspeople.

Resumesfor professional staff areattached in Appendix D.

Beverly Hills Citywide HistoricResources Survey and UpdateJanuary 9, 2013HISTORIC RESOURCES GROUP



Members of this team have been partof the fabric of the community ofBeverly Hills for three decades.Members of the team have helped theCity analyze, evaluate, reuse, andcommemorate its history. The ProjectLeaders have contributed to theformulation of policy throughregulatory review, the production ofquality documentation, andimplementation of Standards-compliant projects in the City.

In addition to the ongoingrelationships of the individual teammembers with Beverly Hills staff anddecision makers, this team brings newprofessionals schooled in currentpreservation standards and practices,and experts in innovative technology.

Composed of principals andexperienced senior staff from eachfirm, members of the team have allworked together on numerousoccasions, and therefore havedeveloped a highly collaborative andefficient approach to this type ofproject.

With that experience, this team, led byHRG, has developed a work plan basedon its in-depth knowledge of thecharacteristics and inherent challengesin the City. The collaborative approachusing an experienced ManagementTeam and state-of-the-art technology


customized for this project will resultin a truly innovative and thoughtfulproduct.

HRG is grateful for the opportunity tosubmit this proposal and looksforward to contributing to thisimportant project. This exceptionalteam brings to the survey a high levelof commitment, continuity, andexpertise. It will successfully deliveraccurate and complete work produceswithin budget and on schedule.

For additional information, or if youare interested in scheduling aninterview, please contact:

Bryan FahrbachHRG Marketing & Administrative Manager626-793-2400 [email protected]

Beverly Hills Citywide HistoricResources Survey and UpdateJanuary 9, 2013HISTORiC RESOURCES GROUP


Project Leader Project Leader Project Leader

Christy McAvoy Leslie Heurnann Jan Ostashay

Project Manager

HRGChristine Lazzaretto

Survey Professional ARG Team Leader &Survey Professional

HRGKari Fowler ARGPaul Travis Katie Horak

Survey Professional Survey Professional

HRG ARGRobby Aranguren Allison Lyons(documentation) (documentation and GIS)

Consultant Consultant

Steven Price Marc Wanainaker


Beverly Hills Citywide HistoricResources Survey and UpdateJanuary 9, 2013HISTORIC RESOURCES GROUP



Beverly Hills Citywide Historic ResourcesSurvey and UpdateJanuary 9, 2013HISTORIC RESOURCES GROUP



HISTORIC RESOURCES GROUPOctober 1989 - presentCo-Founder and Principal

Clients and projects include TheDowntown Standard Hotel, Grauman’sChinese Theatre, Cabrillo Beach BathHouse, Hollywood studios, BeverlyHills Cultural Center, Wattles Estateand Gardens, Shrine Auditorium,Hangar One at LAX, the MarionDavies Estate at 4 1 5 PCH, theAcademy of Motion Picture Arts andSciences, Mount St. Mary’s College,Scripps College, Barlow Hospital, anddevelopers of affordable housing inhistoric buildings.


JOHNSON RESEARCH ASSOCIATES1978 — 1989 Sole Proprietor

These two consulting firms specializedin resource identification, evaluationand planning. Clients and projectsincluded the City of Beverly Hillscultural resource study, City ofHuntington Beach survey, City of LosAngeles Bureau of Engineering andCommunity Redevelopment Agency,Gilmore Adobe/Farmer’s Marketcultural resources entitlement planning,the historic resources survey forWestwood Village Specific Plan andseveral historic tax credit projects.

HISTORIC RESOURCES GROUP12 S. Fair Oaks Avenue, Suite 200, Pasadena, CA 91105-1915

Telephone 626 793 2400, Facsimile 626 793 2401


1978 California AdministrativeTeaching Credential

1977 Master of Arts,Humanities/Architectural History,California State University, DominguezHills, CA

1 971 California Standard LifeTeaching Credential, University ofSouthern California, Los Angeles, CA

1969 Bachelor of Arts, AmericanSocial and Cultural History, Universityof California, Santa Barbara, CA


NATIONAL TRUST FOR HISTORICPRESERVATIONBoard of Advisors, 1989-1998Advisor Emeritus, 1998-present

CALIFORNIA PRESERVATIONFOUNDATIONBoard of Trustees, 1985-91Treasurer, 1987-89President, 1989-91

LOS ANGELES CONSERVANCYPreservationist of the Year





WORK EXPERIENCE2003-2005 Program Director


June 2012 — PresentPri½ci~al

October 2010 —June 2012Senior Architectural Historian

October 2008 — October 2010Architectural Historian

Responsibilities include historical research,construction monitoring, survey work,preparation of historic structure reports(HSR), database administration, tax creditsand architectural photography. Researchand write nominations for local landmarkdesignation and to the National Register ofHistoric Places. Prepare California Mills Actapplications, and federal historicrehabilitation tax credit submittals.

Selected projects include: SurveyLA, Cityof Pasadena Context Report: Resources ofthe Recent Past, City of Long BeachHistoric Preservation Element, City ofSanta Clarita Historic Resources SurveyUpdate, Columbia Square, Fuller SeminaryNational Register Nomination.

PASADENA HERITAGEPasadena, California

2005- 2008 Preservation Director

Responsibilities included administering thePreservation Easement Program, includingproject reviews and annual inspections;assisting with advocacy efforts, includingreviewing and commenting on proposedprojects affecting historic buildings andneighborhoods; attending local hearingsand advising neighborhood groups onpreservation issues.

HISTORIC RESOURCES GROUP12 S. Fair Oaks Avenue, Suite 200, Pasadena, CA 91105-1915Telephone 626 793 2400, Facsimile 626 793 2401www.historicla.com

Conceived, organized and implemented allof the organization’s highly successfuleducational tours and programs;responsible for historic research on allfeatured properties, including thoroughreviews of local archives, city permitcenters, and Sanborn maps; producedwritten architectural descriptions anddetailed histories for use by docents and inall printed materials and press releases, andprovided architectural photography forpublications; effectively trained docentsand volunteers on architectural styles,movements, and the history of Pasadena.


2006 Masters Degree, HistoricPreservation, University ofSouthern California, Los Angeles,CA

1993 Bachelor of Arts Degree with HighDistinction, Art History, ThePennsylvania State University, StateCollege, PA, Phi Beta Kappa



• Preservation Design Award:Pasadena Historic Context Report:Resources of the Recent Past, 2008






HISTORIC RESOURCES GROUPJanuary 2013-PresentPrincipal

June 2009-December 2012Senior Preservation Planner

June 2007-June 2009Preservation Planner

June 2006 — May 2007Associate Preservation Planner

January 2005 — May 2006Intern

Projects at HRG include: Santa BarbaraBotanic Garden, Oakridge CulturalLandscape Report, Mount St. Mary’sCollege Historic Analysis, OccidentalCollege Historic Analysis, Santa Anita ParkNational Register Nomination, UptownWhittier Specific Plan (Cultural Resourcessection), City of Ventura DowntownSpecific Plan Historic ResourcesAssessment, Port of Los Angeles MasterPlan

LEWIS CENTER FOR REGIONALPOLICY STUDIESUniversity of California, Los AngelesDecember 2005 — June 2006Research Assistant

Academic research for study of transit-oriented development along the PasadenaGold Line light rail system. Responsibilitiesinclude gathering and analysis of ridershipdata and adjacent development activity,and field observation of conditionssurrounding transit stops.

HISTORIC RESOURCES GROUP12 S. Fair Oaks Avenue, Suite 200, Pasadena, cA 91105-1915

Telephone 626 793 2400, Facsimile 626 793 2401


Master of Arts in Urban Planning,University of California, Los Angeles, 2006

Bachelor of Fine Arts, Printmaking,San Jose State University, San Jose



Committee to develop a Specific Plan forthe Park Avenue Historic District directingthe development and revitalization of anhistoric industrial area.

BAY AREA GREENBELT ALLIANCEUrban Development Educational Outreach

Organized and helped conduct communityeducational seminars on how urban infilland revitalization can accommodategrowth and preserve natural open space.








HISTORIC RESOURCES GROUPJune 2006 — present 2002 Master of Arts in Urban Planning;Senior Preservation Planner University of California, Los

Angeles.June 2003 — June 2006Preservation Planner 1996 Bachelor of Arts in English with

Honors, American Literature andJune 2002 — June 2003 History; University of California,Associate Preservation Planner Los Angeles.



Selected projects include: SurveyLA, City Memberof Pasadena Context Report: Resources of • Award: Pasadena Historic Contextthe Recent Past, City of Ventura Historic Report: Resources of the RecentResources Survey Update, City of San Past, 2009Clemente Historic Resources Survey • Outstanding Student Award, 2002Update, City of Lompoc HistoricResources Survey and Planning Analysis, CALIFORNIA PRESERVATONEames House National Historic Landmark FOUNDATIONNomination, City of Santa Monica Historic • Preservation Design Award:Resources Survey Update, Paul R. Williams Pasadena Historic Context Report:Historic District Determination of Eligibility. Resources of the Recent Past, 2008


• Local Emerging LeadersPrepared a proposal for “ArroyoWalk,” a Scholarship, 2000cultural pedestrian route through theArroyo Seco; drafted a plan for the Magna cum Laude Latin Honors,development, design, and implementation University of California, Los Angeles,of the project; conducted original research 1996.including interviews, field surveys, andphotography; presented the proposal togovernment officials, non-profitorganizations, and the community.

HISTORIC RESOURCES GROUP12 S. Fair Oaks Avenue, Suite 200, Pasadena, CA 91105~1915

Telephone 626 793 2400, Facsimile 626 793 2401





HISTORIC RESOURCES GROUPJuly 201 0-PresentPlanning Associate

Selected projects at HRG includeSurveyLA Year One Group OneSurveys, SurveyLA Year Two PublicParticipation, Rose Bowl, FresnoDowntown and Corridors SpecificPlan.


• Prepared Staff Reports forHistoric Cultural MonumentApplications

• Prepared E-newsletter forthe Office

• Assisted in the developmentof the Mills Act 2010Online Application andGuide

• Acting secretary at CulturalHeritage CommissionMeetings

• Conducted Building PermitResearch

ENERGIE/MISS SIXTYDallas, TXSales Associate

HISTORIC RESOURCES GROUP12 S. Fair Oaks Avenue, Suite 200, Pasadena, CA 91105-1915

Telephone 626 793 2400, Facsimile 626 793 2401


2009 Bachelor of Arts, Architecture,Urban Planning and Business;University of Texas, Arlington


FILIPINO STUDENT ASSOCIATION,University of Texas-Arlington2008-2009 Student Advisor2007-2008 President2006-2007 Vice President2005-2006 Sports Coordinator

2005-2009 PINOY LEAGUE OFTEXASCompetitive Southeast AsianBasketball League in Dallas, Texas

2008-2009 BISHOP LYNCH HIGHSCHOOL, Dallas TexasAssistant Volunteer FreshmanBasketball Coach


FiGSS GIS Survey SystemMicrosoft Office SuiteAdobe Photoshop CS3Google SketchUp

It ~ I

CHARLES EDWIN CHASE, AlA, PRINCIPALCharles brings more than thirty years of experience in architecture, historicpreservation planning, new construction and rehabilitation. His past workin architectural practice, governmental service and nonprofit institutionalmanagement, provides a unique perspective and knowledge base tofacilitate successful planning and project development. He has participatedand directed planning, historic resource surveys, developed designguidelines and preservation plans serving private, public and nonprofitsectors throughout the Southeast and in California. Charles’ architecturaldesign and preservation work has received honor awards from the AmericanInstitute of Architects. Charles has represented the United States and citygovernments in France and India.

EDUCATIONMaster of Architecture,University of FloridaBachelor of Architecture,University of FloridaMeets the Secretary ofthe Interior’s ProfessionalQualifications Standards inArchitecture and HistoricArchitecture

REGISTRATIONSState of Florida, No. 7742State of South Carolina, No.5667National Council ofRegistration Boards, NCARBNo. 50155

MEMBERSHIPSSan Francisco HistoricResources Commission,President

American Institute of ArchitectsSan Francisco ChapterCalifornia PreservationFoundation, Vice PresidentFoundation for San Francisco’sArchitectural Heritage

Lambda Alpha InternationalLand Economics Society

National Trust for HistoricPreservation

SPECIAL AWARDCalifornia PreservationFoundationVolunteer of the Year, 2008

SELECTED PROJECT EXPERIENCE• SurveyLA, Los Angeles Citywide Historic Resources Surveys• Century Plaza Hotel, Historic Resource Evaluation, Impacts Analysis

and Alternatives Review under CEQA, Los Angeles, CA• Los Angeles Forum, Historic Resources Evaluation, Los Angeles, CA• Alta Heights Historic Resources Survey, Napa, CA• New Monterey Historic Context Statement and Reconnaissance Survey,

Monterey, CA• Santa Barbara County Courthouse, Historic Structures Report, Santa

Barbara, CA• Mark Hopkins Hotel, Due Diligence, San Francisco, CA• Joie De Vivre Hotel Durant, Mills Act, Berkeley, CA• Fort Mason Center, Cultural Landscape Report Part II, San Francisco, CA• Balboa Park Design Guidelines, San Francisco, CA

SELECTED ADDITIONAL PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE• Charleston Preservation Plan, Charleston, SC, 2007• Executive Director, San Francisco Architectural Heritage, 1999-2007• Presidio Trust, Public Health Service Hospital Development Review

Committee, 2006• New Orleans Disaster Recovery Evaluation Team, Member, National

Trust for Historic Preservation (Western Regional Office), 2006• City of San Francisco, Chair, Mayor’s Preservation Fund Committee,

2005 — 2008• California Academy of Sciences, Member, Citizens Advisory Group, San

Francisco, 2001 — 2005• American Institute of Architects, San Francisco Chapter, Executive

Board, 2004—2011• City of San Francisco, Member, Historic Resources Survey Advisory

Committee, 2000 — present

RECENT LECTURES & PUBLICATIONS• “Planning for Recovery in the Wake of a Disaster: The Legacy of

Charleston, S.C. and Hurricane Hugo”, The Journal of Architecture,American Institute of Architects, December 2005

• Moderator and Speaker. “Historic Resource Surveys 101: DevelopingCommunity Based Involvement in the Survey Process”, CaliforniaPreservation Foundation Workshop Series, April 2005

San Francisco Pasadena . Portland

L ~ 1

KATIE E. HORAK, SENIOR ASSOCIATEArchitectural Historian & Preservation Planner

Katie is a Los Angeles-area native and Architectural Historian andPreservation Planner in ARG’s Pasadena office. She has more than tenyears experience in the field of historic resource management in both thepublic and private sectors. Katie has extensive historic resources surveyexperience, having worked on a wide range of survey projects throughoutNew York and California, including projects using state-of-the-art softwareand survey equipment, such as GlS and tablet PCs. Katie brings additionalexperience with historic structures reports, determinations of eligibility,design guidelines, and CEQA and NEPAISection 106 compliance projects.


Master of Historic Preservation,University of SouthernCalifornia, Los AngelesGraduated with honors

University of Oregon, EugeneHistoric Preservation FieldSchool in Canova, Italy

Bachelor of Arts, Art (Painting!Drawing), Whitworth College,Spokane, Washington

Meets The Secretaiy ofthe Interior’s ProfessionalQualifications Standards inArchitectural History andHistory


Los Angeles Conservancy

National Trust for HistoricPreservation

Society of ArchitecturalHistorians, Southern CaliforniaChapter


Adjunct Lecturer,University of SouthernCalifornia (2012 - Present)

SELECTED PROJECT EXPERIENCE• SurveyLA, Los Angeles Citywide Historic Resources Survey: Citywide

Historic Context Statement (Los Angeles Modernism), Pilot Survey(Boyle Heights), development of a Bullet-Point Description DatabaseFeature, Group 1 Survey (West Adams- Baldwin Hills - Leimert Park),Group 2 Survey (South and Southeast Los Angeles), and Group 4Survey (South San Fernando Valley Community Plan Areas)

• Historic Resources Surveys for Los Angeles Historic PreservationOverlay Zones (HPOZ5): Garvanza, Jefferson Park, Balboa Highlands,Country Club Park, and Windsor Village

• Historic Context Statement, Garden Apartments of Los Angeles, LosAngeles County, CA

• Century Plaza Hotel, Historic Resource Evaluation, Impacts Analysisand Alternatives Review under CEQA, Los Angeles, CA

• Courtyard Housing Study, San Vicente Apartments, Santa Monica, CA• Reeder Citrus Ranch, Historic Structures Report, Montclair, CA• Village Green, Historic Structures Report, Los Angeles, CA

SELECTED ADDITIONAL PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE*• Citywide Historic Context Statement and Historic Resources Survey,

City of San Juan Bautista, CA• Historic Resources Surveys, multiple project areas, New York, NY

RECENT LECTURES• “Know Your Strengths: Innovative Historic Resources Surveys,” National

Preservation Conference, Spokane, WA, Oct. 2012• “Garden Apartments of Los Angeles,” I Heart Garden Apartments Day,

Village Green, Los Angeles, CA, Oct. 2012• “GIS and Historic Resources Surveys: SurveyLA,” University of

Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, July2012• “Identifying and Assessing Historical Integrity,” California Preservation

Foundation, 2011 Workshop Series, Laguna Beach, June 2011• “HPOZ Surveys,” 9th Annual Citywide HPOZ Conference, Los Angeles,

May 2011• “SurveyLA: Implementing a New Methodology for Historic Resources

Surveys,” California Preservation Foundation Annual Conference, SantaMonica, May 2011

San Francisco Pasadena Portland

L~ I

ALLISON M. LYONSArchitectural Historian

Allison is a Los Angeles native and Architectural Historian in ARG’sPasadena office, with five years of professional experience. She hasextensive historic resources survey and historic context statementexperience, having worked on a wide range of projects throughout LosAngeles County, Northern California, New York City, and Memphis. Inaddition, Allison is proficient in Geographic Information Systems (GIS).


Master of Science,Historic Preservation,Columbia University,New York City (Thesis Award)

Bachelor of Arts,European Studies,Scripps College,Claremont, California,Graduated with honors

Mellon Graduate Fellowship inPrimary SourcesColumbia University,New York City

Certificate of Completion, TheSection 106 Essentials Course,Advisory Council on HistoricPreservation

Meets The Secretary ofthe Interior’s ProfessionalQualifications Standards inArchitectural History andHistory


Los Angeles Conservancy

Society of ArchitecturalHistorians, Southern CaliforniaChapter

Urban Land Institute


• SurveyLA, Los Angeles Citywide Historic Resources Survey:development of a Bullet-Point Description Database Feature, Group ISurvey (West Adams- Baldwin Hills - Leimert Park), Group 2 Survey(South and Southeast Los Angeles), and Group 4 Survey (South SanFernando Valley Community Plan Areas)

• BIOLA University, Master Plan EIR, La Mirada, CA• Veteran’s Administration Solar Photovoltaic System, Section 106

Historic Resources Evaluation, Los Angeles, CA• Pomona Corridors Specific Plan Area EIR, Pomona, CA• New Monterey Historic Context Statement and Reconnaissance Survey,

Monterey, CA• Alta Heights Historic Resources Survey, Napa, CA• 3945 Whittier Blvd, Historic Resource Evaluation, East Los Angeles, CA• Arcadia City Hall, Historic Resource Evaluation, Arcadia, CA• Claremont McKenna College, Historic Resource Evaluation for EIR,

Claremont, CA• YMCA of Redlands, Historic Resource Evaluation, Redlands, CA• Streetscape Design for Linking South L.A. to Downtown: Figueroa

Corridor, Historic Context Report, Los Angeles, CA


• Intersection of Wall Street and Broadway Historic Development Report,New York, NY*

• Historic Resources Survey and Context Statement, Hollywood, CA*• Memphis Slim House National Register Nomination, Memphis, TN*• Historic Resources Survey and Report on Folk Victorian Cottages,

Memphis, TN*

indicates work performed prior to joining ARG

San Francisco Pasadena Portland

Ostashay & Associates Consulting

Janet Ostashay, PRINCIPAL

Professional History• Cultural Resources Management,

Graduate Program, University ofNevada, Reno, Nevada, 1995- 1996

• Master’s Program (ABT), H storicPreservation & Public History,California State University, DominguezHills, Carson, California, 1994

• B.A., Social Ecology/Urban Planning,University of California, lrv ne,California, 1982

Historic Preservation Consultant,Ostashay & Associates Consulting,Long Beach, Californ a, 1989-1997;201 0-present

• Cultural Resources Regiona Team

Leader, ICF International, In ne,California, 2008-2010

• Historic Preservation Officer, C ty ofLong Beach, Long Beach, California,2005-2008

• Director of Cultural Resources, PCR,Santa Monica, California, 1997-2005

• Historic Resources Project Manager,

Thirtieth Street Architects, NewportBeach, California, 1993-1997

ExpertiseJanet Ostashay has over 20 years ofexperience managing and conductinghistoric resources surveys, recordingproperties on State inventory forms,preparing National Register forms, anddrafting HABS/HAER documents. Shehas also prepared preservationelements, ordinances, and agreementdocuments for government agencies.She currently provides on-call servicesto local governments on the applicationof the Secretary of the Interior’sStandards for the Treatment of HistoricProperties and its applicableGuidelines.

ExperienceEnvironmental Compliance Audits:As a contributor to EIS/EIR documents,Ms. Ostashay has conducted numerousassessments where cultural resourceshave been involved, including theCalifornia High-Speed Rail, Los Angelesto Anaheim Segment Project; DisneyImagineering’s Grand Central CreativeCampus Project in the City of Glendale;the J.P. Getty Villa Master Plan;Pasadena Unified School DistrictModernization Project; Los AngelesInternational Airport Master Plan;Harvard-Westlake Middle SchoolImprovement Project; Preservation ofMission San Juan Capistrano; and thePacifiCenter mixed-use project in theCity of Long Beach. Scopes of workassociated with the preparation of theseenvironmental documents included thepreparation of initial studies; EIRJEISsections (cultural resources); analysis ofpotential impacts to identifiedresources; and the development ofmitigation measures for projectimplementation.

Surveys/Assessments:Having evaluated thousands ofproperties for federal, state, and localsignificance, Ms. Ostashay is veryfamiliar with the survey inventory andevaluation process, as well as thefundamentals of preservation planning.Such survey work has included theidentification and recordation ofindividual properties and historicdistricts; the development of historiccontext statements; application offederal, state, and local criteria forhistorical/architectural significance; andthe creation of preservation planningstrategies. Ms. Ostashay hasconducted historic resources surveysfor a number of cities, including Long

Pasadena, Beverly Hills, Santa Monica,Costa Mesa, Riverside, Glendale,Hermosa Beach, and Los Angeles.

Section 106 Compliance:Working with such federal and stateagencies as the National Park Service(NPS), Advisory Council on HistoricPreservation (ACHP); Federal HighwayAdministration (FHWA); FederalEmergency Management Agency(FEMA), the Department of Housing andUrban Development (HUD); FederalAviation Administration (FAA); U.S.Corps of Engineers; Caltrans; and theState Historic Preservation Officer(SHPO), Ms. Ostashay has providedSection 106 guidance to a number oflocal governments, including the City ofSan Juan Capistrano (Mission San JuanCapistrano), City of Los Angeles WorldAirports Division (LAX Master Plan),City of Whittier (TEA Whittier DepotRehabilitation), City of Perris (TEA PerrisDepot Rehabilitation), City of Upland(ISTEA Upland Depot Rehabilitation),and the U.S. Air Force (various AFB5).

HABS/HAER Documentation:Ms. Ostashay has authored HABS/HAER documentation for significanthistoric properties nationwide, includingthose at Lexington-Bluegrass ArmyDepot, Lexington, Kentucky; BrooksAFB, San Antonio, Texas; Kelly AFB,San Antonio, Texas; the Getty VillaRanch House, Malibu, California; theGrand Central Air Terminal, Glendale,California; and the Douglas AircraftCompany — Long Beach Plant, LongBeach, California.

Beach, Anaheim, Pasadena, South

Leslie Heumann

Master ofArts, Architecture,University of California, LosAngeles (1976—1978; incomplete)

Bachelor ofArts, History,University of California, LosAngeles, 1975

Section 106 Essentials, AdvisoryCouncil on Historic Preservation,2009

Using the Secretary of theInterior’s Standards, NationalPreservation Institute, 2000

Summer Preservation PlanningInstitute, Cornell University, 1976


• Historic resources surveys andhistoric context statements

• National Register, CaliforniaRegister and landmarknominations

• Historic resources technicalreports under NEPA, CEQA,and Section 106 of the NHPA

• Historic American BuildingsSurvey (HABS)

• Secretary of the Interior’sStandards for the Treatmentof Historic Properties

• Historic schoolsmodernization issues

Relevant Experience:

• Beverly Hills HistoricResources Survey (JohnsonHeumann Research Assoc.,1985-1986)

• Long Beach Historic ContextStatement (SapphosEnvironmental, Inc., 2009)

• SurveyLA Historic ContextStatement (multiple sections),West LA, Central City North,Brentwood-Pacific Palisades,Bel Air-Beverly Crest surveys(2010-present)

An architectural historian with 36 years of experience covering all aspects ofhistoric architectural evaluation, documentation, and preservation, Ms.Heumann specializes in coordination of historic resources surveys,assessments of historic significance, and preparation of documentationpursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), NationalHistoric Preservation Act (NHPA), and National Environmental Policy Act(NEPA). She satisfies the Secretary of the Interior’s professional standards asan architectural historian.

Ms. Heumann has undertaken the identification, evaluation, anddocumentation of historic resources for an extensive body of properties inthe Southwest, including California, Arizona, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, andTexas. As an experienced cultural resources specialist, Ms. Heumann hasworked for, and with, local municipalities, government agencies, state officesof historic preservation, property owners and developers, attorneys, and localinterest groups. Ms. Heumann has coordinated, performed, or contributed tointensive and reconnaissance level historic resources surveys for the Cities ofAlhambra, Beverly Hills, Costa Mesa, Glendale, Huntington Beach, LongBeach, Los Angeles, Pasadena, Rancho Mirage, Riverside, San Clemente,Santa Ana, Santa Monica, Upland, and West Hollywood, among others. Shehas also conducted district-wide surveys to identify historic resources for theLos Angeles Unified and Pasadena Unified School Districts. Ms. Heumann hasdeveloped historic contexts for the evaluation of resources in conjunctionwith most survey and historic assessment projects undertaken since the late1980s, most recently contributing sections related to the evaluation ofSpanish Colonial Revival and Mediterranean architecture to the SurveyLAHistoric Context Statement and managing the preparation of thecomprehensive context statement for the City of Long Beach. Also forSurveyLA, she supervised surveys of the Central City North and West LosAngeles Community Plan Areas and is currently a member of the teamsurveying the Brentwood-Pacific Palisades and Bel Air-Beverly CrestCommunity Plan Areas.

Additional areas of expertise include Historic American Buildings Surveydocumentation, application of the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards forthe Treatment of Historic Properties, and historic schools modernizationissues. Recently, Ms. Heumann directed a multimillion-dollar effort to updatea historic district survey and assess the feasibility for reuse of 73 buildingsand structures comprising a former poor farm that has been formallydetermined eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places.She has authored several nominations to the National Register, including (asco-author) the Beverly Wilshire Hotel and the Kress House (in BenedictCanyon north of Beverly Hills). As manager of the multi-disciplinary CulturalResources Group at Sapphos Environmental, Inc. for over six years, she alsooversaw archaeological and paleontological investigations, records searches,and impacts analyses on both private and federal lands.

Ms. Heumann often provides expert testimony and has presented atnumerous conferences and gatherings, most recently to the 2008 nationalconference of the Association of Environmental Professionals.


SurvevLAJanet HansenDeputy ManagerCity of Los AngelesOffice of Historic Resources200 N. Spring St, 6th FloorLos Angeles, CA 90012(213) [email protected]

City of San Clemente Survey UpdateJim PechousCity PlannerCity of San Clemente910 Calle Negocio, Ste. 100San Clemente, CA 92673(949) [email protected]

City of Glendale SurveysJay PlattCity of GlendalePlanning Department633 East Broadway, Room 103Glendale, CA 91206(818) [email protected]


Beverly Hills Citywide HistoricResources Survey and UpdateJanuary 9, 2013HISTORiC RESOURCES GROUP


Work samples include:

• 5 sample DPR forms produced by ARG using the customized database and bullet-point architectural descriptions proposed for this project

• City ofPaso Robles Historic Resources Survey report produced by HRG

• SurveyLA Historic Resources Survey Report: West Adams-Baldwin Hills-LeimertPark Community Plan Area produced by ARG


Beverly Hills Citywide HistoricResources Survey and UpdateJanuary 9, 2013HISTORiC RESOURCES GROUP