May -June 2021 Biblical Baptist church – Doulos Ministries – Doulos Bible Institute Dear Pastor and Church, “Know therefore that the LORD thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations.” Deuteronomy 7:9 God was faithful then and He is faithful now. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve prayed and God has given me what I needed. Not always what I wanted…but He has always given me what I needed. Inspite of fearful and dangerous pandemic situation in India specially in our Mission area people are dying everyday and many families are losing their head of the family and Pastors. Whatever the little oppurtunity we got began to share the gospel and having Jesus is great blessing. Many have come to knowledge of Christ in our village churches and got baptised.

Biblical Baptist church Doulos Ministries Doulos Bible

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May -June 2021

Biblical Baptist church – Doulos Ministries – Doulos Bible Institute

Dear Pastor and Church,

“Know therefore that the LORD thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth

covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand

generations.” Deuteronomy 7:9

God was faithful then and He is faithful now. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve prayed and

God has given me what I needed. Not always what I wanted…but He has always given me what

I needed.

Inspite of fearful and dangerous pandemic situation in India specially in our Mission area

people are dying everyday and many families are losing their head of the family and

Pastors. Whatever the little oppurtunity we got began to share the gospel and having

Jesus is great blessing. Many have come to knowledge of Christ in our village churches

and got baptised.

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In this Horrible pandemic situation devil couldnot prevail to plant the new church. Praise

God we could able to began JKM Baptist Church on 28th June 2021.

We had a great previlage to ordain the first Decaon of the local church.

COME missionaries involved in the church dedication programme and have been great


Dr.Wilson Babu Billa witnessing muslim man and prayed for him.

Biblical Baptist Church English service among african students those who are studying


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On the eve of Mother’s day the local church could able to give a small gift for daily use

to the poor and needy mothers.

Praise & Prayer Requests:

Praise the Lord for COME MISSION BOARD accepting 3 more missionaries to India for

various mission work.

1. Dr.Jonathan Wilson Billa for Medical Mission

2. Jacintha Wilson billa for Shalom Children Ministry

3. Jasper Wilson Billa for Care & Counselling Ministry

*They are all by faith carrying on the Lord’s work in their respective areas but, thus far no

support / not even one church have taken them to support.

Pray for 2 piece of land for the below purposes which need ot be purchased.

1) Shalom Care Centre – Fellowship hall

2) Another Fellowship Hall for Shalom couselling and Medical centre

3) Two Water Bore wells

4) Mineral Water Plant for drinking purpose

(I appreciate your prayers and support for upcoming project and be a blessing in whatever

manner for Essential Emergency requirement.)

*Important: Kindly pray for my Religious Visa (R-1)

Vandanalu, Dr. Billa Wilson Babu

E-mail:[email protected]

Home: Biblical Baptist Church [email protected]

#25-7-118,14th Church St. Support: COME

A -Block, Vengalrao Nagar, 2004, E.Howard St. Pontiac,

Nellore- 524004. A.P. India IL 61764, (815) 844-2663

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MAY- JUNE 2021

Dear Prayer Partners, Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

“Be the reason someone smiles. Be the reason someone feels loved and believes in the goodness in


Prayerfully, requesting you to consider me and to take me on for support. Thus far our local church has

been supporting in small way. I appreciate your prayer support and partnership to reach children and to

win for Christ.

Ever since I’m part of COME family (Mission Board) and before I’ve been involved in the Lords work

assisting my father Dr. Wilson Babu Billa in his cross cultural mission work.

On the occasion of missionaries reporting day I could share the faithfulness of God and joyful serving

in the medical mission work. The highlighting point was, I could meet tough people, arrogant and

people neglected by the community. They were required medical assistance. I had opportunity to assist

them in medical service and be great blessing and to show them the love of Christ. And sad part of it,

nobody has shared Christ love and need of Jesus.

The Local Church could able to pray over me.

On the occasion of new church dedication

(Jesudas Koti Memorial Baptist Church),

we could dedicate things (Stethoscope,

BP Apparatus, pulse oximeter, Steam

inhalation, Nebuliser, Thermometer,

Glucometer & First Aid Box) for shalom

Medical Mission.

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As patient couldn’t go to hospital, I was a source of blessing and had an opportunity to share about

Jesus, his work and Mission he did while he was living on the earth. I had a privilege to share my

testimony and medical work for the Glory of God.

Prayer Requests:

N95 Masks and preventive Covid medicines are ready to distribute phase by phase to our

village churches, evangelists families (Foster Home children).

As an urgent need, I’m Humbly Praying for someone who can sponsor N95 masks which costs

10$ for 30 masks in India. We require minimum 7500 masks for our Shalom foster children,

Evangelist families and for our village churches those who are unable to afford money to buy

mask which is reusable.

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Dear Shalom Prayer Partners; Greetings in Jesus name May– June 2021

I strongly trust and believe in my life and in the Ministry that.. ‘And they, continuing daily with

one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness

and singleness of heart, Praising God, and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to

the church daily such as should be saved.’ Acts 2:46, 47

This little bud so intresting, active and loving. But on the otherside of the

story someone left her in dustbin a days baby. Since then taken care

and got medical checkup where she resulted as AIDS Patient. We have

been little blessing to these kind of children in providing food, clothing,

medical and education expenses. Our concern is lost soul need to be saved.

At the AIDS centre where our ministry is going on by sharing the gospel and counselling.

It was first christian marriage held at the aids centre priveleged Dr.Wilson babu Billa could

solemnize christian wedding . It resulted more confidence and trust in the Lord among the

AIDS Children. But still they need to overcome medical and health issues.Biblical Baptist

Church took care of the wedding expenses. I appreciate your prayer support and for the

ministry among the AIDS affected children and people.

In our village outreach ministry we happened to meet a pathetic and needy

family. When I approached with the rice, egg, banana and some biscuits, this

child expressed his innocent knowledge saying that… “when I was hungry

and asked for food; my mommy just gave me 2 biscuits and water to drink .

Since so many days I’ve been asking to feed me rice but didn’t feed me rice

instead, she gave me only biscuit and water three times a day.”

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After listening to this boy, my tears just rolled down. As you can see in the picture, the boy

overwhelemd with Joy and happiness after receiving the food packet. This opened me the

way to share the love of Jesus to this little one.

Likewise there are so many children suffering for food, clothing and shelter in our villages.

We need your utmost prayer and support to reach that kind of children who are suffering

badly for food to eat and to sustain them.

Praise & Prayer Request;

1. I’m truly blessed to be part of COME Family (Mission Board),

where I’m spiritually encouraged and committed more for the

children ministry.

2. Prayerfully, requesting you to consider me and to take me on for support.

Thus far our local church has been supporting in small way. I appreciate

your prayer support and partnership to reach children and to win for Christ.

3. India has been affected very badly with covid virus. Especially the cases are more at our place

(Nellore, Andhra pradesh, India) where the situation is worse. Many are losing their loved ones

and children are left alone without their parents.

4. As an urgent need, I’m Humbly Praying for someone who can sponsor N95 masks which costs

10$ for 30 masks in India. We require minimum 5000 masks for our Shalom foster children,

Evangelist families and for our village churches those who are unable to afford money to buy

mask which is reusable.

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MAY – JUNE 2021

Dear Prayer Partners, Greetings you in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

“Sing unto the LORD, bless his name; shew forth his salvation from day to day. Declare his glory

among the heathen, his wonders among all people.” Psalm 96:2-3

“Respect other people’s feelings. It might mean nothing to you, but it could mean everything to them.”

I Praise and Thank God for the great opportunity in my life to be part of COME Mission Board

through which I can be a great blessing to many people who are physically, mentally and spiritually

weak through my Care and Counseling Ministry in INDIA.

A boy named charan, who is an intensive idol worshiper. Even though he is from orthodox Hindu

background he used to go to Sunday school with a great interest.

During his intermediate 1st year his father died due to heart problem.

Charan and his mother lakshmi was broke into sorrow as he is the only

man one who earns money to feed and to take care of the family. Our

deacon family had a chance to invite them to church. Then my mother

Beulah Wilson consoled lakshmi and prayed over and began to keep

connection over cell phone often praying and counseling with the

scripture. As the days go by she began to come to the church along

with his son. One Sunday the boy charan was upset and feeling low. I went to him and asked what is

bothering and why you are sad? Then he began to share his agony saying that his Examination are very

near but he couldn't able to pay exam fee and tution fee to get hall ticket to write his exams. After

listening to his problem, I counseled and prayed with him emphasizing James 5: 17 ("Elias was a man

subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on

the earth by the space of three years and six months.") giving him assurance and confidence in building

faith and trust in the Lord. Out of much prayer I shared Charan's problem to our parents. Then they

have taken him into consideration and have added him into family prayer list. After few days

Dr.Wilson shared exciting news that sis. Renee Best Bryner sent money and that was a timely need to

help and support Mr.charan education fee. We rejoiced for answering our prayers and thanked the lord

for sis. Renee Best Bryner, for her dedication and commitment for the mission work in India. We

considered him as Shalom child. Kindly uphold Charan's salvation and further studies.

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Prayer Requests:

1. Prayerfully, requesting you to consider me and to take me on for support. Thus far our local church has

been supporting in small way. I appreciate your prayer support and partnership to empower and to

educate young and adult.

2. As I involved getting connected to the people to witness Christ and counseling with various kinds of

emotional people, I need your prayer support for gods wisdom and instant knowledge from above to

deal with different issues.

3. I face very strong opposition and religious argument with many people and after many sessions they

began to show little interest in Christian way counseling.

4. Many are youth and adults are asking Telugu Holy Bible which costs (5$) which consists both Bible

and Hymns. At present I require 70 plus Telugu Holy Bibles.

5. Planning to have Shalom Bible Club in different counseling centers to show Concern and Love of

Christ towards depressed, broken, hopeless and insecure people.(Pray for Snacks and Tea expenses)

6. Kindly uphold youth in this pandemic situation since schools and college are working through online

sessions, where they badly require smart phones/ Tabs/ laptops at attend online classes. Many are

unable to attend classes and finding difficulty for exams.

7. As I’m a pharmacist I’m also involved in assisting in medical service in small way when I get an

opportunity at different village churches. Pray for First Aid kits.
