Evaluation of comparing electricity bills Landywood Primary School, England June/July 2013 and 2014 August 2013 and 2014 December 2013 and 2014

Bill evaluation

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Evaluation of comparing electricity bills

Landywood Primary School, England

June/July 2013 and 2014

August 2013 and 2014

December 2013 and 2014

Page 2: Bill evaluation

June/July 2013 June/July 2014

As you can see from the bill dated ‘June/July 2014’, the units of electricity used have decreased! Pleasing results.We created ‘Eco-warrior’ roles and

produced informative posters to remind both staff and children to turn off any lights, computers and other electrical items when not in use.

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August 2013 August 2014

As you can see from the bill dated ‘August 2014’, the units of electricity used have increased! During the Summer holidays, essential building work and maintenance took place which unfortunately prevented us from seeing the impact our project has had. In addition to this, our site is still used

everyday by holiday club and a private nursery.

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December 2013 December 2014

As you can see from the bill dated ‘August 2014’, the units of electricity used have increased! Disappointing results. Unfortunately, during the

Christmas holidays, our school suffered a severe flood. For several weeks, electric heaters had to be used in order to dry out the classrooms so

learning could resume as normal. Extra heating was used and again, builders were in using electrical tools/equipment. In addition to this, electricity

costs increased and our winter was considerably harsher than the previous year. Taking all of these factors on board, the increase isn’t as dramatic as

one expected.

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Our next steps:

•To hold a meeting with our Eco-warriors to discuss more ways of promoting ‘saving energy’

•Record a log of any unusual building work or changes to computers/electrical items (More purchased?)

•Compare and discuss bills with Comenius partners – discuss their bills/results

•Evaluate and compare bills from June 2013 and June 2015