BIM for Lifecycle Facility Management: Capture the right data, the right way, at the right time Cyril Verley RA CdB kS l ti COO CodeBook Solutions COO CDV Systems President & CEO [email protected] This session profiles business cases and implementation strategies being used by leading organizations to get real-world, whole lifecycle operating value from BIM and CAD models. Cyril Verley examines the big cost savings and efficiency improvement opportunities that new data structures and technologies have brought to the table, and demonstrates the use of Lean construction processes to capture details that facility operations and maintenance can use. He illustrates best practices for streamlining commissioning processes, leveraging mobile technology in the field, and connecting with current facility and space management systems.

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BIM for Lifecycle Facility ManagementCapture the right data, the right way, at the right time

BIM for Lifecycle Facility Management: Capture the right data, the right way, at the right timep g , g y, g

Cyril Verley RAC d B k S l ti COOCodeBook Solutions COO CDV Systems President & CEO [email protected]

This session profiles business cases and implementation strategies being used by leading organizations to get real-world, whole lifecycle operating value from BIM and CAD models. Cyril Verley examines the big cost savings and efficiency improvement opportunities that new data structures and technologies have brought to the table, and demonstrates the use of Lean g g ,construction processes to capture details that facility operations and maintenance can use. He illustrates best practices for streamlining commissioning processes, leveraging mobile technology in the field, and connecting with current facility and space management systems.

BIM for Lifecycle Facility ManagementCapture the right data, the right way, at the right time

Presenter’s BIM, CAD & Data History

Cyril Verley, Registered Architect since 19881985: BArch from Syracuse University (No CAD)1985: BArch from Syracuse University (No CAD)1985 - 1988: Senior Designer: SOM, NYC (SOM’s Draft 2D)1988 - 1990: Senior Designer: DHA, France (ArchiCAD 3D)1990 - 1992: Des / CAD Mngr: Goody Clancy, Bos. (AutoCAD 3D/2D)1993 1999 F d d CDV S t A t CAD d ADT S i 2D / 3D1993 - 1999: Founded CDV Systems: AutoCAD and ADT Services 2D / 3D1997 - 1999: Autodesk Consultant: Co-wrote Autodesk Official

Training Courseware ADT R2 and R31999 - 2001: Revit Technologies; Director of Partner Developmentg ; p2002 - Present: CDV Systems: Full BIM Services to AEC+O Worldwide2005 - Present: CDV Systems / CodeBook International:

Full BIM + Database Services2009 Present: CDV Systems / CodeBook International:2009 - Present: CDV Systems / CodeBook International:

Full BIM, CAD & Database to FM & GIS

CDV Systems, Inc. / CodeBook InternationalWorld Renowned BIM Experts Implemented Full BIM services to 1 000’s ofWorld Renowned BIM Experts. Implemented Full BIM services to 1,000 s of Architects & Engineers, Contractors and Owners on 100’s Million SF of BIMProjects Worldwide.

BIM for Lifecycle Facility ManagementCapture the right data, the right way, at the right time

Is the goal to manage and maintain using BIM…

1. A new addition to a building

2. A complete building with all trades

3. A campus of buildings with all trades

BIM for Lifecycle Facility ManagementCapture the right data, the right way, at the right time

Some questions that may come up…

Are all BIMs alike? Do they share the same “parameter names” and t t f BIM t th t? A th BIM t li t d tstructure from one BIM to the next? Are the BIMs too complicated, to

complex and just too big to use? Do you have staff that can maintain the BIMs? Is there room and asset data in BIM you need? Are the subcontractors giving you BIMs in a different format? Could it be in another subco t acto s g g you s a d e e t o at Cou d t be a ot eBIM or CAD format or even Excel? Is there a way to extract the BIM data into other programs for CAFM? If I use COBIE, what happens when I have 45 separate BIMs of all trades? How do I manage multiple COBIE files? Are my various CAD and BIM files linked together? Can I manage and editAre my various CAD and BIM files linked together? Can I manage and edit that data from one BIM to another? How do I expose BIM to GIS is a usable format? What about managing parameter changes made to individual assets which are used in multiple BIMs across a campus? How p pdo I handle future projects using BIM to be sure they adhere to my standards? How can I manage my existing buildings use BIM when they are only using 2D CAD files? How can I use existing Excel files I currently use for my facility? What’s more important about BIM: the graphics or theuse for my facility? What s more important about BIM: the graphics or the Data?

BIM for Lifecycle Facility ManagementCapture the right data, the right way, at the right time

Other possible mindsets about BIM & CAD…

It’s less about the graphics and more about the Data…

Th f B ildi D t f l t j t BIMThe sources of Building Data come from many places, not just BIM

The sources of Asset Data come from many places, not just BIM

Managing the Data “outside” BIM & CAD using a linked Database

The first step to LEAN principles requires the knowledge & locationThe first step to LEAN principles requires the knowledge & locationof your rooms & their assets across your campus of buildings.

BIM for Lifecycle Facility ManagementCapture the right data, the right way, at the right time

BIM for Lifecycle Facility ManagementCapture the right data, the right way, at the right time

BIM for Lifecycle Facility ManagementCapture the right data, the right way, at the right time

BIM for Lifecycle Facility ManagementCapture the right data, the right way, at the right time

E i ti R & A t

Prj #1

Existing Rooms & AssetsNeed: Common System for all Room Numbers & Door Numbers

Modeled BIM + Linked Database < $0.06 / sfModeled LOD<100 of rooms, walls, doors, floors, levels, grids

BIM for Lifecycle Facility ManagementCapture the right data, the right way, at the right time

E i ti R & A t

Prj #1

Existing Rooms & AssetsNeed: Expose Database to FM (Maximo) & GIS (ArcGIS)

Same Linked Database + FM + GIS < $0.04 / sf

BIM for Lifecycle Facility ManagementCapture the right data, the right way, at the right time

E i ti R & A t

Prj #1

Existing Rooms & AssetsNeed: Expose 2D CAD Rooms & Assets to FM (Maximo) & GIS (ArcGIS)

CAD Files + Same Linked Database

BIM for Lifecycle Facility ManagementCapture the right data, the right way, at the right time

BIM & CAD f E i ti & F t R & A t

Prj #2

BIM & CAD of Existing & Future Rooms & AssetsNeed: Part 1: Manage Room & Assets Data from central Kit of Parts Library linked to BIM, CAD & Excel

U.S. Automaker w/ Millions sf of Rooms & MEP Assets

BIM for Lifecycle Facility ManagementCapture the right data, the right way, at the right time

BIM & CAD f E i ti & F t R & A t

Prj #2

BIM & CAD of Existing & Future Rooms & AssetsNeed: Part 1: Manage Room & Assets Data from central Kit of Parts Library linked to BIM, CAD & Excel

U.S. Automaker w/ Millions sf of Rooms & MEP Assets

BIM for Lifecycle Facility ManagementCapture the right data, the right way, at the right time

BIM & CAD f E i ti & F t R & A t

Prj #2

BIM & CAD of Existing & Future Rooms & AssetsNeed: Part 1: Manage Room & Assets Data from central Kit of Parts Library linked to BIM, CAD & Excel

U.S. Automaker w/ Millions sf of Rooms & MEP Assets

BIM for Lifecycle Facility ManagementCapture the right data, the right way, at the right time

BIM & CAD f E i ti & F t R & A t

Prj #2

BIM & CAD of Existing & Future Rooms & AssetsNeed: Part 1: Manage Room & Assets Data from central Kit of Parts Library linked to BIM, CAD & Excel

U.S. Automaker w/ Millions sf of Rooms & MEP Assets

BIM for Lifecycle Facility ManagementCapture the right data, the right way, at the right time

BIM & CAD f E i ti & F t R & A t

Prj #2

BIM & CAD of Existing & Future Rooms & AssetsNeed: Part 1: Manage Room & Assets Data from central Kit of Parts Library linked to BIM, CAD & Excel

U.S. Automaker w/ Millions sf of Rooms & MEP Assets

BIM for Lifecycle Facility ManagementCapture the right data, the right way, at the right time

BIM & CAD f E i ti & F t R & A t

Prj #2

BIM & CAD of Existing & Future Rooms & AssetsNeed: Part 2: Locate & Edit Room & Asset Data using wireless Ipad for Punch Listing & Commissioning

U.S. Automaker w/ Millions sf of Rooms & MEP Assets

BIM for Lifecycle Facility ManagementCapture the right data, the right way, at the right time

BIM & CAD f E i ti & F t R & A t

Prj #2

BIM & CAD of Existing & Future Rooms & AssetsNeed: Part 2: Locate & Edit Room & Asset Data using wireless Ipad for Punch Listing & Commissioning

U.S. Automaker w/ Millions sf of Rooms & MEP Assets

CSM 1-225G l P L b (S h id )General Purpose Lab (Schneider)

BIM for Lifecycle Facility ManagementCapture the right data, the right way, at the right time

BIM & CAD f E i ti & F t R & A t

Prj #2

BIM & CAD of Existing & Future Rooms & AssetsNeed: Part 2: Locate & Edit Room & Asset Data using wireless Ipad for Punch Listing & Commissioning

U.S. Automaker w/ Millions sf of Rooms & MEP Assets

BIM for Lifecycle Facility ManagementCapture the right data, the right way, at the right time

BIM & CAD f E i ti & F t R & A t

Prj #2

BIM & CAD of Existing & Future Rooms & AssetsNeed: Part 2: Locate & Edit Room & Asset Data using wireless Ipad for Punch Listing & Commissioning

U.S. Automaker w/ Millions sf of Rooms & MEP Assets

BIM for Lifecycle Facility ManagementCapture the right data, the right way, at the right time

BIM & CAD f E i ti & F t R & A t

Prj #2

BIM & CAD of Existing & Future Rooms & AssetsNeed: Part 2: Locate & Edit Room & Asset Data using wireless Ipad for Punch Listing & Commissioning

U.S. Automaker w/ Millions sf of Rooms & MEP Assets

BIM for Lifecycle Facility ManagementCapture the right data, the right way, at the right time

BIM & CAD f E i ti & F t R & A t

Prj #2

BIM & CAD of Existing & Future Rooms & AssetsNeed: Part 2: Locate & Edit Room & Asset Data using wireless Ipad for Punch Listing & Commissioning

U.S. Automaker w/ Millions sf of Rooms & MEP Assets

BIM for Lifecycle Facility ManagementCapture the right data, the right way, at the right time

BIM & CAD f E i ti & F t R & A t

Prj #2

BIM & CAD of Existing & Future Rooms & AssetsNeed: Part 2: Locate & Edit Room & Asset Data using wireless Ipad for Punch Listing & Commissioning

U.S. Automaker w/ Millions sf of Rooms & MEP Assets

BIM for Lifecycle Facility ManagementCapture the right data, the right way, at the right time

BIM & CAD f E i ti & F t R & A t

Prj #2

BIM & CAD of Existing & Future Rooms & AssetsNeed: Part 2: Locate & Edit Room & Asset Data using wireless Ipad for Punch Listing & Commissioning

U.S. Automaker w/ Millions sf of Rooms & MEP Assets

BIM for Lifecycle Facility ManagementCapture the right data, the right way, at the right time

BIM & CAD f E i ti & F t R & A t

Prj #3

BIM & CAD of Existing & Future Rooms & AssetsNeed: Locate & Expose Rooms & Assets to GIS (a GeoDatabase)

US University with 4 of 360 buildings representing 17 million sf.

BIM for Lifecycle Facility ManagementCapture the right data, the right way, at the right time

BIM & CAD f E i ti & F t R & A t

Prj #3

BIM & CAD of Existing & Future Rooms & AssetsNeed: Locate & Expose Rooms & Assets to GIS (a GeoDatabase)

US University with 4 of 360 buildings representing 17 million sf.

BIM for Lifecycle Facility ManagementCapture the right data, the right way, at the right time

BIM & CAD f E i ti & F t R & A t

Prj #3

BIM & CAD of Existing & Future Rooms & AssetsNeed: Locate & Expose Rooms & Assets to GIS (a GeoDatabase)

US University with 4 of 360 buildings representing 17 million sf.

BIM for Lifecycle Facility ManagementCapture the right data, the right way, at the right time

BIM & CAD f E i ti & F t R & A t

Prj #3

BIM & CAD of Existing & Future Rooms & AssetsNeed: Locate & Expose Rooms & Assets to GIS (a GeoDatabase)

US University with 4 of 360 buildings representing 17 million sf.

BIM for Lifecycle Facility ManagementCapture the right data, the right way, at the right time

BIM & CAD f E i ti & F t R & A t

Prj #3

BIM & CAD of Existing & Future Rooms & AssetsNeed: Locate & Expose Rooms & Assets to GIS (a GeoDatabase)

US University with 4 of 360 buildings representing 17 million sf.

BIM for Lifecycle Facility ManagementCapture the right data, the right way, at the right time

BIM D t f D i d D t ti

Prj #4

BIM Data for Design and DocumentationNeeds: Validation between Req’d Program vs. BIM / Creation of reports outlining discrepancies

¾ million sf VA hospital. Design-build contract with Turner Construction & AECOM

BIM for Lifecycle Facility ManagementCapture the right data, the right way, at the right time

BIM D t f D i d D t ti

Prj #4

BIM Data for Design and DocumentationNeeds: Validation between Req’d Program vs. BIM / Creation of reports outlining discrepancies

¾ million sf VA hospital. Design-build contract with Turner Construction & AECOM

BIM for Lifecycle Facility ManagementCapture the right data, the right way, at the right time

BIM D t f D i d D t ti

Prj #4

BIM Data for Design and DocumentationNeeds: Validation between Req’d Program vs. BIM / Creation of reports outlining discrepancies

¾ million sf VA hospital. Design-build contract with Turner Construction & AECOM

BIM for Lifecycle Facility ManagementCapture the right data, the right way, at the right time

BIM D t f D i d D t ti

Prj #4

BIM Data for Design and DocumentationNeeds: Validation between Req’d Program vs. BIM / Creation of reports outlining discrepancies

¾ million sf VA hospital. Design-build contract with Turner Construction & AECOM

BIM for Lifecycle Facility ManagementCapture the right data, the right way, at the right time

BIM D t f D i d D t ti

Prj #4

BIM Data for Design and DocumentationNeeds: Validation between Req’d Program vs. BIM / Creation of reports outlining discrepancies

¾ million sf VA hospital. Design-build contract with Turner Construction & AECOM

BIM for Lifecycle Facility ManagementCapture the right data, the right way, at the right time

BIM D t f D i d D t ti

Prj #4

BIM Data for Design and DocumentationNeeds: Validation between Req’d Program vs. BIM / Creation of reports outlining discrepancies

¾ million sf VA hospital. Design-build contract with Turner Construction & AECOM

BIM for Lifecycle Facility ManagementCapture the right data, the right way, at the right time

BIM D t f D i d D t ti D t D i D i

Prj #5

BIM Data for Design and Documentation – Data Driven DesignNeeds: Validation between Req’d Program vs. BIM using Room Types & Templates from a Central DB

3.5 million sf hospital in Montreal. Largest public-private partnership (P3) in North America

BIM for Lifecycle Facility ManagementCapture the right data, the right way, at the right time Prj #5

BIM D t f D i d D t ti D t D i D iBIM Data for Design and Documentation – Data Driven DesignNeeds: Validation between Req’d Program vs. BIM using Room Types & Templates from a Central DB

3.5 million sf hospital in Montreal. Largest public-private partnership (P3) in North America

BIM for Lifecycle Facility ManagementCapture the right data, the right way, at the right time Prj #5

BIM D t f D i d D t ti D t D i D iBIM Data for Design and Documentation – Data Driven DesignNeeds: Validation between Req’d Program vs. BIM using Room Types & Templates from a Central DB

3.5 million sf hospital in Montreal. Largest public-private partnership (P3) in North America

BIM for Lifecycle Facility ManagementCapture the right data, the right way, at the right time Prj #5

BIM D t f D i d D t ti D t D i D iBIM Data for Design and Documentation – Data Driven DesignNeeds: Validation between Req’d Program vs. BIM using Room Types & Templates from a Central DB

3.5 million sf hospital in Montreal. Largest public-private partnership (P3) in North America

BIM for Lifecycle Facility ManagementCapture the right data, the right way, at the right time


BIM for Lifecycle Facility ManagementCapture the right data, the right way, at the right time

Tradeline Three…

Access BIM & CAD data “Outside” BIM & CAD in order to:Access BIM & CAD data Outside BIM & CAD in order to:

1. Manage room & asset data across a campus of buildings

2 V lid t & t b t i d & BIM / CAD fil2. Validate new rooms & assets between required program & BIM / CAD files

3. Expose room and asset data to FM, GIS or mobile devices

BIM for Lifecycle Facility ManagementCapture the right data, the right way, at the right time

Thank you!

Cyril Verley RACodeBook Solutions COO CDV Systems President & CEO C il V l @ d b ki t ti [email protected]