Modified from the UA Community and School Garden’s Green Academy Lesson Plan Template Bio/Diversity Project Lesson 1: Introduction to Pollination Teacher: Ashley Parker, Shea Cutter Adapted from: https://www.calacademy.org/educators/lesson-plans/flowers-seeking-pollinators Grade Level: 8th Time: 60 minutes AZ State Science Standard: 8.L3U1.9 Construct an explanation of how genetic variations occur in offspring through the inheritance of traits or through mutations. Content Objective: Math, Reading, Science, Writing, Other: Students will be able to define the term cross-pollination. Students will be able to explain why cross-pollination is important. Students will be able to explain how cross-pollination leads to genetic variations Language Objective: (Optional) “N/A” Scientist of the Week: Valerie Madera-Garcia From Peñuelas, Puerto Rico PhD student at the University of Arizona studying Epidemiology Working to identify mosquito breeding sites and their exposure to vector- borne diseases Vocabulary Materials Pollination Pollinator Stigma Stamen Colored Cotton Balls Plastic Cups Plastic Straws Seasonality: (If more specificity is required, please note date/time range under the season) Highlight which season(s) your lesson would be most suited to. When working with the natural world, it is important to keep this in mind for your planning! Some activities are possible for a brief window of time while others may be appropriate during any time of year.

Bio/Diversity Project Lesson : Introduction to Pollination

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Page 1: Bio/Diversity Project Lesson : Introduction to Pollination

Modified from the UA Community and School Garden’s Green Academy Lesson Plan Template

Bio/Diversity Project

Lesson 1: Introduction to Pollination

Teacher: Ashley Parker, Shea Cutter

Adapted from: https://www.calacademy.org/educators/lesson-plans/flowers-seeking-pollinators

Grade Level: 8th

Time: 60 minutes

AZ State Science



Construct an explanation of how genetic variations occur

in offspring through the inheritance of traits or through


Content Objective:

Math, Reading, Science,

Writing, Other:

• Students will be able to define the term cross-pollination.

• Students will be able to explain why cross-pollination is important.

• Students will be able to explain how cross-pollination leads to genetic


Language Objective:

(Optional) “N/A”

Scientist of the Week:

Valerie Madera-Garcia

• From Peñuelas, Puerto Rico

• PhD student at the University of Arizona studying Epidemiology

• Working to identify mosquito breeding sites and their exposure to vector-

borne diseases

Vocabulary Materials

• Pollination

• Pollinator

• Stigma

• Stamen

• Colored Cotton Balls• Plastic Cups

• Plastic Straws

Seasonality: (If more specificity is required, please note date/time range under the season)

Highlight which season(s) your lesson would be most suited to. When working with the natural world, it is

important to keep this in mind for your planning! Some activities are possible for a brief window of time while

others may be appropriate during any time of year.

Page 2: Bio/Diversity Project Lesson : Introduction to Pollination

Modified from the UA Community and School Garden’s Green Academy Lesson Plan Template






Dec.- Feb.



Dry Summer


Guiding Questions:

• What is cross-pollination?

• What how does cross-pollination occur?

• What are the different parts of a flower?

Engagement/Introductory Activity: First we will ask students the guided questions and to gauge what they already

know about cross-pollination and how it works. Then we will go over the diagram below to see if they were

right/reinforce their understanding of the process.


attract pollinatorsstigma

traps pollen


pollen travels

down to egg



egg cells

1. The pollinator receives

pollen from the stamen of

the first flower.

(The pollen brushes onto

the pollinator’s body while

the pollinator drinks nectar

from deep inside the base

of the flower.)

images from http:// www.sacsplash.org/

2. And deposits it on the

stigma of the next flower.

(This also happens while the

pollinator drinks nectar.)


Think About It....

What if cross-pollination happens between two flowers of

the same kind? What is self-pollination?

PLANTSFlower Diagram


the female

parts of

the flower


anthercontains pollen



the male

parts of

the flower


3. The pollen moves down the

style to join with the ovules in

the ovary.

Page 3: Bio/Diversity Project Lesson : Introduction to Pollination

Modified from the UA Community and School Garden’s Green Academy Lesson Plan Template

Exploratory Activity:

“Pollen Distribution”

1. Divide students into 4 groups

2. Each group will have a flower that must be cross pollinated with other flowers across the room

a. The “flower” will be a plastic cup full of colored cotton balls which represent the pollen

3. In a relay-race fashion, one student at a time from each group will transfer a piece of pollen from their

flower to a flower on the opposite side of the room and bring a different piece back.

a. Students must use straws as chopsticks to pick up the pollen

b. Students can only carry one piece of pollen at a time

4. When we call time, each group will show the class how well their flower was cross-pollinated


Was it hard to capture/carry the pollen? Think about where pollen is stored in most flowers. (Look over diagram

from earlier if necessary) Why do you think that it is stored in the middle of the flower? How might this help them

get pollinated?

“The nectaries are usually located deep in the middle of a flower so that pollinators have to first brush against the

anthers, and then the stigma to get to the nectar. Some pollinators, like bees, need pollen in addition to nectar. Some

pollinating insects (e.g. some flies) are attracted to flowers by scent but gain no reward when they visit. The insects

try to leave quickly but the flowers may have traps to slow the insects down.”

Extension Activity/Questions:

Ask the students for ideas on what could affect cross-pollination in the real world and prevent it from happening.

What would happen if cross-pollination didn’t occur? Why is genetic variation important?

Topics to discuss

• Species survival

• Adaptations

• Biodiversity

Evaluation Activity:

On a piece of paper, the students will write:

• Name

• One thing they still had a question about

• Two new things they learned as well

Page 4: Bio/Diversity Project Lesson : Introduction to Pollination

Sonoran Pollinators Relay Race Instructions


Bats will use Long Sticks to obtain pollen from Big Bowls. As large animals,

they require large sturdy flowers that can support their weight.


Bees will wear Glasses to represent their UV vision, and will use their Hands

to obtain pollen from Small Bowls with no pattern.


Butterflies will use Straws to obtain their pollen from Paper Bags, which

mimic the proboscis they use to collect nectar from real flowers.


Hummingbirds will use Tweezers to obtain their pollen from Pitchers. They

enjoy similarly tube-shaped flowers to butterflies, but prefer a platform

which they can rest on (tweezers representing their little feet).


Flies will use Popsicle Sticks to represent their small limbs, and will obtain

pollen from Little Bowls with grid patterns that fit their body size well.


Moths will use Binder Clips to represent their limbs being used to grab onto

a flower, and will get their pollen from Coffee Filters, which are

representative of their preference for white flowers.

Page 5: Bio/Diversity Project Lesson : Introduction to Pollination

Pollinator ProfileBirds

©Dick Daniels

• Birds visit flowers during the daytime

• Birds use their beaks to reach inside flowers to drink nectar

• Birds do not rest on the flower petals to eat

• Birds have good vision but a poor sense of smell

• Birds are attracted to bright colors, like red or orange

Pollinator ProfileBees

©John Severns

• Bees visit flowers during the daytime

• Bees land on the flower petals to gather pollen

• Bees are attracted to sweet smelling flowers

• Bees seeks bright colors, like yellow, blue, and violet.

• Bees can see colors in the UV spectrum

Page 6: Bio/Diversity Project Lesson : Introduction to Pollination

Pollinator ProfileMoths• Moths visit flowers during the

nighttime• Moths use their long mouth

parts to reach inside flowers to drink nectar

• Moths do not rest on the flower petals to eat

• Moths are attracted to flowers that are pale colors, or white

• Moths are attracted to sweet smelling flowers

Pollinator ProfileFlies


• Flies visit flowers during the day-time

• Flies land on the flower petals to gather pollen

• Flies are attracted to flowers that smell like rotting meat because they lay their eggs on rotten meat

• Flies like to visit flowers that are low to the ground

• Flies like to visit flowers that are pale colors with dark brown or purple patches


Page 7: Bio/Diversity Project Lesson : Introduction to Pollination

Pollinator ProfileButterflies


• Butterflies visit flowers during the daytime

• Butterflies use their long mouth parts to reach inside flowers to drink nectar

• Butterflies rest on the flower petals when they eat

• Butterflies are attracted to flowers that are bright colors, like violet, red, or orange

• Butterflies have good vision but a weak sense of smell

Pollinator ProfileBats


• Bats visit flowers during the night-time

• Bats land on the flower petals to feed on the nectar deep inside the flower

• Bats are attracted to large flowers with strong smells

• Bats like to visit flowers that are white because they are visible at night

Page 8: Bio/Diversity Project Lesson : Introduction to Pollination

Modified from the UA Community and School Garden’s Green Academy Lesson Plan Template

Bio/Diversity Project

Lesson 2: Pollinators in the Sonoran Desert

Teacher: Shea Cutter

Adapted from: Pollinators on the Tallgrass Prairie

Grade Level: 8th

Time: 60 minutes

AZ State Science



Construct an explanation of how genetic variations occur

in offspring through the inheritance of traits or through



Develop and use a model to explain how natural

selection may lead to increases and decreases of specific

traits in populations over time.

Content Objective:

Math, Reading, Science,

Writing, Other:

• Students will be able to identify what qualities make a pollinator-plant pair


• Students will be able to identify Sonoran Desert pollinators and plants.

• Students will be able to draw conclusions from raw data and justify those

conclusions with biological knowledge

Language Objective:



Scientist of the Week:

Gloria D Degrandi-Hoffman

• Honey Bee Biologist

• Works at the University of Arizona

• Helping determine what in the environment is making honey bees more


Vocabulary Materials

• Sonoran pollinators: bees, butterflies, flies, moths,

bats, hummingbirds, wasps

• Pollinator Syndrome

• Symbiosis

• Headbands• Cards with Sonoran Desert

pollinators and plants

• 3x5 Blank Notecards

Seasonality: (If more specificity is required, please note date/time range under the season)

Highlight which season(s) your lesson would be most suited to. When working with the natural world, it is

important to keep this in mind for your planning! Some activities are possible for a brief window of time while

others may be appropriate during any time of year.






Dec.- Feb.



Dry Summer


Page 9: Bio/Diversity Project Lesson : Introduction to Pollination

Modified from the UA Community and School Garden’s Green Academy Lesson Plan Template

Guiding Questions:

• What factors influence a pollinator to choose a flower?

• Describe the relationship between plants and their pollinators.

• What kind of plants and pollinators are found in the Sonoran Desert?

Engagement/Introductory Activity:

• Show students pictures of Sonoran Desert flowers and ask students to write down a 2 sentence explanationfor why one of the flowers is their favorite.

• Think/Pair/Share of which flower students' chose and why.

• Explain to the students that just like they prefer some flowers over others, so do pollinators. For example, the

butterfly has a long, slender mouth part (proboscis), they prefer flowers that are long and tube like. Some

flies on the other hand, have short, round mouth parts much like a sponge. For these pollinators, a wide-open

flower is preferred. For moths, a flower that is open at night is preferred because that is when moths are

active. The concept of pollinators preferring some plants over others is known as 'Pollinator Syndromes.'Pollinators have certain characteristics that are specific to their preferred plants.

• We will assign each student a picture of either a Sonoran Desert plant or their pollinator

• Each student with a plant picture will try to pair up with their most effective pollinator

o The students will not know what is on their picture

o The picture will be connected to a headband (similar to the game HeadsUp).• Each student will have a set of factual clues on their headband to help them find a pollinator or plant that

fits into a working pair

• The activity will continue until each student is paired up with a pollinator or plant, they believe they could

have a symbiotic relationship with

Plant and Pollinator Pairs:

Chuparosa = Hummingbird

• Daytime blooms, presence of nectar, and tube shape all support that a hummingbird could pollinate

this flower effectively

Smooth Desert Dandelion = 1. Bee, 2. Fly

• Daytime blooms, sturdy petal platform, UV light patterns all support bee pollination. Sweet scent,

daytime blooms, and sturdy platform support fly pollination.

Desert Lilly = 1. Moth, 2. Bat

• Nighttime blooms, tube shaped flower, white coloration, and strong smell support moth

pollination. Nighttime blooms, large flowers, and strong smell support bat pollination.

Starfish Cactus = 1. Fly, 2. Moth

• Daytime blooms, strong smell both support fly pollination. Strong smell supports moth pollination.

Dakota Mock Vervain = 1. Butterfly, 2. Bee

• Bright coloration, small, long-tube shaped flowers support butterfly pollination. Bright colors and

many small flowers support bee pollination.

Yellow Palo Verde = Bee

• Daytime blooms, sturdy petals, and UV light pattern all support bee pollination.

Parry’s Agave = 1. Bat, 2. Moth

• Nighttime blooms, strong smell, and sturdy petal platform with large flowers all support bat

pollination. Smell, nighttime blooms both support moth pollination.

NOTE: there are enough plants that can have multiple effective pollinators that there may be some students who end

up in very ineffective pairs. This is okay, as long as they realize they are not very compatible.

Exploratory Activity:

Page 10: Bio/Diversity Project Lesson : Introduction to Pollination

Modified from the UA Community and School Garden’s Green Academy Lesson Plan Template


• Students will look at and compare their headbands and determine if they chose an effective


• Think/Pair/Share: what characteristics do the plants have in common with their pollinator?

• In a class discussion, ask for volunteers who think their pair was especially compatible or especially

incompatible to tell the class why.

• Class question: Does anyone know what type of relationship is this called?

o Short explanation on symbiosis definition

Extension Activity:

• Students will analyze a table of information about pollinator visits to the different plants they had and

figure out which is the most common pollinator for their plant and why.

o They should be able to tell this from the data and be able to justify their data with characteristic

of the plant and the pollinator.

• Students should be able to identify that many flowers can be visited by multiple pollinators

o Prompt students to consider why having multiple possible pollinators is advantageous.

Evaluation Activity:

• On a notecard, list one Sonoran Desert plant/pollinator relationship and why that relationship exists.

• What do they both get out of the relationship?

• Is this an example of symbiosis? If yes, what kind?

These cards can be assessed to see how effective the lesson was in increasing understanding of symbiotic

pollinator/plant relationships.

Page 11: Bio/Diversity Project Lesson : Introduction to Pollination

Name: Date:

Flower Traits Number of Pollinator Visits

Flower 1: Chuparosa • No scent • Sweet nectar at base

of large, long tube- shaped flower

• No place for bird to rest while feeding

• Flower points down • Blooms during day

Butterfly Bat Bird Bee Moth Fly







Flower 2: Smooth Desertdandelion • Sweet, fragrant smell • Sturdy petal platform • Bulls-eye design in

center of flower, visible only under UV light

• Blooms during the day








Flower 3: Desert Lily • Large white tube-

shaped flower • Sweet, fragrant smell • Blooms at night








Flower 4: Starfish Cactus • Putrid odor, like rotting

meat, carrion, dung, sap or blood

• Flower is low to the ground

• Flower blooms during the day







Flower Seeking Pollinator

Page 12: Bio/Diversity Project Lesson : Introduction to Pollination

Flower Traits Number of Pollinator Visits

Flower 5: Dakota Mock Vervain • No smell • Many small flowers • Brightly colored • Small, long tube-

shaped flowers

Butterfly Bat Bird Bee Moth Fly







Flower 6: Yellow Palo Verde • Sturdy petal platform • Bulls-eye design in

center of flower, visible only under UV light

• Blooms during the day








Flower 7: Parry’s Agave • Large flower clusters • Strong, musky smell • Blooms at night • Sturdy petal platform







Part One: Pollinator Observations

1. Who is your pollinator?

2. What number flower did your pollinator visit the most?

3. What are 3 flower traits that you think attract your pollinator? Use this sentence starter:


are attracted to flowers that are...”




Page 13: Bio/Diversity Project Lesson : Introduction to Pollination

Modified from the UA Community and School Garden’s Green Academy Lesson Plan Template

Bio/Diversity Project

Lesson 3: Bats Researchers

Teacher: Shea Cutter, Amerlia Lappenbusch

Grade Level: 8th

Time: 60 minutes

AZ State Science



• Communicate how advancements in technology have furthered the field of

genetic research and use evidence to support an argument about the positive

and negative effects of genetic research on human lives.

Content Objective:

Math, Reading, Science,

Writing, Other:

• Students will be able to identify bats as pollinators

• Students will be able to explain conservation efforts for bats

• Students will use teamwork and problem solving to complete activities focused

on the importance of research toward the effort of conservation of bats

Language Objective:

(Optional) N/A

Scientist of the Week:

George Washington Carver (1864-1943)

• Botanist and most prominent scientist and inventor of his time

• Researched plant biology focused on peanuts, sweet potatoes, soybeans and


• Invented hundreds of products including 300 from peanuts and 118 from

sweet potatoes

Vocabulary Materials

• Bat box

• Echolocation

• Migration

• Nectivorous

• Nose leaf

• Roost

• Bat bridge article

• Bat population worksheet

• Trivia slideshow







Dec.- Feb.



Dry Summer


Guiding Questions:

• Why is research important for conservation?

• What makes research difficult?

• Why are bats endangered?

Engagement/Introductory Activity:

Page 14: Bio/Diversity Project Lesson : Introduction to Pollination

Modified from the UA Community and School Garden’s Green Academy Lesson Plan Template

• To begin the students will draw from last week’s activity of plants and their pollinator relationships to

identify characteristics that attracted bats to flowers to show them they have some knowledge to begin the

lesson on bats

• Using a worksheet that labels the anatomy of bats the students will use the paragraph above the bat

• illustration to help them make educated guesses on how to label the bat analogy.


• After this activity I will go into a background of the two nectivorous bats in Arizona Mexican long-

tongued bat and the lesser long-nosed bat

• Bats are the only mammals to fly

• Both bats are members of the diverse leaf-nosed bats, the leaf shaped patch at the top of their snouts is

used to direct echolocation cries.

• The echolocation cries come from their nostrils and are too high of a frequency for humans to hear

• They roost in caves, abandoned mines, buildings, and bridges

• Females only birth one single young during the months of June and July

• Both bat species were put on the federal endangered species list however recent studies found that

there is improvement in populations and as of last year the lesser long-nosed bat is off of the

endangered species list

Exploratory Activity:

Using the article Ina Road Bridge Bats and Bat Boxes on pages 24-25 of the Quarterly News Magazine of Tucson

Audubon Society Volume 63, Number 2. This article goes into detail about how the town of Marana funded a bat

habitat replacement by adapting bridges with bat boxes incorporated within the design.

• Using the article, the students will be able to answer 10 trivia questions

• The questions are based around the idea that the students are researchers trying to help with bat


• The answers can be found in the article about bat bridge

• Once the students have analyzed the article and answered the trivia questions correctly, they will receive a

set of data that represents the bat population in Tucson over a 10-year lifespan

• Each answer

Explore activity questions:

• Why would it be important for researchers to look into the bat population in Tucson?

o Over 50% of bat species are in severe decline or already listed as endangered.

• Researchers are experiencing trouble trying to find a community of bats in Tucson, Arizona. Where is a

good place to locate a roosting site?

o In older bridge designs with crevices such as Ina Road bridge

• Why are new bridge designs not fit for bats to roost in?

o They have flat bottoms with no crevices for bats to roost

• What months would be the best to monitor the bridge before demolition?

o May through April

• What type of bats will the researchers find during the winter?

o Approximately 5,000 Mexican free-tailed bats remain in the Ina road bridge during the winter.

• Researchers want to create a bat box to relocate a colony from a bridge being torn down. What are

important characteristics to include in designing the bat box?

o Well-insulated in order to mimic the temperature moderation provided by the thermal mass of the


• What are bat bridges made of?

o Light weight concrete material

• What size should the bat box be?

o Each bat box is 4 ft x 4 ft x 4ft, with a crevice varying from ¾ inch to 1 ½ inches in width.

• During what months would there be the least number of bats in the bridge to start relocation? Why?

o During mid-October through December because most of the bats have migrated to warmer


• What can be used to help relocate the bats from the bridge?

Page 15: Bio/Diversity Project Lesson : Introduction to Pollination

Modified from the UA Community and School Garden’s Green Academy Lesson Plan Template

o Sheet funnels hanging from the old bridge crevices so that bats can exit but not return.



Showing a video of bats emerging from bat bridge in Tucson at River and Campbell. During this video the students

will answer some questions about research;

• What makes research difficult?

• How can we solve those problems?

• Why is research important for conservation?

• What does climate change have to do with the decline of bat population?

• What do bats do to help agriculture?

Extension Activity/Questions:

Using a graph analysis worksheet, the students will plot their data that they received about the bat population from

the explore trivia activity.

• After plotting their data on the graph, it will display a trend in bat population and help the students fill out

the bottom of the worksheet.

• The questions will help to gage how well the students understand the trends in data and the effects of

research and conservation on the bat population

o What % has the bat population increased since year 1978?

o How many times has the population been decreased since they started being measured in 1968


o The colony was not measured in year 1975. Using the trends on the graph estimate how many bats

were in the that colony that year.

o When do you think this colony started being protected?

Evaluation Activity:

On a notecard have the students answer a few questions to link the message back to the content objectives

• What kind of human interaction can put bat populations in danger?

• What kind of human interaction can help bat populations?

Page 16: Bio/Diversity Project Lesson : Introduction to Pollination

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Page 17: Bio/Diversity Project Lesson : Introduction to Pollination

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Page 18: Bio/Diversity Project Lesson : Introduction to Pollination
Page 19: Bio/Diversity Project Lesson : Introduction to Pollination
Page 20: Bio/Diversity Project Lesson : Introduction to Pollination


Why would it be important for researchers to look into the bat population in the Sonoran Desert? Because over 50% of bat species are in

severe decline or are already listed as endangered.

Great job working through the problem, researchers!

The bat population for X year is Y

Researchers are experiencing trouble trying to find a community of bats. Where is a good place to locate a roosting site? In older bridge designs with crevices such as

Ina Road bridge

Great job working through the problem, researchers!

The bat population for X year is Y

Page 21: Bio/Diversity Project Lesson : Introduction to Pollination


Why are new bridge designs not fit for bats to roost in? They have flat bottoms with no

crevices for bats to roost

Great job working through the problem, researchers!

The bat population for X year is Y

What months would be the best to monitor the bridge before demolition?

May through April

Great job working through the problem, researchers!

The bat population for X year is Y

Page 22: Bio/Diversity Project Lesson : Introduction to Pollination


What type of bats will the researchers find during the winter? Approximately 5,000 Mexican free-tailed

bats remain in the Ina road bridge during the winter.

Great job working through the problem, researchers!

The bat population for X year is Y

Researchers want to create a bat box to relocate a colony from a bridge being torn down. What are important characteristics to include in designing the bat box? Well-insulated in order to mimic the

temperature moderation provided by the thermal mass of the bridge.

Great job working through the problem, researchers!

The bat population for X year is Y

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What are bat bridges made of? Light weight concrete material

Great job working through the problem, researchers! The bat population for X year is Y

What size should the bat box be? Each bat box is 4 ft x 4 ft x 4ft, with

a crevice varying from ¾ inch to 1 ½ inches in width.

Great job working through the problem, researchers! The bat population for X year is Y

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During what months would there be the least number of bats in the bridge to start relocation? Why? During mid-October through December

because most of the bats have migrated to warmer climates.

Great job working through the problem, researchers!

The bat population for X year is Y

What can be used to help relocate the bats from the bridge? Sheet funnels hanging from the old

bridge crevices so that bats can exit but not return.

Great job working through the problem, researchers! The bat population for X year is Y

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What % has the bat population increased since year XXXX?

How many times has the population been decreased since they started being measured in XXXX year?

The colony was not measured in year XXXX. Using the trends on the graph estimate how many bats were in the that colony that year.

When do you think this colony started being protected?

Page 26: Bio/Diversity Project Lesson : Introduction to Pollination

Modified from the UA Community and School Garden’s Green Academy Lesson Plan Template

Bio/Diversity Project

Lesson 4: Life of BatsTeacher: Shea Cutter

Grade Level: 8th

Time: 60 minutes

Adapted from: https://www.speakcdn.com/assets/2332/activity_-_make_and_play_game1.pdf

AZ State Science


Learning Standards: 8.E1U3.8

Construct and support an argument about how human

consumption of limited resources impacts the biosphere.

Content Objective:

Math, Reading, Science,

Writing, Other:

• Students will be able to distinguish the difference between nectivorous and

insectivorous bats.

• Students will be able to explain how human interaction is threatening the

survival of bats.

• Students will use teamwork and problem solving to find ways human

interaction can positively affect the bat population.

Language Objective:

(Optional) N/A

Scientist of the Week:

Kathrin Barboza Marquez

• Bolivia

• Bat Biologist

• Discovered the sword nosed bat thought to be extinct for 72 years

• Researching bat bio-acoustics

Vocabulary Materials

• Insectivorous

• Megabat

• Microbat

• Nectivorous

• Bat board game

• Dice

• 11x17 paper

• Color pencils

Seasonality: Summer months when the bats migrate from Mexico after winter






Dec.- Feb.



Dry Summer


Guiding Questions:

• What is the difference between nectivorous and insectivorous bats?

• What human interactions are affecting the survival of bats?

• What are the life threatening obstacles bat face each year?

Engagement/Introductory Activity:

• Introduce the facts about bat species

• Nearly 1,000 species of bats

Page 27: Bio/Diversity Project Lesson : Introduction to Pollination

Modified from the UA Community and School Garden’s Green Academy Lesson Plan Template

• Explain the difference between Mega and Micro bats

o Microbats — Microchiroptera

▪ Mostly insectivorous

▪ Nectivorous bats (pollinators) include – Mexican Long Tongue Bats & Lesser Long Nose


▪ Small eyes

▪ Big ears

▪ Echolocation

▪ Live everywhere except Antartica

▪ Desert ecosystems rely on nectar-feeding bats to pollinate giant cacti, including the organ

pipe and saguaro of Arizona.

o Megabats — Megachiroptera

▪ Fruit

▪ Big eyes

▪ Small ears

▪ No echolocation

▪ Live in only tropical locations

▪ Seeds dropped by bats account for up to 95% of forest regrowth on cleared land

Exploratory Activity:

• The students will participate in groups of 4 to complete a board game based off of bats

• The goal of the game is to be the first to make your bat return to the roost

• The objective of the game is for each student to take turns rolling the dice and following the situational

instructions as you go through a year of a life as a bat

• The board game starts at the beginning of the bat’s life cycle in the roost and ends when the bat returns to

the roost after a year

• The student who rolls the highest number first moves first on the board

• The play will continue to the right with each player taking a turn

• If a player lands on a board piece with a situational instruction the player will follow those instructions

o The situational instructions will either help or hurt the player by moving them forward or


o The situational instructions will talk about situations that bats encounter each year that either

threaten or help them

• The first player to return back to the roost at the end to give birth will win

Situational Instructions:

▪ Your mom gave birth to you. She learned your smell and developed a special call you will use to find each

other among all the other bats. Move ahead one space.

▪ Mom left you for the first time successfully found you when she returned. You drank milk and went back to

sleep with the other bat pups. Move ahead two spaces.

▪ You lost your grip on the cave wall and fell to the ground where a raccoon found you. Go back to the


▪ With all of the other babies jostling for space you were knocked off the cave wall but landed on a ledge.

Your breath was knocked from you but you will recover. Miss one turn.

▪ You are three weeks old you have developed teeth and can fly. Move ahead one space.

▪ About five 5 weeks after being born you make your first flight out of the cave into the night to hunt with

the adults. Move ahead 2 spaces

▪ A snake hanging at the cave opening almost caught you but you escaped successfully. Move ahead 2


▪ You echolocate to guide yourselves through the night and find a night blooming organ pipe cacti. Move

ahead 2 spaces.

▪ You and your bat colony help to pollinate the Sonoran Desert ecosystem this summer. Move ahead 2


▪ Fall is here. You have found plenty of food during the summer and are ready to follow your colony to

Mexico. Move ahead 3 spaces.

▪ You are chased by an owl and his talons tear your wing. You head to the nearest shelter until you feel well

Page 28: Bio/Diversity Project Lesson : Introduction to Pollination

Modified from the UA Community and School Garden’s Green Academy Lesson Plan Template

enough to fly again. Move back 3 spaces

▪ You make it with your colony to the winter cave for hibernation. Move ahead 2 spaces

▪ During the winter, hunters who think all bats have rabies enter the cave and kill many of your roost mates.

Move back 3 spaces.

▪ You have a mate. You will be a parent in a few months. Move ahead 1 space.

▪ You migrate back safe to the United States after a long trip back to your summer roosts. Move ahead 2


▪ It’s a stormy night you can’t fly or use echolocation to find food. Move back 2 steps

▪ Its early summer an all the female bats living in the maternity caves are ready to give birth. Move ahead 1


▪ You have given birth to a healthy pup. Move ahead 2 spaces.

▪ Climate change has changed the time when cactus bloom flowers this year. Move back 3 spaces

▪ Schools started teaching students the importance of bats. Move ahead 3 spaces.

▪ Your roost that was in an old bridge has been destroyed so that another flat bottom bridge could be made.

Move back 3 spaces.

▪ Bat boxes are incorporated in a new bridge design and is your shelter for the next months. Move forward 2


▪ The agave plants are being harvested just before they bloom and removed from your food supply this year.

This also affects the following years since agave only flowers once after growing fully for 10-20 years.

Move back three spaces.

▪ The government passes a law that protects your habitat and increases at research. Move ahead 5 spaces.


• Discuss in detail the lifestyle of bats from start to finish

o Females give birth to only one bat during each reproduction cycle during the spring

o Newborn micro bats nurse up to five weeks and mega bats as long as five months

▪ At 3 weeks old the baby has teeth and can fly and find his own food

▪ At 4 weeks the babies are ready to leave their mothers

o During the day bats stay in their roosts until night when they leave to find food

o The nectivorous bats are the primary pollinators od the saguaro and organ pipe cactus

o By the end of summer the blooms become fruit and the bats along with other mammals eat the

fruit and help to spread the seeds of the cactus

o By the bats have found enough food during the summer to head back down to Mexico for winter

o By late fall the bats prepare for hibernation

o Hibernation happens between September and October

o The nectar trail leads the bats back north from Mexico to the Sonoran Desert just as the saguaro

and organ pipe cactus bloom

o Microbats live on average 6 to 7 years but have been known to survive past 10

o The mortality rate for bats is very low due to changing conditions and climates and human


Extension Activity/Questions:

• In the same groups as the explore activity the students will work together to create a public service project

that helps the conservation of bats

• The project that they create would have helped them to survive and win the game easier

• The project will include the challenge they want to address that threaten bats, the goal of the project, the

materials they will need, how long it will take, a detailed procedure, and how they will measure its


• This activity will be outlined in a worksheet to help the students

• Each group will have one worksheet they will work on

Evaluation Activity:

• Each group will present their project ideas to the rest of the class

• The worksheet will be each student exit ticket

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1 2 3





13 14 15 16 17 18



Page 30: Bio/Diversity Project Lesson : Introduction to Pollination




Your mom gave birth to you. She learned your smell and developed a special call you will use to find each other among all the other bats. Move ahead one space.




Mom left you for the first time successfully found you when she returned. You drank milk and went back to sleep with the other bat pups. Move ahead two spaces.




You lost your grip on the cave wall and fell to the ground where a raccoon found you. Go back to the beginning




With all of the other babies jostling for space you were knocked off the cave wall but landed on a ledge. Your breath was knocked from you, but you will recover. Miss one turn.

Page 31: Bio/Diversity Project Lesson : Introduction to Pollination




You are three weeks old you have developed teeth and can fly. Move ahead one space.




About five 5 weeks after being born you make your first flight out of the cave into the night to hunt with the adults. Move ahead 2 spaces




A snake hanging at the cave opening almost caught you, but you escaped successfully. Move ahead 2 spaces.




You echolocate to guide yourselves through the night and find a night blooming organ pipe cacti. Move ahead 2 spaces.

Page 32: Bio/Diversity Project Lesson : Introduction to Pollination




You and your bat colony help to pollinate the Sonoran Desert ecosystem this summer. Move ahead 2 spaces.




Fall is here. You have found plenty of food during the summer and are ready to follow your colony to Mexico. Move ahead 3 spaces.




You are chased by an owl and his talons tear your wing. You head to the nearest shelter until you feel well enough to fly again. Move back 3 spaces




You make it with your colony to the winter cave for hibernation. Move ahead 2 spaces

Page 33: Bio/Diversity Project Lesson : Introduction to Pollination




During the winter, hunters who think all bats have rabies enter the cave and kill many of your roost mates. Move back 3 spaces.




You have a mate. You will be a parent in a few months. Move ahead 1 space.




It’s a stormy night you can’t fly or use echolocation to find food. Move back 2 steps




Its early summer an all the female bats living in the maternity caves are ready to give birth. Move ahead 1 space.

Page 34: Bio/Diversity Project Lesson : Introduction to Pollination




You have given birth to a healthy pup. Move ahead 2 spaces.




Climate change has changed the time when cactus bloom flowers this year. Move back 3 spaces




Schools started teaching students the importance of bats. Move ahead 3 spaces.




Your roost that was in an old bridge has been destroyed so that another flat bottom bridge could be made. Move back 3 spaces.

Page 35: Bio/Diversity Project Lesson : Introduction to Pollination




Bat boxes are incorporated in a new bridge design and is your shelter for the next months. Move forward 2 spaces.




Bat boxes are incorporated in a new bridge design and is your shelter for the next months. Move forward 2 spaces.




The agave plants are being harvested just before they bloom and removed from your food supply this year. This also affects the following years since agave only flowers once after growing fully for 10-20 years. Move back three spaces.




The government passes a law that protects your habitat and increases at research. Move ahead 5 spaces.

Page 36: Bio/Diversity Project Lesson : Introduction to Pollination

Modified from the UA Community and School Garden’s Green Academy Lesson Plan Template

Bio/Diversity Project

Lesson 5: Conservation of Monarch ButterfliesAdapted from:


Teacher: Shea Cutter

Grade Level: 8th

Time: 60 minutes

AZ State Science



Communicate how advacements in technology have furthered the field of genetic

research and use evidence to support an argument about the positive and negative

effects of genetic research on human lives

Content Objective:

Math, Reading, Science,

Writing, Other:

• Students will be able to justify the cultural importance of butterflies to the

Mesoamerican culture

• Students will identify how cultural and social perspectives influence the

attitudes, beliefs, and biases of people toward the use of resources and

environmental protection

• Students will use teamwork and analyze the problems that Monarch reserves

in Mexico face and propose solutions

Language Objective:

(Optional) N/A

Scientist of the Week:

Catalina Trails

• Michoacan, Mexico

• Discovered the Cero Pelon summit where Monarch overwintering site in 1975

• First Westerner researching Monarch migration to discover this migration

pattern and trace it to Mexico

• Helped to find other overwintering sites and put them under the Mexican

government’s protection

Vocabulary Materials

• Ecotourism

• Key species

• Monarch

• Tree harvesting

• Monarch reserve articles

• Worksheet

• Pencils

• Persuasive letter template

Seasonality: N/A






Dec.- Feb.



Dry Summer


Guiding Questions:

• How can ecotourism help Monarchs survive?

Page 37: Bio/Diversity Project Lesson : Introduction to Pollination

Modified from the UA Community and School Garden’s Green Academy Lesson Plan Template

• How can the cultural significance of the butterfly to pre-Hispanic cultures help to protect

the butterfly population?

• Why are butterflies a key species

Engagement/Introductory Activity:

• Introduce the topic of butterflies with background information and picture slides:

o There are 250 species of butterflies in the Sonoran Desert

o The Scientific name is Lepidoptera meaning Scaled and wing

o Butterflies wings like moths have thousands of tiny overlapping scales, much like

tiles on a roof

o Butterflies are migratory pollinators that we see in the Sonoran Desert in late

summer, fall, and early spring

o Monarchs can travel 50-100 miles a day

o The Monarch butterfly is unique among the butterflies because of their long

distance, round trip migrations.

o They use a combination of air currents and thermals to travel long distances.

o Some fly as far as 3,000 miles

o The eastern population of North America’s Monarchs overwinters in the states of

Mexico and Michoacan from October to late March

o Here the temperatures range from 32 to 59 degrees Fahrenheit. If the temperature

is lower the monarchs are forced to use their fat reserves. & the humidity assures

the monarchs won’t dry out allowing them to conserve energy while hibernating

• Talk about the cultural significance of butterflies in pre-Hispanic cultures with picture

slides of archeological discoveries:

o Butterflies represent heroes and important people that died

o The Teotihuacan culture (200-900 A.D.) used butterflies in their ceremonial


o Toltec culture (900-1168 A.D.) butterflies were on the breastplates of colossal

Tula warrior figures & carved in their temples that were the center of ceremonial

Mayan culture

o The Aztec goddess of happiness, flowers, and housework was represented with a

human face and arms and body and wings of a butterfly

o The name given to Monarch Butterflies was Quetzalpapalotl meaning daughter of

the sun

o Explain to them the myth of how Monarchs came to be/ their migration to the

Rocky Mountains in Mexico in the winter

Exploratory Activity:

• Using articles with data tables and information about habitat loss of overwintering sites

for Monarchs in Mexico caused by agriculture, cattle raising, the harvesting of trees,

fires, pesticides, and plant diseases the students will conduct a debate in 5 groups of 6


• Using a worksheet that states:

o the stance they are taking regarding the land use of Monarch Reserves in Mexico

o 3 claims that support their argument

Page 38: Bio/Diversity Project Lesson : Introduction to Pollination

Modified from the UA Community and School Garden’s Green Academy Lesson Plan Template

o 3 facts of supporting evidence from the articles

• Each team will play a different role in the debate

o A conservation group for the Monarch butterfly

o The lumber dealers in El Rosario for tree harvesting

o The El Rosario community & neighboring community for lumber job


o Sonoran Desert pollinator conservation group

o Board of directors who are responsible for listening to the groups analyze the

proposals and make a decision and communicate their decision with pros and cons

• The debate will go until each group has discussed their positions, claims, and facts

• The Board will take into consideration all of the arguments and basic knowledge they got

from their article and state which side had the most persuasive argument


• Ask the students after the debate if they wish to change sides because the facts persuaded


• Ask the students what side they fall on in this debate?

• Emphasize to the students that each group had valid arguments and reasoning for their

position regardless of who won the debate. Finding one solution that satisfies everyone is

almost impossible. It is not easy to solve problems related to conservation. It is necessary

that each interested party compromise or yield to some of the demands made by opposing

groups, even when their interests are affected.

Extension Activity/Questions:

• Talking to the students about the threats to Monarchs

o Climate change, changing bloom periods and temperature needed to hibernate

o Pesticides can poison breeding sites for Monarchs

o Habitat loss/ fragmentation, tree harvesting leaving the forest depleted and

changing the climate of the region

• Talking to the students about conservation efforts

o Plant pollinator gardens and milkweed organically

o Help by becoming a citizen scientist, monitoring habitats and migration of


o Visit Monarchjointventure.org to find out more ways to help out with the research

and dispersal of the monarch population

Evaluation Activity:

• Do you think that there is any action you can take in your community to help out the

cutting down of trees in the Monarch Butterfly Special Biosphere Reserve?

• Having students share what are some potential human activities that may harm the

monarch population that can be changed

o What about decreasing the paper consumption? Yes or no?

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Monarch Debate Background

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Page 43: Bio/Diversity Project Lesson : Introduction to Pollination
Page 44: Bio/Diversity Project Lesson : Introduction to Pollination


Teams Position

Watershed Management

Group – Monarch


Pro conservation

El Rosario Lumber


Against conservation,

pro tree harvesting

El Rosario Community

& Neighboring


Against conservation,

pro lumbering jobs,

agriculture, and cattle

Southwest Monarch


Pro conservation

Board of Directors Open

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What side do you choose now

that you have heard all

everyones position?

Did you change sides?

Are finding conservation

solutions easy?

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Monarch Debate

The dilemma:

The overwintering sites of the Monarch Butterfly are located in 16,110 hectares of temperate and humid forest with a predominance of pines and Douglas fir. The area includes the municipalities (similar to the US counties, Tucson is a part of Pima County) of Ocampo, Angangueo, Zitacuaro, Hidalgo and Contepec in the state of Michoacan and Donato Guerra, Villa de Allende, and Temascalcingo in the State of Mexico.

Many communities are located in the Reserve. The living conditions are extremely poor in the majority of them. The people mostly practice subsistence agriculture but some raise cattle as well. They only plant corn and beans needed for family use. But, in order to farm they must cut down the tress. And, because the forest soil is quickly depleted of its low-level nutrients (3-4 years), they frequently clear new land for cultivation. In order for the cattle to graze, the people frequently burn the dry and tough grass to allow the growth of green and tender grass. But sometimes the fire gets out of control, causing forest fires. At the same time, the indiscriminate pasturing of the animals destroys the new trees, making it difficult for the forest to recover. The people in the community also supplement their small incomes by commercial harvesting of trees, either on their own or as employees of lumber dealers.

Agriculture, cattle raising, the harvesting of trees, and other factors such as fires, and plant diseases and pests combined contribute to the destruction of the Monarch’s winter habitat and could put the species’ survival at risk. This situation worries several conservation groups who demand an end to the harvesting of trees, attempt to regulate agricultural and cattle raising practices and try to prohibit tourists from entering the sanctuary, because visitors do not obey the rules.

The communities oppose those measures. Meanwhile, entrepreneurs and lumber dealers put pressure on the government to get permits for tree harvesting, claiming to contribute to the creation of jobs and profits for the region. Governmental organizations in charge of the Reserve, face a big dilemma because they know that if they stop the clearing and harvesting of trees and tourism, the economic problems would get worse, not only in El Rosario, but in the entire region as well.

This situation is critical because all groups wish to impose their view.

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The purpose of this debate is to help the Mexican Government decide what is best for the Monarch butterfly, the community members and region.

Who are you?

What is your point of view on the issue?

What is your possible solution to this problem?

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The purpose of this debate is to help the Mexican Government decide what is best for the Monarch butterfly, the community members and region.

Position: Government Officials, your function is to listen to the groups’ point of views and solutions. And then come to a verdict on who won this debate.

Who justified their point of view the best way?

Did they propose a solution that is beneficial to the butterfly, people fromEl Rosario, and the region in general?

Page 49: Bio/Diversity Project Lesson : Introduction to Pollination

Modified from the UA Community and School Garden’s Green Academy Lesson Plan Template

Bio/Diversity Project

Lesson 6: Action Project – Bat Conservation

Teacher: Shea Cutter

Grade Level: 8th

Time: 60 minutes

AZ State Science


Learning Standards: 8.E1U3.8

Construct and support an argument about how human

consumption of limited resources impacts the biosphere.

Content Objective:

Math, Reading, Science,

Writing, Other:

• Students will be able to identify habitat loss as a conservation issue for the bat


• Students will be able to explain how human interaction is threatening the

survival of bats.

• Students will use teamwork and problem solving to find ways to model a

successful bat house

• Students will be able to understand the importance of the design process

Language Objective:

(Optional) N/A

Scientist of the Week:

Mario Molina

• Chemist

• Born in Mexico

• Won a Nobel Prize in 1995 for research findings on how man-made

compounds affect the ozone layer

• Interest for science started at a young age when he creates a chemistry

laboratory in his bathroom at home.

• Studied at the University of California Berkeley

• Taught at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and University of

California San Diego

Vocabulary Materials

• Bat box

• Engineering design process

• Action plan worksheet (Extension)

• Design process worksheet (Explore)

• Materials list (Extension)

• Playdoh• Cardboard

• Color construction paper

• Duct tape/Regular tape

• Flowers

• Foam board

• Glue

• Popsicle sticks

• Rubber cement

Page 50: Bio/Diversity Project Lesson : Introduction to Pollination

Modified from the UA Community and School Garden’s Green Academy Lesson Plan Template

• Scissors

Seasonality: Summer months when the bats migrate from Mexico after winter






Dec.- Feb.



Dry Summer


Guiding Questions:

• Why is bat conservation an important issue to address?

• How can we address habitat loss and destruction for bats in the Sonoran Desert?

• What characteristics are important to include in a bat box?

Engagement/Introductory Activity:

Introduce our action project for the next two which will be focusing on bat conservation:

• Approximately 70 species of bats live in the Sonoran Desert region. Bats are an important

part of our ecosystem, pollinating Saguaro and Yucca flowers and helping to keep

populations of night flying insects like mosquitoes in control.

• One of the biggest threats to pollinating bats is habitat loss. Their habitat is made up of

their food, water and somewhere to sleep or hide. Development is a major cause of the

loss of their habitat.

• Bat houses are excellent management tools that can provide displaced bats with a safe

alternate roost away from structures where they are unwelcome. And while it is true that

bats in a bat house are not in your house, bats are faithful to their homes, and very rarely

voluntarily leave an active roost for a bat house. Even the most well-planned and

humanely-intentioned bat exclusion means habitat loss and displacement for bats.

• Our goal is to make a bat box/house that mimics the well-insulated atmosphere and

thermal mass of a bridge or cave

o The bat box will act as a roosting site for bats unable to find a peaceful or

thermally comfortable roosting site for the summer

• Explain why bat boxes do not traditionally work in the Sonoran Desert

o Bat boxes are usually made out of wood and will not work for the climate in

Tucson. Bats would prefer the thermal regulation provided by a bridge.

o https://batmanagement.com/blogs/bat-roosts/why-do-some-bat-houses-fail using

this article to discuss why some bat boxes fail to become a bat roost

o Talk about why schools do not want bat houses around their buildings

o Show what a good location would be for a bat box

Exploratory Activity:

• The explore activity will be the beginning of the modeling and design process of

prototyping a bat box that would work in the Sonoran Desert

• This week they will read an article on how to create a bat box that will explain the

location and materials needed

o http://www.pbs.org/parents/wildkratts/activities/building-homes-for-bats/

o https://www.nwf.org/en/Garden-for-Wildlife/Cover/Build-a-Bat-House

Page 51: Bio/Diversity Project Lesson : Introduction to Pollination

Modified from the UA Community and School Garden’s Green Academy Lesson Plan Template

• The students will work together in groups of 5. Using the articles and knowledge they

have learned throughout the course about bats to complete a worksheet outlining their

design process

1. What is the issue? What needs to be improved? What’s your goal?

2. What is the perfect habitat for a bat in the Sonoran Desert?

3. Draw your design for a bat box. Be creative and add elements that would

attract a bat to your bat box. List the materials used to make this box.

4. Build a miniature prototype with the playdoh provided

5. What went well with the design? What could work in a real-life bat box? How

could you improve your prototype?


• After the students have finished creating their playdoh models and creating a design plan

for next week share with them the importance of each step in the design process.

• Ask the students if their models came out exactly as they planned?

• Make sure they know it is important to account for time when creating a plan for next


Extension Activity/Questions:

• Each group will present their bat box design ideas to the class

• They will be given a rubric of what to cover when they present

• The rubric will be used to justify their decisions for their prototype

o Materials

o Color

o Location for the bat box

o How will the bats feel safe in the box?

Evaluation Activity:

• The evaluation will be looking at the notes they took on grading their peers

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Bat Box Design Prototype Worksheet

1. What is the issue? What needs to be improved? What’s your goal?

2. What is the perfect habitat for a bat in the Sonoran Desert?

3. Draw your design for a bat box. Be creative and add elements that would attract a bat to

your bat box. List the materials used to make this box.

4. Build a miniature prototype with the playdoh provided

5. What went well with the design? What could work in a real-life bat box? How

could you improve your prototype?

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Page 55: Bio/Diversity Project Lesson : Introduction to Pollination
Page 56: Bio/Diversity Project Lesson : Introduction to Pollination

Modified from the UA Community and School Garden’s Green Academy Lesson Plan Template

Bio/Diversity Project

Lesson 7: Action Project – Bat Conservation (Week 2)

Teacher: Shea Cutter

Grade Level: 8th

Time: 60 minutes

AZ State Science


Learning Standards: 8.E1U3.8

Construct and support an argument about how human

consumption of limited resources impacts the biosphere.

Content Objective:

Math, Reading, Science,

Writing, Other:

• Students will be able to identify habitat loss as a conservation issue for the bat


• Students will be able to explain how human interaction is threatening the

survival of bats.

• Students will use teamwork and problem solving to find ways to model a

successful bat house

• Students will be able to understand the importance of the design process

Language Objective:

(Optional) N/A

Scientist of the Week:

Mario Molina

• Chemist

• Born in Mexico

• Won a Nobel Prize in 1995 for research findings on how man-made

compounds affect the ozone layer

• Interest for science started at a young age when he creates a chemistry

laboratory in his bathroom at home.

• Studied at the University of California Berkeley

• Taught at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and University of

California San Diego

Vocabulary Materials

• Bat box

• Engineering design process

• Action plan worksheet (Extension)

• Cardboard

• Color construction paper

• Design process worksheet (Explore)

• Duct tape/Regular tape

• Flowers

• Foam board

• Glue

• Popsicle sticks

• Rubber cement

• Scissors

Page 57: Bio/Diversity Project Lesson : Introduction to Pollination

Modified from the UA Community and School Garden’s Green Academy Lesson Plan Template

Seasonality: Summer months when the bats migrate from Mexico after winter






Dec.- Feb.



Dry Summer


Guiding Questions:

• Why is bat conservation an important issue to address?

• How can we address habitat loss and destruction for bats in the Sonoran Desert?

• What characteristics are important to include in a bat box?

Engagement/Introductory Activity:

• Background information about roosting sites in the Sonoran Desert and how to mimic

them with a bat box:

o Pregnant females then move from hibernating sites to warmer roosts, where they

form nursery colonies. Birth occurs approximately a month and a half to two

months later. Young bats grow rapidly, often learning to fly within three weeks.

While they are being reared, males and non-reproductive females often segregate

into separate groups called maternity and bachelor colonies.

o One of the biggest threats to pollinating bats is habitat loss. Their habitat is made

up of their food, water and somewhere to sleep or hide. Development is a major

cause of the loss of their habitat.o Bat houses are excellent management tools that can provide displaced bats with a safe

alternate roost away from structures where they are unwelcome. And while it is true that

bats in a bat house are not in your house, bats are faithful to their homes, and very rarely

voluntarily leave an active roost for a bat house. Even the most well-planned and

humanely-intentioned bat exclusion means habitat loss and displacement for bats.

Exploratory Activity:




• The students will get back into their groups they created their action plan with

• Using the above article and action plan the students will justify their bat box model


• The students will use the materials provided to create a model and present to the team

they are paired with to grade

• They will need to justify their design elements to the group they are grading


• Why is it important to provide roosting sites for bats?

• America’s bats are an invaluable natural resource. Yet, due to decades of unwarranted

human fear and habitat loss, bats are in alarming decline. The loss of bats contributes to

growing demands for toxic pesticides that increasingly threaten our personal and

environmental health.

Page 58: Bio/Diversity Project Lesson : Introduction to Pollination

Modified from the UA Community and School Garden’s Green Academy Lesson Plan Template

• Due to killing stemming from carelessness, fear of bats, and continued habitat loss, bat

populations have suffered. Bats reproduce slowly, typically rearing only one young per

year, making population recovery a slow process.

Extension Activity/Questions:

• Each group will present their bat box prototype to the class

• They will be given a rubric of what to cover when they present

• The rubric will be used to justify their decisions for their prototype

o Design

o Safety

o Location for the bat box

o Improvements

o Comments

Evaluation Activity:

• The evaluation activity is using the rubric they are provided to give them a score on their

bat box prototype.