William Shakespeare

Biography Born 1564/Died April 23, 1616 Born in Stratford-upon- Avon Left school at age of 15 and never pursued formal education

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Page 1: Biography  Born 1564/Died April 23, 1616  Born in Stratford-upon- Avon  Left school at age of 15 and never pursued formal education

William Shakespeare

Page 2: Biography  Born 1564/Died April 23, 1616  Born in Stratford-upon- Avon  Left school at age of 15 and never pursued formal education


Born 1564/Died April 23, 1616

Born in Stratford-upon-Avon

Left school at age of 15 and never pursued formal education.

Page 3: Biography  Born 1564/Died April 23, 1616  Born in Stratford-upon- Avon  Left school at age of 15 and never pursued formal education


Married Anne Hathaway at age of 18. She was 8 years older. Gave birth to his first

daughter six months later.

Two years later, they had twins (son died at eleven).

5 years after his marriage, he moved to London.

Page 4: Biography  Born 1564/Died April 23, 1616  Born in Stratford-upon- Avon  Left school at age of 15 and never pursued formal education


He began working at the Globe Theatre.

Appeared as a poet in 1593 with “Venus and Adonis.”

Retired in 1611 and moved back to Stratford.

Buried in Church of the Holy Trinity in 1616.

Page 5: Biography  Born 1564/Died April 23, 1616  Born in Stratford-upon- Avon  Left school at age of 15 and never pursued formal education

The Globe

Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre was built in 1598.

Open-air octagonal amphitheatre that could seat up to 300

All shows were during the day (no light)

1613 the Globe Theatre burned down.

New Globe built and operated until 1642.

Globe was torn down in 1644.

New Globe Theatre opened in May 1997 by Queen Elizabeth II.

Page 6: Biography  Born 1564/Died April 23, 1616  Born in Stratford-upon- Avon  Left school at age of 15 and never pursued formal education

Julius Caesar

Full Title – The Tragedy of Julius Caesar

Author – William Shakespeare

Time and Place Written – London, 1599

Genre – Tragic drama, historical drama

Date of First Publication – 1623

Publisher – Edward Blount and William Jaggard

Page 7: Biography  Born 1564/Died April 23, 1616  Born in Stratford-upon- Avon  Left school at age of 15 and never pursued formal education


A story typically describing the downfall of a great man.

Tragedy came from Aristotle a Greek philosopher, in 330 BC.

Page 8: Biography  Born 1564/Died April 23, 1616  Born in Stratford-upon- Avon  Left school at age of 15 and never pursued formal education

Tragic Hero

The tragic hero is someone we, as an audience, look up to —someone superior.

The tragic hero is nearly perfect, and we identify with him/her

The hero is nearly perfect, but the hero has one flaw or weakness: hamartia. We call this the ‘tragic flaw’, or ‘fatal flaw’ [Remember hubris (excessive pride or arrogance)]

A tragic hero is often of noble birth, or rises to noble standing

There may sometimes be supernatural involvement

Page 9: Biography  Born 1564/Died April 23, 1616  Born in Stratford-upon- Avon  Left school at age of 15 and never pursued formal education

Tragic Hero

The hero discovers that his downfall is a result of his own actions, not by things happening to him.

The flaw of a tragic hero has generally been regarded to necessarily result in his death, or a fate worse than death.

The Shakespearean tragic hero dies at some point in the story.

Shakespeare's characters show that tragic heroes are neither fully good nor fully evil.

Page 10: Biography  Born 1564/Died April 23, 1616  Born in Stratford-upon- Avon  Left school at age of 15 and never pursued formal education

Examples of Flaws


Obsession with one thing



Lack of patience

Easily influenced




Page 11: Biography  Born 1564/Died April 23, 1616  Born in Stratford-upon- Avon  Left school at age of 15 and never pursued formal education


Julius Caesar was born in 100 B.C. to Aurelia (mom) and Gaius Julius Caesar (dad) and grew up in the Republic.

He had two sisters: Julia (Major) and Julia (Minor).

Dad died when he was 15 or 16.

His uncle was the most powerful leader in Rome at the time: Gaius Marius.

Page 12: Biography  Born 1564/Died April 23, 1616  Born in Stratford-upon- Avon  Left school at age of 15 and never pursued formal education


• Obtained a seat in the Senate around 68 B.C. (Age 32)

• Elected Pontifex Maximus (Chief Priest) in 63 B.C. (Age 37)

• Soon became appointed governor of a province in Spain in 61 B.C. (Age 39)

• Hung out in the Forum.

• Went to Gaul and conquered much of what we know as Central Europe.

Page 13: Biography  Born 1564/Died April 23, 1616  Born in Stratford-upon- Avon  Left school at age of 15 and never pursued formal education

First Triumverate

In 60 B.C. Julius Caesar joined with two other powerful men – Crassus (a rich man) and Pompey (military hero) and ruled Rome for 10 years. (Age 40-50)

They dominated politics and bribed senate to obtain their goals.

Caesar was very popular among his soldiers because he also fought in battles (Gaul).

Page 14: Biography  Born 1564/Died April 23, 1616  Born in Stratford-upon- Avon  Left school at age of 15 and never pursued formal education


The soldiers loved him, but the senators were concerned about his growing power. Thought he was trying to become king.

From the first triumvirate, Crassus died and Pompey became Caesar’s enemy.

Caesar defeated Pompey in Greece in 48 B.C., he returned to Rome in 46 B.C., and became dictator in 44 B.C. (appointed absolute power for 10 years)

Was killed March 15, 44 B.C. by senators and his friends Brutus and Cassius at age 56.

Page 15: Biography  Born 1564/Died April 23, 1616  Born in Stratford-upon- Avon  Left school at age of 15 and never pursued formal education


Based on a true story, this play takes

place in Ancient Rome,

where Julius Caesar

has just returned in

triumph from war.

The crowd hails him as their new leader, but there are some

Romans who fear he will become too powerful of a ruler,

more like an emperor, and they will lose the liberties they

have enjoyed as citizens of a free state.

Page 16: Biography  Born 1564/Died April 23, 1616  Born in Stratford-upon- Avon  Left school at age of 15 and never pursued formal education


A small group of men conspire to assassinate Caesar, believing they are acting to preserve the freedoms of the Roman Republic.

Page 17: Biography  Born 1564/Died April 23, 1616  Born in Stratford-upon- Avon  Left school at age of 15 and never pursued formal education


They surround him in the Forum,

and stabbed him to death.

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The play tells the story of what happens after the murder, as the conspirators quarrel among themselves, war erupts, and liberties, instead of being protected, appear to be lost.

Page 19: Biography  Born 1564/Died April 23, 1616  Born in Stratford-upon- Avon  Left school at age of 15 and never pursued formal education

Your Task…

On the next slide, you will see the names of all the primary characters. Try and pick out the two primary leaders of the conspiracy, and the five other conspirators.

Then…try to find the two female characters.

You don’t need to write anything down…simply talk with a partner to choose characters.

Page 20: Biography  Born 1564/Died April 23, 1616  Born in Stratford-upon- Avon  Left school at age of 15 and never pursued formal education

Find: 2 lead conspirators, 5 additional conspirators, and 2 female characters…





Metellus CimberVolumnius

Octavius Cinna, a poet







Portia Messala

BrutusJulius Caesar

CinnaMark Antony






Page 21: Biography  Born 1564/Died April 23, 1616  Born in Stratford-upon- Avon  Left school at age of 15 and never pursued formal education


1.As the slides describing each character come up, continue taking notes on the information in BLUE in your notebook. Head this section “Characters.”

Page 22: Biography  Born 1564/Died April 23, 1616  Born in Stratford-upon- Avon  Left school at age of 15 and never pursued formal education

He is the head of the Roman state. He is a great soldier, and has just returned from a series of wars during which he defeated the sons of the previous Roman ruler, Pompey.

He is popular with the crowds that stand in the streets to greet his triumphal return, cheering and clapping. Calpurnia is Caesar’s wife.

Julius Caesar

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Mark Antony

He is a loyal friend and supporter of Caesar, who he believes will make a good ruler of Rome. He is appalled at the killing of the head of state, and although he shakes hands with the conspirators immediately after the murder, he vows to avenge Caesar’s death.

He gives a funeral oration over

Caesar’s dead body that stirs

the crowd to anger and desire for

revenge. He will be one of the

three rulers of Rome, after

Caesar’s death, and he gathers

an army to fight the


Page 24: Biography  Born 1564/Died April 23, 1616  Born in Stratford-upon- Avon  Left school at age of 15 and never pursued formal education

He is a respected Roman, a man of intelligence and honor, who is a personal friend of Caesar, yet wonders whether, as a ruler, he will overstep his powers and become a tyrant rather than a good head of state.

He is finally convinced to join the conspirators as their leader. As they raise their daggers to commit the murder, Caesar recognizes his dear friend and cries, in Latin, “Et tu, Brute?” or “You too, Brutus?” Portia is Brutus’ wife.


Page 25: Biography  Born 1564/Died April 23, 1616  Born in Stratford-upon- Avon  Left school at age of 15 and never pursued formal education

Cassius is one of the leaders of the conspiracy. He is suspicious of Caesar from the beginning, gathers others into the band, and convinces Brutus to join with them in their plans for assassination.

He and Brutus flee Rome after the killing, each gathers an army, and they try to conquer Mark Antony’s army.


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Octavius and Lepidus are the other two who join with Mark Antony after Caesar’s death to rule Rome as a triumvirate.

Second Triumvirate

Page 27: Biography  Born 1564/Died April 23, 1616  Born in Stratford-upon- Avon  Left school at age of 15 and never pursued formal education

Casca, Trebonious,

Decius, Cinna

and Metallus

Cimber are the

other members of

the conspiracy,

each of whom


by stabbing Caesar.
