Birmingham Tawassul and Tabarruk

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  • 8/8/2019 Birmingham Tawassul and Tabarruk


    B I R M I N G H A M , W E D N E S D A Y 1 0 N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 0

    Tawassul and Tabarruk

  • 8/8/2019 Birmingham Tawassul and Tabarruk



    yTawassul is asking Allah (for oneselforothers) for some benefit,or to be

    protected from some harm, bymentioning the nameofa prophetor arighteous upright Muslim.

    yTabarruk is seeking blessings bythetraces ofthe Prophet

  • 8/8/2019 Birmingham Tawassul and Tabarruk


    Why studythis topic?

    y Noneofthese practices is an obligation

    y Muslims have been doing themfor centuries

    ever sincethe Prophet sallaLLAAHU ^alayhiwa sallam died, and even when he was alive,and even before he was born.

    y Itis only because some people saythatitisequivalentto shirkeven though itis not,thatwe are studying this topic.

  • 8/8/2019 Birmingham Tawassul and Tabarruk


    Thefake arguments oftheWahhabis

    y They saythat asking Allah for something, bythe status ofoneofHis Prophets or anothercreation,is shirk (i.e. worshipping other than

    Allah).y However to worship means tocompletely

    submitoneselfto another with extremefearand submission.

    y They saythat you can only dotawassul throughpeople who are alive and present, butthatifthey are absentor dead then itis shirk

  • 8/8/2019 Birmingham Tawassul and Tabarruk


    Proofs ofthe Muslims

    y Once a blind man cametothe Prophet sallaLLAAHU^alayhiwa sallam and asked ifthe Prophetcouldhelp do something for his sight.

    y The Prophet sallaLLAAHU ^alayhiwa sallamadvised himthat hecould be patient,or alternativelythe hecould do something for him

    y The blind man said he was finding the loss ofhis

    sight very difficult, so he would likethe Prophetto dosomething for him.

  • 8/8/2019 Birmingham Tawassul and Tabarruk


    Proofs ofthe Muslims

    y The Prophetordered himto gotothe place wherewudu is performed,to doit,then to pray 2 Rak^ahs,and then to say :


    O Allah,I ask You and I directmy supplication toYou byour Prophet Muhammad sallaLLAAHU^alayhiwa sallam,the ProphetofMercy. OMuhammad,I directmy need to Allah by you, sothatmy need [specify your need here]is fulfilled.

    y This du^a is called now du^a al-hajah i.e. thedu^a ofneed and itis said when the person needssomething.

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    Proofs ofthe Muslims

    y Theman left and did as told.

    y Then hecame back and when hecame back hecouldseema sha ALLAH.

    y Arguments fromthe hadith:

    y 1.the Prophet was ABSENT when theman made hisdu^a,this is veryclear in the hadith becausetheperson who narrates says then hecame back

    y 2.the Prophet would not havetaught himto do andsay something which would suddenly becomes shirk

    when he dies

  • 8/8/2019 Birmingham Tawassul and Tabarruk


    Tawassul made by Prophet Adam

    y When Prophet Adam atefromtheforbidden treeinParadise (about which we do not saythatit was an appletree), he repented immediately after this, by asking Omy Lord,I am asking You toforgivemefor the sakeofMuhammad.

    y He was answered which means How do you know aboutMuhammad whomI have notcreated yet?

    y Adam replied which means When I was created I raisedmy head and saw written on the heights ofthe Throne :La ilaaha illa LLAAH Muhammad rasulullaah, and Iunderstood thatitcould only bethe nameofthe bestofcreations Then Adam was forgiven

    y This hadith is sahih narrated by al Tabaraaniyy

  • 8/8/2019 Birmingham Tawassul and Tabarruk


    Tawassul madeon the dayofJudgement

    y People will be asking for theintercession ofthedifferent Prophets and ofProphet MuhammadsallaLLAAH ^alayhiwa sallam.

    y When the sun is near the heads people will gotoProphet Adam,then toNuh,then toIbrahim,then toProphet Muhammad who will intercedefor them

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    y It was allowed beforethe prophet was born (hadithsahih ofProphet Adam)

    y It was allowed when he was alive (hadith sahih ofthe

    blind man)y It will be allowed even on the dayofJudgement

    (Intercession- Shafaa^ah)

    y Therefore why would it be shirk just between his

    death and the resurrection?

  • 8/8/2019 Birmingham Tawassul and Tabarruk


    Thefake arguments oftheWahhabis

    y Theyquote verses which were aimed at non-Muslims, and useitfor Muslims

    y Eg the verse which means How do you worship

    besides Allah something which has no power toeither harmor benefit you Surah al Maaidah verse76

    y Or the versein which theidol-worshippers say which

    means Weonly worship them (their idols) sothattheymay bring us nearer to Allah Surat 39:3

  • 8/8/2019 Birmingham Tawassul and Tabarruk


    Proofs ofthe Muslims

    y The problemoftheidol-worshippers is thattheyused toconsider their idols WORTHYofworship,they usetoextremely submitthemselves tothem.

    y These verses areclearly addressing people who usedtoWORSHIP other than Allah,it says soin the

    verses themselves, and knowing thatthe Muslims donot worship thosethattheycall upon,itis irrelevant

    for theWahhabis to usethose verses againsttheMuslims