BM3506 Brand Promotion Assignment

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  • 7/25/2019 BM3506 Brand Promotion Assignment


    ContentsExecutive Summary...............................................................................................2

    1. The Product - SmartThings......................................................................................... 3

    2. Market Trends & Analysis..........................................................................................3

    2.1 Adoption of Home Security adgets.........................................................................3

  • 7/25/2019 BM3506 Brand Promotion Assignment


    2.2 Growth in New Homeowners........................................................................ 3

    2.3 Increasing Need for Eciency and Surveiance...........................................!

    2.! Singa"ore#s am$ition to $e an Infocomm hu$..............................................!

    3. %arget &ar'et Segment......................................................................................(

    3.) *emogra"hic................................................................................................(

    3.2 +sychogra"hic.............................................................................................. (

    !. Com"etitors# ,naysis........................................................................................-

    (. rand ,ssociations / &enta &a".......................................................................0

    -. +ositioning &a" and Statement.........................................................................0

    0. Integrated &ar'eting Communications 1I&C Cam"aign....................................0

    0.) Cam"aign $4ective.....................................................................................0

    0.2 *esign +rinci"e............................................................................................5

    0.3 %easer +hase.................................................................................................6

    0.3.) roadcast7 +rint 8 utdoor &edia.........................................................6

    0.3.2 Socia &edia Strategy...........................................................................))

    0.! 9aunch +hase............................................................................................. ))

    0.!.) %he 9aunch 1:efer to ,""endix I for iustrations................................))

    0.!.2 Interactive Sensory &ar'eting..............................................................)2

    0.( +ost;9aunch +hase......................................................................................)!

    5. +romotions 8 randing &etrics........................................................................)(

    6. 9ong;term +ros"ects........................................................................................)(

    Executive SummaryThe o!"ecti#e of this report is to underline SmartThings$ market de#elopment strategy into

    Singapore. %ith increasing demand for home security gadgets and home automation

    SmartThings is 'ell-positioned to enter the Singapore market !ecause of the !enefits it

    offers. SmartThings aims to !e the first !rand that comes to the mind 'hen home automation


  • 7/25/2019 BM3506 Brand Promotion Assignment


    or home technology is mentioned. After careful consideration SmartThings decided to target

    middle- income homeo'ners and Professionals (PM)*+ aged !et'een ,- 'ith a keen

    interest in cost-effecti#e home automation technologies to enhance their lifestyles.

    The report proceeds to analy/e the current competiti#e en#ironment !efore descri!ing the

    positioning strategy that is !est suited for SmartThings 0 a one-click macro-o#er#ie' on their

    homes anytime any'here. SmartThings campaign is launched in three phases (Teaser

    aunch Post-launch+ o#er the 1-'eek period. The teaser phase 'ould !e to generate !u//

    through !roadcast print outdoor and social media. Through the teaser phase SmartThings

    aim to pi3ue the interest and curiosity of consumers. The actual product 'ill !e un#eiled

    during the launch phase. Post-aunch phase aims to reinforce !rand associations !y

    illustrating the functions of SmartThings. ooking !eyond the initial entry phase measures to

    sustain the momentum 'ill !e implemented to ensure long-term profita!ility and gro'th.

    4un uncon#entional and interacti#e campaigns that also pro#ide a slight element of 5surprise$

    'ill help generate the !u// for SmartThings.

    4inally SmartThings takes an e#aluati#e stance on the effecti#eness of our campaigns

    through the usage of !rand metrics. SmartThings possesses the capa!ility to empo'er users

    in their e#eryday life through its$ clean simple and minimalist interface. %ith constant

    engagement SmartThings stri#es to'ards recognition as a radical step into the future.

    1. The Product - SmartThings

    SmartThings specialises in home automation technologies 'hich are interconnected to a

    cloud ser#ice ena!ling homeo'ners to track acti#ities occurring at home e#en 'ithout !eing

    physically present. 6t re3uires the installation of a central hu! 'hich links home acti#ities to

    the homeo'ners$ smartphone de#ices #ia an app allo'ing them to control and monitor their

    home acti#ities using only their Smartphones.


  • 7/25/2019 BM3506 Brand Promotion Assignment


    2. Market Trends & Analysis

    2.1 Adoption of Home Security adgets

    There has !een a gradual increase in demand for ad#anced technological security gadgets !y

    H7* residents to safeguard their homes con#eniently. According to The Straits Times in

    2121 more H7* residents are purchasing !iometric locks and peephole cameras.

    4urthermore 8 of the companies selling these products e9perienced a gro'th in H7*

    resident customers from 1: in 2; to at least Appendi9 A? As

    residents are !ecoming more recepti#e to'ards ad#anced technological home security

    systems it 'ill !e highly profita!le for SmartThings to tap into this !urgeoning demand.

    2.2 Growth in New HomeownersSingapore$s Housing and 7e#elopment *oard has also !een acti#ely increasing the num!er of

    ne' flats in Singapore through its *uild-To-@rder (*T@+ e9ercises,. 6n the first half of 21

    ,81 ne' flats in si9 pro"ects 'ere offered. 6n addition another 12 *T@ flats across

    #arious to'ns 'ill !e made a#aila!le. 4or pri#ate properties de#elopers launched 1

  • 7/25/2019 BM3506 Brand Promotion Assignment


    2.3 Increasing Need for Eciency and SurveianceBecently many findings ha#e re#ealed that Singaporeans 'ork an a#erage of = hours

    'eekly compared to the glo!al a#erage of ,8 hours at 'ork. onger 'orking hours and less

    time spent at home create the potential need for Singaporeans to in#est in home systems. This

    is !ecause it allo's them to monitor their homes 'here#er they are 'hene#er the need arises.

    Mean'hile other studies concluded that Singaporeans are facing tremendous stress at 'ork.

    According to a sur#ey !y Co!

  • 7/25/2019 BM3506 Brand Promotion Assignment


    3. %arget &ar'et SegmentSmartThings is targeting homeo'ners aged !et'een ,- 'ith a keen interest in cost-

    effecti#e home automation technologies to enhance their lifestyles.

    3.) *emogra"hicSmartThings is specifically targeted to'ards the middle youth segment ranging from ,-

    year olds. The si/e of this group is e9pected to gro' !y : from 1.=mil in 21, to 1.

  • 7/25/2019 BM3506 Brand Promotion Assignment


    !. Com"etitors# ,naysisSmartThings must analyse the current competiti#e en#ironment in order to !ecome the market leader !y differentiating itself accordingly. There

    is a 'hite space for home automation technologies that are afforda!le yet offer con#enience in a sleek clean and cohesi#e user interface.

    Smart Things Ihome Systems L3 Homeation Automate Asia

    About Smart sensors com$ined with smarta"" for a smart home

    Home technoogy system S"eciaiave homeautomation com"any

    ?ers =;>ave and the Homematic homeautomation technoogy


    Home owners who see' homesecurity7 and a "eace of mind

    %argeted at u"scae customers7state;of;the;art7 uxurious ivings"ace

    %argeted at famiies7 aims to$ond famiy mem$ers throughhome automation as a commonho$$y

    Home automation enthusiasts

    Price @300 1exchange rate of ) AS*B@).2-2

    @07666 D@( @!66




    ) Smart%hings Hu$ 2 SmartSense "enCosed

    Sensor ) SmartSense +resence

    Sensor ) SmartSense &otion Sensor ) Smart+ower utet

    - ono? ighting circuits 2 dimma$e ighting circuits 3 aircon contros )- scenes contros I"ad and smart"hone


    2 dimma$e ightingcircuits

    ) reay switch

    ) &otion sensor ) Feraite Gateway

    &icasaverde Fera 9ite 2 x % 1or +o"" +ugin

    Switches 2 x i$aro *immer :eay



    Sim"ify your ife in a see' andconvenient manner

    &a'ing your house an easy7comforta$e7 "ersona7 en4oya$e7secure and fun "ace to ive. , reahome.

    ,?orda$e home im"rovementand *Ia$e Home ,utomation.

    +reseecting the $est com"onents7 whichwor' right out of the $ox

    Pros &ost aestheticay "easinguser interface

    "en "atform software /a$e to integrateSmart%hings with a smartdevices in one a""

    No monthy fees

    Networ' of (7inde"endent deveo"erschurning out a""s andsu""ort for new devices

    +rofessiona ex"erience inexecuting home technoogysystems according to thehighest internationastandards

    Ex"enda$e systemwhere one can add onto the $asic system

    2 methods ofinstaationJ *I or"rofessiona services

    No monthy fees

    No rewiring neededmost of the times

    Has a "ersona touch to itwhere the owner 1a homeautomation enthusiast shareshis 'nowedge a$out the atest=;wave "roducts and "rovidesreviews on the various devices

    Home ,utomation communityavaia$e on ace$oo'


  • 7/25/2019 BM3506 Brand Promotion Assignment


    every day

    Cons %a'es time to earn andunderstand

    %o fuy maximiBefer to Appendi9 G?

    -. +ositioning &a" and StatementThe positioning map illustrates ho' SmartThings measures up to its$ competitors !ased on 2 attri!utes Price (9-a9is+ and )ase of Ise (y-a9is+.

    Price is defined as a continuum from afforda!le to e9pensi#e 'hilst )ase of Ise defines the seamlessness of the e9perience using the product.

    >Appendi9 7?

    4or middle youths mo#ing into ne' homes 'ith hectic day-to-day 'ork schedules SmartThings pro#ides a one-click macro-o#er#ie' on their

    homes anytime any'here. SmartThings commits to simplifying one$s life !y e3uipping customers 'ith round the clock con#enience #ia its

    interconnected home automation technologies at #alue-for-money prices.


  • 7/25/2019 BM3506 Brand Promotion Assignment


    Teaser Phase (4 eeks!; roadcast &edia; +rint &edia 1&y+a"er7 Home 8 *Mcor &ag; utdoor ,ds 1S&:% i$oards; Socia &edia Strategy

    Launch Phase (4 eeks!; 9aunch Event 1Chevron SKuare; Interactive Sensory i$oards 1condominiums showrooms; &o$ie :oadshows 1Seng'ang SKuare7 urong Gateway

    Post"Launch Phase (# eeks!; roadcast &edia; +rint &edia 1&y+a"er7 Home 8 *Mcor &ag; utdoor &edia 1S&:% i$oards

    0. Integrated &ar'eting Communications 1I&C Cam"aign0.) Cam"aign $4ective( Refer to Appendix I for full cost breakdown )

    The o#erall o!"ecti#e of the integrated campaigns is to increase !rand a'areness 'ithin Singapore$s home automation technology scene 'hile

    enhancing SmartThing$s !rand association (sleek simplicity con#enience+ as 'ell as increase !rand accessi!ility.

    The marketing o!"ecti#es is to !e achie#ed through #arious progressi#e phases specifically the teaser the launch and the post-launch phase.

    Gampaigns carried out in the teaser phase

    are designed to !uild up anticipation

    to'ards the launch of the SmartThings !y

    keeping audiences in suspense to guess

    'hat the SmartThings is. The un#eiling

    of the actual product 'ill occur during the DaunchE phase. The post launch phase focuses on reinforcing !rand association through illustrating

    the functional !enefits of SmartThings products to appeal to the pragmatic side of the target consumers

    The home automation industry is relati#ely ne' and une9plored in Singapore. Therefore intensi#e campaigning done through #arious mediums

    'ill !e needed to heighten !rand a'areness and understanding of home automation technology through educating consumers a!out these


  • 7/25/2019 BM3506 Brand Promotion Assignment


    products. *y spearheading large-scale marketing efforts island'ide SmartThings 'ill !e a!le to reap the first-mo#er ad#antages if it succeeds in

    defining a ne' image of home automation 'ithin consumers$ minds.

    Fonetheless fun uncon#entional and interacti#e ad#ertisements that also pro#ide a slight element of 5surprise$ 'ill help generate the !u// for

    SmartThings. 4inally 'ith constant engagement SmartThings stri#es to'ards recognition as a radical step into the future.

    0.2 *esign +rinci"eSmartThings is designed to !e sleek and simple 'ith 'hite !eing the predominant color for all of its$ products. >Appendi9 7? Psychological

    studies12 ha#e sho'n that colours ha#e the a!ility to create the most po'erful impact in our #isual sensories. The colour 'hite often has

    connotations of a sense of order efficiency and decluttering. 6t also signifies simplicity and minimalism. As such the marketing campaigns are

    designed to mirror and reflect the product$s core #alues of sleekness simplicity and con#enience. As e#inced !y the market trends earlier in the

    report the association of de-cluttering one$s life 'ill !e fa#oura!le and important to our target market due to their hectic lifestyles and thus our

    campaign 'ill appeal to them. %hite is also sym!olic of the future 'here SmartThings can en#isage anything 'ith 'hite. This is also

    representati#e of ho' SmartThings en#isions the future of home automation to !e 0 'ith SmartThings.

    0.3 %easer +hase0.3.) roadcast7 +rint 8 utdoor &ediaPrint ads 'ith the tagline DHa#e you seen the SmartThingsJE 'ill !e displayed to create suspense and raise a'areness.


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    @#er#ie' of teaser strategy A stark 'hite ad#ertisement 'ith the tagline DHa#e you seen the SmartThingsJE and the action phrase D4ind out

    more at '''.SmartThings.sgE.

    Gampaign Message To declutter and Simplify one$s life 'ith SmartThings


    K*roadcast Media

    A 1

  • 7/25/2019 BM3506 Brand Promotion Assignment


    home automation technologies. 4urthermore it has a high readership of =, in 21,. Moreo#er their audience coincides 'ith SmartThings$

    target segment as

  • 7/25/2019 BM3506 Brand Promotion Assignment


    and tran3uil effect. Similarly 'ith Smart Things consumers can no' de-clutter their life as e#erything is no' con#eniently accessi!le at their


    0.3.2 Socia &edia StrategySmartfies (Selfie Contest+ SmartThings 'ill encourage the pu!lic to post pictures of themsel#es 'ith anything that they deem as smart and

    hashtag them 'ith SmartThings on 4ace!ook T'itter and 6nstagram to enter the Smartfie contest. Gontestants 'ho manage to catch the

    SmartTruck in action 'ill dou!le their chances of 'inning. This 'ill encourage them to su!consciously search out for the SmartTruck thus

    lea#ing a stronger !rand imprint in their minds. This aids in memory recall and hence increases !rand accessi!ility. 6n addition SmartThings

    aims to go #iral 'ith the hashtag campaign and spread !rand a'areness through the 'ord of mouth. The top , users 'ith the most creati#e ideas

    'ill stand a chance to 'in a SmartThings starter kit each 'orth L,

    0.! 9aunch +hase

    0.!.) %he 9aunch 1:efer to ,""endix I for iustrationsThe un#eiling of SmartTruck 'ill !e hotly anticipated as a result of a month-long !uild-up of suspense. This 'ill also coincide 'ith the launch of

    SmartThings. The media 'ill !e in#ited to this launch e#ent and help create !u// as 'ell. 6t 'ill !e held on %hite %ednesday !ecause research

    has sho'n that people are more recepti#e to ne' ideas during mid-'eek1

  • 7/25/2019 BM3506 Brand Promotion Assignment


    e9perience first-hand ho' SmartThings can radically transform their lifestyles. 6n addition the SmartTruck is also em!lematic of a home a'ay

    from home. This means that users 'ill !e a!le to access their homes on the goN any'here and anytime.

    After the initial launch of SmartThings the SmartTruck 'ill tra#el to

    Sengkang S3uare and Curong ate'ay for t'o 'eekends each to enhance !rand

    a'areness. As it 'ill !e situated in the middle of a large empty space it

    'ill garner attention and entice passers-!y to #isit. 6n addition 7Cs and

    emcees can !e in#ited to further hype up the cro'd.

    SmartThings 'ill also include a catchy "ingle D%hat$s that %hite

    ThingsJ @h it$s the SmartThingsE %ith a memora!le "ingle and a

    strong conceptual link to the product this Smart campaign 'ill !ecome a !u// there!y increasing !rand a'areness and accessi!ility.

    0.!.2 Interactive Sensory &ar'eting7uring the launch phase SmartThings aims to !uild !rand associations !y reinforcing the attri!utes (sleek+ and !enefits association (con#enient

    simplification of one$s lifestyle+ through interacti#e sensory !ill!oards. These interacti#e !ill!oards are traditional paper posters that make use

    of conducti#e ink 'hich senses electrical signal 'hen parts of the poster are pressed or acti#ated. The electrical signal recei#es then acti#ates the

    electrical appliances 'hich are em!edded onto the poster1=.


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    The primary intention of introducing interacti#e sensory marketing !ill!oards is to demonstrate to consumers ho' the functional aspects of

    SmartThings products can and 'ill e#oke feelings of e9citement and curiosity through the !enefits it pro#ides. )ngaging their fi#e senses these

    interacti#e ads 'ill deli#er to consumers first-hand e9periences the mechanisms of SmartThings and !y that garner attention and interest. The

    interacti#e marketing !ill!oards are a form of am!ush marketing 'here consumers are taken !y surprise. This is !ecause seemingly unassuming

    !ill!oards 'ill 5come to life$ thanks to SmartThings$s motion sensor capa!ilities.

    Gonsidering that the target segment consists of ne' home o'ners these interacti#e ads 'ill !e placed in the #icinities of property sho'rooms 0

    for instance !y the side of the roadsN along pedestrian 'alk'aysN #oid decksN function halls roomsN andOor other common areas of H7*

    residential flats and commercial property. 6n a nutshell there 'ill !e a set of , different interacti#e !ill!oards placed in four different heartland

    locations in Singapore and 'ithin each set all three !ill!oards 'ill !e placed side !y side a!out fi#e metres apart from each other. As the passer-

    !y 'ill !e e9posed to repetiti#e ad#ertisements !y Smart Things this increases the familiarity and there!y recognition of our !rand. Thus this

    lays the foundations for success as familiarity !reeds trust.

    K6nteracti#e automated coffee machine

    The interacti#e automated coffee machine seeks to replicate the a!ility of SmartThings to automatically start the coffee machine once you are

    a'ake. A consumer can simply touch or press the DGoffeeE or DTeaE !utton on the !ill!oard interface and a sound of either coffee !re'ing or


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    "uice !lending 'ill !e generated for < seconds. After 'hich the selected dispenser 'ill dispense a cup of coffee or fruit "uice. ( Befer to Appendi9

    ) for illustrations. +

    K 6nteracti#e motion sensor lit 'alk'ay

    The 6nteracti#e motion sensor lit 'alk'ay seeks to replicate the a!ility of

    SmartThings to automatically light up 'hen one enters any room. As a consumer 'alks

    pass each lighting sensor that portion of the !ill!oard 'ill !ecome illuminated. ( Befer to

    Appendi9 4 for illustrations. +

    K 6nteracti#e cooling fan

    The interacti#e cooling fan seeks to replicate the a!ility of SmartThings to

    automatically start the fans once a presence is detected. The user 'ill !e re3uired 'a#e his arms up and do'n in order for the motion sensor to

    !e acti#ated. @nce the motion sensor detects the correct action made the 'indo's 'ill open out'ards and the 'ind !lo'er 'ill release cold air.

    This 'ill pro#ide passers-!y a cool respite to a hot day and add an element of fun to the campaign. ( Befer to Appendi9 for illustrations. +

    0.( +ost;9aunch +haseThe post launch phase is designed 'ith the intention to reinforce the !rand

    associations through re#ising the e9isting content used during the Teaser phase. The


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    focal point of the content 'ould !e to highlight the functionality of the SmartThings there!y aiming to con#ert non-users to users. The choice of

    media and locations for print and the outdoor ad#ertising are similar to the teaser phase.

    *elo' is an illustrated e9ample of the ad#ertisement to !e featured on Home & 7ecor maga/ines

    As for the !roadcast media during the post-launch phase similar concept is !eing utilised as that of the teaser phaseN

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    6. 9ong;term +ros"ects6t is essential for SmartThing to look !eyond the entry phase and position itself for long-term profita!ility and sustained gro'th. Hence 'e

    suggest SmartThing to initiate an online community for like-minded users to share the SmartThing e9perience.

    This is a user-generated community that can !e accessed through SmartThings$ campaign 'e!site. The purpose of this community is to spread

    positi#e social energy !y connecting different users 'ith each other as 'ell as SmartThings$ staff. Isers can also use this platform to share ideas

    and seek technical support. SmartThings can use this community to create a sense of !elonging !uild loyalty and esta!lish a stronger

    relationship 'ith its users. 6t can also track and measure its users$ satisfaction le#el as 'ell as to collect honest feed!acks from them. This can !e

    adapted from Procter & am!le$s successful online community 'hich is pro#en to !e four times as effecti#e per dollar spend as ad#ertising 1.


  • 7/25/2019 BM3506 Brand Promotion Assignment


    1 Beferences


  • 7/25/2019 BM3506 Brand Promotion Assignment


    ) *esmond 9im. 12)27 uy )(. H* owners go high;tech for home security7Singa"ore +ro"erty News7 Singa"ore +ro"erty Guides 8 ,rtices ; S%+ro"erty.:etrieved from htt""ro"erty.sgartices;"ro"ertysinga"ore;"ro"erty;newshd$;owners;go;high;tech;for;home;securitya035)6

    2 Singa"ore *e"artment of Statistics. 12)3. :etrieved fromhtt""u$ications"u$icationsOandO"a"ers"o"uationOandO"o"uationOstructure"o"uation2)3."df

    3 Saifu$ahri Ismai. 12)!7 uy 2. H* reeases 375!) Pats in atest %exercise ; Channe News,sia. :etrieved fromhtt"Jwww.channenewsasia.comnewssinga"orehd$;reeases;3;5!);Pats)2022.htm

    ! Ar$an :edeveo"ment ,uthority 1A:,. 12)!7 anuary 2!. :eease of !thQuarter 2)3 rea estate statistics. :etrieved fromhtt";roomnews2)!4an"r)!;"x

    ( ,ndrew 9oh. 12)!7 ,"ri )!. *octors raise Pag on Singa"oreans# stress eveR %he nine Citi

  • 7/25/2019 BM3506 Brand Promotion Assignment


    ) Consumer 9ifestyes in Singa"ore. 12)!. )st ed. T"dfU Singa"oreJEuromonitor7 "".67 )7 )(7 )-. T,ccessed 5 Se". 2)!U. ,vaia$e atJhtt"Jwww.",:C. 1267 &ay 2(. nine community $eats ads for +8GJ News :etrieved from htt""xWI*B2()06
  • 7/25/2019 BM3506 Brand Promotion Assignment


    11 Appendices

    Appendi9 A Ta!le sho'ing the population !reakdo'n for type of d'elling in Singapore

    Appendi9 * SmartThings$ *rand Association Mental Map

    Appendi9 G Positioning Map