BNW CHAPTER 6 Analysis Notes

BNW C HAPTER 6 Analysis Notes. L ENINA ’ S C HOICE Lenina chooses Bernard solely for the trip to the Savage Reservation. Remember, this is very Shakespearean

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Page 1: BNW C HAPTER 6 Analysis Notes. L ENINA ’ S C HOICE Lenina chooses Bernard solely for the trip to the Savage Reservation. Remember, this is very Shakespearean

BNW CHAPTER 6 Analysis Notes

Page 2: BNW C HAPTER 6 Analysis Notes. L ENINA ’ S C HOICE Lenina chooses Bernard solely for the trip to the Savage Reservation. Remember, this is very Shakespearean


Lenina chooses Bernard solely for the trip to the Savage Reservation. Remember, this is very Shakespearean though. She loves

Henry Foster. Henry Foster does not love her. Bernard loves Lenina. Lenina does not love Bernard. The ultimate triangle.

Page 3: BNW C HAPTER 6 Analysis Notes. L ENINA ’ S C HOICE Lenina chooses Bernard solely for the trip to the Savage Reservation. Remember, this is very Shakespearean


Lenina is not entirely as different as we thought. She has feelings for Henry, but she is devoted fully to the

World State and to making herself happy for her own means.

She goes on this trip for self-gain. Upon her return, she can brag to others about her trip. As very few people can go there, it makes her more unique and special to other World State citizens. (The common trait of all castes is to be the center of attention.)

Page 4: BNW C HAPTER 6 Analysis Notes. L ENINA ’ S C HOICE Lenina chooses Bernard solely for the trip to the Savage Reservation. Remember, this is very Shakespearean


Bernard Lenina

He is very private about his life. He likes to be isolated.

She is very public and social. She wants to be admired and adored, as well as to have people envy her.

He wants to talk to Lenina about real things, to go on walks, and to be in nature. World State citizens see this as anti-social: they don’t talk to learn about people, they like to spend money on frivolous things (walks are cheap), and they hate nature.

She is always in a crowd, and always has an interest in talking or getting to be part of a new crowd. She is a product, and a very dutiful product, of the World State.

He shows us an constant lack of conditioning, that he is different. However, he is still a product that we have to question and attempt to understand (he attends the Solidarity Service – without complaint, much like a product would).

Much like Bernard, we see that she has potential to be different. She loves Henry Foster, but still sees Bernard to protect herself by being promiscuous. In short, she is a product… but one that has potential to be different.

Page 5: BNW C HAPTER 6 Analysis Notes. L ENINA ’ S C HOICE Lenina chooses Bernard solely for the trip to the Savage Reservation. Remember, this is very Shakespearean


They have potential to be different, but we have to question if it is real. Lenina is afraid of nature, and crying when Bernard

attacks the World State. Bernard wants to be accepted, but hates the World State.

You have to ask if this is real, if these two characters are really more than they seem

or if it’s all one big act.

Page 6: BNW C HAPTER 6 Analysis Notes. L ENINA ’ S C HOICE Lenina chooses Bernard solely for the trip to the Savage Reservation. Remember, this is very Shakespearean


It’s true she does not understand. She is a child trapped in an adult’s body.

This is the curse of scientific progress… no aging or disease, the loss of freedom and intelligence.

Page 7: BNW C HAPTER 6 Analysis Notes. L ENINA ’ S C HOICE Lenina chooses Bernard solely for the trip to the Savage Reservation. Remember, this is very Shakespearean


He fights her, he makes her cry… but in the end, he takes soma and sleeps with her.

PROOF: He learns a new truth. Lenina isn’t special like he thought. She’s just like them. Think of what he believes about Lenina. She’s different. She’s like me. He

put her on a pedestal.

PROOF: He’s a product. Is Bernard truly different? Think of a child. If they cry enough, we give them what they want to stop

crying. All the child learns is that if I cry long enough, I will get what I want. That is what it means to be a World State citizen. You are spoiled, but don’t recognize it.

Page 8: BNW C HAPTER 6 Analysis Notes. L ENINA ’ S C HOICE Lenina chooses Bernard solely for the trip to the Savage Reservation. Remember, this is very Shakespearean


“Reels” = to be out of control In this context, the world would collapse and die should

someone experience emotions

The goal of this world is to have an adult body, but the mind of a child. Bernard condemns this idea, but recognizes that it’s the

system. He sees the problem, but does nothing to stop the problem.

Page 9: BNW C HAPTER 6 Analysis Notes. L ENINA ’ S C HOICE Lenina chooses Bernard solely for the trip to the Savage Reservation. Remember, this is very Shakespearean


You go to a midnight screening of a film and get seats in the middle of the theatre. The advertisements are blurred and the sound is off. No one in the theatre moves, right? They’ll fix it before the movie starts!

The movie starts, and the same problem happens. No one moves in the theatre. The person in the last row

thinks the person in the first row will do it. The person in the first row suffered an injury and is waiting for

someone to help him. You are waiting for someone to complain.

Page 10: BNW C HAPTER 6 Analysis Notes. L ENINA ’ S C HOICE Lenina chooses Bernard solely for the trip to the Savage Reservation. Remember, this is very Shakespearean


We don’t like to complain. We assume someone stronger, with better words, nicer

clothes, more power, etc. will do the fight for us.

This is the point Huxley shows. If you recognize the problem, but wait for someone else to handle the problem – you should be held just as guilty as the others. If someone fought (besides the government) for those in

BNW… maybe the world would be different.

Page 11: BNW C HAPTER 6 Analysis Notes. L ENINA ’ S C HOICE Lenina chooses Bernard solely for the trip to the Savage Reservation. Remember, this is very Shakespearean


Surprised by Bernard’s request for a vacation Shares a story of his visit to the Savage Reservation

This is unique and surprising. No one tells of their past. The past does not matter.

Page 12: BNW C HAPTER 6 Analysis Notes. L ENINA ’ S C HOICE Lenina chooses Bernard solely for the trip to the Savage Reservation. Remember, this is very Shakespearean


The DHC goes to the Savage Reservation with a golden-haired Beta. They take a nap. He wakes up in thunder. She’s missing. He looks. He never finds her. The story involves physical pain (his wounds) and

emotional pain (losing the Beta).

Page 13: BNW C HAPTER 6 Analysis Notes. L ENINA ’ S C HOICE Lenina chooses Bernard solely for the trip to the Savage Reservation. Remember, this is very Shakespearean


• After telling the story, the DHC “turns” on Bernard. The DHC made a mistake. He told Bernard something personal

(it’s a “destruction of reputation” in that world). Reveals that he knows Bernard is “abnormal”

Proves to US that you cannot be different and you cannot hide anything from the World State. You stand out. It

wouldn’t be hard. Everyone does the same exact thing. The person who does not do the same exact thing as

everyone else… is different.

Page 14: BNW C HAPTER 6 Analysis Notes. L ENINA ’ S C HOICE Lenina chooses Bernard solely for the trip to the Savage Reservation. Remember, this is very Shakespearean


Bernard will be shipped out to Iceland if he does not start following protocols.

Bernard can still do his effectively do his job. He does not need to be killed… yet. So, expulsion happens first. If he was socially inept at his job, the punishment might have been worse.

The Rule of Thumb: You want to live, you play the game.

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He leaves the room with “swagger” and boasts to Helmholtz.

He does not believe the DHC He will not change The DHC is making idle threats as far as he is concerned.

Bernard believes he is irreplaceable. You and I know that he is a part that is easily replaced.