Bondarev the Crisis of Civilization

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Foreword to the 2nd 

 and 1st  Edition


Finally, it may even come about that literally everything left to us by Rudolf

Steiner falls into oblivion because purely arbitrary ideas and judgments, owing

to the forcefulness with which they are presented, gain the upper hand. In such

a situation it is imperative that we should recall the foundation upon which ourMovement and Society rest.

This we need to do, so as to avoid the fateful error of serving God and Mam-

mon at the same time, which almost all spiritual and religious movements do

today. It has become a sinister feature of our time. May it not become a feature

also of our own Society and Movement.


This book was written between September 1992 and April 1993. Since then

many important events have taken and are taking place which could, every

month, provide material for an extra chapter. To meet this difficulty, the author

has included additional comments in the form of footnotes; but it remains the

task of the reader to carry the work further. If he does not look upon the book as

a collection of sensational items of information, but grasps the method of

knowledge presented in it, he will be able to add the possible chapters himself.

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Crisis of Civilisation


clare: no, I had not. When I wrote of my concern for the soul-development of

those whose behaviour contradicts divine as well as human law, it was indeed

not hypocrisy. When a Russian expresses himself emotionally it does not neces-

sarily mean that he bears a grudge in his heart. At times it is just this concern

for people close to us that causes us to treat them somewhat more sternly.

 Now, should we approach evil with force? – This is one of the questions in the

ethical cosmos of the Russian person. Rudolf Steiner says that I can satisfy the

demand of someone begging for my last shirt only under certain social condi-

tions. Under the present conditions  it is advisable to think about what the

ingenious, famous Russian philosopher and dissident Alexander Zinoviev

writes in his essay The Ivan-Gospel7: it is a sin not to confront violence … but it

is an even greater sin to remain indifferent in the face of violence. Do not forgetthat silent thought is already a deed. It is just out of the invisible thought of

 protest that the mighty field of force of protest arises without which a visible

deed is unthinkable. Already by your thinking you contribute a quantum of

 force to the common cause of the defence of man.8 

Anyone who wishes to ‘fight against the enemy’ should turn to politics. A

Christian occultist cannot allow himself to have personal enemies. But if some-

one considers him an enemy, he will send him his blessings. Humanity is One.

Whoever understands this and fights for the interests of humanity will think of

the friends as well as the enemies of humanity’s true interests. This is the prin-

ciple of Christian ethics.

7  Cf. the magazine Voprosy filosofii (Questions of Philosophy), No. 11.8  This Russian ‘Max Stirner’ also says much that is contradictory. Sometimes he

speaks utter nonsense in interviews; but these shortcomings should not obscure what

is fruitful in his world of ideas – we have to be able to separate the essential from thenon-essential in his statements.

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VIII. Freemasonry, Britannicism and Jesuitism

to mention the masses living in the territory governed by the warring Lodges.

But at the same time we can observe in the first place a certain unity of goals in

the superiors of bitterly antagonistic Orders.6 And secondly, against all those

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p y g y g

who are knowingly or unknowingly caught up in this battle one uses the tactic

of ‘two daggers’. Whoever draws back in fear from the one must himself dashinto the other.

Anthroposophists have the task to do neither of these. But first of all it is nec-

essary to stop hoodwinking us and throwing dust into our eyes. Everyone is led

 by the nose, who, even if only passively, swims in the current of public opin-

ions spread abroad just as much by the anthroposophical press as by many of

our power-wielding educators. We need to understand that we then serve at

least one, if not both adversaries, whatever we may proclaim in flattering tones.

If the Lord God has not robbed us of our senses as a punishment for our ego-

ism, then let at least the tragic experience of others be a lesson so that it will not

 be repeated in our circle. Let us investigate the history of the destruction of

Freemasonry and learn from it, for healthy spirituality in the world is always

fought against with the same methods.

6  Actions of this kind proceed from both sides. It could be rumours suggesting that the present Pope may be a figure of Western Lodges are not without foundation. Today’s

struggle behind the scenes has been driven to such a devilish absurdity that it as-sumes no longer an occult-political,  but rather an occult-mafioso character.

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Crisis of Civilisation

many – he writes – is inevitable for France in the near future and it is hard to

believe in her glorious victory. And even if what the French dream of came true,

even if they were to fight in an alliance with Russia, it seems to me that the

same would happen to them as happened to the Italians in 1860. The Germans

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pp pp

would defeat them, but they would possibly come out victorious after all thanks

to the fact that the Germans would possibly be defeated by the Russians. And,

 I hasten to add, I do not believe in our victory because I understand much

about our preparations for war, nor because I count on a numerical superiority

of the united Franco-Russian force over the military forces of the ‘Middle-

 European League’. But because Russia will in this case be serving the princi-

 ple of tribes, national-cosmopolitan politics, the deceitful Proteus of universal

 mixing. For us, the war will nevertheless be  about the Slavs, about our rights

 to Bulgaria and Serbia. Let us suppose that there is a war with Austria; if it

does not occur to Germany at the right moment to deceive her allies, but she

really comes to their assistance, she will suffer terribly, just as all others have

 suffered, who set themselves against the tribal stream.

This is how a Russian philosopher perceived world events 35 years before the

 beginning of the irrevocable, total destruction of Europe, the world-wide drama

whose final act is imminent.

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 XII. Middle Europe

make the cultural mission of other nations appear less significant, for the phe-

nomenon of self-consciousness can only develop in the threefold soul, when

its members are in harmony with each other. Mankind is a unity.

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Crisis of Civilisation

earth are guilty before you. Seek for self-affirmation. Seek for self-affirmation

at any price! The right to this is granted you by the old God Jehovah.’

All the elements of this formula are repeated millions of times, in every imag-

inable manner, in the form of the most varied supplements, and seasoned with

the most varied ‘sauces’, over and over again in the mass-media of the world.

And if there is someone who does not grasp that this formula is worse than its

 bloody prototype – Workers of the world, unite!  – then we can only gather

enough patience and courage, and wait until life itself will make it quite obvi-


But this formula can also be challenged. As a response to it something different

can be heard, something that is in accord with the real life of our times. It is the

statement that speaks of social and historical understanding and of the will to

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solve, not to aggravate, the social problems:

‘Jews of the world, isolate yourselves no longer, no longer be cocooned up inyour racial unity. Through living among other peoples, through speaking their

languages, assimilating with their culture, you have received the inestimable

gift of the autonomous personality, to which it is given to ascend to unbounded

spiritual freedom. Treasure this gift. Treasure the cultures in which you were

nurtured, make your contribution to their healthy development, because their

destiny is also yours. Outside these cultures you will find no happiness, no

higher purpose of existence. Use the conditions of today that have never been

so favourable for assimilation with the peoples in whose midst you were bornand educated, and with whom in truth you already form a unity. Lend all your

forces so that all peoples of the world may live in dignity. Be happy in the

measure possible in the place where karma has placed you. Do not carry the

arbitrary will of dark politicians into the realm where the cosmic laws of the

eternal human spirit hold sway.’

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